November 1, 2022

Sunrise — 7:35.




Lurker21 said...

Gavin Newsom: #CivilityBullshit?

And now for some comedy:

The Biden Miracle
On the global stage, he may just rise from the rank of a ‘caretaker’ president to one of the greats

h said...

(headline in instapundit) " Now That Elon Musk Owns Twitter, Who Should He Unban?" Is it just me or have we completely given up on the "who" "whom" distinction? Is "whom" just an outdated word, like "fardels".

Gahrie said...

Netanyahu is back in power in Israel. If he can hold on a couple of years, perhaps the Jerusalem Accords can be revived and strengthened if the Republicans win in 2024.

Drago said...

Liz Cheney (D-Pelosi/Unemployed) has decided to destroy the last vestiges of Tim Ryan's chances in Ohio by endorsing Ryan over Vance!

I'll bet Vance's staff would have happily paid her to endorse Ryan.

Cheney has become a literal political kiss of death.

Poor Helpless gadfly is going to have to start pulling overtime in linking to Soros-funded Media Matters ineffective smear reports to "help" gadfly's beloved New Soviet Democraticals.

MadisonMan said...

The sunset is before 6 now. The switch this weekend is gonna be brutal.

gilbar said...

Good News for Wisco dems!
Thanx to fictional voters in Milwaukee and Madison;
both Evers and and Barnes are within the margin of fraud!!
Fox News Poll: Johnson holds edge over Barnes in Wisconsin Senate race
Democratic Gov. Tony Evers is in a tough battle to stay in office

Serious Question: where, in the world; would democrats win an honest vote?

Beasts of England said...

I’ve never seen the left so angry and deflated as they are a week before an election. I suggested a few weeks ago +3 in the Senate and +30 in the House. I now think that’s the floor. +4/+40 is possible.

Gusty Winds said...

"All for 8!"

If you're not following Elon Musk on Twitter, you're missing out.

Mason G said...

Re: Elon Musk, Twitter...

Are we over all that "They're a private company, they can do that they want" stuff now?

Original Mike said...

"The sunset is before 6 now. The switch this weekend is gonna be brutal."

All-nighter observing session last Friday night. Finally getting to be dark long enough to make the effort really worthwhile.

Original Mike said...

"If you're not following Elon Musk on Twitter, you're missing out."

I don't know how. Do you need an account?

Narr said...

"If you're not following Elon Musk on Twitter, you're missing out."

Maybe, but there are only so many hours in a day (even a retired fart's day) and all the important stuff will make it to Althouse anyway.

wendybar said...

Residents of tony Broadway Street in San Francisco are used to fleets of black SUVs surrounding the Speaker's red brick mansion 24/7, a heavy police response to any disturbances, and even their computers getting scrambled by alleged security measures to protect the nation's Number Three.
So when Marjorie Campbell read that her old neighbor had to call 911 himself while negotiating with a hammer-wielding madman, she was deeply perplexed.

Andrew said...

"Liz Cheney (D-Pelosi/Unemployed) has decided to destroy the last vestiges of Tim Ryan's chances in Ohio by endorsing Ryan over Vance!"

That is genuinely shocking to me. After her loss in her own home state, she really should just shut up. What influence does she think she has, in a state that leans red like Ohio? Tim Ryan has been running a very clever campaign, embracing Trump on trade, and claiming to reject Pelosi and the extremism of the Democrats. Of course, it's all bullshit; Ryan is as loyal a Dem as they come. But Cheney endorsing him really screws up his message. It also gives people one more reason to think that Vance has the right enemies.

A few weeks ago, I thought the race was over. But the momentum has shifted towards Vance in a way that is palpable. Most people I know think he will win. That was not the case until very recently.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

What an odd-looking cloud.

Gospace said...

I;m somewhat surprised you didn't post about Emily Oster's article in The Atlantic, LET’S DECLARE A PANDEMIC AMNESTY. Would easily fit with your "Civility BS' tag. Because that's what it is.

She screwed up. In a way, she admits it. But uses the excuse- "But the thing is: We didn’t know.". Why not? She's co-teaching at Brown University, so she's obviously credentialed- though as we've seen throughout the covidiocy that doesn't correlate with either educated nor knowledgable. She didn't know cloth masks were useless? And transmission didn't occur outdoors- in sunlight? I did, and I'm just a poor innocent boiler operator. Albeit with a BS in Political Science, hanging on my wall. All information on masks and how useless they were in pandemic situations was available and not hidden in obscure medical journals tucked away in dusty corners of university libraries, thanks to the wonders of the internet and search engines. It was all out in the open, and discussed. And paid attention to- by those of us who didn't panic.

