They can't just report the news that Trump announced his 2024 candidacy last night. They have to weigh it down with the old news.
The Washington Post: "Trump, who as president fomented an insurrection, says he is running again."
NPR: "Donald Trump, who tried to overturn Biden's legitimate election, launches 2024 bid."
70 comments: "Trump, twice-impeached and under criminal investigation, launches 2024 campaign"
The legacy media, who lied about Trump’s collusion with Russia, reports on Trump’s latest Presidential campaign.
Three propaganda outlets, three lies. We are in a banana republic.
fomented an insurrection!!
tried to overturn a LEGITIMATE election
All avert ones eyes! scorn him! shun him! FEAR him!!!
How Soon, before they want to pass a bill of attainder, that sends his Entire Family to prison?
I take exception to the claim that they are shoehorning old news into new news.
Trump, whose lies about the 2020 election inspired an insurrection...Trump, who as president fomented an insurrection...Donald Trump, who tried to overturn Biden's legitimate election
This is not news, it is Democratic talking points dishonestly peddled as news by organizations that dishonestly purport to be news outlets.
As usual, “the media” can fuck right off.
That kind of stuff just makes me want to vote for Trump again. That, and the comparison of America and the world before Biden and since Biden.
That kind of stuff just makes me want to vote for Trump again. That, and the comparison of America and the world before Biden and since Biden.
Finally am being led to believe 2020 was need stolen. Protesteth too much
I've had it with the childish antics of our recent President, and I've had it with the dishonest bias of our legacy media. Unfortunately, much of the Right excuse the former and much of the Left deny the latter.
"Fomented an insurrection"
"Biden's legitimate election"
Opinions stated as fact. Non-stop DNC propaganda presented as hard news. If NBC, The Washington Post, and NPR were public relations firms, bought and paid for by the Democratic Party, what would they have done different from what they've been doing for the last twenty years?
90% of the problems this country is facing boil down to an utterly corrupt news media that has enthusiastically sacrificed their integrity in order to assist radical leftists in grabbing and holding on to power. If Shakespeare was here today he'd surely write that first we should kill all the reporters, editors, and network talking heads. They've done more damage than all the lawyers who ever lived.
I won't claim this is an original thought but at some point in this timeline, what we call "the news" stopped being facts about events and started being what certain people, from journalists to experts to Joe in the street, *think about events.*
They're just SO fearful of the prospect of independent thought.
The inadvertent news these outlets are publishing: We at NBC, NPR and WP absolutely cannot be trusted and nobody who wants unbiased news should read, listen to or watch our output.
Methinks the presstitutes protest too much.
Temujin said...That kind of stuff just makes me want to vote for Trump again
I'm with you. I dreaded the announcement yesterday, but less than 12 hours later and the Trump haters have already got me softening up towards the guy.
"Trump, an outspoken and blunt real estate tycoon and media personality, a lightning rod for both criticism and adulation, whose otherwise highly successful presidency was hamstrung by unfounded Russian collusion theories fomented and advanced by his political enemies on the right and left, as well as an unprecedented worldwide pandemic, has now thrown his hat in the ring once again. The voters will decide whether he deserves another opportunity."
How hard is it to write that?
I've spent the last 15 minutes thinking and reading about the word "foment," which could become the new "garner."
Meade and I have been talking about how the word "foment" functions in that WaPo headline. What are you really doing in relation to an insurrection (or riot) if you are "fomenting" it?
It seems to be an avoidance of the more common word "incite," which I think would be used if it were more accurate. "Foment" seems nuanced and detailed, but what, really, does it offer? It could mean something as weak as "inspire."
" insurrection..."
Absurd. It was a riot with trespassing. And now we find that the FBI had eight infiltrators inside the Proud Boys for months in advance.
Well, slap me silly and call me Doris.
Welcome to the new show, same as the old show.
These are the people who never-again Trumpers want running the country, blatant liars who have utterly supplanted the press in order to keep the people who way outnumber them in their place, so they can keep Klaus and Gates, who are both at G20, in control.
I look forward to the refutation by name-calling.
The Mainstream Media IS the enemy of the people. They are propagandists for the Progressive Regressive party ONLY. Time to get rid of them all.
I will be interested to see how the new Congress approaches J6. Does camera footage get released? Is Ray Epps called to testify in public? Or will it be satisfied with the narrative that Pelosi and the FBI created? Will the demonstrators remain imprisoned? Will we show our democracy better than Putin’s?
I think we are finding out that the FBI and Capital Police were the ones who fomented the trespass.
Not our president.
Calling it an "insurrection" is a straight-out lie.
