November 10, 2022

"It’s no secret that an enormous amount of party leadership in New York State is based on big money and old-school, calcified machine-style politics that creates a very anemic voting base that is disengaged and disenfranchised."

Said Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, calling for the resignation of Jay Jacobs, the Democratic Party chairman in NY state.

Quoted in"If Democrats Lose the House, They May Have New York to Blame/Republicans flipped four congressional seats in New York, the most of any state in the country. How did this happen in one of the nation’s most liberal states?" by Nicholas Fandos (NYT).

[M]any progressives... lamented that numerous candidates had failed to stake out a bolder agenda that would inspire the state’s 6.5 million Democrats and to invest in more durable on-the-ground organizing, rather than trying to motivate voters out of fear of [GOP candidate for governor Lee] Zeldin.

That's the classic progressive message to Democrats: They need to go further to the left, because that will energize more people. But:

Polls suggested voters living on the outskirts of New York City, and in urban Orthodox Jewish and Asian enclaves, were unusually motivated by rising crime. Record outside spending swamped the airwaves, and Republicans turned out in droves....

That doesn't stop Ocasio-Cortez. She blames Democrats for trying to establish their own credibility on law and order. She rejects "leaning into Republican narratives on crime and safety." The left message is "to talk about gun violence and its roots." 

ADDED:  There's that term again — calcification. Ocasio-Cortez said "big money and old-school, calcified machine-style politics."


Big Mike said...

I thought we flipped five, counting Maloney who heads — make that headed — the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. Oh! They haven’t conceded the 22nd District to Williams yet. Look for a Democrat precinct official in the 22nd to show up with a trunk full of uncounted ballots, all signed with the name of a cemetery dweller and written with the same pen in the same handwriting.

Maloney raised a bit of a stir when he suggested that constituents complaining about inflation in food prices could be countered by buying Chef Boyardee. What they’re supposed to do when they’re already eating more Chef Boyardee for meals than they want to be didn’t say. Sort of like Matie Antoinette telling the French peasants to eat cake, except I’ll bet 18th century Parisian pastries probably tasted better than Chef Boyardee.

Wilbur said...

I strongly urge all Democrats to follow the nostrums of Chiquita Khrushchev.

rhhardin said...

The more seats you have the more you're vulnerable to lose.

Leland said...

Crime. It happened because of crime. Inflation too, but mostly crime.

Howard said...

So Trump and the Squad lost the election. I prefer to think the American people won. Sell crazy somewhere else.

Tina Trent said...

Crime denial is a very, very ugly form of prejudice -- and the democrats' favorite dog whistle. Ms. Occasio-Cortez is denying the brutal murders, assaults, rapes, mass property loss and daily terror experienced by her own constituents and other innocent victims. This is Klan-like behavior. Surrounded by bodyguards, she also falsely accuses Republicans for crime that is the consequence of her political choices and claims to be specially traumatized by Trump supporters.

Such prejudice has no place in Congress. She is unfit for office. Congratulations to the Republican Party workers in New York State, especially those on Long Island and in the Hudson Valley, who saved this election cycle by beating Democrats against stiff odds. I've watched what it took for them to achieve this: grit, hard work, and staying focused and cohesive for decades as they also fought to save their state, and now the country by saving the House. We all owe them a debt of gratitude.

walter said...

" What they’re supposed to do when they’re already eating more Chef Boyardee for meals than they want to be didn’t say."
Aldi imitator named Boy Hardy or the like.

Enigma said...

Without Trump, the Democratic Party would instantly split in two. Either the moderates or the squad would be given a cookie and told to sit quietly in a corner.

Following the remote work relocations of the COVID era, it seems most of the right in blue states have already moved to Florida, Texas, etc. This caused the blue states to become even bluer. Strongly ideological governments function until they fail, and my bet is on blue failures before red failures. Populations falling. Taxes high. Crime high or rising. Fixation on utopian and niche topics (e.g., sex/gender; rapidly ending fossil fuels despite the havoc it will cause) over bread-and-butter needs. Large percentages fully dependent on government aid/payment to survive. Etc.

mccullough said...

AOC is too young to remember when NYC was a shithole.

The Millennials don’t really remember the crime in big cities and the crest of that 25 year high crime in the late 1980s and early 1990s.

It’s unfortunate that they have to learn the hard way.

Temujin said...

Interestingly, all actions during the covid times were forgotten. The State's response to covid- shut downs, nursing home deaths, kids being locked out of schools, forced vaccinations, mass layoffs, closures of businesses, accusing non-vaxxers of being criminals- were all forgotten. In New York, New Jersey, and Michigan. Nobody paid for any bad policies that led, not only to kids being massively behind in learning, socially worse off, and physically less athletic, but also to the deaths of loved ones who you could not visit in person. Could not touch. Could not be with in their times of need.

