October 4, 2022

Nancy Sinatra is trending on Twitter, but don't worry, she didn't die. It's trending because of this:


Meanwhile, in other viral DeSantis-and-the-hurricane tweets, there's this:

ADDED: Surely, there is some reason for choosing white boots. I see that white boots for men are an easily available product, and I don't think DeSantis would have chosen them without a good reason, so I'm surprised the reason isn't being used to push back those who are mocking him.

Poking around for a minute, I got the impression that there are 2 reasons why white boots are used around the water in Florida: 1. They are less hot than dark-colored boots, and 2. They don't make marks on the deck of your boat.

By the way, mocking a man for doing something that you associate with women reflects sexism and homophobia.


Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Wow look at the gnarly reach ratio of those two tweets! How does a rando with no followers “trend” on Twitter? They have a push-progressive memes algorithm.

wendybar said...

Just goes to show how delusional Progressives REALLY are. DeSantis is going to win in a landslide, and there is nothing they can do to stop him.

Dave Begley said...

Ron won't wear those boots again. Too dorky.

J said...

Clueless i.e. ignorant people making comments like that typify why us deplorables dismiss our betters so much.(sarc).Rubber boots are practical and often seen in swampland.Which persons would know if they had ever done anything but go to sixbucks.

wendybar said...

More delusion from the Queen of the Progressives. She has NO IDEA what REAL Americans think of her and her demented party. THEY hate America and they hate Americans. Screw off Nancy...YOU belong behind bars for insider trading amongst other things.


J said...

Clueless i.e. ignorant people making comments like that typify why us deplorables dismiss our betters so much.(sarc).Rubber boots are practical and often seen in swampland.Which persons would know if they had ever done anything but go to sixbucks.

Big Mike said...

Did the National Weather Service deliberately bungle their prediction of where Ian’s landfall would occur so as to make DeSantis look bad? With petulant Joe Biden in the White House one has to wonder.

Jeff Gee said...

I was going to say "Boots" is the only hit song I recall with a de-tuning bass, but I think Harry Nilsson's "Jump into the Fire" has one, too. Both great. I'm glad it didn't become ubiquitous, but I always perk up when either tune pops up

Humperdink said...

Is it safe to assume Hunter S. Sinatra would be nowhere without capitalizing on her father's name?

Aggie said...

That's funny, because I haven't heard a peep out of old Charlie, nor have I seen him doing anything productive over the past few days. No appearances to assist those hit hardest. Still holed up? Storm's over, dude. Work to be done.

hawkeyedjb said...

"Hey, Ron DeSantis, looks like you're cosplaying Nancy Sinatra..."

This is how teenagers talk about politics.

Drago said...

Far left lunatic twitter randos do not like Ron DeSantis.

Black and brown Floridians flocking to Ron DeSantis based on his performance.

'nuff said.

Iman said...

Those boots are made for walking,
And I’ll tell you what’ll come to pass
The voters will give Charles Crist
A large Tony Lama up his ass

Lloyd W. Robertson said...

D's are still hoping to get R's on something like Dukakis driving a tank. Not this time.

I quite enjoyed the Nancy Sinatra special that was on TCM recently. Very 60s, although of course Nancy was in no way a hippie. Some of the matchy-matchy of Doris Day in the famous movies with Rock Hudson, but then some "Go Go" touches including the boots. Oh, and I generally enjoyed the music and the stories about how "the business" works. It made me do som googling.

gspencer said...

"Swept out by a wave of blue"

"I'll have what that guy had"

MSB said...

Nice job stand in for Charlie Crist—just insulted all the working shrimpers and crabbers and their standard boot.

Joe Smith said...

The boots are unfortunate.

Nancy wore them better...

Michael K said...

White boots are common with foul weather gear.

rcocean said...

Crist was the Republican Governor of Florida for years. He was Jeb's big best friend forever. McCain had him on his 5 person "short list" for VP in 2008. And now, he's a liberal Democrat.

I wonder how many Republican Senators would turn Liberal Democrat if they could?

Joe Smith said...

'White boots are common with foul weather gear.'

Maybe in the 'Bros' movie : )

Eva Marie said...

Democrats’ biggest selling point (only selling point?) is that they’re the cool kids.

Humperdink said...

The left missed their opportunity to label the boots racist.

n.n said...


Yancey Ward said...

Guess Charlie Crist is the candidate equivalent of "Bros".

gilbar said...

The (actually) sensible thing, for the democrats to do;
Is find women that look like Nancy Sinatra did.
Seriously, WHY are All democrats* UGLY?

All democrats* which raises the next question; HOW could democrats be SO STUPID,
as to let Tulsi Gabbard get away from them. She was their Only Hope**

Only Hope** that is; besides rigging elections

Rabel said...

