"... to remove some of his scrotum. '... Because of an infection, his testicles were actually taken from his scrotum and put into his inner thighs,' the lead prosecutor, Deputy District Attorney Paul Thompson, told the jury at the beginning of the trial.... In October, the jury was shown photos.... Now, as deliberations have begun, the verdict on three charges, all pertaining to Jane Doe #1, will largely rely on Weinstein’s genitalia.... During her testimony, Jane Doe #1... tearfully told the jury that Weinstein demanded she 'suck his balls'.... Rehashing the graphic details, she said, 'He forced me to do what he asked… I was crying, choking.' But during cross-examination, one of Weinstein’s attorneys, Alan Jackson, asked Jane Doe #1 how Weinstein’s 'balls were in your mouth,' if he does not have testicles. 'The reason that you changed your story is because you realized at some point that Mr. Weinstein does not have testicles in his scrotum'.... She... said she never changed her story...."
Sorry for the ugliness. It's an interesting evidence issue, and we've been following the dreadful story of Harvey Weinstein. His lawyers say the incident never happened, and the jury may find reasonable doubt.
Thanks for that.
There are so many photos of young starlets and politicians with Weinstein. I don't understand why anybody thinks he did anything wrong. It seems the evidence of a crime is based on hearsay.
Shoulda put those plums on the shelf!
Leftist elitist swine.
You concoct a harrowing story about a powerful man forcing you to suck his balls, and it's the one man who doesn't have any balls to suck: what are the odds?
I am Laslo
The former Omaha police chief was accused by a woman of taking her over to a Council Bluffs, Iowa motel for afternoon sex sessions.
The police chief had serious and noticeable scars on either his arm or leg. I can’t remember which now.
She was convicted of perjury as she had made these statements about the chief under oath. Her name is Alisha Owens. She was sent to the state pen. The case is in Nebraska Reports.
They can sculpt a penis out of thigh meat for a transgender but they can't find a way to make a replacement ball sac?
Seems like that shouldn't be that hard.
Note: I don't really know the accuracy of the sculpted penis coming specifically from thigh meat, but I'm not going to look it up.
I am Laslo.
Some men, upon losing their ball sac, might've given into despondency.
But Harvey: Harvey didn't let that slow him down.
It'd be a heroic story if it weren't for the sexually-abusive asshole part.
I am Laslo.
Oh wow. If this is true, then a lot of women are freelancing on his deformity? They've heared how Weinstein is deformed, but don't know for sure so they make stuff up?
I have no doubt the casting couch is real, was he just very discreet? So women made up stuff to sensationalize it? I mean most of these women had sex with him right? They're not Kavanaughing the whole thing are they? Fascinating.
Fournier's Gangrene: I am sure there would be hit results on Pornhub, but I am not going there.
I am Laslo.
If Harvey had instead said "Suck my missing balls!" it would be a totally Gangsta Move.
I am Laslo.
One can only shudder at the lifestyle habits implied by having this medical condition. Another indictment of Hollywood culture and how it brings out the very worst in all parties.
The Cleveland Clinic site provides some helpful, confidence-inspiring context: "Fournier’s gangrene is a type of necrotizing fasciitis (flesh-eating disease) that affects your scrotum, penis or perineum. Males are more likely to get this disease than females."
"The Man With His Balls in His Leg" sounds like a rejected SNL sketch.
Chafing could be a serious problem for him. Did he need custom-tailored pants?
I thought I wouldn't be surprised by any horrible thing about Harvey Weinstein, but "gangrenous testicles" did throw me off balance.
This could explains why Gavin Newsom said he isn't running.
Governor Hair Gel is one thing, President Harvey Weinstein's Gangrenous Scrotum is another.
Similar to the Michael Jackson trial -- the accuser's description of Michael Jackson's genitals was a mismatch.
It definitely is TMI, but I agree you should post it.
How else would we get Laslo on a roll?
Now suck my balls.
I don't wanna.
You have to.
Oh, alright...wait, where are they?
They're in the fridge. Go grab them and bring them here. No, in the door, upper shelf, that Clausen jar.
Ew! And they're cold...
You want the part or not?
Actually, testicles are the key focus of many arguments.
Laslo made me spit up my coffee laughing with the comment at 8:46.
Is the surgery called a Discrete Fournier Transform?
Meryl Streep should star a movie about it.
Goog one WK!
so, he was Such a Pervert.. That his dick (excuse me, his balls) rotted off?
