November 29, 2022

Sunrise — 7:03.

IMG_4029 2

Talk about whatever you want in the comments.


Saint Croix said...

Celebrities Cut Ties With Balenciaga

Dave Begley said...

Just heard on CNN. News reader stated that the largest newspaper and CCP mouthpiece had nothing on the massive protests in China.

CNN covered for Joe the entire campaign and especially regarding Hunter’s laptop.

No difference between state-run media and CNN. Hypocrites. UnAmerican.

Saint Croix said...

50 Shekels goes after Ye

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Today I heard "All I Want For Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth" for the first time ever.

I got another SiriusXM free trial.

gspencer said...

Picture of China's covid isolation units (aka prison cells) in which those suspected of having the virus are involuntary imprisoned.

For which they are required to pay for their own imprisonment,$largeimg_375398371.jpg

MadTownGuy said...

Shooting incident a half block from the WI Capitol. News says it was a 'targeted incident:

1 injured in shooting on State Street near Capitol Square

Big Mike said...

USA beat Iran to advance to the round of 16. Next game against a very good Netherlands team.

Gusty Winds said...

Update from the Fanboy. Musk's Apple poll to day is amazing. "Apple should publish all censorship actions it has taken that affect its customers"

Poll finishes 84.7 to 15.3 to the affirmative.

Musk simply: "The people have spoken..."

Twitter Musk is attacking bots. I don't believe he is replacing them with his own. He trusts the people. Results of this poll make sense too...

Musk might figure out how to conduct trustable elections on-line that can be audited. And then everybody gets to vote, with free speech, and the voting franchise is protected. $8. I think Musk is willing to put his polls under audit.

The government isn't. Apple isn't. Because "we're caught in a trap, we can't walk out...because we love them too much babayyyyyyy".

Gusty Winds said...

Who is John Galt?

That rhetorical question finally has an answer.

He's Elon Musk.

Chuck said...

Glenn Greenwald in June '21 and January '22; nobody has been charged with seditious conspiracy. So why call it sedition?

November 29, 2022; Oath Keepers found guilty of seditious conspiracy.

Chuck said...

Glenn Greenwald in June '21 and January '22; nobody has been charged with seditious conspiracy. So why call it sedition?

November 29, 2022; Oath Keepers found guilty of seditious conspiracy.

Mark said...

"Just heard on CNN. News reader stated that the largest newspaper and CCP mouthpiece had nothing on the massive protests in China."

Is this in code or do you not grammar check your posts?

If you want those of us who are not far down the conspiracy rabbit hole to understand, write with clarity.

rcocean said...

USA won. Wales lost. I'm still hoping South Korea, Japan, Croatia, and Serbia advance.

Mark said...

I found it interesting that Elon's Twitter decided to cancel the guy talking about how Twitter was hacked in the spring.

All that talk of free speech and yet this banning contradicts all Elon's commentary about only harmful speech being banned.

MadTownGuy said...

gspencer said...

"Picture of China's covid isolation units (aka prison cells) in which those suspected of having the virus are involuntary imprisoned.

For which they are required to pay for their own imprisonment,

Justin Trudeau would approve.

Mr. Majestyk said...

Now that the "Respect for Marriage Act" has passed the Senate and is thus almost certain to become law, does that mean that if one state recognizes polygamy, the all states must recognize any such a marriage?

MadTownGuy said...

Blogger censors Borepatch for TOS. "violation"

"Blogger, owned by Google, has evidently decided that it, and not the individual bloggers that use it, are the ultimate arbiter of what those bloggers should be allowed to say, and they’ve started censoring Borepatch. From Friday, November 25, 2022:

In the ongoing effort to protect the world from Borepatch, the following actions have been taken by The Blogger Team. has been removed. has been put behind a warning wall. has been put behind a warning wall.

As a blogger and Borepatch reader, this sticks in my craw, so here is a a Wayback Machine link to “What smells good.” What Google hopes to accomplish by censoring a 14-year old post to gun cleaning solvents is unclear.

