November 9, 2022

WaPo headline: "Trump absorbs GOP losses, while DeSantis glows with landslide victory/Early returns suggested setbacks for the former president’s endorsed candidates, and several potential 2024 rivals appeared emboldened."

That says a lot.

The former president spent the final days of the campaign lashing out and even threatening Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, whose apparent interest in running against Trump has puzzled him, according to advisers who spoke on the condition of anonymity to reflect private conversations.

The Florida governor didn’t return fire, other than to hold his own campaign event on Saturday, competing with a Trump rally in Miami and further irking the former president.

Come election night, however, it was DeSantis holding the ebullient victory party, having won reelection in a 20-point landslide, almost 15 points better than Trump’s 2020 margin in their shared home state.

At the party, DeSantis’s supporters chanted “Two more years!” — encouraging the governor to seek the presidency before finishing his second term.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Time for the GOP base to re-think their love-affair with old and aging immature Trump.

Big Mike said...

Look, beating perpetual candidate and inveterate flip-flopper Charlie Charlie was no big deal. But the GOP needed to flip just 5 or 6 seats to take control of the House of Representatives, and thanks to DeSantis Florida flopped 4 all by itself.

Saint Croix said...

The former president spent the final days of the campaign lashing out and even threatening Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, whose apparent interest in running against Trump has puzzled him, according to advisers who spoke on the condition of anonymity to reflect private conversations.

Donald is a Celtic name meaning "world" and "power."

It's my first name (although I do not go by it).

Anyway, for Donalds who want to be powerful (and we all want to be powerful) and for Donalds who want to get their way (and we all want to get our way), if you go to church you will find that God's way is the only way. And God's will and our will sometimes come into conflict. And you might be able to guess who's going to lose that conflict.

Having said all that, God might still make Trump president in 2024. Althouse is not God either. If you want to know the future, pray on it.

Saint Croix said...

I am right about 60% on my future predictions (at least in the stock market over the last 15 years), and you can definitely make money that way!

On the other hand, 40% failure rate keeps me pretty darn humble, too.

Power is nice, but also corrupting. Play nice when you're powerful. Also understand that power hates power. Power is not the way. And love loves love. (I know that sounds like a Beatles song).

I think it's entirely possible that John Lennon was called by God to testify about love, and he did it, and was sacrificed for what he did.

(Blogger has tried to stop this post multiple times by making me identify mountains, buses, and fucking stoplights. I hate you Blogger!)

Howard said...

The presidency is Rhonda Santa's to lose now. Don't worry about Trump screwing it up, April. Merrick Garland is going to indict and convict Trump of espionage act violations and the Don won't be allowed to hold federal office anymore.

rehajm said...

If you’re a Democrat you must be pleased with this morning’s Trump defeat (was he running for something?) I’m nit so sure he’s politically defeated but I’m pleased as I know you have no answer for a DeSantis.

Tina Trent said...

Big Mike is completely right. And DeSantis needs to tone it down. Also, Trump made as much of an effort to support him. The losses in Florida are on the mainstream GOP.

You could run a pecan roll against this current version of Crist and the pecan roll would blow it out of the water.

Temujin said...

DeSantis is at the front of an Hispanic shift to the GOP. He's done it in Florida. But it's starting to happen elsewhere as well (Texas). It won't necessarily translate to all Hispanic communities around the country, particularly those deeply entrenched in California ways. But I think he'd be able to, with the help of some of those around him, win a large chunk of that community in a number of other states. Enough to swing some states or push them over the top. Like Georgia, which is really Atlanta vs the rest of the state. Or Michigan, which is Detroit vs the rest of the state.

2024 is a long way off, but the race begins today.

rehajm said...

Biden and Barack were lamenting the death of democracy yesterday. With the victory of that potato in PA the inevitable AZ outcome we’ll get two strong narratives from now and the GA ‘runoff’ that will defeat Walker…I think President B&J were right but they won’t be attending the funeral…

I’ll take whatever the early odds are on a D presidential win in ‘24, parlaying it with ‘squeaker’ election wins in the suspect city states. I’ll double down when the odds get longer because they run a potato…

Achilles said...

Gee. A coordinated campaign to stop the man that brought 10 million new voters to the Republican party.

Why would people buy into that?

I see a lot of Republican voters want to crawl back into the GOPe's arms.

The GOP and a lot of it's voters are happy with endless wars and sending jobs to China. Romney did get about 62 million votes.

