২৭ নভেম্বর, ২০২২

At the Sunday Night Café...


... you can talk about whatever you want.

৪২টি মন্তব্য:

Saint Croix বলেছেন...

Possibly drunk guy was last seen on a cruise ship around 11:00 p.m.

His sister noticed his absence at 8:00 a.m. Reported him missing. Authorities concluded that he must have fallen overboard.

Cruise ship turned around, tried to retrace its path, no luck.

Coast guard continued searching.

They found him, alive, swimming for his life, at 8:00 p.m.

Had to swim for 15 hours at least.


Oh Yea বলেছেন...

Word is that future Ohio State-Wisconsin football games are going to be a little more interesting.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

It's kind of amazing the sleight of hand that goes on in the press to imply that Russia is shelling a nuclear power plant under its control. They link to this statement by the IAEA while implying that it claims that the Russians are shelling it. It does not. It just says that whoever is responsible for it should stop it.


The claims that Russians are shelling it come from an anonymous Ukrainian employee working at the plant. There does not seem to be any hard evidence of it. It's more "Russia blew up its own pipeline" nonsense. If there is hard evidence of it, it would be good if news outlets making the claim led with it, rather than quoting an anonymous Ukrainian.

Narr বলেছেন...

Cherries? I don't think I've ever seen those hereabouts. (I am not a bright red globules hanging on trees scientist.)

The sky is clear here for the first time in several days--nice Jupiter and crescent Moon for a while.

I've been cold turkey after the last eighth portion of pecan pie, from which I had shaved the tiniest edge, but which my wife took as a sign that I didn't want more (if she noticed at all). I console myself that there are likely to be some nice half-off selections at the French bakery and pastry shop tomorrow morning.

Mason G বলেছেন...

"Word is that future Ohio State-Wisconsin football games are going to be a little more interesting."

Don't you mean "The" Ohio State?

Gusty Winds বলেছেন...

Paramount Movie Channel had an Audrey Hepburn marathon today. First "Roman Holiday" with Gregory Peck, then "Sabrina" with Humphrey Bohart, and now "Funny Face" with Fred Astaire.

All three are about a very twenty-something Hepburn falling in love with men much her senior. Peck fourteen years, Bogart and Astaire thirty. I can't explain how these movies work, but they do. Maybe it's because men from ages 18 to 80 can see the charm in a young Audrey Hepburn.

My Dad tells a story that he got a few days leave from the Navy in 1964 when his ship was docked in Naples, and he took a train to see Rome. He was eating lunch alone outside some cafe in his Navy whites, and Audrey Hepburn came up to his table and asked if she could join him. Says she was kind, genuine, and of course beautiful. He was twenty years old in 1964. Calls it the greatest lunch of his life. Of course I've heard the story a hundred times.

But I guess if a 1964 Audrey Hepburn joined be for a surprise lunch I'd tell the story a hundred times too.

MadisonMan বলেছেন...

We had pizza tonight (Glass Nickel). Tired of turkey leftovers. Bought too big a bird for the number of people.

Beasts of England বলেছেন...

Luke, you are my coach…

Good hire, Wisconsin!

Lurker21 বলেছেন...

I got John Leonard's Private Lives in the Imperial City from interlibrary loan. It was a big deal 40 years ago when Leonard's column was published serially in the NYT. I never understood what all the commotion was about. I still don't. Maybe you had to be there looking forward to reading it every morning and being surprised by his observation of the day. As a book it seems quite pointless.

It was probably an attempt to show the San Francisco papers that the Times could compete with Tales of the City. I'd be curious to see somebody make the attempt to do something like that today, but maybe contributions to the style pages of today's newspapers do add up to something roughly like that, only in slow motion.

I also have Drive, He Said, Jack Nicholson's 1971 film about sexual freedom and campus rebellion. I guess if you can be so very much of the moment or of the moment's image of itself, good and bad don't matter much. Even false notes say a lot about what people were thinking and feeling at the time, and there are a lot of false notes in movies about those days.

Readering বলেছেন...

Saint Croix. Even more amazing. USCG alerted other vessels and one of them spotted him. Swimming not the right term. Barely keeping head above water.

Saint Croix বলেছেন...

And one of the threads somebody brought up Spy Magazine, the awesome smart-ass periodical out of New York back in the day.

I suspect this Hillary photograph was photoshopped, but that's just my suspicion. Also don't miss the Camille Paglia advice column. And the nose-picking queen! I think that photo might be legit.

n বলেছেন...

Viburnum trilobum aka American cranberrybush?

