November 9, 2022

Last night's biggest loser: Trump.

That's my hypothesis, glancing through the news reports in the middle of the night. I'll highlight evidence — beginning with this: Kari Lake didn't win?! After all that buzz?


rhhardin said...

I didn't hear anything remarkable from Kari Lake. Just what I'd count as sexual flirtation with the right and no interesting insight. Like a girlfriend who pretends to be interested in your hobby.

It takes only soap opera to get the women's vote so the left wins.

wendybar said...

New York voted for more crime. Good for them. Bad for me. I still have some great gift cards to great restaurants there, that I will never use, because I am never going there again. New York can sink into the sea for all I care anymore. Good riddance.

MayBee said...

Trump hurt Michigan. Tudor Dixon was his choice, and she couldn't attack Whitmer on COVID because of him. There should have been ads about learning loss, businesses closed, Whitmer hiring her Dem Database company to do contact tracing, the late 2020 shut downs. But she couldn't because Trump presided over a lot of those shut downs.

We need a Ron DeSantis. I'll take DeSantis/Tim Scott for 2024.

exhelodrvr1 said...

Trump has always been a double-edged sword. Thank God for him in 2016, but his follower need to accept the fact that at this point, his negatives outweigh his positives.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

MI gets more Gretchen Whitmer - how pathetic.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Katie Hobbs sat in the basement like Biden did. Refused to debate.

Either AZ is actually blue now - of there is something very wrong with their vote methods.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Gen Z will kill us all

Covid killed the elderly.

Jeff Vader said...

NYC has already regressed to the late 80s, with this bozo getting a full term, 70s here we come. Make Taxi Driver real again

tim maguire said...

Lake probably won, but there were so many problems with voting that they won’t declare a winner for a while. Last night may have saved the Reps from a Trump candidacy in 2024.

Saint Croix said...

anybody who thinks Donald Trump is the messiah

seriously, go to church

holy fuck

Left Bank of the Charles said...

Does this mean your Lee Zeldin tag has been orphaned?

Big Mike said...

For a change I see eye-to-eye politically with Althouse. Trump, a celebrity, pushed celebrity candidates in the primaries such as Vance (who won, probably more thanks to DeWine’s coattails than anything Trump did), and Walker(in a runoff by the skin of his teeth) and Oz (who lost to a brain-damaged racist).

My inbox was spammed with Trump and his surrogates asking me to donate to him. Why? So he could hold rallies? Did his rallies help Masters and Lake in Arizona? Did they help Oz? They may have hurt Vance. Hassan in New Hampshire was regarded as very beatable back in January, but Trump did nothing in candidate selection and financial support to beat her.

When I retired I felt as though I was being told something on the order of “Thanks for all you did for this company over the years, now please don’t forget to drop your company laptop off at IT and leave your badge with security on the way out the door.” Trump needs that double. His economic and energy policies were good, getting rid of the SALT deduction was great, and the Abraham Accords will probably survive even Biden and Blinken. And I still regard Trump hatred, even Althouse’s, as thoroughly irrational.

But now it’s time to go. It gives me no pleasure to write that, but a thin skin and petty insults is not how you build a legacy.

Mark said...

If this is all the midterm wave the Republicans get in a crap economy with high gas prices and a President no one likes, it would seem they played their hand very poorly.

Almost as bad as if the Dems run Biden again in 2024.

Sebastian said...

"Last night's biggest loser: Trump."

Your hypothesis is correct. The loser who lost to FJB does it again. Stick a fork in the Orange Man.

I still hope Herschel makes it etc. etc. but Georgia ticket splitters sent the message: don't be insane.

Howard said...

The Dems got smart and held off the Trump indictments until after the midterms. Now that Donald is on the ropes, they can put him down for the count.

JAORE said...

Trump was an absolute necessity for conservatives.... a few years ago. His policies were largely (IMO) correct. But much more importantly he taught us that you could fight back.

The "fake news" hammer helped expose the truth of the MSM slant.

But all trick acts wear thin. And Trump's ego and bombast has done so. His slate of candidates seemed more about those that stroke his ego than those who could, or should, run.

Candidates ran from Biden this cycle. We might see the same for Trump going forward.

Saint Croix said...

"Last night's biggest loser: Trump."

Notice how normal and sane the Republicans look now.

I wonder if the media plans to keep screaming about Trump for another year or two.

Why don't you invade his house again looking for documents! That worked like a charm.

