December 21, 2022

Biden called Trump "very gracious and generous" and — shocked by his own generosity? — changed it to "Shockingly gracious."

I'm reading the Politico report on a new book about Biden, "The Fight of His Life" (by Chris Whipple).

DONALD TRUMP followed a tradition carried out by several of his predecessors and wrote Biden a letter before leaving the Oval Office. Biden’s reaction? “That was very gracious and generous…Shockingly gracious.”

Any graciousness is shocking these days. 

Biden caught himself uttering a bit of graciousness about Trump — calling him "very gracious and generous" — but he couldn't let it stand. It required immediate poisoning. It had to become an occasion for commentary on how Trump is generally to be considered a man incapable of graciousness and generosity. Trump, we all must know, is, overall, a boorish lout.

That perfectly kind letter, following the standard etiquette, had to be repurposed as an occasion for comment on how awful and abnormal Trump is on seemingly every other occasion.

What was more shocking — that Trump left an appropriate and traditional letter or that Biden uttered a simple compliment acknowledging Trump's act? What's not shocking at all is that Biden immediately and impulsively tainted his own compliment.


Kate said...

It probably legitimately shocked him. He thought (thinks) Trump was breaking democracy by refusing to abide by election results. Hitler doesn't leave nice letters.

wendybar said...

Seems pretty peaceful to me. I was told numerous times that Trump wasn't going to peacefully transfer the power to Biden. Another lie?? You can't see my shocked face.

Jaq said...

The propaganda never fucking stops. Propaganda is not aimed at reason, it's aimed at judgement. So if your "judgment" is that Trump is an ungracious oaf, maybe you should question how you got there for a minute.

gilbar said...

here's some Fun Questions
will Jo Biden leave a letter to HIS successor?
if so, will Dr Jill write it? Or just someone on the staff?

Dave Begley said...

If Trump lead an insurrection, he would not have left a gracious note.

RideSpaceMountain said...

Luckily thanks to a sharp photographer, we have the contents of the letter:

- YOU enter the Roosevelt Room and say hello to participants
- YOU take YOUR seat
- Press enters
- YOU give brief comments
- 2 minutes
- Press departs
- YOU ask Liz Shuler, President, AFL-CIO, a question
- Shuler is joining virtually
- YOU thank participants
- YOU depart

Shockingly gracious of Trump to provide such precise instructions. Think of what would've happened had he not. THAT would've been embarrassing!

rhhardin said...

Trump works in the hospitality industry. He knows how to be gracious, and every report is that he is. When you're talking to him, you're the most important person in the world, is the report. For example Kim jong un.

Mean tweets is a reframing technique for something you're doing as a political opponent. It showcases a false assumption in the other guy's premisses. "I'm a good and serious person" for example. The humor attached says Trump is willing to be a friend.

The left doesn't see its disparagements as mean tweets without the humor.

Beasts of England said...

Biden is only shocked because he lacks graciousness himself.

Enigma said...

Biden's attitude follows from early after the 2016 election and the general inability of Democrats to process what happened. They'd lived for generations thinking all Republicans played from a straight-laced-business-libertarian-Christian model. They were the static background for Democratic grand social change efforts.

Trump upended that by (1) being a middle-of-the-road, urban, hard to classify Republican, (2) living the same sleazy lifestyle as mainstream Democrats [see my comments on Clinton - Lewinsky, Harvey Weinstein, and Willy Brown - Kamala Harris in the 1990s], and (3) he punched back in the fashion of Democratic activists rather than as a stodgy and cautious old white man.

Trump took away everything that made Democrats special and destroyed their personal belief of moral superiority over those troglodyte Republicans. Trump broke their self-identities and their rational framework. So, Biden continues to live in a fractured reality where the rules don't apply to him or Democrats and Trump is free game.

Do unto Trump first, and forever because Trump ripped off Democratic scabs.

Amadeus 48 said...

Biden is always true to form--stupid, empty, and vicious.

Jefferson's Revenge said...

I have clients like Trump, which helps me understand (and appreciate) him better than most people. They are all business owners of varying degrees of success but all have been successful in industries that are pretty traditional like construction, manufacturing, plumbing, etc. They did not make their fortunes in software or finance.