But that’s not all Google objects to! For some reason, they also decided that a post doubting “climate science” from 2014 was also verbotten.

As you may know, our Community Guidelines
( describe the boundaries for what we allow– and don’t allow– on Blogger. Your post titled “How do we know that Climate “science” is terribly weak?” was flagged to us for review. We have determined that it violates our guidelines and have unpublished the URL, making it unavailable to blog readers.

Why was your blog post unpublished?

Your content has violated our Malware and Viruses policy. Please visit our Community Guidelines page linked in this email to learn more.

Reading the archived piece, I see nothing that could even be remotely construed as code.

It seems Google is using vague terms-of-service complaints to carry out ideological language policing in the name of crushing dissent against The Holy Narrative.

And it seems like a pretty good reason not to choose Blogger as your platform if you can choose something else.

H/T Lawrence Person's Battleswarm Blog.

Original Mike said...

Replaced my loyal 28 year old snowblower today. Sad. That snow blower was a trooper.

Maynard said...

Who is John Galt? That rhetorical question finally has an answer.

He's Elon Musk.

I was thinking Elon is more Francisco d'Anconia.

LibertarianLeisure said...

Lem Former Twitter Afficianado,xI met the man who wrote All I want for Christmas is My Tooth Front Teeth. He was elderly, jolly and lived in Wellesley Hills, Massachusetts. He told me he was a teacher and looked out at his young class, many missing their teeth and came up with that song.

iowan2 said...

I've got a question for the midwest crowd. Where did our insects go this summer? Very few mosquitos. No beer bugs, never saw a no see um gnat,even the common house fly was of little concern, and Got through the fall seeing maybe a dozen box elder bugs and asian beetles each.

Was this just my little corner of the world, or was it more wide spread. I cover a big percentage of Iowa, in my consulting work, and it was universal across the geography. What was everyone else's experience?

Creola Soul said...

Forbes has reported that China has 270 GW of new coal under construction and its all expected to be in service by 2025. For reference, China has over 1000GW of coal in service before the new units come online.
For further reference, the US has converted much of its coal to less polluting natural gas and we now have a little over 200GW of coal still in service. But yet we pledged $1B for reparations and China has pledged $0.
We could shut everything down, committing economic hari-kari and it will make no difference in reducing world emissions.

iowan2 said...

Speaking of China.
Seems Apple is allowing the CCP to access all apple phone data, to police and punish the protestors.

This is a big leap from turning a blind eye to govt abuses, to actively participating in the abuse. I guess Grandma was right, money is the root of all evil.

TaeJohnDo said...

USA beat Iran to advance to the round of 16.

US team members to get endorsement income. Iran team members to get executed. Tough break for them.

Political Junkie said...

I am wondering if I care USA soccer won. Maybe so. At least they defeated the Great Satan!

ALP said...

Want to talk about a pet peeve. When perusing posts on sites like reddit or comments on YouTube, you'll often see people append their post indicating a change after posting with things like:

Edit: spelling.
Edit: punctuation.
Edit: grammar.

WTF? Do people think life altering decisions are being made on the basis of what trivial words they laid down, which require pointing out minor changes? Why do people think they must indicate that spelling or grammar was changed after the fact? Does someone have a reason why this practice may have started that actually makes sense - something from the early days of the internet?

Lurker21 said...

I will also be cutting ties with Balenciaga once they see fit to throw a little swag my way.

I'm getting tired of "shopping" for accessories at airport baggage claim carousels.

Gospace said...

So the "experts" say 6%, roughly, of the US population has somehow remained covid free. Every vaccinated person I know has had it, and a few unvaxxed like me haven't. We have an easuly identifiable control group that hasn't been vaccinated, hasn't masked, and is easily located in several defined geographical areas in teh USA. The Amish. A 2020 study
shows 350 Amish in the town next to me, none in mine, so I know it's an underestimate. I think it would be a worthwhile study to convince a few hundred Amish to allow blood to be drawn and tested for dreaded covid antibodies. I'm fully convinced a lot more then 6% of the unvaxxed have no covid antibodies. That from what we initially knew from the Diamond Princess and USS Thodore Roosevelt debacle.

