September 6, 2022

"We want to prove that being nonpartisan is actually the more successful positioning."

Said Mathias Döpfner, quoted in "Politico’s new German owner has a ‘contrarian’ plan for American media/Mathias Döpfner has global ambitions for what he calls a more ‘nonpartisan’ kind of journalism — even as his own politics are hard to pin down" (Washington Post).
His own politics have remained something of a mystery.... But weeks before the 2020 U.S. presidential election, he sent a surprising message to his closest executives, obtained by The Washington Post: 
“Do we all want to get together for an hour in the morning on November 3 and pray that Donald Trump will again become President of the United States of America?” 
His email was inspired by a news story he shared about the government’s plans to sue Google for abuse of market dominance, an animating issue of his for years. 
But Döpfner went on to argue that Trump had made the right moves on five of what he deemed the six most important issues of the last half century — “defending the free democracies” against Russia and China, pushing NATO allies to up their contributions, “tax reforms,” and Middle East peace efforts, as well as challenging tech monopolies — if falling short, he implied, on climate change. 
“No American administration in the last 50 years has done more,” Döpfner concluded. Asked about the email, Döpfner initially responded with a forceful denial. “That’s intrinsically false,” he said. “That doesn’t exist. It has never been sent and has never been even imagined.” 
When shown a printout of the text, Döpfner allowed a glimmer of recognition. It’s possible, he said, that he may have sent the email “as an ironic, provocative statement in the circle of people that hate Donald Trump,” because that’s exactly the kind of ironic, provocative thing that Döpfner, a garrulous and enthusiastic texter, likes to do. 
“That is me,” he said. “That could be.”


wendybar said...

Maybe he is praying for another Donald Trump Presidency so that his site gets views again?? Donald Trump was the best thing that EVER happened to (fake) journalism in our lifetime. When they installed Biden, their ratings fell. They don't report on all the lies and crazy assed shit that Biden and his corrupt family does. And Kamala. Is she even on this planet anymore??

Yancey Ward said...

That a story is being written on Politico considering going non-partisan is an explicit admission that it was partisan to begin with.

Lurker21 said...

I might replace some of those with the border and the budget, but don't disagree with the memo. It might well have been tongue in cheek, though. The internet is made for trolling of one sort or another. In the new media, leg pulling is a feature, not a bug.

I note the Döpfner is part-owner of the Springer group. Axel Springer was Germany's Rupert Murdoch back when Murdoch was still back in Adelaide. Hatred of the sensationalist Bild newspaper and the Springer Press runs through postwar German history and literature. But just as the Murdochs aren't what they used to be, maybe the Springer Group isn't either.

Michael K said...

It will take a long time for the public, the nonpartisan public, to trust the corporate media again. Right now, they all are heading in the wrong direction.

hombre said...

As an ex-Democrat, being an Independent works for me. I can't imagine being a Republican.

Unfortunately, as is the case with many apostates I cannot conceal my zealous disdain for my former party. That may impair my "nonpartisanship."

Carol said...

Sounds like he supported trump for rational reasons. You know, issues and stuff.

But the haters are irrational so.

Jaq said...

Politico Europe has a pretty good rundown on some of the sleaze of the Biden family. The Hill was doing some pretty good work exposing the Ukraine corruption until some kind of putsch happened and the journalists doing the work got the 🥾.

Achilles said...

Trump is the definition of non-partisan.

The Republican Party hates him.

The Democrat party hates him.

Trump represents the poor/working class citizens in the United States. There are no parties for these people. There is no representation for them historically.

The opposition to Trump among the parties is classist in nature and tone.

He is outside the normal political structure representing people who have been locked out of politics.

AOC is popular among young people for a similar reason.

Joe Smith said...

Whatever Döpfner's politics, Trump is great for business.

If Trump ever does actually retire, media stocks will drop 40 percent.

Saint Croix said...

they have five core company values, including

free market economy

right of Israel to exist

"This special aspect about Israel is only understandable given the German history, and the fact that we are responsible for the Holocaust,” he said. “In that context, there is a special historic responsibility and a special affiliation to the idea of the state of Israel.... Don’t see these values as something that limits editorial freedom.”

I love this guy.

Saint Croix said...

they have five core company values, including

free market economy

right of Israel to exist

"This special aspect about Israel is only understandable given the German history, and the fact that we are responsible for the Holocaust,” he said. “In that context, there is a special historic responsibility and a special affiliation to the idea of the state of Israel.... Don’t see these values as something that limits editorial freedom.”

I love this guy.

(you suck Blogger!)