I hate to add more to this brunch discourse, but defense attorneys win a surprising number of cases by arguing that their client's genitalia don't match victim statements. It's almost always bullshit, gotten away with because our insanely pro-defendant courts are restricted from challenging the defense to prove the claim, even when the defense is based on it. Hell, I could hire ten "expert witness" doctors before lunch to say whatever I want them to say about my client's balls. We know this, right? Among defendants who have used this excuse to be acquitted or avoid trial are Joseph Smith, serial killer finally popped for murdering child-victim Carlie Brucia only after he was caught kidnapping her on a security camera (and after having been acquitted or not prosecuted for several other horrific crimes against women), and my own serial rapist, who attacked me just a few blocks north of where Carlie was killed.
There's nothing quite like sitting in a paper clean suit surrounded by men in actual suits after hours of unbelievably intrusive evidence-collecting trying to describe the minutia of genitalia when you have just nearly been killed.
Except when some court coward then thinks you haven't done a good enough job to bother bringing the case to trial. And sadly, given the stupidity of jurors, he's right.
My guts and research lead me to believe there's fifty ways to free a serial rapist. Or more like 1000, if you can do the Steve Sailer/John Derbyshire math. Lives matter? Not for victims in our criminal courts. This is a civil case. I suspect the rules protect the complainant better there.
Why? Money honey.
Ahhh, the perverse pleasure to be had in telling a hypochondriac about Fournier's Gangrene.
I'm sure it's just normal itching, Fred.
I am Laslo.
“If the balls don’t fit, you must acquit!” I hope we don’t have an OJ scene with a rubber glove.
Dave Begley said...
The former Omaha police chief was accused by a woman of taking her over to a Council Bluffs, Iowa motel for afternoon sex sessions.
What sort of a sick f*ck, would Make a woman go to Pottawatomie county?
Oh well, At Least he didn't make her at Carter Lake !
I'm pretty sure Fournier's Gangrene opened for Spooner at Club de Wash in '84.
You are a funny man, Laslo!
How'd Weinstein end up with gangrene on his nut sack anyway? Frostbite? Was he injured trying to prove a cat couldn't scratch it?
Meryl Streep should star a movie about it.
Sophie's Choice II
New children's book announced by the teacher's union, "Where's Harvey's Wallies?"
Coming soon to a Drag Queen reading hour near you.
The queue for "As read by" is around the block.
It's like God got to Harvey before the courts did.
Very Old Testament, a rapist losing his balls to disease.
It'd be like Hunter Biden destroying his teeth for smoking meth with underage girls.
Well, not quite apples-to-apples but you get the conceit.
I am Laslo.
TV commercials for the drug Jardiance (antidiabetic medication used to improve glucose control in people with type 2 diabetes) used to list Fournier's Gangrene of the Genitals as a side effect.
Now the commercials say, and I don't think it was intended in the interest of full disclosure, "bacterial infection of the perineum."
Aside, weren't prosthetic testicles available?
I can't reveal how I know this (because it would violate an agreement):
Alan Jackson is perfectly willing to humiliate a complaining witness whom he knows to be telling the truth about his guilty client, but he goes all milquetoast when cross-examining a complaining witness he knows to be lying about his innocent client.
I see a Coen Bros. film in this:
“The Man Whose Balls Wasn’t There”
Billy Bob Thornton as Scurvy Weisenheimer?
egg in ze leg…
Some of the Richest women in America are Female actors. I am supposed to believe, people like Oprah Winfrey, Whoppi Goldberg, Merle Streep, Sandra Bullock, etc, etc, etc, had no clue what was going on? Add in Directors, and Producers.
This is nothing but Human sacrifice, hoping the Hollywood Gods will treat them kindly in their dotage. All these people should be on trial...also
Speaking of Hunter Biden, and analogous to his lost laptop:
it was rumored that Harvey's lost cellphone was the source for the leaked celebrity nudes of The Fappening a few years back.
Turns out it probably wasn't true.
Maybe it was even Russian Disinformation.
Those Russians sure are wily.
I am Laslo.
Maybe she was sucking on an empty scrotum and didn't know any better.
Which seems unlikely.
I never heard of Fournier's Gangrene until just now. Thank God. If we have to live in a world where such things as Fournier's Gangrene exists, it's just as well that Harvey Weinstein gets it. Our judicial system can never match in severity and scope the punishments that Mother Nature dishes out....On the other hand, I can see where such a condition would give Harvey such a bad attitude. From the depths of hell, I stab out at thee with whatever GU equipment I possess.
Ting-a-ling, God damn, find a woman if you can.
If you can't find a woman, find a clean old man.
If you're ever in Gibraltar, take a flying fuck at Walter.