I know them all to be intuitively intelligent, very focused and strong leaders. They do not suffer fools around them gladly. The most successful of them know that there are things they don’t know and seek out sources of information and evaluate the sources closely. They ask a lot of questions before trusting advice. Their personalities, like Trump’s, are strong. Frankly, they are usually either loved or hated. Sometimes that changes daily. They always look forward. Never backward. I like all of them and they are certainly better and more useful to society than your typical corporate pomposity, academic or media shill.

They are of a type like Trump. Builders and drivers. I liked Trump as President because I knew who he was. However, it is tough for someone like that to be successful in government. They are easy to stigmatize and demonize by a political enemy, like was done unfairly to Trump. In a government setting, they bring within them the seeds if their own destruction.

I wish Trump a long and happy retirement from government.


michaele said...

One of the most sadly fascinating things to me has been how the mainstream media changed at least half the country's perception of Trump to being a rude lout who was incapable of any level of civility. Prior to running for and winning the presidency, Trump was pretty well regarded by the press, Democrats, African Americans, women, and gays. He had no "ist" noun associated with his persona...except for capitalist. He would have made a deal with a "one eyed, one horned, flying purple people eater" if it looked financially favorable to him.

tim maguire said...

Biden couldn't be as gracious as Trump. Which is not shocking at all.

Dude1394 said...

You know the answer. A democrat saying anything that doesn’t lead to more political power is shocking.

Leland said...

I'm with boring started off with a shock.

Richard said...


The people who bought that line were willing, eager participants. They needed it in order to sustain their feelings of moral and social superiority. That's why it so easily transferred to Trump's supporters.

Temujin said...

None of it is shocking. By virtually every story or report I've ever read about Donald Trump, all of his one-on-one interactions with random people- not royalty- say that he was kind, generous, warm, funny.

As for Biden, all reports throughout his 52 years on the dole report that he is boorish, a braggart, not charming, but more imposing. And now, as we all know (but many refuse to acknowledge) he's also a grifter.

pacwest said...

Compare and contrast. How the Clintons left the WH. Truly vile people. Compare and contrast. What misleading advice Obama gave Trump as he took office.

Compare and contrast. Children and adults.

@Jefferson's Revenge
Weren't you the one who said early on in Trump's term that he couldn't negotiate his way out of a paper bag? If I am misremebering who that was my apologies.

Humperdink said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
boatbuilder said...

Emmanuel Goldstein. Not supposed to say anything nice about Emmanuel Goldstein.

Biden screwed up--again.

Although if Biden had any grace (hah!) he would have given Trump some credit for the vaccine (such as it is), for the booming economy, for low energy prices, for no new wars....

rwnutjob said...

The bluster is an act of a Brooklyn salesman.

In person, he is gracious & caring. Ask any low level employee of Trump.

Character is how you treat people who can't do anything for you in return.

Lurker21 said...

Good comments. Biden has to stick to his MAGA Republicans are a threat to all that is holy script. Joe's been a backslapper who made friends in Congress, but watching him these last two years, I wonder just how gracious it's in him to be.

Rusty said...

michaele said...
Except when he was president. He made deals that benefitted the American people as a whole. He's the only politician, in my lifetime, that declared up front what he was going to do for the American people and then proceeded to do it.
By now any democrat with a brain,(I know. a vanishingly small population), is thinking that the 81 million votes figure is suspect.

Kovacs said...
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Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

The Biden “taint” was entirely predictable based on his 50-year history of being wrong on policy and prone to prevarication with a nasty tendency to viciously smear minorities, opponents and anyone who questions his quest du jour. He’s always been dumb and quick to anger, signs of pathological insecurities. Anyone smart enough to read and comment on here was aware of Biden’s foul personality and some willingly voted for more of the same Because Trump.

Kovacs said...
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Kovacs said...
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BUMBLE BEE said...

Why traitors are shot...
Biden is "run of the mill piece of shit" politico. Always has been. Says a lot about dem voters.
Will Biden leave us an operational America on his exit?

Howard said...

Considering his instigation of an attempted coup de congress, his failure to concede the election and his failure to attend the coronation of JoBiden, shockingly is an entirely appropriate response. I like how one of you cucks calls that "viscious". The Trump administration greenlighting the Khāshqujī dismemberment was viscious. Maybe intemperate, impolite, impolitic, unnecessary...

With all the christmas candy and cookies you people hoover up, that blue dress is busting at the seems.

cdb said...

If only Trump could be as generous to the American people and make a gracious public acknowledgment that he lost the election.