Saint Croix said...

they have five core company values, including

free market economy

right of Israel to exist

"This special aspect about Israel is only understandable given the German history, and the fact that we are responsible for the Holocaust,” he said. “In that context, there is a special historic responsibility and a special affiliation to the idea of the state of Israel.... Don’t see these values as something that limits editorial freedom.”

I love this guy.

(you really suck Blogger!)

Jaq said...

Something happened at Bloomberg too, which began to toe the line strictly on regime propaganda a couple of weeks after Biden’s war began.

madAsHell said...

All periodicals will announce themselves as non-partisan.

It's a marketing ploy that will never make it to a policy.

Jersey Fled said...

So CNN and Politico now have at least given lip service to taking a more nonpartisan approach. CNN has dumped three or four of its partisan hacks.

Do I sense a tipping point here? Have the people whose job it is to make a return for their shareholders finally begun to acknowledge what a disastrous future the Democrats have in store for us? Have the scales fallen from their eyes, courtesy of the disaster that is Joe Biden?

We can only hope.

Achilles said...

“defending the free democracies” against Russia and China, pushing NATO allies to up their contributions, “tax reforms,” and Middle East peace efforts, as well as challenging tech monopolies — if falling short, he implied, on climate change.

Neither party in DC actually supports any of these things.

Trump does.

Which is why the parties hate him.

Drago said...

Jersey Fled: "So CNN and Politico now have at least given lip service to taking a more nonpartisan approach. CNN has dumped three or four of its partisan hacks"

More precisely, the new owners of CNN and Politico have given both lip service and, in the case of CNN, begun the process of defumigating to the extent possible their gadfly-like lefty talking heads.

We will see if it continues.

Temujin said...

Imagine a publisher having a conservative view on things and -GASP!- acknowledging what Trump accomplished. How...objective of him.

rhhardin said...

There's no market for hard news. You can only get audience for the dem narrative or the right reaction to the dem narrative.

Carol said...

CNN used to seem nonpartisan, in the 80s. Before Rush started calling it the Clinton News Network. Not sure what caused him to say that.

But I don't mind a network being a little positive about the current admin as long as it is consistently so. I don't look to TV for deep news analysis anyway.

Trump deserved way more love than he got.

rehajm said...

Story template number 3 from the Spring 2022 Journolist Conference, breakout session: Resurrecting Your Rag’s Credibility for the Next Election Cycle After Burning It All in the Last Election Cycle.

Leland said...

As Althouse noted, it is an election year past Labor Day, so the election season has begun. Routine early activity is for the press to proclaim themselves non-partisan and thus capable of fairly assessing and reporting the news. Sort of like Sam Harris claiming to be non-partisan while also wanting to see a political opponent removed from office by any means necessary including false incrimination. See he can hold two opposing views at the same time, and thus he is an intellectual. Nope. They are the same dishonest political hacks they’ve always been and will say anything that gets them attention and then deny their narcissism.

rehajm said...

Do I sense a tipping point here? Have the people whose job it is to make a return for their shareholders finally begun to acknowledge what a disastrous future the Democrats have in store for us

I believe the error here is the assumption of profit motive (or loss mitigation). The motivation of a propaganda outfit is influence, not economics, and you can’t influence when everyone stops tuning in because they know you’re full of shit. Lucy’s gotta convince you she won’t pull the football away again, too…

Howard said...

Rhhardin: 180-degrees wrong. The demand for hard news greatly outstrips the supply of hard news events. There isn't much general public "hard news". Maybe a dozen real stories per year. The soap opera infotainment news is a substitute for the lack of real hard news. This is nothing new. It probably dates back to the dawn of Neanderthal days. Way WAY before the Yellow Journalism muckraking tabloid broadsheets.

Lance said...

"CNN has dumped three or four of its partisan hacks.

Do I sense a tipping point here?"

Who has CNN dumped besides Stelter and Wallace? Have they dumped Amanpour or Acosta? Lemon or Tapper? Maybe Licht really plans to go non-partisan, but maybe not.

n.n said...

Reporters without bias. Objective, even. Novel.

Narr said...

Achilles is correct: if Trump was actually a party guy, if he had kissed the asses and sucked the cocks of the real members of the Club--apprenticed, to coin a phrase--they couldn't hate him so fiercely.

I didn't vote for Trump in '16 (or for Mrs. C either--'Clinton' is something I wipe off my boots before going indoors) and had no reason to think he was or wasn't colluding with Putin. My instinct, which I told anyone who cared, was that there was no there there; I was right and those who cling bitterly to the theory are pathetic, tiny-brained wipers of other peoples' bottoms.