"We got children out heah!"

Wince said...

Evidently, Goldstein forgot the line "these boots are gonna walk all over you."

Original Mike said...

"Democrats’ biggest selling point (only selling point?) is that they’re the cool kids."

Aided by the media, this has been their strongest selling point for decades. Especially among the young.

mezzrow said...

Watch shrimp boots turn into a meme now. Highly popular among those who have to actually do things in wet places and who also DGAF what people think about them.

You can throw Brer Ron in that briar patch, but check your assumptions before you do. Now, contrast him to Charlie Crist.

mccullough said...

DeSantis needs to trim down a bit if he’s running for president.

The boots can only distract from his belly for so long.

Lurker21 said...

Nancy Sinatra has made her share of (anti-Trump) political tweets. They didn't attract much attention. And that is as it should be. There's no point in obsessing over what Nancy Sinatra, Bette Midler, Ellen Barkin, Barbra Streisand or anybody else tweets in the middle of a long, lonely, possibly drunken night. When it's a quarter to three, and there's no one in the place, just make it one more for my baby, and one more for the road (but call a cab, please).

Temujin said...

One video based in reality, the other in wishful thinking and unicorns. Guess which party is which?

John henry said...

In England those boots are called wellies (for wellington) and are often associated with the "green wellies brigade" koften mockingly) of ardent environmentalists

mikee said...

I see from the color of the boots that the Gov has barely begun to wade through the media BS.

n.n said...

Trans-social? Simulations. Stimulations, apparently.

Kate Bush: Running Up That Hill

An empathetic song about life and death, about love, about a couple, where a woman offers to swap places with her no longer viable male partner.

The mask fooled no One or one.

narciso said...

we are in the dumbest time line, goldstein is a herald reporter, last time I check,

Michael K said...

Blogger Joe Smith said...

'White boots are common with foul weather gear.'

Maybe in the 'Bros' movie : )

Ever had foul weather gear on when you needed it ? Yellow is also common.

chickelit said...

Hard to believe that anybody takes Charlie Christ seriously anymore. Is he the best that Dems have in Florida? He's not up to it.

JK Brown said...

I have to wonder is the choice of White "Wellies" wasn't troll for the Leftist media. You know they were going to pick it up. Do their snark. But what you see in a governor out overseeing things.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Crist - the real Orange Man Bad

Big Mike said...

Hard to believe that anybody takes Charlie Christ seriously anymore. Is he the best that Dems have in Florida?

Yup. The best the Democrats can do in 2022 is a Republican reject. It could be worse; in 2018 their candidate was a meth-addicted alcoholic.

Joe Smith said...

'Ever had foul weather gear on when you needed it ? Yellow is also common.'

My comment was a joke, of course.

But here in CA where it hasn't rained for 30 years, foul weather is not an issue.

When I was a wee lad and it actually did rain, yellow slicker and boots were the fashion of the day...

Mike said...

Supposedly alligators and snakes are swimming around what were once houses. Yer danged straight that if I was out there, I'd have on high rubber boots. Black, green, yellow, white--maybe even LGBTQ themed striped boots. Doesn't matter, when you are wading in snake infested muck you'll have boots on. OTOH if you are a Dim, you might not.

Howard said...

Those boots are Dukakisesque when paired with the sweater vest that accentuates his dump belly.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Well played by DeSantis

Lefty scum obsess about white boots.

Everyone else sees a picture of DeSantis out working to deal with problems

William said...

Not only is Streisand a far more talented singer, her observations on the passing political scene are far more annoying.... Nancy Sinatra is the Chelsea Clinton of popular music.

John henry said...

In England those boots are called wellies (for wellington) and are often associated with the "green wellies brigade" koften mockingly) of ardent environmentalists

Mary Martha said...

Those white boots are common in Florida particularly with shrimpers so they are called 'shrimp boots'.

White boots make more sense than black (or brown, or green) in the Florida sunshine.

Mocking the boots just shows how little connection people enjoying the mockery have to those who work wearing practical boots like this in dirty wet circumstances.

JAORE said...

"By the way, mocking a man for doing something that you associate with women reflects sexism and homophobia."

Except for shorts, right?

Josephbleau said...

And there is one thing you can send to me, white boots, of Florida rubber.

Wilbur said...

Beyond the issues, the Democrat Party in Florida has a problem: they have no bench.

The latest big thing was supposed to Nikki Fried, narrowly elected Agricultural Commissioner in 2019, who is attractive, a lawyer and "a passionate activist". Today, one of those will help you get elected in Florida, rising star or not.

She couldn't beat Charlie Crist, for crissake.

