October 31, 2022

"Mr. DePape was looking for Ms. Pelosi, who was in Washington at the time, to interrogate the speaker on an unspecified political matter, according to the federal complaint."

"If she told the 'truth,' he would let her go, but if she 'lied,' he intended to break her kneecaps — forcing her to be wheeled into Congress as a lesson to other Democrats, Mr. DePape told police officers in an interview. He had 'a roll of tape, white rope, a second hammer, a pair of rubber and cloth gloves, and zip ties' according to the U.S. attorney’s office for the Northern District of California, which filed the charges."

From "Intruder Wanted to Break Speaker Pelosi’s Kneecaps, Federal Complaint Says/Federal prosecutors filed charges on Monday against the man the police said broke into House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s San Francisco home and struck her husband with a hammer" (NYT).

"The swift action by the Justice Department in bringing federal charges — on the same day the San Francisco District Attorney’s Office was expected to file its own charges against Mr. DePape — reflects the department’s urgency in addressing what it sees as a politically motivated crime shortly before the 2022 midterm elections. There has been a surge in threats and attacks against figures of both political parties in recent years, and Ms. Pelosi, in particular, has long been the subject of vilification and threats."

ADDED: Here's the criminal complaint. It's worth noting that DePape spoke to the police and revealed his plot to question Nancy Pelosi and to break her kneecaps if she lied, which he expected her to do. Also, he was not dressed in underpants, but shorts, and he had a large backpack and quite a few supplies, including the hammer we've heard so much about. He is alleged to have broken the window next to the door handle and to have found Paul Pelosi in his bedroom, in bed. 

Also: "DEPAPE stated he wanted to tie Pelosi up so that DEPAPE could go to sleep as he was tired from having had to carry a backpack to the Pelosi residence.... DEPAPE explained that he did not leave after Pelosi’s call to 9-1-1 because, much like the American founding fathers with the British, he was fighting against tyranny without the option of surrender."


Dave Begley said...

The County of San Franciso will defer to the federal government on this criminal case. DOJ will cover everything up. Corruption at its finest.

But half the country knows - or thinks it knows - what happened here. Nancy Pelosi has been living a corrupt and sick lie for decades. Enjoy your retirement, Nan!

henge2243 said...

He wanted to break Speaker Pelosi's kneecaps but he came without a hammer?

Paul Pelosi, "I've got an old hammer in the garage that I use to crack chicken bones before I throw them in the compost pile, wait here a minute."

ChrisC said...

Why isn't he being released without bail? I thought that's how it worked in San Francisco?

Jim at said...

This sure seems to fit nicely into their narrative ... albeit 72 hours later.

Why no MAGA hat? Too obvious?

PM said...

Absolutely correct. It is "...a politically-motivated crime shortly before
the 2022 midterm..." And they're the ones inventing it.

M said...

No way even low info voters are going to buy that a drug addicted, nudist, BLM supporter is “right wing”. If anything this just shows how out of touch the Dems are with their base. They created this guy with the push to make it impossible to hold the mentally ill,against their will which shut down the mental hospitals, their normalizing of recreational drug abuse, of alternative lifestyles and of violent political “advocacy”. These are not in any way Conservative values. They certainly aren’t RNC squish values.

chuck said...

It's fun watching the Democrats claim that DePape is sane. Tough proposition.

le Douanier said...

These threads are curated to support what we see here.

Sociopathy is as sociopathy does.

Iman said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Aggie said...

"There has been a surge in threats and attacks against figures of both political parties in recent years, and Ms. Pelosi, in particular, has long been the subject of vilification and threats."

Yes, in particular. That's why we're not answering any questions about the security systems, or pointing out the glaring lack of personnel on site at the time of the, um, visit, er, incident, ahhh, housecall, sorry ruthless attack.

phantommut said...

This requires the best dis- and misinformation experts around. So yes, bring in the Feds.

Aggie said...

Not to mention that for a homeless bum on the Street of San Fran, a hammer would be the first item to have when bashing in car windows for the victimless-crime activities required in support of the drug habit. No wonder he wasn't questioned: It's perfectly normal there to be carrying a knapsack and a claw hammer on the streets, since nobody's ever arrested for it.

Mike Sylwester said...

There has been a surge in threats and attacks against figures of both political parties in recent years (emphasis added)

How did that sentence get included in this New York Times article?

The narrative is getting muddled.

Static Ping said...

