১৪ নভেম্বর, ২০২২

"They Paused Puberty, but Is There a Cost?/Puberty blockers can ease transgender youths’ anguish and buy time to weigh options. But concerns are growing about long-term physical effects and other consequences."

That's the headline for an article in today's NYT. 

This is a long article, but here's a short excerpt:

Over the past decade, growing numbers of medical providers have lowered the ages at which they prescribe the treatments. Today, the WPATH and Endocrine Society advise that blockers can be prescribed at the first signs of puberty and hormone treatment, in some cases, earlier than 16. The American Academy of Pediatrics says blockers can be provided anytime during puberty and hormones from “early adolescence onward.” Some doctors and researchers are concerned that puberty blockers may somehow disrupt a formative period of mental growth.

With adolescence comes critical thinking, more sophisticated self-reflection and other significant leaps in brain development. Sex hormones have been shown to affect social and problem-solving skills. It’s believed that brain growth is connected to gender identity, but research in these areas is still very new.

In a 2020 paper, 31 psychologists, neuroscientists and hormone experts from around the world urged more study of the effects of blockers on the brain. “If the brain is expecting to receive those hormones at a certain time and doesn’t, what happens?” said Dr. Sheri Berenbaum, head of a gender research lab at Penn State, and one of the authors of the paper. “We don’t know.”

The physicians in the Amsterdam clinic, where the treatment began, have lowered their minimum ages for starting blockers and hormones. But they are very cautious in selecting patients. “Our concern is always: When is gender identity fixed or not fluid anymore? And when do you fully understand the lifelong consequences of such treatment?” said Dr. Annelou de Vries, head therapist at the clinic.

১০২টি মন্তব্য:

Jupiter বলেছেন...

From what I have read, "transgender youths' anguish" mostly just gets worse when these "doctors" get involved. But these days, I'm thinking that about a lot of things. My father was a pediatrician. I used to trust and admire physicians. Now I hope to live to see the day when they pay for their multiple, egregious crimes.

Humperdink বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Dave Begley বলেছেন...

"Some doctors and researchers are concerned that puberty blockers may somehow disrupt a formative period of mental growth.'

Concerned? Don't know what happens to the developing brain?

Then stop!

Don't experiment on kids!

How hard is that? What is wrong with these doctors? Are they all morally bankrupt?

This is NOT happening at the Creighton School of Medicine and its two hospitals. But a hospital doesn't have to be Catholic-affiliated to be moral.

I have never used a Nazi analogy until now, but how is this any different than the medical experiments that the Nazis did other that the fact that trans is a fad right now?

tim maguire বলেছেন...

Perhaps we should first revert to a more feudalistic or caste-based society, where people are born into their circumstances and who abilities and character have very little to do with the roles they play in their community. A merit-based society requires higher level thinking that may be incompatible with the new woke nirvana.

Kings, nobles, peasants, that works much better with the culture they are promoting.

n.n বলেছেন...

Been there, done that, fails to relieve, and actually exacerbates, burdens and "burdens" (e.g. self-abortion) in the majority of trans/neo/quasi/pseudo/conflicted cases, thus the distinction from trans/homosexual as a stable state. Forward, and don't spare the child.

D.D. Driver বলেছেন...

The concerns are "growing." No one had concerns right out of the gate? We needed to send young, otherwise healthy human guinea pigs through an experiment to see if it helps before we had "concerns" (which are growing, btw).

Enigma বলেছেন...

Historians will discuss this generation of 'doctors' in the same breath as Joseph Mengele, the NAZI prison camp quack.

YES, humans have a 70 to 80 year lifecycle. Many skills are best learned before puberty, such as knowing a language without having an accent. Late learning means a person will be stunted/have inferior skills forever. Stopping puberty has irreversible consequences and this was obvious to all just a generation ago. But ideology. But activism.

Is the goal to turn children into sterile and easily controlled farm animals? It's not different castrating male calves to turn a bull into a steer. Eunuchs. Sex toys. Slaves. Eliminate competitors.