Maybe the woman looking to unseat Marco Rubio can win and become Senator and The Next Big Thing.

Dr Weevil said...

I'm too old and retired to ever go out in wellie weather, and not sure I've ever owned a pair: certainly not in the last 30 years.

Which makes it that much more amazing that I have to point this out after so many comments. Has it really not occurred to any of the previous commenters why white or yellow is the best color for rubber boots?

If you're going to be wading in stinking mud and filthy water after a disaster, you want to be able to get your waterproof boots thoroughly clean as soon as you get home, so they don't stink up your garage or laundry room or wherever you keep them when you're not wearing them, or make your dogs sick if they lick them. A good hose-down out in the yard is essential.

Boots that elegantly depict Munch's Scream or Bosch's Garden of Earthly Delights would no doubt look much more sophisticated, but plain white or yellow boots are much much easier to keep clean, because you can easily see when they're clean.

Mary Martha said...

Those white boots are common in Florida particularly with shrimpers so they are called 'shrimp boots'.

White boots make more sense than black (or brown, or green) in the Florida sunshine.

Mocking the boots just shows how little connection people enjoying the mockery have to those who work wearing practical boots like this in dirty wet circumstances.

What's emanating from your penumbra said...

By the way, mocking a man for doing something that you associate with women reflects sexism and homophobia.

What is reflected by mocking someone for thinking their blase opinion is reality?

Jupiter said...

"By the way, mocking a man for doing something that you associate with women reflects sexism and homophobia."

One or the other, I can see. But both? How does that work?

And while we're on the topic, are you implying that there is something wrong with sexism and homophobia? I mean, there's certainly something wrong with "homophobia". But homophilia is not so great either. Are those the only options?

And I would think that "sexism" simply means recognizing that men and women are different. Which of course they are. Or is there more to it than that? Maybe only men can be sexist, for the same reason only white people can be racist?

Pillage Idiot said...

Blogger rcocean said...

I wonder how many Republican Senators would turn Liberal Democrat if they could?

10/4/22, 9:30 AM

What is the pay scale? Both before AND after leaving office, following a turn from a Republican into a Liberal Democrat.

If they published that document as a guarantee, then I bet we could easily determine EXACTLY how many Republicans would turn!

PigHelmet said...

If only they had been Spanish Olive boots.

Rockport Conservative said...

Those are what most people working around the water wear for work. Shrimpers, oystermen, fishermen wear those boots. It show the lack of knowledge of working people to not know about white rubber boots. I've lived on the Gulf Coast and the East Coast all my life, this is what working people wear when water is going to be an issue.
I gather from their comments some of your commenters are a little too "educated" to know this

Michael K said...

mccullough said...

DeSantis needs to trim down a bit if he’s running for president.

I do agree with that. He is looking a bit chubby. Eisenhower was so worried about his weight with all the rubber chicken dinners he had to attend that he began eating only celery at them. The problem was that he had ileitis, which cause narrowing of his distal small bowel. Sure enough, he got a bowel obstruction. As he was being wheeled into surgery, Mamie told his doctor, who told me the story, that if there was any celery in there, she wanted to know because Ike had been told not to do that. As the surgeon, Isadore Ravdin, saw Ike in the preop room the president said, "If you find celery in there, for God's sake don't tell Mamie." He found a foot of celery in there but he would never tell if he told her.

I guess it's a occupational risk for politicians.

gadfly said...

Talk about your irony, the New York Post reports that New York City is loading migrants — many of them Venezuelans — into vans and shipping them to Florida to help with hurricane recovery efforts:

Scores of Venezuelan migrants in New York City are hopping on vans to head down to Florida for Hurricane Ian clean-up, they told The Post.

The migrants had scant information about whom they would be working for, but they still piled into vans in Queens that they said were headed to the Sunshine State over the weekend.

“They want us for hurricane cleanup, we’d get paid $15 an hour, overtime and $15 for food daily, I think,” said Javier Moreno, 37, noting that a woman named Camila “from an organization” approached him with a flier.

“Perla” has been replaced by “Camila,” but printed fliers and vague promises are still involved. We wonder if this presages a sea change in Gov. Ron DeSantis’ feelings about migrants, similar to how he is now FOR federal emergency money for Hurricane Ian, whereas he (and . . . Marco Rubio and . . . Rick Scott) was AGAINST it a decade ago for victims of Hurricane (sic) [tropical storm] Sandy in New York.

lys said...

I've lived in Florida my whole life and grew up in a family of commercial fishermen. Those white boots are what everyone here wears. We called them mullet boots. I still see Facebook posts with the slogan "White Boots Matter - Support Local Fishermen." Making fun of people who wear white mullet boots isn't going to endear anyone to the left.

n.n said...