No one paid any price for any of their bad policies in these states. Instead, they were rewarded.

Such are the new standards. Anyway, don't bother us, we're watching TikTok.

Kevin said...

If mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy.

Kate said...

She's right that framing is everything. Maybe if Oz had called Fetterman mentally damaged instead of focusing on his policy record around crime he would've won.

Fred Drinkwater said...

You need a tag for Calcium

wendybar said...

"Until we all feel the pain of destructive Democrat policies, one side with large numbers of voters will continue to support those who maintain their very comfortable lifestyle. For them, the hell most Americans are experiencing will be muted, in large part because they’re able to ignore “little” things like the inflation and crime that plague ordinary Americans."

Gusty Winds said...

Pennsylvania sent Uncle Fester to the United States Senate. He is just there to fill a seat and vote the way Chuck Schumer tells him to vote. It's all tribal. Inspiring my ass.

FFS...Democrats in Pennsylvania re-elected Democrat State Representative Anthony DeLuca who died Oct 9, 2022.

Not only can dead people vote for Democrats, dead people now get elected by Democrats too.

Laslo Spatula said...

True as it ever was:

Mongo like candy.

I am Laslo.

Butkus51 said...

Well its hard to cheat in every district, youre going to miss a few.

Lurker21 said...

"Calcified" was yesterday's secret word, so no $100 for AOC using it today.

New York and Pennsylvania are something like zombie states, making do with their past glories. The people who haven't already packed up and moved are contented with things the way they are. I understand that in terms of everyday life. People are content with their communities and the way things are. They fear shaking things up, or they are just too tired to do so.

But take that attitude into public life and it means putting up with a lousy economy and crummy politics. PA has always been a modest contented kind of place. NY once used to be a great mover and shaker and often thinks it still is, but the reality now is otherwise. This minirevolt is a sign of life. Trump didn't intervene so far as I know, but as a New Yorker from the outer boroughs, he struck a chord in some parts of Metro NYC.

West TX Intermediate Crude said...

Every hour spent listening to AOC results in loss of an IQ point. It adds up.
She is an attractive nuisance, but, no, I don't want to "date" her. Something about not sticking it in crazy.
As wendybar alluded to, and I said (to myself) at the time, none of the people who were making the rules that resulted in business failures, educational failures, healthcare failures, and dead people lost anything by their rulemaking. As politicians and bureaucrats, their jobs and incomes were secure. They had the resources to ensure that their kids did not suffer. They had access to Amazon, meal delivery, education pods, and healthcare. The suffering was borne by Others.
I don't know of any way to directly cause these "rulers" to suffer like the ruled did, but if/when it happens, I will celebrate, quietly if necessary.
If the opportunity to expedite their suffering does present itself (e.g, I'm on a jury), I'm going for it.

Christopher B said...

It's Conservative Treehouse but he makes some good points on the difference between trying to collect ballots vs trying to collect votes. (h/t Mike K posting at ChicagoBoyz)

Whitmer and Fetterman were not campaigning for votes, that is old school. Instead, the machinery behind both candidates focused on the modern path. The Democrat machines in both states focused on ballot collection and ignored the irrelevant votes as cast.

Since the advent of ballot centric focus through mail-in and collection drop-off processes, votes have become increasingly less valuable amid the organizers who wish to control election outcomes. As a direct and specific result, ballot collection has become the key to Democrat party success.

The effort to attain votes for candidates is less important than the strategy of collecting ballots.

AOC is pointing to a problem with that system. Unless you are absolutely sure how the demographics you are targeting are voting and since it is a much cheaper operation than getting bodies to the polls so the net tends to be cast quite a bit wider, your Gather Up The Ballots operation might be collecting actual votes for your opponent.

Jake said...

Calcified is the new gravitas.

Achilles said...

wendybar said...

"Until we all feel the pain of destructive Democrat policies, one side with large numbers of voters will continue to support those who maintain their very comfortable lifestyle. For them, the hell most Americans are experiencing will be muted, in large part because they’re able to ignore “little” things like the inflation and crime that plague ordinary Americans."


No amount of pain is going to convince the people who collect the mail in ballots from people who don't vote to fill them out for Republicans or anyone other than the entrenched powers that are paying them to drop them in the box.

The only chance we have is a transparent honest election with ID, one day of voting, purple thumb ink, and paper ballots.

People posting articles like this are part of hte problem.

Kai Akker said...

