Warlock won in "early voting." The margin was too big for in person voters to overcome. Dems have built a vote harvesting machine. Ronna needs to go & be replaced by a fighter who will support the R candidate despite who endorses them.
The postmortem will be that the Trump candidate lost, but that's not all that happened.
There was no "insurrection." Democrats invited & encouraged the protest & made sure that anyone who trespassed would provide a story so bad, no one would try again.
Sad that China & Iran are showing what privileged Americans could have done.
I'm doing an analysis of the loss by county (by relevant counties -- we have 10,000 counties in Georgia, but I commented on this on the overnight thread.
And yes, he was going to lose, largely because the media hid Warnock's past radicalism and current typical fraud, but also because purists who know nothing about how to actually do politics took their binkies home, the GFingOP here is infiltrated by leftist defense attorney "libertarians" who helped the media disguise the fact that the Libertarian Party member is a radical trans activist.
With one glaring exception, 2022 was a great year for Georgia Republicans in statewide contests
Governor R +8 Lt Governor R +5 Sec of State R +9 AG R +5 Ag Commissioner R +8 insurance commissioner R +8 State School Superintendent R +8 Labor Commissioner R +7 US Senate D +2
One of these is not like the others.
Walker would not have entered the without the urging of one Donald John Trump, the 2022 Democratic National Committee MVP. Pretty much any other Republican would have won the race without a runoff.
In the last two cycles between his demented antics and idiotic primary endorsements this fat loser has cost the GOP a minimum of 5 Senate seats.
The candidates that Trump endorsed in contested primaries typically run about 7% behind normal GOP candidates and yet the denizens of the Trump Colon Cowboy Brigade continue to insist that the only path to victory is to get behind that Fat Tub Goo.
Trumptard land has got to be the most delusional place in the universe.
It is the Romney wing Republicans that are really just Democrats.
None of this changes until we get rid of the corrupt traitors who are right now helping the democrats pass amnesty.
I am noticing that the traitors in DC have given up blaming Trump and their little ankle biter minions are getting confused in the comments all over the comment sphere as well.
The postmortem will be that the Trump candidate lost, but that's not all that happened.
You are right! That is not all that happened. What also happened was Trump's GOP enemy (Brian Kemp) destroyed the Democrats superstar Stacy Abrams in a massive blow out. Trump and his cadre of dipshits are the problem.
Losers cry about early voting while winners like Brian Kemp graciously listen to the concession speeches.
Walker lost, in part, because he needed as big a get out the vote effort as possible during the run-off... A massive second effort, with A-list national GOP people coming to Georgia to hold rallies, talk on local news shows, raise money for advertising and ballot harvesting efforts, and Trump spent the days after the election sucking up oxygen and attacking DeSantis.
"Warnock won by 100,000 votes. Easy for the Dems to get that many illegal aliens to vote."
And even twice as easy for crybabies to look through the voter rolls (which are public) and find all the illegal voters for us! Let's see your list! In the state of Georgia you don't think you can find a law and order prosecutor ready to start throwing illegals in jail for voter fraud? I have a lot of disbelief in suspension right now.
Republicans need to stop running these novelty candidates. Just because you were a football coach or a TV celebrity, doesn't mean you can get elected or govern effectively. The idiots in the states that nominate them seem to think that the recognition they will get from being in sports or television will outweigh the fact that they are not very smart. Even worse, because they aren't familiar with the political process, even if elected they will just be managed by their unelected staff. People aren't voting for a puppet, they want someone who can actually do the job.
Over the last few weeks I got a batch of emails from (D) party operatives begging for money to help Warnock win. Given that the fix was in, I must wonder what will be done with all that cash. Here's one of the pleas, from Mark Kelly:
We don’t have much time.
Election Day is today, and we need to do everything we can to turn out Democrats across the state and make sure they cast their ballot for Rev. Warnock.
We need our grassroots team to step up right now so we can maintain our momentum and continue funding our voter outreach program. Will you rush just $10 (or whatever you can) to split between the Democratic Party of Georgia and Mark Kelly so we can re-elect Rev. Warnock?
If you've stored your info with ActBlue, we'll instantly process your contribution between Mark Kelly and the Democratic Party of Georgia"
Ann is correct but many here are blinded by the light My final handicapped wager on this event 12 / 5 2022 There have been 10 statewide runoff elections in Georgia’s history, including the two last year that gave Democrats the Senate. In the 8 beforehand, the GOP did better on runoff day than they did on General Election Day, before that pattern reversed on January 5th, 2021. Raphael Warnock will win the seat and is a rightful heavy favorite in Georgia Senate runoff odds. There are two ways he would lose his lead from the first round going into a runoff – Democratic, and mostly Black, enthusiasm falling off a cliff, and/or there being an amount of suburban reversion back to the GOP from the November baseline. Without Brian Kemp there on the ballot to help Republicans in the suburbs, it’s more likely Warnock beats his November results in the suburbs and exurbs, as opposed to underperforms. This runoff is about two things from a Democratic perspective – reminding people there’s an election, and reminding people that Herschel Walker is a deeply unserious person who cannot be trusted with a Senate seat. Democrats show no sign of their enthusiasm waning, and it makes sense that they would turn out, given they have the voters who are most likely to turn out and they are the ones currently happy with their outcomes. The problem for Republicans is that, in general, they’re miserable. My final handicapping for this race has Warnock winning what is known in Georgia as a landslide (Georgia does not have landslide margins but in this event, it will look like a landslide)52-47 and a vote margin 58000 to 63000 votes. Walker is possibly the worst candidate to run for Republican Senate and like the former presidents' other horrible picks (Lake, Mastriano, Bolduc, Oz, Masters, and other important pics this will go down in flames. I have raised my odds from 4-1 to 6.5-1 and can't wait for this aberration of a candidate to be "running back" to Texas where he lives. My ROI this year is +6 let's add to it. Place your bets folks. My takes on this event, Georgia is still a Red state(turning blue) and if the former losing president didn't send such poor MAGA candidates to Georgia and other important states and the weak McConnell didn't show a spine and say no there may have not been a runoff at all and Walker could have possibly won even being the worst losing candidate for Senate from Georgia in last 22 years beaten by the biggest number. Handicapping races including Politics is all about past performances, statistics, wagering $$$ management etc and it falters if emotions get too far in the mix. Sleepy Joe is the 1st president since 1932 to not have an incumbent Senate candidate to lose inn his first midterms. Sleepy Joe getting it done, bi partisan legislation and may be time for the Righties to listen to ole NEWT. My numbers were somewhat off but I cashed with a winner, Time for a rest until next event, Kentucky Derby, World Poker Tour, next Heavy weight Boxing champ etc. Only One America don't blow it, the man whose name is synonymous with FRAUD is destroying what use to be a revered Party, wake up RED! Props to Walker for a close to concession speech, it's obvious that fella was used and will never hold any political office and that's ok. MAGA beaucoup Dinky Dau, you have been duped.
Achilles said... "The problem in Georgia is not the Democrats."
Correct. The problem was the Republican candidate. No doubt it felt good to cast a vote for a Trump-endorsed candidate in the primaries, but that is what gave us Senators Kelly, Fetterman and Warnock. All the bleating and nonsense about "RINOs" overlooks the damage those three, and their comrades, will do to the country.
Bears repeating, not that it makes any difference:
AMDG: "With one glaring exception, 2022 was a great year for Georgia Republicans in statewide contests"
Governor R +8 Lt Governor R +5 Sec of State R +9 AG R +5 Ag Commissioner R +8 insurance commissioner R +8 State School Superintendent R +8 Labor Commissioner R +7 US Senate D +2
At what point do we recognize that Trump is the Dems' best tool?
Blogger John Borell said... Trump has a knack for picking the winning candidate in the primary who will go down to defeat in the general election.
The Republican [Walker] that Mitch McConnell and Pierre Delecto wanted to lose...lost. This was their plan. They wanted Kari Lake and Blake Masters to lose, and they weren't interested in the Nevada Senate seat either. They spent more money in Alaska protecting RINO Murkowski.
This is due to all their dirty, corrupt hands.
It has nothing to do with Donald Trump other than they are willing to split the party and remain a minority in order to "unify" with corrupt Democrats against the MAGA base. Problem is the MAGA base is still at least 40% of the GOP voting block, if not more.
If DeSantis has an ass kissing picture taken with Mike Pence...I stay home and drink beer while the ship sinks. There are probably ten or twenty million like me.
When high-ranking state Republicans make a public confessional display for the networks that they won't vote for their own party candidate, what result can reasonably be expected? And I use the term 'Republican' as a proxy for RINO. Atlanta will always be the Democratic fixer for these campaigns. And on this one, this runoff, the Democrats spent almost a quarter-billion dollars - a lot of it funneled through out-of-state actors.
And incidentally - if the Republican candidate was so flawed, then where was the RINO party? Somebody didn't invite them? Wasn't important enough? Couldn't convince anyone to run? Which one is the more serious problem, deserving of criticism? I notice that Democrats weren't so particular when it came to running deeply flawed candidates, even semi-coherent ones.
The Dems have perfected cheating a dozen different ways. The prime example was noted by Justice Scalia in the Motor Voter case. On the application (which I've seen) the applicant just swears or certifies that they are a citizen and eligible to vote. It isn't even notarized. Big fucking joke.
Trump”s early push for Walker made any other viable candidate head for the exits.
Will any of the Trumptards try to explain how Trump’s guy ran 7% to 10% behind all other GOP candidates?
Oh, and don’t forget that The Fat Tub of Goo sent out fundraising appeals for Walker- the only problem is that the split between Trump and Walker was 99% for Trump.
Republicans should just nominate boring straight white men for all offices. All these attempts to look "inclusive" do not gain anything with Dem voters. It probably just makes them more determined to vote against you.
Aggie said... "Democrats weren't so particular when it came to running deeply flawed candidates..."
At least they get out and vote for their chosen candidate, flawed or not. Unlike the goofball pretend-Republicans like Gusty Winds who whines about RINOs and says "I stay home and drink beer."
Mitch McConnell is a ballsy old guy who kept Merrick Garland off the supreme court, which is a lot more than any of the pure-MAGA candidates can say. But go ahead and pretend that staying home and drinking beer is a strategy. You make Democrats' dreams come true.
Walker lost, in part, because he needed as big a get out the vote effort as possible during the run-off...
If Walker was a decent candidate there wouldn't have even been a runoff. He lost back in November, the Trumpers are just getting the memo this morning. In November 200,000 voters voted for Brian Kemp and not Walker. You think that *maybe* played a role. Maybe? 🤔
Yes, Walker was a poor candidate, but I'm not entirely sure another Republican could have won. Not because some Republicans wouldn't vote for a Black man, but because ticket splitting is more popular and common than people committed to a party or an ideology like to believe, and some suburban voters relish the idea of not voting for all boring old White guys. Senate races are bigger deals than races for Agriculture Commissioner. There's more advertising, more oppo research, more issues, more opportunities for crossover voting.
Drago said... "A mixed bag evening for GOPe-er "hero" Mitch McConnell.
On the "win" side, Mitch can celebrate along with Schumer their shared victory over Walker in GA.
On the "loss" side, Mitch and his democratical allies have been forced to pull the astonishingly corrupt pro-legacy media/cartel JCPA bill out of the defense appropriations bill.
Not to worry, after selling out the republicans on a number of issues in the last month, Mitch still has plans to sell out the republican base on the omnibus budget bill, ukraine funding and DACA amnesty (he's already got Tillis lined up to help ram that one thru) while simultaneously making it clear that the Senate republicans will in no way allow anyone from either the House or Senate republican side to hold any democraticals accountable for anything.
The GOPe-ers proudly even declared Mayorkas off limits!!
All in all, objectively speaking, I'd say that's a pretty good day for the democratical/GOPe alliance. Particularly as the weaponized deep state prepares to go to full war against the republican base voters per Mitch's desires. 12/6/22, 10:28 PM"
Well, Trump exposed the corruption of the media and the Democrats, which in a decent society would have destroyed them. In BananaUSA it didn't.
Having failed to destroy the Democrats and the mediaswine, Trump and his ego will hang around long enough to join unwittingly with the GOPe to destroy any chance his Tea Party base might have had to restore national sanity.
At least he has etched in stone the "Democrats are evil. Republicans are stupid" meme.
Be honest. Who didn't see this coming? I notice the usual mouth breathers, with their beanie propellers spinning in overdrive, are running around,"We won! Dooty head!"
Mail ballots are and will be the deciding factor in elections unless stricter regulation of distribution and submission and validation are imposed.
You don't need to campaign, you don't need to have a good candidate, you just need to distribute and collect more of your party's mail ballots than the opposition, and discard as many of the opposition's mail ballots as possible. I wonder how many of Senator Warnock's mailed-in votes were ever even seen by the named voters on their envelopes, and as far as I can tell from reporting, there is no auditable chain of possession to find out.
The end result of this isn't shenangans by one party or the other, it is disenfranchisement of voters by the government.
Geoff Duncan Is an interesting case. It’s one thing for him to make a private decision not to vote for his party’s candidate, providing that he keeps the decision private. That’s why it’s called a secret ballot after all. But going public with his contempt for his party’s candidate is considerably beyond the pale. This couldn’t happen in the Democrats — they are serious about party discipline over on the blue side of the aisle, and it is enforced ruthlessly. What happened to Liz Cheney in Wyoming needs to happen to Duncan, and quickly.
I really don’t understand why Duncan had it in for Herschel Walker. Duncan is a former minor league baseball player who never got above Triple-A. Is he jealous of a former Heisman Trophy winner and two-time All Pro football player? Does he believe that Walker is so flawed a human being that wife-beating slumlord Warnock is preferable? We do need to hear more from him, preferably in his letter of resignation to spend time with his family.
If a republican Senate candidate does not pledge fealty to Mitch McConnell and his anti-republican-base-voter agenda, McConnell and his team will not only not fund that candidate sufficiently, they will TELL DONORS NOT TO DONATE INDEPENDENTLY to that candidate.
So, unless the republican candidate sells his or her soul to the McConnell/Romney/GOPe globalist agenda and things like open borders (which McConnells biggest backers love....incidently they are also DeSantis' biggest backers now too...food for thought), JCPA, DACA Amnesty, the continued hollowing out of the US, etc, you can forget about being competitive financially unless you have the cash to self-finance.
Further, if you want the McConnell/RNC funding, you HAVE TO utilize ALL GOPe insider consulting and polling firms. ONLY. You are not allowed to spend money on any outsider firms that won't cater to the GOPe globalist agenda.
Again, sorry sports fans, but thats just the hardball that is played by the DC-ites these days.
You can also forget about having the party "regulars" support you strongly. In fact, as in GA, the elected "respectable" and totally non-icky republicans will actively and publicly campaign against you.
Meanwhile, what has been the McConnell/Romney-tard policy agenda for the last few months? Here you go: - Pledging unlimited, non-audited funding for the Ukraine grift machine....forever - Not pushing border security - Codifying Roe - Codifying same sex marriage - DACA amnesty - Pushing the horrific JCPA media cartel bill (which caused enough of a firestorm from the icky, walmart-shopping republican base (can't you almost smell them GOPe-ers?) - A coming republican surrender on the omnibus budget bill which will be a democratical dream funding bill - And this might be my favorite GOPe-er pre-emtive surrender policy statement of all time: Biden, Mayorkas and the rest have absolutely nothing to fear from any investigations as impeachment is already OFF the table
Hey, who can't get behind that agenda, right GOPe-ers! Hooray!
Meanwhile, on the RNC front, Ronna Romney-McDaniel and her "crack staff" have been in place at the RNC since 2017 and that team of "spectaculars" have not even taken the first basic steps of putting in place a sufficient ballot harvesting capabilities with updated databases of actual voters and coordinated with battleground state parties to get out the vote early in the now irrevocable early and corrupted voting processes the dems/GOPe-ers have put in place.
Ironically enough, only in California has the local state party put together ballot harvesting operations sufficient to offset the democratical massive tech-enabled/billionaire-enabled teams of ballot harvesters.
However, Romney-McDaniel and her crack staff have spent millions on private jet travel, hundreds of thousands on private spa days for staff, tens of thousands on clothes, etc etc etc. So you know that the RNC donors are getting a really good ROI for their donor dollars...eh?
Of course, we must end with the bestest most wonderfullest GOPe-er Get Out Of Jail Free Card of all time: It's all Trump's fault. All of it. Every single bit of it. Not just for now, but for previous decades as well....and for all future decades too.
The Uniparty has good reason to celebrate today and all their little minions are doing their work online to help push it all along.
Congratulations. You won last night. You should savor your victory. It was well deserved.
This week, before the results, you had the usual Con Inc. and never-trumper types looking forward to an R victory, and praising McConnell for wise leadership and $11 million donation to Walker through his Senate Leadership fund, and Kemp for his "Army of Republican get-out-the-vote types. Now, that Walker lost, they will blame Trump LOL!
The Bottom line is Kemp, the Sec of state, and the R leadership REFUSE to do anything about the Democrat fraud machine in Atlanta. They won't do anything about mail-in ballots, and they don't have enough $ to harvest enough R ballots.
So, once again, as in Arizona, the R Senate Candidate loses. Of course, it doesn't really matter. McConnell and his RINO gang had no intention of fighting Biden, even if they had a majority.Their whole operation works just fine when they're in the minority. They trade their votes and help the D's pass 60% what they want in return for Pro-business Legislation and Government $$ for the Koch Brothers and the Chamber of Commerce.
We recently had a vote whereby 9 Republican Senators (and 3 lameducks) helped pass a Gay Marriage bill with no protection for religious freedom and voted AGAINST giving the Railway workers 6 sick leave days. Yes, you read that right SIX. What would be the purpose of giving these assholes a Senate Majority?
Atlanta controls Georgia with a bit of support from the Augusta, Columbus and Savannah areas. The remainder of the State is mainly conservative, as you can tell from the election map. With the large influx of progressives into Atlanta over the past couple of decades, there is now no way the remainder of the State can win over the Democrat political machine that controls Atlanta. On a side note, Atlanta crime is getting out of control. It will soon be competing with Chicago for the number of shootings each weekend. Not much the rest of us can do about that either.
BTW, Walker lost by about the same margin as Perdue and the Rich chick in Jan 2021. So spare me the stupid crap about "Candidate quality". Trump stopped campaigning for Walker 2 weeks ago, becasue he'd done enough to motivate the Trump voters. But that won't stop Con inc. and the Never-trumpers from blaming him. Because their only real goal is...Destroy Trump.
Sebastian: "At what point do we recognize that Trump is the Dems' best tool?
Next time, no clowns, please."
That's right. And we had 2 great candidates right there for the choosing: - Kelly Loeffler - David Perdue
I mean, they were right there! Why didn't they run again? What a missed opportunity from 2 candidates that have what it takes to win over those stupid walmart voters, amiright?
It's clear that every message the republicans push should be a globalist agenda with a specific focus on winning the suburban karen's who want abortion on demand and a very soft, squishy republican party that doesn't embarrass anyone.