Jaq said...

Trump's problem, I think, is that he isn't a sociopath, which put him at a huge disadvantage dealing with the sociopaths, who make up 1% of our population, and tend to rise to power in inordinate numbers, and you almost need to be one to be POTUS.

Amadeus 48 said...

Donald Trump is one of the greatest promoters of the later 20th and early 21st centuries. He thrives on hype, salesmanship, and adding glamour to mundane things. Politics is not his métier, and his normally bumptious and upbeat personality got twisted in the fever swamp of DC.

He is not the first person to suffer this. For an extreme example, look at the way that Lincoln was treated from the moment he headed to Washington as president-elect. Trump had the DC uniparty after him from the beginning with no real allies in either the House or the Senate. The entire permanent government (bureaucracy + think tanks) undercut him. Both Speakers Boehner and Ryan feel more warmly towards the repulsive Nancy Pelosi than they do towards Trump. McConnell is interested only in maintaining his own power. Trump discovered to his surprise and dismay that the woke generals promoted by Obama are not warriors first.

Having said all that, Trump is too undisciplined, tactical, and impressionistic to succeed in a job that requires patience, persuasion, and strategic thought. He is a man of the moment and action in the moment. He did a lot of good things, but he did not and could not tame the beasts residing in the nation's capital.

Am I surprised that he left a gracious letter for Biden? Not at all. I believe that Trump is shocked at the poor job that Biden is doing in office and did not anticipate it. After all, Biden beat him. He must have a lot on the ball.

Humperdink said...

Kovacs said:"If only Trump would be as generous to the American people and make a gracious public acknowledgment that he lost the election."

Amusing comment in light of the Twitter dump as to how the FBI rigged the election. Bear in mind Kovacs, this is a mere tip of the iceberg. Remove the scales from your eyes please.

Carol said...

"Biden is always true to form--stupid, empty, and vicious."

Nah, he just forgot the axiom that one must never say anything nice about the common enemy.

No one wants to hear about the ogre's human side and it makes your comrades view you with suspicion.

And what a bloody bore it is.

RideSpaceMountain said...


"If only Trump would be as generous to the American people and make a gracious public acknowledgment that he lost the election."

Your gaslighting is bad and you should feel bad. Everyone point at CBD/Kovacs. Point at CBD/Kovacs and laugh.

Jaq said...

Hillary still says that the election was stolen from her, with almost zero evidence, and years of investigation coming up empty, and this doesn't give liberals any agita, now does it?

Pretending that the 2020 election was conducted "according to Hoyle," when we see that the same FBI that was spying on Trump and lying about Trump and investigating him based on baseless smears that Hillary's campaign cooked up, yes, that FBI, suppressed the genuine evidence of Biden's corruption prior to 2020, then well, I will not hold my breath waiting for Joe Biden to admit that the FBI put a heavy thumb on the scale in his favor in 2020, even though the evidence is now everywhere, and plain for all to see.

For instance, why isn't Hillary in prison for claiming that the money that went into inventing "The Dossier" was a "legal expense" when it was plainly a campaign expenditure, and a clear violation of the law, when SDNY is trying to put Trump in jail for paying off Stormy Daniels, and not claiming it as a campaign expense based on an untested legal theory by prosecutors? We know the answer, because the FBI works for the Democrats.

mezzrow said...

Considering his instigation of an attempted coup de congress, his failure to concede the election and his failure to attend the coronation of JoBiden, shockingly is an entirely appropriate response. I like how one of you cucks calls that "viscious". The Trump administration greenlighting the Khāshqujī dismemberment was viscious. Maybe intemperate, impolite, impolitic, unnecessary...

With all the christmas candy and cookies you people hoover up, that blue dress is busting at the seems.

Feeling the love from here, Howard. Wishing you and yours a happy Christmas.

Jaq said...

Remember a couple days ago when Joe Biden said to a camera that the Iran Deal was "dead, but we are not going to announce it yet"?

Yes, he is "vacuous," and a sociopath, an imposter who is grabbing all the graft he can, as quickly as he can. But don't hold your breath waiting for the new Republican majority to subpoena James Biden's tax returns, or Hunter Biden's and make those public.

Jefferson's Revenge said...

Pacwest. In a non business setting Trump has a hard time negotiating. Business negotiations are quantifiable and the roles are well defined. In government none of that is true. Trump’s skills are a bad fit in government Obama’s skills, to pick an ex-President, are a bad fit for running a business. That is why Obama as President did more lasting harm than Trump did more lasting good.