Occasional is right, in the Althouse headline quote. Not into NYT, even if i could; but who would not agree with Cortex's quoted characterization of the New York Democratic machine? I wouldn't have said the base is anemic, but maybe the results do say that. Disengaged and disenfranchised? Yes; yes; my impression.

Big money has been Nancy Pelosi's principal virtue as a Congressional Democrat, too. How her amazing shenanigans have netted out with the voters I am not qualified to judge; but I for one will miss her headlining dreadfully.

Is that the sound of one page turning?

stlcdr said...

AOC got something like 70% of the votes? I’m surprised it wasn’t higher.

The younger generation, I believe, have simply had everything. When they enter the Real World (tm) they see and experience how hard it is. They have never understood the concept of consequence of action because they have been shielded from it. Parents are only partially to blame, as any parent wants the best for their children, and for them to suffer no harm. They are ill prepared.

Democrats both promise that they will make it easier for them, while simultaneously say Republicans are taking it away from them.

Student loan forgiveness is a winner for democrats - the party of ignored consequences. Republicans are painted as abortion abolitionists, which again, the younger generation of no consequences don’t see that as favorable to their irresponsible sexual behavior.

Both of these are problems that need solving - democrats refuse to solve the problem (they have the power to do so, and have for the past couple of years) because it’s a good cudgel to bash those on the right, and conservative people.

Tina Trent said...

Princess Alexandria of Westchester is a vile mix of Marie Antoinette and Madame Defarge. They all are.

Mike said...

AOC is all wee wee'd up. That's a good start for any day. But she's probably a Nancy in training. Last time I looked Nancy the "money machine" received more than 85% of the votes cast in her district. I once asked my late sister--a San Francisco resident--why the voters kept sending Nancy back to Washington. Her reply, "She asks the tough questions other are afraid to ask". Well that's true if the tough question is "How much money are you going to donate to the Dim party war chest?" I don't know about the rest of the questions.

That said--if AOC hangs around long enough, she's going to be a good fund raiser.

n.n said...

Progress: [unqualified] monotonic ("sclerotic") change. One step forward, two steps backward.

n.n said...

Student loan forgiveness is a winner for democrats - the party of ignored consequences.

Trickle-down economics: redistributive change, shared/shifted responsibility, progressive prices ("inflation") and availability, and minority benefits.

Michael K said...

Blogger Temujin said...

Interestingly, all actions during the covid times were forgotten.

I think one failure of Republicans was failing to emphasize that damage. Some say it was to avoid blaming Trump. If so, it was a big mistake.

Joe Smith said...

This is how it's done!

If you're a democrat and you fuck up, you're out.

If you're an R and you fuck up, you're Ronna McDaniel...

Yancey Ward said...

The difference between New York and state like Pennsylvania is this- you don't get mass mailing of ballots in New York. This is the second election in a row where New York stands out like a contrary sore thumb in the Democrats' election success.

And they didn't flip four seats, they added three, and New York lost a seat in the after the last census- it went from 19 Democrats 8 Republicans, to 15 Democrats and 11 Republicans (if the last uncalled race holds for the Republican leading in it.)

n.n said...

Interestingly, all actions during the covid times were forgotten.

Planned parent/hood, masked cargo cults, excess adverse events, forward-looking collateral damage, denied treatments, non-sterilizing, yes, therapeutic, maybe, treatments... ten years, if you're still viable.

... an underage girl raped, by mother's illegal immigrant with "benefits", forgotten, a "burden" of evidence elected, aborted at The Twilight Fringe, sequestered in darkness. So much for the sisterhood... feminists past, present, and progressive.

MadisonMan said...

Calcified! I noticed that too!

Michael K said...

Blogger stlcdr said...

AOC got something like 70% of the votes? I’m surprised it wasn’t higher.

If this election turns out like her other wins, the voter turnout was 23%.

TheOne Who Is Not Obeyed said...

So, according to Prog thinking there are still Democrat political machines but no Democrat voter fraud.

Seems like we still have both.

TheOne Who Is Not Obeyed said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Greg The Class Traitor said...

Polls suggested voters living on the outskirts of New York City, and in urban Orthodox Jewish and Asian enclaves, were unusually motivated by rising crime. Record outside spending swamped the airwaves, and Republicans turned out in droves....

Polls are shit. I'm waiting until we can get the word by wrap voting data.

Esp for NY, PA nd WI

Michael K said...

Blogger TheOne Who Is Not Obeyed said...

So, according to Prog thinking there are still Democrat political machines but no Democrat voter fraud.

Seems like we still have both.

Yes, and it was invented by Democrats. The 1876 election was a high point as the two parties made a deal. Hayes got the presidency and the Democrats got Jim Crow.

I will grant the "Corrupt Bargain" was fraud but not vote fraud.

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