So, we are going with the "Pelosi was an obvious target for violence so we had zero security at her house such that a drug addled lunatic found easy access to the property" argument?

Yeah, sounds legit.

Mike Sylwester said...

DePape is an illegal alien.

William said...

Will COMPLETELY disappear from the MSM in 3-2-1

James K said...

That’s their story, and they’re sticking with it.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Intruder Wanted to Break Speaker Pelosi’s Kneecaps

Implicit in the headline is the assumption that whatever questions he asked her, she was going to lie.

I would claim that the NYT's assumption was baseless, but we all know that would be untrue

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"Ms. Pelosi, in particular, has long been the subject of vilification and threats."

Paging Rand Paul and Steve Scalise.

Nancy Pelosi has been the subject of vilification and threats to the exact degree that it serves the Donk's bullshit narrative.

Spiros said...

Even if the sleazy and insulting story pushed by Elon Musk is not (completely) true, we should applaud Twitter for creating an army of citizen sleuths in opposition to the ridiculous lies pushed by the legacy media and the culture of secrecy in the government. Bravo Mr. Musk!!!!

Kevin said...

There has been a surge in threats and attacks against figures of both political parties in recent years, and Ms. Pelosi, in particular, has long been the subject of vilification and threats.

CTRL-F Biden and CTRL-F Philadelphia returned no hits.

TheOne Who Is Not Obeyed said...

And if you believe that, DOJ has a Russian dossier they will sell you, cheap. It's only been slightly used, hardly any wear on it at all.

Kevin said...

Why isn't he being released without bail? I thought that's how it worked in San Francisco?

Oh, the Feds rushed in to charge him.

They play by their own rules.

Kevin said...

"If she told the 'truth,' he would let her go, but if she 'lied,' he intended to break her kneecaps — forcing her to be wheeled into Congress as a lesson to other Democrats, Mr. DePape told police officers in an interview

This would be a hit show on Netflix.

You could have one person from each party per episode.

Yancey Ward said...

Show me the body-cam footage and the building security footage if they want me to believe this story. This is non-negotiable since these people cannot be trusted to tell the truth otherwise.

Mike said...

Well on the evening in question Paul was in the bathroom calling 911 and mentioning his friend David.

Then when the cops showed up Paul was dancing in his skivvies with David whilst the two were holding a hammer.

And now that Nancy has helped him "remember things"--well David was an intruder with zip ties and a hammer and plans to kneecap the old girl. This story is rapidly improving. It's not the Russian collusion--yet, but Nancy and the Feds will help Paul remember.

And wait for it---David DePape didn't hang himself in jail.

Mike Sylwester said...

My own comment at 4:46 PM
DePape is an illegal alien.


I inadvertently wrote the wrong expression illegal alien.

I meant to write undocumented migrant.

Please make the mental correction.

Dave64 said...

Hysteria alert, Condition Yellow!

wendybar said...

Somebody should look in the mirror if he wants to spew hate against the other side when HIS side is doing the same exact thing. Joe Biden is as much of a divider as Obama. I am ashamed that he was installed as the President, because seriously....the world is laughing at us. Thanks Progressives for making America into a third world country. https://townhall.com/tipsheet/saraharnold/2022/10/29/no-surprise-here-biden-blames-pelosi-attack-on-trump-supporters-n2615205

Narr said...

Looking for Nan in all the wrong places.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

#DePapeDidntKillHimself. He chose the bribe instead.

He was made an offer he couldn't refuse.

Bob Boyd said...

to interrogate the speaker on an unspecified political matter, according to the federal complaint

So was the "political matter" unspecified by DePape or unspecified by the feds?

It's hard to believe, after everything else he told them, that he wouldn't air the complaint that drove him to such an extreme.

Perhaps the motivating "political matter" doesn't fit the narrative.

jim5301 said...

Dave Begley - why on earth would the state prosecutors drop their case now that the feds have brought charges? You do realize I hope that both criminal cases can proceed. You know -- federalism and all that legal stuff.

"But half the country knows - or thinks it knows - what happened here." To me it looks like a criminal break-in, trespass, and aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. What do you think happened here?

I won't hold my breath waiting for a response.

Achilles said...

henge2243 said...

He wanted to break Speaker Pelosi's kneecaps but he came without a hammer?

Paul Pelosi, "I've got an old hammer in the garage that I use to crack chicken bones before I throw them in the compost pile, wait here a minute."


Narr said...

Feds played their trump card--the local Barney Fifes know what side their pensions are buttered on and will say whatever they are told to say, with conviction.

