"... enjoy the rest of my existence reading books, creating art and loving myself and the people in my life."
Said some woman on TikTok, quoted by Jessica Bennett in "The Worst Midnight Email From the Boss, Ever" (NYT).
Bennett — who hates that Elon Musk email telling workers to be "hard core" — concurs:
Honestly, yes. “Hard core” is a bygone era of management... [W]e’ve now got plenty of other, soft-core interests to replace it. How about a workplace modeled on cottagecore, in which we just flutter around in forests and forage for mushrooms instead of hovering over Slack? Or cabincore, in which we huddle in cozy flannel (comfycore) in front of a fireplace instead of being warmed by the glow of our screens?...
Maybe what we are witnessing with Twitter’s mass exodus — and the general antiwork sentiment in general — is a labor revolt “in real time,” as one Twitter user put it....
I'm so glad I have a "moss" tag to use for this... especially since, as I was in the middle of writing this post, Meade came in and announced that the moss he'd planted for me last summer was taking hold. And he saw a mouse on the moss — a moss mouse. How cottagecore is that?!
Someone in the partnership needs to be hardcore to earn enough to support the non-hustlers. Or 1) be hardcore long enough to save and retire and then stop hustling or 2) be a trust fund kid living off of daddy's or grandpa's hardcore hustle from yesteryear. We know moss does not grow fat on a rolling stone, but it might on non-hustling stone. Doesnt pay the bills though.
Time to put together a cheese plate for that new mousey neighbor.
I feel that way too, but there's a billion Chinese who may not.
Cent millions de chinois
Et moi, et moi, et moi
Avec ma vie, mon petit chez-moi
Mon mal de tête, mon point au foie
J'y pense et puis j'oublie
C'est la vie, c'est la vie
Honestly, yes. “Hard core” is a bygone era of management...
Not for long it isn't. As the majority of Twitter's workforce just found out.
Many Women want to be paid as much as men.
They want to get paid as much as people that work hard and do dangerous stuff. But they don’t want to work hard or do dangerous stuff.
There are many men that Don’t want to work hard also. These men generally join with the women complaining about the people who are willing to work harder than they want to work.
And they complain about those men when they work harder than them and get rich.
This is standard socialism and the economics of envy.
Lots of grass hoppers around.
They hate the ants that make them look bad.
In the end these lazy people want to be treated like they are important and productive more than they want to be important and productive.
"I don’t want to be a girlboss. I don’t want to hustle. I simply want to live my life slowly and lay down in a bed of moss with my lover and... enjoy the rest of my existence reading books, creating art and loving myself and the people in my life."
Sounds like Ms. Bennet is encouraging young women to leave the workforce and marry hardworking rich men...like Elon Musk.
Everyone wants good service and quality products. Safe products. Products that are affordable and are cost relative to their quality and value.
How is that achieved by a company where people resent having to work hard and want to roll around in the moss with their lovers??? Is this what is being taught in college?
You want to fly on that airplane...You want to swallow that pill...Buy that car...Eat at that restaurant...Visit that hospital? I don't.
Well, historical cottagecore was less idyllic. And someone had to work hard so that people could pine for the cottage and not worry about the wolves. If you want cottagecore, you should hold capitalism in high esteem, for without capitalism, even the castle would be cold and isolated.
"In the castle sits the baron, with his children on his lap, and his wife leaning on his shoulder; the troubadour sings, and the liege and the demoiselle exchange a glance of love. The castle is the home of music and chivalry and family affection ; the convent is the home of religion and of art. That the people cower in their wooden huts, half starved, half frozen, and wolves sniff at them through the c[rac]ks in the walls. The convent prays and the castle sings ; the cottage hungers and groans and dies."*
* " The Martyrdom of Man." By Winwood Reade. New York : Charles P. Somerby, 1876.
Going ‘hard-core’ at work simply means working and being productive. If you don’t want to work, and just want to goof off doing nothing (lazing around in a bed of moss), then that’s always an option. No one is going to pay you to do that.
Perhaps the story of many Twitter employees after the Musk takeover?
A father searches for his daughter, only to find she has been used in sordid and shocking way...
