November 29, 2022

"[Kanye] West said that following his 'Death Con' comment, Alex Jones’ producer introduced him to [Milo] Yiannopoulos, who in turn suggested West 'bring in' Fuentes."

"The artist said he was 'impressed by Nick' and asked him to join the dinner, stating that 'Trump had no idea who Nick Fuentes was.'"

From "Kanye and His Antisemitic Friends Storm Off Live Right-Wing Podcast After Pushback on Offensive Views/West, Nick Fuentes, and Milo Yiannopoulos abruptly walked off the Timcast IRL podcast after pushback to antisemitic claims" (Rolling Stone).

Here's the show, with Ye and friends exiting after 20 minutes or so: 


I listened to the show for about the first half hour. I don't think I'd ever noticed Pool before, but I think I understood him to say that the show has a format — discussing the news — and West knew that but West just went ahead and took over and seemed to feel entitled to rant from subject to subject however he wanted. Pool seems to have been more deferential than usual but had to break in, not merely to preserve his own concept of the show, but because West was indulging in general statements that Pool knew would be characterized as anti-semitism. Pool wanted West to name particular individuals, not speak of the group in general.

West had one good point: Why are people allowed to speak of "the black vote"? Why is it okay to speak about black people that way?


Temujin said...

When you vote as a demographic at 98% for one party, every election, even as the evidence of your own senses would tell you they’re policies are what’s killing your people, you’ll tend to get called out as a group, and not as individuals. Hence: The Black Vote.

Iman said...

Republicans and any others out there who are doing what’s required to save the US of A need to keep our eyes on the prize.

This is a sideshow.

Joe Smith said...

Other than FTX, this is the most boring story of late.

So follows the exact same arc:

Trump does something. Libs outraged. Trump responds. Trump and never Trump argue amongst themselves. Everyone asked to disavow Trump/what he's said/done. Trump finally does something else. Repeat above cycle.

I'm beginning to think Scott Adams is correct and we are in a simulation, except it's stuck on boring and stupid.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

So it looked like a setup because it was a setup. I used to like Kanye for his out of the box thinking and for success in fashion, which I still believe was incredible. But he is truly unstable at least. Whether the Kardashians attract marginal men or simply amplify their worst tendencies is still unanswered. Trump had stayed loyal to Kanye until this incident. I’ve read the criticism of Trump but all involved have the same take on events and I don’t blame Trump for allowing Kanye into Mar a Lago. Before this Kanye had brought interesting people and attracted decent press.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Tim Pool is still a real journalist. Kanye proves the West Paradox in Althouse’s excerpt. He makes an excellent absolutely apt point but it’s surrounded by a farrago of half-explored conspiracy theories and references to personal slights he’s endured. Tucker and now Pool have allowed him a lot of space but Kanye has failed to talk himself out of being antisemitic.

tim maguire said...

I can think of a few answers to Kanye's quesiotn. Black people are largely monolithic in their voting habits and so can be discussed as a single thing. This is much less true of Jewish people, so the phrase "the Jewish vote" would simply not be reflecting reality in the same way "the black vote" does.

Who speaks of "the Black Vote"? It is people trying to woo black people or highlight black political interests. If "the Jewish vote" were a term, do you think the people using it would describe it as something someone would want? Or something nefarious? Do Jewish people speak of "the Jewish vote"?

Lurker21 said...

Somebody needs to point out to Trump that these guys are all the kind of people he would usually call "losers" (in bold, italics, all caps, and followed by several exclamation points).

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Good gravy.

Trump's followers include this mix of insanity? Alex Jones and anyone in his orbit is 100% nutter. Alex Jones claimed the Sandy Hook massacre was fake.

Alex Jones used to be on the far left with his 9/11 conspiracies. Then he shifted to a Trump supporter. Trump never disavowed him. Trump does not care about the quality of his support - just so long as he gets his ass kissed.

Anyone in politics understands that you disavow the creeps like David Duke and Alex Jones. If you do not - then like cockroaches - you get more. Ah - that grand strategist Trump and his 3-D chess.

daskol said...