Zip ties, eh? Old Pelosi was into bondage, maybe.

What's emanating from your penumbra said...

Ban hammers and underwear.

Don't you care about the children?!

Joe Smith said...

The press conference was a disgrace.

No pertinent questions were asked, just boot-licking media types echoing the regimes POV...

BIII Zhang said...

The swift action by the Justice Department in bringing federal charges — on the same day the San Francisco District Attorney’s Office was expected to file its own charges against Mr. DePape — reflects ...

... that local prosecutors had PASSED the constitutional deadline for filing charges in the first place - because there's no case. (They had 72 hours to charge him, and didn't.)

They let the Feds file the charges AFTER the deadline had passed. Now the feds are going to have to prove the case. But they can't. There is no case. That's why local prosecutors NEVER CHARGED this suspect with ANY CRIME. And were about to have to free him. Why should local cops and prosecutors get STUCK having to prove a crime in this case when there hasn't BEEN any crime?

The accused has been given NO ATTORNEY. And yet has been REPEATEDLY QUESTIONED in the absence of an attorney, even though he is clearly mentally unstable. Which is a violation of his rights.

The Justice Department has stepped in because the Democrats are about to be booted from office en masse, including Nancy Pelosi from her perch as Speaker of the House.

That's why they rushed to file charges when local prosecutors would not.

BIII Zhang said...

"There has been a surge in threats and attacks against figures of both political parties in recent years, and Ms. Pelosi, in particular, has long been the subject of vilification and threats."

Is there crying in baseball?

Cuz last I checked, there's no crying in baseball.

Look ... if you want to do political show trials and put a bunch of political prisoners in jail for protesting their government, then you're probably going to generate some blowback. Maybe your lovey gets whacked upside his head.

That's just part of the game. If the heat's too hot, you can always exit the kitchen sweetheart.

MikeR said...

Whoa. And the comments here are interesting. How is it possible that the story that sounded so completely bogus yesterday - is exactly the story that the perp is reeling off today?
And he is literally being charged by the feds with exactly that.
Sorry. One of two things must be true. Either my information filters are so incredibly broken that they can make black seem white. I need to fix them in some drastic way.
Or, it must be that the feds (and the media, duh) are building a complicated, totally fabricated narrative, and this suspect is being paid and/or threatened to confess to it, presumably even plead guilty with his story.
I'd much prefer the second alternative, for obvious reasons. But really? Can they actually do that successfully, not in a dusty forgotten town somewhere, but with the eyes of the entire nation red and blue upon them - without the whole thing coming apart? I would think not.
I guess we'll see.

le Douanier said...

“No pertinent questions were asked.”

They keep out Info Wars questions and such because the libruls and the deep state are sneaky. But they’re not as smart as commenters here. Meadehouse and folks here don’t fall for that film flam.

n.n said...

DePape is an illegal alien.

Just like the case of an underage girl, a mother, an illegal alien, a Democrat consensus, and a "burden" of evidence aborted in darkness, a handmade tale sequestered before its time.

tim maguire said...

Corroborating evidence? All of this is consistent with the mental illness angle that has been here from the start.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Remember Danny Haster? Speaker of The House who when he was a middle school coach molested at least one kid. The kid didn’t stay a kid forever. As an adult, he came back to collect. When Haster tried to make a large cash withdrawal the bank alerted the FBI. And the rest is history.

Keep an eye on DePape after he comes out of jail.

n.n said...

Ban hammers and underwear.

Don't you care about the children?

More injuries and elective abortions are inflicted with bladed instruments and assault-style hammers than guns. Now, they are taking out their frustration on the post-birth, underage children, too, in socially-forward, scientifically-backward, nationwide experiments. Deja vu. #HateLovesAbortion

n.n said...

He was made an offer he couldn't refuse.

Confession or committee sans civil rights.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The story they’ve concocted is most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard.

Sharknado has more plausibility.

n.n said...

The narrative is getting muddled.

Reagan-types. Trump-types, too. Gabbard, of late.

h said...

Isn't it sad (or weird) that we can't just dismiss out of hand, as too crazy to be considered, the possibility that the FBI hired a drug addled informant to execute a false flag operation.

PM said...

There oughta be a Smollett Award. A 'Jussie'. Just for crap narratives.

Josephbleau said...

"But half the country knows - or thinks it knows - what happened here." To me it looks like a criminal break-in, trespass, and aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. What do you think happened here?"

