December 4, 2022

And the more conventional news improves its signal to noise ratio, the less relevant Twitter becomes.


Let new media and old media compete in the marketplace of ideas. At least theoretically, that will bring us closer to an understanding of what is true and good. In reality, who knows?


PB said...

There's a difference between media that is supposed to be comprised of journalists and pLatforms that accept all comers to express their views.

Gahrie said...

who knows?

YOU should.

They lied to you about Judge Bork.
They lied to you about Justice Thomas.
They lied to you about Bill Clinton.
They lied to you about Reverend Wright.
They lied to you about Russian collusion in 2016.
They lied to you about Sandmann.
They lied to you about Justice Kavanaugh.
They lied to you about Hands up Don't shoot.
They lied to you about Rittenhouse.
They lied to you about the BLM.
They lied to you about the Biden laptop.

You'll simply clutch your pearls and be shocked when they are accused of lying to you again.

Dave Begley said...

The reality is that the FBI COLLUDED with old Twitter to suppress, cancel and censor a truthful and accurate news story about Joe Biden. Per se election interference.

The course of history was changed by the FBI.

Curious George said...

I know it's not old media, and will never be.

rhhardin said...

You can transmit any information with a low signal to noise ratio, it just takes longer.

A high signal to noise ratio is no good if the information is bad. They just get it to you quicker.

Michael P said...

The entire point of traditional media is its signal-to-noise ratio. If that ratio is low, traditional media is failing on its own terms. If that ratio is good, how much can it improve?

In contrast, Twitter was always more like the public square: busy, noisy, and somewhat chaotic. That gave it a low SNR, and lots of room to improve.

Jaq said...

Conventional news generally lies by omission, which makes the contextualizing that Twitter does a pain in the ass for them.

RideSpaceMountain said...

"At least theoretically, that will bring us closer to an understanding of what is true and good. In reality, who knows?"

Pedophilia and human sacrifice are not good. It is true that both are still being practiced. The number of people who know that grows daily.

Just throwing that out there.

Big Mike said...

@Althouse, you will continue to read the New York Times and Washington Post so you can find out what good little feminists are supposed to believe this week, and precisely whom you are supposed to hate. Those of us in the center-right doubt that it is even possible for the mainstream news media to do anything at all about its poor SNR* so we hope thst Elkn Musk can just improve Twitter because social media as a whole is pretty hopeless.

* I’d have used “bullshit to truth ratio,” though I get where Musk coming from.

gilbar said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Gusty Winds said...

It doesn't even matter anymore if people watch or read MSM. Political messages and propaganda are coordinated, and the "journalists" are just parrots. They serve no more purpose than to set and broadcast the approved narrative of the Democrats and the deep state.

They will not change. They are evil.

Elon Musk is not. Neither are the majority of the masses. That's simply the difference.

Jamie said...

But why would the conventional media want to improve its SNR?

It's not 100% reliable to look at the effects of people's actions and infer their intentions therefrom, but really, since the effects matter a lot more than the intentions (regardless of what anyone might wish), it seems a reasonable exercise.

Conventional news may or may not intend to present unbiased stories, but the effect of how it actually covers stories is that - for instance - Democrats are provided rhetorical cover while Republicans are called on the carpet for their statements and associations. The particular f'rinstance I have in mind is Trump's dinner and remarks on Truth Social about the Constitution (please, Mr. President, geez, stop doing and saying dumb things like this - and by the way, please just retire from politics), both of which he's now got to justify and defend or else be explicitly called out as racist and fascistic, versus almost every damn thing that comes out of the mouth of our current president and then is sympathetically "interpreted" by the press so that it's not what he said that matters, nor his actual Constitutionally questionable actions as the chief executive of the US... it's what he meant that counts.

Or President Obama's long relationship with Rev. "God Damn America" Wright - for a long time, Obama didn't even have to take questions on that. And when the press finally knuckled under to pressure and asked him about it, he - certainly the most prominent member of that congregation, and as anyone who goes to church regularly knows, the pastor of a church is going to cultivate the closest relationship s/he can with such a congregant - skated by on claims that he barely knew the man and "He said what?"