Before the dreaaded covid leaked from teh lab and arried in the USA, I was being monitored for Vitamin D blood level and was at the 50 ng/ml level, protective against death by covid, and seems to be protective against getting it, but that's harder to prove. I was performing daily nasal irrigation, with xylitol in the mix, proven to be preventative against the dreaded covid. I was already taking resveratrol and zinc, the MDR of zinc only, through my daily multivitamin, along with a far more massive daily vitamin C intake then most- 5-6 grams daily. And- metformin. Metformin, the blood sugar control drug? Yep, turns out that also has a protective effect on covid. Walter Chestnut has a post about it.
And during the covidiocy I added erythritol to my nasal irrigation mix, and quercetin, Curcumin, and probiotics to my supplements, as recommended in the I-PREVENT protocol. Since I remain covid free, I think I'll continue. Oh, my A1C just dropped below the pre-diabetes diagnosis level, but the doctor and I both think I should continue taking the metformin.

Saint Croix said...

"Apple should publish all censorship actions it has taken that affect its customers"

Poll finishes 84.7 to 15.3 to the affirmative.

Musk simply: "The people have spoken..."

That's kind of brilliant because the same question it raises ("Can we trust this fucking vote?") on Twitter is the same question people raise about the 2020 election (and the 2016 election, and the 2000 election, and many other elections).

Can we trust this fucking vote?

Saint Croix said...

The Democrats attack Republicans for wondering about the legitimacy of the 2020 election.

I wonder what happened in 2016, when many people were surprised by the election of Donald Trump.

Was it possible that some people doubted the legitimacy of the 2016 election?

The hypocrisy is kind of damning.

Saint Croix said...

In my state, North Carolina, we vote electronically. And then the machine spits out a paper ballot. Yes! Every state should have a paper record of the vote. What is the possible Democrat objection to that?

Overwhelming majorities of people think voters should show an ID before they vote.

Democrats resist this majoritarian sentiment at their peril. It looks to many of us (the majority of us!) that you are not a democratic party at all! Change your name if you think majorities should be thwarted and ignored.

madAsHell said...


Alex.....I'll take "Things I Never Heard Of" for a $1000.

Saint Croix said...

Perhaps my favorite law professor (outside of Wisconsin, of course!) is Akhil Reed Amar. He's a professor at Yale. He was kind of a whiz kid and got the job right out of law school (I think). He went to Yale law school and they were like, "Would you like to be a professor here?" And they meant it. And he loves Yale so he's been there for life.

I became a big fan of Amar when he came to a conference at my law school. I read all his law review articles. I'm a Republican and he's a very liberal Democrat but I would have been super-happy to see Amar on the Supreme Court. (He's too old now, I think).

Amar is my kind of Democrat. He reminds me of Hugo Black. He's one of those rare pro-choice people who thought Roe v. Wade was bad law.

Note that he only broadcast his opinion after the case was overruled. Amar is a political animal, so he kept his mouth shut during the many decades that Roe reigned over our republic. He thinks abortion is fine and dandy (I guess) because he continues to call himself pro-choice. I imagine it would be really hard to be pro-life at Yale. That's why we don't have any major pro-life voices coming out of Yale, or the Ivy League. These are fascist one-party states, where few Republicans get jobs.

Here is Amar's very interesting take on Robert Bork.

gpm said...

>>Today I heard "All I Want For Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth" for the first time ever.

Really? REALLY??? You've never heard it before???

I don't usually bother, but I looked back at a couple of recent threads where I posted a very late comment. There were a few comments after mine and amazingly, somebody, SOMEBODY, actually read and responded to my comment about jaywalking in Phoenix 40 years ago or so! I feel so vindicated and motivated.