Sebastian বলেছেন...

“We don’t know . . . And when do you fully understand the lifelong consequences of such treatment?”

So, if you don't know, and can't assess long-term consequences--have they ever been studied seriously?--how can early trans treatment be best practice?

Follow the science = kowtowing to prog priorities.

Let the lawsuits commence.

Narr বলেছেন...

"When do you fully understand the lifelong consequences of such treatment?"

About 2060 A.D., when your human guinea pigs have had a lifetime of such 'care'?

These people are a menace to society.

The-rapist, as Nabokov put it.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

In my day, if you could not kiss your elbow, you were pretty much stuck with the sex you were born with. It would appear though that now you are a fascist if you don’t believe in spaying and neutering children.

Who would be behind such propaganda?

wendybar বলেছেন...

We need laws to stop them from getting tattoos WHICH can be removed, but let's fuck up their bodies so they we can mutilate them and they can't have kids down the road....We are living in Bizarro world, where everything is upside down.

cubanbob বলেছেন...

Transgenderism is a mental disorder. Pretending it isn't especially in a child is monstrous. Doctors who perform these "treatments" on minors are on the Mengele spectrum.

Sir Loin বলেছেন...

Unintended consequences? C’mon man!

Just some rando on the interwebz বলেছেন...

There is a certain cognitive dissonance with the supposed "science" crowd. On one hand they'll talk about the precautionary principle when it comes to GMO foods like the genetically modified golden rice that can prevent blindness but god forbid may cause some unknown problems in the future and on the other hand are totes A OK with puberty blockers because the kids or something and who really cares if it stunts brain development.

Joe Smith বলেছেন...

So people (democrats) think that you can just 'pause' puberty, and when you think the time is right, just start it up again and there will be no consequences?

Fucking morons.

And people vote for them and put them in charge of local and national policy.

We need to start over as a country, because this one is broken beyond repair...

Richard বলেছেন...

This is a meaningless caution. When the issue is pushed by a major political party, teachers unions, and social media, actual science and concern for the individual are irrelevant, if not criminal. See The Great Barrington Declaration.

Carol বলেছেন...

This is sad. Girls are maturing earlier and I think it could be held off by working or playing hard but they just don't anymore.

Now girls are camped out online just like I was glued to TV and magazines. To stop puberty I would have had to begin at 8.

I think what is missed most of all is that small practically weightless body of a child, that can bound up hills and run everywhere and skate and fall down without hurting

It all goes away too fast.

mccullough বলেছেন...

Pubert blockers for kids. Tattoes for kids.

Dave Begley বলেছেন...

Shorter headline: Josef Mengle Approves of Medical Experiments on children. Liberal American Doctors Agree. Catholic Doctors Hold Out.

RNB বলেছেন...

"Paging Dr. Stieve. Dr. Hermann Stieve, the white phone."

iowantwo বলেছেন...

Short memories. Lets go back and revisit BST. Bovine somatotropin.

The left was all atwitter that the synthetic hormone would affect maturing process in minors. With out evidence I would add. 20 years latter its a moot point.
Some dairies are certified as BST free. An easy claim, because it is impossible to find in the cows system, or milk. Twenty years ago, dairymen were buying BST from the vet, using cash, to hide it from their wives. BST has not affect on milk production, but does cut down the required amount of feed by up to 10%. A substantial savings.

Fred Drinkwater বলেছেন...

My blood pressure just sprayed out of my ears. I don't believe in Hell, but some folks are going there regardless.

Pianoman বলেছেন...

I guess we've reached the peak for "minor gender-affirming care". When the NYT is pushing back, you know things have hit a tipping point.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent বলেছেন...

"But concerns are growing about long-term physical effects and other consequences."

No shit? I don't even need to read the excerpt. Idiocy so manifest, expertise so corrupted by ideology, that gales of laughter are the only response.

DarkHelmet বলেছেন...

It's bad and should be illegal except in very, very rare cases where something other than gender confusion is at issue.