Butkus51 said...

Howard proves that assholes are ubiquitous.

Butkus51 said...

Howard proves that assholes are ubiquitous.

Sebastian said...

"What's not shocking at all is that Biden immediately and impulsively tainted his own compliment."

Correct. Of course, Biden couldn't be gracious if he tried. But give them credit: Dems fight. They don't do civility. Norms mean nothing. They aim to win. So they fight, in matters large and small. In this case, by adding one more smear.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


Trump sure did like to make up immature little names for his GOP primary opponents.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Amadeus 48 - well said.

Patrick Henry was right! said...

Yet Biden is still your guy. The one you chose to lead America and the free world. You will never get it, sadly.

TeaBagHag said...

It’s as if a monkey who constantly threw his own shit, and was expected by people, to throw more shit, suddenly flung one apple at the zoo visitors instead.
Speaking of the zoo, good job throwing bloody meat for breakfast, to your own little comment section jackals.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Howard said-
"The Trump administration greenlighting the Khāshqujī dismemberment was viscious..."

Poor terrorist. The left's collective hearts bleed, for poor terrorists.
I like dead Islamic Male Women-subjugating Nazis. But that's just me.

Dave Begley said...

"he's also a grifter."

Way more than that. He's the biggest criminal in the history of the United States. He sold his country out to China and Ukraine.

We have no idea how much Bitcoin the Biden Crime Family has been paid.

Achilles said...

Howard said...
Considering his instigation of an attempted coup de congress, his failure to concede the election and his failure to attend the coronation of JoBiden, shockingly is an entirely appropriate response. I like how one of you cucks calls that "viscious". The Trump administration greenlighting the Khāshqujī dismemberment was viscious. Maybe intemperate, impolite, impolitic, unnecessary...

With all the christmas candy and cookies you people hoover up, that blue dress is busting at the seems.

Howard deals with cognitive dissonance like any other below average abused 12 year old.

Stupid viciousness and lashing out at other people.

These people were bullied and seek to bully others because that is all they know.

You are a stupid piece of shit Howard just like your Leader Joe Biden.

Joe Smith said...

I am sure that Trump was taught manners as a youngster.

But qualifying the graciousness is kind of ungracious.

Kind of like saying, "Alhouse looks great. For her age."

rcocean said...


Biden started his campaign by lying about Trump and claiming he praised Nazi's in Aug 2017
-He supported Trump's impeachment and removal for office for a phone call
-He supported Trump being impeached and tried AFTER he left office
-He supported an FBI raid on trump's home and seizure of personal items and effects.
-He supported the DOJ setting up a special counsel to convict him of crimes
-He withdrew executive privilage for Trump (something never done) so the House could question all his aides and make a criminal referral. And also get Trump's income tax return and release it.

And there's every reason to believe he knew the FBI was spying on Trump's campaign and approved of it, along with continuing the Russia collusion fraud AFTER Trump was elected.

After trying to destroy Trump personally for years, I'm not shocked he was insulting to Trump.

Achilles said...

Amadeus 48 said...

Having said all that, Trump is too undisciplined, tactical, and impressionistic to succeed in a job that requires patience, persuasion, and strategic thought. He is a man of the moment and action in the moment. He did a lot of good things, but he did not and could not tame the beasts residing in the nation's capital.

This is hilarious but illuminating to the POV.

Lawyers and politicians and professors and other generally worthless professions always think they are somehow special and better than people who actually do things.

Trump actually did things.

We need a lot more people like Trump in Government and a lot fewer politicians.

Michael K said...

Trump had the DC uniparty after him from the beginning with no real allies in either the House or the Senate. The entire permanent government (bureaucracy + think tanks) undercut him. Both Speakers Boehner and Ryan feel more warmly towards the repulsive Nancy Pelosi than they do towards Trump. McConnell is interested only in maintaining his own power. Trump discovered to his surprise and dismay that the woke generals promoted by Obama are not warriors first.

Trump was not prepared for the DC bureaucracy and its malice. He thought he knew about mendacity from NYC unions but DC makes that look like a kindergarten. Biden is a creature of that culture. He has been a liar and buffoon for decades. He best exposed it in 1987. How anyone, even a Democrat, could support such a sociopath is a mystery.