Jersey Fled said...

I was a strong supporter of Trump when he was President, but it’s time for him to go away. DeSantis has the testicoli to take on the establishment and none of Trump’s baggage. That he is seen as a rival of Trump and not an ally is a plus.

Achilles said...

Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker said...

Time for the GOP base to re-think their love-affair with old and aging immature Trump.

The GOPe base is clearly unhappy with Trump. You have made your tribal allegiances known.

The working class voters that hate the republican party but like Trump will not be there mysteriously in 2024.

But the GOPe base is very much like their GOPe leadership.

I think you all preferred to be a whiny minority.

minnesota farm guy said...

I was hoping that Trump might have a stroke that would eliminate him from the 2024 run. This may be a workable substitute.

JAORE said...

The left tried mightily to make this a referendum on Trump rather than actual issues. Trump helped them mightily. Both through his attacks on what should have been his own party and his usual bombast.

If only Trump had pulled even a tiny bot-o-Biden and holed up somewhere.

Saint Croix said...

I have a theory!

Althouse is watching DeSantis and she's like this...

"I hear it's hot down there in the South, and they dress like beach bums and they're all wearing shorts. Shorts, shorts, shorts. Wimps! I hate all men. They are so weak. What's this? A man in the South? Wearing long pants! Just like daddy? Who is this man?"

Saint Croix said...

new tag possibilities

Florida Man in Long Pants

I Like the Crease in His Pants

Mike Sylwester said...

The November issue of Vanity Fair magazine has a long feature article about Ron DeSantis. According to the article, several people close to DeSantis says that he has been contemptuous of Donald Trump for a long time.

The article made me think that DeSantis will run against Trump in the 2024 primary-election race.

pacwest said...

The King is dead. All hail the King.

Achilles said...

WAPO says the GOP should embrace Desantis and ditch Trump.

Don't look at the voter fraud that happened in the same counties as 2020 in the same ways.

And apparently there are a bunch of Never Trumpers that are ready to agree with the WAPO.

You all aren't very bright.

iowantwo said...

Desantis is a much better politician

Trump is a much better leader.

While Desantis talks the talk and walks the walk alot, some of his actions have caused me pause.

AMDG said...

Trump is a horrible leader.

He is disloyal.
He refuses to accept responsibility for anything.

He is impulsive instead of strategic.

His only God is his ego.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Achilles - you keep your Trump-love alive. Only the one tru daddy can save us.
All the others are imposters!

Sally327 said...

Donald Trump won the Presidency in 2016 but failed to make the most of that amazing accomplishment, the ways and whys being too many to list here, and lost his reelection bid in 2020. Ron DeSantis eked out an incredibly narrow victory for Governor of Florida in 2018 (30,000 vote margin after a recount) but made the most of that opportunity and won a crushing victory in his reelection bid 4 years later.

Donald Trump is about as much a Republican as Charlie Crist. That's just a fact. If Trump could have won running as a Democrat he would have. Just like Charlie Crist.

P.S. Maybe being a TV/radio personality (looking at you Kari Lake, Tudor Dixon, Mehmet Oz) isn't the best path to victory. Maybe having candidates who've actually served in some kind of office before is a better way to go.

planetgeo said...

I believe that the NY Post had the best headline of the night, "DeFuture." Yes, Ron DeSantis is DeFuture. He's exactly what this whiplashed country needs desperately right now, and will need even more so two years from now - a proven competent, intelligent, determined, and yes, young, leader. It's time for all the angry old men yelling at the clouds to sit down on the porch.

And save your breath accusing anyone who says this must be a GOPe acolyte. There are lots of us who are independent, intelligent, and who are strongly conservative with a small 'c' and who don't even care about the capital 'R'. DeSantis has the goods without the baggage, the bluster, and the needless drama. Definitely DeFuture.

Now for the real battle...fix the damn election processes.

Creola Soul said...

Two quick takeaways:
1. Trump is done, and the Ds are stuck with Biden.
2. Quality matters in choosing candidates…..simply having money, or name recognition is not enough. Quality and dignity count. Back to Reaganism.

wendybar said...

minnesota farm guy said...
I was hoping that Trump might have a stroke that would eliminate him from the 2024 run. This may be a workable substitute.

11/9/22, 7:05 AM

You are disgusting to even suggest that. I hope the left gives it to YOU good and hard.