Rebekah Mercer-George Farmer-Candace Owens-Milo-Fuentes do not strike me as a trustworthy group of people, and will use Kanye for their own grift. I hope he knows that about his new friends.

wendybar said...

"Anyone in politics understands that you disavow the creeps like David Duke and Alex Jones. If you do not - then like cockroaches - you get more. Ah - that grand strategist Trump and his 3-D chess."

Like the Democrats disavow Sharpton, Farrakhan, Wright, Ayers, and all the other creeps?? Stick your head back in the sand.

Fred Drinkwater said...

After Rev. Wright, Bill Ayers, and Al Sharpton, I assume a president can freely associate with anyone at all.
Hey, I dont make the rules.

mccullough said...

Black Americans and Jewish Americans overwhelmingly vote for Dems. Is what it is.

Kanye and his gay friend and his Mexican American friend are now the White Nationalists.

They dine with Trump and now are on tour.

It’s pretty fucking funny.

baghdadbob said...

Jews in the US have voted between 70-80% Democrat since the 1990s, so it is fair to speak of the "Jewish vote" as a semi-reliable bloc.

You see such language today, in phrases like "Democrats appear to be losing their grip on the Latino vote." It doesn't have to refer to a ~90% monolith, like "the Black vote."

I wonder how "the Gay vote" and the "Trans vote" breaks out. Possible monolith there, Log Cabin Republicans notwithstanding.

Joe Smith said...

'Trump's followers include this mix of insanity? Alex Jones and anyone in his orbit is 100% nutter. Alex Jones claimed the Sandy Hook massacre was fake.'

To be fair, he can be both a 'nutter' and a truth-teller.

Isaac Newton believed in the occult and alchemy along with being one of the greatest mathematical minds in history.

A person can be wrong about one thing and right about others...

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Wendy - you know darn well that the left get a pass on their creeps.

Wake up.

wildswan said...

Good point about "the black vote." Of course, those of us who love discussing politics talk about the white vote, The black vote, the suburban women's vote, the blue collar vote, the Hispanic vote, the Asian vote and "the vote" of any other bloc which has a discernable voting pattern. But I often feel a twinge about "the black vote" because I think, in general, it is preferred by those I respect to speak of "the black community" rather than "the blacks" and so it feels a bit strange to suddenly talk about "the black vote." And anyhow, the black community seems to be breaking up into segments which we are far too refined to notice or comment on and as a result "the black vote" is altering. For example, the refusal of the political leadership in the big Dem cities which hold the largest black communities to maintain public safety, keep the schools open and work for economic development which would mean jobs is leading "black flight" to the suburbs. But what happens there in terms of voting? Do they want good schools? Yes. But are they willing to be called "Republicans?" No. So, for today, there still is a discernable voting pattern in the black community, there is a black vote which generally breaks 80 to 90% for the Dems.

But is there in the same sense a tendency in the Jewish community as whole for 80 to 90% to be usurers, money lenders, pawnbrokers? No, and it's antisemitism to think that way and in the recent past such thinking led to the Holocaust. Kanye West's behavior suggests that the group he comes from and appeals to casually accepts the ugliest kinds of antisemitism as statements as facts, not slurs. The left outside the US is moving in that direction also. It's hard to know why a groups sensitive to the dangers of racial prejudice can be so insensitive to the clear and obvious lesson from history about the dangers of antisemitism. I suppose step one is to deny the history.

Narayanan said...

Anyone in politics understands that you disavow the creeps like David Duke and Alex Jones.
is that different from suppressing their votes?

rcocean said...

I was sorta shocked at how short this was. Ye's only on for 15 minutes. Fuentes litteraly speaks for 30 seconds. That's it. Ye left because Pool just wanted to tred down the same path as Lex Friedman (as Ye said) and Peirs Morgan. Its ridiculous that this small time Youtuber thinks he has to force Ye into his format. This isn't Meet the Press. Let the man talk.

If he'd actually stopped with the dopey pushbacks and interupting and asked followup questions it could've been interesting. He could have said "Hey, lets go back to the Trump Dinner. How long did you guys talk?" Instead it was the same ol' "Let me disagree with you and show everyone that I - Tim Pool - am not an anti-semite". YE was upset at the end, and brought up Lex Freidman, and when Pool cut off Fuentes after 30 seconds they walked.

