No returns yet, except the obvious ones. Rand Paul declared the winner!
I expect the GOP to gain 30-35 seats in the House.
I am not as optimistic about Senate races because of big city cheating. The GOP could lose PA and fail to win NV. AZ. NH, and GA despite Reps leading in the polls. My best guess is that the GOP gets the Senate 51-49, but they have to count on Romney and Murkowski for votes - not much change there.
I suspect that the GOP may pick up one governorship (either WI or NV).
Word is that GOP sued to extend voting hours in Maricopa County because voting machines were broken down in many of the vote centers. Machine malfunction means people couldn't vote until machines were "fixed".
Big Mike: "Could one of you commentators from AZ explain why Maricopa County is extending its voting hours?"
Because the astonishing corrupt GOPe-ers Bill Gates (no, not that Bill Gates), Chairman of the Board of Supervisors and his co-punk Stephen Richer (who campaigned as a tough as nails "make those elections secure" guy) fought tooth and nail, along with their democratical allies, to not have any audits performed.
Richer in particular, snuck in as a DC type who we later found out had been heavily backed by Bill Kristol and the other pro-dem national figures.
Gee, what a surprise, all those democraticals and democrat-adjacent types sneaking a "libertarian" in under the GOP banner and then having that guy immediately turn around and become a democratical activist.
That's what the DC GOPe-ers get you every single time.
Because the voting tabulators were not working in something like a fifth of the polling places. Poll workers at those stations told voters to go to a different location. So people could have been looking for locations that were working for quite some time.
Just read this in Joseph Conrad's A Personal Record: "The open impudence of the whole transaction, appealing insidiously to the folly and credulity of man kind, the brazen shameless patter, proclaiming the fraud openly while insisting n the fairness of the game, give one a feeling of sickening disgust" He was talking about his work being 'reviewed' by people who hadn't even read it. When I saw it I thought of the Democrat and media (but I repeat myself) reaction to the hinky 2020 election and their apparently pre-planned reaction to tonight's election. Take that for what it's worth.
I always choose in advance before I go to the polls who my write in candidate for that election will be when the seat is uncontested and I don't like the incumbent.
Today was Morbo - The Annihiltor. All hail Morbo. Death to his enemies, for the next 4 years, at least.
I keep reading and hearing from dem talking heads about "violence" in this election. Getting through this election without "violence". Threats of "violence" during this election.
As a certified and experienced practitioner and supporter of violence, allow me to offer my services to all these fat little goth girls who cut themselves as an on-the-ground violence pundit and correspondent.
No need to kvetch about violence darlings. You don't need to worry about when "violence" is occurring and when it's not. I'll let you know.
Could one of you commentators from AZ explain why Maricopa County is extending its voting hours?
20% of the vote tabulators were reportedly locked up due to password issues. (i.e. Wrong password entered too many times.) Election staff had lock boxes next to the tabulators that voters could put their ballots in. My guess is that either some people declined to vote, the GOP wants to have poll watchers present to verify that the ballots are fed into the tabulators, or both.
Looks like Trump, I mean Vance, is in trouble in the Ohio Senate race. So Ohio, a republican state, may have 2 Elizabeth Warren clones in the senate because of poor candidates. And this is with Dewine, derided by the Trumpsrers as a Rhino, going to win big.
In northwest Ga as MTG said, the $ 15,000,000 of national Dem donations to her opponent’s campaign might as well have been soaked in lighter fluid and burned.
In Ohio, Republican Senate Candidate JD Vance is at 50.3% of the vote while Republican Governor Mike DeWine is at 60.1%. The Senate race is going to be down to the wire.
I always choose in advance before I go to the polls who my write in candidate for that election will be when the seat is uncontested and I don't like the incumbent.
Blogger ElPresidenteCastro said... In Ohio, Republican Senate Candidate JD Vance is at 50.3% of the vote while Republican Governor Mike DeWine is at 60.1%. The Senate race is going to be down to the wire.
Vance doing much better than he was doing earlier but he faces uphill challenge with late votes in Ohio typically run democratic from cities like Cincinatti and particularly Cleveland.
Michael Hartney @MichaelTHartney · Follow Ron DeSantis didn't just win reelection tonight, he also helped 24 conservatives win school board seats. 80% of DeSantis-backed candidates won their school board races in 2022. Union-backed candidates that took on @GovRonDeSantis won just 25%.
Pure speculation, but I think if the Republicans do get >= 51 Senate seats Manchin crosses the aisle. If he wants another term he'll have to eventually; WV is not going to re-elect him if he's seen as a Biden Boy, and challengers would be foolish not to spin his record that way. If he decides not to run then there is no cost to him to change to the side that more closely matches his own instincts and the preferences of his constituents.
I’m going to bed and hoping for better news when I get up in the morning. Right now it looks as though Walker is going to be in a runoff; Johnson is losing; Bolduc, O’Dea, and Oz are being beaten like a rented mule; and the bright spots are Vance, Budd, and Rubio. I’m starting to feel about Donald Trump the way. I felt when I had to cut a guy that I, and everyone else, liked personally, but I had to cut him from my project because he just couldn’t do the job for which he signed up. Bennet may have been a bridge too far, but Fetterman, Warnock, and Hassan — especially Fetterman! — were weak candidates. If Trump wants to be a kingmaker then he’d damned well better make some kings.