You know, something along the exact lines of what the Tories in Britain have done....which is to completely and utterly abandon the working class voters that delivered the biggest Tory margins in a hundred years just a few years ago! Sure sure, the Tories are headed for a massive defeat in the next election, but at least all their upper crust friends still invite them over for croquet during the summer.
The last thing we republicans should do in the US is really try to build on that diverse wave of populist/working class/lower middle class voters to craft a resilient working political majority. Can you imagine how you would feel at cocktail parties if you hadn't supporting selling out the republican base voters? I mean, you'd actually have to defend economic nationalist policies!!
Well good news! You won't have to worry about that for at least another 2 years!
We're ON TO DACA AMNESTY! Hooray for Mitch McConnell!
BTW, do you all notice how Mitch McConnell makes sure to spread out the sellout legislation so that no 1 GOPe-er Senator has to take too much heat?
He had Lindsay come out a few months back with a call to federally codify Roe (and don't think that was an accident...it was a purposeful ploy to undermine republican candidates in the general election that McConnell wanted defeated).
He had Cornyn lead on the gun control sellout to the democraticals.
He is having Tillis lead on the DACA amnesty sellout to the democraticals.
So very clever of our Mitch, isn't it?
I know, I know: But Truuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuump!!! He's the real problem! If he goes away all will be well with the world!
Let's be frank. There are probably a good number of GA Republicans who won't vote for a Black man.
Geoff Duncan, the "Republican" Lieutenant Governor and member of the Romney/McConnell wing, is a perfect example of the people that are hurting the Republican party.
I was just nvited by text to earn 40 an hour to speak to people about Warnock. A blatant vote buying scheme. Interesting to know how many people took up that offer.
I really don’t understand why Duncan had it in for Herschel Walker. Duncan is a former minor league baseball player who never got above Triple-A. Is he jealous of a former Heisman Trophy winner and two-time All Pro football player? Does he believe that Walker is so flawed a human being that wife-beating slumlord Warnock is preferable? We do need to hear more from him, preferably in his letter of resignation to spend time with his family.
Stop being obtuse.
Duncan is emblematic of the McConnell faction in the Republican party.
They hate Republican voters. They serve their corporate donors. They are more like democrats than republicans.
It is Republicans in Georgia like Raffensburger that are helping the Democrats harvest mail in votes.
Do not pretend there are not Republicans that are benefitting from the obvious voter fraud going on right now.
AMDG said... Achilles - I cast my ballot for Walker.
At least Geoff Duncan was honest.
Mitch McConnell was less honest, but he made it obvious he wasn't going to support Walker and he not only withheld party funds, he told his corporate donors to withhold donations too.
Just like the national party spent money to attack Tsibaka in Alaska.
Just like McCain republicans in Arizona betrayed Lake and helped Maricopa county disenfrancise thousands of republican voters.
Are any of you Romney Republicans going to be honest about what you are supporting and why?
Here's an interesting take from a guy who hates Trump and wants a new nominee for 2024....but isn't lying to himself like the McConnell-tards at Althouse do:
One very big thing Joe Cunningham from Redstate doesn't explicitly call out is the fact that the current republican party grifter class could not exist without the full support and working under direction of the McConnell/McCarthy/Romney-McDaniel leadership team.
The GOPe leadership team is wholly responsive to their largest donors...and those donors want about 80% of all the democratical policies across the board. So Mitch and McCarthy and Romney-McDaniel deliver on that.
"And yes, he was going to lose, largely because the media hid Warnock's past radicalism and current typical fraud...."
More likely he lost because Walker is manifestly unfit (to sentient voters) to serve in any elected office in any capacity, even on a local town council, much less in any higher office. Georgia Democrat voters may have learned from the election of Marjorie Taylor Greene that when a dunce (and/or liar) is running for office in their state, it is imperative to show up and vote against that candidate.
Big Mike: "Geoff Duncan Is an interesting case. It’s one thing for him to make a private decision not to vote for his party’s candidate, providing that he keeps the decision private. That’s why it’s called a secret ballot after all. But going public with his contempt for his party’s candidate is considerably beyond the pale."
Big Mike, please! Don't you know that the only possible reason for any republican underperformance anywhere at anytime now and moving forward is Trump?
You are simply not playing by the new rules which requires maximum cover for the entire GOPe-sellout class and their grifter, incompetent henchpersons.
Do take this recommendation to heart lest you cause the GOPe-ers to rend garments while wailing their hari krishna-like anti-Trump chants unceasingly.
Fetterman, even with brain damage is more fit to serve as Senator than Walker. That the result was as close as it was doesn’t speak well for Republicans in Georgia. All the demands here and elsewhere for loyalty to Trump, the stupid ideas about “GOP-e or RINOs” is what is a losing and extremist ideology. There aren’t enough extremists in the US to give the Trumpist ideology wings, not anymore…thank you Trump for being your authentic self.
Michael: "I was just nvited by text to earn 40 an hour to speak to people about Warnock. A blatant vote buying scheme. Interesting to know how many people took up that offer."
I have kept my Atlanta phone number despite not having lived there for some time now and it was quite clear which party has invested in ground operations and get out the vote operations for successful ballot harvesting and which party leaders (cough cough Romney-McDaniel cough cough McConnell) have not.
Yes yes, I know, I know, Trump has raised over a hundred million for his pending presidential run and all the GOPe-er usual suspects are saying he should have spent a big chunk of it in GA.
While simultaneously McConnell and his team were warning wealthy independent donors to NOT give independently to the Walker campaign!
Last interesting note: DeSantis is sitting on $200M+ from all the GOPe-er donors....and I don't believe he gave a dime to the Walker campaign.
So if you're going to complain about Trump who is gearing up for a presidential run, consistency requires holding DeSantis responsible as well.
The truth of course is that neither DeSantis nor Trump should have had to donate to Walker. There was plenty of money available for Walker....until McConnell and Romney-McDaniel turned off the spigot.
If you want the best example in recent years of just how corrupted the republican GOPe-er consultant class is and how they offer nothing in terms of policies the base wants and instead just rake all the cash off the top for themselves, and it's before the Trump era so put away your "But Truuuuuuuuuuump" excuses:
Try the Romney 2012 campaigns horrific failed ORCA project.
It was basically the political equivalent of the obamacare website....but all the "right people" in the GOPe consultant class were paid hundreds of millions.
The last thing we republicans should do in the US is really try to build on that diverse wave of populist/working class/lower middle class voters to craft a resilient working political majority. Can you imagine how you would feel at cocktail parties if you hadn't supporting selling out the republican base voters? I mean, you'd actually have to defend economic nationalist policies!!
Adding to CFS comments above. Blacks are returning to the South, with Atlanta a top choice. When you read crime stories about Chicago and Detroit, keep in mind that many Blacks are leaving Illinois and Michigan for the South. Unfortunately, with so many middle and upper class White women moving D, Illinois and Michigan will stay reliably blue in pres elections. R's are screwed, unfortunately. If upper and upper middle class white women in Mississippi start to change their vote behavior from R to D, even Mississippi will be come purple/blue. I believe Mississippi has the largest (%) black population.
Maybe the Republicans should field a candidate that is actually electable, unlike most of the 2022 candidates, who would have problems getting elected to any office. Walker was the worst candidate in decades, why would anyone vote for him? I am surprised it was as close as it was.
As long as Mitch and his gang control the Republican Senate its simply IRRELEVANT whether the R's are a majority or a minority. Mitch is quite happy being minority leader. He just got re-elected to Leader despite leading the Republicans to another losing election year. Lets recap his great leadership:
2008-2014 - Minority - Helped Obama "Govern" 2015-2016 - Majority - did nothing - passed fake repeal of Obamacare that was vetoed 2017-2020 - Majority - Couldn't repeal Obamacare, sabotaged Trump, refused to build wall 2021-2022 - Minority - Helped Biden "Govern".
The republicans in Kentucky, if they can't defeat this goober in the primaries, need to vote 3rd party. We need to rid the country of McConnell. Country before party!
It's not about loving or hating Trump. It's about politics! Whether fair or foul, Trump has never commanded a majority of anything but Republicans. (2016 was an Electoral College win.) Some of his endorsees won. Some lost. Here in Arizona a slate of good Trump endorsees lost to a crew of Democrat mediocrities, perhaps because the election was so close they could steal it. Perhaps not.
The real point is that Trump has exposed the media, the Democrats and their big tech allies as corrupt. QuidProJoe has exposed them as incompetent. The country is going down the crapper and yet people continue to vote for the cause, crooked, incompetent Democrats. A reset is in order and it does not include the delusion that Trump can be elected President. It also does not include the absurdity that anyone who notices the delusion is a RINO.
We owe Donald Trump a great debt. It does not require us to go down in flames with him.
"Trumptard land has got to be the most delusional place in the universe."
You will be bowing down to your masters on the left because of the way you treat the people on YOUR own side. Why would we ever want to be on YOUR side when YOU hate us as much as the Progressives. You are both the same. Look in the mirror whenever you bitch about Progressives again...because that is YOU. The more you spew your hate, the less I care.
Agree it is in part due to their dirty, corrupt hands.
If DeSantis has an ass kissing picture taken with Mike Pence...I stay home and drink beer while the ship sinks. There are probably ten or twenty million like me.
I get the dislike for RINOs; I'd crawl over broken glass to NOT vote for Mitt Romney and his ilk. But in a binary election, I'll take Mitt Romney over a leftist Democrat. And I really do not like Mitt Romney (or any of the connected GOP Senators, including McConnell).
McConnell and Schumer are both bad; McConnell is less bad than Schumer.
And a Pence ass-kissing DeSantis would be much better than (fill in the blank for the Democratic candidate in 2024).
"It has nothing to do with Donald Trump other than they are willing to split the party and remain a minority in order to "unify" with corrupt Democrats against the MAGA base. Problem is the MAGA base is still at least 40% of the GOP voting block, if not more.
If DeSantis has an ass kissing picture taken with Mike Pence...I stay home and drink beer while the ship sinks. There are probably ten or twenty million like me.
Only I am allowed to jerk my own chain."
Same. I agree Gusty Winds. Why would I vote with these people who actively hate me?? Let it burn.
With True Believing diehard deadend Insane Trumpster Posse fanboys, it's always someone else's fault. They have devolved into women hating impotant fearful catastrophile cheese eating surrender monkeys whom remain forever drunk on whine.
When Osshoff beats Kemp in 2026, we will have proof that Trump made no difference in these last 3 Georgia Senate races. The state of Georgia is no longer Republican- it will have Democrat Senators for the forseeable future, and Kemp will be the last Republican governor, too.
hombre: "The real point is that Trump has exposed the media, the Democrats and their big tech allies as corrupt. QuidProJoe has exposed them as incompetent."
Its fascinating that you failed to include the GOPe-sellout grifter class which has sold out the republican base on just about every policy issue in your list of what Trump has exposed.
The complete corruption of the sellout GOPe grifter class is the closest to all republicans and should be the FIRST place we go to take action as a party because failure to do that guarantees you cannot address anything else.
We still have idiot GOPe suckups who think McConnell is some sort of political genius because in 2016 he refused to hold hearings on a possible Supreme Court nominee until after the election! The last time I checked, that was already an established strategy and was actually cooked up and deployed previously by........Joe Biden! That's why it's called "The Biden Rule", not the "McConnell Rule".
Russia Collusion Truther and Hillary/FBI Hoax Dossier Dead Ender Inga: "Who threw water on Drago? He’s melting."
Simple recitation of facts should not be upsetting to anyone.
You are not aware of what "facts" are, but most republicans are. Interestingly, HBTPFH is also not that aware of many facts. I guess that's why you guys are such pals now.
Yancey Ward said... When Osshoff beats Kemp in 2026, we will have proof that Trump made no difference in these last 3 Georgia Senate races. The state of Georgia is no longer Republican- it will have Democrat Senators for the forseeable future, and Kemp will be the last Republican governor, too.
And that is exactly what Kemp, Raffensburger, and Mitch McConnell want.
Robert Cook said... ""Warnock won by 100,000 votes. Easy for the Dems to get that many illegal aliens to vote."
Really? How would that work? You could just as blithely say the Dems can get monkeys to fly out of Warnock's butt. The catch is in the (how?)." You can't possibly be that dumb. Robert Cook said... ""And yes, he was going to lose, largely because the media hid Warnock's past radicalism and current typical fraud...."
More likely he lost because Walker is manifestly unfit (to sentient voters) to serve in any elected office in any capacity, even on a local town council, much less in any higher office." Good. Now do Biden and Harris.
Political Junkie: "Adding to CFS comments above. Blacks are returning to the South, with Atlanta a top choice. When you read crime stories about Chicago and Detroit, keep in mind that many Blacks are leaving Illinois and Michigan for the South. Unfortunately, with so many middle and upper class White women moving D, Illinois and Michigan will stay reliably blue in pres elections. R's are screwed, unfortunately. If upper and upper middle class white women in Mississippi start to change their vote behavior from R to D, even Mississippi will be come purple/blue. I believe Mississippi has the largest (%) black population.
DDD - Demographics Determine Destiny"
During the last 6 years, young black males and increasing %'s of Latinos of all stripes have been crossing over to the republican party. Partly because of their rejection of democratical party social policy lunacy and partly because of their increased economic opportunities that can/could be found with America First/economic nationalist policies that improve their lives.
However, for the republican party to capitalize on that growing movement in the fastest growing demographic groups, the GOP would have to much more fully embrace the policies that confront the democraticals/socialists/globalists.
Unfortunately, the GOPe has clearly decided they want NOTHING to do with any of those icky people nor any of those icky policies.
Thus, the GOPe is fully in bed with the democraticals now, as evidenced by what policies McConnell and his crew of Romney-tards are doing in DC.
McConnell is openly sticking a knife in the back of the republican base as we speak, and has been for quite some time, and every Usual Suspect commenter here at Althouse blog is simply whining about Trump.
McConnell probably can't believe his good fortune.
To borrow a well known phrasae, McConnell could "shoot down" every conservative policy on 5th avenue in broad daylight and all of his amen corner GOPe-ers would pronounce Trump "guilty" on the spot.
I'll say it again: Trump has become the sellout GOPe-ers greatest Get Out Of Jail Free Card in the history of politics.
Also interesting: there was a relatively strong populist movement on the left/liberal dem side prior to and up to 2016 with the hilarious Bernie as the embodiment of that movement.
That's what got the squad elected and now we see that the democraticals have completely absorbed and coopted those cats and have them all completely corralled in their globalist base.
There's still 10 to 15% of the democrat base that is amenable to those messages, with a not inconsequential 25 to 30% policy overlap with an America first agenda....if the republicans were to go that route. But as explained above, that kind of real working class/middle class agenda is of zero interest to McConnells/GOPe-ers globalist donor base.
So here we are.
The supporters of the economic nationalist policies pushed by Trump (and some others) aren't going anywhere...but neither are the sellout GOPe-er controlled opposition types.
What next?
A good start would be replacing Ronna Romney-McDaniel with Harmeet Dhillon...but the GOPe-ers hate Harmeet with a white hot passion because she represents the change necessary to get to a working majority with a capable national ballot harvesting strategy for the GOP.
Yancey Ward: "The state of Georgia is no longer Republican-"
It's not democratic either.
But to win there consistently will require republicans to do things they've never done before and that the GOPe-ers at the RNC and in the halls of Washington DC hate.
Another message to be mined from both Federman and Warnock winning is that the majority of GOP voters don’t see the far left capture of the democrat party as a major problem. At least not yet. Maybe they see it as nothing more than a nuisance, but nothing that could radically change the country as we come to know it. Hershel couldn’t articulate it even if he believed it and the other candidate in PA who could articulate it, Oz are probably doesn’t believe it.
John Borell: "I get the dislike for RINOs; I'd crawl over broken glass to NOT vote for Mitt Romney and his ilk. But in a binary election, I'll take Mitt Romney over a leftist Democrat. And I really do not like Mitt Romney (or any of the connected GOP Senators, including McConnell)."
Traditionally, the conservatives always voted for the moderate/RINO republican in general elections. That's not any surprise that you would say that.
The issue is its a one-way street within the party and has been for quite some time. When the actual conservative or more populist republican wins a primary, the GOPe-ers will NOT come out and vote/support them. In fact, as in GA, the GOPe-ers will publicly oppose the conservative/populist candidate, tell donors to not donate to him/her, and actively work with democraticals to undermine that candidate.
Then, if that candidate loses, the sellout GOPe-ers declare "See?!"
Well, its now pretty obvious that jig is up and that's what all the fighting is about. It's a necessary step in determining the future direction of the party.
At Althouse Blog, you have your typical GOPe-er set of complainers who want Trump blamed for everything wrong with the party.
But you'll notice that none of those types, none of them, without exception, will actually address what the McConnell/Romney-tards are doing policy-wise.
Further, you'll notice that their narratives and language perfectly mirrors that of those on the far left now.
Again, that's no accident. It was always inevitable. Its simply the different sides finding their actual proper place along the politically aligned groups.
Here's the bottom line: the GOPe-ers simply share the same cultural and economic values of the democratical party in general. Not the wokest of the woke nonsense, but in general they are 75% aligned with the dems on most policy issues.
There are millions of traditional democratical voters who don't like where the dems are and have made the switch or want to.....but you have to give them a reason to come over and trust you.
The McConnell/Romney-tards are making sure to burn all those bridges so that never happens.
This is going to be a long intra-party struggle so buckle up.
rhhardin: "I managed to hear nothing at all from either of them. I assumed the dems would win. They're after ballots, the repubs are after voters."
This is what Harmeet Dhillon wants to change, which is why McConnell, Romney, Romney-McDaniels, the AMDG's, the HBTPFH's types will oppose her at all costs.
It's difficult to see how she will unseat Romney-McDaniels as RNC Chair. That's a very inside baseball sort of contest and its difficult to see how the battle is being waged.
Republicans need to stop running these novelty candidates. Just because you were a football coach or a TV celebrity, doesn't mean you can get elected or govern effectively. ========= in terms of qualifications how different are Warnock's and Walker's?
Interesting note: Currently, the corrupted federal government under Biden (and all democraticals and their GOPe allies really) has investigations launched against newest persona non grata fella Elon Musk:
- Neuralink - Tesla - Twitter
I believe I can safely predict that this transparently corrupted govt activity will have at least one inevitable outcome in the near future: at some point the "respectable" and "non-icky" GOPe-ers will be calling for Elon to step aside as CEO of all 3 of those organizations so that someone more "acceptable" and less "controversial" can take over to more effectively advance all the policies that Elon wanted to advance.......(wink wink).
And remember GOPe-ers, nothing is more important and there is no higher calling for the republican party, the American people and the United States of America than permanently funding Ukraine's "war" effort....and in an unaudited a fashion as possible.
That "unaudited" part is the second most important thing.
This Message Has Been Brought To You By The Leadership Of The GOPe-ers.
Walker drives home the point that it's a bad idea to support people for political office based on their celebrity instead of their qualifications.