Of course not, this was orchestrated by the underwear branch of the MAGA democracy destroyer brigade. That was why all the J6 Capitol assault troops wore only underwear. Hillary and Joe told us that violence is caused not by psychosis and drug abuse, but by the republicans.

Jersey Fled said...

And Jeffrey Epstein hung himself …

Tom said...

Where’s the body cam footage? Otherwise, I ain’t buying it.

bobby said...

Wasn't too many weeks ago I helped my friends finally get the last load of belongings out of storage, where they had been since the Dead Floyd riots in Minneapolis. Their house was trashed, their business was gone, and these . . . people . . . want to accuse us Republicans of violence?

Reap what you sow, idiots.

walter said...

Handyman seems quite willing to provide details.
Seems legit.

Clyde said...

At this point, I don't believe a word coming from the Department of Just-Us. They very well could have made up DePape's alleged statement out of whole cloth. Nor is the story coming from the San Francisco District Attorney believable. They have long since lost all credibility. There's just too much weirdness to this story that has not been satisfactorily explained.

Tina848 said...

This man has a history of severe mental illness. He probably should have been committed many years ago, as so many others who have mental illness need to be. The more shocking thing, is the lack of an alarm system or any security at the Pelosi Residence. Not even ADT?

wendybar said...

"I could go on for page after page and take up most of my day and a good part of yours with these stories, not only from California and New York but also from other areas around the country. But what do all of these incidents (including Pelosi’s) have in common? They occurred in Democrat-controlled cities and illustrate issues that Democrat policies have exacerbated.

What makes the other stories different from Pelosi’s?❓❓❓ Besides the fact that Paul is married to Nancy?"❗❗❗❗


walter said...

Mike Sylwester,
I believe it's now "Asylum seekers with standards"
Or..child trafficking Fentanyl mules.

Sebastian said...

"DEPAPE stated he wanted to tie Pelosi up so that DEPAPE could go to sleep as he was tired from having had to carry a backpack to the Pelosi residence.... DEPAPE explained that he did not leave after Pelosi’s call to 9-1-1 because, much like the American founding fathers with the British, he was fighting against tyranny without the option of surrender."

Mega MAGA, obviously,

walter said...

My friend in LA had a deranged guy enter his apartment while he was there. He described a bizarre scene where they rotated around the room trying to figyre out what to do until the guy left. Telling the story, my friend was bizarrely non-chalant about it. Good thing he wasn't hanging a picture at the time.

Lilly, a dog said...

Well, that settles that, I guess.


The mainstream media.

exhelodrvr1 said...

The underpants gnomes!

Michael K said...

Jim 1234 weighs in:

To me it looks like a criminal break-in, trespass, and aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. What do you think happened here?

I won't hold my breath waiting for a response.

Please hold your breath while I try come up with a more plausible version. It would help if the security camera and body camera footage was released. Meantime we have an 82 year old man with a drinking problem and driving issues who was found with a young nudist hippie with a history of mental illness wrestling with a hammer. The 82 year old drunk was able to call 911 and say he had a "friend" there named David. A third unidentified person opened the door for the cops and then vanished off the face of the earth, sort of like the second person in the 82 year old's car after the DUI and collision.

Does that help?

Yancey Ward said...

You really should read the federal complaint that was filed. They still don't answer the question of who opened the door for the police, which is damn weird.

Here is the really odd part- the story is now that Paul Pelosi ran over to the door to open it for the police (ok, that part is believable and no longer requires a 3rd person in the house), but then he, Pelosi, apparently ran back over to grab the hammer that was in DePape's hand and, when the police entered, they told the men to drop the hammer, and then DePape apparently won the contest over the hammer and then bashed Pelosi over the head. This part after the door was opened makes zero sense. Why didn't Pelosi just exit the house after he opened the door- if DePape was standing there at the door with Pelosi and the police officers, how in the fuck did they allow him to brain Pelosi with the hammer?

And another odd thing- assuming the story about wanting to ask Nancy Pelosi a question, what was the question? Did DePape not tell the police investigators this question? And if he did, why wasn't that in the federal complaint charged? It makes one strongly suspect that it counters the narrative that this loon was right-wing, which of course his entire history shows that he is a left-wing loon of long standing.

Daniel12 said...

To the majority on this thread who now KNOW that this was a vast cover up of a lovers quarrel now to be buried by the DOJ
-- does it disturb you that you know so easily and surely, and without any evidence? (Note that your doubts about the evidence that's come out are not themselves evidence for your theory.)