After "DeSantimonious" and after he was roundly criticized for it, with him seeming to recognize the unforced error, Trump then went and said in an interview that it would be a mistake if DeSantis ran in 2024, that he would be hurt and that Trump had damaging dirt on him.
After tonight, will Trump still be shooting off his mouth?
Left the house for a walk, and got a text from on old friend now in NC. Same one who sent me a rant on J6 about Trump's culpability etc etc.
This time he's ranting about the return of Trump. It's TDS+ and his wife was also afflicted when we visited them in '18.
I waited a few minutes and replied:
Do you think he'll crash the economy again first or start another war again first? Sorry, the career clowns and ghouls of imperial dc have beat him to it. Is there anything that msnbcnnprfbicia can say that you won't believe, even after 7 years?
DeSantis won Miami-Dade County. Republicans don't win Miami-Dade. Trump didn't win Miami-Dade. For those who think DeSantis can't bring in new voters...
He blew out his opponent. Granted, Charlie Crist is to Florida politics as the Washington Generals were to the Harlem Globetrotters, but in this day and age of almost religious-like fervor for political parties, a 20 point win in the 3rd largest state in the union is a shot heard round the country.
Been watching The Daily Wire tonight. A happy, hilariously fun group of people laughing it up about politics to the point they are spitting whiskey out of their noses.
Then went over to The Young Turks. My God, what a bunch angry, hateful snobs, calling people every insult possible just for voting differently. Really ugly and delusional. Don't want to be around those people for a minute.
With the country in such bad shape and Biden such a failure, I'm surprised more Democrats aren't losing. A lot of voters in the Northeast are as unshakingly Democrat as voters used to be in Alabama or Mississippi, and they don't have a Civil War as an excuse.
Like I predicted- no red tsunami, red dribble at best. The GOP might not even take the House- there are enough seats to lose in NY and CA to overcome the present advantage they have gained tonight. The only seat they are likely to gain in the Senate right now looks to be NV, but the way the other races are going right now, it is doubtful Laxalt can win over the margin of fraud. PA is done- it is Senator Rutabega. Masters and Lake will probably both lose on present trends.
The GOP, acquiescing to mail-in-voting has killed themselves. The Democrats cheat at will now, and the GOP just stands there twiddling their thumbs.
The only hope now is that this a Blue Mirage rather than a Red one, because it ain't no Red Tsunami.
Starting around 8, I switched back and forth between two local Boston stations, one ABC and one CBS, for an hour or so. They couldn't stop talking about Trump, referring to candidates who were Trump-supported "election deniers," saying these early numbers don't mean anything but look how good the Democrat is doing, etc. Then shut it down for a couple hours before I look again to see if anything has actually been decided.
The courts have moved my part of NC to different House districts every couple of elections, so tonight I had to look up which one is now mine, since I voted last week and promptly forgot. We were joined with various areas westward for decades, but now we're stuck to the east, which isn't really appropriate IMO. It's apparently a safe Dem seat, because we've had zero TV ads, despite constant ads for the local NC House seat.
We still don't have voter ID, thanks to federal judges overturning several state laws. I'm pissed that anti-HB1 transhysteria warped our political path (governorship) before more people realized how toxic it is.
The Penn and Ga senate races are a perfect counterpoint. R+1 for GA and D+1 for PA. the problem is in PA you don't get a do over if you are both below 50%. Walker has a 2% libertarian in the race which should help him in the do over, Oz has a 1.3% libertarian that is only hurting him.
If it was a three-way contest, I voted Libertarian. If it was a two-way contest I voted Republican. If someone was running unopposed, I didn’t vote, because what’s the point?
The entire state of Florida is already counted. Everyone in your office should resign in shame. Quote Tweet Maricopa County Elections Department @MaricopaVote ·
Well, it looks like we get 4 more years of Evers. Why anybody would vote for such a total cypher is beyond me, but apparently some people find a total cypher appealing.
I think we Republicans aren't going to get everything we wanted in the vote tonight. However I think the Dems will have the feelings of one who has just managed to catch hold of a branch and swing up out of range of the snapping teeth of a huge Doberman pinscher. Maybe their pants have tear or two. I think they'll be be woked by the end of the night and forget about woke so we'll get much of what we want, we'll basically get the country back. And we'll still increase our share in the next election. Because the Dems will still hate God, country and family even after they've learned to quit supporting Make Crime Great Again.
Just tuned in to results from Mid terms and if this is what you call a RED WAVE then I aint seeing it.Mastriano already down Bolduc going down Hobbs up on lake Masters lost,,somebody up in here handicapped those folks as winners,guess they dont handicap much I had more wins in the Breeders cup then their projections I'll have to search back and see who was so wrong.. It will be about a week before all closes out but I aint seeing no RED WAVE. Looks like the losing president of 2020 didnt do any favors for the MAGA GROUP...And if there is a runoff in Georgia in December and the last president decides to run again will certainly put the squah on that race, trump seems to be reviled in the backroom groupings. Maybe the 8th wonder,Gods chosen individual as the ad states (desanctimonius)is more to the liking now? Looks like a pretty weak showing so far,I'll check back in in a couple days and see the counts.still about 70 plus election result deniers are ready to enter the mix winning out of around 300 in the total mix. Around decemnber 6th will know who owns the senate ,house after California closes out. Isnt it exciting..