Trump and his enemies -- they deserve each other.

The rest of the Republican party -- normies and safe! Time to vote Republican, mama! Look how normal they are! They know what a woman is, they know what a baby is.

You know what? I don't think they're Nazis at all!

Saint Croix said...

Kari Lake didn't win?! After all that buzz?

Our first female president will love babies, and will talk about them all the time.

God is not interested in your quest for power and money.

Temujin said...

There's no explaining the state of the American public at this point. We're a mess. We're all packed tightly into two corners and it doesn't seem to matter much who the candidates are. It seems to only matter what the Party is. We have a Joe Biden as President. We have a Kamala Harris as Vice President. Is it really such a shock that an actual Sack O' Potatoes such as John Fetterman is now a Senator from Pennsylvania?

And how is it that in Philadelphia, where you cannot even cross the street without wondering if you'll get attacked, the people can suddenly get in line and vote properly, and all for the same guy? Seems fairly unimaginable.

Anyway...I've heard some commenters here tell me that I just don't understand the power of Trump and that DeSantis is some sort of lightweight. Hmm. Trump was needed in this country, I believe. He was a first step in a needed shake-up for both the US and the GOP. He's like a slice of flourless chocolate cake. One piece is great. But too much of it will make you sick.

He's made too many sick, in both parties and within independents. And you cannot look back to his numbers in 2020 and equate it to anything in 2024. It does not follow. Trump will announce he's running again in a few days. And it'll rip up the GOP for a bit, but in the end he will not win the GOP. If he does, we'll end up with Gavin Newsom as President. At which point I start drinking in the morning.

Again, I wish Tom Cotton was running. And I hate to see our Governor leave Florida, but as of this morning, the writing has never been so clear about who the best chance for Conservatives would be.

Jaq said...

It seems there is little question that Joe Biden won last night. Of course the SPR has now been all but drained, so gas and heating oil is going to go through the roof and the war with Russia has yet to unfold, so we will see if he can run in 2024.

Tina Trent said...

What you made is a list of people who got a lot further than they normally would have in a race without the energy and loyalty Trump inspired. The problem remains the GOP, which ignores the concerns of their voters.

Politics isn't as described among talking heads. It's a lot more complicated and space specific than this sort of lust.

Tina Trent said...

T. Croix: Trump is a vulgarian.

So are virtually all of the rest of them, with the VQ (Vulgarian Quotient) rising in correlation with leadership status.

At least he doesn't hide it. People find this refreshing.

It's the Parties who control the outcomes, and they're all pretty evil. Also, I'd add the media.

jim5301 said...

Big Mike said "And I still regard Trump hatred, even Althouse’s, as thoroughly irrational."

Althouse hates Trump. Sure wouldn't know from her posts which I would estimate are about 90/10 supporting the guy since the last election.

Leland said...

The biggest loser is the economy. The next is the notion that the President’s party loses in the midterm. Obama had major GOP victories in both midterms, but this very popular President Biden may have actually gained seats in the Senate and States. Go figure.

But yeah, it looks like Trump has lost his magic, just like many counting the votes hoped. His dumbest comments to date leading to the election didn’t help.

HoodlumDoodlum said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
HoodlumDoodlum said...

I thought Lake would win in a close one, looks like she'll lose in a somewhat close one--I hope she gets out in a dignified way.

The bad one is Montana's referendum 131 (the Born-Alive Infants Regulation); looks like it's set to lose with over a quarter of a million people deciding it shouldn't be the law that medical professionals have to provide care to an infant of any gestational age that was born alive. That's rough, to know your fellow citizens feel that way. Oh well.

NYTimes Live Results: Montana Legislative Referendum 131

Lilly, a dog said...

It was a combination of Trump and the Dobbs decision. The Republicans ran truly awful candidates.

As a Pennsylvanian, I look forward to the long reign of Senator Gonk.

Yancey Ward said...

Trump is the biggest loser from last night if you don't count the rest of the country. I do think DeSantis, if he runs, will defeat Trump in the primaries now.

If the Republicans win control of the House, it will likely be either 220-215, or 219-216. They are ahead in only 20 races at the moment with 199 confirmed winners. Believe me when I tell you that those 20 will be targeted over the next two days with extra found ballots. I think it 50/50 who controls the House.