I will say that, if Biden announces a re-election bid, you're going to see every Republican alive jump into the Presidential primaries because Biden is just as unelectable as Walker was.
but because ticket splitting is more popular and common than people committed to a party or an ideology like to believe, ============ how does voting technology affect this split - behavior
Just so we can get this straight. Through numerous elections we see that candidates Trump backed in a contested primary lagged behind other GOP candidates by anywhere from 7% to over 10% the Trumptards don’t reach the obvious conclusion that Trump is electoral cancer. Instead they blame it on:
1. Cheating that somehow did not impact the successful GOP candidates.
2. The “GOPe” would rather Democrats control the Senate because McConnell likes being Minority Leader.
There must be some wicked bad brown acid in that Trump goo y’all gobble.
Blogger Robert Cook said... "And yes, he was going to lose, largely because the media hid Warnock's past radicalism and current typical fraud...."
More likely he lost because Walker is manifestly unfit (to sentient voters) to serve in any elected office in any capacity, even on a local town council, much less in any higher office. Georgia Democrat voters may have learned from the election of Marjorie Taylor Greene that when a dunce (and/or liar) is running for office in their state, it is imperative to show up and vote against that candidate. ———-
That argument might carry water if the same people telling us Walker is unfit to serve in the Senate were all in on Festerman.
With True Believing diehard deadend Insane Trumpster Posse fanboys, it's always someone else's fault. They have devolved into women hating impotant fearful catastrophile cheese eating surrender monkeys whom remain forever drunk on whine.
Howard's rants like this make me wonder if he was in Maricopa County the night before election day. Somebody was.
Robert Cook said... "'Warnock won by 100,000 votes. Easy for the Dems to get that many illegal aliens to vote.'
"Really? How would that work? You could just as blithely say the Dems can get monkeys to fly out of Warnock's butt. The catch is in the (how?)."
"You can't possibly be that dumb."
Got it. You don't have an answer.
Robert Cook said... "'And yes, he was going to lose, largely because the media hid Warnock's past radicalism and current typical fraud....'
"More likely he lost because Walker is manifestly unfit (to sentient voters) to serve in any elected office in any capacity, even on a local town council, much less in any higher office."
"Good. Now do Biden and Harris."
Easy. Many Biden/Harris voters were not voting for Biden or Harris, but for NOT TRUMP. They would have voted for anyone running against Trump, their deficits notwithstanding. Can you really tell me you do not already know this? Voting for NOT WALKER may have been the motive of many Warnock voters.
All senate incumbents who ran for re-election won.
In state-wide elections, the voters went with the status quo.
Only exception is that Nevada voted for the GOP candidate over the Dem incumbent governor.
The other “flips” were open races for governor and Pennsylvania Senate. The GOP won four of the five open Senate seats. Dems “flipped” the open governorships in Arizona, Maryland, and Massachusetts.
With more people voting nowadays, this is not unexpected. People don’t like to vote for change.
I would love to see trump leave the party, I would happily vote straight ticket. See how many elections McConnell/Ronna ( Romney ) McDaniel can screw up then. Should be a lot, heh.
"AMDG said... With one glaring exception, 2022 was a great year for Georgia Republicans in statewide contests
Governor R +8 Lt Governor R +5 Sec of State R +9 AG R +5 Ag Commissioner R +8 insurance commissioner R +8 State School Superintendent R +8 Labor Commissioner R +7 US Senate D +2
One of these is not like the others."
All the others are state races. Why would the national democratic party put the time, effort, and money into those. You're in Inga territory.
AMDG: "Just so we can get this straight. Through numerous elections we see that candidates Trump backed in a contested primary lagged behind other GOP candidates by anywhere from 7% to over 10% the Trumptards don’t reach the obvious conclusion that Trump is electoral cancer. Instead they blame it on:
1. Cheating that somehow did not impact the successful GOP candidates.
2. The “GOPe” would rather Democrats control the Senate because McConnell likes being Minority Leader.
There must be some wicked bad brown acid in that Trump goo y’all gobble."
So, no, you didn't "get this straight", because, if you were being honest, you'd blow up your own argument. So you didn't "get this straight" on purpose.
Which is strange, since the "straight" stuff has been repeated....well...repeatedly.
In no particular order: - No national republican messaging strategy (which makes sense since the McConnell-tards "strategy" is to give the dems lots of policy wins across the board)
(Note: AMDG never addresses these policy backstabbings by his GOPe heroes, ever)
- McConnell and crew purposely underfunding Walker while simultaneously telling donors to cut Walker off, as McConnell did throughout the 2022 cycle nationally. Ducey did the same as the RGA head and so did Romney-McDaniel. As previously mentioned, Warnock outspent Walker by around $100M. That's quite the advantage.
- You had GOPe-ers like McConnell and the Lt Gov of Georgia actively, publicly, denigrating Walker and essentially campaigning against him. That's sort of a big deal.
- Ronna Romney-McDaniel could not set up an early vote/get out the vote operation to save her life....and neither could her uncle Mitt who handed us the astonishing failure known as the Orca Project in 2012.
- The republican party leadership has STILL NOT embraced the reality of what the dems and their GOPe allies have given us in new election rules over the last several years, so the republicans always start off in electoral holes due to the dems advantage
- And I'm just going to throw this out there one more time: The McConnell-tards like AMDG are so busy handing the democraticals policy wins in DC its hard to imagine how motivated any republican can get when they know McConnell is throwing the entire ball game to Schumer.
Finally, as mentioned previously and predicted, the tone and content of the GOPe-ers postings at Althouse blog are now indistinguishable from those of the leftist of the left posters.
Because, fundamentally, they are now fully on the same side.
loudogblog: "Walker drives home the point that it's a bad idea to support people for political office based on their celebrity instead of their qualifications.
I will say that, if Biden announces a re-election bid, you're going to see every Republican alive jump into the Presidential primaries because Biden is just as unelectable as Walker was."
The current democratical ballot harvesting advantage in the battleground states, on top of their cheating proclivities, on top of the GOPe surrender to the dems across the board, makes any republican nominee at the beginning a massive underdog with almost zero chance of winning.
And exactly who are these other republican candidates that could jump in with any possibility of winning the nomination, much less a corrupted general election? We already have around 10 names of no-chance candidates: Haley, Christie (LOL), Youngkin (yeah, he'll pull working class votes in the midwest......not), etc.
Name names, or better yet, why bother?
DeSantis is the only potential competitor that emerges as a real possibility which is why the GOPe moved quickly to absorb him into their fold and funnel $200M+ into his coffers thru all the usual suspect globalist funders while staffing him up with all the usual suspect DC GOPe insider consultants.
Dude1394: "I would love to see trump leave the party, I would happily vote straight ticket. See how many elections McConnell/Ronna ( Romney ) McDaniel can screw up then. Should be a lot, heh."
Oh no. That's not how its going to work.
Trump is now officially at fault for everything the GOPe has done for 40+ years and for everything the GOPe is doing now. And if you think they are going to abandon their "Buuuuut Truuuuuuump" Get Out Of Jail Free card now, you're crazy!
Trump is going to officially be responsible for everything the GOPe sellouts do for the next 2 decades, minimum.
"Republicans need to stop running these novelty candidates. Just because you were a football coach or a TV celebrity, doesn't mean you can get elected or govern effectively. The idiots in the states that nominate them..."
...are most likely (D) crossover voters. PA has closed primaries, but nothing prevents someone from changing their party affiliation before the primary, then changing it back afterward, to help elect a straw candidate. I believe that is how Mehmet Oz won the primary.
It's also possible that some (D) voters register permanently as Republicans, though that could result in them having to deal with icky campaign emails from their chosen party.
1. Cheating that somehow did not impact the successful GOP candidates.
2. The “GOPe” would rather Democrats control the Senate because McConnell likes being Minority Leader.
There must be some wicked bad brown acid in that Trump goo y’all gobble. --- That's one hypothesis. But at this point, given Trump's own favors to Dems, and the reality-immune support from some Trumpists, the alternative hypothesis is that they, too, want Dems to win. What would Dem stooges say differently than cheating caused x, and McConnell wants to be in the minority, and the GOPe is to blame for the nation's ills, and clowns like Walker are actually not clowns, and we need more of them--unlike Kemp, who must have had help from that Atlanta machine? On second thought, maybe not--actual Dem plants might think they are pushing it with the sheer unreality of the disinfo and the general air of discombobulation.
But here we are. Perhaps 200K in GA voted for Kemp but not Herschel. Same thing elsewhere: the anti-Trump and anti-clown vote made a difference. Nice moderate right-of-center people are sending a message. On the other hand, Trumpists are sending their own message, at least verbally, that they despise the GOPe more than Dems. And that DeSantis, he's too GOPe! We're gonna stay home!
Dave Begley: I usually enjoy your comments, but Herman Cain, SC Justice Thomas and other black candidates are beloved by Republicans in Georgia. Several others aren't. We treat them based on records, not melanin.
And we work well with many more. People need to stop believing the Hollywood version of "da Deep South." I don't think for a moment a man as kind as you are you do. But stereotypes are pernicious: here, we live in a very different ecosphere. Most power is concentrated in black leftist or white leftist hands. But we have lots of small-town sheriffs, cops, detectives in cities et. al. who are black officials we count on and trust.
AMDG said... Just so we can get this straight. Through numerous elections we see that candidates Trump backed in a contested primary lagged behind other GOP candidates by anywhere from 7% to over 10% the Trumptards don’t reach the obvious conclusion that Trump is electoral cancer. Instead they blame it on:
1. Cheating that somehow did not impact the successful GOP candidates.
2. The “GOPe” would rather Democrats control the Senate because McConnell likes being Minority Leader.
There must be some wicked bad brown acid in that Trump goo y’all gobble.
McConnell's and Doucey's and McDaniel's and Raffensburger's actions are clear.
Their goals can easily be inferred from the obvious expected results of what they do.
McConnell is getting Amnesty passed right now as we speak.
May I crudely note Jeoff Duncan is a failed Triple A baseball non-recruit who feels special ire towards a winner on the field like Walker? It makes me feel like a shitty human being even saying that because he was very kind to me when I ran.
Before he called me and my ilk Nazis. Now the gloves are off.
I see the mid-20s political realignment process is continuing apace. It's become clear that many of the GOPe won't vote or support a non-GOPe candidate (as has been true for many years now). The difference is that the non-GOPe (I supposed we can call it 'MAGA') will now ALSO not vote for or support a GOPe candidate.
This is new. Prior to now, the deplorables always fell into line at the behest of the GOPe and their money. Having been screwed repeatedly by the GOPe, the deplorable base will no longer play footsie with GOPe.
"I will say that, if Biden announces a re-election bid, you're going to see every Republican alive jump into the Presidential primaries because Biden is just as unelectable as Walker was."
There is no path to 270 currently for any Republican candidate, due to mail-in voting and ballot harvesting.
It's interesting to hear the Democrats talk about ballots while the idiot dinosaur republicans talk about votes. Ballots are more important than votes.
"I will say that, if Biden announces a re-election bid, you're going to see every Republican alive jump into the Presidential primaries because Biden is just as unelectable as Walker was."
There is no path to 270 currently for any Republican candidate, due to mail-in voting and ballot harvesting.
It's interesting to hear the Democrats talk about ballots while the idiot dinosaur republicans talk about votes. Ballots are more important than votes.
Sebastian: "On the other hand, Trumpists are sending their own message, at least verbally, that they despise the GOPe more than Dems. And that DeSantis, he's too GOPe! We're gonna stay home!"
A couple quick notes.
1, you've never called out the GOPe-ers for not voting for non-GOPe candidates. Enlighten us if you have. As far as I can tell, you haven't even criticized the elected GOPe-ers that publicly criticize non-GOPe candidates in the middle of a campaign!!!
2, The ONLY things we know about DeSantis thus far are these facts: - DeSantis is engaging strongly on the cultural/woke issues - DeSantis' presidential campaign team is comprised of GOPe DC insiders - DeSantis' biggest funders are all globalist and intend to push back on any populist tendencies (as they themselves will tell you)
So, once again, we ask the same question we ask every single day from the strong DeSantis supporters who, for some odd reason, can never answer this basic question:
If DeSantis is going to deliver all the America First/Economic Nationalist policies along with deep state reform, etc, how is it that his entire staff and funder base oppose ALL those things?
We'll wait for an answer....as we've waited every single day for the answer to this question.
Sebastian: "That's one hypothesis. But at this point, given Trump's own favors to Dems, and the reality-immune support from some Trumpists, the alternative hypothesis is that they, too, want Dems to win."
Yes, if you can believe it, at the very moment the McConnell/Romney wing of the GOPe contineu to sell out the base Sebastian figures this is a great time to mention "Trump's own favors to Dems".
There can only be one conclusion to statements like this: Sebastian fully approves of every single McConnell/Romney/GOPe wing sellout to the democraticals.
Which means, its irrelevant if a dem or a GOPe-er wins an election....as they are all aligned on policy and direction of govt.
The democratical direction.
Sebastian, good luck getting your dem-desired JCPA and DACA Amnesty and additional gun control and additional Ukraine funding and a pro-dem omnibus spending package passed. I know how hard you guys have been working for that through your preferred "respectable" politicians in DC.
Remember GOPe-ers, Kelly Loeffler is right there and by now she surely must be tanned, rested and ready.
For that matter, Martha McSally is no doubt ready to roll again in AZ!
Let's make sure to nominate them next time. After all, they are totally not icky non-globalists in the slightest and have probably never even seen the inside of a walmart store!
In GOPe land, those are several of the most highly prized qualifications.
I would rather have a candidate (Youngkin) who will win Georgia and Arizona instead of the tiny chance of winning Pennsylvania and Michigan again. Which only happened because Hillary was so bad.
BTW, here is an article from Redstate earlier today:
An Utter Betrayal by the GOP (GOPe, actually) By RedState Staff | 4:15 PM on December 07, 2022
"It’s a well-known fact these days that the Republican establishment has become a bunch of perennial losers. The Georgia runoff was a catastrophe, as anticipated. Now, they want to triple down on the losing. A so-called “Republican Senator” named Thom Tillis has struck a deal with Democrats to give amnesty to millions of illegals. This is unacceptable, and we won’t stop fighting to tell the truth about this betrayal."
I'm sure this deal is making AMDG's and Sebastian's little toes tingle with excitement.
Naturally, if too much pushback occurs over this latest GOPe betrayal of the republican base, you dudes can always pretend it was Trump's fault instead. You're quite polished at that already so it would be a snap.
TheOne Who Is Not Obeyed: "This is new. Prior to now, the deplorables always fell into line at the behest of the GOPe and their money. Having been screwed repeatedly by the GOPe, the deplorable base will no longer play footsie with GOPe."
Unfortunately, unlike the democraticals, the GOPe-ers are perfectly content with permanent minority status. In fact, they prefer it. Thus, non-GOPe-ers threatening to withhold their votes in a general election is a McConnell/Romney-tard "throw me in that briarpatch" scenario.
This is our reality. The entirety of our elected party leadership has no intention of actually winning, nor governing remotely as the base would like. The GOP is a completely captured entity at this point, which is why so much of the base despises McConnell and McCarthy and the rest of the GOPe-hero brigade.
What is McConnell's overall approval these days? Around 7%?
Ah, but what is McConnell's overall approval amongst elected democratical leaders and the globalist grift machine members? Probably around 97%.
I would rather have a candidate (Youngkin) who will win Georgia and Arizona instead of the tiny chance of winning Pennsylvania and Michigan again. Which only happened because Hillary was so bad."
If only it were so magically easy to do. Pixie dust thinking. Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue no doubt thought that. As did Martha McSally.
In 2024, thanks to the remaining McCainiac Crew in AZ, that state is completely set up for democratical shenanigans in Maricopa County and elsewhere. The republicans could have passed laws and pushed for more stringent rules around ballot security, but those "respectable" GOPe-ers didn't do it. And now any republican is up against that.
And Raffensberger and Kemp in GA are no better.
But hey, its all Trump's fault.
The GOPe-ers in DC surrendering on DACA as we speak is also the fault of Trump. Darn that Trump for making the GOPe-ers capitulate on every major issue! Go Away Trump so that McConnell can be a conservative again!
If they say McConnell Romney McCain enough - it makes the goo work harder. There is only one tru goo I mean god."
You were wise to not even attempt any rebuttal on the policy points raised. Particularly since your McConnell/Romney/McCain/(Tillis) team decided today was a good day to leak their betrayal on illegal amnesty.
I suspect that's what alot of the pushback is by the GOPe suckups here today. They want to gloss over the latest sellout by their heroes.
Go ahead HBTPFH, tell us all the benefits of this latest sellout on amnesty.
You cannot escape the fact that candidates that Trump supported in contested primaries trailed standard GOP candidates by 7@ to more than 10%.
The only Trump supported candidate that won was JD Vance and he trailed the Governor by 15%.
To paraphrase the late great Norm MacDonald, Trump is ballot box poison. The data is very clear on this
Oh, and you complain that the “GOPe” did not support Walker. This is simply not true. Kemp turned his entire GOTV vote over to the Walker cause. “GOPe” people were with Walker at every stop trying to erase the stench of Trump from him.
Now, as for the Fat Tub of Goo - what did he do for Walker. Did he send money for the runoff? No. What he did do is send out fundraising material to “benefit” Walker, but his organization was keeping 99% of the proceeds.
By all means continue your delusional quest to defend the 2022 DNC MVP at all costs.
Drago needs a bolus of Imodium to staunch the unceasing flow of diarrhea from his oral cavity. At least he still has CryptoSteroid-man and the Jersey shore barfly/catlady on his team.
"There are probably a good number of GA Republicans who won't vote for a Black man."
Tina Trent addressed this well upthread, but I can't resist: On what do you base this?
I moved to GA 11 years ago with many preconceived notions about racial attitudes in the South. I was wrong about most of them, and I think you're wrong (and unfair) here. I wonder if you know Georgia any better than I did when I lived in Massachusetts.
AMDG: "Now, as for the Fat Tub of Goo - what did he do for Walker. Did he send money for the runoff? No. What he did do is send out fundraising material to “benefit” Walker, but his organization was keeping 99% of the proceeds."
As mentioned earlier, Trump raised $100M for a pending presidential run and held on to that cash.
DeSantis raised $200M+ for his pending presidential run......and held on to that cash.
"Buuuuuuut Truuuuuuuuuump!".
It's only wrong when Trump does it. The very standard the democraticals use every single day.....which is not surprising given the GOPe/democratical overlap on policy and electoral preferences.
If you think it is the quality of the candidates, do I need to point out McSally lost in Arizona, not once, but twice, and she was the preferred candidate by the GOP leadership. Perdue and Loeffler both lost in 2020, and both were the preferred candidate of the GOP leadership. Adam Laxalt lost in Nevada, and it was again the candidate preferred by the GOP leadership.
What has happened isn't Trump- it is the fact that the Democrats have infested formerly red states like Arizona and Georgia the same way they infested Colorado, Nevada, and Virginia after 2004. The same thing is happening in North Carolina. The Democrats will pick up Tillis' seat in 2026, and Budd will probably be a one term Senator after 2028. Texas will likely vote for Democrats after about 2032 at the rate Democrats are flooding into the state. The Republican Party is fucked- it really is that simple, but, sure, blame that on Trump, too, even though he can't be accused of the loss of Virginia, Colorado, and Nevada.
I think I'm beginning to understand something fundamental about the GOPe suckups at Althouse blog, whom now can claim Howard and Inga as their very strong allies. And well they should given their shared goals.