No not true my wife said Masters didnt lose(YET) PRETTY SOON THOUGH,ANOTHER RESULT DENIER. THOSE SILLY MAGAS lets hope trump comes out of the closet soon,before runoff in Georgia anyway.doing this for about 60 years now isnt it exciting!
Dumb Lefty Mark: "So the GOP sued to extend hours in Maricopa?
Hardly. 20% of the vote tabulators were not operable for hours in the largest (60% of all voters) county in the state of AZ. This caused hours of delays.
What would have been "interesting" is the RNC NOT suing to extend voting.
oh no right in the middle of my news show on comes SHREK WITH A VICTORY SPEECH,now thats 4 out of 6 magas gone dow the ones said were going to win no doubt.Looks like Magas gonna have to do their conspiracy,rigged,we didnt really lose thing.lets listen to SHREK oz HEADING BACK TO nEW jERSEY WHERE HE IS REALLY FROM,gOOD PICK dON ...
Blogger Marcus Bressler said... Vance has been projected as the winner. Guess he wasn't in so much "trouble". Bwhahahaha.
He won but only because he was drug across the finish line. Republicans swept every statewide office in Ohio with Vance having the smallest margin of victory. Dewine won governorship by 25%, Vance by less than 8% against a terrible opponent.
Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker: "The entire state of Florida is already counted. Everyone in your office should resign in shame. Quote Tweet Maricopa County Elections Department @MaricopaVote"
J.D. Vance wins Budd wins in NC looks like Johnson wins in Wisconsin
Fetterman wins
Oz was a bad candidate I guess.
Feelers liked Fetterman and felt sorry for him.
Don't underestimate feelers, that's the pro-life movement in a nutshell. (Nutshell is a great book written by a terrified artist). The pro-choice movement is also dominated by feelers.
The thinkers on the Supreme Court walked into a minefield because they didn't realize that people have strong feelings about babies, and sex, and marriage, and reproduction.
Blogger Gahrie said... I simply cannot believe that people were willing to vote for Fetterman. For the first time I begin to despair for my country.
While my tiny violin is playing for you, imagine the despair of rational people, who see the MAGA cult for what it is and are sickened at the brain rot it’s inflicted on its devotees.
Congratulations to Rhonda Santa's for his landslide victory in Florida. I guess the house and Senate are still a tossup. The people don't trust either party with the keys to the car.
Temujin said... DeSantis won Miami-Dade County. Republicans don't win Miami-Dade. Trump didn't win Miami-Dade. For those who think DeSantis can't bring in new voters...
He blew out his opponent. Granted, Charlie Crist is to Florida politics as the Washington Generals were to the Harlem Globetrotters, but in this day and age of almost religious-like fervor for political parties, a 20 point win in the 3rd largest state in the union is a shot heard round the country. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I think DeSantis is great, but he did basically no better in Miami-Dade than the rest of the Florida statewide candidates. The county has gone red, at least for now. I think the Governor would be a great candidate for President, far better than Trump. I'm concerned with what I read about his big money backers, but I want someone who will win in 2024. Trump will be too old and brings out a huge Dem turnout nationwide. I think DeSantis can do it.
@Gahrie, Althouse explained it, and more than once. The people of Pennsylvania voted for Schumer over McConnell. Had Trump endorsed a stronger candidate — and had McConnell been a better leader — Pennsylvania would have been a GOP hold and Fetterman a quaint footnote
So many mentally challenged people in this country. It was great while it lasted. Fetterman and Biden. What a match made in Progressive heaven. God help us.
In Arizona Hobbs showed that following Biden’s strategy of running away and hiding from your opponent can be a very effective strategy. That surprised me.
From where I sit (1000 miles away) Wisconsin re-elected a very poor governor, a man who allowed, if not encouraged, Wisconsin’s cities to burn, chased businesses out of the state, and done nothing to push back against the looney theories of the likes of John T. Chisholm, the man who turned Darrell Brooks loose to run over children and grandmothers in Waukegan. I know it’s petty of me, but I hope in the next four years Madison and Milwaukee burn to the ground.
Fox News was saying to keep an eye on Virginia’s 2nd, 7th, and 10th congressional districts. The Republicans took only one of them with incumbent Democrats holding the other two. The 10th is interesting because Republican Hung Cao appears to have lost by about 17,000 votes. This district used to run from where the Potomac River divides Virginia from DC, then along the northern border of the state all the way out to the northwestern corner of the state, where it borders West Virginia. The last redistricting moved the northwestern counties of Clarke — a very rural county — and Frederick — one of the most conservative — out of the 10th and into the 6th, already once the most conservative congressional districts in the state. My point is this. Had Frederick and Clarke stayed in the 10th, Hung Cao would have had those 17,000 votes, and that many again to spare.
I think DeSantis is great, but he did basically no better in Miami-Dade than the rest of the Florida statewide candidates. The county has gone red, at least for now.