Althouse-wise, I've always followed my old man's practice of reading the morning paper (the Chicago Sun-Times, of course) after getting home from work in the late afternoon. Since I'm now mostly retired, maybe I should go with the flow and switch my Althouse reading to first thing in the morning, when all the action's going. After, of course, the Wordle and daily Brilliant.


farmgirl said...

Poor Mark.
It’s the grammar, Silly.

planetgeo said...

I'm beginning to think that the increasingly bizarre beliefs and increasingly aggressive hostility toward non-believers by Democrats may in fact have a physiological and not just an ideological basis. The thought occurred to me in looking at the national voting map colored by county results. In essence, virtually all the densely populated urban areas are blue and the rural areas are red.

Why would that suggest a physiological basis for bizarre beliefs and aggressive hostility, you snicker? Listen to me now and hear me's the air. Or to be more specific, it's the heavy metals in the air (such as lead) from auto and industrial pollution. Sub-lethal but nevertheless cumulative over time and capable of affecting brain function and feelings of anxiety and irritation.

Go ahead and laugh. The map don't lie.

wendybar said...

Mark said...
"Just heard on CNN. News reader stated that the largest newspaper and CCP mouthpiece had nothing on the massive protests in China."

Is this in code or do you not grammar check your posts?

If you want those of us who are not far down the conspiracy rabbit hole to understand, write with clarity.

11/29/22, 7:51 PM

YOU don't understand because all you believe is the propaganda the media spews to you. Normal people understood exactly what he was saying.

wendybar said...

Why do progressives lie all the time?? Why do they think we are all blind?? Is it because their constituents are ignorant?? Are they gullible? Or are they just dumb?? The New York Times should be embarrassed, but after all their other lies and hoaxes...they don't care.

wendybar said...

What the ????

Saint Croix said...

"Hysterical strength"?

Or Holy Spirit?

When I was a kid, I thought "speaking in tongues" meant speaking gibberish.

That's wrong.

The Bible makes clear that the Holy Spirit entered into the disciples and they were speaking foreign languages.

That's a big difference!

Anybody can speak gibberish. It's no miracle to speak gibberish.

But none of us can start communicating in a foreign language that we don't understand.

Just like none of us can pick up a car.

Unless, at certain moments, mysteriously, we can do these things.

Humperdink said...

Geospace sais: "We have an easily identifiable control group that hasn't been vaccinated, hasn't masked, and is easily located in several defined geographical areas in the USA. The Amish"

I have Amish neighbors and know more than a few in the surrounding area. I not aware that any died from the Covid Plague, no not one. No masks, no alleged vaccine shots, no tests, life as usual. In fact, I cannot recall any that got sick. I suspect some got the evil disease, but who knows? It was a non-issue with them.

wendybar said...

THIS is why I can't stand Progressives. WHY do they hate black people?

wendybar said...

Joe Biden LOVES illegals so much, he is willing to let them be prostituted out, to pay for their way here by traffickers. What a GREAT humanitarian he is.

wendybar said...

"What shocked the Brunson Brothers was that only 147 members of the US Congress voted in support of the proposed ten-day audit of the election before certifying the ballot count of the Electoral College, while, according to the Washington Post, 377 members voted against the proposed ten-day investigation, and eight abstained."

Beasts of England said...

An update on the Elon table photo: guns and coke = Hunter Biden. It was a troll.

wildswan said...

Notes Toward a Theory of the Moment of Conception
I've just about reached my conclusion on the "moment of conception," the point at which human life begins according to Team Prolife. My problem was that when I tried to drill down into the science and form a timeline I discovered that science had advanced, spewing back facts like an advancing snowplow and burying my thinking. The sperm and the egg "fuse" and human life begins at that moment of conception, so Ms. Simplicius thought, and so the books and even the internet still say. But current science is a description of a thirty-hour marathon of events including several forms of fusion (including, on my part, confusion.) Still, I reached a conclusion. My reading of these events is that the "moment of fusion" is a division - that the first co-operative act between the chromosomes from the woman and the chromosomes from the man is the formation of a mitotic spindle by the two sets of chromosomes, followed by chromosome segregation and then cell division. Hence the first fusion, the moment of conception, is a division.
The two cells resulting from the division each have exactly the same genetic code. Mitotic division continues onward from these two cells until a full human body containing at least one trillion cells all with the same genetic code is formed.
If I've got the science wrong I hope someone will say so.