That this even needs to be debated is evidence that our culture has gone insane.

tommyesq বলেছেন...

Sex hormones have been shown to affect social and problem-solving skills. It’s believed that brain growth is connected to gender identity...

No, it is believed that brain growth is connected with sex/gender, not gender "identity," but the typical idiot reporter cannot see this and automatically replaces "sex" with "gender identity."

Achilles বলেছেন...

None of this happens without mail in ballots and vote harvesting.

Humperdink বলেছেন...

Reviewing suicide rates for transgender teens would be a good start. (Hint: off the charts)

Edited for typo(s), my specialty.

Humperdink বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Jersey Fled বলেছেন...

This is strange. The American Acadamy of Pediatrics claims 67,000 members, but according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics there are only 33,620 pediatricians practicing in the U.S.

D.D. Driver বলেছেন...

There is a certain cognitive dissonance with the supposed "science" crowd. On one hand they'll talk about the precautionary principle when it comes to GMO foods like the genetically modified golden rice that can prevent blindness but god forbid may cause some unknown problems in the future and on the other hand are totes A OK with puberty blockers because the kids or something and who really cares if it stunts brain development

Giving a cow hormones is considered inhumane!

TreeJoe বলেছেন...

Guess prescribing pharmaceuticals no longer requires careful research first?

Unbelievable. Not just abandoning their duties, but actively going the opposite direction.

JAORE বলেছেন...

First do no harm.... unless we are not sure.... and teh narrative....

Sydney বলেছেন...

Today, the WPATH and Endocrine Society advise that blockers can be prescribed at the first signs of puberty and hormone treatment, in some cases, earlier than 16. The American Academy of Pediatrics says blockers can be provided anytime during puberty and hormones from “early adolescence onward.”
This is what happens when idealogical activists take control of professional organizations. Science and ethics go out the window. Thank God people are pushing back, but it will take a very long time for people to regain trust in my profession

Dave Begley বলেছেন...

You've certainly seen all those TV ads for people who were at Camp Lejeune and developed cancer. Next up will be the trans ads.

"Were you a minor who was given puberty blockers or had surgery at XYY Hospital? Call us now. A class action has been approved. Liability has been established. It is only a question of damages. Call now as a deadline has been set to file your claim."

All sorts of hospitals are going to be bankrupted over this. Their med mal insurance has limits. This will be much bigger than the class actions against the Boy Scouts and some Catholic dioceses.

The lawyers for the hospitals need to act now and stop this insanity. But they won't or can't.

gilbar বলেছেন...

the thing i could Never understand;
was How they could pretend that "puberty blockers" don't permanently effect your body.
Even IF the girl didn't follow up the "puberty blocker" with hormone therapy (and then surgery)..
Even IF the "puberty blocker" didn't have substantial side effects..
Just the act of blocking development for several years, By DEFINITION is a permanent effect.

If you're 16 (or 18 (or 22) and you decide; "wow! good thing i didn't go on hormones and get a hysterectomy"
Guess WHAT? You've STILL missed out (messed up) several years of development.
At age 16 (or 18) or 22), what? You're Going to START puberty? Good luck with That!

Of course, that's all academic..
IF a girl takes chemical castration drugs, she WILL then take male hormones..
And she EVEN IF she Doesn't get a hysterectomy; at that point, she's sterile.. Which was the whole point

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

Oh, for Fuck's Sake!

Of course, there are long-term physical effects and consequences. One would have to be a fucking blithering idiot to not have known this. Astonishing how stupid everyone has to pretend to be, and I am being kind in describing this level of stupidity as a pretense only. I otherwise would have to describe it as unadulterated evil.

Roger Sweeny বলেছেন...

Just some rando on the interwebz is right. If you believe in the Precautionary Principle that you shouldn't allow GMO organisms because who knows what problems there could be down the road, then you have to refrain from blocking puberty.

Mike (MJB Wolf) বলেছেন...

What a dishonest article with a headline like that. Have we established with peer-reviewed multi-year studies that puberty can in fact be "paused"?