This is just women reaping what their grandmothers sowed. Most women are not suited to sciences, office or skilled trades careers. They are hardwired for the less structured occupation of home keeping and homesteading. Where there are points of high stress and demand like harvest or child birth/infant care spread between slower times and they can schedule their work balance within those parameters.
Most women are not competitive in the ways men are. The ways that business evolved with men at the helm lead to high production and innovation. As women have taken over the workforces and tried to mold them to women’s desires things are going to hell and less products of actual good are created. Anyone should be able to see that. It doesn’t mean that no women belong in professional careers. Some women are born with great skill at science or medicine. They should apply themselves to that if they can adapt their natural inclinations to the way those fields are run. They should not try to make needful sciences into “cottage core”.
Blue collar accountability hits white collar hardest in Generation-E.
"a labor revolt “in real time”"
But how well will the revolters do agains the hardcorists?
Assuming, of course, that actual competition remains, and the revolters don't simply capture the state and squash the hard core that way.
No, we are not a "post-work" society where we can all just lay around eating grapes. Where did anyone get that idea?
This is a paen to ye old days of The Garden of Eden, when they did not work and the Earth spontaneously produced everything Adam and Eve required.
But then we had to listen to that darn Satan, and now we must eat our bread by the sweat of our brows.
No worky? No eaty. And soon, no you to whine about not being able to flit as a fairy.
If you truly do not wish to have to labor all the days of your life, you should be working to bring back Jesus and the Millenium, when we are promised the lion shall lie down with the lamb.
Of course... when Jesus is here reigning personally on the Earth, He won't be permitting all sorts of sinful things, so would you want to be there in any event, Jessica Bennett?
Just around the corner - Eloi and Morlocks. Lounge in the moss Eloi and grow fat. The roughhewn Morlocks, back from their endless stalemate in Ukraine are hungry.
The odd little corner of traddie Catholicism called Distributist has been advocating for something similar for years. I would actually click through to the NYT if they covered that story.
Soon, when we feel we can afford it,
We'll build a modest little farm.
We'll buy a yacht and live aboard it,
Rolling in luxury and stylish charm.
Cows and chickens.
Social whirls.
Peas and cabbage.
Ropes of pearls.
Soon there'll be little ones beside us;
We'll have a sweet Westphalian home.
Somehow we'll grow as rich as Midas;
We'll live in Paris when we're not in Rome.
Smiling babies.
Marble halls.
Sunday picnics.
Costume balls.
Oh, won't my robes of silk and satin
Be chic! I'll have all that I desire.
Pangloss will tutor us in Latin
And Greek, while we sit before the fire.
Glowing rubies.
Glowing logs.
Faithful servants.
Faithful dogs.
We'll round the world enjoying high life,
All bubbly pink champagne and gold.
We'll lead a rustic and a shy life,
Feeding the pigs and sweetly growing old.
Breast of peacock.
Apple pie.
I love marriage.
So do I.
Oh, happy pair!
Oh, happy we!
It's very rare
How we agree.
Found this on google quick. Over half the firefighters in the United States are volunteers who fight fires in their community for no pay. Your house is on fire. You need an EMT and an ambulance. Who do you want showing up?
You want a "hardcore" firefighter showing up, or Jessica Bennett?
"66% of the people actually fighting fires in the U.S. at a fire department registered with the U.S. Fire Administration as of January 2022 are volunteers (54% volunteer, 12% of them paid per call), as opposed to the 34% that are career firefighters."
Found these firefight stats too:
There are over 142,017 firemen currently employed in the United States.
11.8% of all firemen are women, while 88.2% are men.
The average age of an employed fireman is 38 years old.
On Twitter recently: no more girlbossing i want to girl rest girl sleep girl lay down
That only works if she's super cute. For everyone else, it's "git yer ass outta bed, slap a smile on, and get to work!"
- Krumhorn
Mary Antionette thought that way too.
It sort of sounds like the people who thought women would be happier if their lives were more like men's might have been mistaken. At least in some cases.
Lay down in moss; end up sleeping on pavement.
Childish fantasy. They don’t want to take the world seriously. Guess what, the world will return the compliment, and just kick them to the curb.