If conventional news were intending to support Democrats by suppressing or wildly slanting negative stories about them and highlighting and wildly slanting negative stories about Republicans, the effects would be what we actually see in their reportage. So why would they change?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Is the NYT lobbying for democrats "noise"?

link to Musk tweet

Trump called them "fake news" and look what happened to him.

Achilles said...

In reality, who knows?

The media has lied to us about:

Russian Collusion
Kavanaugh Rape
Brian Sicknick Blood Libel
Hunter Biden's laptop
Nick Sandmann

These are just off the top of my head super fast because this is getting boring. There are 20 things I could add to this list that are just as egregious.

But Ann desperately wants to trust the media.

Desperately. It is gross.

Remember that Ann believed Christine Blasey Ford. Ford couldn't remember what house or what year the rape happened in. But Ann found her credible.

And we can then start talking about the Sandmann fiasco where Ann jumped right in with the WAPO to attack a teenager being attacked by leftist shitheads.

There is no world where the media is treated like anything other than a lying vicious evil propaganda organ.

The details are being dug out about how twitter colluded with the Biden Regime in real time and the media all collectively shut down a true story.

All the leftists and the media cheerleaders are doing right now is pretending we can't see what is right in front of us.

sonicfrog said...

Repeat after me….







These sites exist ONLY to get your attention, get more eyeballs so they can gain revenue from advertisers, and gather data from you to sell for profit. STOP pretending they are anything but that.

Michael K said...

Somebody got fanged yesterday for saying the 1955 news was better than today. They were lying to us in 1955. They were just less obvious about it. Watergate was a MSM coup against Nixon. Lyndon Johnson stole Texas for Kennedy. His 1948 election fraud (Box 13) was so blatant he joked about it. ("Landslide Lyndon")

Quayle said...

Ann, what really is the competition and the prize? Most accurate? That’s a joke. The competition is for advertisers - for dollars. The CFOs of these media companies, whether “old” or “new”, - the CFOs don’t care a lot about accuracy. They don’t daily monitor their spreadsheets for how many assertions and statements were just plain wrong. They care about revenue and costs. Sure, if the can make their bonus-target numbers and be more accurate, they would prefer that. The problem is how quickly they’ll settle for “less accurate/more profit.” Until we make the advertisers care about how accurate are the media platforms in which they advertise, nothing will change and the inaccuracies will likely only get worse.

mikee said...

Althouse wrote a funny headline for this post. Nice to see her imagination can stretch that far beyond reality.

Aggie said...

Who would ever have thought that people would be selecting their news source based on how true its reporting is?

Gospace said...

To add to Gahrie's list:

They lied to your grandparents about the USS Maine.
They lied about Julius and Ethel Rosenberg- ther were really spies.
A little more controversial, but apparently Sacco and Vanzetti were really guilty.
All mainstream media reporting about the Soviet Union from it's formation to it's collapse was lies, compounded by more lies.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Sonicfrog said..

These sites exist ONLY to get your attention, get more eyeballs so they can gain revenue from advertisers, and gather data from you to sell for profit. STOP pretending they are anything but that.

Same is true for CNN and NBC..CBS (emphasis on BS) and ABC

They are social media platforms that attempt to shape narratives... and those narratives are shaped by crooks and liars on the powerful elite left.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Sonicfrog said..

These sites exist ONLY to get your attention, get more eyeballs so they can gain revenue from advertisers, and gather data from you to sell for profit. STOP pretending they are anything but that.

Same is true for CNN and NBC..CBS (emphasis on BS) and ABC

They are social media platforms that attempt to shape narratives... and those narratives are shaped by crooks and liars on the elite left.

Quayle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ConradBibby said...

"Who knows?"? I think it's pretty clear, both empirically and as a matter of common sense, that the marketplace-of-ideas model works better than the pronouncements-from-on-high-coupled-with-suppression-of-differing-viewpoints model. The way the government applied the latter model in regard to covid, and the results that produced, should have made this very clear to any thinking individual.