No. No we have not. NYT is asshole.

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

Morlocks and Eloi.

Michael K বলেছেন...

The medical profession has gone off the rails. The New England Journal, which has leaned left for a long time but had an excellent reputation, has now published an artivle that says masking school children reduces racism.

Our results support universal masking as an important strategy for reducing Covid-19 incidence in schools and loss of in-person school days. As such, we believe that universal masking may be especially useful for mitigating effects of structural racism in schools, including potential deepening of educational inequities.

The mutilation of children is almost certainly driven by money but this nonsense has to be pure insanity.

MadTownGuy বলেছেন...

Dave Begley said...

"I have never used a Nazi analogy until now, but how is this any different than the medical experiments that the Nazis did other that the fact that trans is a fad right now?"

This fad is a means to accomplish population control. Then again, so were the ovens

Leland বলেছেন...

Maybe we need a new Turing Test?

readering বলেছেন...

Another reliable click bait topic.

gahrie বলেছেন...

We need to start over as a country, because this one is broken beyond repair...

Since November 9 I agree with you. For the first time I truly despair for our country.

Kevin বলেছেন...

There aren't enough brick walls to put these "doctors" up against

gahrie বলেছেন...

Kings, nobles, peasants, that works much better with the culture they are promoting.

What do you think they've been planning at Davos all these years?

mikee বলেছেন...

Puberty blockers are of use when hormones start flowing too soon, such as a two year old male toddler suddenly developing an adult sized penis. My spouse, who first diagnosed the issue, tells me her fellow pediatricians were impressed at the effect of the boy's rare early onset maturity. Their nurses, being nurses, tell rude jokes about it still. The young fellow is growing up with correct development of arm & leg bones etc., because he takes puberty blockers. Still has an adult sized penis, but hey, he's popular in elementary school. Because he's a nice kid. You pervs!

mezzrow বলেছেন...


First, do no harm? How about we start there.

Has that been revoked? If so, why?

Wa St Blogger বলেছেন...

Nature is cruel and capricious. Who is the master, man or nature? In all things it is man. We can master disease, gender, reproduction, appearance, everything. Early adopters are the heroes that pave the way for the future when gender stops being innate, stops being a state of mind and becomes a boutique item. Get your nails done, your eyebrows painted, your skin colored, your hair styled, your jaw shaped, and your plumbing redesigned, all at Guido’s body shop.

Steven বলেছেন...

"When is gender identity fixed or not fluid anymore?"

This seems like the big question. Isn't the Left's answer "never" and the Right's answer "at birth"? Surprised to see this even asked in a NYTimes article.

I suspect that either the Left or the Right is correct and that there is no in-between answer that will be plausible.

There is some similarity to the abortion debate. When does an an embryo become a child? The Right says at conception and the Left says when it's born. We end up compromising somewhere in the middle, even though all the middle positions are totally indefensible.

Lurker21 বলেছেন...

So the election's over, and trans is back in the news.

Funny how that happened.

Lurker21 বলেছেন...

So the election's over, and trans is back in the news.

Funny how that happened.

Virgil Hilts বলেছেন...

I finally got around to reading the details of the Tuskegee syphilis study on African Americans. When the study started to get attention within the medical community, the CDC and doctors had no real problem with continuing it. It took a whistle-blower going to the press and the outrage of the general public to stop it. History may not repeat but it sure the hell echoes.

Another old lawyer বলেছেন...

We need a new definition of 'expert' and an understanding of who qualifies.

Jamie বলেছেন...

I have read that in the 18th and early 19th century, the well-off sometimes fed their infants solely on sugar water because, you know, breastfeeding is gross and low class, and since breastmilk is sweet, sugar water is the same thing, right?

BUMBLE BEE বলেছেন...

MD friend of many decades says most med graduates he's seen in the last couple years are mainline woke. Nice country we had here.
Don't forget to shred your kiddies!

PM বলেছেন...

How is this not child abuse?

walter বলেছেন...

Chemically altering the natural development is "buying time"?
Only relative to exterior bodily mutilation.