Michael McNeil said...

Nature just published a study showing large benefits of Vitamin-D supplementation versus both Covid infection and mortality, to wit:

Jason B. Gibbons, et al., “Association between vitamin D supplementation and COVID-19 infection and mortality,” 12 Nov. 2022.


Vitamin D deficiency has long been associated with reduced immune function that can lead to viral infection. Several studies have shown that Vitamin D deficiency is associated with increases the risk of infection with COVID-19. However, it is unknown if treatment with Vitamin D can reduce the associated risk of COVID-19 infection, which is the focus of this study. In the population of US veterans, we show that Vitamin D2 and D3 fills were associated with reductions in COVID-19 infection of 28% and 20%, respectively [(D3 Hazard Ratio (HR) = 0.80, [95% CI 0.77, 0.83]), D2 HR = 0.72, [95% CI 0.65, 0.79]]. Mortality within 30-days of COVID-19 infection was similarly 33% lower with Vitamin D3 and 25% lower with D2 (D3 HR = 0.67, [95% CI 0.59, 0.75]; D2 HR = 0.75, [95% CI 0.55, 1.04]). We also find that after controlling for vitamin D blood levels, veterans receiving higher dosages of Vitamin D obtained greater benefits from supplementation than veterans receiving lower dosages. Veterans with Vitamin D blood levels between 0 and 19 ng/ml exhibited the largest decrease in COVID-19 infection following supplementation. Black veterans received greater associated COVID-19 risk reductions with supplementation than White veterans. As a safe, widely available, and affordable treatment, Vitamin D may help to reduce the severity of the COVID-19 pandemic.

wendybar said...

Stop mail in voting fraud, and stick to voting on one day with an ID, and we wouldn't be complaining about apparent election fraud. PERIOD.

wendybar said...

Al Sharpton is the King of the Anti Semites, and Democrats MUST kiss his ring before they are approved to run for President.

DINKY DAU 45 said...

More legislation to pass from the blue team and sleepy Joe on the Respect for Marriage act, bi- partisan and even covers SCOTUS Thomas and Ginny on interracial unions (Loving vs Virginia.) What is that now 6 major bills in couple years while everyone's asleep. Yes,even the right wingers with their family, friends and relatives riddled with these "other than" unions will be mute on this and Thomas won't have to hypocritically make up a rule to protect his "marriage union" Yes Robert Zimmerman did sing it "the times they are a changin"What are odds the Republican House will start working on solutions in January for immigration,crime,inflation etc all campaign issues now gone by the way side as they blew the red wave ? Yup your right ZERO!

exhelodrvr1 said...

Best site for data on the booster shot? Trying to decide whether to get another one or not. (Got the first one awhile back, but not the second one.)

Michael McNeil said...

The blog No Pasaràn recently (back in September) demanded that Blogger unfreeze an old posting that they had recently disabled.

Here's how they describe what Blogger (i.e. Google) is now doing: [quoting…]

Is Google's Blogger joining the Woke Left and their Cancel culture?! (To be sure, they probably already have, and that years ago…) Apparently, the Left cannot stomach the idea that they cannot paste the group they claim to hate the most (Nazis! Fascists!) on their adversaries and their faith(s). (By the way — quick aside — whatever happened to the importance of the so-called Godwin rule?! Dropped by the wayside, we can guess, as soon as it proved unhelpful to the Left…)

No sooner had Ed Driscoll, on September 10, linked to a post on No Pasaràn (卐mas Caroling: The Extremes Hitler Wanted to Go To in Order to Replace Christianity with the “Religion” of National Socialism) than the post was removed ("unpublished").

Google! Blogger! After one week, it is time to reinstate that post — in addition to the handful of others you have removed!