@Wilbur, unless it was DeSantis’s coattails that carried GOP statewide candidates to victory in Miami-Dade “for now.”
I suspect the ‘democracy is up for vote’ and ‘republicans will end democracy!’ - with no reasoning or rational thought - was a effective on the low information voting (young) crowd.
Are cities getting bigger, population wise? Looking at the maps, there are very small areas that are extremely blue, and the rest of states overwhelmingly red.
Oh Yea said... He won but only because he was drug across the finish line. Republicans swept every statewide office in Ohio with Vance having the smallest margin of victory. Dewine won governorship by 25%, Vance by less than 8% against a terrible opponent.
Tim Ryan gets a lot of credit for Vance's victory. He was a bad candidate running a bad campaign. (I am a Republican and I cringed at the tone deafness of things he said in the last 4-6 weeks.)
Looking increasingly like 2020 was a pivotal year in the way that votes are counted. ~70 % of the country saying that things are 'headed in the wrong direction', and as the votes are tallied, we have 'the same direction' to look forward to. I would say that's significant.
Looking like Donald is all through now, as the New Age of American Politics solidifies its position.
I can't wait for Fetty's fight for fracking. Of course, he also has plausible deniability for anything he's been saying since May. Biden/Fetty 2024! Two heads almost as good as one!
Matt Walsh (the political commentator, not the comedian) tweeted this:
“The Republican Party outside of Florida has no message. No discipline. No leadership. No courage to confront the important issues head on. That’s why they’re losing to literally brain damaged candidates. We need a total overhaul.“
I can’t say that he’s wrong. I think that this is a failure of the leadership (let me put “leadership” in scare quotes) of Mitch McConnrll McConnell and Kevin McCarthy as well as a failure of Donald Trump.
While my tiny violin is playing for you, imagine the despair of rational people, who see the MAGA cult for what it is and are sickened at the brain rot it’s inflicted on its devotees.
You people voted for a vegetable. You've got no room to talk about being rational.
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No returns yet, except the obvious ones. Rand Paul declared the winner!
I expect the GOP to gain 30-35 seats in the House.
I am not as optimistic about Senate races because of big city cheating. The GOP could lose PA and fail to win NV. AZ. NH, and GA despite Reps leading in the polls. My best guess is that the GOP gets the Senate 51-49, but they have to count on Romney and Murkowski for votes - not much change there.
I suspect that the GOP may pick up one governorship (either WI or NV).
Could one of you commentators from AZ explain why Maricopa County is extending its voting hours?
Harris County just decided to extend voting by an hour.
Allegedly DeSantis has won Miami(!)
Palm Beach GOP +18
Word is that GOP sued to extend voting hours in Maricopa County because voting machines were broken down in many of the vote centers. Machine malfunction means people couldn't vote until machines were "fixed".
Gadfly is working Operation Clog 2.0
Big Mike: "Could one of you commentators from AZ explain why Maricopa County is extending its voting hours?"
Because the astonishing corrupt GOPe-ers Bill Gates (no, not that Bill Gates), Chairman of the Board of Supervisors and his co-punk Stephen Richer (who campaigned as a tough as nails "make those elections secure" guy) fought tooth and nail, along with their democratical allies, to not have any audits performed.
Richer in particular, snuck in as a DC type who we later found out had been heavily backed by Bill Kristol and the other pro-dem national figures.
Gee, what a surprise, all those democraticals and democrat-adjacent types sneaking a "libertarian" in under the GOP banner and then having that guy immediately turn around and become a democratical activist.
That's what the DC GOPe-ers get you every single time.
Big Mike said...
Could one of you commentators from AZ explain why Maricopa County is extending its voting hours?
Because the vote tally machines aren't working in many places. Voters are being told to leave ballots in boxes to be counted at a central location.
Voters are inexplicably skeptical that Katie Hobbs is going to care for these ballots honestly and refuse to leave them.
Big Mike,
The AZ Sec of State (running for Gov.) screwed things up and the machines were not working in Maricopa.
Extending the hours is to make up for very long lines. Note that Republicans are more likely to vote on Election Day than Dems.
Heard on the radio some of Stacy Abrams brain-trust has already left the state.
Because the voting tabulators were not working in something like a fifth of the polling places. Poll workers at those stations told voters to go to a different location. So people could have been looking for locations that were working for quite some time.
It looks like De Santis and Rubio won in Florida. However the night is young.
Maricopa county had "issues" today with voting machines.
Suit was filed and is being heard now in Maricopa County AZ. The relief sought includes an extension of the voting hours.
Just read this in Joseph Conrad's A Personal Record: "The open impudence of the whole transaction, appealing insidiously to the folly and credulity of man kind, the brazen shameless patter, proclaiming the fraud openly while insisting n the fairness of the game, give one a feeling of sickening disgust"
He was talking about his work being 'reviewed' by people who hadn't even read it. When I saw it I thought of the Democrat and media (but I repeat myself) reaction to the hinky 2020 election and their apparently pre-planned reaction to tonight's election. Take that for what it's worth.
I always choose in advance before I go to the polls who my write in candidate for that election will be when the seat is uncontested and I don't like the incumbent.
Today was Morbo - The Annihiltor. All hail Morbo. Death to his enemies, for the next 4 years, at least.