The Senate will have at least 50 Democrats come the new Congress in January. Johnson could still lose the race in Wisconsin (seen this movie twice before in 2018 and 2020 in WI), and Walker is not going to win a run-off and might not even get to a run-off since I expect Atlanta area counties to continue counting ballots until the weekend. Laxalt might win his race in Nevada but, again, I have seen this movie before- there are still a lot of votes to "counted" in Las Vegas by the Democrats who control the county. So, my prediction is 51-49 for the Dems in the Senate come the new Congress.

donald said...

Not for nothing, but this was a bad night for the America that believes in liberty and a semi functioning government. Good thing I’m old a fading, screw the kids that voted for this.

Temujin said...

From what I'm reading Kari Lake can still win. But...'can' is not exactly a large slammin' victory. Again- like the Fetterman thing, did anyone actually listen to Katie Hobbs speak and hear her words? And still voted for her?

Party uber alles.

Yancey Ward said...

I warned everyone hoping for a Red Wave that it wasn't likely coming since nothing has been done to rein in the mail-in-vote fraud. The Democrats have a brand new toy worth 100K+ fraudulent votes in pretty much every state in the union.

While I like Ron DeSantis a lot, I don't see how he wins any state in the Midwest except IN and OH (and OH will return to being a tossup when Trump leaves the stage, and IA will return to the Democratic column at the Presidency level). DeSantis cannot win in WI, MI, or PA the way Trump did in 2016 nor, in my opinion, even run it as close as Trump did in 2020. DeSantis isn't Trump without the baggage- DeSantis is a straight-up normal conservative governor with just a bit of swagger and pugnaciousness lacking in most of them, but his appeal is to the normal conservative general election voter. DeSantis will run extremely well with the Republican base in an election (much better than Trump), but that is no longer enough to win the Presidency.

Until the mail-in-voting is eliminated, the Democrats will win the Presidency and the Senate, and the Republicans will find it increasingly difficult to win the House, even with gerrymander control at the state level.

Gusty Winds said...

Blame a GOP Gov loss in Illinois on Trump??? Maryland??

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Lake may yet rack up votes beyond the margin of fraud, but 2020’s changes to voting but in hurdles that add to the inertial drag that already dogs Republicans. Can polling firms get anything right now?

MadTownGuy said...

One factor (according to CNN stats on exit polling, if they are to be believed) is overwhelming GenZ support for (D) candidates at +28%. See the Twitter infographic at JUDGMENT DAY: The 2022 Midterms - Stephen Green at Instapundit.

MadTownGuy said...

Added: how much of the GenZ surge is due to mail-in voting, or is it all due to indoctrination in the school system?

Christopher B said...

jim5301 said...
Big Mike said "And I still regard Trump hatred, even Althouse’s, as thoroughly irrational."

Althouse hates Trump. Sure wouldn't know from her posts which I would estimate are about 90/10 supporting the guy since the last election.

As with abortion, Professor Althouse recognizes the legal and political shenanigans the Democrats are pulling which would look like 'supporting' to rank partisan.

D.D. Driver said...

Blame a GOP Gov loss in Illinois on Trump??? Maryland??

Maryland for sure! Maryland has a Republican governor right now so we know republicans can win in that state. Oh! But what happened in the primary? Let me remind you:

D.D. Driver said...

Blame a GOP Gov loss in Illinois on Trump??? Maryland??

Maryland for sure! Maryland has a Republican governor right now so we know republicans can win in that state. Oh! But what happened in the primary? Let me remind you:

Saint Croix said...

my comment at 6:34

wasn't talking to Althouse with the "your"

should have said "our"

since every human being loves power and money

And God does look after our needs and help out

God always cares

But there are hard lessons, one of them is "you can't take it with you"

So we should not get caught up in the money race

MadTownGuy said...

Tina Trent said...

[T. Croix: Trump is a vulgarian.]

"So are virtually all of the rest of them, with the VQ (Vulgarian Quotient) rising in correlation with leadership status.

At least he doesn't hide it. People find this refreshing.

It's the Parties who control the outcomes, and they're all pretty evil. Also, I'd add the media.

Agreed. More so in the case of the (D) party, which appears to have perfected the straw candidate strategy, with the complicity of the media and some segments of the opposition party.

Lurker21 said...

Bigger loser, America. Republicans weren't going to win in Maryland or Illinois. Michigan, Pennsylvania, Arizona, New Hampshire, Maine, and New York were big disappointments, though.

Before the elections, I thought they would mean that Biden steps down and Trump announces his candidacy. Now it looks more like Trump steps down and Biden announces his candidacy.

Carol said...