DINKY DAU 45 বলেছেন...

Georgia Supreme Court denied a Republican bid to block Saturday early voting.
More Georgians voted on Sunday than on any Sunday in the 2018, 2020 and 2022 general elections, or in the 2021 Senate runoff. Warnock has already beaten Walker once and will beat him again, I am projecting 51-48 and laying 4-1 odds as of this moment with final handicap on Friday December 2nd.Walker should never even have been a candidate as he is totally unqualified and a horrible candidate, but qualifications are not in play on the Republican, MAGA group its only goal is winning and that won't happen with this candidate, Warnock shows he is a runoff winner previously. The former president who has endorsed most all the losing Senate and most important candidates (last one Palin again) has taken a beating on bad recommendations Masters,Lake,Mastriano,Oz,Palin Walker etc. Places the right should have won easily with less radical choices. Grumbling in the barnyard.

madAsHell বলেছেন...

Had to swim for 15 hours at least.

Why do I think of this???

Saint Croix বলেছেন...

Spy had a lot of fun with Donald Trump back in the day. Here they are, on NPR, talking about his candidacy back in early 2016.

They were the ones who called him a "small-handed vulgarian."

Cover issue here and here

(Trump supposedly hated the magazine, but he also paid for ad space in the magazine for his book!)

this is a funny ad copy for Spy

Smart. Funny. Fearless. "It's pretty safe to say that Spy was the most influential magazine of the 1980s. It might have remade New York's cultural landscape; it definitely changed the whole tone of magazine journalism. It was cruel, brilliant, beautifully written and perfectly designed, and feared by all. There's no magazine I know of that's so continually referenced, held up as a benchmark, and whose demise is so lamented" -- Dave Eggers.

"It's a piece of garbage" -- Donald Trump.

Here's one of the Spy guys who did a podcast on him early in his presidency.

Hail to the Entertainer in Chief

I continue to believe that when Trump retires from the political scene, New York media will fall over themselves to say nice things about him and to laugh about him. There's a lot of affection here (in my opinion) and it's a way different vibe from all the Trump hate that's so boring.

Mike (MJB Wolf) বলেছেন...

Turns out the perfect Musk fanboy was Alyssa Milano.

rcommal বলেছেন...

I'd like to talk about pain.

Achilles বলেছেন...

Saint Croix said...

Possibly drunk guy was last seen on a cruise ship around 11:00 p.m.

Geraghty? Fund? Cooke? McCarthy?


Dr Weevil বলেছেন...

'tim in vermont':
Would you please stop boring most of AA's readers, and enraging those of us who actually know what's going on in Ukraine, by repeating stupid talking points that have already been refuted? The only evidence that Ukraine is shelling their own nuclear power plant is that the Russians say so, and damn near everything they say about Ukraine is a lie. And I've pointed out to you in the last 24 hours that the Russians have done many other things that risk a meltdown in the plant, like repeatedly cutting off the electricity without warning and forcibly preventing the employees and the IAEA inspectors from doing their jobs. Have you considered that that evidence makes it far more likely that the people stupid enough to risk a meltdown by shelling the place are the Russians, not the Ukrainians? No, you ignore logical points made against you and just repeat the same refuted points over and over.

You also keep insisting that the Ukrainians need to make peace, and seem to think (or at least say) that if they just agree to hold referenda in the Donbass and Crimea and not join NATO, the Russians will stop shooting at them and withdraw from the rest of Ukraine. This is utterly false. Just today, Russian TV news commentators - who cannot risk saying anything that would annoy Putin - had a show on which they all agree "that Ukraine should be erased off the map and even the memory that it existed should be destroyed. The host says that Russia will always be an empire and being in a state of war is only natural for any empire of Russia's size." (That's Julia Davis' summary: you can watch the whole 6-minute clip here.) In the last 24 hours, they've also talked about reconquering Poland and the Balkans over the next 10-20 years. Right now in Ukraine, Russia is openly and proudly practicing genocide, war crimes, and ethnic cleansing. No peace is possible with such neo-Nazi barbarians until they are decisively defeated, which Ukraine can do without any NATO troops, just a continuing supply of weapons. The world will not be safe until that is done. They've already recaptured half of the land Russia grabbed 9 months ago, and the rest will follow in the next year or less, as long as people like you don't convince the West to cut off support.

Rt41Rebel বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
gadfly বলেছেন...

tim in vermont said...
It's kind of amazing the sleight of hand that goes on in the press to imply that Russia is shelling a nuclear power plant under its control.