Wrong Starkist Tuna video!
Sorry Charlie
"only the best"
With tonight's red tidal wave, I think the Leftist corporate support for The Lincoln Project and The Bulwark finally begins to recede.
Nobody like to invest that much money and see so little return.
Total rebuke of Progressivism.
The voters shoved that ice cream cone up Biden’s ass.
Classy speech by Crist I thought
"Stacy Abrams brain-trust"
I believe those are mutually exclusive terms.
I keep reading and hearing from dem talking heads about "violence" in this election. Getting through this election without "violence". Threats of "violence" during this election.
As a certified and experienced practitioner and supporter of violence, allow me to offer my services to all these fat little goth girls who cut themselves as an on-the-ground violence pundit and correspondent.
No need to kvetch about violence darlings. You don't need to worry about when "violence" is occurring and when it's not. I'll let you know.
With DeSantis taking an apparent majority of Hispanic/Latino votes in Florida, might an appropriate Republican do the same in California?
If enough Hispanics switched sides...e.g., due to crime or internal divisions...a deep blue state could become purple or red overnight.
Big Mike said...
Could one of you commentators from AZ explain why Maricopa County is extending its voting hours?
20% of the vote tabulators were reportedly locked up due to password issues. (i.e. Wrong password entered too many times.) Election staff had lock boxes next to the tabulators that voters could put their ballots in. My guess is that either some people declined to vote, the GOP wants to have poll watchers present to verify that the ballots are fed into the tabulators, or both.
MSNBC: Why Democrats Are Losing Hispanic Voters
ha ha ha
Mika's just shaking her head.
Identity politics only plays with "white voters" (i.e. wealthy white voters), while brown and black voters are worried about the economy.
How strange!
Mika is very disappointed that those minorities do not appreciate all she has done. (Look at the expression on her face).
Al Sharpton is baffled!
Looks like Trump, I mean Vance, is in trouble in the Ohio Senate race. So Ohio, a republican state, may have 2 Elizabeth Warren clones in the senate because of poor candidates. And this is with Dewine, derided by the Trumpsrers as a Rhino, going to win big.
Petition was denied in Maricopa County.
GOP underperforming in GA, NC, OH senate races
#34 is winning in Ga.
In northwest Ga as MTG said, the $ 15,000,000 of national Dem donations to her opponent’s campaign might as well have been soaked in lighter fluid and burned.
okay, wait a second
I got an update on the show trial
here it is
show trial over!
Aquittal! Trump is acquitted!
wait, wait
that's not exactly right
Dismissal! All the charges are dismissed!
wait, that's not right either
hold on
hold on
the damn thing just disappeared!
nobody's talking about the show trial
it's over, it's over
it's gone
no show trial
don't even know what happened to it
what a cliff hanger
back to you, Beth
whoa, that was exciting
DeSantis - wins by 20? Holy cow. That's not a win - that's a blowout
Budd now has lead in NC
49% to 48%
In Ohio, Republican Senate Candidate JD Vance is at 50.3% of the vote while Republican Governor Mike DeWine is at 60.1%. The Senate race is going to be down to the wire.
RideSpaceMountain said...
I always choose in advance before I go to the polls who my write in candidate for that election will be when the seat is uncontested and I don't like the incumbent.
I always write in my own name.
Walker & Vance are underperforming their governors.
Sunnunu bigly outpacing Holduc.
Candidate quality matters.
Wait, you can return elections if you don’t like them?
Stacy Abrams just won the presidency. AGAIN. Impressive.
just kidding.
Blogger ElPresidenteCastro said...
In Ohio, Republican Senate Candidate JD Vance is at 50.3% of the vote while Republican Governor Mike DeWine is at 60.1%. The Senate race is going to be down to the wire.
Vance doing much better than he was doing earlier but he faces uphill challenge with late votes in Ohio typically run democratic from cities like Cincinatti and particularly Cleveland.
Stacey Abrams loses again!!
Winners recipe:
Michael Hartney
Ron DeSantis didn't just win reelection tonight, he also helped 24 conservatives win school board seats. 80% of DeSantis-backed candidates won their school board races in 2022. Union-backed candidates that took on @GovRonDeSantis won just 25%.
Val Demmings spend 73 million to beat little Marco. Races was called in one hour.
These voter's focus groups have got to go. I mute them whenever they come on.
Heading over to msnbc now. Let's see how much I can take.
Pure speculation, but I think if the Republicans do get >= 51 Senate seats Manchin crosses the aisle. If he wants another term he'll have to eventually; WV is not going to re-elect him if he's seen as a Biden Boy, and challengers would be foolish not to spin his record that way. If he decides not to run then there is no cost to him to change to the side that more closely matches his own instincts and the preferences of his constituents.
Ron DeSantis Wins by over 18...
His victory speech
Trump's man-baby ego must be pooping its pants
Oh Yea said...
Looks like Trump, I mean Vance, is in trouble in the Ohio Senate race.
Are you sure?