Lurker21 said...

Gingrich is saying the "Dark Brandon" strategy worked. Either the White House was smarter than we know, or the electorate is dumber.

Lindsey Graham is either stupider or more Machiavellian than anyone dreamed.

The working class voters that hate the republican party but like Trump will not be there mysteriously in 2024.

They weren't really there this year or in 2020. The middle class is better at hating than the working class is at loving or liking. It's a more constant thing.

Michael K said...

Merrick Garland is going to indict and convict Trump of espionage act violations and the Don won't be allowed to hold federal office anymore.

Yes, the voters chose the Stasi state yesterday and Garfinkle will be sending lots of Republicans to prison. Right up until the economic collapse.

Achilles said...

Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker said...

Achilles - you keep your Trump-love alive. Only the one tru daddy can save us.
All the others are imposters!

You are a very selfish person who is only concerned with what you want. You make everything personal.

Mitch McConnell sabotaged the Republican party.

You are dancing on it's grave.

cassandra lite said...

Dear Santa,

Please bring Trump a superego to rein in his ego and id. Maybe that'll make him go away.

Big Mike said...

WAPO says the GOP should embrace Desantis and ditch Trump.

If the Post likes DeSantis that’s a damned good reason to look elsewhere for a candidate.

Don’t fret. The Post and the Times will spend the next 24 months tearing him down, as the newsmedia does go all Republican front runners.

God of the Sea People said...

I reluctantly came to appreciate and support Trump while he was president- to the extent that I now consider him to have been one of the best presidents of my lifetime. His accomplishments were undeniably real. If he is the GOP nominee again, I will support him. But I don't know if he will be the same candidate he was before. I think he is legitimately bitter about the 2020 election, and I think that makes him a lot less amiable. It is fun to see Trump mock his Democrat opponents, but it is sad to see him so wrapped up in his own ego that he can't differentiate between Democrats and fellow Republicans. His goal ought to be elevating all Republicans for the good of the country, not just elevating himself no matter the cost. At this point, I feel like Desantis would provide the same policies and the same defiant attitude, but he is a lot more likable and not nearly as divisive. That matters in the general election, because a candidate needs to be able to attract independents. I think opinions about Trump are ossified, and I don't know that Trump can pull too many more voters.

God of the Sea People said...

I reluctantly came to appreciate and support Trump while he was president- to the extent that I now consider him to have been one of the best presidents of my lifetime. His accomplishments were undeniably real. If he is the GOP nominee again, I will support him. But I don't know if he will be the same candidate he was before. I think he is legitimately bitter about the 2020 election, and I think that makes him a lot less amiable. It is fun to see Trump mock his Democrat opponents, but it is sad to see him so wrapped up in his own ego that he can't differentiate between Democrats and fellow Republicans. His goal ought to be elevating all Republicans for the good of the country, not just elevating himself no matter the cost. At this point, I feel like Desantis would provide the same policies and the same defiant attitude, but he is a lot more likable and not nearly as divisive. That matters in the general election, because a candidate needs to be able to attract independents. I think opinions about Trump are ossified, and I don't know that Trump can pull too many more voters.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

LOL - No Achilles -the selfish person is Trump ... and his hangers on.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The corrupt left WANT trump in 2024. Watch. Mark my words.

All the talk of indictments? gonna go away now.

BUMBLE BEE said...

When DeSantis looses what will you cry about? It's all one way and we'll be charging the cars with Xi's coal. You will be free to shred your children however.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

btw- Trump is no Reagan. That is a slap to the most elegantly spoken person to ever be in office.

MikeR said...

A little slow, but maybe it's coming. A new reset GOP, but with_out_ Trump, would be pretty effective.
(They just need to figure out abortion and they're all set. And come out in favor of peace in Ukraine. All right, I don't know what they should do. But the first paragraph stands.)

wendybar said...

Michael K said...

Merrick Garland is going to indict and convict Trump of espionage act violations and the Don won't be allowed to hold federal office anymore.

Yes, the voters chose the Stasi state yesterday and Garfinkle will be sending lots of Republicans to prison. Right up until the economic collapse.

11/9/22, 8:51 AM


pacwest said...

Merrick Garland is going to indict and convict Trump of espionage act violations and the Don won't be allowed to hold federal office anymore.

That would be my take too. But it won't just be Trump. The Dem controlled FBI and DOJ and the IRS will take the midterms as a green light. Good luck to all.