"Good times create soft men, soft men create hard times, hard times create hard men, Hard men create good times, and so it goes."
In a bed of moss or On a bed of moss?
The hardcore old editor inside says "On."
As the recession deepens she will get an attitude adjustment.
It's only cute until the mice get in the hice -- er, house.
Cottagecore? Cabincore? Funny, I imagine none of these folks have actually had to live farm and forage in a cottage or cabin environment. Cause, that kind of life is truly hardcore, as in hard-as-fuck core. That is why so many folks living that way in the 18th century embraced "Dark, Satanic Mill-core."
Working hard sucks, unless you compare it to starving or freezing to death. Ask the Grasshopper.
You get paid for hardcore. You need to pay for cottagecore or cabincore.
Despite the throwaway reference to "creating art," it sounds like she just wants to be a passive Western consumer. Most of the world doesn't have the option of a slothful life of luxury.
“anti-work sentiment”… some people insist on learning life’s lessons the Hard Way.
Why does everything have to be turned up to 11 or dialed back to -1? Medieval quack Paracelsus got one thing right: the dose makes the poison. Many things essential for life are deadly in large amounts. And yet people today (Progressives in particular) seem to think that if a certain amount of something is good, then a whole lot more must be much better. Or if a large amount of something is bad, then the merest speck must be expunged. Life is not like that. There are a thousand gradations between "hard come" and "cottagecore" for example - although they may not make you a star on social media.
I want, I want, I want.
The curse of the affluent: does she have any idea what she needs?
Those things are fine things to want, but they have nothing to do with the needs of Twitter. In fact, those places do not have anything to do with the Internet, which is a must for Twitter, whether working from home or just using the app. And that's the thing, these people want those things and to get paid by Twitter. Nope. Enjoy the mushroom harvest.
W. Edwards Deming was a quality guru in the 1970-80's, in fact, throughout the latter half of the last century. When asked why the Japanese auto industry was kicking our butt, Deming responded: "Two words, hard work".
The price of manual labor just went up. You need a screw tightened on the door hinge? $200. Cause you sure aren't going to be doing it on your own.
My middle son does handyman work in addition to his regular construction job. His rates are presently $50 + travel time, but he's raising it to $70 to weed out the chaff. Some of the jobs he gets are outright laughable. There's actually people who don't know what a toilet plunger is. One young woman couldn't run a hand screwdriver to tighten kitchen cabinet door handles. He hates doing idiot jobs like that, and doesn't like doing stuff that would have taken the homeowner 15 min if they had any labor skills at all, and he feels bad for them paying 100+ for something they could do themselves with a $10 tool and an internet video, so he spends a little extra time showing them how for the next time, but the supply of people that won't even try to fend for themselves seems endless.
“ stlcdr said...
Going ‘hard-core’ at work simply means working and being productive. If you don’t want to work, and just want to goof off doing nothing (lazing around in a bed of moss), then that’s always an option. No one is going to pay you to do that.”
I take it that you have not met very many government employees.
Plausible, but not probable, productivity. Show your work. Think of progressive prices.
I just wish there were a way that all the cottage core people could live together and mutually support each other, while us hard core people can go elsewhere and support ourselves with limited government. But I guess the cottage core people always have to point a gun at me to steal my stiff to make sure that their "system" works. Like I always told my kids (both of whom support themselves), if it were fun, they'd call it "fun" instead of "work." Suck it up, buttercup--or live to do with just what you can scrounge and grift from your peers--leave me out of it.
And this is why socialism and communism ultimately fail- not everyone gets to sit on their ass all the time.
Different people want different things. Reams of trustworthy data say that the more egalitarian a society, the more that women in that society, on average, self-segregate into more “touch/feel” occupations, which could be anything from homemaker to human interface design to elementary school teacher. But the high-stress, “hardcore” jobs like software developer, aerospace engineering, ironworker on high rise buildings, lumberjack - these become more and more male-dominated, and inevitably tend to express aspects of typically male culture. (Charles Murray says that after l’affaire Middlebury, his wife and female friends were kind and nurturing, while his male poker buddies razzed him unmercifully, in a good example of how, in aggregate, men’s and women’s culture differs.) Neither is a good extreme, and usually there’s enough variation in any given group to not move too far to an unsustainable pole, but…if you’re trying to get a new airplane off the ground on anything approaching the initial schedule (my specialty, as it turns out), there are going to be some weekends and evenings lost to work.