The GOPe suckups have a visceral hatred for anyone who exposes how big of suckers they've been for supporting their serial backstabbing GOPe leaders.
That's really all this is. There is nothing "principled" about any of this. The GOPe suckups just want everything to go back to quiet and polite losing to the New Soviet Democraticals so that the GOPe sellouts can help "manage the decline".
Yancey - I hope no one is looking at who IS winning. We don't want to do that. Rubio and DeSantis won in Miami Dade for crying out loud. But let's bash them! Lets ignore that and keep on losing. Of course the R party is Fed up. SNL ran a huge skit bashing Herschel Walker right before the election. Free advertising for the D. and that's one example. That's what we are up against. Indeed the R party is f'ed... the blame goes around. Winners can lead the way. No one is arguing McSally or Perdue are stellar candidates.
"Mitch McConnell was less honest, but he made it obvious he wasn't going to support Walker and he not only withheld party funds, he told his corporate donors to withhold donations too."
Citation needed
McConnell was responsible for several of Trump's "successes". Without him Merrick Garland may very well be on the Supreme Court.
Politics is the art of compromise - we RINO's (you know, those of us who've been Republicans since the '70's) swallowed our pride and supported Trump and defended him for four years. If you want party purity, you're not going to have enough seats to even pretend to stop the Democratic agenda.
"So, once again, we ask the same question we ask every single day from the strong DeSantis supporters who, for some odd reason, can never answer this basic question:
If DeSantis is going to deliver all the America First/Economic Nationalist policies along with deep state reform, etc, how is it that his entire staff and funder base oppose ALL those things?"
This is a good question. I'm sure there must be a good answer.
@Yancey Ward, thank you for that comment at 6:39. Granted that McSally ran a thoroughly crappy campaign, both times, the same cannot he said for Laxalt. A committee has been formed to sift through the ashes of this election cycle and learn what can be learned. I see that Jason Miyares, Virginia’s Republican (and Hispanic) Attorney General is on it. From what I know of him I think he will report the truth as he sees it, even if it is a minority dissent to the final document.
I’m already way past tired of the ever-Trump vs never-Trump arguments in these threads. Warnock, the wife-beating slumlord, should have been vulnerable, can we agree on that? That a hard core radical feminist or at least supporter of hard core radical feminism could be so smug over wife-beating Warnock’s victory says something about a certain type of female voter, but what? How do we win them, if they can be won, or neutralize them if they can’t?
I’ve already said thst I think Donald Trump is seriously lacking in political savvy, but I don’t see how very many Republican candidates can win in 2024 or thereafter without winning “his” voters. Drago and Achilles, what do you need to see in a presidential candidate to support him or her? Please tell me that you won’t just sit on your hands unless the candidate is Donald Trump — a man who, according to the polls has lower favorability ratings and worse unfavorability ratings than even Joe Biden.
Big Mike - Trump is bleeding supporters. I talk to former die-hard Trump supporters and they are over him. Two in particular flew to the big rally on Jan 6th. (lucky for them they didn't go into the capitol) Both are men - and are done with him. This idea that Trump's support is solid? Wishful thinking.
Bingo Drago and Mikee. I definitely believe in mail-in fraud. But demographic change is a much bigger issue. And with both Democrats and Republicans lined up for illegal immigration, with both Democrat and Republican voters opposing it, naturally by different margins, nobody is representing the interests of the people, not in Geprgia, not anywhere.
By the way, despite what the Times said, we have a much longer early voter stage than most northern states. We have far more permissive rules. Look it up, those of you who like to play the stupid race card. And our most beloved Republican, for whom I was proud to campaign, was Herman Cain.
I had a lot more choices to vote for among black candidates when I turned GOP. My state and local representatives, all Democrat, were white. In a mostly black district. Decades ago. And it was oir black female Chief of Police, Oprah pal Beverly Harvard, who was caught hiding files hiding rape cases against underaged black girls working at a politically connected strip club. Reality is too damn complicated for racial bomb throwers.
If a new more popular leader were to emerge - would Trump put his support behind him/her? Of course not. Therefore- Ever-Trumpers obey Trump's commands. No one but Trump. No one is good enough or pure enough... and all others must be denied - based on Trump's commands. EGO. Trump himself would rather Biden win than... anyone on the R side. EGO.
Also - DeSantis has donors! O M G! Donors - clearly he's a Chi Com CoC McConnell cuck! Fine - then Trump should self-fund, and STOP asking me for money.
Althouse Blog Commissar (self-appointed): "Big Mike - Trump is bleeding supporters. I talk to former die-hard Trump supporters and they are over him. Two in particular flew to the big rally on Jan 6th. (lucky for them they didn't go into the capitol) Both are men - and are done with him. This idea that Trump's support is solid?"
Then all your political problems are solved. So what are you complaining about?
You can look forward to many more sellouts of the republican base by your GOPe heroes.
Althouse Blog Commissar (self-appointed): "Howard - LOL. When right and left can agree."
When "right and left can agree", the "right" ain't so very right cuz the left sure isn't giving up their position. That's why Schumer said quite plainly that he and McConnell share the same vision for the republican party.
Big Mike: "Drago and Achilles, what do you need to see in a presidential candidate to support him or her? Please tell me that you won’t just sit on your hands unless the candidate is Donald Trump — a man who, according to the polls has lower favorability ratings and worse unfavorability ratings than even Joe Biden."
I take your question seriously as it is a serious question. And I'll answer it but I want to point out that both Achilles and I and others have answered this questions dozens and dozens of times.
As briefly as possible without losing too much nuance, I want whichever republican is nominated to be a strong and proven fighter/advocate for the policies I support in terms of
- national economics/America First (there is whole lot here to unpack but lets just say the globalists don't like this one at all) - Challenging the ChiComs across the board (military force structure focused solely on the Chicom threat, political engagement of China's neighbors (I'm looking at you India) for containment purposes, economic policy that pulls key supply chains back to the US. etc) - Strong reform of our utterly corrupted national security state and DOJ/FBI and rollback of the power of these entities to spy on and persecute political opponents - The strongest possible immigration control measures with harsh consequences for those "allies" of ours that don't support our efforts, which includes finishing the wall amongst many other things
I could go on, but you get the gist.
People keep saying DeSantis is the answer to all of that, but you can already see that the DeSantis presidential campaign team and all his major funders are utterly opposed to those items.
This is not complicated. I'm looking for a strong non-GOPe sellout candidate who'll fight for my issues. In my lifetime, that has meant ONLY Trump. No one else.
I'll be quite pleased if there are lots and lots of them to choose from.....but we've been fooled before so I'm going to need more than just a McConnell/Romney like wink and a nod.
@Drago, f**k Hunter’s Hooker. How about you respond to me?
Or do you think a person (Trump) who has lower favorability ratings on RealClearPolitics than Joe Biden has a real chance to win in 2024? I agree that he did a lot more for the American economy and American workers and small business owners than anyone before or since (and I’ll include Ronald Reagan, for whom I once served a county vice chair on one of his campaigns). But starting in 2020 with his poor campaign strategy and obvious lack of political acumen since, Trump has been killing his own chances to win.
Althouse Blog Commissar (self-appointed): "If a new more popular leader were to emerge - would Trump put his support behind him/her? Of course not. Therefore- Ever-Trumpers obey Trump's commands. No one but Trump. No one is good enough or pure enough... and all others must be denied - based on Trump's commands. EGO. Trump himself would rather Biden win than... anyone on the R side. EGO."
You have to keep lying to yourself to make it all make sense, don't you?
The way to beat Trump is to out-Trump Trump on policy. Good policy is ALWAYS good politics.
But that would mean a candidate would have to really embrace those policies that McConnell/Romney/GOPe-ers like you hate. And since most of these candidates cannot self-finance, they won't do it, even if they believed in it.
The biggest problem HBTPFH has is that he worships his GOPe-sellout masters and will never go against them. See how proud HBTPFH is that Inga and Howard are praising him.
That's weakness on steroids and frankly, who needs it?
I simply happen to be someone who believe the future lies with the party that can attract and retain the vast diverse swaths of working class and middle class/populist voters and can get their ballots to the polls (a different longer discussion). But that necessarily means going against the globalists, and HBTPFH doesn't want anyone going against the globalists or his GOPe-sellout masters.
So be it.
One of us will "win" this political argument in time. Unfortunately for HBTPFH, the only way the GOP wins long term is if I win this political argument. Otherwise, McConnell's preferred GOP as permanent minority party status will reign supreme.
Which is what Chuck Schumer wants to.....and remember, Schumer and McConnell share the same vision for the republican party.
I like DeSantis, but he and the Republican legislature in Florida did what was necessary to win. This isn't being repeated in other states, and is certainly not being repeated at the national level. I think DeSantis is the odds on candidate for 2024, but he isn't going to win- the Democrats have strengthened their electoral lock, even in the face of their complete incompetence at governing. A non-Trump Republican candidate could probably eke out wins in Georgia and Arizona, but those are the new "swing states". The trend for the last 20 years is that formerly solid red states become swing states, and no formerly solid blue states make the same transition.
My prediction is DeSantis wins every state Trump won in 2020, and adds Arizona and Georgia back to the win column by about 2-4% (51-48) while also winning North Carolina by about the same margin, but that isn't enough to win the Presidency. By 2028-or 2032, Texas will join the 2-4% margin of win for Republicans, and Florida will still be a tossup like Ohio.
The Republican Party probably needs a thorough cleansing of all the members in D.C presently. Passing this lame duck amnesty should encourage all of us to destroy the party and rebuild it.
Big Mike: "@Drago, f**k Hunter’s Hooker. How about you respond to me?
Reagan's campaign was the first I worked on as well in Southern California. I've also been a political aide, legislative aide and speechwriter at the Texas state level some years back.
Now, lets say I concede for discussion purposes that Trump has indeed been wounded by a million hoax cuts, the GOPe-ers constantly undermining him to serve their globalist/Dem masters and his own miscues.
I don't necessarily hold alot of the miscues against him because he has been caught in a corrupt GOPe/dem govt hurricane (crossfire hurricane even) for 6 full years and make no mistake, these cats will indict him and put him and possibly his family members in jail....with corrupted GOPe support all the way while the deep staters also attack anyone that tries to get involved on the Trump side. That threat looms large and that has to affect his thinking and demeanor.
But here's the cold, hard facts:
- Lets face it, this is a Trump - DeSantis battle only.
- Ronna Romney-McDaniels and the rest of the McFailures are just about guaranteeing any future republican candidate loses, but lets set that aside for the moment as well.
- ONLY Trump, so far, has demonstrated the ability to reach out and consistently bring out those low propensity voters and working class/lower middle class voters across the nation when he is on the ballot. When he is on the ballot. A block of voters that is growing and becoming more and more "republican" in their outlook. That includes Latinos and young black males in particular. Again, so far.
- However, right now, even in the worst of economic times, going with Trump costs suburban white women (who are already fully democrat adjacent and a declining portion of the electorate).
- Trump will run for in 2024 and he's probably got a fairly solid 30% of the rep base behind him with another 5 to 10% leaning. And they are all those deplorable types that HBTPFH hates (because McConnell and Ryan told him to hate them) and those types aren't "persuadable" by your arguments.
Here's what they know: Trump is the only dude that always supported them, never stabbed them in the back, and never insulted them.
If DeSantis wants to win the primary he will have to put together a coalition that excludes that 30-35% but gets everyone else but risks losing those Trump voters in the general, OR....OR....."out-Trump" Trump, so to speak without losing his margins with suburban dem-adjacent white women.
Now, I am all for "out-Trumping" Trump. Go ahead DeSantis, out-Trump Trump!
Declare your intentions to advance those populist America First/economic nationalism policies and even assert that Trump is too incompetent to do it right! That's all fair in politics.
Talk about Trump's failure to fire Fauci and the other "experts" that ruined America. "Free Florida!" Use a compare/contrast between Florida and the US under Trump. Just don't go too far with it as you want to prep for a general election and you'll want Trump's backing, particularly if Trump has been tossed into jail by the DOJ/FBI/GOPe by that time, though they'll probably wait to see if he wins the nomination and if he does, THEN they'll throw him into jail.
Here's the problem: DeSantis' choice of advisors/staffers/pollsters (DC GOPe-er insider types) and key funders are all the usual globalist suspects, some of whom have stated explicitly they want a turn away from this populist/America First, like Ken Griffin (see politico interview).
So, give me a Trump replacement and I'm right with you. Give me another Romney/McCain clone? I'm out. Present me with a DeSantis as the choice of the GOPe, right after the GOPe-ers openly sabotaged every non-GOpe candidate in 2022, I've got some thinking to do about supporting the GOPe-er sellout machine.
But also, as I commented in previous threads, if DeSantis is less than half of what I would like to see in the way of a President and his policies, I'll take that half in lieu of getting nothing at all -- which is what I'd get in the case of any Democrat being elected.
Big Mike: "@Drago, what do you think about Tom Cotton?"
I love that clip and I love that Cotton lowered the boom on that woke CEO buffoon while he was busy hemming and hawing and lying thru his teeth.
But Cotton, as you know, has already withdrawn from the 2024 race, and its not because of DeSantis. It's because he understands the rather unique position Trump finds himself in and Cotton, being the smart fellow he is, would rather attempt to inherit that position after 2024.
Big Mike: "But also, as I commented in previous threads, if DeSantis is less than half of what I would like to see in the way of a President and his policies, I'll take that half in lieu of getting nothing at all -- which is what I'd get in the case of any Democrat being elected."
This is not an unreasonable position. My question is: which "half" are we getting.
I'm guessing it would be the good anti-woke culture warrior and less the anti-globalist/pro-populist/anti-deep-stater that we would all like, simply by virtue of who DeSantis needs to get elected.
But we'll see. Perhaps DeSantis will surprise us all. That would be a good thing. The more positive "surprises" we can get the better.
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Personally I thought he was going to lose, but I hadn’t been paying too much attention.
It’s interesting in terms of what messages can be said Trump is getting by a state he won a long time ago in 2020.
You need a post on Walker actually conceding to Warnock. And rather nicely too.
He just needed a squeaker.
Warlock won in "early voting." The margin was too big for in person voters to overcome. Dems have built a vote harvesting machine. Ronna needs to go & be replaced by a fighter who will support the R candidate despite who endorses them.
The postmortem will be that the Trump candidate lost, but that's not all that happened.
There was no "insurrection." Democrats invited & encouraged the protest & made sure that anyone who trespassed would provide a story so bad, no one would try again.
Sad that China & Iran are showing what privileged Americans could have done.
They are howling in delight over at MSNBC. Another brick in the Trump wall of defeat.
According to them, Walker couldn’t do the job but Fetterman was perfectly fine.
Warnock won by 100,000 votes. Easy for the Dems to get that many illegal aliens to vote.
I'm doing an analysis of the loss by county (by relevant counties -- we have 10,000 counties in Georgia, but I commented on this on the overnight thread.
And yes, he was going to lose, largely because the media hid Warnock's past radicalism and current typical fraud, but also because purists who know nothing about how to actually do politics took their binkies home, the GFingOP here is infiltrated by leftist defense attorney "libertarians" who helped the media disguise the fact that the Libertarian Party member is a radical trans activist.
The same MSNBC Democrat whores want a Trump-Biden re-match.
With one glaring exception, 2022 was a great year for Georgia Republicans in statewide contests
Governor R +8
Lt Governor R +5
Sec of State R +9
AG R +5
Ag Commissioner R +8
insurance commissioner R +8
State School Superintendent R +8
Labor Commissioner R +7
US Senate D +2
One of these is not like the others.
Walker would not have entered the without the urging of one Donald John Trump, the 2022 Democratic National Committee MVP. Pretty much any other Republican would have won the race without a runoff.
In the last two cycles between his demented antics and idiotic primary endorsements this fat loser has cost the GOP a minimum of 5 Senate seats.
The candidates that Trump endorsed in contested primaries typically run about 7% behind normal GOP candidates and yet the denizens of the Trump Colon Cowboy Brigade continue to insist that the only path to victory is to get behind that Fat Tub Goo.
Trumptard land has got to be the most delusional place in the universe.
Good. This result helps Rhonda Santas 2024.
Geoff Duncan, Georgia's REPUBLICAN Lieutenant General, Said he could not vote for Walker.
The problem in Georgia is not the Democrats.
It is the Romney wing Republicans that are really just Democrats.
None of this changes until we get rid of the corrupt traitors who are right now helping the democrats pass amnesty.
I am noticing that the traitors in DC have given up blaming Trump and their little ankle biter minions are getting confused in the comments all over the comment sphere as well.
Walker did better than I guessed. I thought Warnock would win 53-47.I like Herschel, but sometimes defense is easier than offense.
rwnutjob, David Begley, and Tina Trent:
What is the reason Walker ran 7% to 10% behind every other GOP statewide candidates? If you figure that out you will understand why he lost.
Oh, and unlike Nevada, where it is legal and did impact the election, Vote Harvesting is illegal in Georgia.
Dave Begley said...
They are howling in delight over at MSNBC. Another brick in the Trump wall of defeat.
According to them, Walker couldn’t do the job but Fetterman was perfectly fine.
How many Begley's joined Geoff Duncan not voting for Walker?
How many Begley's helped the democrats mail in votes for Warnock with Raffensburger?
Trump has a knack for picking the winning candidate in the primary who will go down to defeat in the general election.
The postmortem will be that the Trump candidate lost, but that's not all that happened.
You are right! That is not all that happened. What also happened was Trump's GOP enemy (Brian Kemp) destroyed the Democrats superstar Stacy Abrams in a massive blow out. Trump and his cadre of dipshits are the problem.
Losers cry about early voting while winners like Brian Kemp graciously listen to the concession speeches.
Walker lost, in part, because he needed as big a get out the vote effort as possible during the run-off... A massive second effort, with A-list national GOP people coming to Georgia to hold rallies, talk on local news shows, raise money for advertising and ballot harvesting efforts, and Trump spent the days after the election sucking up oxygen and attacking DeSantis.
"Warnock won by 100,000 votes. Easy for the Dems to get that many illegal aliens to vote."
And even twice as easy for crybabies to look through the voter rolls (which are public) and find all the illegal voters for us! Let's see your list! In the state of Georgia you don't think you can find a law and order prosecutor ready to start throwing illegals in jail for voter fraud? I have a lot of disbelief in suspension right now.
Republicans need to stop running these novelty candidates. Just because you were a football coach or a TV celebrity, doesn't mean you can get elected or govern effectively. The idiots in the states that nominate them seem to think that the recognition they will get from being in sports or television will outweigh the fact that they are not very smart. Even worse, because they aren't familiar with the political process, even if elected they will just be managed by their unelected staff. People aren't voting for a puppet, they want someone who can actually do the job.
Democrats Belichick the vote so they can Zimbabwe the United States.
Washington Republicans only want to ‘Keep Washington moving’. That’s prolly the biggest threat to humanity…
Over the last few weeks I got a batch of emails from (D) party operatives begging for money to help Warnock win. Given that the fix was in, I must wonder what will be done with all that cash. Here's one of the pleas, from Mark Kelly:
We don’t have much time.
