October 15, 2022

"In a grunt for attention, third-party Congressional candidate Mike Itkis has released a sex tape to highlight his sex positive campaign platform...."

"His issues include legalizing sex work, and making sexual rights explicit... Itkis said the video.... was his first time having sex on camera, and insisted he’s not an exhibitionist. 'I’m very much an introvert... I’m kind of a nerd who doesn’t like to be the center of attention if I can avoid it. But I thought the issues I’m trying to address are so important… I wanted to have my issues talked about in some way.'"

From "Manhattan congressional candidate publishes a porn video to highlight his sex positive platform/Mike Itkis is running against Rep. Jerry Nadler, and wants to legalize sex work" (City & State).

I'm not going to look at his "sex tape" but I see the photograph at the link and suspect that there's not much to see in the video. The mere idea of making a "sex tape" is supposed — correctly — to be enough to get our attention. Maybe I shouldn't blog this. I'm going out of my way to not blog other things in the news that are people getting attention for doing something to get attention. I guess I think this one is a bit funny and no Van Gogh paintings were harmed.


Tina Trent said...

Leftitarianism perfectly declaimed.

Gahrie said...

Hey, it worked for Paris and Kim...

Kate said...

"In a grunt for attention"? Haha! Well, there's an interesting sentence choice. I would agree he's being rather piggish.

I never thought I'd find Nadler to be the more reasonable candidate.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...


Wilbur said...

I would've been happy to watch it and report back, but could find no link for it anywhere. Even a Google search was negative.

My work is done.

Dave Begley said...

He’d have my vote over Jabba the Nadler.

Leland said...

But was a Jackson Pollock created?

tim maguire said...

An aspiring politician releasing his own sex tape—all in a day’s work for your standard issue introverted nerd.

mezzrow said...

Does he get an entry on IAFD now? Was he alone or were other humans involved?

Questions, we have questions. Something, something else, Heinlein's Crazy Years, yada yada yada... What a time to be alive, eh?

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

The Kardashianification of politics is now complete.

Rh would agree.

Howard said...

Burn the slut at the stake

Lurker21 said...

Not to be outdone, Nadler will soon release his own sex tape.

"Grunt for attention was nice," but are these things really "tapes" now? Or is "sex tape," like "porn star," a combination we just can't shake?

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

I just thought it was an abject waste of tomato soup.

Bob Boyd said...

I'm just grateful Nadler didn't take his clothes off.
Did you ever notice how high that guy hikes his pants up? He'd have reach over his shoulder to take out his wallet.

boatbuilder said...

If Nadler responds by making one of his own, the world will come to an end.

n.n said...

The sex. The sex. Casting couches everyone. Casting couches.

Temujin said...

The photo looks like a cheap imitation of Joe Biden.

wendybar said...

Gross. This would almost make me vote for the Penguin...Nadler. But seriously. WHAT the f*ck is wrong with the Progressive party that they think we want to see them have sex all the time?? Leave us alone!!

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Modern democrat party.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Jared Polis (D-spoiled brat) reduced the prison sentence of a man who killed 4 people in a fiery car crash from 110 years to 10, thanks to Kim Kardashian.

Polis did this before the Judge in the case made the his final sentencing.

You will worship the democrat party.

Ambrose said...

Anyone would be better than Nadler.

Leland said...

In the video, does he do a handstand and twerk? Asking for other Democrats that might be interested in voting for him.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Another Creep-in-Chief in the making (See Ann's following post about Creeper-Joe). I'm creeped-out just reading Ann's post.

I'd like to see Nadler put out to pasture, but not by this guy.

Lurker21 said...

Nadler reminds me of the old line, "He gets his suits made at Omar the Tentmaker's," though in this case it's more his pants.

Between Nadler and Itkis (a Ukraine-born Cornell-educated electrical engineer) I don't have dog in the fight. I would like to see Maebe A. Girl (the trans entertainer) win her fight against Adam Schiff, and maebe someday wield the gavel as Nancy Pelosi's natural successor.

Carol said...

I used to worry about teens using "sex work" as an easy solution to their future career worries, but Only Fans is already a thing, so

n.n said...

#LookAtMe, #FeelMe, #ProdMe, too.

Darkisland said...

Thanks to all of you for putting the poop-pants Nadler sex tape in my mind.

Now all I can think of is that old joke:

Hooker:what's that smell

Nadler:I'm too fat to come, honey, so I shit.

John stop fascism vote republican Henry

Tom T. said...

"Jerry Nadler" totally sounds like a porn actor's name.

Christopher B said...

And in election news that will really matter, Herschel Walker breaks loose and runs for a big gain Powerline and Red State

Aggie said...

Yawn. One candidate wears his pants at his neck, the other at his ankles.

That's the Democratic offering, in a nutshell.

Josephbleau said...

The famous Mattress Girl from Columbia made a weird sex tape too, probably trying to keep herself relevant. These acts counter the principle that there is no bad publicity.

n.n said...

In the Age of Uranus, that's not funny, and we're not serious.

Bonkti said...

Tom T. said...
"Jerry Nadler" totally sounds like a porn actor's name.

"It kiss" is rather too blunt and lacks the lyricism we've come to expect from that milieu.

Michael K said...

That guy will have to compete with Boebert's opponent in CO. His sex tape was made in a storage unit.

n.n said...

The Chinese implemented a sex positivity campaign to accompany and compensate for one-child under State's Choice.

JaimeRoberto said...

So the choice is between Nadler and nads. Hooray for Our Democracy.

William said...

Count your blessings. Imagine the trauma if a sex tape of Jerry Nadler became public. A gay tape of him and Ron Jeremy? Would that further or hinder rainbow causes? Nadler probably wouldn't engage in such tactics, but it's something to ponder as we contemplate the cheapening of American politics. Nadler has never met his nadir. It could happen.

Tom_Ohio said...

Its very laughable, I agree.
Is it real ? It's comedic nature leads one to believe that maybe it is and maybe it isn't.
How very "Jerry Seinfeld" of the writer if it is fictional.
If it is real the only note to make is who to ignore in the future, and whatever Party supported this level of bold/brave/stupid candidacy that they can muster.

I am gonna support "The Rent is Too Damned High" guy way more than this drivel, comedic or not, real or not.

GrapeApe said...

It’s an appeal to porn viewers. “I’m one of you!” Hope he has a big piece, else it’s a waste of effort.