It was her and her allies who taped masks to pre-schoolers and autistics. That's evil. Why should the parents of those children- or me- declare an amnesty over that? Maybe not the death penalty for those that did it, but I certainly think public whippings would be in order. Let them know they did wrong.

Among other things we knew, freely available of you cared to educate yourself, before the vaccine tnhat doesn't work was mandated and people were fired and bounced out of the armed forces for not submitting to an unlawful order to take an experimental vaccine, were two very important items that would make one skeptical.
1. No tests for any mRNA treatment were ever successful, and some caused harm.
2. No one, anywhere in the owrld, in decades of trying, had ever developed a successful vaccine against any coronavirus, either for animals or humans, and some really really backfired bigly.

So we take these two known things, combine them, and Fraudci (heavily financially invested in their selliong, not their success, their selling) shouts out- "This is the miracle cure you've all been waiting for!" Uh, no. Turns out that the miracle vaccine 1. Doesn't keep one from getting the dreaded covid (which used to be the definition of vaccine) 2. Doesn't stop you from spreading it. But no one ever told us it did, they lie. They keep forgetting that such lies are easily exposed 3. Exactly as predicted by vaccine "skeptics", drove the development of variants because the shots were given DURING the pandemic, exactly what previous practice and experience said not to do. and 4. Destroys immune system response to other diseases. #4 is slowly coming out in the open. In one hospital at least, doctors have noted that all the juveniles actually hospitalized with RSV are covid vaxxed. Pure coincidence, right? (No, I'm not going to search for the link- take my word for it.)

Her side caused people to die in hospital setting, alone, without family nearby, because of irrational dreaded covid fear.
Her side forbade any doctor from trying any treatment other then the government approved options. One of which, remdesivir, kills people almost as effectively as the dreaded covid does. Maybe even better. Another, paxlovid, suppresses symptoms, while the patient remains infectious, then the patient >50% of the time gats a rebound case that's even worse.

In the social media that has taken note of her article not many, if any of us are in a forgiving mood. My unvaxxed never had the dreaded covid self isn't. We were punished for being prematurely correct.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The Phillies lead the Astros 2 games to 1 in the best of 7 World Series classic.


gpm said...

>>The switch this weekend is gonna be brutal.

Speak for yourself. I may finally be able to get up before noon (by the clock).


Joe Smith said...

If you have a Ukrainian flag in your Twitter signature and you're not Ukrainian, then you're a fucking moron and anything you write should be discarded out of hand...

Howard said...

I'm happy for your Shadenfraude 😜

Another clear morning this time merely cool. Condensation not frozen. At zero Dark Thirty, the world is quiet waiting for the late dawn that's miles away. The coffee tastes richer now. A conscientious commuter just drove by. I have tev minutes to leave for the cool embrace of the pool and all the other beautiful people who like to keep the blood pumping.

BUMBLE BEE said...

U.S. boots on the ground in Ukraine to track weapons? Uh Oh! They must be showing up on Ebay somewhere.

gilbar said...

BUMBLE BEE said...
U.S. boots on the ground in Ukraine to track weapons? Uh Oh! They must be showing up on Ebay somewhere.

Al Kadiah should be happy to hear!
National Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile Systems were included in the latest $275 million security assistance package to Ukraine
"The United States has already provided 1,400 Stingers, which is short-range air defense, and our allies and partners have also provided considerable numbers of short-range air defense systems"

Humperdink said...

On Jesse Kelly's* radio show last night, he asked callers to relate their Covid horror stories. The stories were infuriating. The Pfizer CEO, now worth billions, was not among the callers. Amnesty for the liars? Heck No!

*Jesse Kelly is not Rush, but he's smart and entertaining.

tim maguire said...

Bari Weiss' Common Sense substack just published an essay by Walter Kirn talking about the early days of twitter and how, right from the start, it was in the business of protecting the reputations of its favored customers (" wife...was able to read real-time tweets about his antics from other partygoers. A few hours afterward she noticed that these tweets had disappeared. Instant reality-editing.")

But more importantly, journalists immediately started using twitter as a tool to create and enforce consensus: "I watched my colleagues, who had their laptops open, log in to Twitter, almost to a person. They monitored the reaction to the speech, chattering among themselves when they found comments that suited the directions of the columns and opinion pieces they were already typing into their machines. Within minutes, a consensus formed that the speech was a triumph, moving, eloquent—perhaps the best such performance of its kind in living memory."

MadTownGuy said...