Election Day is today, and we need to do everything we can to turn out Democrats across the state and make sure they cast their ballot for Rev. Warnock.
We need our grassroots team to step up right now so we can maintain our momentum and continue funding our voter outreach program. Will you rush just $10 (or whatever you can) to split between the Democratic Party of Georgia and Mark Kelly so we can re-elect Rev. Warnock?
If you've stored your info with ActBlue, we'll instantly process your contribution between Mark Kelly and the Democratic Party of Georgia"
Yes, we all knew. No comment needed. This was done before it started.
AMDG said...
With one glaring exception, 2022 was a great year for Georgia Republicans in statewide contests
And it was people like Geoff Duncan and AMDG that helped Warnock win.
Ann is correct but many here are blinded by the light
My final handicapped wager on this event 12 / 5 2022
There have been 10 statewide runoff elections in Georgia’s history, including the two last year that gave Democrats the Senate.
In the 8 beforehand, the GOP did better on runoff day than they did on General Election Day, before that pattern reversed on January 5th, 2021.
Raphael Warnock will win the seat and is a rightful heavy favorite in Georgia Senate runoff odds.
There are two ways he would lose his lead from the first round going into a runoff – Democratic, and mostly Black, enthusiasm falling off a cliff, and/or there being an amount of suburban reversion back to the GOP from the November baseline. Without Brian Kemp there on the ballot to help Republicans in the suburbs, it’s more likely Warnock beats his November results in the suburbs and exurbs, as opposed to underperforms.
This runoff is about two things from a Democratic perspective – reminding people there’s an election, and reminding people that Herschel Walker is a deeply unserious person who cannot be trusted with a Senate seat.
Democrats show no sign of their enthusiasm waning, and it makes sense that they would turn out, given they have the voters who are most likely to turn out and they are the ones currently happy with their outcomes. The problem for Republicans is that, in general, they’re miserable. My final handicapping for this race has Warnock winning what is known in Georgia as a landslide (Georgia does not have landslide margins but in this event, it will look like a landslide)52-47 and a vote margin 58000 to 63000 votes. Walker is possibly the worst candidate to run for Republican Senate and like the former presidents' other horrible picks (Lake, Mastriano, Bolduc, Oz, Masters, and other important pics this will go down in flames. I have raised my odds from 4-1 to 6.5-1 and can't wait for this aberration of a candidate to be "running back" to Texas where he lives. My ROI this year is +6 let's add to it. Place your bets folks.
My takes on this event, Georgia is still a Red state(turning blue) and if the former losing president didn't send such poor MAGA candidates to Georgia and other important states and the weak McConnell didn't show a spine and say no there may have not been a runoff at all and Walker could have possibly won even being the worst losing candidate for Senate from Georgia in last 22 years beaten by the biggest number. Handicapping races including Politics is all about past performances, statistics, wagering $$$ management etc and it falters if emotions get too far in the mix. Sleepy Joe is the 1st president since 1932 to not have an incumbent Senate candidate to lose inn his first midterms. Sleepy Joe getting it done, bi partisan legislation and may be time for the Righties to listen to ole NEWT. My numbers were somewhat off but I cashed with a winner, Time for a rest until next event, Kentucky Derby, World Poker Tour, next Heavy weight Boxing champ etc. Only One America don't blow it, the man whose name is synonymous with FRAUD is destroying what use to be a revered Party, wake up RED! Props to Walker for a close to concession speech, it's obvious that fella was used and will never hold any political office and that's ok. MAGA beaucoup Dinky Dau, you have been duped.
No it was not a surprise. Until the republicans realize that ballot harvesting is more important than actual in person voting, they are in trouble.
Let's be frank. There are probably a good number of GA Republicans who won't vote for a Black man.
Achilles said...
"The problem in Georgia is not the Democrats."
Correct. The problem was the Republican candidate. No doubt it felt good to cast a vote for a Trump-endorsed candidate in the primaries, but that is what gave us Senators Kelly, Fetterman and Warnock. All the bleating and nonsense about "RINOs" overlooks the damage those three, and their comrades, will do to the country.
Bears repeating, not that it makes any difference:
AMDG: "With one glaring exception, 2022 was a great year for Georgia Republicans in statewide contests"
Governor R +8
Lt Governor R +5
Sec of State R +9
AG R +5
Ag Commissioner R +8
insurance commissioner R +8
State School Superintendent R +8
Labor Commissioner R +7
US Senate D +2
At what point do we recognize that Trump is the Dems' best tool?
Next time, no clowns, please.
Blogger John Borell said...
Trump has a knack for picking the winning candidate in the primary who will go down to defeat in the general election.
The Republican [Walker] that Mitch McConnell and Pierre Delecto wanted to lose...lost. This was their plan. They wanted Kari Lake and Blake Masters to lose, and they weren't interested in the Nevada Senate seat either. They spent more money in Alaska protecting RINO Murkowski.
This is due to all their dirty, corrupt hands.
It has nothing to do with Donald Trump other than they are willing to split the party and remain a minority in order to "unify" with corrupt Democrats against the MAGA base. Problem is the MAGA base is still at least 40% of the GOP voting block, if not more.
If DeSantis has an ass kissing picture taken with Mike Pence...I stay home and drink beer while the ship sinks. There are probably ten or twenty million like me.
Only I am allowed to jerk my own chain.
When high-ranking state Republicans make a public confessional display for the networks that they won't vote for their own party candidate, what result can reasonably be expected? And I use the term 'Republican' as a proxy for RINO. Atlanta will always be the Democratic fixer for these campaigns. And on this one, this runoff, the Democrats spent almost a quarter-billion dollars - a lot of it funneled through out-of-state actors.
And incidentally - if the Republican candidate was so flawed, then where was the RINO party? Somebody didn't invite them? Wasn't important enough? Couldn't convince anyone to run? Which one is the more serious problem, deserving of criticism? I notice that Democrats weren't so particular when it came to running deeply flawed candidates, even semi-coherent ones.
Achilles - I cast my ballot for Walker.
The constant bleating in Trumptard land reminds me of the great Raylon Givens quote:
“You run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. You run into assholes all day, you're the asshole.”
Replace the word “asshole” with the word “RINO” and you described Trumptards to a tee.
The Dems have perfected cheating a dozen different ways. The prime example was noted by Justice Scalia in the Motor Voter case. On the application (which I've seen) the applicant just swears or certifies that they are a citizen and eligible to vote. It isn't even notarized. Big fucking joke.
Walker wasn't much and Warnock is an unabashed grifter. The perfect formula for a Democrat win.
Oh, and unlike Nevada, where it is legal and did impact the election, Vote Harvesting is illegal in Georgia.
AMDG imagines that just because something is illegal means that Democrats don’t do it. Quaint.
Trump”s early push for Walker made any other viable candidate head for the exits.
Will any of the Trumptards try to explain how Trump’s guy ran 7% to 10% behind all other GOP candidates?
Oh, and don’t forget that The Fat Tub of Goo sent out fundraising appeals for Walker- the only problem is that the split between Trump and Walker was 99% for Trump.
Republicans should just nominate boring straight white men for all offices. All these attempts to look "inclusive" do not gain anything with Dem voters. It probably just makes them more determined to vote against you.
Aggie said...
"Democrats weren't so particular when it came to running deeply flawed candidates..."
At least they get out and vote for their chosen candidate, flawed or not. Unlike the goofball pretend-Republicans like Gusty Winds who whines about RINOs and says "I stay home and drink beer."
Mitch McConnell is a ballsy old guy who kept Merrick Garland off the supreme court, which is a lot more than any of the pure-MAGA candidates can say. But go ahead and pretend that staying home and drinking beer is a strategy. You make Democrats' dreams come true.
Trump doesn't know jack about state politics. He just thinks Famous Guys win.
Walker lost, in part, because he needed as big a get out the vote effort as possible during the run-off...
If Walker was a decent candidate there wouldn't have even been a runoff. He lost back in November, the Trumpers are just getting the memo this morning. In November 200,000 voters voted for Brian Kemp and not Walker. You think that *maybe* played a role. Maybe? 🤔
Amazing how much control Romney and McConnell have over people's minds, thoughts, and votes.
Nothing to do with Trump. No way./
You'd think Trump, who is a super-genius, could outsmart Pierre Delecto. Alas - No.
Sebastian -
worth repeating...
"At what point do we recognize that Trump is the Dems' best tool?
Next time, no clowns, please."
Yes, Walker was a poor candidate, but I'm not entirely sure another Republican could have won. Not because some Republicans wouldn't vote for a Black man, but because ticket splitting is more popular and common than people committed to a party or an ideology like to believe, and some suburban voters relish the idea of not voting for all boring old White guys. Senate races are bigger deals than races for Agriculture Commissioner. There's more advertising, more oppo research, more issues, more opportunities for crossover voting.
If "RINO" party is so bad - Trump and his followers should leave it.
Reposted from last night:
Drago said...
"A mixed bag evening for GOPe-er "hero" Mitch McConnell.
On the "win" side, Mitch can celebrate along with Schumer their shared victory over Walker in GA.
On the "loss" side, Mitch and his democratical allies have been forced to pull the astonishingly corrupt pro-legacy media/cartel JCPA bill out of the defense appropriations bill.
Not to worry, after selling out the republicans on a number of issues in the last month, Mitch still has plans to sell out the republican base on the omnibus budget bill, ukraine funding and DACA amnesty (he's already got Tillis lined up to help ram that one thru) while simultaneously making it clear that the Senate republicans will in no way allow anyone from either the House or Senate republican side to hold any democraticals accountable for anything.
The GOPe-ers proudly even declared Mayorkas off limits!!
All in all, objectively speaking, I'd say that's a pretty good day for the democratical/GOPe alliance. Particularly as the weaponized deep state prepares to go to full war against the republican base voters per Mitch's desires.
12/6/22, 10:28 PM"
Well, Trump exposed the corruption of the media and the Democrats, which in a decent society would have destroyed them. In BananaUSA it didn't.
Having failed to destroy the Democrats and the mediaswine, Trump and his ego will hang around long enough to join unwittingly with the GOPe to destroy any chance his Tea Party base might have had to restore national sanity.
At least he has etched in stone the "Democrats are evil. Republicans are stupid" meme.
Be honest. Who didn't see this coming?
I notice the usual mouth breathers, with their beanie propellers spinning in overdrive, are running around,"We won! Dooty head!"
I thought Warnock would win by more, actually.
Mail ballots are and will be the deciding factor in elections unless stricter regulation of distribution and submission and validation are imposed.
You don't need to campaign, you don't need to have a good candidate, you just need to distribute and collect more of your party's mail ballots than the opposition, and discard as many of the opposition's mail ballots as possible. I wonder how many of Senator Warnock's mailed-in votes were ever even seen by the named voters on their envelopes, and as far as I can tell from reporting, there is no auditable chain of possession to find out.
The end result of this isn't shenangans by one party or the other, it is disenfranchisement of voters by the government.
Geoff Duncan Is an interesting case. It’s one thing for him to make a private decision not to vote for his party’s candidate, providing that he keeps the decision private. That’s why it’s called a secret ballot after all. But going public with his contempt for his party’s candidate is considerably beyond the pale. This couldn’t happen in the Democrats — they are serious about party discipline over on the blue side of the aisle, and it is enforced ruthlessly. What happened to Liz Cheney in Wyoming needs to happen to Duncan, and quickly.
I really don’t understand why Duncan had it in for Herschel Walker. Duncan is a former minor league baseball player who never got above Triple-A. Is he jealous of a former Heisman Trophy winner and two-time All Pro football player? Does he believe that Walker is so flawed a human being that wife-beating slumlord Warnock is preferable? We do need to hear more from him, preferably in his letter of resignation to spend time with his family.
Here's the reality:
If a republican Senate candidate does not pledge fealty to Mitch McConnell and his anti-republican-base-voter agenda, McConnell and his team will not only not fund that candidate sufficiently, they will TELL DONORS NOT TO DONATE INDEPENDENTLY to that candidate.
Sorry sports fans, that's the deal. Hence: Walker outspent by almost $100M, just as McConnell likes it. Remember, McConnell and Schumer share the same vision for the republican party.
So, unless the republican candidate sells his or her soul to the McConnell/Romney/GOPe globalist agenda and things like open borders (which McConnells biggest backers love....incidently they are also DeSantis' biggest backers now too...food for thought), JCPA, DACA Amnesty, the continued hollowing out of the US, etc, you can forget about being competitive financially unless you have the cash to self-finance.
Further, if you want the McConnell/RNC funding, you HAVE TO utilize ALL GOPe insider consulting and polling firms. ONLY. You are not allowed to spend money on any outsider firms that won't cater to the GOPe globalist agenda.
Again, sorry sports fans, but thats just the hardball that is played by the DC-ites these days.
You can also forget about having the party "regulars" support you strongly. In fact, as in GA, the elected "respectable" and totally non-icky republicans will actively and publicly campaign against you.
Meanwhile, what has been the McConnell/Romney-tard policy agenda for the last few months? Here you go:
- Pledging unlimited, non-audited funding for the Ukraine grift machine....forever
- Not pushing border security
- Codifying Roe
- Codifying same sex marriage
- DACA amnesty
- Pushing the horrific JCPA media cartel bill (which caused enough of a firestorm from the icky, walmart-shopping republican base (can't you almost smell them GOPe-ers?)
- A coming republican surrender on the omnibus budget bill which will be a democratical dream funding bill
- And this might be my favorite GOPe-er pre-emtive surrender policy statement of all time: Biden, Mayorkas and the rest have absolutely nothing to fear from any investigations as impeachment is already OFF the table
Hey, who can't get behind that agenda, right GOPe-ers! Hooray!
Meanwhile, on the RNC front, Ronna Romney-McDaniel and her "crack staff" have been in place at the RNC since 2017 and that team of "spectaculars" have not even taken the first basic steps of putting in place a sufficient ballot harvesting capabilities with updated databases of actual voters and coordinated with battleground state parties to get out the vote early in the now irrevocable early and corrupted voting processes the dems/GOPe-ers have put in place.
Ironically enough, only in California has the local state party put together ballot harvesting operations sufficient to offset the democratical massive tech-enabled/billionaire-enabled teams of ballot harvesters.
However, Romney-McDaniel and her crack staff have spent millions on private jet travel, hundreds of thousands on private spa days for staff, tens of thousands on clothes, etc etc etc. So you know that the RNC donors are getting a really good ROI for their donor dollars...eh?
Of course, we must end with the bestest most wonderfullest GOPe-er Get Out Of Jail Free Card of all time: It's all Trump's fault. All of it. Every single bit of it. Not just for now, but for previous decades as well....and for all future decades too.
The Uniparty has good reason to celebrate today and all their little minions are doing their work online to help push it all along.
Congratulations. You won last night. You should savor your victory. It was well deserved.
This week, before the results, you had the usual Con Inc. and never-trumper types looking forward to an R victory, and praising McConnell for wise leadership and $11 million donation to Walker through his Senate Leadership fund, and Kemp for his "Army of Republican get-out-the-vote types. Now, that Walker lost, they will blame Trump LOL!
The Bottom line is Kemp, the Sec of state, and the R leadership REFUSE to do anything about the Democrat fraud machine in Atlanta. They won't do anything about mail-in ballots, and they don't have enough $ to harvest enough R ballots.
So, once again, as in Arizona, the R Senate Candidate loses. Of course, it doesn't really matter. McConnell and his RINO gang had no intention of fighting Biden, even if they had a majority.Their whole operation works just fine when they're in the minority. They trade their votes and help the D's pass 60% what they want in return for Pro-business Legislation and Government $$ for the Koch Brothers and the Chamber of Commerce.
We recently had a vote whereby 9 Republican Senators (and 3 lameducks) helped pass a Gay Marriage bill with no protection for religious freedom and voted AGAINST giving the Railway workers 6 sick leave days. Yes, you read that right SIX. What would be the purpose of giving these assholes a Senate Majority?
You didnt win anything they cursed your country you spit on martin luther kings dream
Atlanta controls Georgia with a bit of support from the Augusta, Columbus and Savannah areas. The remainder of the State is mainly conservative, as you can tell from the election map. With the large influx of progressives into Atlanta over the past couple of decades, there is now no way the remainder of the State can win over the Democrat political machine that controls Atlanta. On a side note, Atlanta crime is getting out of control. It will soon be competing with Chicago for the number of shootings each weekend. Not much the rest of us can do about that either.
Sebastian said...
At what point do we recognize that Trump is the Dems' best tool?
Next time, no clowns, please.
How about you Romney republicans stop backstabbing candidates you don't like?
If you are going to be dead weight then GTFO so we can appeal to voters that wont support the Republican party because you are in it.
BTW, Walker lost by about the same margin as Perdue and the Rich chick in Jan 2021. So spare me the stupid crap about "Candidate quality". Trump stopped campaigning for Walker 2 weeks ago, becasue he'd done enough to motivate the Trump voters. But that won't stop Con inc. and the Never-trumpers from blaming him. Because their only real goal is...Destroy Trump.
Sebastian: "At what point do we recognize that Trump is the Dems' best tool?
Next time, no clowns, please."
That's right. And we had 2 great candidates right there for the choosing:
- Kelly Loeffler
- David Perdue
I mean, they were right there! Why didn't they run again? What a missed opportunity from 2 candidates that have what it takes to win over those stupid walmart voters, amiright?
It's clear that every message the republicans push should be a globalist agenda with a specific focus on winning the suburban karen's who want abortion on demand and a very soft, squishy republican party that doesn't embarrass anyone.
You know, something along the exact lines of what the Tories in Britain have done....which is to completely and utterly abandon the working class voters that delivered the biggest Tory margins in a hundred years just a few years ago! Sure sure, the Tories are headed for a massive defeat in the next election, but at least all their upper crust friends still invite them over for croquet during the summer.
The last thing we republicans should do in the US is really try to build on that diverse wave of populist/working class/lower middle class voters to craft a resilient working political majority. Can you imagine how you would feel at cocktail parties if you hadn't supporting selling out the republican base voters? I mean, you'd actually have to defend economic nationalist policies!!
Well good news! You won't have to worry about that for at least another 2 years!
We're ON TO DACA AMNESTY! Hooray for Mitch McConnell!
BTW, do you all notice how Mitch McConnell makes sure to spread out the sellout legislation so that no 1 GOPe-er Senator has to take too much heat?
He had Lindsay come out a few months back with a call to federally codify Roe (and don't think that was an accident...it was a purposeful ploy to undermine republican candidates in the general election that McConnell wanted defeated).
He had Cornyn lead on the gun control sellout to the democraticals.
He is having Tillis lead on the DACA amnesty sellout to the democraticals.
So very clever of our Mitch, isn't it?
I know, I know: But Truuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuump!!! He's the real problem! If he goes away all will be well with the world!
Help us Mitch! You're our only hope.......
Dave Begley said...
Let's be frank. There are probably a good number of GA Republicans who won't vote for a Black man.
Geoff Duncan, the "Republican" Lieutenant Governor and member of the Romney/McConnell wing, is a perfect example of the people that are hurting the Republican party.
I was just nvited by text to earn 40 an hour to speak to people about Warnock. A blatant vote buying scheme. Interesting to know how many people took up that offer.