"nothing has been done to rein in the mail-in-vote fraud."

FIRST you have to establish that fraud is happening. THEN you can reim it in.

CStanley said...

I still hope Herschel makes it etc. etc. but Georgia ticket splitters sent the message: don't be insane.

Yes, but on the other hand let’s hope they decide not to be insane by staying home in 4 weeks. For those who felt they needed to send a message, ok, but now it’s time to get real if control of the Senate depends on it. I guess we’re lucky that Trump has no reason to pull the same asinine stunt he did last time by telling Republicans to abstain.

And all of that is assuming the run off really happens. I did the math this morning and it sure looks like Warnock could be declared the winner if the remaining 3% of the votes magically tilt heavily to him.

Amadeus 48 said...

Only 69% of votes reported in AZ. Hobbs's lead is shrinking as election day votes are reported.

Apparently, GOP voters like to vote in person on election day.

Sally327 said...

I wonder if the 2022 election results will inform anyone's thinking about the 2020 election results. It is easier, I think, to see 2020 as mostly legitimate (which I already did so maybe I have confirmation bias), in retrospect, when one sees how 2022 is turning out.

Wilbur said...


I agree with you about the mail-in voting. It has to be eliminated or at least strictly limited to have fair and free elections.

Don't crow too much about your predictions. If I may quote you:

"the Democrats win the Senate seats in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, and retain all their present seats. They will win all the governorships they hold today, pick up Arizona and Georgia, and Ron DeSantis and Marco Rubio will taken down in a month of vote counting in the big blue counties under court order and enforced by the FBI and federal marshals. If the senate races are close (under 3%) in Ohio and Iowa, they will count votes in Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, and Des Moine until they win those seats, too."

Saint Croix said...

You know what's kind of cool?

One-term presidents.

It was kind of scary with the Clinton, Bush, Obama run. That's a quarter century with three fucking guys.

I'm glad we're back to some one-hit wonders!

And what's so fucking nice is that Biden is going to run again. Just like Ginsburg! You think you can talk old Democrats out of power? They love that shit.

They can't let go of power. They're obsessed with it.

Democrats (and Republicans!) draw districts to keep themselves in power.

Remember that and despise it. The Supreme Court could do our world a big favor by declaring the gerrymander unconstitutional.

That "republican form of government" clause has to be there for some damn reason. Gerrymander! Fuck it up!

Anyway, for those who think Trump is an "outsider" who is "outside the swamp," that's kind of delusional. Once you are president, you are officially an insider, even if the other insiders hate your ass.

Right-wingers are always electing cowboys to clean up the town. We've been doing that shit since Reagan!


another Cowboy

holy fuck, it's a Cowboy from Queens! I didn't know they had cowboys in Queens!

anyway, I'm excited about a one-term president, and another one-term president.

My prediction: If Joe Biden can walk and eat ice cream, he will run in 2024, because he does not give a fuck about anybody else.

I am ordering my DeSantis bumper sticker now.

SteveWe said...

I live and vote in AZ. The GOP lost Arizona in the Republican primary last August because the Democrat Party spent a lot of money on Masters, the weakest and most vulnerable candidate, to win the nomination. Then the Democrats spent more money early in the campaign on Kelly, who advertised for weeks with only token response from Masters. Brnovich could have beaten Kelly easily. But Trumpists don't like Brnovich because he didn't support their election fraud charges in Arizona.
As for Kari Lake, I knew she'd probably lose when I saw her parading around wearing designer outfits. That's Phoenix and Scottsdale! That's not Phoenix Metro, Tucson, and the rest of a large state.

walter said...

When cherry picking...:
Jeffrey A Tucker
A good point I'm seeing around here: most Rs did not run against lockdowns and mandates. Biggest issue of our lives and they were afraid of it, mostly due to Trump influence. Disaster.

Laughing Fox said...

Darren Bailey might not have been the strongest Republican candidate in Illinois. He won the nomination in part because he received very nice funding from J. B. Pritzker (indirectly, of course), precisely because he was thought to be one of the least likely possible candidates to win.
In Chicago. due to a redrawing of precincts last spring, lost of people showed up at the wrong polling place, because they ignored the postcards sent out telling them the new polling place for their new precinct. Those people filled out a form and were then allowed to vote at the wrong polling place, because telling them to go to the proper polling place for their precinct might cause some of them not to vote at all (horrors!).
So if a person in this situation, after voting at the wrong polling place, went to vote at their new proper polling place, of course they would not be allowed to vote a second time, right? right? right?

walter said...