A person with a long-standing and extensively documented hatred for Nancy Pelosi and the Democratic Party invaded her home and attacked her husband with a hammer he brought in a backpack full of equipment he planned to use to bind Nancy Pelosi and break her knees, according to his statement immediately after the crime.

Someone upthread said isn't it strange that the confession so perfectly fits what people were suggesting the day before, after spotting this guy's decade of right wing blogging? Uh, no, not strange.

Someone else up thread will only accept video surveillance to disprove his random theory. Why should that sway you, when none of the evidence so far has?

This is not a podcast. This is not some profound true crime mystery that you will slouth out. The guy will have his day on court, where he will be innocent until immediately proven guilty with cut and dried evidence including his words directly after having been caught.

Move on!

boatbuilder said...

MikeR--they only need to keep the ball in the air until next week.

Do you really think that the Biden/Garland DOJ has any sense of honor or embarrassment?

Inga said...

“One of two things must be true. Either my information filters are so incredibly broken that they can make black seem white. I need to fix them in some drastic way.”

If so, you are in the majority here.

Terry di Tufo said...

No “shorts” tag?

Paul said...

Strange that the Pelosis are worth over 200 million, Pelosi rails against ULTRA MAGA insurrection, and they live in a very crime ridden city and yet...


Bender said...

They are loading up the charges to induce a guilty plea on a few, thereby avoiding a trial where the truth will be revealed.

Bender said...

Dave Begley said...
The County of San Franciso will defer to the federal government on this criminal case. DOJ will cover everything up. Corruption at its finest.

jim5301 said...
Dave Begley - why on earth would the state prosecutors drop their case now that the feds have brought charges?

Totally ignoring that Begley explained why in the second sentence -- DOJ will cover everything up.

Jim at said...

Isn't it sad (or weird) that we can't just dismiss out of hand, as too crazy to be considered, the possibility that the FBI hired a drug addled informant to execute a false flag operation.

I suggested that last night to my wife. Five years ago, she would've dismissed it out of hand. Now? She admits it's possible.

Especially when this guy supposedly had blog from, what, 2007? And then nothing else for the last 15 years until just a few months ago?

Bender said...

Thanks to the Jan 6 Committee, now Congress has grounds to demand all the records from everyone who knows anything about the incident, including subpoenas of all the security camera footage, inquiries about security guards or lack thereof, and how the defendant entered the home.

PJ said...

I read today that David DePape is a blogger, and now I have to worry about how deranged and violent all those other bloggers probably are.

Jon Burack said...

It is clear this was the isolated act of a truly deranged lunatic. All the actual facts point that way, that is. However, if I had a conspiratorial mindset, it would not be hard to get it rev'ed up about this -- NOT because of the event itself, but because of the way Democrats are actually, embarrassingly, seeking to exploit it to fit their over-heated "democracy is in danger" story line. The Justice Department bringing charges immediately? Seriously? Is it possible, my conspiratorial alter ego asks, this really is a set-up October surprise? It can't be they are so stupid as to pull something of that sort. Even I do not think they are that stupid. However, the Democrats/Media are clearly determined to do all they can to make it seem to be so that they are that stupid. Will the 51 former intelligence officers be weighing in? Will DePape turn out to be a Russian agent?

Jaq said...

I would be all for leaving this private if the President of the United States hadn’t used the incident to baselessly smear his political opponents as violent whack jobs.

Ralph L said...

I read somewhere that he struck the blows in the presence of the police. Isn't immediately disarming civilians standard procedure? Not as good a policeman as the one who shot the girl about to stab another girl a year or two ago, but perhaps SF police are afraid of being chauvinated or are trained to give the mentally ill their space.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Unbelievable! No men in shorts tag!

DePape’s insanity seems well established. Sad so many democrats have pounced on the story to smear republicans. That partisan vitriol all the way up to the president was unseemly and led me to be skeptical of every official report. But the police chief is that mumblemouthed and really did accidentally say they both had hammers. And very talkative suspect said he surprised a sleeping Pelosi and so only Paul was wearing only underwear. This might be just a wildly crazy event as described. Maybe.

Bunkypotatohead said...

The Pelosis should move someplace safe, such as Florida.

Jay Quenel said...

Anybody else have a sneaking suspicion that this is just "another" drug addled BLM gay activist furious that Nancy is so right wing and doesn't push the Republicans enough. Like the ones that vandalized and left the pigs head at the Pelosi residence before.

