১৪ নভেম্বর, ২০২২

Sunrise — 6:43, 6:51.



৫৯টি মন্তব্য:

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

I think that this describes the origin of the expression "folded like a cheap suit":

Shifting fashions of shape replaced aristocracy of texture: dressmakers, shoemakers, hatmakers, and tailors, increasing in cunning and in power, found means to make new clothes old. The long contagion of the “Derby” hat arrived: one season the crown of this hat would be a bucket; the next it would be a spoon. Every house still kept its bootjack, but high-topped boots gave way to shoes and “congress gaiters”; and these were played through fashions that shaped them now with toes like box-ends and now with toes like the prows of racing shells.
Trousers with a crease were considered plebeian; the crease proved that the garment had lain upon a shelf, and hence was “ready-made”; these betraying trousers were called “hand-me-downs,” in allusion to the shelf.
- The Magnificent Ambersons, Booth Tarkington.

Bob Boyd বলেছেন...

This thing has a few feathers on it.

The NFL had a game in Munich on Sunday. The crowd sang Country Roads.
Incredible, especially at the end.


madAsHell বলেছেন...

if you start calling it self-selected neutering, then I don't think trans-gendering would be nearly as popular.

Gospace বলেছেন...

Steve Kirsch poses a question today: “Did Doug Brignole die from COVID or the vaccine?”

Who’s Steve Kirsch? A fairly well known COVID vaccine skeptic. Who’s Doug Brignole? A pro-vaxx body builder apparently well known by that crows. Who died a week after getting w much ballyhooed bivalent booster.

The link: https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/did-doug-brignole-die-from-covid

Steve Kirsch explains his thought process in his post.

As a vaccine skeptic myself, the question’s answer is immaterial. If he died from the vaccine, which I consider likely, it’s proof the vaccine is dangerous and shouldn’t be administered. If he died from covid, the official cause of death, then it’s another data point to prove the vaccine is worthless and shouldn’t be administered.

Why have I been a vaccine skeptic (for only this vaccine) from the beginning? mRNA before the miracle vaccine had failed in every medical trial it was used. Before the miracle vaccine every single attempt in animals or humans to create a coronavirus vaccine had failed, some with truly spectacular negative effects. So two things with a complete record of failure are combined, and with a whopping 4 months of testing: “Hey, this new miracle vaccine is so stupendous everyone should be forced to get it or be treated as a pariah!”

No, just no. I didn’t buy that line and was correct in doing so. And if they switch next year’s influenza vaccine to an mRNA formulation, this year was the last time I took it.

I have seen people post that vaccines don’t work if you’ve already been exposed to the virus. Step on a rusty nail? No tetanus vaccine within the last 10 years? You take the shot and don’t get tetanus. Bit by a rabid animal? You go through the rabies vaccine series. Which has some pretty severe side effects so isn’t given except in case of probable exposure.

And the authorities saying we’re all going to get the dreaded covid so we must get the miracle vaccine? We knew they were lying because on board the Diamond Princess and during the USS Theodore Roosevelt debacle, ideal virus spread environments, everyone didn’t get it. And at age 67 my unvaxxed self hasn’t come down with a case. At least two of my vaxxed coworkers have had it twice. All of them have had it, none before their first shot.

Humperdink বলেছেন...

Mrs. Dink and I planning our Maui, Hawaii trip. Renting a car upon arrival. Looking to visit Haleakalā National Park. Information gleaned from it's website:

"Please note that there are no gas stations within the park. The last place to get gas in route to the Summit Area is in the town of Pukalani. There are no charging stations for electric vehicles at Haleakalā National Park. Even electric vehicles with a full charge have been unable to make it to the Summit."

Made me laugh.

n.n বলেছেন...

if you start calling it self-selected neutering, then I don't think trans-gendering would be nearly as popular

Self-neutring, self-spaying, with a progressive chance of self-abortion., trans/neo-gendering/socializing was unpopular until medical, legal, civil, and political activists needed another prop for their parade.

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

I assume people who come into large sums of money, like the person that won the 2 billion powerball, are very likely to blow it.

That lucky guy first mistake is likely to be the biggest one he’ll make. He took the taxed to the max lump sum. Ended up taking less than a third for himself, with Uncle Sam taking more than 2/3.