Owen বলেছেন...

I seem to remember reading something in an old book about how this doctor thing is organized. How did it go?

Oh yeah: “First, do no harm.”

Owen বলেছেন...

Pianoman @11:04: “…When the New York Times is pushing back…”. Yes. But rather than being “pushback” that aims directly to check or reverse this evil, I think it is mostly CYA so the NYT can later claim that it was not aiding and abetting the evil, not 100% and loudly, anyway. Possibly also the purpose is battlespace prep: the NYT can see an approaching tsunami of public horrid and revulsion, and wants to frame the fight in the least-bad terms.

Pass the popcorn.

Ignorance is Bliss বলেছেন...

It’s believed that brain growth is connected to gender identity

Passive voice. It's nice that things can be believed without the need for someone to do the believing.

Also note the next paragraph talks about the effect of hormones on brain development. Hormones don't give a fuck about your gender identity.

Bill R বলেছেন...

Aren't drugs supposed to be shown "safe and effective" before they are given to children?

In the case of these "puberty blockers", I can't imagine how they would even design an experiment to prove either safety or efficacy.

They can't possibly obtain informed consent from a 12 year old. The "condition" they claim to treat is ill defined and mostly fanciful. A double blind experiment is impossible. There would need to be a longitudinal study over 20 years or more before you could prove safety. The whole business reeks of pseudoscience and politicization.

Some people, a lot of people, need to lose their licenses. Others need to go to jail.

n.n বলেছেন...

Mengele the clinician, Gosnell the abortionist, Cecile the cannibal, Sanger the eugenicist... Fine people, right? And Pelosi's hammer, mallet, gavel strikes, too. Ok. Wicked, even.

JaimeRoberto বলেছেন...

It would be a start if we didn't call it "gender affirming care". The treatment doesn't affirm their gender. It changes it.

Michael বলেছেন...

What the hell ever happened to First Do No Harm? And it's not just puberty blockers. We shovel a host of powerful pharmaceuticals down the throats of children without any clear idea of the 30-40-50 year impacts.

A powerful self-published book by a clinician focuses upon children being prescribed behavior modification medications. The rapid escalation of children taking these meds is less about health and more about corporate profits Get a copy of Obedience Pills and be shocked

Gusty Winds বলেছেন...

Liberals have been guaranteeing us the puberty blockers have no long term effects. Especially that smarmy witch Matt Walsh interviewed in "What is a Woman?". Now they are saying more research is needed. Hmm...

Same with the poison mRNA shots that liberals (yes...and Donald Trump) told us were "safe and effective". Both are a lie, and even if you got your first two shots, and opted out of additional boosters, you probably agree.

Now Pfizer and Moderna are going to do their own research on the long term affects of Myocarditis in young people. I can't imagine what the results will be. I'm sure we can trust any research they conduct.

The NBC linked article plays down the heart damage as “extremely rare”.

That’s not the point. Is it rare enough to mandate and push on the general population? For liberals yes. For sane people, no. Libs experimented on the general population with the mRNA shots, and they have done it to children letting ideology drive their fake belief in “science”.

I wonder what other "science" libs are bullshitting about? Climate change perhaps?
Effectiveness of mask mandates that are ready to reemerge?

CWJ বলেছেন...

My understanding is that they are puberty blockers, not puberty pausers.

Deceptive headline.

BG বলেছেন...

Enigma said..."Is the goal to turn children into sterile and easily controlled farm animals? It's not different castrating male calves to turn a bull into a steer."
We used to raise steers. Dumbest animals around.
"First, do no harm." Apparently the meaning of "harm" has changed.

FullMoon বলেছেন...

I welcomed puberty. Grew taller, stronger, faster.
Looked forward to shaving, having sex.
Wonder what the girls anticipated?
My opinion is girls are more likely to want the blockers, and making it seem acceptable would unnecessarily encourage the practice. encourage

West TX Intermediate Crude বলেছেন...