John Henry
Stopping an election certification is insurrection?
I never understood that argument. A vocal part of the populace was highly dis-satisfied with the election. They protested and ultimately disrupted it.
They are using the definition of violent uprising against government to use the word insurrection. I get it. But if you use that word for Jan 6 2021, then OMG insurrection was happening and supported in cities throughout the nation in 2020 at the height of the pandemic. And there are many politicians on camera encouraging, inciting, fomenting, and supporting that insurrection.
Congress needs to stay away from J6 and Biden corruption.
All investigative powers should focus on Biden administration f%#@ ups.
1. Biden’s energy policy
2. Opening of the borders
3. Wokification of the government with specific focus on DOE (education) and DOD.
That's awesome. The truth of the fraudulent 2020 election, and the bullshit claim that J6 was an "insurrection" is right there front and center for the idiotic American public to believe, ignore, or cower in fear to address head on.
Let's give up and fall victim to what we all know is pure bullshit propaganda. That'll make everything all better.
Throw Trump overboard right now, and these assholes win, and get to run the country for the rest of our lives.
It's not time to go back to the Dem/GOPe plantation yet. We got off that farm in 2016.
Ya'll turning back already???
They'll do this to any Republican.
When I was teaching a course in critical thinking, we looked for leading words or phrases that indicated that the story was opinion and not fact.
Phrases like:
"whose lies about the 2020 election inspired an insurrection"
There is no proof presented in the report that supports the premise that:
a) Trump lied, or...
b) Said lies, inspired an insurrection
The stories from WAPO and NPR are similar. We would classify each as opinion and not fact.
If my students submitted a paper with opinions presented as fact like those above their grade would start with a C and go down from there. They were smart enough not to do it again. Not so NBC, WAPO and NPR.
Althouse said... It seems to be an avoidance of the more common word "incite," which I think would be used if it were more accurate. "Foment" seems nuanced and detailed, but what, really, does it offer? It could mean something as weak as "inspire."
What does it matter how it's said?? It's a lie. This is sophistry. The content and truth of the words are not under scrutiny, just the structure and ability to persuade, no matter how big of a lie is being told.
Sophistry: "the use of fallacious arguments, especially with the intention of deceiving".
The bias in the press undermines everything they say. They want to attack Trump, and that very wanting disables them. What a screwup!
Old trick by the media. I was actually negative to neutral on Reagan until after he got elected. When I started to regularly watch nightly network news in the early '80s I noticed every time they had report on Reagan, they prefaced the report with some derogatory remark (usually unrelated to the current story) that tried to stilt the coverage. Started paying attention to what they were doing and my opinion of Reagan improved.
So, when the new Republican controlled house does nothing to refute or investigate the J6 Pelosi narrative, then what? I am afraid the whole system is so corrupt that there is simply no hope of fixing it. So, quit voting? Mount a futile protest and end up with the J6 crowd? No thanks. Life is too short.
The MAM bitterly clings to the old failed Trump playbook.
I hope they raid Trump's home again and crush him like a bug so an outsider will NEVER EVEN THINK to run for President again and take on our honest, altruistic establishment who always know and do what's best for us. Outsiders don't know anything and protecting us from their disinformation is important.
I can't wait to watch the George W. Bush / Zelensky townhall on disinformation tonight from Dallas. It's Jerry Lewis telethon style where you can just call in a donate more of your money to the American/Ukrainian money laundering operation. It'll help defeat Donald Trump, solve climate change, and feed the world!!
And then Obama is also hosting a disinformation forum on Thursday night to launch his "Democracy Forum" in coordination with Columbia University and the University of Chicago. Back to back. How exciting and coincidentally timed.
Oh. Here’s a link to the Bush Center webpage on combating disinformation just in case you want to brush up before the specials. Those WMDs are out there somewhere. Ask half a million dead Iraqis. I’m sure they know.
Too bad he didn't fix these things when he was President last time, like he told us he would. I hope the next Republican President is paying attention, or they too will be a one-term loser.
11/16/22, 7:45 AM
And when was he supposed to tackle that, with all that he DID accomplish, when they were spying on him before he was President, coming at him with the FAKE RUSSIAN COLLUSION HOAX that Hillary paid for for 5 years, 2 fake impeachments, and Rinos attacking him too?? You live in fantasy land. NOBODY would have been able to get WHAT HE ACCOMPLISHED with the attack dogs like you on the loose.
At least the article on the announcement in the NY Post didn't include anything so crass....
The media sucks... Trump isn't much better.
There were embedded FBI informants in the crowd.
That kind of stuff just makes me want to vote for Trump again.
Me too... and I really don't want to have to vote for Trump again!