Quayle said...

I’ve said it here a number of times but it needs repeating. The internet robbed the old media of their market power and shifted it to the content creators - the content generators.

It used to be that the media networks (don’t think “TV” here - I’m talking about networks in the broad sense of the word - the network between the event and the event consumer.) It used to be that the media networks had all the control because networks required large amounts of capital and were hard to relocate. Everyone - all the content creators - had to bow to the few network-owning media companies.

With the internet and phone cameras, the value and cost of the network is zero. Now the content creators have all the power and the media must bow to the content creators. For example the White House is a content creator. The media must bow to them. If you tell the wrong story- a story that the White House doesn’t want you to tell - you’ll get frozen out. Your access to the White House will be cut off. You have to cooperate to play. In this way the old media has been forced to choose “sides” to survive.

Even Twitter who doesn’t necessarily have to choose sides, given our advanced state of pervasive pride and hubris in society, the public will force you into a side. We can’t solve the change in power dynamics caused by the internet. We can change the pride and hubris, by changing ourselves and being more humble and meek.

n.n said...

They lied to you about the BLM.

Baby Lives Matter? NO!!! Say, it ain't so.

That said, Some, Select [Jew, Black, Orange] Lives Matter.

Sebastian said...

"And the more conventional news improves its signal to noise ratio, the less relevant Twitter becomes."

Trolling? Humor?

Anyway, depends on what signal and noise are. The MSM tune out noisy reality to promote the prog signal. Progs like it, hence the business model. Nothing noisier than the "marketplace of ideas."

Signal ratio does not seem the critical factor in Twitter's future.

Lurker21 said...

The problem with the conventional media isn't the noise. It's the signal. The point of the articles isn't the facts or events, but the attitude the media wants readers to have. It's similar to why many people have stopped reading novels: there's too much "This is supposed to mean that," and "This is supposed to make you think that," and that makes it hard to believe or even finish what one is reading.

When you only have 280 spaces to say what you want to say it's harder to orchestrate major manipulation. People read the tweet and then maybe they judge for themselves (or suspend judgement), rather than getting caught up in the verbiage and led to the conclusions the media want them to come to.

Big Mike said...

And we can then start talking about the Sandmann fiasco where Ann jumped right in with the WAPO to attack a teenager being attacked by leftist shitheads.

What I found irritating about this sorry episode is that one of the lefty trolls had tried the day before in the cafe thread to get the Althouse commentariat worked up about Sandmann and the Covington kids by pointing to the short video of Sandmann standing his ground while Nathan Phillips is in his face. Only the moron didn't know how to use the 'a' HTML tag, so all he (it?) could do was direct us to YouTube and tell us to search for ourselves. Once there, I and several others found longer videos that clearly showed Nathan Phillips and the "Black Isreaelites" as the instigators and aggressors. And we presented that fact in our own, responding, comments.

So this is what is so irritating about Althouse's blind acceptance of the New York Times story -- her own commentariat had already discovered the truth about the Nathan Phillips and the Covington Kids, and had already commented to that effect. The best spin I can put on this is that Althouse remembers the days when the New York Times and Washington Post were real newspapers that basically published the truth, even though with a lefty spin on the truth. She's old, now, and probably set in her ways. But she does not practice "cruel neutrality," she is merely cruel.

Yancey Ward said...

I read the headline this morning that "1000 Journalists Threaten To Strike The NYTimes". Hilarious. There are zero journalists working at the NYTimes.

Mike said...

Mr. Musk if you read the Los Angeles Times you'd realize that the Times is all noise, no signal.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Althouse hints at a possible future in which the two entities Journalism and Twitter, coexist in a competition to present “true and good” news. That’s not what appears to be happening. Twitter was a tool of the DNC-Media Monolith and by taking possession of it Elon “broke Twitter” from the perspective of “mainstream” media. That’s the big tell! The alleged “journalists” and “trusted sources” squealing about “hate speech“ and “hacked unauthorized porn” are really just protesting that their exclusive little club (remember “get your own Twitter” just a couple years ago?) is no longer operating for them, no longer CONTROLLED by them. For those reasons they can not and will not acknowledge that transparency is an essential good or that Twitter should hold DNC-Media allies accountable. Free speech be damned. They will write a thousand articles why free speech is horrible dangerous unamerican and just not possible.