When cherry picking...:
Jeffrey A Tucker
A good point I'm seeing around here: most Rs did not run against lockdowns and mandates. Biggest issue of our lives and they were afraid of it, mostly due to Trump influence. Disaster.

Laughing Fox said...

Sally 327 :
I wonder if the 2022 election results will inform anyone's thinking about the 2020 election results. It is easier, I think, to see 2020 as mostly legitimate (which I already did so maybe I have confirmation bias), in retrospect, when one sees how 2022 is turning out.

A criminal lawyer I know told me that circumstantial evidence is very telling--it lets you know how things happened, even when it doesn't lead to proof.
In 2000, big city election offices in Atlanta, Philadelphia, Detroit and Milwaukee announced that vote counting was closed and sent election judges home, and then resumed vote county in secret. That was clearly illegal. Why would these election workers risk the consequences of that illegal action if not for what they considered much greater benefit?
When things like that happen in an election, it is foolish to imagine that no larger chicanery occurred.

wendybar said...

Lilly, a dog said...
It was a combination of Trump and the Dobbs decision. The Republicans ran truly awful candidates.

As a Pennsylvanian, I look forward to the long reign of Senator Gonk.

11/9/22, 7:02 AM

I hope the released prisoners don't get to you first. Congratulations for becoming the laughingstock of the states!!!

Beasts of England said...

Lake may still win. Overall, the red droplet is not very satisfying. ;)

hombre said...

SteveWe: "As for Kari Lake, I knew she'd probably lose when I saw her parading around wearing designer outfits. That's Phoenix and Scottsdale!"

I don't know about designer outfits, but you probably ought to look at the county-by-county tally. Lake carried nearly all of rural AZ. Phoenix Metro and Tucson are knee jerk Democrat strongholds recently committed to electing mediocrities like Hobbs and Kelly.

If Kari Lake loses, it will be because her media coverage was mostly bunkum and 100% negative (according to Media Research Center).

Achilles said...

Yancey Ward said...

Until the mail-in-voting is eliminated, the Democrats will win the Presidency and the Senate, and the Republicans will find it increasingly difficult to win the House, even with gerrymander control at the state level.


hombre said...

Carol: "FIRST you have to establish that fraud is happening. THEN you can rein it in."

If 2000 Mules didn't do that, it can't be done.

Prevention is the ticket. Fraud can be minimized by in-person voting with voter IDs and laws limiting absentee and mail order ballots. That's why Dems oppose those measures.

Until then elections will be justifiably suspect.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Tudor Dixon's loss hurts. Poor Michigan - Whitmer is a nightmare.

n.n said...

The Dobbs correction was a model for democracy. Throw another baby on the barbie? Hopefully, the 1-2 compromise (Fetal-Baby) will hold until people recognize that slavery, diversity, and witch burnings... elective abortion is a transhumane choice for the mother, father, and child.

n.n said...

Trump hurt Michigan... But she couldn't because Trump presided over a lot of those shut downs.

Whitmer is the woman from planned parent/hood, and namesake of Whitmer-trap (i.e. collusion to entrap and deny civil rights). Trump should have sent in the DOJ, perhaps a democratic "hero" h/t Pelosi et al to correct her Choice. Yeah, Trump took a knee to the subject domain experts: Fauci et al, and observed Constitutional restrictions until the pandemic was over, and the American Spring was upon us.

John Althouse Cohen said...

Trump is a loser — an insanely sore loser. And I mean "insane" literally: when he loses, he starts saying things that have no basis in reality. Brace yourselves…

Wilbur said...

Laughing Fox said...
A criminal lawyer I know told me that circumstantial evidence is very telling--it lets you know how things happened, even when it doesn't lead to proof.

Circumstantial evidence is usually the best evidence. To put it simplistically, you can't cross-examine a fingerprint.

Matt O said...

Isn't a winner the Supreme Court? RBG, before her appointment, critiqued Roe v. Wade as undemocratic, as did Scalia in Casey and Roberts and Alito a bit in Dobbs. Supreme Court justices have predicted that a returning abortion to legislatures with electorate accountability was a better process. Seems to be working.

exhelodrvr1 said...

Trump doesn't hold a candle to Biden, or Hillary for that matter, in the "saying crazy stuff" department. But it seems to be OK for them.

wendybar said...