I'm close to the point that I don't care if the leftists continue to kill half their babies and chemically and/or physically mutilate and sterilize many or even most of the survivors.
We will have to rebuild Western Civilization with Mormons, Orthodox Jews, evangelical Christians, traditional Catholics, and Muslims.
The times will be even more interesting.

Amadeus 48 বলেছেন...

D'oh!! These things are radical!

The charlatan gauge is off the charts on transgender issues, particularly with children.

This is what you get when you treat a mental illness as a physical disease. If someone in his or her mid-twenties wants to deal with his or her mental issues through surgical procedures and drugs, that is one thing. Doing this to children is vicious.

Joanne Jacobs বলেছেন...

It's encouraging that the Times felt able to question, however gently, the premise that puberty blockers have no permanent effects. I wonder why there was so much focus on bone density, so little on infertility.

The British have pulled way back on "gender affirming care" for kids. That wasn't in the story.

Jon Burack বলেছেন...

As many note, the language is horrific.

"Some doctors and researchers are concerned that puberty blockers may somehow disrupt a formative period of mental growth.'

Some of US, I would say, are concerned that "doctors and researchers" would for a second administer these powerful drugs before they even knew that they might disrupt formative mental growth in children. "Concerned" is putting it mildly -- "Absolutely APPALLED" should have been the reaction, and not arising now, far too late, but at the very first hint of anyone doing this. Even more appalling are the many school boards and school officials (East Lansing, MI where I live, is one) were these utterly "unconcerned" ninnies assert a right to encourage this self-mutilation in kids while blithely insisting they also have a right to deceive their parents about it. Calling all LAWYERS, please, there is money to be made here. Line up, for once I am with you. The schools are begging you to hit them as hard as you can. Please, please, do it.

SGT Ted বলেছেন...

The bottom line is that no one is born in the wrong body and no one goes through the "wrong puberty".

It is literally insane to claim otherwise.

tastid212 বলেছেন...

Re Pianoman at 11:04a and Owen at 1:51p:

I think the "news" for Althouse here is the NYT is finally publishing cautionary tales (safely after the midterms). While the editors' motivations can be debated, the fact that the Paper of Record is saying this allows its large liberal progressive readership to begin questioning this beastly medical experimentation on young people.

Thanksgiving dinners are coming up - how about some juicy intergenerational discussions over a gravy-laden second helping of turkey breast???

SGT Ted বলেছেন...

Also, brain growth is directly connected with puberty, not "gender identity". This is ideology over science, similar to Nazi eugenics and Soviet Lysenkoism.

Jay Vogt বলেছেন...

I didn't read the whole article - probably not even half of it. But I had some time to kill before a meeting this morning and I bought a paper copy of the NYT - which I maybe do once a month. That article was on the front page / above the fold / and with a big picture.

Really without commenting not the whole med thing, which is way above my head, I was really stunned again at what they (publishers and editors at the NYT) chose to put heavy weight on and draw high attention to in the paper. Where they put their attention and how they assign their staff has nothing to do with the world that I live in.

I still do like the crossword puzzles though - except Friday's and Saturday's.

Michael K বলেছেন...

We will have to rebuild Western Civilization with Mormons, Orthodox Jews, evangelical Christians, traditional Catholics, and Muslims.

I think so and the coming collapse might finally change a couple of leftist minds.

k বলেছেন...

I know nothing about the use of puberty blockers to achieve a transgender state. But a past neighbor of ours had a daughter who was diagnosed with precocious puberty. Now, I don't remember anymore how old she was at diagnosis, just that she was far far too young to go through it. Like, still in diapers too young. She was placed on puberty blockers at that time and I believe she continued on them until some selected "normal" puberty age. And then she was allowed to go through puberty at that time. Obviously not being a nosy neighbor, I did not pry into the family's lives or decision-making. The daughter is now a grown, married woman with a son and totally normal (from the outside looking in) life and career.

I know my anecdote doesn't prove a thing, but maybe we DO know a little bit about using puberty blockers and how safe they may be. But certainly we don't know much about what prolonged puberty blocking does, and how long to continue them.

n.n বলেছেন...