Tim: Russia has been in control of Ukraine’s Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant since March but it is being operated by Ukrainians for the benefit of the Ukrainian citizenry. Russia has been bombing and shelling it for the past eight months.

Putin does what Putin does. He is likely looking to cause Chernobyl II.

Danno বলেছেন...

Is that bittersweet clinging and climbing up that tree?

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

"They were the ones who called him a "small-handed vulgarian.""

The phrase was "short-fingered vulgarian."

Saint Croix বলেছেন...

The phrase was "short-fingered vulgarian."

Good catch!

The Spy guys insist that they didn't mean any small penis innuendo, that was Marco Rubio.

Also when I googled "small hands," a photo of Trump popped up, along with this highly informative and possibly scientific article.

Saint Croix বলেছেন...

Swimming not the right term. Barely keeping head above water.

Man, I am getting the nits picked off of me tonight!

Is that the expression?

If you're picking nits, they're coming off me, right?

Holy shit, Wikipedia!

All my life I thought "nitpicker" was a pretty good mild insult. And now I find out that I've basically been saying that I've got lice in my hair and you're picking them out. So you nitpickers are the heroes and I'm the lice-ridden animal. Son a bitch. And here I've been bragging about my insult skills. I got to go back to insult university.

wendybar বলেছেন...

PROOF of the Progressive INDOCTRINATION. ALL of our kids need to be deprogrammed....


wendybar বলেছেন...

Progressives LOVE their illegal aliens, until the translators they shipped in from the Dominican Republic start complaining about paying outrageous prices for a ROOM to live in whilst the Progressives and Joe Biden let 5 million new INVADERS in. WHO'S going to translate for THEM?? Just remember, JOE BIDEN did this. So much for the humanity they think they are full of. They are full of something, and we all know what. https://nypost.com/2022/11/26/doe-staffers-threatened-dominican-teachers-with-deportation/

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

"Putin does what Putin does"

Yeah, OK, we have spent seven years demonizing Putin so that this is now an acceptable piece of "evidence." 'Putin is so stupid that he acts against his own interests.'

"The only evidence that Ukraine is shelling their own nuclear power plant is that the Russians say so, and damn near everything they say about Ukraine is a lie."


Sorry, I don't read your dense walls of text beyond the first groaner, Weevil, but if you have solid evidence, you should put it up front, if you want me to respond to it. I have no intention of stopping pointing out how the US is supporting unhinged neo-nazis in Ukraine, as long as the war goes on. Being told to shut up by a defender of neo-nazis, even if you don't believe they are nazis, is not going to do it. At some point, you may learn to see through the propaganda techniques, who knows?

wendybar বলেছেন...

Progressives LOVE their illegal aliens, until the translators they shipped in from the Dominican Republic start complaining about paying outrageous prices for a ROOM to live in whilst the Progressives and Joe Biden let 5 million new INVADERS in. WHO'S going to translate for THEM?? Just remember, JOE BIDEN did this. So much for the humanity they think they are full of. They are full of something, and we all know what. https://nypost.com/2022/11/26/doe-staffers-threatened-dominican-teachers-with-deportation/

wendybar বলেছেন...

"Yet the truth is that Trump was a victim, no matter how much or how tiresome it is that he recites the endless script of injustices. And his victimizers have far more to answer for than their victimized target."


wendybar বলেছেন...

"Garland, who can’t seem to find anything wrong with the Biden family’s cash-for-influence dealings with Ukraine and China, has now appointed a special counsel to harass Trump over presidential documents and an obviously sketchy theory that Trump somehow organized the January 6 incursion into the Capitol. In case you doubt whether the Biden Administration aims to use the Justice Department to stop Trump from mounting an electoral rematch of 2020, Biden admitted exactly that during a November 9 press conference."


MadTownGuy বলেছেন...

Dr. Fauci is late to the party, though I suspect he knew this all along:

China’s zero COVID strategy ‘doesn’t make public health sense,’ says Fauci

"President Joe Biden’s chief medical adviser said he is baffled by China’s zero COVID strategy of lockdowns and restrictions that boiled over into widespread protests across the country this weekend.

“Well, their approach has been very, very severe and rather draconian in the kinds of shutdowns without a seeming purpose,” Dr Anthony Fauci, said on NBC’s “Meet the Press” on Sunday.

He should talk.

Rusty বলেছেন...

Questions asked and answered.
"why are we buying crude from Venezuela?"
Because the graft is enormous!

wendybar বলেছেন...

WAPO loves PEDOPHILES!!! (Those poor perverts!!)


Dr Weevil বলেছেন...