John Althouse Cohen said...
Trump is a loser — an insanely sore loser. And I mean "insane" literally: when he loses, he starts saying things that have no basis in reality. Brace yourselves…

11/9/22, 11:22 AM

Then I guess that makes both Joe Biden and John Fetterman insane too, because both say things that have no basis in reality. (Not to mention Hank Johnson, Maxine Waters, AOC, and many many other Democrats that spew things that have no basis in reality)

Yancey Ward said...


I was using hyperbole with regards to Rubio and DeSantis to make the point about the rest of my prediction that it was unlikely the GOP won the Senate, and possible to not take the House because nothing had been done outside of Florida and Texas to stop fraud, and on that I was proven correct.

What isn't hyperbole, though, is the effort that will go into preventing the GOP from controlling the House. The GOP still needs to win 19 seats for a majority in House, and it is doable for the Democrats to stuff enough ballots to prevent that.

Mike Sylwester said...

Sally 327 at 8:46 AM
I wonder if the 2022 election results will inform anyone's thinking about the 2020 election results. It is easier, I think, to see 2020 as mostly legitimate (which I already did so maybe I have confirmation bias), in retrospect, when one sees how 2022 is turning out.

I agree.

Michael K said...

A good point I'm seeing around here: most Rs did not run against lockdowns and mandates. Biggest issue of our lives and they were afraid of it, mostly due to Trump influence. Disaster.

That's a good point, if true. Arizona was largely unaffected because of GOP governor.

Sarah Rolph said...

Kari Lake will win.

DeepRunner said...

It's time for Trump to leave the stage and let the GOP move on. He had his time, and, for the most part, it was a good presidency. But I highly doubt he will exit. It's not who he is. But TDS is a real thing, and has been burning hot still since 2020. His feeding his grudge over 2020 election outcome is putting drag on the Repubs. Leave, Donald. Bow out gracefully and let others steer the ship.

Also, we should not overlook the role that the alleged turnout of Gen Z played. These are voters for the next 60-80 years, and if Dobbs was really the reason that got them out, plus student loan emancipation/amnesty/burden-transference/vote-buying, it may be a single-issue election that won't carry over into 2024. But Ol' Scranton Joe and the people holding his puppet strings have two more years to work with, and a bit of breathing room. That translates into possibly giving more...mmm..."benefits" to the socialist, entitled, tattooed generation.

Gahrie said...

I was as disappointed as anyone at what happened yesterday. But let's have a little perspective here, the Republicans are going to control the House, and probably control the Senate. If they behave responsibly, the Senate map looks favorable in 2024, the House will be winnable again and hopefully there will be a Republican president.

At some point we need to reform our voting laws.

You vote on the day of the election.
Show ID
Paper ballots. Bubble in forms.
Dip your finger in indelible ink

Yancey Ward said...

Sally, the only thing that was significantly different last night was that the Democrats didn't find themselves holding a losing hand at one o'clock in morning following election night. In other words, the Democrats weren't forced to scramble for extra ballots to flip five states in the middle of the night. In other words, the only difference was that the Democrats made sure they had manufactured enough votes prior to election day.

Yancey Ward said...

Sarah Rolph,

Lake was definitely on a path to take the lead last night when Arizona, for some reason, decided to stop counting for the night, and do nothing at all today so far to update anything.

I have seen this movie play out before. Whatever trend you saw last night will abruptly reverse itself whenever Arizona "counters" start reporting new results.

rhhardin said...

From Brad Wilcox via Clay and Buck show at 50 minutes into the second hour if I've calculated right

Married men broke Republican by 20 points
Married women broke Republican by 14 points
Unmarried men broke Republican by 7 points
Unmarried women broke Democrat by 37 points

I think I see the problem, and it's not Trump.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

JAC - So far all I see is Jim Acosta saying Trump is yelling and screaming at everyone.

How would he know? I need a trust worthy source.

Marc in Eugene said...

California, Michigan, Vermont, and Montana. California's embrace of the pro-abortion regime was expected, and Vermont's, really. Michigan and Montana, however, surprised me; such wickedness, tsk.

Iman said...

I know a cat name of sean maloney
He makin’ do with a bowl o’ beef-a-roni

Chris Lopes said...

Long term, the GOP wins without this egotistical wind bag.

FIDO said...

So in the Machine Politics Home of Liberalism, with teachers, the media empire, and generations of maleducated minions all pushing to vote for The Party, Hochul was barely able to eek out a single digit win against a Republican...


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