Freedom and truth are just words when you got nothing left to lose.

JAORE said...

Remember that Ann believed Christine Blasey Ford. Ford couldn't remember what house or what year the rape happened in. But Ann found her credible.

I took our host's claim of credibility to mean that CBF expressed what appeared to be strong emotions... Doesn't equate to credibility to me, but.... I'm a guy.

Marcus Bressler said...

The entire media lied about FDR's legs.
And Jack Kennedy's back.
They've been at it for a long, long time. It is just in-your face, out-in-the-open lying now.


loudogblog said...

Ironically, digital audio was the best improvement in increasing the signal to noise ratio. In the digital world, there is no "noise" introduced into an audio signal. Digital audio is a 100% faithful reproduction when it exists in the digital realm. No noise is added during a 100% digital transfer. Any noise is generated in the real world of analog audio.

The real challenge that Musk is placing before the other media outlets is to see who can get the most signal (good data) and least noise. (garbage data)

"Can't stop the signal, Mal."

Inga said...

Musk wants to be the only news source. Musk wants you to think that Twitter is now a reliable source. The people who live in the extremist fantasy world will buy it. Musk is as much of a megalomaniac as Trump.

hawkeyedjb said...

The self-appointed task of both Twitter and the 'Mainstream News' was, until recently, exactly the same: promote, protect and defend the Democratic party. Now, as the WaPo article below this one points out, Mainstream News has one additional job: attack Twitter.

traditionalguy said...

NB: since 1945 the government in DC has been the world hegemony of military and economic power.thank you FDR and HST. To do anything required our assent and neutrality at the least. So the next 40 years ran smoothly. Our own institutions were the only problem in killing the President and sending us into an Asian land war.

But with the use of excellent dirt cheap Chinese labor the super rich got in a trap. They crushed American industrial power that had won the WW2 for us. Their loot was immense. To use it they needed to steal this country. Money bought the elected State officers that gladly rigged elections and after Bush 1 they whole of DC was controlled. In came Obama to set us up to be finished off by Comrade Hillary. She was a sure thing. She had the vote counts rigged.she knew if she lost and the system was exposed that theDem criminals would be hanged.

Despite the Mueller charade accusation of Russians controlling him, Trump managed to expose much of the DC crime ring but the money power and their Chinese ally set lose a charade emergency base on an early release of the Gates and Fauchi created Chinese bio weapon a
Long with its pre patented rDNA shot. That covered up for you too a new mostly mailing in your ballot election that allowed mass fraud. TRUMPS GONE. Has the Crime Mafia won?

But James Woods declared that he is heading that MAGA people who are not afraid of Joe Biden and his FBIstapo. Interesting times.

traditionalguy said...

NB: since 1945 the government in DC has been the world hegemony of military and economic power.thank you FDR and HST. To do anything required our assent and neutrality at the least. So the next 40 years ran smoothly. Our own institutions were the only problem in killing the President and sending us into an Asian land war.

But with the use of excellent dirt cheap Chinese labor the super rich got in a trap. They crushed American industrial power that had won the WW2 for us. Their loot was immense. To use it they needed to steal this country. Money bought the elected State officers that gladly rigged elections and after Bush 1 they whole of DC was controlled. In came Obama to set us up to be finished off by Comrade Hillary. She was a sure thing. She had the vote counts rigged.she knew if she lost and the system was exposed that theDem criminals would be hanged.

Despite the Mueller charade accusation of Russians controlling him, Trump managed to expose much of the DC crime ring but the money power and their Chinese ally set lose a charade emergency base on an early release of the Gates and Fauchi created Chinese bio weapon a
Long with its pre patented rDNA shot. That covered up for you too a new mostly mailing in your ballot election that allowed mass fraud. TRUMPS GONE. Has the Crime Mafia won?