MacMacConnell said...

DOJ is filing charges against Depape. We will never know the truth about the attack.

Narayanan said...

so it all boils down to +++

did Pape [actually] identify Pelosi as Speaker in Congress >>> political crime


Rand Paul neighbor considered him merely obnoxious >>> so not political crime

Crazy World said...

This is so ridiculous, he should have went to DC and held an insurrection

Narayanan said...

It could be shown in court by the PROSECUTION that by correctly identifying Pelosi as Speaker DePape voided any claim to plea of insanity!

Kate said...

It would be disrespectful and flippant to add the Men in Shorts tag to this post. I can understand why you wouldn't do it. Wise decision.

Know that we all silently added a Men in Shorts tag.

Terrye said...

I read through the comments, and it is nauseating to see the paranoia and level of disregard people on the right have for anyone other than themselves. Pelosi has been vilified for years and now the same people who make excuses for Trump's serial criminal behavior attack her because her husband was attacked in his home. I left the GOP because of this attitude. They turn a blind eye to violence when their side commits it. They also turn a blind eye to law breaking when their side is responsible. They prefer lies and conspiracy theories to the obvious truth. They demand to be tolerated and coddled while they treat others with complete disrespect. If the right wants to waste their time and money on conspiracy theories and scams, that is their business, but it does not make you look like you are speaking truth to power. It just makes you look like assholes.

Iman said...

“Intruder Wanted to Break Speaker Pelosi’s Kneecaps”

Some funny kind of “help wanted” ad, no?

BUMBLE BEE said...

His incarcerated paramour getting time shaved off her centence? The beat goes on.

iowan2 said...

All agree the man is not mentally stable. Drug induced mental issues. The fact is he has said he believes just about any/everything. Pelosi,(the speaker), is curating the information chosen to establish her preferred narrative. I have no problem believing what this guy is claimed to have said. I do have a problem with the notion that what he said is so narrow and precise. We all have some experience with these people. Talk to them long enough any you will get wildly variant takes on the current weather.
This guy is as political as my dog.

wendybar said...

Move on!

10/31/22, 8:11 PM

Move on?? Like the Progressives who are still obsessing about the FAKE RUSSIAN COLLUSION lie your side peddled for over 6 years?? Or the fake insurrection that NANCY still won't RELEASE the videos of (why does she hide video tape of things that happened to prove them??) We don't believe your sides lies and propaganda anymore. when you are spoon fed propaganda over and over and over again, the smart people start to question the propagandists lies.

Beasts of England said...

‘Also, he was not dressed in underpants, but shorts…’

Were they assault shorts?

wendybar said...

tim in vermont said...
I would be all for leaving this private if the President of the United States hadn’t used the incident to baselessly smear his political opponents as violent whack jobs.

10/31/22, 10:29 PM

THIS. OVER AND OVER again... THIS. IT is all I hear on the Propaganda news too. THAT is why we want the REAL truth, not the Propagandized truth from the intel agencies who work as Joe Bidens gestapo. Their gulag is still pretty full of innocent Americans who were using their right to protest against a tyrannical government that haven't even gotten a FAIR trial in the land of progressives in DC.

wendybar said...

They prefer lies and conspiracy theories to the obvious truth. They demand to be tolerated and coddled while they treat others with complete disrespect. If the right wants to waste their time and money on conspiracy theories and scams, that is their business, but it does not make you look like you are speaking truth to power. It just makes you look like assholes.

11/1/22, 3:56 AM

So tell me, did you believe the Fake Russian Collusion lies?? Are you an asshole too?? Because anybody who believed those lies, and now dismiss the wall of silence around this case deserves to be called that when the truth comes out. WHY didn't the Pelosis have better security?? Even MY house has better security. Something smells fishy. Close your eyes and go back to sleep

exhelodrvr1 said...

If you would take an honest look at the issue, you would see that the Democrats are much guiltier than the Republicans of everything you mention.

exhelodrvr1 said...

"Can they actually do that successfully, not in a dusty forgotten town somewhere, but with the eyes of the entire nation red and blue upon them - without the whole thing coming apart? "

Jan 6

MikeR said...

@boatbuilder "MikeR--they only need to keep the ball in the air until next week." Yeah, well, I don't really care about how this will effect the elections. It won't, unless there are undecideds who are absolute idiots, who will suddenly change their vote because of one lunatic in San Francisco. Doubt it.
What does concern me is my ability to judge cases. If I got this one badly wrong I want to know it. If they have this kind of superpower I want to know it too.