Bad interview technique. And who was the idiot talking about " a sausage fest". That kind of nonsense makes the whole thing seem like an adolescent clown show. Why talk about THE NEWS with someone like that?

PS - You can understand YE's frustration. Various Jews in the media/record/fashion industry acting with the ADL and AS JEWS in an organized fashion tried to destroy him. They've been tweeting and writing op-eds in the MSM about it. Yet, here we have Pool's playing the dumb "well, they're just individuals. Believing in Judaism isn't a factor". If you've lost $1 Billion like Ye has, you must get tired of the dishonesty.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

By the way, let me acknowledge that when I wrote, "a farrago of half-explored conspiracy theories and references to personal slights he’s endured" I was aware this description is exactly how some see Trump. Like attracts like.

gahrie said...

Why are people allowed to speak of "the black vote"? Why is it okay to speak about black people that way?

Because 90% of Black people consistently vote Democratic, and those who don't are labeled race traitors.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Tim says, "This is much less true of Jewish people."

Yet noted Jew Dennis Prager says Jews almost always "vote like Black people" as a group.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

The opening to the joke is fantastic: A black man, a latino and a gay greek dude go to Mar a Lago...
But the punchline needs a lot of work.

Earnest Prole said...

This is a sideshow.

This is a clown-car dumpster fire.

Bob Boyd said...

I saw a clip of Nick Fuentes talking about meeting Trump. Fuentes said he told Trump that DeSantis was the future and that he was now a DeSantis guy.

So this Fuentes, who nobody ever heard of like a week ago, has finished off Kanye West, severely damaged Trump and provided ammo to use against DeSantis. West (not as a candidate, but as an influential black man), Trump and DeSantis are 3 of the biggest threats to the Democrats.


Big Mike said...

Why are people allowed to speak of "the black vote"? Why is it okay to speak about black people that way?

They’re allowed to speak that way because of the First Amendment. They speak that way because blacks, Jews, and other identity groups not only vote monolithically, but there can be bought for cheap, symbolic, actions.

Note to tim maguire. If an identity group votes 80% in lockstep, and the best anyone can do is peel off 10%, then it is manifestly not true that they are “much less” monolithic.

You ask whether “the Jewish vote” is a term. In my experience it certainly is.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Trump's followers include this mix of insanity?

What a lame non-sequitur. So is Trump in your opinion actually responsible for the actions and beliefs of every one of the seventy-something million people who voted for him? Are we sure these three clowns voted for him? Are these three clowns even remotely within the group one can honestly label "followers" of Trump? Do other politicians have followers? Have you ever been a follower of politicians?

I haven't. Followers? It seems you still believe there is some sort of religious or cult movement that one must necessarily be part of in order to consider Trump a viable candidate. That's not how politics works in my America. My advice for you is to think about who you support and move on from Trump. Your takes have become more and more disconnected from reality. "Dinner together" means "must be Trump followers" even after Ye admits he was punking Trump and trying to sabotage 2024 for Trump because Ye wants to run and win. Are you a Ye follower yet?

Rollo said...

It was common in the old days to talk about Wilson or FDR worrying about the Irish or German or Italian or Jewish or Polish or Negro or Southern vote, and people still talk that way -- if perhaps about other groups -- in private.

It's shorthand. Groups may not vote as solid blocs, but when they don't, the party which depends on their voting as a bloc can be in trouble. Maybe, like Chappelle was saying, this is another one of those things that everyone thinks but no one can say.

Michael K said...

Trump's followers include this mix of insanity? Alex Jones and anyone in his orbit is 100% nutter. Alex Jones claimed the Sandy Hook massacre was fake.

Why did you use the term "followers?" You could have said "friends" although that appears to be incorrect. He didn't know who the guy was. That is not an example of great staffing but it sounds like it was a momentary decision with no time to vet the guests. No political figure has the ability to limit his "followers." Kari Lake may have made a fatal mistake by saying she did not want the votes of McCain supporters. If you are running for election, you want all the votes you can get. Trump has a history of "winging it" and it has cost him sometimes.