What would they say about the bunny suit?

MadTownGuy said...

Big Mike said...

"Yup. The best the Democrats can do in 2022 is a Republican reject. It could be worse; in 2018 their candidate was a meth-addicted alcoholic."

John Fetterman had other commitments or he might have signed on. No biggie to move from PA to FL.

Jim at said...

Nancy Sinatra's always been a snarling twit.

Misinforminimalism said...

Forced. Nobody looked at that picture of Desantis and thought, "Whoa, Nancy Sinatra!"

Dr Weevil said...

Confirmation for my last comment from Twitter. A poster calling herself "Amygator 🐊 *not an actual alligator*" writes:

"Probably nobody’s interested, but the boots our agriculture workers are issued are white Dunlops. I hardly think it’s an unusual choice - literally no one I know has ever remarked on it before. #BootGate #DeSantisDerangementSyndrome"

Others chime in:

1. "Everyone knows it’s a faux pas to wear white boots after Labor Day. This is worse than 1/6 !!1!11"

2. "It's pretty logical to wear white boots when working in hazardous conditions because what you get on your boots could be pretty damn freakin' important."

3. "There is an OSHA standard that says white is used to indicate when boots are for intended for toxic or poisonous conditions."

4. "The inside of a BassProShops must be their equivalent of Drag Queen Story Hour"

5. "Just proves how very little they know about Florida’s own aquaculture industries. They sell those in jiffy stores in our area and certainly Walmart because of our clam industry or used to be oyster industry. I’m completely used to seeing people walking around in them."

More comments at the link I gave above, if you need more.

Heartless Aztec said...

Nancy Sinatra in 60's male speak was a "Stone Cold Fox".

Drago said...

CNN just had Carl Bernstein on and Carl proclaimed DeSantis in white boots is WORSE THAN WATERGATE!

Max Boot has, "reluctantly", been "forced" to "leave the republican party" for the 978th time.

Rick Wilson is already having his astroturf democratical dummy NPC's purchasing additional tiki torches along with white boots so that they can pull off another "I support (insert targeted republican name here)" "rally".

George Conway has once again unhinged his jaws and consumed another entire intern, and that one was from the midwest!

timothy235 said...

I'm pretty sure he's too concerned with real important issues to care about the color of the temporary water-proof boots his staff got for him.

Danno said...

Joe Smith, your ignorance shows when you have no clue that the watermen of the Chesapeake and other places (that's fisherman to you) have employed white boots forever in their crabbing and other seafood gathering. You may have said your nasty as a joke, but please don't Californicate this blog!

Unknown said...

This is Florida. We wear white boots on fishing boats here just as boat people do all along the coasts., I have two pair, different heights. Go into any fishing tackle shop and look around, white boots. Go online at any fishing supply site, whiTe boots.

Yes, the dominant reason is non-marking soles and the production process, injection molding, There is no cheap way to make a white sole, black upper, waterproof boot for under $50.

It is tHat simple.

And why should DeSantis' team even address the matter coming from googans?

Unknown said...

Those are also affectionately known around here (SWFL) as Matlacha Reeboks - anybody who spent more than 5 minutes around a working fishing dock would know that. I am quite sure Mr. Desantis knows that as well and understands their function and reason practically. So, sod off with the childish comments.,

Wilbur said...

Misinforminimalism said...
Forced. Nobody looked at that picture of Desantis and thought, "Whoa, Nancy Sinatra!"

I'm not so sure. I remember whenever I saw Eisenhower, I immediately thought of Gisele MacKenzie. So it must be a thing.

Clare said...

Shrimp boots. Common on the gulf coast.


Ann Althouse said...

"I have to wonder is the choice of White "Wellies" wasn't troll for the Leftist media."

That's what I thought. Apparently, everyone in Florida recognizes them as "shrimp boots," so everybody else looks out of touch with Florida.

William said...

Anyone who lives in shrimp harvesting territory knows that shrimpers where white boots. One can even purchase gear (flags, hats, t-shirts) adorned with with "White Boots Matter."

The governor is perfectly shod. To dis him for his choice in boots simply shows ignorance on the part of the dis-er. It's the world we live in.

Bill R said...

Those are called "shrimp boots". The deck of a shrimp trawler is always sloshing with water. The boots keep your feet dry. They differ from LL Bean rubber boots in that there is no need for insulation in the perpetually warm water.

They are worn by non-shrimpers too. You see them often. They're worn by a lot of people who work in a wet environment and want to keep their feet dry.

This is inherently funny to Democrats who view the entire concept of "work" as alien.

Unknown said...

Dave Begley - My dad wore white boots like those just about every day. He walked the LA marshes in them. He was anything but dorky.

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