My theory is that because you have no experience having that kind of money, mistakes are inevitable.

Why not spread those out with 20 years of annuities. It’s like winning the jackpot every year for 20 years.

Let’s say you make mistakes the first few years. Not only are those mistakes less likely to wipe you out, they’ll be a learning experience. While taking the lump sum that learning curve is cut way down.

Good luck to him. He’s going to need it.

n.n বলেছেন...

I have seen people post that vaccines don’t work if you’ve already been exposed to the virus.

It may actually neutralize the viability of natural immunity or worse (e.g. enhance pathogenicity) in an effect similar to original antigenic sin.

We knew they were lying because on board the Diamond Princess and during the USS Theodore Roosevelt debacle, ideal virus spread environments, everyone didn’t get it.

That's right, not by age, health preconditions, or any other predictive factor.

How you get infected matters. The trial period for novel vaccines is a decade or more in order to establish a safety profile. Evaluate your risk and proceed accordingly.

Mason G বলেছেন...

"Even electric vehicles with a full charge have been unable to make it to the Summit."

EV owners: Lower your expectations.

rehajm বলেছেন...

Ann Althouse says… That's a relief. It's good to be emerging from this period of uncertainty about the balance of power

It must be so wonderful for Ann to live in the sweet spot for elections, where the period of uncertainty isn’t long enough to begin to lose faith in elections or to question the outcome or lose patience with everyone because you know the outcome…

How glorious that must be…

Lurker21 বলেছেন...

I don't know precisely what provoked this, but it fits the post-election mood:

Eduard Habsburg
Nov 8
Of course, this gave me ample opportunity to quote my ancestor Emperor Franz Joseph, in his meeting with President Roosevelt, in April 1910:
"It's my job as emperor to protect my people from their elected politicians."

I had to give up on "The Power of the Dog". It was too overdetermined. Benedict Cummerbund as the misogynist, abusive, homophobic cowboy who we know turns out to be actually in some way gay himself. Beautiful visuals, but it seemed too weighted down with foreboding, foreshadowing, and portentousness. But I suppose life is also overdetermined, and sometimes even portentous.

And why, when it's getting dark earlier and earlier do we set back the clock so that it gets dark even earlier. Shouldn't it be the other way around?

rehajm বলেছেন...

Even electric vehicles with a full charge have been unable to make it to the Summit

…but thanks to regenerative braking you can coast down with all the other cyclists and have enough juice to drive back to the hotel.

Bender বলেছেন...

Are you all ready to be underwhelmed tomorrow??

Humperdink বলেছেন...

Haleakalā National Park is described as "a rare and sacred landscape ...... that vibrates with stories of ancient and modern Hawaiian culture and protects the bond between the land and its people".

What it needs to make it more sacred is a few monstrous fiberglass windmills and a EV charging station. Dedicate them to Zephyros the god of spring breezes.

Inga বলেছেন...

Katie Hobbs wins Governor of Arizona. Looks like Kari Lake, the darling female version of Trump loses. Shortly she will be claiming massive voter fraud.

Jamie বলেছেন...

When we learned we'd need to pay $8 a month to remain verified on Twitter, we were livid. Not about the money, but the principle of the thing. People should be giving us money, not the other way around. Before we could strategize a solution to this problem, we needed to do some reconnaissance. We assembled some of our top scientists and gave them very specific assignments. The first scientist was instructed to drive a Tesla to Austin and study Elon's habits. He shouldn't have engaged Autopilot. His car hit a tree and immediately burst into flames. The second scientist was to board a SpaceX rocket and acquire some satellite imagery. He got about 100 feet off the ground before the engine exploded. The third was dispatched to observe a Hyperloop. He wandered aimlessly through an empty tunnel, eventually succumbing to starvation. We ultimately had no choice but to concede that Elon is pretty good at killing scientists. In recognition of his talents, we've decided to steal his latest idea.

The majority of the text of an email I received today from something called "dbrand" - no idea what it is or why I'm receiving it. Offered for everyone's bemusement, I guess. This... company? Whatever they are - seems to be trying to get everyone to pay $8 a month to them for... whatever it is they do. The subject line was "We Beat Elon Musk."

Jamie বলেছেন...

There is a use case for EVs, just as there's a use case for electric bikes. It's just not a Renaissance-man use case, as it is with even my daughter's 10yo Golf GTI.