Aggie said...

It's the same old shtick. Let's all get outraged about what someone said about Trump, or about what someone else said Trump did, and pretend that it's actually Trump. Milo is one of those depraved queens that lives for intrigue, drama and revenge, just like that other poisonous toad, David Brock. They scream for attention. Alex Jones wasn't involved - his producer was referenced - but for some, that's enough to start shrieking "Alex Jones!!!" and so on, as if the devil had appeared.

The best policy is to ignore the noise, and pay attention to what the principals actually do rather than react to what unreliable sources say they did.

JPS said...

"Alex Jones’ producer introduced [Kanye West] to [Milo] Yiannopoulos, who in turn suggested West 'bring in' Fuentes."

This is a fine example of Tim Blair's Law: The ongoing process by which the world’s multiple idiocies are becoming one giant, useless force.

wendybar: "Like the Democrats disavow Sharpton, Farrakhan, Wright, Ayers, and all the other creeps??"

I can lament that our side is the only one expected to publicly repudiate its toxic nutcases – by people who will give them absolutely no credit for doing so, while absurdly denying that their side has any – and still want our side to repudiate its toxic nutcases.

Nonyabidness said...

"Why are people allowed to speak of "the black vote"?"

Because blacks don't run everything, silly. Jews do.

Hasn't this guy figured that out yet?

Jews destroyed his $2 billion empire in 2 days and he hasn't figured it out yet.

See, the Jews have historically suffered, even been held as slaves, whereas ...

... oh nevermind.

Nonyabidness said...

"Why are people allowed to speak of "the black vote"?"

Because blacks don't run everything, silly. Jews do.

Hasn't this guy figured that out yet?

Jews destroyed his $2 billion empire in 2 days and he hasn't figured it out yet.

See, the Jews have historically suffered, even been held as slaves, whereas ...

... oh nevermind.

Meade said...

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...
“The opening to the joke is fantastic: A black man, a latino and a gay greek dude go to Mar a Lago...
But the punchline needs a lot of work.“


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Bob Boyd - your theory that Fuentes is FBI - could be.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I saw a clip of Schumer on PBS - denouncing Fuentes.

Is Fuentes the implant used to take down ________________. [whomever is necessary]? Makes it all easier to insert the Crook Biden family.

Message to the Trump and anyone else - watch your back. Don't let these cretins in the door.

Recall Kanye himself ditched Trump as soon as Trump became a liability for YE back in 2016.

Joe Smith said...

“The opening to the joke is fantastic: A black man, a latino and a gay greek dude go to Mar a Lago...
But the punchline needs a lot of work.“

...they order lobster and caviar and run up a huge bar tab. When the check comes, they all (in unison) say to the waiter, 'Let the Jews pay, they've got all the money!'


Oh the protestants hate the catholics
And the catholics hate the protestants
And the hindus hate the muslims
And everybody hates the jews...

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

@ Prole


Howard said...

Exactly. We need more of this type of unifying behavior from the right because free speak and free association are hallmarks of the American experience.

Whatever it is, it's never the Don's fault.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Joe this is the perfect thread to bring in Kinky and the Texas Jewboys, mostly because that song is funnier than hell. Morning radio guy in LA Bill Handel (a known Jew) used to play song that and laugh because "we even hate us," as he put it. It was funnier back then. Crap! Bill is still on the air in the morning on KFI. Wow!

MB said...

Are we sure these three clowns voted for him?

I would think that Ye voted for Ye.

Andrew said...

Remember Berry #1: "Remember the photo of Obama and Farrakhan? And they were smiling?"

Remember Berry #2: "I remember that!"

Temujin said...

tim maguire: "Do Jewish people speak of "the Jewish vote"?"

Yes. I do. Often. As do many, many others. And I was thinking of my fellow Jews as I was making my comment about the Black vote. But I don't think many Jews take it as a slam that they vote like a homogenous block for Democrats. I think the majority of them like that this is the way it has been- for whatever outdated reasons they may have. It's almost reflexive among Jews growing up. Which is why I feel so fortunate that my parents were very much independents, and voted both parties as I was growing up. And I later learned that we had- Gasp!- Ayn Rand devotees in our family.