Jake said...

“ Police later found a second hammer, along with rope, tape and a diary in DePape’s backpack.”


It’s too perfect.

iowan2 said...

This is not some profound true crime mystery that you will slouth out. The guy will have his day on court, where he will be innocent until immediately proven guilty with cut and dried evidence including his words directly after having been caught.

There will never be a trial to challenge any evidence. This goes away after a reasonable amount of silence.
Just like Russia, facts get in the way of a good election time smear.

TaeJohnDo said...

Terrye says: "I left the GOP because of this attitude. They turn a blind eye to violence when their side commits it." Would it be better if it was described it as a "Mostly peaceful" home invasion.

Narr said...

What's wrong with vilifying corrupt power-hungry old bitch hacks?

Daniel12 said...

"It’s too perfect."

Jake, thanks for confirming that evidence that contradicts your conspiracy theory is "too perfect" and therefore itself evidence of the conspiracy.

America 2022!

Daniel12 said...

"It’s too perfect."

Jake, thanks for confirming that evidence that contradicts your conspiracy theory is "too perfect" and therefore itself evidence of the conspiracy.

America 2022!

Sammy Finkelman said...

The police were responsible for Pelosi being hit by the hammer There was “great” police work.

After the door was opened by Paul Pelosi, (an interval of time may be missing here) they saw Paul Pelosi and David DePape struggling over a hammer. If this started, as seems likely, after the police arrived, they surely knew who was the aggressor.

A policeman told them both to drop it. Paul Pelosi let go, but David DePape did not. (at a press conference the instruction by police to drop the hammer was not mentioned but it is in the charges)

Because of that, DePape was able to hit Paul Pelosi several times over the head with the hammer and crack his skull.

The Pelosis, if they wanted to, could probably successfully sue the San Francisco Police Department.

This would explain some of the problems with the varying accounts.

Mattman26 said...

Iman, you just reminded me how much I miss James Taranto's old best-of-the-web column.

I so distrust the feds at this point that I view their "rushing" in to file federal charges as nothing but a way to keep the real story from coming to light.

I want to hear the 9-1-1 call, see the security cam footage, and watch the interrogation. Otherwise I believe nothing out of these people's mouths.

And I'm sad that it's come to that.

stlcdr said...

Also: "DEPAPE stated he wanted to tie Pelosi up so that DEPAPE could go to sleep as he was tired from having had to carry a backpack to the Pelosi residence.... DEPAPE explained that he did not leave after Pelosi’s call to 9-1-1 because, much like the American founding fathers with the British, he was fighting against tyranny without the option of surrender."

This sounds completely off-the-wall nutjob stuff. It also seems to echo what people on the left believe of all republicans. To that latter point, it seems to me...completely made up, or at the very best, the rambling of a mad man, distorted to neatly (too-neatly) fit a perception.

stlcdr said...

Blogger Terrye said...
I read through the comments, and it is nauseating to see the paranoia and level of disregard people on the right have for anyone other than themselves. Pelosi has been vilified for years and now the same people who make excuses for Trump's serial criminal behavior attack her because her husband was attacked in his home. I left the GOP because of this attitude. They turn a blind eye to violence when their side commits it. They also turn a blind eye to law breaking when their side is responsible....

You are the nauseating person. No one (on the right) in any shape or form has condoned anything like this behavior. It is not 'of the right' but that is a fiction you want to believe.

Your own hatred of the right has driven you to believe anything which remotely resembles your fiction. With no question, or thought. You were never in the GOP based on your blind commentary; that's just another smear tactic.

Laughing Fox said...

Just one apparent fact makes me doubt the official story: No security at the Pelosi house. No hired guard, no cameras, not even a burglar alarm when the window by the door is smashed? Sorry, it's not to be believed.

Sammy Finkelman said...

Ralph L said...

I read somewhere that he struck the blows in the presence of the police. Isn't immediately disarming civilians standard procedure?

Yes.. That's the reason Paul Pelosi's skull wound up being cracked

They were wrestling over the hammer (there was a second hammer, but David Depape had left it with the rest of kidnap or imprisonment tools)

The cops told them to drop the hammer. Paul Pelosi let go, but David DePape did not.

Because of that, DePape was able to hit Paul Pelosi several times over the head with the hammer and crack his skull.