My husband is likely to buy a Tesla this year because he can charge for free at work. It'll be great for our particular situation and his commute. We will absolutely not attempt to drive that car out of a hurricane zone or to visit our CA relatives.

Jamie বলেছেন...

Musk was challenged on his $400 meal cost estimate [his claim for how much it cost to provide free breakfasts and lunches to HQ employees, when the in-office rate was averaging 10% and peaking at 25%] by Tracy Hawkins, a former Twitter employee. Hawkins' LinkedIn profile says she was a VP for real estate and work transformation at Twitter, with a focus on hybrid working.

And she resigned because she didn't want to work for him, and claims that this number is a lie - she knows because she was in charge of the program until her resignation. She says it was only (!) costing Twitter $20-$25 per employee per day and that attendance in the office was actually 25-50%.

I don't think that most people will find her protests as convincing as she seems to think they are, even if she's doing the numbers correctly.

VP of real estate and work transformation, indeed.

Political Junkie বলেছেন...

What do the commoners..or commenters think? Did the hostess vote the same party for WI Gov and Sen? Not wanting to predict D or R. Just do you think she abstained, voted both, or split? I guess she split.

Bender বলেছেন...

Kari Lake lost.

Was that Senator McConnell's fault too? Should he have spent senator money to support her?

Besides, she had the overwhelming support of Trump, as did that Blake guy, which should have worth its weight in gold, far more valuable than mere cash.

rhhardin বলেছেন...

EVs can recharge the battery on the way down. It's a pretty consistent downslope.

n.n বলেছেন...

EVs can recharge the battery on the way down. It's a pretty consistent downslope.

Battery life or brake liner. You can't abort your baby and have her, too.

n.n বলেছেন...

Here It Comes.

More on novel therapeutic treatments, maybe, without established safety boundaries.

Jamie বলেছেন...

EVs can recharge the battery on the way down. It's a pretty consistent downslope.

But the original statement - from the Park - was that they couldn't expect to make it all the way up even if fully charged, right? So... what's the point?

I'm here to tell you, there's not much to see from the slopes of the volcano. The rim is the money shot (if you're lucky; it was fogged in the day we did it. But we did see a fogbow). Of course, we drove up in our ICE rental car, dubbed the Tiny Bubble.

Rollo বলেছেন...

Given the shenanigans in Arizona, doesn't everyone suspect voter fraud?

Kanaloa is the Hawaiian wind god.

Mason G বলেছেন...

"Given the shenanigans in Arizona, doesn't everyone suspect voter fraud?"

Either that, or Democrats don't mind voting for incompetents.

Mike (MJB Wolf) বলেছেন...

Inga’s favorite far right street thugs turn out to be just another FBI costume drama. Just like everyone outside the Swamp with a brain assumed immediately and knew for certain once the J6 committee put such questions off limits. There are now more confirmed FBI “white supremacists” than actual KKK members. The political makeup of such race-focused entities is believed to range all the way from Democrat to Deep State.

Humperdink বলেছেন...

Ahem, "Dedicate them to Zephyros the god of spring breezes." ... was tongue in cheek.

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

Is Womanface like Blackface?

Link to Darkhorse podcast clip 👆🏽

Humperdink বলেছেন...

Trump v. DeSantis. How about King Saul v. soon-to-be King David?

Mike (MJB Wolf) বলেছেন...

Yes Bender McConnell spent $17 million in the primary against Lake and gave less than that to her for the general. Doug Ducey also would not endorse Lake because Trump said mean things about him. How many AZ Republicans followed his lead? All the ones still fond of the McCain family. It’s extremely frustrating to have Lake’s opponent in charge of this fucked up dragged out count. This is a serious intraparty civil war where the GOP “leaders” are 180 degrees out of phase with the base, which really enthusiastically supported Trump, as we would anyone who ran on that platform and meant it. The sooner the old guard is put to pasture the better.

FWIW democrats don’t starve their own candidates like the RNC does. They’ll support you if you’re brain dead like Biden and the dude from PA, or completely dead like the other guy from PA.

MadisonMan বলেছেন...

Why do the United Auto Workers want to represent UC Grad students? (Other than money)

Drago বলেছেন...

Bender: "Besides, she had the overwhelming support of Trump, as did that Blake guy, which should have worth its weight in gold, far more valuable than mere cash."