"Warnock won by 100,000 votes. Easy for the Dems to get that many illegal aliens to vote."
Really? How would that work? You could just as blithely say the Dems can get monkeys to fly out of Warnock's butt. The catch is in the (how?).
AMDG at 7:31 AM
... this fat loser has cost the GOP a minimum of 5 Senate seats. ... to get behind that Fat Tub Goo.
Your comment would be better without your fat remarks.
Big Mike said...
I really don’t understand why Duncan had it in for Herschel Walker. Duncan is a former minor league baseball player who never got above Triple-A. Is he jealous of a former Heisman Trophy winner and two-time All Pro football player? Does he believe that Walker is so flawed a human being that wife-beating slumlord Warnock is preferable? We do need to hear more from him, preferably in his letter of resignation to spend time with his family.
Stop being obtuse.
Duncan is emblematic of the McConnell faction in the Republican party.
They hate Republican voters. They serve their corporate donors. They are more like democrats than republicans.
It is Republicans in Georgia like Raffensburger that are helping the Democrats harvest mail in votes.
Do not pretend there are not Republicans that are benefitting from the obvious voter fraud going on right now.
"Oh, and unlike Nevada, where it is legal and did impact the election, Vote Harvesting is illegal in Georgia."
So is smoking marijuana. That's why no one ever smokes marijuana in Georgia.
AMDG said...
Achilles - I cast my ballot for Walker.
At least Geoff Duncan was honest.
Mitch McConnell was less honest, but he made it obvious he wasn't going to support Walker and he not only withheld party funds, he told his corporate donors to withhold donations too.
Just like the national party spent money to attack Tsibaka in Alaska.
Just like McCain republicans in Arizona betrayed Lake and helped Maricopa county disenfrancise thousands of republican voters.
Are any of you Romney Republicans going to be honest about what you are supporting and why?
"I was just nvited by text to earn 40 an hour to speak to people about Warnock."
Makes you wonder where Warnock got all that money from, doesn't it?
Here's an interesting take from a guy who hates Trump and wants a new nominee for 2024....but isn't lying to himself like the McConnell-tards at Althouse do:
The GOP Won't Win So Long as Consultants Dominate the Party
One very big thing Joe Cunningham from Redstate doesn't explicitly call out is the fact that the current republican party grifter class could not exist without the full support and working under direction of the McConnell/McCarthy/Romney-McDaniel leadership team.
The GOPe leadership team is wholly responsive to their largest donors...and those donors want about 80% of all the democratical policies across the board. So Mitch and McCarthy and Romney-McDaniel deliver on that.
Tom Cotton is one who completely gets it and is in somewhat of an open revolt against the republican tendency to continue supporting the corporate weenies that hate the republican base. Here is a link to Tom Cotton letting the extremely woke CEO of Kroger know that he can no longer expect all republican senators support for business operations for woke corporations:
I strongly recommend you GOPe-ers not watch that. Mitch wouldn't like it at all and you don't want to be a disappointment to him.
"And yes, he was going to lose, largely because the media hid Warnock's past radicalism and current typical fraud...."
More likely he lost because Walker is manifestly unfit (to sentient voters) to serve in any elected office in any capacity, even on a local town council, much less in any higher office. Georgia Democrat voters may have learned from the election of Marjorie Taylor Greene that when a dunce (and/or liar) is running for office in their state, it is imperative to show up and vote against that candidate.
Big Mike: "Geoff Duncan Is an interesting case. It’s one thing for him to make a private decision not to vote for his party’s candidate, providing that he keeps the decision private. That’s why it’s called a secret ballot after all. But going public with his contempt for his party’s candidate is considerably beyond the pale."
Big Mike, please! Don't you know that the only possible reason for any republican underperformance anywhere at anytime now and moving forward is Trump?
You are simply not playing by the new rules which requires maximum cover for the entire GOPe-sellout class and their grifter, incompetent henchpersons.
Do take this recommendation to heart lest you cause the GOPe-ers to rend garments while wailing their hari krishna-like anti-Trump chants unceasingly.
Fetterman, even with brain damage is more fit to serve as Senator than Walker. That the result was as close as it was doesn’t speak well for Republicans in Georgia. All the demands here and elsewhere for loyalty to Trump, the stupid ideas about “GOP-e or RINOs” is what is a losing and extremist ideology. There aren’t enough extremists in the US to give the Trumpist ideology wings, not anymore…thank you Trump for being your authentic self.
Of course he was.
Doesn't matter how many votes Walker got, it's baked into the machine.
Blue counties are always slow to report their numbers so they know just how many votes they need to 'find.'
Michael: "I was just nvited by text to earn 40 an hour to speak to people about Warnock. A blatant vote buying scheme. Interesting to know how many people took up that offer."
I have kept my Atlanta phone number despite not having lived there for some time now and it was quite clear which party has invested in ground operations and get out the vote operations for successful ballot harvesting and which party leaders (cough cough Romney-McDaniel cough cough McConnell) have not.
Yes yes, I know, I know, Trump has raised over a hundred million for his pending presidential run and all the GOPe-er usual suspects are saying he should have spent a big chunk of it in GA.
While simultaneously McConnell and his team were warning wealthy independent donors to NOT give independently to the Walker campaign!
Last interesting note: DeSantis is sitting on $200M+ from all the GOPe-er donors....and I don't believe he gave a dime to the Walker campaign.
So if you're going to complain about Trump who is gearing up for a presidential run, consistency requires holding DeSantis responsible as well.
The truth of course is that neither DeSantis nor Trump should have had to donate to Walker. There was plenty of money available for Walker....until McConnell and Romney-McDaniel turned off the spigot.
If you want the best example in recent years of just how corrupted the republican GOPe-er consultant class is and how they offer nothing in terms of policies the base wants and instead just rake all the cash off the top for themselves, and it's before the Trump era so put away your "But Truuuuuuuuuuump" excuses:
Try the Romney 2012 campaigns horrific failed ORCA project.
It was basically the political equivalent of the obamacare website....but all the "right people" in the GOPe consultant class were paid hundreds of millions.
So "success"!
The last thing we republicans should do in the US is really try to build on that diverse wave of populist/working class/lower middle class voters to craft a resilient working political majority. Can you imagine how you would feel at cocktail parties if you hadn't supporting selling out the republican base voters? I mean, you'd actually have to defend economic nationalist policies!!
Worthy of the Babylon Bee.
Adding to CFS comments above. Blacks are returning to the South, with Atlanta a top choice. When you read crime stories about Chicago and Detroit, keep in mind that many Blacks are leaving Illinois and Michigan for the South. Unfortunately, with so many middle and upper class White women moving D, Illinois and Michigan will stay reliably blue in pres elections. R's are screwed, unfortunately. If upper and upper middle class white women in Mississippi start to change their vote behavior from R to D, even Mississippi will be come purple/blue. I believe Mississippi has the largest (%) black population.
DDD - Demographics Determine Destiny
Who threw water on Drago? He’s melting.
Maybe the Republicans should field a candidate that is actually electable, unlike most of the 2022 candidates, who would have problems getting elected to any office. Walker was the worst candidate in decades, why would anyone vote for him? I am surprised it was as close as it was.
Vicki from Pasadena
Carol - Indeed.
As long as Mitch and his gang control the Republican Senate its simply IRRELEVANT whether the R's are a majority or a minority. Mitch is quite happy being minority leader. He just got re-elected to Leader despite leading the Republicans to another losing election year. Lets recap his great leadership:
2008-2014 - Minority - Helped Obama "Govern"
2015-2016 - Majority - did nothing - passed fake repeal of Obamacare that was vetoed
2017-2020 - Majority - Couldn't repeal Obamacare, sabotaged Trump, refused to build wall
2021-2022 - Minority - Helped Biden "Govern".
The republicans in Kentucky, if they can't defeat this goober in the primaries, need to vote 3rd party. We need to rid the country of McConnell. Country before party!
It's not about loving or hating Trump. It's about politics! Whether fair or foul, Trump has never commanded a majority of anything but Republicans. (2016 was an Electoral College win.) Some of his endorsees won. Some lost. Here in Arizona a slate of good Trump endorsees lost to a crew of Democrat mediocrities, perhaps because the election was so close they could steal it. Perhaps not.
The real point is that Trump has exposed the media, the Democrats and their big tech allies as corrupt. QuidProJoe has exposed them as incompetent. The country is going down the crapper and yet people continue to vote for the cause, crooked, incompetent Democrats. A reset is in order and it does not include the delusion that Trump can be elected President. It also does not include the absurdity that anyone who notices the delusion is a RINO.
We owe Donald Trump a great debt. It does not require us to go down in flames with him.
"Trumptard land has got to be the most delusional place in the universe."
You will be bowing down to your masters on the left because of the way you treat the people on YOUR own side. Why would we ever want to be on YOUR side when YOU hate us as much as the Progressives. You are both the same. Look in the mirror whenever you bitch about Progressives again...because that is YOU. The more you spew your hate, the less I care.
Blogger Gusty Winds (Elon Musk Fanboy) said...
This is due to all their dirty, corrupt hands.
Agree it is in part due to their dirty, corrupt hands.
If DeSantis has an ass kissing picture taken with Mike Pence...I stay home and drink beer while the ship sinks. There are probably ten or twenty million like me.
I get the dislike for RINOs; I'd crawl over broken glass to NOT vote for Mitt Romney and his ilk. But in a binary election, I'll take Mitt Romney over a leftist Democrat. And I really do not like Mitt Romney (or any of the connected GOP Senators, including McConnell).
McConnell and Schumer are both bad; McConnell is less bad than Schumer.
And a Pence ass-kissing DeSantis would be much better than (fill in the blank for the Democratic candidate in 2024).
"It has nothing to do with Donald Trump other than they are willing to split the party and remain a minority in order to "unify" with corrupt Democrats against the MAGA base. Problem is the MAGA base is still at least 40% of the GOP voting block, if not more.
If DeSantis has an ass kissing picture taken with Mike Pence...I stay home and drink beer while the ship sinks. There are probably ten or twenty million like me.
Only I am allowed to jerk my own chain."
Same. I agree Gusty Winds. Why would I vote with these people who actively hate me?? Let it burn.
Blogger AMDG said...
Achilles - I cast my ballot for Walker.
The constant bleating in Trumptard land reminds me of the great Raylon Givens quote:
“You run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. You run into assholes all day, you're the asshole.”
Replace the word “asshole” with the word “RINO” and you described Trumptards to a tee.
12/7/22, 8:37 AM
YOU are the one being an ASSHOLE. Enjoy losing. Because I am not with YOU. You are a hateful person. Suffer.
Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker said...
If "RINO" party is so bad - Trump and his followers should leave it.
12/7/22, 8:57 AM
Don't have to. They left us and hopped aboard the Progressive Party train. Congratulations suckers.
"there is now no way the remainder of the State can win over the Democrat political machine that controls Atlanta"
Except every other Republican but Walker won big.
Reality is a bitch.
uh - both candidates are black.
With True Believing diehard deadend Insane Trumpster Posse fanboys, it's always someone else's fault. They have devolved into women hating impotant fearful catastrophile cheese eating surrender monkeys whom remain forever drunk on whine.
Considering Trump gets Democrats elected - I'd say you are 100% wrong, Wendy.
@ 10:50
..but but but Sebastian - the R's who won in GA are all Rinos. Only Trump is the one tru god who can save the Republic.
It starts with dinner with Ye and Fuentes... and ends with a dick-stepping word salad.
When Osshoff beats Kemp in 2026, we will have proof that Trump made no difference in these last 3 Georgia Senate races. The state of Georgia is no longer Republican- it will have Democrat Senators for the forseeable future, and Kemp will be the last Republican governor, too.
hombre: "The real point is that Trump has exposed the media, the Democrats and their big tech allies as corrupt. QuidProJoe has exposed them as incompetent."
Its fascinating that you failed to include the GOPe-sellout grifter class which has sold out the republican base on just about every policy issue in your list of what Trump has exposed.
The complete corruption of the sellout GOPe grifter class is the closest to all republicans and should be the FIRST place we go to take action as a party because failure to do that guarantees you cannot address anything else.
We still have idiot GOPe suckups who think McConnell is some sort of political genius because in 2016 he refused to hold hearings on a possible Supreme Court nominee until after the election! The last time I checked, that was already an established strategy and was actually cooked up and deployed previously by........Joe Biden! That's why it's called "The Biden Rule", not the "McConnell Rule".
Althouse Blog Commissar: "uh - both candidates are black."
But only of them was an icky America-firster whose own party campaigned openly against him and told their funders to not support him.
Which is why Walker ran $100M behind Warnock, the more acceptable GOPe choice.
Russia Collusion Truther and Hillary/FBI Hoax Dossier Dead Ender Inga: "Who threw water on Drago? He’s melting."
Simple recitation of facts should not be upsetting to anyone.
You are not aware of what "facts" are, but most republicans are. Interestingly, HBTPFH is also not that aware of many facts. I guess that's why you guys are such pals now.
I managed to hear nothing at all from either of them. I assumed the dems would win. They're after ballots, the repubs are after voters.
The democrats elected Warnock the slumlord. Democrats love slumlords, like Valerie Jarrett.
One advantage apparently is that we'll hear less from Ted Cruz.
Yancey Ward said...
When Osshoff beats Kemp in 2026, we will have proof that Trump made no difference in these last 3 Georgia Senate races. The state of Georgia is no longer Republican- it will have Democrat Senators for the forseeable future, and Kemp will be the last Republican governor, too.
And that is exactly what Kemp, Raffensburger, and Mitch McConnell want.
Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker said...
@ 10:50
..but but but Sebastian - the R's who won in GA are all Rinos. Only Trump is the one tru god who can save the Republic.
It starts with dinner with Ye and Fuentes... and ends with a dick-stepping word salad.
You all can keep talking to yourselves.
But we notice that all you can do is call names and lie about what republicans like Mitch McConnell are doing.
You pretend like you support the things Trump supported. But you never actually do anything.
You just lie and call names.
GTFO and let us add in the voters that wont join the party because of corporate shills that betray the party voters.
Robert Cook said...
""Warnock won by 100,000 votes. Easy for the Dems to get that many illegal aliens to vote."
Really? How would that work? You could just as blithely say the Dems can get monkeys to fly out of Warnock's butt. The catch is in the (how?)."
You can't possibly be that dumb.
Robert Cook said...
""And yes, he was going to lose, largely because the media hid Warnock's past radicalism and current typical fraud...."
More likely he lost because Walker is manifestly unfit (to sentient voters) to serve in any elected office in any capacity, even on a local town council, much less in any higher office."
Good. Now do Biden and Harris.
Political Junkie: "Adding to CFS comments above. Blacks are returning to the South, with Atlanta a top choice. When you read crime stories about Chicago and Detroit, keep in mind that many Blacks are leaving Illinois and Michigan for the South. Unfortunately, with so many middle and upper class White women moving D, Illinois and Michigan will stay reliably blue in pres elections. R's are screwed, unfortunately. If upper and upper middle class white women in Mississippi start to change their vote behavior from R to D, even Mississippi will be come purple/blue. I believe Mississippi has the largest (%) black population.
DDD - Demographics Determine Destiny"
During the last 6 years, young black males and increasing %'s of Latinos of all stripes have been crossing over to the republican party. Partly because of their rejection of democratical party social policy lunacy and partly because of their increased economic opportunities that can/could be found with America First/economic nationalist policies that improve their lives.
However, for the republican party to capitalize on that growing movement in the fastest growing demographic groups, the GOP would have to much more fully embrace the policies that confront the democraticals/socialists/globalists.
Unfortunately, the GOPe has clearly decided they want NOTHING to do with any of those icky people nor any of those icky policies.
Thus, the GOPe is fully in bed with the democraticals now, as evidenced by what policies McConnell and his crew of Romney-tards are doing in DC.
McConnell is openly sticking a knife in the back of the republican base as we speak, and has been for quite some time, and every Usual Suspect commenter here at Althouse blog is simply whining about Trump.
McConnell probably can't believe his good fortune.
To borrow a well known phrasae, McConnell could "shoot down" every conservative policy on 5th avenue in broad daylight and all of his amen corner GOPe-ers would pronounce Trump "guilty" on the spot.
I'll say it again: Trump has become the sellout GOPe-ers greatest Get Out Of Jail Free Card in the history of politics.
Also interesting: there was a relatively strong populist movement on the left/liberal dem side prior to and up to 2016 with the hilarious Bernie as the embodiment of that movement.
That's what got the squad elected and now we see that the democraticals have completely absorbed and coopted those cats and have them all completely corralled in their globalist base.
There's still 10 to 15% of the democrat base that is amenable to those messages, with a not inconsequential 25 to 30% policy overlap with an America first agenda....if the republicans were to go that route. But as explained above, that kind of real working class/middle class agenda is of zero interest to McConnells/GOPe-ers globalist donor base.
So here we are.
The supporters of the economic nationalist policies pushed by Trump (and some others) aren't going anywhere...but neither are the sellout GOPe-er controlled opposition types.
What next?
A good start would be replacing Ronna Romney-McDaniel with Harmeet Dhillon...but the GOPe-ers hate Harmeet with a white hot passion because she represents the change necessary to get to a working majority with a capable national ballot harvesting strategy for the GOP.
Well, we can't have that now, can we?
Yancey Ward: "The state of Georgia is no longer Republican-"
It's not democratic either.
But to win there consistently will require republicans to do things they've never done before and that the GOPe-ers at the RNC and in the halls of Washington DC hate.
If we all just vote a little harder, we just might be able to elect more Republicans to screw us over. Yay Team!...
Got it.
Another message to be mined from both Federman and Warnock winning is that the majority of GOP voters don’t see the far left capture of the democrat party as a major problem. At least not yet. Maybe they see it as nothing more than a nuisance, but nothing that could radically change the country as we come to know it. Hershel couldn’t articulate it even if he believed it and the other candidate in PA who could articulate it, Oz are probably doesn’t believe it.
John Borell: "I get the dislike for RINOs; I'd crawl over broken glass to NOT vote for Mitt Romney and his ilk. But in a binary election, I'll take Mitt Romney over a leftist Democrat. And I really do not like Mitt Romney (or any of the connected GOP Senators, including McConnell)."
Traditionally, the conservatives always voted for the moderate/RINO republican in general elections. That's not any surprise that you would say that.
The issue is its a one-way street within the party and has been for quite some time. When the actual conservative or more populist republican wins a primary, the GOPe-ers will NOT come out and vote/support them. In fact, as in GA, the GOPe-ers will publicly oppose the conservative/populist candidate, tell donors to not donate to him/her, and actively work with democraticals to undermine that candidate.
Then, if that candidate loses, the sellout GOPe-ers declare "See?!"
Well, its now pretty obvious that jig is up and that's what all the fighting is about. It's a necessary step in determining the future direction of the party.
At Althouse Blog, you have your typical GOPe-er set of complainers who want Trump blamed for everything wrong with the party.
But you'll notice that none of those types, none of them, without exception, will actually address what the McConnell/Romney-tards are doing policy-wise.
Further, you'll notice that their narratives and language perfectly mirrors that of those on the far left now.