Latest from the Fetterman campaign:

"ICYMI: Dr. Oz’s campaign is stocked with Jan. 6ers
Rolling Stone, 10/30/2022


YIKES, ******.

A bombshell report from Rolling Stone over the weekend revealed that Dr. Oz employs *multiple* January 6th insurrectionists on his campaign.

We already knew Oz embraced Donald Trump’s dangerous “Big Lie,” which incited the deadly January 6 attack on the Capitol. But now we know he’s surrounding himself with people actively interested in threatening our American democracy — just like PA candidate for governor Doug Mastriano.

******, we cannot let these dangerous extremists win, and with only six days until Election Day, we have no choice but to fight back. So please, can you rush a $5 donation to our campaign to defeat Dr. Oz + elect John Fetterman today?

RUSH $5 »

All of this comes after Donald Trump told press that he plans to challenge Pennsylvania’s U.S. Senate election results AND that he “needs” Dr. Oz in the Senate to help him challenge the 2024 election if — and when — he runs for president.

And in just a couple of days, he’ll appear with Dr. Oz + Doug Mastriano for his final rally in PA before Election Day.

We’re not kidding when we say Trump is pulling out all the stops to elect Dr. Oz on November 8. So ******, can you kick in $5 or more to our campaign to defeat Oz + elect John Fetterman right now?

We proudly employ zero insurrectionists on this campaign.

Thanks for being part of it,

— Team Fetterman HQ

Desperation, much?

exhelodrvr1 said...

Original Mike, in your browser will bring you to his Twitter posts. That's the approach I use to follow a number of people/organizations on twitter

exhelodrvr1 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mr. Forward said...

The security cam and body cam videos of the Pelosi break-in will be released after a delay long enough for the conspiracy theorists to make an ass of themselves.

Mr. Forward said...

"The glass would be inside the house" according to the people who have never broken a window.

hawkeyedjb said...

Narr said... all the important stuff will make it to Althouse anyway.

True in so many ways!

tim maguire said...

Mr. Forward said...The security cam and body cam videos of the Pelosi break-in will be released after a delay long enough for the conspiracy theorists to make an ass of themselves.

Only if they're wrong. And, of course, by "conspiracy theorists" we mean people who insist on accounting for the facts that the official narrative ignores.

Original Mike said...

@exhelodrvr1, Thank you.

Political Junkie said...

56/44 would be orgasmic.

gadfly said...

David DePape has been charged with a litany of crimes by both the Feds and the state. He was charged with one count of “attempted kidnapping of a US official,” according to the US attorney’s office for the Northern District of California. That charge relates to Nancy Pelosi, who DePape told police he planned to “hold hostage,” according to an unsealed FBI affidavit. DePape also was charged with one count of assault on an immediate family member of a US official with the intent to retaliate against the official.

The federal charges against DePape are in addition to state charges, which the San Francisco district attorney said includes “attempted murder, residential burglary, assault with a deadly weapon, elder abuse, false imprisonment of an elder, as well as threats to a public official and family.”

So guilty findings in court for these felonies can easily add up to a life sentence.

Speculation time is over for the conspiracists. Put your money where your mouth is and find a broker to take your bets.

gadfly said...

Capitol Police cameras actually captured the moment DePape broke into Pelosi's house, but no one was watching.

"Capitol Police… installed cameras around Pelosi’s home . . . But hours after Pelosi . . . returned to D.C.. . . officers in Washington stopped continuously monitoring video feeds outside her house."

But after the fact, a Capitol officer in D.C. quickly pulled up additional camera angles from around Pelosi’s home and began to backtrack, watching recordings from the minutes before San Francisco police arrived. There, on camera, was a man with a hammer, breaking a glass panel and entering.

Wow! Video shows DePape breaking and entering with a hammer he brought for just such a purpose. As TFG might say, "Lock him up and throw away the key."

Soon the SF Police body-cam footage will likely be released displaying Paul Pelosi being struck in the head with the hammer.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

King County finally issued the health certificate for our septic system. It's been about 4 weeks since the septic designer sent the paperwork to them. They issued the certificate about a day after I asked when it would be ready. Coincidence? Maybe not. The building permit seemed to inch ahead the day after I asked what the status was for each step.

I think we'll get the occupancy permit the week of November 13. We'll be on vacation at Newport, OR for the week of November 6, so I won't have time to do the final actions required for the OP.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Nancy and the Democrats are fans of the homeless, drug crazed and psychotic illegal aliens. I don't understand why Paul and she don't welcome their early-morning visitor with open arms. He's the kind of guy they've been embracing for decades. Paul should have offered his "guest" a glass of wine or an IPA (though I doubt Paul is a beer afficando).

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