Congratulations on your soon to be official Team Murkowski/McConnell win in Alaska under establishmebt republican voting rules that also cost us a House seat. That $9M your team yanked from Masters in AZ and used to attack the republican candidate in AK was no doubt well spent...from your point of view.

In AZ, Masters was an unknown running as a first time candidate against an established incumbent that outspent Masters 8 to 1. Masters performed just about as well as the establishment's appointed dream gal Martha McSally...who lost twice, even with the advantage of incumbency.

And the dems were able to do it thanks to the corrupt rules the establishment republican McCainiacs put in place to help their dem allies.

All in all a solid dem/McCain-republican election cycle and its only going to get better for you guys as Mitch hunkers down with Schumer to deliver more wins for Biden. Yep, that'll show those Deplorables who the boss is!

Bender বলেছেন...

Please note that there are no gas stations within the park

When I went, my dad was driving. As we were about to start up the mountain, I looked over and asked, "Sure we have enough gas?" "Oh, sure, we've got plenty."

The higher we went, the lower the gauge went. Before we got to the top it was nearing E. We had to put the car in neutral and coast for long stretches on the way down. Practically coasted after reaching the bottom until we happened upon a gas station.

gadfly বলেছেন...

2020 Election denier, Covid-19 denier, and generally easy-with-lies, Kari Lake, hit-the-nail-on-the-head in assessing her gubernatorial loss on social media:

"Arizonans know BS when they see it."

Rt41Rebel বলেছেন...

"Katie Hobbs wins Governor of Arizona. Looks like Kari Lake, the darling female version of Trump loses. Shortly she will be claiming massive voter fraud."

Not voter fraud. Voter suppression. Machines that didn't work. Running out of paper and ink for printers. Voters being directed on wild goose chases to get to a poll that was actually operating, and if they were lucky, they got to vote after spending hours driving around and waiting in lines.

I wish I knew who was in charge of these things. Oh, I found it. Katie Hobbs. The sexual predator.

readering বলেছেন...

45 can narrow his veep choice after tonight.

Kate বলেছেন...

When I think of locales with beautiful sunrises, Wisconsin is not my first thought. Yet look at the proof, day in and out. The lake is a bit cheaty, manufacturing extra moisture to load the horizon with reflection, but still. I'm always astonished at the consistent quality. Thx, Meadhouse.

Owen বলেছেন...

Great dawn pics.

wendybar বলেছেন...

Payback is a bitch. NEVER, NEVER go after the Pelosi's, or you will pay.... https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/11/wrath-nancy-nbc-correspondent-miguel-almaguer-suspended-viral-report-paul-pelosi-david-depape/

Big Mike বলেছেন...

Either that, or Democrats don't mind voting for incompetents.

That’s the best spin one can put on the collection of clusterfucks that was voting in Maricopa County. I’d go with “corrupt incompetents” after seeing Althouse own up to voting for Hillary.

Will Mitch McConnell be forced out? Cruz, Hawley, and others have been openly giving him Hell. I do not fancy John Thune’s job as Republican Whip going forward if senior members of his Party Caucus are in open revolt. Meanwhile what is McConnell doing to help pull Walked in? To my knowledge only Cruz is in the state trying to help. Supposedly Rick Scott is interested in McConnell’s job but it’s not as though the NRSC covered itself in glory in this election.

Kevin McCarthy is also trying to deal with a revolt. Meanwhile Tom Emmer is trying to take s victory lap thst the GOP retook the House, though the number of Congressional seats flipped is low by historic standards, and unprecedentedly low given Biden’s unpopularity. Both men need replacement.

When will the GOP get rid of the rich Romney relative in the RNC? Early in this cycle I got a piece of literature from the RNC asking for money. They had my address right but my congressional district wrong. What do they do there at the RNC that resemble work?

This doesn’t excuse Donald Trump. If he is going to endorse weak, inexperienced candidates in the primaries he had best support them financially in the general, kingmakers who don’t make kings aren’t of much use. His organization sent me an Email asking for money so he can help Walker. Hey! First show me you’re actually going to spend money on Walker, then ask. And politely, this time.

Lucien বলেছেন...