But James Woods declared that he is heading that MAGA people who are not afraid of Joe Biden and his FBIstapo. Interesting times.

traditionalguy said...

I guess Inca spotted Musk the megalomaniac before we did. Good work. We will all go back to CNN.

Brian McKim and/or Traci Skene said...

And the more a leopard changes its spots...

Leora said...

An excellent point. I spend time on Twitter because I don't trust the mainstream news and commentary. I would spend less time there if I thought newspapers and magazines were trying to tell the truth instead of trying to impose a narrative.

Joe Smith said...

Conventional news will never 'improve' because it is the organ of the state.

Stalin could only dream of having such compliance.

Take a look at all the tweets from 'serious journalists,' all parroting the exact same sentiments when going after Taibbi for 'doing PR work for the richest man in the world.'

If that doesn't open your eyes about the state/media/security arrangement than you are either a moron, a liberal, or both...

wendybar said...

"Now you’d think this was a big story and would garner attention on the front pages of the Washington Post and New York Times. You’d be wrong -- the Fourth Estate biggies apparently like suppression of dissent and are happy to keep their readers from knowing what Taibbi reported."

wendybar said...

Biden is an illegitimate president.

wendybar said...

Repeat after me….







These sites exist ONLY to get your attention, get more eyeballs so they can gain revenue from advertisers, and gather data from you to sell for profit. STOP pretending they are anything but that.

THERE...fixed it for you.

n.n said...

A religion (i.e. morality in a universal frame, ethics its relativistic sibling, law their politically consensual cousin) for people capable of self-moderation, and competing interests to mitigate the progress of others running amuck.

Maynard said...

Musk wants to be the only news source. Musk wants you to think that Twitter is now a reliable source. The people who live in the extremist fantasy world will buy it. Musk is as much of a megalomaniac as Trump.

I am not sure if this commenter is truly stupid or just your usual lefty Kool-Aid drinker.

Oh. It's Inga.

I must embrace the power of "and".

n.n said...

I guess Inca spotted Musk the megalomaniac

Inca of planned peoplehood? Inca with diversity [dogma] enhancements? The progressive Inca who practiced human rites performed for social, redistribute, clinical, political, and fair weather causes? The liberal Inca who were equitable and inclusive of their neighbors? Take a knee, beg, "donate".

BUMBLE BEE said...

Inga, who was epecially, medically correct about Covid...
Lie To Me Once...
Buwaya wherefore art thou?

effinayright said...

Marcus Bressler said...
The entire media lied about FDR's legs.
And Jack Kennedy's back.

Not to mention him waving his dick at every femme he fancied.

Achilles said...

effinayright said...

Marcus Bressler said...
The entire media lied about FDR's legs.
And Jack Kennedy's back.

Not to mention him waving his dick at every femme he fancied.

Only for the first 2 years of his presidency.


Too soon?

MikeR said...

I'm not sure I understand how twitter is supposed to improve its signal to noise ratio. Getting rid of bots should help, of course. But there are a whole lot of human beings who seem to think like bots.

Lucien said...

Big Mike:
When you see how Althouse swoons over Bob Dylan, you can see the 60’s nostalgia that carries over to WaPo and NYT. She probably thinks Lawrence Tribe is a notable scholar, too.

Michael K said...

Blogger Inga said...

Musk wants to be the only news source. Musk wants you to think that Twitter is now a reliable source. The people who live in the extremist fantasy world will buy it. Musk is as much of a megalomaniac as Trump.

The resident dullard with another brilliant conclusion. I would not argue that Musk is not a megalomaniac but, like Trump, he has real life accomplishments. You voted for a senile liar whose lies threw him out of the 1988 race. Nothing he says is true and he has never held a useful job.

Peter said...

?? We should be (at least, I am) praying and hoping for the success of Twitter.

Tim said...

The thing about Twitter, as opposed to say, the NYT, is that if someone on Twitter falsely claims in an article that Hunter Biden's laptop was stolen, then they will get called out and ratioed into oblivion. While not a single so-called fact checker will call out the NYT on it's lies.

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