(My anecdata along these lines: a co-worker asked me to talk to a recent college hire, a woman, who hired into another field but was interested in getting into more of the stuff that I and my teammates do; I talked to her, and after a couple of weeks, I saw her, asked her how things were going, and she said things were fine but she wasn’t interested in getting into my field anymore - “you people work too hard.” And women seem to transition into management at a significantly faster rate, relative to their percent of the engineering workforce, than men do - which may be another signifier of women preferring more “touch” roles.)
So, what’s the problem? Well, in my experience, whenever you’re developing something new, there will be things that come up that need hyperfocused effort backed by very deep knowledge, and men tend to be more driven to acquire such deep knowledge and apply the hyperfocused effort than women. Of course there are women who can do this, but they don’t necessarily seem to be as interested in doing it as men are, on the average. And these are the kind of things that, in a high tech and/or heavy industry, are recognized as major accomplishments and lead to promotions, bonuses…i.e., prestige and status. And in the high tech/heavy industries…these are the things that give you an edge over your competitors - you can show potential customers that your company can do the job faster/better/cheaper than Acme Aerospace can, even if they have a hungry wolf as a mascot, because you have a technological edge. And because of that, the people who directly contribute to that technological edge are more valuable employees than, say, the 80% female HR department (gross generalization that is nevertheless pretty accurate), so if women want to be in the most prestigious, best compensated group…you gotta produce the same results as the people in those prestigious, best compensated positions now. If that means being a girlboss, so be it. If you can work smarter, do it. But you can’t reasonably expect to pull down the same pay and get the same recognition as others without producing the same.
When the depression comes - and with our inflation, our out of control spending, brinkmanship of war, and sovereign debt, it’s definitely coming - work ethic might be the only thing that saves some people. We’ll all be longing for the days where we could work from home and be soft core. For most of our existence, we were in a daily fight for survival. We have it easier than any humans who ever lived and we act like it so hard. We’re primed and ready for a crash.
"Maybe what we are witnessing with Twitter’s mass exodus — and the general antiwork sentiment in general — is a labor revolt “in real time" . . . "
I think the mass exodus at Twitter was more an owner's revolt than a labor revolt.
In the Carboniferous Epoch we were promised abundance for all,
By robbing selected Peter to pay for collective Paul;
But, though we had plenty of money, there was nothing our money could buy,
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: "If you don't work you die."
"The Gods of the Copybook Headings," R. Kipling
Wow. Just wow. It is called work, not holiday. Some times it isn't fun.
Where on this earth do people get the idea that keeping existing isn't laborius?
Gusty Winds: Have you heard of the RNLI? They do rescue work, like USCG small boats, but volunteers. Truly hardcore people they are.
Catfights over handbags and tears in the toilets. When this producer launched a women-only TV company she thought she'd kissed goodbye to conflict...
When was the last time you heard a guy lamenting the fact he ran a men-only business?
Asking for a friend...
Honestly, yes. “Hard core” is a bygone era of management...
Not at all gone by in companies that seek to make a profit.
Employment at Twitter sounds like a loafer's dream until Elon took it over.
She'll be very inconvenienced when the goods and services that make her actual life disappear because all the help is out in the woods mossing around.
Time like an ever flowing stream bears us all along to what the poets used to say. Here's the Arcadian vision, i.e., cottagecore, as evoked by Christopher Marlowe and criticized by Sir Walter Raleigh who have each been followed since they appeared in Days of Yore.
The Passionate Shepherd to His Love
Christopher Marlowe
Come live with me and be my love,
And we will all the pleasures prove
That valleys, groves, hills, and fields,
Woods or steepy mountain yields.
And we will sit upon the rocks,
Seeing the shepherds feed their flocks,
By shallow rivers to whose falls
Melodious birds sing madrigals.