I’m going to bed and hoping for better news when I get up in the morning. Right now it looks as though Walker is going to be in a runoff; Johnson is losing; Bolduc, O’Dea, and Oz are being beaten like a rented mule; and the bright spots are Vance, Budd, and Rubio. I’m starting to feel about Donald Trump the way. I felt when I had to cut a guy that I, and everyone else, liked personally, but I had to cut him from my project because he just couldn’t do the job for which he signed up. Bennet may have been a bridge too far, but Fetterman, Warnock, and Hassan — especially Fetterman! — were weak candidates. If Trump wants to be a kingmaker then he’d damned well better make some kings.
After "DeSantimonious" and after he was roundly criticized for it, with him seeming to recognize the unforced error, Trump then went and said in an interview that it would be a mistake if DeSantis ran in 2024, that he would be hurt and that Trump had damaging dirt on him.
After tonight, will Trump still be shooting off his mouth?
I made it through almost 11 minutes of the MSNBC coverage!
A new record!
Left the house for a walk, and got a text from on old friend now in NC. Same one who sent me a rant on J6 about Trump's culpability etc etc.
This time he's ranting about the return of Trump. It's TDS+ and his wife was also afflicted when we visited them in '18.
I waited a few minutes and replied:
Do you think he'll crash the economy again first or start another war again first? Sorry, the career clowns and ghouls of imperial dc have beat him to it. Is there anything that msnbcnnprfbicia can say that you won't believe, even after 7 years?
DeSantis won Miami-Dade County. Republicans don't win Miami-Dade. Trump didn't win Miami-Dade. For those who think DeSantis can't bring in new voters...
He blew out his opponent. Granted, Charlie Crist is to Florida politics as the Washington Generals were to the Harlem Globetrotters, but in this day and age of almost religious-like fervor for political parties, a 20 point win in the 3rd largest state in the union is a shot heard round the country.
Been watching The Daily Wire tonight. A happy, hilariously fun group of people laughing it up about politics to the point they are spitting whiskey out of their noses.
Then went over to The Young Turks. My God, what a bunch angry, hateful snobs, calling people every insult possible just for voting differently. Really ugly and delusional. Don't want to be around those people for a minute.
"Unknown said...
GOP underperforming in GA, NC, OH senate races"
Not so fast SitsPlinker
With the country in such bad shape and Biden such a failure, I'm surprised more Democrats aren't losing. A lot of voters in the Northeast are as unshakingly Democrat as voters used to be in Alabama or Mississippi, and they don't have a Civil War as an excuse.
Colorado votes blue blue blue.
I gotta get out of here.
Maybe you've seen it:
Record numbers turn out to end Democracy.
Sweet dreams y'all.
Like I predicted- no red tsunami, red dribble at best. The GOP might not even take the House- there are enough seats to lose in NY and CA to overcome the present advantage they have gained tonight. The only seat they are likely to gain in the Senate right now looks to be NV, but the way the other races are going right now, it is doubtful Laxalt can win over the margin of fraud. PA is done- it is Senator Rutabega. Masters and Lake will probably both lose on present trends.
The GOP, acquiescing to mail-in-voting has killed themselves. The Democrats cheat at will now, and the GOP just stands there twiddling their thumbs.
The only hope now is that this a Blue Mirage rather than a Red one, because it ain't no Red Tsunami.
Starting around 8, I switched back and forth between two local Boston stations, one ABC and one CBS, for an hour or so. They couldn't stop talking about Trump, referring to candidates who were Trump-supported "election deniers," saying these early numbers don't mean anything but look how good the Democrat is doing, etc. Then shut it down for a couple hours before I look again to see if anything has actually been decided.
RCP has this at 10:53 pm EDT;
Tim Ryan 46.3% 1,742,018
JD Vance 53.7% 2,020,282
The courts have moved my part of NC to different House districts every couple of elections, so tonight I had to look up which one is now mine, since I voted last week and promptly forgot. We were joined with various areas westward for decades, but now we're stuck to the east, which isn't really appropriate IMO. It's apparently a safe Dem seat, because we've had zero TV ads, despite constant ads for the local NC House seat.
We still don't have voter ID, thanks to federal judges overturning several state laws. I'm pissed that anti-HB1 transhysteria warped our political path (governorship) before more people realized how toxic it is.
Heard on the radio that there’s a box of ballots under a table.
So the GOP sued to extend hours in Maricopa?
Fetterman campaign sues to have non-signed and non-dated ballots counted.
Why would anyone with half a brain do that?
Oh, wait...
I'm keeping track on two local TV stations. Why is Brown County reporting hardly any results as of 10:14 p.m.? It makes me wonder what is going on.
So Fox just called GA for Kemp in the governor's race.
In even bigger news they also reported that Stacey Abrams has conceded.
The Penn and Ga senate races are a perfect counterpoint. R+1 for GA and D+1 for PA. the problem is in PA you don't get a do over if you are both below 50%. Walker has a 2% libertarian in the race which should help him in the do over, Oz has a 1.3% libertarian that is only hurting him.
If it was a three-way contest, I voted Libertarian. If it was a two-way contest I voted Republican. If someone was running unopposed, I didn’t vote, because what’s the point?
Vance has been projected as the winner. Guess he wasn't in so much "trouble". Bwhahahaha.
Shut down his restaurant tonight in anticipation of Hurricane Nicole arriving tomorrow.