Can you do the double shuffle when your balls hang low?
Do your balls hang low? Do they swing to and fro?
Can you tie 'em in a knot? Can you tie 'em in a bow?
Can you throw 'em o'er your shoulder like a Continental soldier?
Can you do the double shuffle when your balls hang low?
Do your balls hang low? Do they swing to and fro?
Can you tie 'em in a knot? Can you tie 'em in a bow?
Do they make a lusty clamor when you hit them with a hammer?
Can you do the double shuffle when your balls hang low?
Do your balls hang low? Do they swing to and fro?
Can you tie 'em in a knot? Can you tie 'em in a bow?
Can you bounce 'em off the wall like an Indian rubber ball?
Can you do the double shuffle when your balls hang low?
Do your balls hang low? Do they swing to and fro?
Can you tie 'em in a knot? Can you tie 'em in a bow?
Do they have a hollow sound when you drag 'em on the ground?
Can you do the double shuffle when your balls hang low?
Do your balls hang low? Do they swing to and fro?
Can you tie 'em in a knot? Can you tie 'em in a bow?
Do they have a mellow tingle when you hit 'em with a shingle?
Can you do the double shuffle when your balls hang low?
Do your balls hang low? Do they swing to and fro?
Can you tie 'em in a knot? Can you tie 'em in a bow?
Do they have a salty taste when you wrap 'em 'round your waist?
Can you do the double shuffle when your balls hang low?
Do your balls hang low? Do they swing to and fro?
Can you tie 'em in a knot? Can you tie 'em in a bow?
Do they chime like a gong when you pull upon your dong?
Can you do the double shuffle when your balls hang low?
I am always glad Laslo is Laslo. But in my current state of mind, it makes me miss the food blogger who commented here some years ago, who ran a beautiful, bizarre blog called "Things Wot I Made Then Ate."
Don't ever die, Laslo: "Analogous to his lost laptop" is the most evocative political language since John Dunne.
anytime a democrat in Hollywood, DC or other needs an escape hatch - Q the Russian disinformation.
It’s not necessarily false. People say and do weird stuff in bed. If he’s extremely self-conscious of not having balls (and who wouldn’t be!), he may get satisfaction out of pretending he does and demanding they get their due. Meanwhile, she may have been so distraught that she didn’t clearly know what was in her mouth but the memory of his demand was clear so, viola, that’s what she thought she was doing.
Or maybe she made it all up.
Too bad potted plants can't talk.
Mezzrow, you have nearly achieved a testicle villanelle.
Aim high, sir.
Weinstein had gender affirming care surgery back in 1999?
It cost him his left nut.
MeToo emblematized.
Poor penis - he gets lost in the house plants.
Oprah knew nothing.
Rittenhouse shot at 3 random dem attackers. 2 were pedophiles.
"she didn’t clearly know what was in her mouth"
An empty scrotum probably. But it sounds like a real gotcha for Team Defense.
It seems the evidence of a crime is based on hearsay.
12/3/22, 8:43 AM
You expect eye witnesses?
Why yes, mezzrow, why do you ask?
Ah, the South Park episode "Cancelled" makes so much more sense now. In this episode, which features aliens from outer space, two "Joozians" that run an intergalactic media empire are featured. I was told long ago that Weinstein was the inspiration for one of these characters. Weird sexual stuff is implied after the Joozians snort purple cocaine and go to a strip club.
Ummm. I got nothin'
Poor Harvey.
There once as a man from Asizes.
Who had balls of varying sizes.
One was quite small almost no ball at all.
But the other was large
And more than Harvey Wienstein has.
Yes. Lazlo is an Althouse treasure. A Christmas miracle.
Carol said...
"she didn’t clearly know what was in her mouth"
An empty scrotum probably.
Good point—the sack is still there. They make fake balls for people who had testicular cancer. Make him drop his pants, give everybody a chance to see what’s down there.
Alan Jackson, asked Jane Doe #1 how Weinstein’s 'balls were in your mouth,' if he does not have testicles
When there is an inconsistency, you NEVER give the witness a chance to get out of it or explain it away. It's something to hammer to the jury later.
"He forced me to do what he asked"
'If Harvey had instead said "Suck my missing balls!" it would be a totally Gangsta Move.'
Ghost Balls: The Motion Picture.
Cumming (or not) to a Theater Near You.
Laslo Spatula has been on the bench for a while. But give him an opportunity to come off the bench and be the designated hitter--and he's on fire today. Glad to see him back.
OTOH one could say that this witnesses testimony is for "all the marbles".