Howard spews his hatred here every day so maybe there are Democrats who prefer liars.

wendybar said...

With all the christmas candy and cookies you people hoover up, that blue dress is busting at the seems.

12/21/22, 8:36 AM

YOU democrats know all about blue dresses. Maybe Bill should take it off.

Bill Harshaw said...

If I say the dinner was "shockingly good", I think the cook should be pleased. "amazingly" would be better.

Big Mike said...

Democrats are shits. Democrats have always been shits going back to Andrew Jackson.

Joe Biden is a Democrat. The rest follows logically.

Nobody said...

People love to scapegoat others to diminish the accomplishments of others while making themselves superior morally. Gas lighting 101

JAORE said...

"What's not shocking at all is that Biden ..." is an azzhole.

Shouting Thomas said...

Question for attorneys reading this site:

Can an individual citizen lodge a criminal complaint against the perps in the FBI for their role in sabotaging the 2020 presidential election?

How would that be done?

Readering said...

Boy, talk about reading a whole lot into a couple of words.

Drago said...


Trump sure did like to make up immature little names for his GOP primary opponents."


"Trump Humper" originator sez wut?

Just go join the democrats already. You've already got Howard and Inga behind you. That's no accident.

Next up for HBTPFH's beloved "respectable" "adults in the room" GOPe sellouts: caving on immigration.

I wonder what BS Trump complaint HBTPFH and AMDG et al will come up to deflect with when the GOPe-ers hand complete victory on immigration to their dem teammates?

We ought to start a pool of some sort to make it interesting.

Amadeus 48 said...

"We need a lot more people like Trump in Government and a lot fewer politicians."

Good luck with that.

rcocean said...

Trump was far too trusting while POTUS. He assumed Sessions and Rosenstein were supporters or at least honorable men. He thought Barr was a decent man and a supporter. SOmeone convinced him that Wray was an honorable man and a decent person.

(That he actually had dinner with Comey and tried to convince him to "go easy on Flynn" just showed how naive he was. Comey was trying to destroy him from Day 1.)

Trump also tried to work with Mitch McConnell and also Paul Ryan. Remember? He even tried to work with Pelosi and Schumer. All he got in return was backstabbing, stealthy sabotage by McConnell, and borderline crimnal surveillance and investigation by his own DoJ and FBI.

The attempt to destroy Trump by the Democrats and GOPe is norm busting and against all historical tradition. There was absolutely no desire in the DC uniparty to treat Trump as duly elected POTUS. Quit trying to blame the victim - which includes the people who voted for him!

Rick67 said...

My abysmal opinion of President Biden is shockingly high.

Iman said...

Fee, fee, fi, fi, fo-fo, fum
Look at howard now, stumblebum
Sportin' his dunce cap and shades to match
He's got high-heel shoes and his ass is kinda fat
Wearin' pearls and this pillbox hat thing
He's got braces on his toofs, and he’s blown his O-ring
He's the lefty with the blue dress, blue dress, blue dress,
Lefty with the blue dress on
Lefty with the blue dress, blue dress, blue dress,
Lefty with the blue dress on

Amadeus 48 said...

Howard--your spell check needs a tune-up. The word is "vicious". Just in case your dictionary isn't working either, it means malicious, spiteful, depraved, defective, faulty, impure, or noxious.

Get the picture?

You, my friend, never fail to disappoint. I'd say the "cuck" is stuck on you.

n.n said...

Biden: peach and fuzzy
Biden: articulate and clean
Biden: young and feminine

Obama: baby and burden (of evidence)

Drago said...

Jefferson's Revenge: "That is why Obama as President did more lasting harm than Trump did more lasting good."


Obama didn't have a bunch of DINO's working "with him" (against him) while Trump was the catalyst for fully exposing that at least 50% of the elected republican's actually support the dems.

That was why obama did more damage than Trump did lasting good. Half the elected republicans are democrats and a good chunk of them are quite rabid in their desire to see the democraticals win.

Its amusing how much this conversation always revolves around Trump alone and his faults and never comes close to fleshing out the backstabbing GOPe-ers that undermine us every single day in every single way.

Achilles said...

Amadeus 48 said...
"We need a lot more people like Trump in Government and a lot fewer politicians."

Good luck with that.

I agree. This is a difficult problem to overcome.

Anyone who only ever wants to be president should not be allowed to be president. Or really in any elected office.