. At 2:31 a.m., San Francisco Police Department (“SFPD”) Officer Colby Wilmes
responded to the Pelosi residence, California and knocked on the front door. When the door was opened, Pelosi and DEPAPE were both holding a hammer with one hand and DEPAPE had his other hand holding onto Pelosi’s forearm. Pelosi greeted the officers. The officers asked themwhat was going on. DEPAPE responded that everything was good.

DEPAPE pulled the hammer from Pelosi’s hand and swung the hammer, striking
Pelosi in the head. Officers immediately went inside and were able to restrain DEPAPE. While officers were restraining DEPAPE, Pelosi appeared to be unconscious on the ground...

Yeah. Suddenly, Pelosi was on the ground. They don't even say DePape struck him. Let alone that he released his grip on the hammer.

Not as good a policeman as the one who shot the girl about to stab another girl a year or two ago, but perhaps SF police are afraid of being chauvinated or are trained to give the mentally ill their space.

Could be, because if I have this right, the police knew which one of the two to shoot. Or at least which one of the two to tell them to let go of the hammer.

Sammy Finkelman said...

It does say they saw DePape strike Pelosi with the hammer (they first disrmedand restrained him, then noticed that Paul Pelosi had suffered a concussion.

It was Pelosi who opened the door, but the source for this is Depape:

DEPAPE stated that they went downstairs to the front door. The police arrived
and knocked on the door, and Pelosi ran over and opened it. Pelosi grabbed onto
DEPAPE’s hammer, which was in DEPAPE’s hand. At this point in the interview, DEPAPE repeated that DEPAPE did not plan to surrender and that he would go “through” Pelosi.

f. DEPAPE stated that he pulled the hammer away from Pelosi and swung the
hammer towards Pelosi. DEPAPE explained that Pelosi’s actions resulted in
Pelosi “taking the punishment instead.”

Instead of the cops, presumably.

DePape apparently thought that Paul Pelosi's motive for trying to take the hammer away from him was to protect the cops.

Sammy Finkelman said...

Sebastian said...

"DEPAPE stated he wanted to tie Pelosi up so that DEPAPE could go to sleep as he was tired from having had to carry a backpack to the Pelosi residence

Tie Nancy Pelosi up. Pelosi in this sentence is not capitalized and so means Nancy. PELOSI capitalized means only Paul Pelosi.

He was explaining that he explained to Paul that he needed to tie Nancy Pelosi up, once she arrived home, because he couldn't keep on imprisoned by threatening her if he went to sleep.


Sammy Finkelman said...

Correction: Pelosi is not capitalized anywhere. I;m not clear if Pelosi always refers to Paul.

Pelosi was interviewed by SFPD Officer Ariane Starks in the ambulance during
transport to San Francisco General Hospital. Pelosi stated he had never seen DEPAPE before.

Pelosi was asleep when DEPAPE came into Pelosi’s bedroom and stated he wanted to talk to “Nancy.”1 When Pelosi told him that Nancy was not there, DEPAPE stated that he would sit and wait. Pelosi stated that his wife would not be home for several days and then DEPAPE reiterated that he would wait. Pelosi was able to go into the bathroom which is when he was able to call 9-1-1. Pelosi stated that when the officers arrived, that was when DEPAPE struck him with the hammer.

Sammy Finkelman said...

So he wanted to tie Paul Pelosi up. (a late decision, but he probably needed Paul Pelosi to let himself be tied up

It is not only DePape's motives and his strategy that was off the wall -- his tactics were too,

He wanted him tied up so he could stay there up to several days till Nancy came home (and walked into his trap) Or maybe till he could...do what?

Jim at said...

I left the GOP because of this attitude.

Sure you did.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Terrye said...
I read through the comments, and it is nauseating to see the paranoia and level of disregard people on the right have for anyone other than themselves

There's long lists of non-leftists attacked by the Left, and the Left either ignoring, or celebrating it.

The "level of disregard people on the [left] have for anyone other than themselves" is nearly infinite, and massively more so than any such on the right.

As for "paranoia"? Between the "Trump Russia collusion" hoax and the Jan 6 hyperventilation, that's another glass house where you Lefties shouldn't' be throwing stones.

Only a moron still trusts the FBI. Only a moron trusts people who have information that could prove their claims, and don't release it.

Release the unredacted 911 call. Release the unreacted body cam video, with only Paul Pelosi's body blurred. The other guy's in shorts, so there's no need to blur anything on him

If they can't do that, it's because they're hiding something.

And if they're hiding something, there's absolutely no reason to trust anything they say

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