'tim in vermont' (6:20am) admits that he can't handle 404 words of text written at a 12th-grade level. Maybe he should go over to TikTok and read - well, watch - things more appropriate to his intellectual capacity. He's certainly wasting his time, and ours, here.

He might also want to realize that no one has ever demoted me to 'Weevil' unless they were losing an argument with me. It's an infallible sign.

Saint Croix বলেছেন...

He might also want to realize that no one has ever demoted me to 'Weevil' unless they were losing an argument with me. It's an infallible sign.

ha ha

Saint Croix বলেছেন...

To me the Trump dinner with Kanye West and his Holocaust-denying friend says almost nothing about Trump and has the relevance of a swiss cheese sandwich.

Trump's daughter is Jewish.

His son-in-law is Jewish.

The people who called him a Nazi for four fucking years owe him 1,000 apologies.

He's not a Nazi, he's never been a Nazi, quit calling him a Nazi. The explicit accusations have disappeared, under sheer fucking embarrassment and chagrin, but still the implicit accusations continue. Stop it, for fuck's sake.

I was there, in the U.S.A., under the Trump administration, from 2016 to 2020, and I can testify, in court, under Oath, that it was not a Nazi state at any point in that time frame. With the possible exception of the secret baby infanticides that we've been doing for 40 years, and for which Mr. Trump is hardly the one to blame.

Saint Croix বলেছেন...

I get why anti-Trumpers want to do the ol' guilt-by-association schtick. I also note that it's been tried on better people than Trump.

"Why does your rabbi eat with tax collectors and sinners?"

gpm বলেছেন...

>>And [in] one of the threads somebody brought up Spy Magazine, the awesome smart-ass periodical out of New York back in the day.

I believe it was Amadeus who brought up Spy in the context of the "Mr. Stupid Comes to Washington" article about my illustrious senator, Ed Markey.

>>I suspect this Hillary photograph was photoshopped,

OMG, I remember that Hillary cover (which somebody also referenced obliquely in the prior thread). I should find the site with all the issues of the magazine and see if there are any others I remember.

>>The phrase was "short-fingered vulgarian."

Althouse beat me to the correction here, but I noted that reference to the then largely unknown Trump in the prior thread as one of the two things that have always stood out in my memory of Spy, though the comment was so late that hardly anyone probably saw it (just as hardly anyone will see this one).

>>"Why does your rabbi eat with tax collectors and sinners?"

There was a man in Jericho called Zaccheus
Now the Hebrews, they were tall
And Zaccheus, he was small
But the Lord loved Zacheus better than them all

The Lord went walking one day in Jericho town.
And the people began to gather from miles around.
But Zaccheus he couldn't see
So he climbed a sycamore tree
And the Lord looked up and said "Zaccheus come down"

The Lord said "Zaccheus I am dining with you today
Zaccheus I am going to your house come lead today"
Then Zaccheus he gave a cheer
But the people began to sneer
"This man is a sinner, does the Lord seek lodging here?"

IIRC, from the 1960s album Joy Is Like the Rain (which, in high school, we always changed for no good reason to "Joy is like a pain"), a bunch of religious songs sung by a bunch of nuns.


walter বলেছেন...

Big timers should be able to avoid unforced errors.
Tell mr the upside of supping with "holocaust denying friend"?
Hey, how'd yer date night with potential jab maligned gal go?

Saint Croix বলেছেন...

Tell mr the upside of supping with "holocaust denying friend"?

Well, if you like fights you can say some shit to his face.

Saint Croix বলেছেন...

Hey, how'd yer date night with potential jab maligned gal go?

ha ha

Nobody on the planet has ever called her a "potential jab maligned gal" except you.

I don't get a sense that you are active in the dating arena, with your philosophy of not dating anybody who might have been vaccinated.

How are women supposed to prove non-vaccination, by the way?

That's worse than the herpes scare of 1982! Anybody can prove they don't have herpes, more or less. But good luck proving you never got vaccinated.

"I got a note from my doctor that I was never vaccinated."

"How does your doctor know that you aren't vaccinated?"

"He gave me a shot of something and the chemical test says I was never vaccinated."

"What the fuck was in that shot your doctor gave you?"

"I don't know. Some chemical shit."

"Holy fuck, what's in your body now?! Could be anything."

"You know, I don't think we're going on another date."

(mumbling to myself) "That fucker on the internet is not a dating expert. Damn it. That's what I get for spending too much time on the internet."

And then I'm stuck with that damn internet porn again. Thanks a lot, mr. no caps.