Presumably before 1999, Harvey's testicles were still where one might reasonably expect them to be.
But now the way is clear for Harvey to recoup his fortune after he gets out of prison -- assuming carnival sideshows are still around and looking for headliners.
The final act wasn't to roll off the stage on one ball.
Sorry for the ugliness Woman's idea of body shaming.
Weinstein had no balls, the size of large balls.
I haven't visited here for a bit, but I'm so very glad I returned for this comment thread. I haven't laughed this hard for weeks. The material here is golden! It kills, absolutely kills, I tell ya!
I haven't visited here for a bit, but I'm so very glad I returned for this comment thread. I haven't laughed this hard for weeks. The material here is golden! It kills, absolutely kills, I tell ya!
It's not only location, how likely is it that a guy with diseased genitals is going to get any kind of pleasure or otherwise would want someone messing around down there?
Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.
I want to see proof his balls are gone.
Down with his pants.
If the balls aren't kissed, you must acquit.
Hmmm .... Tina Trent: a good defence attorney can get a doctor to swear to anything. Reminds me of John Evans making a career out of suing doctors and hospitals for negligence during delivery of a baby: this baby was deprived of oxygen by delays blah blah cerebral palsy.
I think this turned out to be complete bullshit.
I'm thinking one of the Lolitas from Epstein's Island should pen a pop song detailing each of the testicular and penile deformities of the Rich and Famous. In the mode of Carly Simon's "You're So Vain," but an homage to "Hitler Has Only Got One Ball."
Evidence is a hard rock foundation that just won’t go away. Which is why criminal fraud stings first and foremost have to create/buy their own new facts like the Hollywood Studios create sets.
The most amazing effort at creating a set of fictional new facts has been the Trillions of dollars spent over 30 years buying Professors to create the Global Warming Science storyline. But now it rules the western world unquestioned by all but the older real Science guys.
Given the number of accusations, seems that info would have surfaced earlier.
But if true, imagine ole Harvey finding himself in an err..bind..where that condition actually saves his bacon.
Hopefully he won't resort to some...slapstick..like OJ and the glove.
No balls, just dick..you must acquit.
Alan Jackson, asked Jane Doe #1 how Weinstein’s 'balls were in your mouth,' if he does not have testicles
"Well, they certainly tasted like testicles."
"So lick my ass and suck on my balls!"
Weinstein is the Herod of Hollywood.
@ Wince 9:39 am:
Jardiance warns this because it (like some other Type 2 diabetes medicines) is an SGLT2 inhibitor. This class of meds causes glucose from the blood stream to pass through the kidneys into the urine, when otherwise it wouldn't, thereby lowering blood glucose levels ( a good thing for diabetics). There is a downside, though--your urine is glucose-rich, a perfect fuel for the growth of yeast (and some bacteria), which is why the commercials warn of urinary tract infections, etc. I guess Fournier's gangrene is what can happen when your groin is colonized by these glucose-fueled hosts. Nightmare fuel on a lot of levels.
Cliff's notes for people who hate to read and need a tour guide to the hillbilly octagon...
Lazlo -- 8:46. (I don't want to say "I am Lazlo" because that's what he says. But if I am Lazlo, y'all should be like doubly impressed with me, right?).
Dave -- 8:47. (Bill Clinton had a bent dick. Who would guess bent dick? Well, obviously, Republican witches, duh!)
I agree Lazlo is on fire today. Glad to see you back.
But you whiffed a really easy one.
I can't believe that we've gone over 70 comments and nobody has mentioned that cinema classic rom-com "Deep Throat" 50 years old this year.
For this who dying remember our heroine, Linda Lovelace goes to the doctor because she can't orgasm.
After careful examination and thorough probing, he tells her that her clitorus is in her throat.
"Why that's terrible, doctor" she says "suppose you had your balls in your ears?"
"Well then I could hear myself coming" (rimshot)
The doc shows our Linda how to resolve her problem and the movie romps happily on for another hour or so.
Clearly weinsteins doctor lacks imagination.
John Henry
Can we all please just appreciate and be grateful for the genius that is Laslo?
The NY Post used to have the greatest headlines in the world.
When a court ruled that del throat was too lascivious even for Times Square, he forbade the World Theatre from showing it.
Post headline:
Throat cut
World mourns
John Henry
Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Missing Balls
One can only shudder at the lifestyle habits implied by having this medical condition.
Lots of innocent people have weird medical conditions.
With WK (Science geek?) and Bob Boyd as honorable mentions...
Ladies, if you ever want to sue me for sexual assault, here's the step-by-step plan.