And I will make thee beds of roses
And a thousand fragrant posies,
A cap of flowers, and a kirtle
Embroidered all with leaves of myrtle;
A gown made of the finest wool
Which from our pretty lambs we pull;
Fair lined slippers for the cold,
With buckles of th purest gold;
A belt of straw and ivy buds,
With coral clasps and amber studs:
And if these pleasures may thee move,
Come live with me and be my love.
The shepherds' swains shall dance and sing
For thy delight each May morning:
If these delights thy mind may move,
Then live with me and be my love.
The Nymph's Reply to the Shepherd
by Sir Walter Raleigh
If all the world and love were young,
And truth in every shepherd's tongue,
These pretty pleasures might me move
To live with thee and be thy love.
Time drives the flocks from field to fold
When rivers rage and rocks grow cold,
And Philomel becometh dumb;
The rest complains of cares to come.
The flowers do fade, and wanton fields
To wayward winter reckoning yields;
A honey tongue, a heart of gall,
Is fancy's spring, but sorrow's fall.
Thy gowns, thy shoes, thy beds of roses,
Thy cap, thy kirtle, and thy posies
Soon break, soon wither, soon forgotten
In folly ripe, in season rotten.
Thy belt of straw and ivy buds,
Thy coral clasps and amber studs,
All these in me no means can move
To come to thee and be thy love.
But could youth last and love still breed,
Had joys no date nor age no need,
Then these delights my mind might move
To live with thee and be thy love.
`I like working, mastering things. Learning stuff.
I retired so I could do all those things, (get paid) on my own schedule. Spent 5 years looking for the way to make that happen. Its been over 6 years and its great. Woking 30 to 40 hours a week in the heat of the season (and that too, provides an adrenaline rush) but I can still take the afternoon of to see the grandkids game, or play a round of golf with the guys.
But the facts are. Without working 'hardcore' I wouldn't have had any of these opportunities.
If you don't want anything, chance nothing will happen. The down side, you find a lot of your self esteem attached to your work.
Mason G: I had no idea. You got the work, everything else is distracting. I know lots of men getting involved into "cock fights" at work.
Never understood it myself - lets just get it done now and fast and then we're on the clock and can still take the rest easy.
I just liked efficient and clean myself, the job was the foe, and still some liked playing junior high games
Mason G: I had no idea. You got the work, everything else is distracting. I know lots of men getting involved into "cock fights" at work.
Never understood it myself - lets just get it done now and fast and then we're on the clock and can still take the rest easy.
I just liked efficient and clean myself, the job was the foe, and still some liked playing junior high games
I don’t know what to make of the sheer numbers of highly educated people who have no clue where things come from. (Don’t be silly, they come from the store!)
Mason G said...
Catfights over handbags and tears in the toilets. When this producer launched a women-only TV company she thought she'd kissed goodbye to conflict...
When was the last time you heard a guy lamenting the fact he ran a men-only business?
People are starting to notice that NASA's Artemis project is years late, wildly over-budget ----and also has an unprecedented number of wymyn in management positions.
One would think that by now everyone knows that a woman's position in astronautics is supine.
Blogger Mikey NTH said...
Wow. Just wow. It is called work, not holiday. Some times it isn't fun.
Where on this earth do people get the idea that keeping existing isn't laborius?
It hasn't been for them. TBH, the conditions at Twitter looked like a damned sweet gig - a lot better than anyplace I worked in IT for over 30 years. Hell, we thought we were doing good to get a coffee service.
Frankly, Twitter seems more like daycare IT. There were undoubtedly a lot of folks doing the hard-ore IT work, keeping the software and servers running - but there seems to have been about a 1-10 ratio of workers to useless 'support' personnel.
Blogger Ambrose said...
“Employment at Twitter sounds like a loafer's dream until Elon took it over.”
I think, very much, that this is very much about Musk and his Whales and Culled, that we discussed the other day. These women are the Culled. Or at least represent Musk’s Culled. In that previous post, there was the picture on the left, of the. Chicago office, filled with a bunch of young attractive women, staffing HR, censoring, etc positions. On the right had Musk posing with a bunch of almost entirely male coders and the like. Probably to a woman, the first group is probably almost entirely on a paid 90 termination leave. The second, hard working, male, group is celebrated by Musk, and maybe even having gotten raises. I fully expect that this NYT article was an attempt to hit back at Musk and hurt him at Twitter for firing so many non performing women, just because they were nonproductive, and a good part of the problem, and not the solution. And, if the NYT can hurt Musk, through a drop in Twitter usage by Women, then more the better.