He has crippled the R party and may have destroyed it altogether, and the D party may well self-destruct in its frantic fear over the next few months.

Destroying--or revealing the venality and viciousness of--the so-called Two Party System, is a great, monumental, achievement.

Narr said...

"CNN Has dumped three or four of its partisan hacks."

Leaving what, hundreds?

Jersey Fled said...

"Who has CNN dumped besides Stelter and Wallace?"

Chris Cuomo, John Harwood.

dbp said...

"Döpfner has global ambitions for what he calls a more ‘nonpartisan’ kind of journalism — even as his own politics are hard to pin down" (Washington Post)."

I guess the idea of being nonpartisan is so alien to the Washington Post that they just can't comprehend it. Otherwise, they might have framed it thus:

Döpfner has global ambitions for what he calls a more ‘nonpartisan’ kind of journalism — mirroring how his own politics are hard to pin down" (Washington Post).

JK Brown said...

In May of 2016, Charles Murray wrote:

Without getting into the comparative defects of Clinton and Trump (disclosure: I’m #NeverTrump), I think it’s useful to remind everyone of the ways in which having a Republican president hasn’t made all that much difference for the last fifty years, with Ronald Reagan as the one exception.

Trump as a Republican president made very much a difference. So much difference that the FBI leadership, along with hordes of career bureaucrats actively worked to undermine his every move. Yet, Trump still made a very big difference.

And is still a big influence since building skycrapers of glass and steel in the heads of those who hate him.

Drago said...

Howard: "Rhhardin: 180-degrees wrong. The demand for hard news greatly outstrips the supply of hard news events."

Howard is 180 degrees wrong. Again. Moronically wrong.

There is an incredible volume of hard news just lying around but since 90% of it reflects badly on the left and New Soviet Democraticals, its all off limits.

Where did the Wuhan-bat virus come from Howard? Could it be the Wuhan bat virus lab?

Can't talk about it. Off limits.

Months of far lefty riots in 2020 that left over 60 dead, thousands injured, hundreds of cops injured, over $2B in insurance claims. Is that a story?

Can't talk about it. Dems deny it happened (looking at you Howard). Off limits.

Hunter laptop?

Can't talk about it. Off limits.

Seeing a pattern there Howard?

What's emanating from your penumbra said...

The fact that nonpartisan journalism can accurately be called "contrarian" is sad.

n.n said...

Döpfner has global ambitions for what he calls a more ‘nonpartisan’ kind of journalism — mirroring how his own politics are hard to pin down"
- alt-WaPo

So right. Cruel neutrality with underlying but not overwhelming bias is human, even humane. Prejudice is a progressive condition.

Howard said...

So I guess I overestimated how much hard news their actually is on a annual basis. If you look at Drago's post over the past two or three years there's only three or four hard news stories. They were all covered otherwise how would he knowed about them?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Achilles 10:37 You nailed it. All good points. All true.

Democrats who slag hate at Trump now should be forced to return all the donations he gave them through the years when he was paying both sides the way "good" billionaires do. Clinton alone got a lot of dough from Donny from Queens. Like Schumer and Pelosi. They are so lacking in class!

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Not sure what caused him to say that.

As I recall it was Bernard Shaw scowling like he licked a lemon every time he spat out the word "Republican" that did it. Ted Turner kept pushing them to oppose Republicans.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

The demand for hard news greatly outstrips the supply of hard news events.

LOL as if facts went away. It isn't that hard Howard to appear objective and stick to facts.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Ukraine War was hard news, and reporters should have been more willing to dig into who Zelensky is before making him out to be anti-Putin: they and their regimes are more alike than different.

Michael K said...

Howard, one reason I don't read the LA Times or the NY Times or the WaPoo is that the "news" is always distorted by the "narrative." Why do certain themes appear suddenly in many leftist sources all at once ? There still is lots of real news but the corporate media is not the place to find it.

realestateacct said...

People pay a lot for hard news from trusted sources. You can't expect free or cheap news to be anything but infotainment.

MadTownGuy said...

Claiming to be 'non-partisan' is sort of like saying 'I'm not about left or right, I'm about top vs. bottom' - which is solidly left wing class struggle all the way.

MadTownGuy said...

Achilles said...

"He [Trump] is outside the normal political structure representing people who have been locked out of politics.

AOC is popular among young people for a similar reason.

I think people in general who like AOC like the idea of AOC as an outsider, but if they knew that the ruling model she stands for is totalitarian and tends toward micromanagement (you must grow yuca, not cauliflower) they might take a harder look.