But the Jewish vote is not at 98%. In New York it probably is. But in other parts of the country, it's not like that. And, depending on the Republican running, it has been showing a steady increase in conservative voting over the last few elections.

MikeR said...

I think if you said, "The Blacks are committing a disproportionate amount of violent crime in this country", people would indeed object. Change it to "Black people" and it becomes a fair sociological discussion. "The Blacks" are not an organization, and neither are "The Jews".
In Baltimore (and likewise in Brooklyn) we certainly do discuss "the Jewish vote". In my neighborhood that's a big deal.

Bob Boyd said...

Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker said...
Bob Boyd - your theory that Fuentes is FBI - could be.

It's not just a theory. Any idiot can come up with a theory. It's a conspiracy theory.

Message to the Trump and anyone else - watch your back. Don't let these cretins in the door.

My ol' Granpappy used to say, never pet a dog that's on fire.

Bob Boyd said...

Meade said... DEEZ NUTS!!!

Meade was a bold, massive-nut hoisting, type A squirrel in a previous life.
Change my mind.

n.n said...

Diversity [dogma] (e.g. racism, sexism, ageism, antisemitism).

rcocean said...

Listen to the video. Trump invited Ye, and Ye shows up with 2 guys, and asks Trump "Hey can these guys stay for dinner?" And trump says "Sure".

Why should Trump have to "vet" the people his dinner guests bring along? He's not POTUS. He's now a private citizen. This was a fairly public meeting at his Golf Club.

But, oh no, Trump gave them an "opening". Yeah, he gave his enemies a chance to practice guilt by association and smear him for being less than six feet away from Furentes & Ye. Oh my God, what an error.

What's sad is that up to this point his enemies have been so careful in their accusations. I mean other than claiming trump was a: "fraudster who stole the 2016 election" "Traitor", "dangerous traitor who was hiding Nuclear secrets in his basement", "theif who stole top secret documents", "a traitor who was Putin's secret agent", "Nazi", "white supremist", "insurrectionist", "fraudster who took money from the Saudis" "crazed lunatic who attacked the secret service", "traitor who helped the NK Dictatorship" "traitor who helped the Chicoms" and "consipracy monger who pushes QAnon".

I don't care who Trump or anyone else has dinner with. When you show me how that affects anything Trump does or says, and PROVE IT, then I'll care.

wendybar said...

Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker said...
Wendy - you know darn well that the left get a pass on their creeps.

Wake up.

11/29/22, 10:15 AM

Honey, I am wide is YOU who needs to wake up with your spewing of hatred, and division. You belong on the other side.

tommyesq said...

What has Ye said that is worse than the things said by AOC, Ilhan Omar, or Rashida Tlaib?

Serious question...

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Why should Trump have to "vet" the people his dinner guests bring along? He's not POTUS.

He is running for POTUS. It's yet another error and gift to the left. That's why.
I'd agree if he were not running for president. he is. He just announced.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Wendy -
Trump belongs on the other side. He's a non-stop gift to the left.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

HI I'm Trump and I'm running for president. Please ignore my insane nutter dinner guests. They love me... so what's the big deal?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Wendy - I'm spewing hatred? AT who? Trump? Can't Trump take it? He can dish it... Is he not man- enough to take criticism?

Achilles said...

Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker said...

Good gravy.

Trump's followers include this mix of insanity? Alex Jones and anyone in his orbit is 100% nutter. Alex Jones claimed the Sandy Hook massacre was fake.

The NYT's and the democrats cannot be honest about what they support.

So they resort to stupid association games and claims of racism.

Just like you cannot be honest about what you support and why. So you resort to the same tactics as the democrats.

There really is no fundamental difference between the Romney Republicans like April and the Democrats.

They are two sides of the same coin in action and deed.

Drago said...

Achilles: "There really is no fundamental difference between the Romney Republicans like April and the Democrats.

They are two sides of the same coin in action and deed."

Quite so.