Again, that's no accident. It was always inevitable. Its simply the different sides finding their actual proper place along the politically aligned groups.
Here's the bottom line: the GOPe-ers simply share the same cultural and economic values of the democratical party in general. Not the wokest of the woke nonsense, but in general they are 75% aligned with the dems on most policy issues.
There are millions of traditional democratical voters who don't like where the dems are and have made the switch or want to.....but you have to give them a reason to come over and trust you.
The McConnell/Romney-tards are making sure to burn all those bridges so that never happens.
This is going to be a long intra-party struggle so buckle up.
rhhardin: "I managed to hear nothing at all from either of them. I assumed the dems would win. They're after ballots, the repubs are after voters."
This is what Harmeet Dhillon wants to change, which is why McConnell, Romney, Romney-McDaniels, the AMDG's, the HBTPFH's types will oppose her at all costs.
It's difficult to see how she will unseat Romney-McDaniels as RNC Chair. That's a very inside baseball sort of contest and its difficult to see how the battle is being waged.
Republicans need to stop running these novelty candidates. Just because you were a football coach or a TV celebrity, doesn't mean you can get elected or govern effectively.
in terms of qualifications how different are Warnock's and Walker's?
By the way, Lee Zeldin, a great guy and candidate, has stepped aside in the battle for RNC Chair and is endorsing Harmeet Dhillon.
So, you know what that means....stand by for the GOPe-ers to begin attacking Zeldin as well.
Interesting note: Currently, the corrupted federal government under Biden (and all democraticals and their GOPe allies really) has investigations launched against newest persona non grata fella Elon Musk:
- Neuralink
- Tesla
- Twitter
I believe I can safely predict that this transparently corrupted govt activity will have at least one inevitable outcome in the near future: at some point the "respectable" and "non-icky" GOPe-ers will be calling for Elon to step aside as CEO of all 3 of those organizations so that someone more "acceptable" and less "controversial" can take over to more effectively advance all the policies that Elon wanted to advance.......(wink wink).
And remember GOPe-ers, nothing is more important and there is no higher calling for the republican party, the American people and the United States of America than permanently funding Ukraine's "war" effort....and in an unaudited a fashion as possible.
That "unaudited" part is the second most important thing.
This Message Has Been Brought To You By The Leadership Of The GOPe-ers.
Give Generously.
Walker drives home the point that it's a bad idea to support people for political office based on their celebrity instead of their qualifications.
I will say that, if Biden announces a re-election bid, you're going to see every Republican alive jump into the Presidential primaries because Biden is just as unelectable as Walker was.
but because ticket splitting is more popular and common than people committed to a party or an ideology like to believe,
how does voting technology affect this split - behavior
‘There are probably a good number of GA Republicans who won't vote for a Black man.’
Fuck off.
Just so we can get this straight. Through numerous elections we see that candidates Trump backed in a contested primary lagged behind other GOP candidates by anywhere from 7% to over 10% the Trumptards don’t reach the obvious conclusion that Trump is electoral cancer. Instead they blame it on:
1. Cheating that somehow did not impact the successful GOP candidates.
2. The “GOPe” would rather Democrats control the Senate because McConnell likes being Minority Leader.
There must be some wicked bad brown acid in that Trump goo y’all gobble.
“YOU are the one being an ASSHOLE. Enjoy losing. Because I am not with YOU. You are a hateful person. Suffer.”
What a drama Queen. Sheesh.
Blogger Robert Cook said...
"And yes, he was going to lose, largely because the media hid Warnock's past radicalism and current typical fraud...."
More likely he lost because Walker is manifestly unfit (to sentient voters) to serve in any elected office in any capacity, even on a local town council, much less in any higher office. Georgia Democrat voters may have learned from the election of Marjorie Taylor Greene that when a dunce (and/or liar) is running for office in their state, it is imperative to show up and vote against that candidate.
That argument might carry water if the same people telling us Walker is unfit to serve in the Senate were all in on Festerman.
Blogger Howard said...
With True Believing diehard deadend Insane Trumpster Posse fanboys, it's always someone else's fault. They have devolved into women hating impotant fearful catastrophile cheese eating surrender monkeys whom remain forever drunk on whine.
Howard's rants like this make me wonder if he was in Maricopa County the night before election day. Somebody was.
Republicans won every other statewide office in GA this year, and none needed a runoff. Of course, they we all from GA.
Robert Cook said...
"'Warnock won by 100,000 votes. Easy for the Dems to get that many illegal aliens to vote.'
"Really? How would that work? You could just as blithely say the Dems can get monkeys to fly out of Warnock's butt. The catch is in the (how?)."
"You can't possibly be that dumb."
Got it. You don't have an answer.
Robert Cook said...
"'And yes, he was going to lose, largely because the media hid Warnock's past radicalism and current typical fraud....'
"More likely he lost because Walker is manifestly unfit (to sentient voters) to serve in any elected office in any capacity, even on a local town council, much less in any higher office."
"Good. Now do Biden and Harris."
Easy. Many Biden/Harris voters were not voting for Biden or Harris, but for NOT TRUMP. They would have voted for anyone running against Trump, their deficits notwithstanding. Can you really tell me you do not already know this? Voting for NOT WALKER may have been the motive of many Warnock voters.
All senate incumbents who ran for re-election won.
In state-wide elections, the voters went with the status quo.
Only exception is that Nevada voted for the GOP candidate over the Dem incumbent governor.
The other “flips” were open races for governor and Pennsylvania Senate. The GOP won four of the five open Senate seats. Dems “flipped” the open governorships in Arizona, Maryland, and Massachusetts.
With more people voting nowadays, this is not unexpected. People don’t like to vote for change.
I would love to see trump leave the party, I would happily vote straight ticket. See how many elections McConnell/Ronna ( Romney ) McDaniel can screw up then. Should be a lot, heh.
Mandela's Xhosa vs Zulu. Hutu vs Tutsi. Kenya elite vs deplorables. Some, Select [Black] Lives Matter
"AMDG said...
With one glaring exception, 2022 was a great year for Georgia Republicans in statewide contests
Governor R +8
Lt Governor R +5
Sec of State R +9
AG R +5
Ag Commissioner R +8
insurance commissioner R +8
State School Superintendent R +8
Labor Commissioner R +7
US Senate D +2
One of these is not like the others."
All the others are state races. Why would the national democratic party put the time, effort, and money into those. You're in Inga territory.
AMDG: "Just so we can get this straight. Through numerous elections we see that candidates Trump backed in a contested primary lagged behind other GOP candidates by anywhere from 7% to over 10% the Trumptards don’t reach the obvious conclusion that Trump is electoral cancer. Instead they blame it on:
1. Cheating that somehow did not impact the successful GOP candidates.
2. The “GOPe” would rather Democrats control the Senate because McConnell likes being Minority Leader.
There must be some wicked bad brown acid in that Trump goo y’all gobble."
So, no, you didn't "get this straight", because, if you were being honest, you'd blow up your own argument. So you didn't "get this straight" on purpose.
Which is strange, since the "straight" stuff has been repeated....well...repeatedly.
In no particular order:
- No national republican messaging strategy (which makes sense since the McConnell-tards "strategy" is to give the dems lots of policy wins across the board)
(Note: AMDG never addresses these policy backstabbings by his GOPe heroes, ever)
- McConnell and crew purposely underfunding Walker while simultaneously telling donors to cut Walker off, as McConnell did throughout the 2022 cycle nationally. Ducey did the same as the RGA head and so did Romney-McDaniel. As previously mentioned, Warnock outspent Walker by around $100M. That's quite the advantage.
- You had GOPe-ers like McConnell and the Lt Gov of Georgia actively, publicly, denigrating Walker and essentially campaigning against him. That's sort of a big deal.
- Ronna Romney-McDaniel could not set up an early vote/get out the vote operation to save her life....and neither could her uncle Mitt who handed us the astonishing failure known as the Orca Project in 2012.
- The republican party leadership has STILL NOT embraced the reality of what the dems and their GOPe allies have given us in new election rules over the last several years, so the republicans always start off in electoral holes due to the dems advantage
- And I'm just going to throw this out there one more time: The McConnell-tards like AMDG are so busy handing the democraticals policy wins in DC its hard to imagine how motivated any republican can get when they know McConnell is throwing the entire ball game to Schumer.
Finally, as mentioned previously and predicted, the tone and content of the GOPe-ers postings at Althouse blog are now indistinguishable from those of the leftist of the left posters.
Because, fundamentally, they are now fully on the same side.
Readering: "Republicans won every other statewide office in GA this year, and none needed a runoff."
How many of those other republicans had their funding cut off and had other republicans openly campaigning against them?
Spoiler: none of them did.
loudogblog: "Walker drives home the point that it's a bad idea to support people for political office based on their celebrity instead of their qualifications.
I will say that, if Biden announces a re-election bid, you're going to see every Republican alive jump into the Presidential primaries because Biden is just as unelectable as Walker was."
The current democratical ballot harvesting advantage in the battleground states, on top of their cheating proclivities, on top of the GOPe surrender to the dems across the board, makes any republican nominee at the beginning a massive underdog with almost zero chance of winning.
And exactly who are these other republican candidates that could jump in with any possibility of winning the nomination, much less a corrupted general election? We already have around 10 names of no-chance candidates: Haley, Christie (LOL), Youngkin (yeah, he'll pull working class votes in the midwest......not), etc.
Name names, or better yet, why bother?
DeSantis is the only potential competitor that emerges as a real possibility which is why the GOPe moved quickly to absorb him into their fold and funnel $200M+ into his coffers thru all the usual suspect globalist funders while staffing him up with all the usual suspect DC GOPe insider consultants.
That cake is already baked.
Dude1394: "I would love to see trump leave the party, I would happily vote straight ticket. See how many elections McConnell/Ronna ( Romney ) McDaniel can screw up then. Should be a lot, heh."
Oh no. That's not how its going to work.
Trump is now officially at fault for everything the GOPe has done for 40+ years and for everything the GOPe is doing now. And if you think they are going to abandon their "Buuuuut Truuuuuuump" Get Out Of Jail Free card now, you're crazy!
Trump is going to officially be responsible for everything the GOPe sellouts do for the next 2 decades, minimum.
"You can't possibly be that dumb."
"Got it. You don't have an answer."
I stand corrected you can.
Oh look. Inga is besties with the Never Trumpers. Birds of a feather and all that. Which is exactly why we aren't the same.
Well said Drago @
12/7/22, 11:48 AM
God of the Sea People said...
"Republicans need to stop running these novelty candidates. Just because you were a football coach or a TV celebrity, doesn't mean you can get elected or govern effectively. The idiots in the states that nominate them..."
...are most likely (D) crossover voters. PA has closed primaries, but nothing prevents someone from changing their party affiliation before the primary, then changing it back afterward, to help elect a straw candidate. I believe that is how Mehmet Oz won the primary.
It's also possible that some (D) voters register permanently as Republicans, though that could result in them having to deal with icky campaign emails from their chosen party.
1. Cheating that somehow did not impact the successful GOP candidates.
2. The “GOPe” would rather Democrats control the Senate because McConnell likes being Minority Leader.
There must be some wicked bad brown acid in that Trump goo y’all gobble.
That's one hypothesis. But at this point, given Trump's own favors to Dems, and the reality-immune support from some Trumpists, the alternative hypothesis is that they, too, want Dems to win. What would Dem stooges say differently than cheating caused x, and McConnell wants to be in the minority, and the GOPe is to blame for the nation's ills, and clowns like Walker are actually not clowns, and we need more of them--unlike Kemp, who must have had help from that Atlanta machine? On second thought, maybe not--actual Dem plants might think they are pushing it with the sheer unreality of the disinfo and the general air of discombobulation.
But here we are. Perhaps 200K in GA voted for Kemp but not Herschel. Same thing elsewhere: the anti-Trump and anti-clown vote made a difference. Nice moderate right-of-center people are sending a message. On the other hand, Trumpists are sending their own message, at least verbally, that they despise the GOPe more than Dems. And that DeSantis, he's too GOPe! We're gonna stay home!
Dave Begley: I usually enjoy your comments, but Herman Cain, SC Justice Thomas and other black candidates are beloved by Republicans in Georgia. Several others aren't. We treat them based on records, not melanin.
And we work well with many more. People need to stop believing the Hollywood version of "da Deep South." I don't think for a moment a man as kind as you are you do. But stereotypes are pernicious: here, we live in a very different ecosphere. Most power is concentrated in black leftist or white leftist hands. But we have lots of small-town sheriffs, cops, detectives in cities et. al. who are black officials we count on and trust.
And love.
AMDG said...
Just so we can get this straight. Through numerous elections we see that candidates Trump backed in a contested primary lagged behind other GOP candidates by anywhere from 7% to over 10% the Trumptards don’t reach the obvious conclusion that Trump is electoral cancer. Instead they blame it on:
1. Cheating that somehow did not impact the successful GOP candidates.
2. The “GOPe” would rather Democrats control the Senate because McConnell likes being Minority Leader.
There must be some wicked bad brown acid in that Trump goo y’all gobble.
McConnell's and Doucey's and McDaniel's and Raffensburger's actions are clear.
Their goals can easily be inferred from the obvious expected results of what they do.
McConnell is getting Amnesty passed right now as we speak.
You just can't be honest with yourself.
May I crudely note Jeoff Duncan is a failed Triple A baseball non-recruit who feels special ire towards a winner on the field like Walker? It makes me feel like a shitty human being even saying that because he was very kind to me when I ran.
Before he called me and my ilk Nazis. Now the gloves are off.
Politics is ugly.
I see the mid-20s political realignment process is continuing apace. It's become clear that many of the GOPe won't vote or support a non-GOPe candidate (as has been true for many years now). The difference is that the non-GOPe (I supposed we can call it 'MAGA') will now ALSO not vote for or support a GOPe candidate.
This is new. Prior to now, the deplorables always fell into line at the behest of the GOPe and their money. Having been screwed repeatedly by the GOPe, the deplorable base will no longer play footsie with GOPe.
God of the Sea People: both parties run novelty candidates.
Online wag today: "My favorite GOP establishment trick is blaming you when your candidates lose, and also blaming you when their candidates lose."
"Pretty much any other Republican would have won the race without a runoff."
Assumes facts not in evidence.
Received a text on election day from a Dem operation asking me to go to a polling place and vote.
I don’t live in GA. Never have. Don’t even have a GA area code. But I live in the next state over.
"I will say that, if Biden announces a re-election bid, you're going to see every Republican alive jump into the Presidential primaries because Biden is just as unelectable as Walker was."
There is no path to 270 currently for any Republican candidate, due to mail-in voting and ballot harvesting.
It's interesting to hear the Democrats talk about ballots while the idiot dinosaur republicans talk about votes. Ballots are more important than votes.
"I will say that, if Biden announces a re-election bid, you're going to see every Republican alive jump into the Presidential primaries because Biden is just as unelectable as Walker was."
There is no path to 270 currently for any Republican candidate, due to mail-in voting and ballot harvesting.
It's interesting to hear the Democrats talk about ballots while the idiot dinosaur republicans talk about votes. Ballots are more important than votes.
Sebastian: "On the other hand, Trumpists are sending their own message, at least verbally, that they despise the GOPe more than Dems. And that DeSantis, he's too GOPe! We're gonna stay home!"
A couple quick notes.
1, you've never called out the GOPe-ers for not voting for non-GOPe candidates. Enlighten us if you have. As far as I can tell, you haven't even criticized the elected GOPe-ers that publicly criticize non-GOPe candidates in the middle of a campaign!!!
2, The ONLY things we know about DeSantis thus far are these facts:
- DeSantis is engaging strongly on the cultural/woke issues
- DeSantis' presidential campaign team is comprised of GOPe DC insiders
- DeSantis' biggest funders are all globalist and intend to push back on any populist tendencies (as they themselves will tell you)
So, once again, we ask the same question we ask every single day from the strong DeSantis supporters who, for some odd reason, can never answer this basic question:
If DeSantis is going to deliver all the America First/Economic Nationalist policies along with deep state reform, etc, how is it that his entire staff and funder base oppose ALL those things?
We'll wait for an answer....as we've waited every single day for the answer to this question.
An answer that never comes..........
If they say McConnell Romney McCain enough - it makes the goo work harder. There is only one tru goo I mean god.
Sebastian: "That's one hypothesis. But at this point, given Trump's own favors to Dems, and the reality-immune support from some Trumpists, the alternative hypothesis is that they, too, want Dems to win."
Yes, if you can believe it, at the very moment the McConnell/Romney wing of the GOPe contineu to sell out the base Sebastian figures this is a great time to mention "Trump's own favors to Dems".
There can only be one conclusion to statements like this: Sebastian fully approves of every single McConnell/Romney/GOPe wing sellout to the democraticals.
Which means, its irrelevant if a dem or a GOPe-er wins an election....as they are all aligned on policy and direction of govt.
The democratical direction.
Sebastian, good luck getting your dem-desired JCPA and DACA Amnesty and additional gun control and additional Ukraine funding and a pro-dem omnibus spending package passed. I know how hard you guys have been working for that through your preferred "respectable" politicians in DC.
Remember GOPe-ers, Kelly Loeffler is right there and by now she surely must be tanned, rested and ready.
For that matter, Martha McSally is no doubt ready to roll again in AZ!
Let's make sure to nominate them next time. After all, they are totally not icky non-globalists in the slightest and have probably never even seen the inside of a walmart store!
In GOPe land, those are several of the most highly prized qualifications.
I would rather have a candidate (Youngkin) who will win Georgia and Arizona instead of the tiny chance of winning Pennsylvania and Michigan again. Which only happened because Hillary was so bad.
BTW, here is an article from Redstate earlier today:
An Utter Betrayal by the GOP (GOPe, actually)
By RedState Staff | 4:15 PM on December 07, 2022
"It’s a well-known fact these days that the Republican establishment has become a bunch of perennial losers. The Georgia runoff was a catastrophe, as anticipated. Now, they want to triple down on the losing. A so-called “Republican Senator” named Thom Tillis has struck a deal with Democrats to give amnesty to millions of illegals. This is unacceptable, and we won’t stop fighting to tell the truth about this betrayal."
I'm sure this deal is making AMDG's and Sebastian's little toes tingle with excitement.
Naturally, if too much pushback occurs over this latest GOPe betrayal of the republican base, you dudes can always pretend it was Trump's fault instead. You're quite polished at that already so it would be a snap.
TheOne Who Is Not Obeyed: "This is new. Prior to now, the deplorables always fell into line at the behest of the GOPe and their money. Having been screwed repeatedly by the GOPe, the deplorable base will no longer play footsie with GOPe."
Unfortunately, unlike the democraticals, the GOPe-ers are perfectly content with permanent minority status. In fact, they prefer it. Thus, non-GOPe-ers threatening to withhold their votes in a general election is a McConnell/Romney-tard "throw me in that briarpatch" scenario.
This is our reality. The entirety of our elected party leadership has no intention of actually winning, nor governing remotely as the base would like. The GOP is a completely captured entity at this point, which is why so much of the base despises McConnell and McCarthy and the rest of the GOPe-hero brigade.