Big O's Meanings Dictionary said...

monkey wrench - definition


1. Also called, esp. Brit., adjustable spanner. a wrench having an adjustable jaw permitting it to grasp nuts or the like of different sizes.

2. Something that interferes with functioning; obstacle.

monkey-wrench - definition

1. to ruin (plans, a schedule, etc.) unavoidably or sometimes deliberately.

2. to prevent, delay, or sabotage, industrialization or development of wilderness areas, esp. through vandalism.

Trump's presidency was done less for his perceived ability as a governor and more for the perception that he would function as a monkey wrench, i.e.: "Throw a monkey wrench into the gears."

However, once the gears are stopped, it is of no use to throw another wrench into them. What is then needed is to clear and restart the gears correctly or replace the mechanism entirely.

The problem with some wrench throwers is that they cannot get past the jamming phase and want to throw more wrenches instead of clearing the gears to run smoothly.

Browndog said...

Someone will be along shortly and Drago you for noticing trump's deficiencies.

Drago said...

Sally327: "Donald Trump is about as much a Republican as Charlie Crist. That's just a fact. If Trump could have won running as a Democrat he would have. Just like Charlie Crist."

Donald Trump gave us the most conservative administration in several generations. That's just a fact. Romney is a great republican though. I mean, when he isn't busy marching with BLM or voting to impeach a republican President on hoax charges. I stand corrected: all of that is perfectly accepted in "respectable" republican circles.

As predicted, the GOPe-ers would begin to completely rewrite history to lay all failures of the GOPe for decades at Donald Trump's feet in the same way that the democraticals lay their segregation/Jim Crow at the feet of republican's via their made up "southern strategy" nonsense and to remove any references to those conservative policies Trump pushed hard over the objections of the GOPe-ers.

Again, the ultimate Republican Failure Theater Get Out Of Jail Free Card for GOPe-ers.

Sally327: "Maybe having candidates who've actually served in some kind of office before is a better way to go."

McCain and Romney could not agree more. Particularly McCain as he went thumbs down on voting down obamacare.

My "favorite" moment of McCain betraying 7 years of campaign promises to the republican base voters, again, as always, on obamacare? McConnell standing there with his chin in his chest pretending as best he could that he didn't know it was going to happen and was disappointed McCain did that. Seriously, terrible acting job, but a terrific "republican" moment.

If you can pull up a picture of that moment its worth another look.

Lilly, a dog said...

Here in Pennsylvania, I was texting with my brother this morning. He's convinced that the Dems cheated in PA.

He is a Trump superfan and can't accept that people in PA didn't enthusiastically elect a Daytime TV Dud from New Jersey. I certainly didn't vote for Fetterman, but I believe a lot of people were just voting against Dr. Turkey.

Temujin said...

Achilles, the approach that anyone who isn't Trump is Mitt Romney is pretty ridiculous. Trump is a cult. And Trump will only accept purists into his cult. Many of his followers are the same. And it's going to be tough to repeat getting that number of votes now that we're down the road. The clash of 2020 was a moment in time. Both candidates got more votes than anyone previously. Trump's total doesn't matter if he still lost.

Trump accomplished a long list of great things while he was in office. And all the while he was being attacked from all sides. I admire what he did and wanted him- over Joe Biden certainly- to win again.

But he didn't. And there's this:
In 2016 he lost Miami-Dade county in Florida by almost 30 points, while managing to narrowly beat the least popular woman in America, Hillary Clinton. (last night DeSantis won bigly in Miami-Dade.)
In the 2018 midterms, his party had huge losses.
In 2020 he lost to Joe Biden.
In 2022 a large number of his hand-picked people, not only lost, but lost by double digits.

And Trump himself is reviled by much of America. It doesn't matter how strong your conviction. He has not won much previously, and he will not win going forward. We can take the good stuff he taught us and move forward with the next group. Or...we can be purists to Trump and keep losing more ground.

Drago said...

Browndog: "Someone will be along shortly and Drago you for noticing trump's deficiencies."


That's pretty good. I'll probably be stealing that.

I have never said nor even implied Trump didn't have or doesn't have deficiencies. The problem is separating out the real deficiencies, which are obvious, from all the made up ones that get tossed in as well. I'm also not a fan of rewriting history which is rampant these days.