1. Wait for my stocks to go back up, or you might be suing a homeless man. Timing is everything. Ask a comedian! Timing is everything.
2. The key word to use in your testimony is "massive"
3. "Huge" is also acceptable
4. Now, you have got me over a barrel
5. This is diabolical because I am innocent as shit!
6. But what can I do? She said massive. I am massive.
7. Option #1 -- small dick surgery. No! No!
8. Option #2 -- pretend I am a woman and get sentenced to Hot Girl Prison. Yes! Yes!
9. Option #3 -- cry on the stand and say I am innocent and everybody makes fun of me on Twitter and I get sentenced to Ugly Man Prison where I am raped multiple times. Oh shit.
10. (speechless from #9)
Cassandra at 9:40
I'll take your word for it. There are lawyers who don't know what a "person" is. Doctors who kill babies for money. And innocent people in prison. (Also, innocent people executed for crimes they did not do).
Sometimes we laugh because it's so painful not to.
WK said...
Is the surgery called a Discrete Fournier Transform?
Normal person humor gets boring after a while.
In both the Weinstein and O.J. cases
I think it's likely they did awful things to innocent women.
But I also think it's likely
that some women felt the urge to lie to "help"
"me too" is the female version of "kill the man with the ball"
or in Harvey's case, without the balls
there's a lot of piling on
For cosmetic purposes they can replace the missing testicles with artificial implants.
WK: your comment at 9:12 is a strong contender with Laslo’s riffs for Threadwinner. But given the anatomical issues, shouldn’t it be “Discreet” Fournier Trans Form?
If Weinstein turns up dead by suicide, I would not suspect some kind of conspiracy behind it. He's a pretty awful guy, but the punishments that fate and state have handed him are somewhat more than he deserves. What's most unusual about Harvey is not the nature of his crimes but the nature of his punishment. He has the distinction of being the only Hollywood biggie who ever got more punishment than he deserved.....Charlie Chaplin slept with thousands of women, some as young as twelve. Died rich, with honor, with a wife who was thirty six years younger, and his passing was universally mourned....Horseman pass by.
Saint Croix,
You've mentioned barrels twice and got me worried.
Are you trying to tell us without saying that you wish today was your turn in the barrel?
John Henry
I can’t even. Tmi. Send the guy to jail and call it a day.
Sorry for the ugliness.
Hollywood is a flippin' freak show! But it has always taken advantage of those seeking stardom.
Joe Smith said...
Ummm. I got nothin'
The commenter you mentioned who had the fun food blog was Chip Ahoy.
It would be nice to be a threadwinner one time.
(Swish swish)
Hard to compete against Laslo
(Swish swish)
Maybe if my ass was firmer….
(Swish swish)
It does seem odd that, given Harvey's established status as Hollywood Pervert #1, and the #MeToo thing that has identified Harvey as chief villain, that the victims haven't compared notes.
Why hasn't this "detail" been brought to light previously? You would think that the British tabloids would be all over this.
I am skeptical--of everybody involved. Maybe Harvey's lawyers bought a doctor. Maybe the witnesses/victims are lying. Maybe there's a film deal in the works for everyone.
If we had a real functioning press there might be answers to the questions. (Not that I would be reading any of it, but a lot of people do read that stuff).
Also--I'm pretty sure Alan Jackson is a genuine country music star.
I was eating alone at a communal table at a breakfast joint earlier today. Should have known better than to click through to the comments in this post…had to work very hard to avoid looking like a lunatic laughing hysterically, and even harder to avoid spitting my hash at the portly older gentleman seated across from me.
Best commenters on the internet, and best setups by the blogress. Well done, folks, well done.
Aside, weren't prosthetic testicles available?
As a vet who has implanted “neuticles” in dogs, I was wondering this myself.
One of the instruments we have been using to do near, real-time measurements of various chemical exposures has been FTIR (Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy). We were working under the assumption that chemicals may be identified based on behavior of C-H bonds based on ionizaion at specific spectral wavelengths. Instead, it seems to be related to where the the testicles are located in relation to the assumed scrotum. Amazing! Here we are, making assumptions of potential contamination of people or the environment and it's really a measure of a pervs ball rot.
One imagines that Weinstein has smelly sweaty balls and then that makes me think of the hilarious SNL spoof of NPR.
Rbt C: yes, I read his blog daily. He seems to have been an amazing artist who, like my brother, faced deadly disability with courage and a refusal to wallow in self-pity. His absence is a loss. I wish Ann would memorialize him.
I don't actually know anything else about him, but people like that don't come along every day.
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