The Caroling post dates from 2012: For 10 years, nobody has had reason to complain about that post for the simple reason that — like everything else we (try to) do on No Pasaràn since the blog was founded, 18 years ago — it is (or certainly tries to be) entirely fact-filled, it is entirely dispassionate, and there ought to be nothing controversial about its conclusions.

To reiterate: Barely had Ed Driscoll linked to Mark Judge's Adolf Hitler Thought More Like Nancy Pelosi Than Donald Trump piece than my 10-year-old post giving ample evidence of a campaign of Nazi hostility to Christmas and to the Christian religion was banned — as was indeed, a follow-up post three days later replying to a couple of wise-ass leftists in the comments section alleging that my post was wrong.

[blockquote omitted]

The following day, September 11, I discovered that three other posts were "shut down" on No Pasaràn very recently, on August 25, i.e., two weeks after the banishment as well as between Ed's posts of July 16 and of September 10 linking to No Pasarán's 卐mas Caroling. It's not entirely clear when that post — which Instapundit has linked to a few times over the years (Danke schön, Herr Driscoll und Professor Reynolds) — was removed, i.e., the fourth to be "unpublished."

The three other posts banned, all at least seven years old (!), are:

• Adolf Hitler in Religious Surroundings: Is There Really Evidence That the Führer Was a Christian? (December 2012)

• By laying the crusades at the feet of Christianity, Obama was unwittingly laying ISIL's atrocities at Islam's feet (December 2015)

• Homo Scandals? Reporters are quick to self-censor when they have reservations about the damage their stories might do to beloved causes (the latter, from December 2014 — which in my mind was the least uncontroversial of the lot given its focus on the gay agenda — was restored within an hour or two of my complaint on September 11, 2022, and is the only one so restored)

When going into Blogger, I find the post(s) concerned "unpublished", i.e., reverted to Draft status (that's where the four screenshots in this post come from), along with the option Request review and with the message

“This post was unpublished because it violates Blogger Community Guidelines. To republish, please update the content to adhere to guidelines.”

Except they never indicate which part(s) of the content is (are) in violation of the guidelines. It's not like they are highlighted in yellow or marked in red or something.

As far as I can see, there is not many ways to communicate with Blogger or Google about their Blogger Content Policy. All I can do is click on the orange Request review button (see screenshots above and below) and wait.


DINKY DAU 45 said...

Shutting down railways in times of supply chain issues and short time before holidays is a death knell for the right wing in Congress, they hate having to be forced to chime in but they have to or pay the piper. Vote soon on solution. Sleepy Joe sees this issue as a danger to the country and has to bump up against his passion for Unions. Odds on, they get er done

Rusty said...

iowan2 said...
"I've got a question for the midwest crowd. Where did our insects go this summer? Very few mosquitos. No beer bugs, never saw a no see um gnat,even the common house fly was of little concern, and Got through the fall seeing maybe a dozen box elder bugs and asian beetles each.

Was this just my little corner of the world, or was it more wide spread. I cover a big percentage of Iowa, in my consulting work, and it was universal across the geography. What was everyone else's experience?"

Northern Illinois, Kane County. Very few mosquitos this year. An over abundance of flies and stink bugs though. Not as many ticks either. Lots of honey and bumble bees. About the same amount of Monarch Butterflies. An abundance of wooly caterpillars. There did seem to be a lot of colorful spiders this fall. More than normal.
I's like to know what the rest of the country went through as well.

Rusty said...

DINKY DAU 45 said...
"Shutting down railways in times of supply chain issues and short time before holidays is a death knell for the right wing in Congress."
Why? Everyone know that the current congress and Biden have kicked the can down the road.

Gospace said...

Humperdink said...
Geospace sais: "We have an easily identifiable control group that hasn't been vaccinated, hasn't masked, and is easily located in several defined geographical areas in the USA. The Amish"

I have Amish neighbors and know more than a few in the surrounding area. I not aware that any died from the Covid Plague, no not one. No masks, no alleged vaccine shots, no tests, life as usual. In fact, I cannot recall any that got sick. I suspect some got the evil disease, but who knows? It was a non-issue with them.