The real problem I'm having is that there seems to be a desperate need on the part of many to pretend that all the problems on the republican side are all about Trump and if we can just get rid of Trump all will be right with the world while ignoring what the republican party leadership have been doing to the base over decades and giving them a free pass because "Trump!".

Every personality/candidate has strengths and weaknesses. Even the now Sainted DeSantis. And there will be a price to pay for purchasing the DeSantis Model for 2024, but also some pros.

What I'm hearing here, and elsewhere, is that DeSantis is by far the better choice and the only choice etc.

Well, then it should be a piece of cake for DeSantis to beat the pants off Trump and all will be right with the world. So why all the caterwauling? Just go with DeSantis and ride him all the way to a glorious victory that apparently is somehow assured.

The GOPe assures us this is the correct path to take, and when have they ever steered us wrong?

Drago said...

Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker: "LOL - No Achilles -the selfish person is Trump ... and his hangers on."

When no one was looking I grabbed another bunch of grapes from the bag.

Inga said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Inga said...

Trump says he has dirt on DeSantis, I can’t wait for Trump to spill the beans. Got my popcorn. I personally don’t care what Trump says about DeSantis,I would never vote for him. Democrats will never forget how he treated those migrants, as if they were less than human. That shame will follow him to the northern states. He won’t win in northern states, but by all means keep on believing you have a new Republican hero you can build a cult around.

Drago said...

Temujin: "Achilles, the approach that anyone who isn't Trump is Mitt Romney is pretty ridiculous. Trump is a cult."

Let me break that down a bit more.

"Achilles, the approach that anyone who isn't Trump is Mitt Romney is pretty ridiculous."

"Trump is a cult."

Hmmmmmm. Perhaps its time for a tad more introspection.

Jim at said...

The working class voters that hate the republican party but like Trump will not be there mysteriously in 2024.

It appears they weren't there last night, either.

Readering said...

Huge night for Trump. Read it on Truth Social.

minnesota farm guy said...

@Wendybar What I was hoping for was that Trump, who will never pull out regardless of how much he should, would have something mildly debilitating which would allow him to withdraw with his ego intact. We are now in for a bloodbath primary in which I hope DeSantis wins. I think he is the best the Rs have to offer. BTW I think in his own way Trump was a terrific president. He did things that have needed doing for years and with Biden's reversal we can see how beneficial were many of the things Trump did. However he is his own worst enemy and, in the long run it makes him a poor leader and an easy target for the opposition.

minnesota farm guy said...

Having Trump as the nominee in 2024 would be like a team going into the World Series two games down before it starts.

CStanley said...

The real problem I'm having is that there seems to be a desperate need on the part of many to pretend that all the problems on the republican side are all about Trump and if we can just get rid of Trump all will be right with the world while ignoring what the republican party leadership have been doing to the base over decades and giving them a free pass because "Trump!".

The word “seems” is lifting a pretty hefty straw man there. Why can’t you accept that many of us see both problems…those of the corrupt GOPe AND those problems that are brought on by Trump’s personal flaws? For my part I’d say that’s the awful predicament we are in- I don’t want craven leaders beholden to the grift of globalism but I also don’t want people whose main qualifications are that they kiss Trump’s ass.

If the latter are really the only way to get rid of the former than you win the argument. But when they’re not having much success, don’t blame us for questioning the strategy and feeling that Trump may now be more of a liability than an asset.

rcocean said...

The Democrats and the Republican Establishment want DeSantis as 2024 Republican POTUS nominee.
They've been bashing trump 24/7/365 despite his holding no office. Paul Ryan, Romney, and Jeb Bush have already lined-up for DeSantis.

The same Republican losers who wanted Trump to drop out in Oct 2016 and give Hillary the Presidency are now saying "Don't nominate Trump - he'll lose".


rcocean said...

DC Republicans, and the RNC, should be doing some soul-searching and in-depth analysis as to why they fumbled the ball and didn't win much in the mid-terms.

Will they do so? Of course not. They'll just blame Trump. Who isn't head of the RNC. Isn't head of the Republican Senate Commmittee and worked his ass off trying to elect people.

There already talking about 2024 like its just around the corner. Its never too early to attack Trump, and get ready to lose.

Lars Porsena said...

There are two electorates: The first shows up in person at a polling place on election day. The other has early voting, mail-in voting, drop box voting, absentee voting. Would you like to guess how each of these electorates differ in their voting preferences?

Michael K said...