My husband insists that the Democrats and the "news media" (BIRM) have been playing us like Yahtzee all along; I've been insisting that everything they say and do emanates from the bubble in which they live and work. But I'm starting to come around to his point of view, because apparently all it takes to manipulate me into jumping back into the "crawl over broken glass to vote for Trump and therefore shove a thumb in the eye of these people" camp is three headlines that present straight-up propaganda as fact.
There has to be a better way for me to react. I just haven't found it yet.
At least the article on the announcement in the NY Post didn't include anything so crass....
Which headline, Readering? "Donald Trump announces 2024 presidential run to make US ‘great and glorious again’"? Without actually reading the several articles in the Post about various things affected by and people reacting to the announcement, I'm guessing that that's THE announcement one. What's wrong with it?
Did you notice the quotes?
Did you notice the lack of quotes in the three our host has listed?
Do you see the difference?
Trump, whose breath stinks and nobody likes, announces his run for the White House.
TreeJoe said...
Stopping an election certification is insurrection?
I never understood that argument.
That is because you refuse to understand what we are up against.
We are up against an illegitimate regime that is manufactures millions of ballots by mailing them out en masse then sending out operatives to pick them up and fill them out for people who never voted before.
This Regime has opened our borders, given US arms and weapons to the taliban, started a war with Russia and openly laundered billions of taxpayer dollars through Ukraine, and is using censorship and the federal police force to persecute their political enemies.
You aren't talking or voting your way out of this.
Old and slow said...
Mount a futile protest and end up with the J6 crowd? No thanks. Life is too short.
You might as well vote for whatever GOPe loser the Republican party foists out for you.
Then you can blame all of your problems on Trump like the other GOPe losers here.
It is a much easier path than admitting you are a coward that doesn't deserve the freedom you were born with.
AMDG: "Congress needs to stay away from J6 and Biden corruption."
Of course, of course. Precisely as predicted.
The bias in the press undermines everything they say. They want to attack Trump, and that very wanting disables them. What a screwup!
So your objection to bias in the media isn't the presence of bias in the media, it's that it makes the media less effective in attacking Trump.
Cruel neutrality indeed.
Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker said...
The media sucks... Trump isn't much better.
Everyone sucks except for you.
You are awesome. Courageous! Brilliant! You shit strawberry ice cream!
And you will abandon the next Republican who fights the regime because the regime will smear them too.
But that's OK because you are awesome and courageous! Not like that jerk Trump. Trump sucks compared to you.
The Regime could never smear you or Ron Desantis.
For those of us with a sense of civic decency, the fact that the previous president tried to disrupt the proud American tradition of the peaceful transition of power will never be old news.
Cappy said...
They'll do this to any Republican.
BS. Ron Desantis is completely immune to this. There is no way that the Regime can take down Desantis.
Trump acted poorly enough on the day of those Jan 6 riots. The Dems and Media need to stop acting like it was an insurrection.
"Insurrection" and "Gender-affirming" are the current tells that the speaker/writer is an activist.
I hope the next Republican President is paying attention
Until and unless we can fix our totally screwed voting system (it’s election day, no, election week, wait, election season) there will not be a “next Republican President.”
Ann Althouse said...
The bias in the press undermines everything they say. They want to attack Trump, and that very wanting disables them. What a screwup!
But the very problem is highlighted by the obvious fact you want them to succeed in taking Trump out.
You are more self aware than most and you realize this undermines your position in a logical sense and this makes you mildly uncomfortable.
But you got your normal so it is really OK with you.
But there are many people who are less self aware on this very board who have turned against Trump because of these constant attacks. This propaganda works. They don't care what Trump has actually done.
People listen to the media and the media is attacking the social status of anyone that supports Trump. There are people who this terrifies and they just don't want to fight the Regime if it endangers their status amongst their peers.
They will move on to the next Republican and abandon them when the attacks begin. This pattern has been going on for decades.
Pretty soon someone will start a "Samizdat" so the people can figure out what the fuck is going on. Fox News is drifting left. The rest is hopeless.
All those protestors fomenting at the mouth.
If you are the legitimate president, you don't keep saying you are the legitimate president. That only makes people think that you aren't.
I have in mind the page 26 article under the headline, Been There, Don That, following the cover teaser, Florida Man Makes Announcement.
Kovacs: "For those of us with a sense of civic decency, the fact that the previous president tried to disrupt the proud American tradition of the peaceful transition of power will never be old news."
Yes, we will be hearing much more about the Fedsurrection in the coming months.
Michael K: " Fox News is drifting left. The rest is hopeless."