I strongly suspect the reason no one is studying it is that it's going to be very inconvenient information. The Amish keep very good birth, death, and marriage records. I saw one substack asking about their death rate during the last few years. Has it gone up? Down? Stayed the same? I suspect it changed not much at all. And that their birthrate, unlike the rest of the population, hasn't dropped like a rock.

wildswan said...

iowan2 said...
"I've got a question for the midwest crowd. Where did our insects go this summer? Very few mosquitos. No beer bugs, never saw a no see um gnat, even the common house fly was of little concern, and Got through the fall seeing maybe a dozen box elder bugs and asian beetles each."

There were lots of mosquitoes here on the North Shore of Milwaukee near the river. And gnats. Flies were less prevalent. No box elder or Asian beetles although in the last ten days I've found a few mysteriously inside- from where? Bees about the same, meaning not a lot. I keep milkweed growing but I don't remember seeing any Monarchs. There's a campaign not to Mow in May in order to save the dandelions for the bees. Maybe related to bug shortages?

Original Mike said...

iowan2: My only data is no-see-ums or gnats (are they the same thing?) up at the lake house (Vilas County, WI). Most every year we have an event where they come through the 100 year old window screens in the upstairs rooms and die in ithe thousands. Makes a big mess. During this period we have to either keep the lights off or windows closed (yellow lights help some).

Didn't happen this year.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I May have heard it before, but this was the first time I listened to it. (Some people believe there’s a difference)

I had the reaction “did he just say all I want for Christmas is my two front teeth?”.

Narr said...

Buglife maybe a bit skimpy here this year, now that you mention it. I saw the things I usually do, just fewer except for butterflies. We had hummingbirds too this summer--I don't think we saw any in '21.

wendybar said...

DINKY DAU 45 said...
Shutting down railways in times of supply chain issues and short time before holidays is a death knell for the right wing in Congress, they hate having to be forced to chime in but they have to or pay the piper. Vote soon on solution. Sleepy Joe sees this issue as a danger to the country and has to bump up against his passion for Unions. Odds on, they get er done

11/30/22, 8:19 AM

Oh honey, YOU can thank Amtrak Joe for the problem...and his transportation secretary that doesn't seem to do a thing to stop the problem. Why is it the right wings fault when the Democrats control CONGRESS??

iowan2 said...

Thanks to all who contributed to my insect survey. Interesting, but not determative. Just normal variability. Those living up north, lake and woods area, I wouldn't expect zero skeeters. As an Iowan of more than 6-score and 5, I am attuned to yearly variability. But I don't remember the variable approaching zero. We were dry but not enough to effect yields. Dry years often cause an explosion of grasshoppers, but their numbers seemed average, and usually, dry means gnats.
Oh well, thanks again for those the chose to engage.

Saint Croix said...

I've just about reached my conclusion on the "moment of conception," the point at which human life begins according to Team Prolife. My problem was that when I tried to drill down into the science and form a timeline I discovered that science had advanced...

The big problem, politically and legally, for pro-lifers is that nobody knows when conception happens in a woman's uterus.

The earliest a woman can tell that she is pregnant is when the zygote attaches to the walls of her uterus. Then her body starts producing the pregnancy hormone.

That event happens 7 to 10 days after conception.

So the first week or so of a new human life is shrouded in mystery and darkness. God knows when it happens, but we do not.

The upshot is that there's no way to criminally protect the very early zygotes and embryos, unless you are willing to outlaw things like the birth control pill. That's a spectacular loser, in my opinion. Texas didn't try to enforce conception in its Roe v. Wade litigation. That's how difficult it is.

You could outlaw certain drugs, of course, like Plan B. But that's the chemical equivalent of two birth control pills.

I think conception is a vital and amazing biological moment. Spiritually, it's very important. It's a miracle! The creation of a human life from nothing!

But as a legal point in a criminal trial, conception is not workable.

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