Career politicians are mediocre people in general who think highly of themselves and just want to tell other people what to do.

Inga said...

“Considering his instigation of an attempted coup de congress, his failure to concede the election and his failure to attend the coronation of JoBiden, shockingly is an entirely appropriate response.”

You’re so right.

Biden should’ve just said “shockingly gracious” right away without having to correct himself. Trump was the most ungracious POTUS since Johnson. Throwing food in piques of anger, grabbing his limo driver by the neck, outrageously rude to black women reporters, inciting his cultists to riot, etc.

Inga said...

Achilles accuses a commenter of this…

“Stupid viciousness and lashing out at other people.”

Then he goes on to say this.

“You are a stupid piece of shit Howard just like your Leader Joe Biden.”

Lack of self awareness doesn’t begin to explain Achilles’ major malfunction.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Drag queen (delicate / special name-calling Trumpian approved)
Your obsessive schtick is tired and stale - much like Trump himself.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

rcocean - You are forgetting that Trump took a hot steaming dump on everyone prior. Even the people he dumped on - Like Ted Cruz - ended up fighting for his agenda.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Inga said...

“You've already got Howard and Inga behind you.”

Um… no. She doesn’t have me behind her, next to her or anywhere in the vicinity of her. She’s a loony Republican who was duped by Trump, that would make her your kind of gal.

Jim at said...

Lack of self awareness doesn’t begin to explain Achilles’ major malfunction.

Inga wrote that.


Let that sink in.

Known Unknown said...

Would Kevin McAllister think Trump was shockingly gracious?

Drago said...

HBTPFH: "Drag queen (delicate / special name-calling Trumpian approved)
Your obsessive schtick is tired and stale - much like Trump himself."

My "obsessive schtick" is pointing out how your GOPe "heroes" are selling us out and every day they provide more material.

I know it really bothers you McConnell-tards to have that pointed out, but you are just going to have to get used to it because I'm not going anywhere.

Michael K said...

Biden should’ve just said “shockingly gracious” right away without having to correct himself. Trump was the most ungracious POTUS since Johnson. Throwing food in piques of anger, grabbing his limo driver by the neck, outrageously rude to black women reporters, inciting his cultists to riot, etc.

The resident dullard with another shockingly stupid comment repeating all the DNC lies.

"the limo driver by the neck" is specially hilarious.

Achilles said...

Inga said...
Achilles accuses a commenter of this…

“Stupid viciousness and lashing out at other people.”

Then he goes on to say this.

“You are a stupid piece of shit Howard just like your Leader Joe Biden.”

Lack of self awareness doesn’t begin to explain Achilles’ major malfunction.

The key difference there is the word "Stupid."

I am vicious and I lash out at other people.

My viciousness and vitriol is thought out and directed and my words and my actions are in alignment.

I direct my attacks at people whose words and actions do not match. People whose paradigm is built on lies, censorship, and fascism.

My viciousness and vitriol is thought out and directed at stupid pieces of shit like you because you cannot be honest about who you are and what you are supporting.

Achilles said...

Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker said...
rcocean - You are forgetting that Trump took a hot steaming dump on everyone prior. Even the people he dumped on - Like Ted Cruz - ended up fighting for his agenda.

Cruz can stay in the party.

Mitch McConnell and Tom Cotton and the rest of the traitors must go.

I will not vote for any Republican that does not call for their removal from the party.

Inga said...

“I will not vote for any Republican that does not call for their removal from the party.”

I think it’s a great idea for extremists to boycott voting to honor their principles. Achilles actually thinks that any Republican running for Office will call for the removal from the Republican party of any of the “traitors” he names. What a loon. This guy does not have a grasp on reality.

Drago said...

Russia Collusion Truther and Hillary/FBI Hoax Dossier Dead Ender Inga: "Um… no. She doesn’t have me behind her, ...."


And yes he/she does based on your previous comments.

But that was more than 15 minutes ago and that is just about the limit of how long you are able to remember things you've written.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Thanks Inga. [-)

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Inga - "extremists"
Your party is the party of late term abortion, Defund the Police, Antifa Arson, Open border/ 2.7 and counting since your crook took over, and FBI approved mob-boss Biden grift.

Now that's extremist.

But then our Republic is in corrupt, late stage, raid the treasury mode.

Iman said...

And so this is Christmas…

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

tuck the word "million" in there.

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