Just the other day our democratical-adjacent Althouse Blog Commissar (self-appointed) literally claimed the Saudi's were funding the Trump campaign via Kushner's investment group.

Smears like that, which the Althouse Blog Commissar (self-appointed) pushes nearly daily, mark him as a strong deocratical ally.

Its funny watching 2 of worst gaslighting mind-numbed lefties at Althouse blog, Howard and Inga, vigorously defending HBTPFH again and again as they certainly recognize an ally when they see one.

Hey, maybe HBTPFH should follow his own instructions and disavow his lefty allies that enjoy his work so much?!

Lets see what happens next.....

D.D. Driver said...

Everyone is always tricking me and taking advantage of me that's why you need to elect me president again!

This makes as much sense as Biden catching COVID a dozen times and citing it as "proof" that everyone "needs to stay boosted.

Achilles said...

Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker said...

Wendy - I'm spewing hatred? AT who? Trump? Can't Trump take it? He can dish it... Is he not man- enough to take criticism?

If you say anything bad about Desantis or McConnell or McCain April flips out and says you are helping democrats.

But notice how she goes after Trump's manhood with her stupid childish crap.

If we get rid of people like April we could get 10 working class/minority voters to replace them for each GOPe Bush wing voter we lose.

That is why Trump got millions more votes than your pathetic career politician failures.

Bye Felicia.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I gave a ride to a Ye/Kanye supporter today. She told me if i wanted to understand Kanye's rhetoric i needed to watch a documentary on Amazon video called Hebrews to Negroes.

I don't know if I'm going to watch that. And if I do watch it, I don't know that I would tell people about it. That shit is radiactive, just by that ride's description of it.

gadfly said...

West had one good point: Why are people allowed to speak of "the black vote"? Why is it okay to speak about black people that way?

So perhaps Ye will explain how it is OK for him to write a rap called "Niggas in Paris" which is included as a song by Jay-Z and Kanye West in their collaborative album Watch the Throne (2011).

Daniel12 said...

"I've had friendships with people whose political views I strongly disagreed with, because I don't make politics the center of my identity, nor is it the sole interest in my life."

If their view is that you are subhuman, 1) that's not a political view and 2) the friendship usually fades on it's own.

le Douanier said...

“I don't think I'd ever noticed Pool before,”

This sentence could have been the result of one of those “heard at Meadhouse” posts:

Speaker 1 “Some dude called Tim Pool was doin’ stuff w/ blah blah blah.”

Speaker 2 “How the F do you not know who Tim Pool is? You don’t follow Fox News and such, and now you also don’t even know Pool? WTF?”

Speaker 1 “Actually I don’t think I noticed him, but I’m in the golden years so I probably have noticed him but I can’t remember such. P.S. have you seen my keys to the TT? Oh, never mind—silly me—I put them in the refrigerator.”

Speaker 2 “I don’t need a key to ride my bike to the candy store. Plus I’m smart because I know Fox News and Pool and such.

wendybar said...

Achilles said...
Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker said...

Wendy - I'm spewing hatred? AT who? Trump? Can't Trump take it? He can dish it... Is he not man- enough to take criticism?

If you say anything bad about Desantis or McConnell or McCain April flips out and says you are helping democrats.

But notice how she goes after Trump's manhood with her stupid childish crap.

Also, she or he or whatever it is, calls people that she is trying to get to vote for DeSantis TrumpHumpers and other derogatory names, like THAT will change our minds and make us vote for whom THEY want us to. Just like a typical Progressive.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

blah blah blah - April doesn't crap all over DeSantis enough. *whine*

Don't need to - the Ever Trumper/ DeSantis haters do a fine job.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Ever Trumpers / Only-Trumpers will follow their dear leader over a cliff. Have fun.
As they tumble over... screeching "McConnell Ryan Romney Chamber of Commerce Murkowski McCain Beahnor Jeb! GOPe" all the way down.

Biden and the Chi Coms are giggling all the way to the bank.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

gadfly is very silent.
I'm guessing Gadfly is pining for Trump as the nominee - so he can get back on the MSNBC/Behar/Maddow Trump-hate obsessive horse.

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