MadTownGuy said...

Achilles said...

"He [Trump] is outside the normal political structure representing people who have been locked out of politics.

AOC is popular among young people for a similar reason.

I think people in general who like AOC like the idea of AOC as an outsider, but if they knew that the ruling model she stands for is totalitarian and tends toward micromanagement (you must grow yuca, not cauliflower) they might take a harder look.

mikee said...

Will the ads be any better with a shakeup of the attention-grabbing material printed in between them?

Josephbleau said...

"People pay a lot for hard news from trusted sources. You can't expect free or cheap news to be anything but infotainment."

Yes, I gladly pay for various market journals that are carefully controlled. If they started leaking I would pay no more.

Drago said...

Howard: "So I guess I overestimated how much hard news their actually is on a annual basis."

Once again, as always, you are 100% incorrect, which is really rather astonishing since even a 2 year old if given choices is bound to get something right every once in awhile.

Here, lets try this one Howard: Is inflation still "non-existent" or "temporary" to you?

Were there truly only a "handful" (your estimate) of Americans left behind in Afghanistan, or was it more like 14,000?

Have you accepted Ashley Biden was forced to shower with her father when she was an adolescent? (seems like a big deal to the normals)

Why are the New Soviet Democraticals so very, very, (did I mention "very"?) adament that no weapons or cash deliveries to Ukraine be traced or tracked? Gee, that seems like it should be kind of a big deal. Are the Ukrainians still kicking back 10% for The Big Guy?

Any thoughts on Boston Childrens hospital carving up gender-confused adolescents (who became confused after your democratical groomers got through with them)...after lying about not doing it...then being exposed as having done it?

Seems like kind of a big deal.

Remember when you claimed "right wing news" was lying about thousands of illegals being kept under a couple overpasses in Texas some time back (I will give you credit for not claiming overpasses don't exist, that's a big step up for you) and that there was no crisis at all? According to you it was all made up.

Having recollected that, what are your thoughts about Lori Lightfoot declaring an "emergency" after just 100 illegals were bussed to Chicago?

How about Biden's Earpiece going Full Gadfly/Howard and continuing to lie about Capital Police officers being killed on Jan 6?

How about that new gas pipeline deal between Russia (currently swimming in Biden Bucks/Rubles) and your beloved Hunter/Joe Sponsor ChiComs? Looks like more ready cash for Putin and his wars....just as Slow Joe intended. That's no doubt going to result in a heckuva lot more coke/meth and underage trafficked prostitutes for Hunter!

I know you don't begrudge him a good time on our dime.

So many hard news topics out there that the lefty media has been told not to cover. And as Slow Joe has explained, you guys aren't allowed to deviate 1 iota from the narrative, are you?

Lurker21 said...

Even "24 hour news" channels have a lot of filler. Anthony Bourdain. Stanley Tucci. Sanjay Gupta. So it's not hard to imagine that a cable channel could find enough news to talk about, given all the filler. For a website it's possible too. People often only get half the news. Put both sides on a website and see what happens. Maybe it would fail, but it doesn't look like anybody's actually done it.

Mikey NTH said...

Listen to what they say but watch what they do is another way of saying trust but verify. Remain open and trust to your own sense and experience.

Now an interesting open source evaluation on the Ukraine war is on YouTube the channel Perun. It is about once a week and the episodes are about an hour or so long. No rah-rah at all, and I think these are quite good.

Look at them or not, however I have never been able to say a PowerPoint could be interesting, yet to me they are.

Mikey NTH said...

Listen to what they say but watch what they do is another way of saying trust but verify. Remain open and trust to your own sense and experience.

Now an interesting open source evaluation on the Ukraine war is on YouTube the channel Perun. It is about once a week and the episodes are about an hour or so long. No rah-rah at all, and I think these are quite good.

Look at them or not, however I have never been able to say a PowerPoint could be interesting, yet to me they are.

Mikey NTH said...

Sorry about the double post, but I get the Blogger whoops and then try again.

Howard said...

Look at Drago go. He like the Energizer bunny driven by MTG via neuralink.

Tim said...

It has been a while, but wasn't that going to be Politico's thing at startup? Non-biased reporting? There are no do-overs in this world, as CNN is finding out. Once you squander the trust of the people, they are very hesitant to give it back.

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

Howard goes with "MTG" for his latest distractor ploy.

Not exactly a stellar performance there Howard.

Something that your parents were no doubt told quite often in their parent teacher conferences, to be sure.

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