What is McConnell's overall approval these days? Around 7%?
Ah, but what is McConnell's overall approval amongst elected democratical leaders and the globalist grift machine members? Probably around 97%.
And that's what matters.
Gunner: "Drago:
I would rather have a candidate (Youngkin) who will win Georgia and Arizona instead of the tiny chance of winning Pennsylvania and Michigan again. Which only happened because Hillary was so bad."
If only it were so magically easy to do. Pixie dust thinking. Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue no doubt thought that. As did Martha McSally.
In 2024, thanks to the remaining McCainiac Crew in AZ, that state is completely set up for democratical shenanigans in Maricopa County and elsewhere. The republicans could have passed laws and pushed for more stringent rules around ballot security, but those "respectable" GOPe-ers didn't do it. And now any republican is up against that.
And Raffensberger and Kemp in GA are no better.
But hey, its all Trump's fault.
The GOPe-ers in DC surrendering on DACA as we speak is also the fault of Trump. Darn that Trump for making the GOPe-ers capitulate on every major issue! Go Away Trump so that McConnell can be a conservative again!
Althouse Blog Commissar (self-appointed): "AMDG -
If they say McConnell Romney McCain enough - it makes the goo work harder. There is only one tru goo I mean god."
You were wise to not even attempt any rebuttal on the policy points raised. Particularly since your McConnell/Romney/McCain/(Tillis) team decided today was a good day to leak their betrayal on illegal amnesty.
I suspect that's what alot of the pushback is by the GOPe suckups here today. They want to gloss over the latest sellout by their heroes.
Go ahead HBTPFH, tell us all the benefits of this latest sellout on amnesty.
This should be interesting......
Yes Drag Queen - it is all Trump’s fault.
You cannot escape the fact that candidates that Trump supported in contested primaries trailed standard GOP candidates by 7@ to more than 10%.
The only Trump supported candidate that won was JD Vance and he trailed the Governor by 15%.
To paraphrase the late great Norm MacDonald, Trump is ballot box poison. The data is very clear on this
Oh, and you complain that the “GOPe” did not support Walker. This is simply not true. Kemp turned his entire GOTV vote over to the Walker cause. “GOPe” people were with Walker at every stop trying to erase the stench of Trump from him.
Now, as for the Fat Tub of Goo - what did he do for Walker. Did he send money for the runoff? No. What he did do is send out fundraising material to “benefit” Walker, but his organization was keeping 99% of the proceeds.
By all means continue your delusional quest to defend the 2022 DNC MVP at all costs.
Drago needs a bolus of Imodium to staunch the unceasing flow of diarrhea from his oral cavity. At least he still has CryptoSteroid-man and the Jersey shore barfly/catlady on his team.
David Begley,
"There are probably a good number of GA Republicans who won't vote for a Black man."
Tina Trent addressed this well upthread, but I can't resist: On what do you base this?
I moved to GA 11 years ago with many preconceived notions about racial attitudes in the South. I was wrong about most of them, and I think you're wrong (and unfair) here. I wonder if you know Georgia any better than I did when I lived in Massachusetts.
AMDG: "Yes Drag Queen - it is all Trump’s fault."
As predicted. Thanks for the confirmation.
Looks like its Back to Future with whoever the McCain/Romney type will be for 2024.
Good luck with that.
AMDG: "Now, as for the Fat Tub of Goo - what did he do for Walker. Did he send money for the runoff? No. What he did do is send out fundraising material to “benefit” Walker, but his organization was keeping 99% of the proceeds."
As mentioned earlier, Trump raised $100M for a pending presidential run and held on to that cash.
DeSantis raised $200M+ for his pending presidential run......and held on to that cash.
"Buuuuuuut Truuuuuuuuuump!".
It's only wrong when Trump does it. The very standard the democraticals use every single day.....which is not surprising given the GOPe/democratical overlap on policy and electoral preferences.
If you think it is the quality of the candidates, do I need to point out McSally lost in Arizona, not once, but twice, and she was the preferred candidate by the GOP leadership. Perdue and Loeffler both lost in 2020, and both were the preferred candidate of the GOP leadership. Adam Laxalt lost in Nevada, and it was again the candidate preferred by the GOP leadership.
What has happened isn't Trump- it is the fact that the Democrats have infested formerly red states like Arizona and Georgia the same way they infested Colorado, Nevada, and Virginia after 2004. The same thing is happening in North Carolina. The Democrats will pick up Tillis' seat in 2026, and Budd will probably be a one term Senator after 2028. Texas will likely vote for Democrats after about 2032 at the rate Democrats are flooding into the state. The Republican Party is fucked- it really is that simple, but, sure, blame that on Trump, too, even though he can't be accused of the loss of Virginia, Colorado, and Nevada.
I think I'm beginning to understand something fundamental about the GOPe suckups at Althouse blog, whom now can claim Howard and Inga as their very strong allies. And well they should given their shared goals.
The GOPe suckups have a visceral hatred for anyone who exposes how big of suckers they've been for supporting their serial backstabbing GOPe leaders.
That's really all this is. There is nothing "principled" about any of this. The GOPe suckups just want everything to go back to quiet and polite losing to the New Soviet Democraticals so that the GOPe sellouts can help "manage the decline".
Yancey - I hope no one is looking at who IS winning. We don't want to do that. Rubio and DeSantis won in Miami Dade for crying out loud. But let's bash them! Lets ignore that and keep on losing. Of course the R party is Fed up. SNL ran a huge skit bashing Herschel Walker right before the election. Free advertising for the D. and that's one example. That's what we are up against. Indeed the R party is f'ed... the blame goes around. Winners can lead the way. No one is arguing McSally or Perdue are stellar candidates.
Howard - LOL. When right and left can agree.
"Mitch McConnell was less honest, but he made it obvious he wasn't going to support Walker and he not only withheld party funds, he told his corporate donors to withhold donations too."
Citation needed
McConnell was responsible for several of Trump's "successes". Without him Merrick Garland may very well be on the Supreme Court.
Politics is the art of compromise - we RINO's (you know, those of us who've been Republicans since the '70's) swallowed our pride and supported Trump and defended him for four years. If you want party purity, you're not going to have enough seats to even pretend to stop the Democratic agenda.
I guess Nikki Haley's help arrived to late.
Joementia/Fetty 2023!
Ballots not brain cells!
"So, once again, we ask the same question we ask every single day from the strong DeSantis supporters who, for some odd reason, can never answer this basic question:
If DeSantis is going to deliver all the America First/Economic Nationalist policies along with deep state reform, etc, how is it that his entire staff and funder base oppose ALL those things?"
This is a good question. I'm sure there must be a good answer.
I'll wait, too.
@Yancey Ward, thank you for that comment at 6:39. Granted that McSally ran a thoroughly crappy campaign, both times, the same cannot he said for Laxalt. A committee has been formed to sift through the ashes of this election cycle and learn what can be learned. I see that Jason Miyares, Virginia’s Republican (and Hispanic) Attorney General is on it. From what I know of him I think he will report the truth as he sees it, even if it is a minority dissent to the final document.
I’m already way past tired of the ever-Trump vs never-Trump arguments in these threads. Warnock, the wife-beating slumlord, should have been vulnerable, can we agree on that? That a hard core radical feminist or at least supporter of hard core radical feminism could be so smug over wife-beating Warnock’s victory says something about a certain type of female voter, but what? How do we win them, if they can be won, or neutralize them if they can’t?
I’ve already said thst I think Donald Trump is seriously lacking in political savvy, but I don’t see how very many Republican candidates can win in 2024 or thereafter without winning “his” voters. Drago and Achilles, what do you need to see in a presidential candidate to support him or her? Please tell me that you won’t just sit on your hands unless the candidate is Donald Trump — a man who, according to the polls has lower favorability ratings and worse unfavorability ratings than even Joe Biden.
Big Mike - Trump is bleeding supporters. I talk to former die-hard Trump supporters and they are over him. Two in particular flew to the big rally on Jan 6th. (lucky for them they didn't go into the capitol) Both are men - and are done with him. This idea that Trump's support is solid?
Wishful thinking.
Bingo Drago and Mikee. I definitely believe in mail-in fraud. But demographic change is a much bigger issue. And with both Democrats and Republicans lined up for illegal immigration, with both Democrat and Republican voters opposing it, naturally by different margins, nobody is representing the interests of the people, not in Geprgia, not anywhere.
By the way, despite what the Times said, we have a much longer early voter stage than most northern states. We have far more permissive rules. Look it up, those of you who like to play the stupid race card. And our most beloved Republican, for whom I was proud to campaign, was Herman Cain.
I had a lot more choices to vote for among black candidates when I turned GOP. My state and local representatives, all Democrat, were white. In a mostly black district. Decades ago. And it was oir black female Chief of Police, Oprah pal Beverly Harvard, who was caught hiding files hiding rape cases against underaged black girls working at a politically connected strip club. Reality is too damn complicated for racial bomb throwers.
"You need a post on Walker actually conceding to Warnock." And rather nicely too.
12/7/22, 7:04 AM
If a new more popular leader were to emerge - would Trump put his support behind him/her?
Of course not. Therefore- Ever-Trumpers obey Trump's commands. No one but Trump. No one is good enough or pure enough... and all others must be denied - based on Trump's commands. EGO.
Trump himself would rather Biden win than... anyone on the R side. EGO.
Also - DeSantis has donors! O M G! Donors - clearly he's a Chi Com CoC McConnell cuck!
Fine - then Trump should self-fund, and STOP asking me for money.
Althouse Blog Commissar (self-appointed): "Big Mike - Trump is bleeding supporters. I talk to former die-hard Trump supporters and they are over him. Two in particular flew to the big rally on Jan 6th. (lucky for them they didn't go into the capitol) Both are men - and are done with him. This idea that Trump's support is solid?"
Then all your political problems are solved. So what are you complaining about?
You can look forward to many more sellouts of the republican base by your GOPe heroes.
I congratulate you.
Althouse Blog Commissar (self-appointed): "Howard - LOL. When right and left can agree."
When "right and left can agree", the "right" ain't so very right cuz the left sure isn't giving up their position. That's why Schumer said quite plainly that he and McConnell share the same vision for the republican party.
Because they absolutely do.
Big Mike: "Drago and Achilles, what do you need to see in a presidential candidate to support him or her? Please tell me that you won’t just sit on your hands unless the candidate is Donald Trump — a man who, according to the polls has lower favorability ratings and worse unfavorability ratings than even Joe Biden."
I take your question seriously as it is a serious question. And I'll answer it but I want to point out that both Achilles and I and others have answered this questions dozens and dozens of times.
As briefly as possible without losing too much nuance, I want whichever republican is nominated to be a strong and proven fighter/advocate for the policies I support in terms of
- national economics/America First (there is whole lot here to unpack but lets just say the globalists don't like this one at all)
- Challenging the ChiComs across the board (military force structure focused solely on the Chicom threat, political engagement of China's neighbors (I'm looking at you India) for containment purposes, economic policy that pulls key supply chains back to the US. etc)
- Strong reform of our utterly corrupted national security state and DOJ/FBI and rollback of the power of these entities to spy on and persecute political opponents
- The strongest possible immigration control measures with harsh consequences for those "allies" of ours that don't support our efforts, which includes finishing the wall amongst many other things
I could go on, but you get the gist.
People keep saying DeSantis is the answer to all of that, but you can already see that the DeSantis presidential campaign team and all his major funders are utterly opposed to those items.
This is not complicated. I'm looking for a strong non-GOPe sellout candidate who'll fight for my issues. In my lifetime, that has meant ONLY Trump. No one else.
I'll be quite pleased if there are lots and lots of them to choose from.....but we've been fooled before so I'm going to need more than just a McConnell/Romney like wink and a nod.
Best analysis so far of the GA Election.
The fraud issue was not mentioned...
Walker was outspent 3X.And GOP spending was not focused on ground game
GOP ground game was minimal.
Amazing that Walker came that close.
@Drago, f**k Hunter’s Hooker. How about you respond to me?
Or do you think a person (Trump) who has lower favorability ratings on RealClearPolitics than Joe Biden has a real chance to win in 2024? I agree that he did a lot more for the American economy and American workers and small business owners than anyone before or since (and I’ll include Ronald Reagan, for whom I once served a county vice chair on one of his campaigns). But starting in 2020 with his poor campaign strategy and obvious lack of political acumen since, Trump has been killing his own chances to win.
Althouse Blog Commissar (self-appointed): "If a new more popular leader were to emerge - would Trump put his support behind him/her?
Of course not. Therefore- Ever-Trumpers obey Trump's commands. No one but Trump. No one is good enough or pure enough... and all others must be denied - based on Trump's commands. EGO.
Trump himself would rather Biden win than... anyone on the R side. EGO."
You have to keep lying to yourself to make it all make sense, don't you?
The way to beat Trump is to out-Trump Trump on policy. Good policy is ALWAYS good politics.
But that would mean a candidate would have to really embrace those policies that McConnell/Romney/GOPe-ers like you hate. And since most of these candidates cannot self-finance, they won't do it, even if they believed in it.
The biggest problem HBTPFH has is that he worships his GOPe-sellout masters and will never go against them. See how proud HBTPFH is that Inga and Howard are praising him.
That's weakness on steroids and frankly, who needs it?
I simply happen to be someone who believe the future lies with the party that can attract and retain the vast diverse swaths of working class and middle class/populist voters and can get their ballots to the polls (a different longer discussion). But that necessarily means going against the globalists, and HBTPFH doesn't want anyone going against the globalists or his GOPe-sellout masters.
So be it.
One of us will "win" this political argument in time. Unfortunately for HBTPFH, the only way the GOP wins long term is if I win this political argument. Otherwise, McConnell's preferred GOP as permanent minority party status will reign supreme.
Which is what Chuck Schumer wants to.....and remember, Schumer and McConnell share the same vision for the republican party.
Isn't that swell?
I like DeSantis, but he and the Republican legislature in Florida did what was necessary to win. This isn't being repeated in other states, and is certainly not being repeated at the national level. I think DeSantis is the odds on candidate for 2024, but he isn't going to win- the Democrats have strengthened their electoral lock, even in the face of their complete incompetence at governing. A non-Trump Republican candidate could probably eke out wins in Georgia and Arizona, but those are the new "swing states". The trend for the last 20 years is that formerly solid red states become swing states, and no formerly solid blue states make the same transition.
My prediction is DeSantis wins every state Trump won in 2020, and adds Arizona and Georgia back to the win column by about 2-4% (51-48) while also winning North Carolina by about the same margin, but that isn't enough to win the Presidency. By 2028-or 2032, Texas will join the 2-4% margin of win for Republicans, and Florida will still be a tossup like Ohio.
The Republican Party probably needs a thorough cleansing of all the members in D.C presently. Passing this lame duck amnesty should encourage all of us to destroy the party and rebuild it.
Big Mike: "@Drago, f**k Hunter’s Hooker. How about you respond to me?
Reagan's campaign was the first I worked on as well in Southern California. I've also been a political aide, legislative aide and speechwriter at the Texas state level some years back.
Now, lets say I concede for discussion purposes that Trump has indeed been wounded by a million hoax cuts, the GOPe-ers constantly undermining him to serve their globalist/Dem masters and his own miscues.
I don't necessarily hold alot of the miscues against him because he has been caught in a corrupt GOPe/dem govt hurricane (crossfire hurricane even) for 6 full years and make no mistake, these cats will indict him and put him and possibly his family members in jail....with corrupted GOPe support all the way while the deep staters also attack anyone that tries to get involved on the Trump side. That threat looms large and that has to affect his thinking and demeanor.
But here's the cold, hard facts:
- Lets face it, this is a Trump - DeSantis battle only.
- Ronna Romney-McDaniels and the rest of the McFailures are just about guaranteeing any future republican candidate loses, but lets set that aside for the moment as well.
- ONLY Trump, so far, has demonstrated the ability to reach out and consistently bring out those low propensity voters and working class/lower middle class voters across the nation when he is on the ballot. When he is on the ballot. A block of voters that is growing and becoming more and more "republican" in their outlook. That includes Latinos and young black males in particular. Again, so far.
- However, right now, even in the worst of economic times, going with Trump costs suburban white women (who are already fully democrat adjacent and a declining portion of the electorate).
- Trump will run for in 2024 and he's probably got a fairly solid 30% of the rep base behind him with another 5 to 10% leaning. And they are all those deplorable types that HBTPFH hates (because McConnell and Ryan told him to hate them) and those types aren't "persuadable" by your arguments.
Here's what they know: Trump is the only dude that always supported them, never stabbed them in the back, and never insulted them.
If DeSantis wants to win the primary he will have to put together a coalition that excludes that 30-35% but gets everyone else but risks losing those Trump voters in the general, OR....OR....."out-Trump" Trump, so to speak without losing his margins with suburban dem-adjacent white women.
Now, I am all for "out-Trumping" Trump. Go ahead DeSantis, out-Trump Trump!
Declare your intentions to advance those populist America First/economic nationalism policies and even assert that Trump is too incompetent to do it right! That's all fair in politics.
Talk about Trump's failure to fire Fauci and the other "experts" that ruined America. "Free Florida!" Use a compare/contrast between Florida and the US under Trump. Just don't go too far with it as you want to prep for a general election and you'll want Trump's backing, particularly if Trump has been tossed into jail by the DOJ/FBI/GOPe by that time, though they'll probably wait to see if he wins the nomination and if he does, THEN they'll throw him into jail.
Here's the problem: DeSantis' choice of advisors/staffers/pollsters (DC GOPe-er insider types) and key funders are all the usual globalist suspects, some of whom have stated explicitly they want a turn away from this populist/America First, like Ken Griffin (see politico interview).
So, give me a Trump replacement and I'm right with you.
Give me another Romney/McCain clone? I'm out.
Present me with a DeSantis as the choice of the GOPe, right after the GOPe-ers openly sabotaged every non-GOpe candidate in 2022, I've got some thinking to do about supporting the GOPe-er sellout machine.
@Drago, what do you think about Tom Cotton?
But also, as I commented in previous threads, if DeSantis is less than half of what I would like to see in the way of a President and his policies, I'll take that half in lieu of getting nothing at all -- which is what I'd get in the case of any Democrat being elected.
Big Mike: "@Drago, what do you think about Tom Cotton?"
I love that clip and I love that Cotton lowered the boom on that woke CEO buffoon while he was busy hemming and hawing and lying thru his teeth.
But Cotton, as you know, has already withdrawn from the 2024 race, and its not because of DeSantis. It's because he understands the rather unique position Trump finds himself in and Cotton, being the smart fellow he is, would rather attempt to inherit that position after 2024.
Big Mike: "But also, as I commented in previous threads, if DeSantis is less than half of what I would like to see in the way of a President and his policies, I'll take that half in lieu of getting nothing at all -- which is what I'd get in the case of any Democrat being elected."
This is not an unreasonable position. My question is: which "half" are we getting.
I'm guessing it would be the good anti-woke culture warrior and less the anti-globalist/pro-populist/anti-deep-stater that we would all like, simply by virtue of who DeSantis needs to get elected.
But we'll see. Perhaps DeSantis will surprise us all. That would be a good thing. The more positive "surprises" we can get the better.
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