Democrats will never forget how he treated those migrants, as if they were less than human. That shame will follow him to the northern states.

In your dreams. I assume you meant the illegal aliens who visited Martha's Vineyard briefly before the residents of that sanctuary community shipped them off to a military base for confinement.

Drago said...

Inga: ". I personally don’t care what Trump says about DeSantis,I would never vote for him."

We know. He won't shower with his daughter so how could you support him?

Inga said...

“We know. He won't shower with his daughter so how could you support him?”

You see Drago? Such comments are why you Trumpists and now DeSantis hopefuls will not win a National election. Americans don’t like vile people like you and those you support. You will remain losers.

Drago said...

Inga: "You see Drago? Such comments are why you Trumpists and now DeSantis hopefuls will not win a National election."

I don't care how "perfectly normal" you think the Biden family practice of Joe showering with his daughter is.

I'm never going to agree with you. Ever. Regardless of how many people you believe you can convince that it is perfectly normal.

This is a principled stand.

Drago said...

minnesota farm guy: "Having Trump as the nominee in 2024 would be like a team going into the World Series two games down before it starts."

What's the problem?

I've been reliably informed that Trump is "over" and that DeSantis is the future and once Trump is gone the real political "genius" of Mitch McConnell, Mike McCarthy and the remaining McCainiacs/NeverTrumpers out of AZ and GA will point the way to endless victories.

Naturally, any setbacks in the future can always be blamed on Trump so that our GOPe "leaders" never need to fear any reprisals for failure to perform.

Achilles said...

Temujin said...

Achilles, the approach that anyone who isn't Trump is Mitt Romney is pretty ridiculous. Trump is a cult. And Trump will only accept purists into his cult.

It is illuminating that you cannot use my own words to disagree with me. These are the two propositions I make:

1. I will not support anyone supported by Mitch McConnell. I will not support anyone supported by Jeb Bush or Paul Ryan. If Mitch McConnell is still a Republican in 2024 and wins his primary I will not support the Republican party. I will only support individuals who I have some reasonable hope will do the right thing.

2. It doesn't matter who the Republican nominee is if Pennsylvania and Wisconsin laws remain the way they are. Trump wont win. Desantis wont win. Jesus wouldn't win. The democrat will win the presidency. Period.

Desantis didn't travel and support the GOP the way Trump did. He didn't spend any of the record amounts of cash he raised. Desantis raised that cash from the globalist republican billionaire class that has funded the GOPe for decades.

A Desantis presidency at this point will end up with a few new wars, probably an amnesty, and one random new entitlement just like the Bush presidency did or the Romney presidency would have. We might end up with carbon credits.

And it doesn't matter whether I would support Desantis of not. Brass tacks: Desantis has zero chance to win Pennsylvania or Wisconsin or Michigan. Zero point zero. None. Even if the voting laws are fixed he will lose those states.

Unless Desantis comes out and says that Mitch McConnell and the other Republicans that betrayed Trump and blocked the border wall need to be removed from the party. Then he would have a chance if the voting laws are changed.

What do you think the odds are he would do that?

Drago said...

Inga: "Americans don’t like vile people like you and those you support."

When is your team going to stop chopping off perfectly healthy parts of young peoples bodies after twisting their minds that they need to do that? And twisting their minds while hiding your activities from the parents.

Trick question: When we pass the laws to keep you sickos from doing it.

Just because Mitch McConnell and Mike McCarthy are too weak to call Team Dem out on that doesn't mean Team Dem will continue to get a pass on that forever.

Drago said...

minnesota farm guy: "Having Trump as the nominee in 2024 would be like a team going into the World Series two games down before it starts."

Having Mitch McConnell, Mike McCarthy and Doug Ducey lead a national party into an election is like betting on the Chicago Black Sox to win after the Black Sox have already thrown at least 2 games to the other team.

wendybar said...

Inga said...
“We know. He won't shower with his daughter so how could you support him?”

You see Drago? Such comments are why you Trumpists and now DeSantis hopefuls will not win a National election. Americans don’t like vile people like you and those you support. You will remain losers.

11/9/22, 6:17 PM

Can't handle the truth Inga?? That came from his own daughters diary that SHE left behind in a halfway house. Are you seriously telling us you wouldn't be spewing out what was in Ivanka's diary if it were the other way around?? We all know you would be crowing....YOU have said MUCH worse about Trump than what Drago just repeated. Pull your claws back in.

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