Their approach to treating evolutionary discomfort and reproductive rites is aggressive, monotonic, and wicked. They subscribe to beat the dog philosophy in order to enforce an ethical order. Heroic, even.

gilbar বলেছেন...

The daughter is now a grown, married woman with a son

It's (apparently) the Combination of the chemical castration pills (puberty blockers) AND the hormone treatment that leads to near certain sterilization

TheOne Who Is Not Obeyed বলেছেন...

Please do note that all puberty blockers in user are being used "off label" for the purposes of treating "gender dysphoria". There are no FDA-approved puberty blockers for the use to which they are being put, which means they have not been studied for this particular purpose.

"...but maybe we DO know a little bit about using puberty blockers and how safe they may be."
Yes, we do know a little about using blockers for precocious puberty in clearly prepubescent children experiencing puberty well before the normal arrival of that stage of development, but we know almost nothing about using them for blocking puberty in children whose bodies are at the normal time for puberty. Those are two very different physical beings and situations.

Precocious puberty in infants and toddlers is a wholly physical disorder/phenomenon occurring in a physically abnormal body. "Gender dysphoria" is a wholly mental disorder/phenomenon occurring in a physically normal body. To use long-term hormonal treatments for a mental disorder is to treat a healthy bilogical system as though it is a problem (the endocrine system) when the problem is a different system entirely.

Narr বলেছেন...

Rebuild Western Civ with Muslims?

Come on, man! Let's not go completely around the bend.

gilbar বলেছেন...


'We will shut down these barbaric practices': De-transitioned teen, 18, who had a double mastectomy aged 15 SUES doctors who operated on her and 'told parents she was suicide risk'

She transitioned to a male aged 13 after telling her parents she was 'distressed'
She had the operation when she was just 15, before de-transitioning a year later

Cole, from Central Valley in California, had the life-changing surgery when she was just 15, before regretting it and de-transitioning a year later.

D.D. Driver বলেছেন...

The lawsuits are starting. Twelve reasonable people will soon be deciding whether the medical profession has been a bit negligent with its daily affirmations. My prediction is that doctors will start losing a lot of high profile cases very soon and this whole thing will fizzle. These are multi-multi million dollar cases and there are plenty of really talented really greedy litigators that like making money.

Zavier Onasses বলেছেন...

"Puberty blockers can...buy time to weigh options."
A. Accept the body God give ya.
B. Genital mutilation and mind altering drugs.

Kirk Parker বলেছেন...

Bill R @ 2:05 p.m.

You appear to have misspelled the word "gallows" in your last sentence.

Mason G বলেছেন...

Powerline has noticed this blog post and has started their own on the topic.

Maybe if the NYT comments on fraudulent elections, they might notice them, too?

West TX Intermediate Crude বলেছেন...

@Narr at 5:26-
Please note that I did note say that rebuilding Western Civ with the cited precursors is a good idea. I'd prefer that people like you and me do it, but there is no way that we can.
You rebuild a civilization with the people you have, not the people you want.

H বলেছেন...

I believe that 20-50 years in the future, historians will look at this era as an era of widespread mental illness and "madness of crowds". How can a society decide simultaneously that 17 year olds are too immature to decide to get a tattoo, and that 13 year olds are sufficiently mature to decide to remove their breasts/testicles?

West TX Intermediate Crude বলেছেন...

Re: greedy litigators suing doctors who mutilate confused delusional teenagers.
I'm all for it, but note that litigators, like the mutilators, are a core component of the Democratic party, and they risk cancellation and worse if they do anything that will prevent Eve from becoming Steve.

It will be fun to watch.

Goldenpause বলেছেন...

I am waiting for the NYT to stealth edit all of its prior articles to delete or soften any positive coverage of “gender affirming” medical treatment. Got to stay on the correct side of the ever-shifting leftist narrative.

Dave Begley বলেছেন...