@Mike(MJB Wolf):
Don’t say 180 degrees out of phase when you mean 90 degrees out of phase.
It’s not a good look.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

So they seized all of Giuliano’s phones and computers, for what? Looks like what it always looked like, to find out what he had on Biden. Now it’s “never mind.”

The Washington Post reports immediately after the election that Trump apparently had no nefarious motives for having that material at Mar a Lago, basically the justification for the raid was TDS.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

You should watch the whole clip where Chappelle calls Trump an “honest liar,” because it’s maybe the most eloquent statement regarding Trump’s appeal I have seen in the mainstream, and he starts using Trump jabs at Hillary and gets the SNL audience laughing. He portrays Trump as far more honest than Democrats. It’s three minutes you won’t regret. Making it about the “liar” bit was utterly dishonest.


This is why they believe that they have to destroy Chappelle.

lonejustice বলেছেন...

Big Mike wrote: "Kevin McCarthy is also trying to deal with a revolt."

But Marjorie Taylor Greene broke with her House Freedom Caucus allies on Monday and backed Rep. Kevin McCarthy for Speaker. Donald Trump is also backing McCarthy for Speaker.

Things you need to know.

Jefferson's Revenge বলেছেন...

Trump makes unnecessary enemies. It’s as simple as that.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

So NATO member Turkey's foreign minister accused the US of being behind the bombing in Istanbul and it doesn't rate a mention in the news? That tells you all you need to know about the fact that our press is 90% regime propaganda.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

"Trump makes unnecessary enemies."

Trump makes necessary necessary enemies, unless you think that endless war and the immiseration of the American working class are worthy goals.

Humperdink বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Humperdink বলেছেন...

Bender said: "The higher we went, the lower the gauge went. Before we got to the top it was nearing E. We had to put the car in neutral and coast for long stretches on the way down. Practically coasted after reaching the bottom until we happened upon a gas station."

I have two policies when traveling in unknown territory. Never, repeat never, pass up an opportunity to use the restroom and if the gas gauge at 3/8ths, fill up.

Howard বলেছেন...

According to the world's leading Neuro Bro Scientist, Andrew Huberman, getting exercise and sunlight in your eyes first thing in the morning is the best way to kick off your circadian rhythm stimulating joyful productivity. Althouse is proof enough.

Rusty বলেছেন...

"Trump makes necessary necessary enemies, unless you think that endless war and the immiseration of the American working class are worthy goals."
Tim. On this we can agree. The left is chock full of very misinformed and very stupid people.

It's snowing here in N. Eastern Illinois.

wendybar বলেছেন...

Not really a twist unless you believed the Propaganda media and the lying Progressives that Nancy picked to lie about Americans using their CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT to protest our government. If you actually paid attention, YOU would have seen what we have been screaming for the last 2 years. Progressives lie, the FBI and DOJ are in on it, and the Media cover up for them. It sucks, but this is America today. https://redstate.com/bonchie/2022/11/14/in-shocking-unexpected-twist-january-6th-conspiracy-theory-turns-out-to-be-true-n659068

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Jefferson's revenge -

Trump likes to think that purging everyone except his adoring worshipers =equals winning.

His name-calling act is old and tired. His loyalty demands and paranoia are also ...tired.
He has worn out his welcome.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

I will never defend the left's horrid treatment of Trump and Trump's support team. That said, he and his support team didn't handle things very well.

The left are the real enemy. I want to beat them with a competent team.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Big Mike
"This doesn’t excuse Donald Trump. If he is going to endorse weak, inexperienced candidates in the primaries he had best support them financially in the general.."

Agree there.

Jefferson's Revenge বলেছেন...

Tim. The enemies Trump makes are personal and get in the way of accomplishing the very goals you mentioned. There are necessary and unnecessary enemies and he spends too much time on the latter.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

The left are the real enemy. I want to beat them with a competent team.

I want to beat them like a rented mule.

wendybar বলেছেন...

Notice how Nasty Nancy gets things SCRUBBED so that the truth can't come out?? We still haven't seen all the video that Nasty scrubbed from 1/6/21, that would PROVE Antifa was there.
And people are dumb enough to believe her?? America deserves what it gets when they keep voting in people like the Queen of Deceit. https://twitchy.com/sarahd-313035/2022/11/15/circumstances-are-a-bit-mysterious-surrounding-nbc-news-suspending-reporter-over-paul-pelosi-story/