Fox News division has been firmly liberal for some time. The polling division is run by a partisan lifelong democratical.
The open question is how long it will take for them to replace the primetime opinion crew which is the only thing that holds the network together.
There will come a time when the Murdochs want full acceptance into democratical society and that entire primetime crew will be ushered out, even if profits collapse because that business model is what we see across the democratical media complex. It's actually small potatoes in the larger financial scheme of things.
That time will probably be when Rupert shuffles off this mortal coil.
"Fox News is drifting left."
Maybe you have drifted over to the kookoo extreme right. (The "maybe" is rhetorical.)
Maybe they're concerned that people won't know who this "Trump" fellow is without the reminders.
Influencers, first.
"Fox News is drifting left."
The left-right nexus is leftist: authoritarian/totalitarian.
For those of us with a sense of civic decency, the fact that the previous president tried to disrupt the proud American tradition of the peaceful transition of power will never be old news.
I hope you'll actually read this comment of mine, Kovacks. In it, I will try to give you some insight into at least my (I won't claim to speak for my entire side, though I'd say I'm mainstream among Republicans) interpretation of the events of the 2020 election season and thereafter.
I have a strong sense of civic decency. It is because of that strong sense of civic decency that, when Democrat officials and progressive-leaning (based on their decisions) judges in battleground states began to change election processes, rules, and laws, often without going through the legislative processes laid out in their states, I was incensed.
The fig leaf of "voter suppression" did not cover the fact that the changes they succeeded in putting into place didn't include controls to prevent election fraud. These changes - such as same-day registration without proof of citizenship, universal mailing out of absentee ballots whether or not requested followed by separation of ballots from envelopes without date or identity verification, relaxation of signature verification standards, door-to-door ballot collection (which can obviously be targeted and has no observation requirement to ensure that ALL ballots are both collected and turned over for counting), among others, make it more difficult if not impossible to tell whether a ballot has been properly cast. What they did made it impossible for me to TRUST THE PROCESS, even if everyone involved behaved absolutely perfectly.
Politics ain't beanbag. Immense power and money are at stake in any election at the state level or above, and in many large municipal elections. For this reason, I believe that who votes, the procedures for voting, who counts, and the procedures for counting all need to involve control processes. When control processes are eliminated or bypassed, it at least CREATES THE APPEARANCE of an election the results of which might be in doubt.
My strong sense of civic decency has resulted in my having a different view of events from yours. From where I sit, it wasn't the previous president who tried to undermine the peaceful transfer of power after a free and fair election; it was a "shadowy cabal," as they described themselves in the NYT, was it? Or the New Yorker?, who congratulate themselves on having manufactured a particular election result by means that destroyed the credibility of that and all future elections - way worse for our system than Trump's wanting his supporters to protest the election processes, which is what he actually did. (That a bare handful of his supporters did more than protest doesn't change what Trump actually did.)
Again, I really hope you've read this whole long comment so that maybe you can gain some insight about your political interlocutors.
I'm looking for the following lede in those sources but can't find it:
"Biden, who showered with his daughter and skimmed 10% of his son's influence-peddling schemes, ditched G-20 gala for a nap yesterday."
“Yes, we will be hearing much more about the Fedsurrection in the coming months.”
Yes, just like the Durham investigation which was going to send hoards of Democrats to GTMO. I’m sorry for laughing like a hyena.
“Fox News is drifting left."
“Maybe you have drifted over to the kookoo extreme right. (The "maybe" is rhetorical.)”
"Fox News is drifting left."
Robert Cook: "Maybe you have drifted over to the kookoo extreme right."
There is no such thing as an "extreme right". There is only a far left lunatic and communist extreme left, which is where Cookie is. Everyone else is basically a liberal, or in the center left, center or slightly center right.
Jamie @ 11:31 AM
"They can't just report the news that Trump announced his 2024 candidacy last night. They have to weigh it down with the old news."
You mean old propaganda.
“There is no such thing as an "extreme right". There is only a far left lunatic and communist extreme left, which is where Cookie is. Everyone else is basically a liberal, or in the center left, center or slightly center right.”
Drago is hoping you normal Republicans will buy this distortion. He is a propagandist for Trumpism. Drago, Achilles and a few more here most definitely fall into the extreme right. They would not be supporting Trump at this point if they were normal Republicans.
FLMJS gonna lie. After all, that IS one of their sacraments!
Russia Collusion Truther and Hillary/FBI Hoax Dossier Dead Ender Inga: "Drago is hoping you normal Republicans will buy this distortion."
My "distortion" was a purposeful inversion of Cookies typical distortion!
You utter dolt!
Too funny.
Journolist lives ...
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