DD Driver:

I’m lobbying for a change in Nebraska law, inter alia, remove the med mal cap for these cases. Nebraska Medicine and Omaha Children’s Hospital could end up in Chapter 11. Good.

Narr বলেছেন...

Fair enough West TX-- an alliance on particular matters is good tactics. At the same time, if it's put so starkly, would most Muslims who oppose this on traditional or commonsense grounds enlist for a broader "Make Western Civ Great Again" agenda?

AS for today's madnesses, people like to roll their eyes and say, "Oh that Fred! Such a jolly joker," but Nietzsche was spot-on when he observed that madness is more common in movements than in individuals.

Mike (MJB Wolf) বলেছেন...

Doctors and professors in 1930s Germany enthusiastically embraced the “Jews are subhuman” party line and produced prodigious research to “prove” it, eventually “proving” the Aryan “race” superior to Poles, Slavs, gypsies and everyone else in addition to the Jews. Today’s AMA and it’s psychology counterparts are the proud continuation of that evil herd mentality. Biden’s DOJ is pressuring departments of Child Services to adopt rules following the Associations’ new recommendations for separating such children from any parents who object to the “new identity” on the basis of being a danger to the child’s mental health.

Why is Gender dysphoria a partisan issue? Same reason CRT in school is: Democrats are all about chaos and the family unit is the last institution not co-opted completely by progressives. We’re in their fucking way and their destroying our youth to finally destroy families. Every change to public education has been another step towards separating children from their country, their family, their community and now even their identities. “Hey this great reset ain’t gonna implement itself! We need armies of angry anti American geldings to do the dirty work.” — Klaus Schwaub

0_0 বলেছেন...

The NYT says the <18 don't have the agency to get tattoos.

The discrepancy had to be pointed out to them.

Tina Trent বলেছেন...

They should ban these practices and conduct psychiatric tests on the parents instead. I know of five young women and one young man who have "changed" their gender -- though only two who have taken medical steps (maybe more -- I know two are). All five girls have parents who are academics who think such behavior is special and great (they are all obsessed with the oppression Olympics too). The boy had a very screwed up and absentee pair of parents and multiple other substance abuse and psychological problems.

The girls all have elite backgrounds and educations and parents with multiple degrees. The boy is poor and has an unstable home life. His presentation makes him vulnerable to older male sexual predators, who are having a field day with this stuff. I saw the same with adolescent Amerasian refugee orphans in the 90's. Older gay men used them and passed them around, and nobody in the gay community did shit about it -- even when I confronted them.

It's just a new flavor of a very old game: child sacrifice.

Girls are being pushed into this by their parents. It's Gender Munchausen's by Proxy. Physicians should be required to have the parents examined mentally as well.

MacMacConnell বলেছেন...

Endocrine Society is like the Eugenics Society that grew in the first half of the 20 Century. All the good Progressives supported it. Even FDR and the Kennedys supported it. Famous family and corporate trust were sending cash and plagues to Hitler for his porgssive work right up to WWII. Then the world saw the concentration camps.

Gender reassignment is this century's Lobotomy of is it thalidomide. Doctors are in business, don't ever forget that.

Firehand বলেছেন...

Last year the 'Daily Mail' had this on the subject,
which built on a piece by Bari Weiss

There have been problems known about the use of puberty blockers, and the rushing of kids into transition, for quite a while, but it's been very "You shouldn't talk about that, because sensitivity."

ccscientist বলেছেন...

Puberty starts as early as 12 for girls and 14 for boys. Kids this age have no idea about the future or about sex. They do not yet know what it means to be a man or a woman, never mind the opposite sex. They are impulsive and foolish. We do not let kids this age buy a house, vote, buy a gun, sign contracts. They cannot get their own medical care or get married. Girls are almost universally a little freaked out by their periods and changing bodies (boys not so much) but then they get used to it. But we will stop their maturation because they ask for it? Really????

ccscientist বলেছেন...

Let us say you start a kid on puberty blockers at 12. Puberty adds height and changes bone structure. So at 16 you have a short kid who looks totally immature and inappropriate. WTF