The entire state of Florida is already counted. Everyone in your office should resign in shame.
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Maricopa County Elections Department
Well, it looks like we get 4 more years of Evers. Why anybody would vote for such a total cypher is beyond me, but apparently some people find a total cypher appealing.
I think we Republicans aren't going to get everything we wanted in the vote tonight. However I think the Dems will have the feelings of one who has just managed to catch hold of a branch and swing up out of range of the snapping teeth of a huge Doberman pinscher. Maybe their pants have tear or two. I think they'll be be woked by the end of the night and forget about woke so we'll get much of what we want, we'll basically get the country back. And we'll still increase our share in the next election. Because the Dems will still hate God, country and family even after they've learned to quit supporting Make Crime Great Again.
The GA Senate race looks like it will go into a runoff. I can't wait to see what happens with the Alaska ranked choice voting.
How bad a candidate would you have to be to lose to John Fetterman?
Just tuned in to results from Mid terms and if this is what you call a RED WAVE then I aint seeing it.Mastriano already down Bolduc going down Hobbs up on lake Masters lost,,somebody up in here handicapped those folks as winners,guess they dont handicap much I had more wins in the Breeders cup then their projections I'll have to search back and see who was so wrong.. It will be about a week before all closes out but I aint seeing no RED WAVE. Looks like the losing president of 2020 didnt do any favors for the MAGA GROUP...And if there is a runoff in Georgia in December and the last president decides to run again will certainly put the squah on that race, trump seems to be reviled in the backroom groupings. Maybe the 8th wonder,Gods chosen individual as the ad states (desanctimonius)is more to the liking now? Looks like a pretty weak showing so far,I'll check back in in a couple days and see the counts.still about 70 plus election result deniers are ready to enter the mix winning out of around 300 in the total mix. Around decemnber 6th will know who owns the senate ,house after California closes out. Isnt it exciting..
No not true my wife said Masters didnt lose(YET) PRETTY SOON THOUGH,ANOTHER RESULT DENIER. THOSE SILLY MAGAS lets hope trump comes out of the closet soon,before runoff in Georgia anyway.doing this for about 60 years now isnt it exciting!
There was strong GOP momentum. Cruising to big gains. Then someone started being an oversized presence on the national scene.
Now, the Senate is not turning.
Dumb Lefty Mark: "So the GOP sued to extend hours in Maricopa?
Hardly. 20% of the vote tabulators were not operable for hours in the largest (60% of all voters) county in the state of AZ. This caused hours of delays.
What would have been "interesting" is the RNC NOT suing to extend voting.
oh no right in the middle of my news show on comes SHREK WITH A VICTORY SPEECH,now thats 4 out of 6 magas gone dow the ones said were going to win no doubt.Looks like Magas gonna have to do their conspiracy,rigged,we didnt really lose thing.lets listen to SHREK oz HEADING BACK TO nEW jERSEY WHERE HE IS REALLY FROM,gOOD PICK dON ...
Blogger Marcus Bressler said...
Vance has been projected as the winner. Guess he wasn't in so much "trouble". Bwhahahaha.
He won but only because he was drug across the finish line. Republicans swept every statewide office in Ohio with Vance having the smallest margin of victory. Dewine won governorship by 25%, Vance by less than 8% against a terrible opponent.
Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker: "The entire state of Florida is already counted. Everyone in your office should resign in shame.
Quote Tweet
Maricopa County Elections Department
India can count 600 million in a day.
I am a firm believer of voters getting what they vote for good and hard. That said, I hope DeSantis closes our northern border tomorrow.
I simply cannot believe that people were willing to vote for Fetterman. For the first time I begin to despair for my country.
May fetterman be the face of this party
J.D. Vance wins
Budd wins in NC
looks like Johnson wins in Wisconsin
Fetterman wins
Oz was a bad candidate I guess.
Feelers liked Fetterman and felt sorry for him.
Don't underestimate feelers, that's the pro-life movement in a nutshell. (Nutshell is a great book written by a terrified artist). The pro-choice movement is also dominated by feelers.
The thinkers on the Supreme Court walked into a minefield because they didn't realize that people have strong feelings about babies, and sex, and marriage, and reproduction.
Only thinkers could be that stupid.
Georgia's a run-off.
(It would be funny if they had to sprint for it).
Imagine if the "run-off" was literal! Candidates would be exercising and shit. Walker is all, "I can beat him!"
The Supreme Court would be like, "You can't do that shit! Girls can't run. People in wheelchairs lose races."
Republicans are like, "Girls can't carry people out of burning buildings. Neither can people in wheelchairs."
Democrats are like, "But this is government and it's holy!"
Anyway, I guess voting again is just as good. (Not).
Blogger Gahrie said...
I simply cannot believe that people were willing to vote for Fetterman. For the first time I begin to despair for my country.
While my tiny violin is playing for you, imagine the despair of rational people, who see the MAGA cult for what it is and are sickened at the brain rot it’s inflicted on its devotees.
China invades Taiwan within 2 years.
Congratulations to Rhonda Santa's for his landslide victory in Florida. I guess the house and Senate are still a tossup. The people don't trust either party with the keys to the car.
Temujin said...