Note that the old boss at Disney was just peremptorily brought back, and the Woke, DEI pushing predecessor thrown out. DEI, Woke content, etc are luxuries. Disney can no longer afford that sort of luxuries. The world economy, led by ours, is in the process of crashing - very quickly. We can no longer afford a feminized workplace. It’s a luxury that resulted from an exceptionally long growth phase of the economy. We are entering Carter type stagflation, only probably a lot worse. The Great Reset may be working too well. The left has layered on one bad policy on another: wide open borders, lockdowns, massive, record setting deficit spending, resulting inflation, war between resource rich Russia and our proxy, Ukraine, decoupling China from worldwide supply chains, etc. All at a time when we could afford it least - when we are far enough into the economic cycle that negative economic forces were already causing a downturn. We were due a recession - it’s just that brain dead Dem policies are making it worse. Much worse. And we find that we are also facing catastrophic product shipment problems - from the unresolved problems with container ships, through a potential railroad strike, to running out of diesel fuel right before Christmas. All triggered by imposition of idiotic, knee jerk, Dem policies. Stealing elections merely hides the problem with rhetoric, and instead of engaging in desperately needed remedial action.
The companies that engage in serious Whaling and Culling are the ones that are going to survive, and be positioned to capitalize on being leaner than their competitors. Companies like Amazon see it coming and are already reacting. Maybe even Disney. And, yes, women and children are going to be hurt the worst. When things get bad, guys are much more willing to buckle down and just work harder. Women, as we see in this article, instead just want to whine about it.
In my previous post, I mentioned Musk Whaling and Culling. No one should be surprised that he is doing that - that is what is routinely done in M&A. Mitt Romney was condemned for just that, in his election campaign. He and his company would buy companies, streamline them, and then sell them off eventually. He was good at it. I think that Musk may be better. There is a lot of money to be made by buying inefficiently run companies, going through them, pruning the deadwood, and the less profitable segments of the companies. It’s been going on for ta long time. Will Musk be successful? I think so. Part of it is his brutal Culling. If he can cut payroll by 75%, that pays for losing customers. Twitter was squandering huge amounts of money, by spending so many resources on pandering and censoring, none of which really pays for itself. It’s a luxury that Twitter cannot afford right now. It’s a gamble, because maybe the staff cuts don’t always translate into retaining enough customer base. But women still like to gossip, and stay privy to the latest fads and the like. And a lot of people are considering Twitter who wouldn’t have before.
One would think that by now everyone knows that a woman's position in astronautics is supine.
Tell that to Gwynn Shotwell.
Companies with a higher percentage of hardcore overperformers are going to do better in the marketplace than companies with a lower percentage of hardcore overperformers. People who are hardcore overperformers prefer to work at companies that try to attract other people like them. Lots of people and lots of companies aren't like this and are more interested in the gentle drift of life and eventually, all the gentle drifting is somewhat apt to show up in how the company is doing and how (if you're an individual) your bank account is looking.
When bosses are explicit that they want hardcore performers, they're going to get more of them because those people (however small a percentage of the population they are) will say to themselves, "Finally! I can be on a team with other people who are LIKE ME and not have to carry my whole team filled as it has been with gentle drifters."
Lots of vibes about the "kids these days" here.
Are you sure they don't work longer hours than you did when you were younger? White collar work hours have increased by 10% since 1980.
Did you answer emails and cell phone texts from your boss all night and weekends in the 80s/90s? I got one at 10:30 last night that I need to take care of today.
What if "quiet quitting" is just going back to working as long and hard as you did?
Time to look at some stats.
Who is paying their bills?
THey seem to be living in cloud cukoo land, not reality where people have to work hard, pay the bills, and care for their families.
Oh: I forgot. These type want socialism so my taxes pay for everything.
And as a doctor, I wonder what they will do if they get sick or injured. Their imaginary life doesn't include problems like illness or injury or death.
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