DeSantis won Miami-Dade County. Republicans don't win Miami-Dade. Trump didn't win Miami-Dade. For those who think DeSantis can't bring in new voters...
He blew out his opponent. Granted, Charlie Crist is to Florida politics as the Washington Generals were to the Harlem Globetrotters, but in this day and age of almost religious-like fervor for political parties, a 20 point win in the 3rd largest state in the union is a shot heard round the country.
I think DeSantis is great, but he did basically no better in Miami-Dade than the rest of the Florida statewide candidates. The county has gone red, at least for now.
I think the Governor would be a great candidate for President, far better than Trump. I'm concerned with what I read about his big money backers, but I want someone who will win in 2024. Trump will be too old and brings out a huge Dem turnout nationwide. I think DeSantis can do it.
@Gahrie, Althouse explained it, and more than once. The people of Pennsylvania voted for Schumer over McConnell. Had Trump endorsed a stronger candidate — and had McConnell been a better leader — Pennsylvania would have been a GOP hold and Fetterman a quaint footnote
So many mentally challenged people in this country. It was great while it lasted. Fetterman and Biden. What a match made in Progressive heaven. God help us.
Control of congress remains in doubt, says the morning mail. That means the dems win as new votes trickle in.
Observations at 5:00 am Eastern
In Arizona Hobbs showed that following Biden’s strategy of running away and hiding from your opponent can be a very effective strategy. That surprised me.
From where I sit (1000 miles away) Wisconsin re-elected a very poor governor, a man who allowed, if not encouraged, Wisconsin’s cities to burn, chased businesses out of the state, and done nothing to push back against the looney theories of the likes of John T. Chisholm, the man who turned Darrell Brooks loose to run over children and grandmothers in Waukegan. I know it’s petty of me, but I hope in the next four years Madison and Milwaukee burn to the ground.
Fox News was saying to keep an eye on Virginia’s 2nd, 7th, and 10th congressional districts. The Republicans took only one of them with incumbent Democrats holding the other two. The 10th is interesting because Republican Hung Cao appears to have lost by about 17,000 votes. This district used to run from where the Potomac River divides Virginia from DC, then along the northern border of the state all the way out to the northwestern corner of the state, where it borders West Virginia. The last redistricting moved the northwestern counties of Clarke — a very rural county — and Frederick — one of the most conservative — out of the 10th and into the 6th, already once the most conservative congressional districts in the state. My point is this. Had Frederick and Clarke stayed in the 10th, Hung Cao would have had those 17,000 votes, and that many again to spare.
I think DeSantis is great, but he did basically no better in Miami-Dade than the rest of the Florida statewide candidates. The county has gone red, at least for now.
@Wilbur, unless it was DeSantis’s coattails that carried GOP statewide candidates to victory in Miami-Dade “for now.”
I suspect the ‘democracy is up for vote’ and ‘republicans will end democracy!’ - with no reasoning or rational thought - was a effective on the low information voting (young) crowd.
Are cities getting bigger, population wise? Looking at the maps, there are very small areas that are extremely blue, and the rest of states overwhelmingly red.
Oh Yea said...
He won but only because he was drug across the finish line. Republicans swept every statewide office in Ohio with Vance having the smallest margin of victory. Dewine won governorship by 25%, Vance by less than 8% against a terrible opponent.
Tim Ryan gets a lot of credit for Vance's victory. He was a bad candidate running a bad campaign. (I am a Republican and I cringed at the tone deafness of things he said in the last 4-6 weeks.)
So the argument is that Vance and DeSantis didn't do as good as they should have?
Either did Abrams.
I guess if Warnock wins, you'll say the same thing?
"Winning ugly is still winning."
Looking increasingly like 2020 was a pivotal year in the way that votes are counted. ~70 % of the country saying that things are 'headed in the wrong direction', and as the votes are tallied, we have 'the same direction' to look forward to. I would say that's significant.
Looking like Donald is all through now, as the New Age of American Politics solidifies its position.
I hope New Englanders enjoy the heating oil prices coming now that the SPR is all but drained.
I can't wait for Fetty's fight for fracking.
Of course, he also has plausible deniability for anything he's been saying since May.
Biden/Fetty 2024!
Two heads almost as good as one!
Matt Walsh (the political commentator, not the comedian) tweeted this:
“The Republican Party outside of Florida has no message. No discipline. No leadership. No courage to confront the important issues head on. That’s why they’re losing to literally brain damaged candidates. We need a total overhaul.“
I can’t say that he’s wrong. I think that this is a failure of the leadership (let me put “leadership” in scare quotes) of Mitch McConnrll McConnell and Kevin McCarthy as well as a failure of Donald Trump.
Think Fetterman will know which hand is his right when he is sworn in?
@Aggie--The explanation may be that the 70% are evenly divided over the alternate direction they'd like the country to go in.
DDHQ has Democrats holding the House with 211 votes.
Looks like Fetterman is now the neck of the Democratic Party.
While my tiny violin is playing for you, imagine the despair of rational people, who see the MAGA cult for what it is and are sickened at the brain rot it’s inflicted on its devotees.
You people voted for a vegetable. You've got no room to talk about being rational.
"You people voted for a vegetable."
2020 and yesterday.
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