September 16, 2022

Vertical panorama — sunrise + moon.



Jefferson's Revenge said...

It is possible that in my entire long life I have never seen anything as hypocritical and the Chicago, DC, NYC and Martha Vineyard reaction the a handful of immigrants landing in their sanctuary cities. It's almost like a Mel Brooks movie at this point.

CJinPA said...

Nicely done!

Buckwheathikes said...

I see that the Massachusetts Governor activated the National Guard to remove the 50 illegal immigrants from Cape Cod.

They've been flown off the island and to Joint Base Cape Cod (US Air Force base).

50 people caused a "humanitarian crisis" requiring the National Guard to intervene and now these people are being held on a military base. 125 National Guardsman (that's 2.25 national guardsman per illegal alien) made sure nobody "missed their flight" so to speak.

The Liberal Richie Riches have rid themselves of their uninvited leaf-blowers.

Ron DeSantis is a genius. I expect they will now arrest him along with Trump - for, you know - reasons.

So if 50 people causes a humanitarian crisis requiring the intervention of the National Guard, what does that say about Biden and Harris' open borders immigration policy which has seen millions of these people entering our country illegally, many of them being flown around the country by the US federal government under cover of darkness?

Buckwheathikes said...

Joe Biden today:

"We need to modernize our immigration laws so businesses get workers they need."

It's all about keeping wages down by keeping the supply of bodies up. It's worked like a charm as real wages in the United States are falling (real wages being wages with inflation factored in).

Biden is the President for big business, and wants your job to be handed over to illegals because they'll work cheaper than you will.

Drago said...

Jefferson's Revenge: "It is possible that in my entire long life I have never seen anything as hypocritical and the Chicago, DC, NYC and Martha Vineyard reaction the a handful of immigrants landing in their sanctuary cities. It's almost like a Mel Brooks movie at this point."

Ponder the "quality" of the "thinking" of leftists at Althouse blog (Howard, gadfly, Inga, Left Bank, Freder, jim5301, victoria, et al) and absolutely nothing should surprise you about the hypocrisy/lies of the New Soviet Democraticals. Ever.

Jupiter said...

You know, there is something very weird about how small the Moon is, once it gets away from the horizon. Very weird.

Gusty Winds said...

That's a beautiful photo. Best Wisconsin has to offer.

Speaking of beautiful places, the latest in Martha's Vineyard hospitality news:

"Massachusetts authorities said they will move approximately 50 migrants from the island of Martha’s Vineyard to a military base in Cape Cod so they can find shelter and chart next steps..."

Martha's Vineyard's "all are welcome" hospitality lasted what...36 hours? Have you ever seen empty virtue signaling hypocrisy so clearly and quickly illustrated? Amazing really.

Videos of the arrival of the deportation buses up on Twitter.

Also...seems to be some community infighting on FB community groups. One virtue signaling white woman asking "what else do they need"? Reply is "Pat...they need housing. You have two summer rentals".

Jupiter said...

"They've been flown off the island and to Joint Base Cape Cod (US Air Force base)."

Actually, they were bused off the Island.

Can't have them taking up space reserved for "real" homeless people, who have been certified by the Democrat mafia. These are second-class homeless people.

Beasts of England said...


Gusty Winds said...

Do you think anyone on Martha's Vineyard is feeling at all a little self-conscious? Embarrassed? Humiliated at the national attention focused on their "all are welcome" signs, followed by the shock horror of immigrant arrival and the quick deportation?

I don't think you can find one Martha's Vineyard resident feeling that way. T

They wouldn't live on Martha's Vineyard if they were capable of it. It requires humility and self-awareness.

Quayle said...

50 people caused a "humiliation crisis"

Gusty Winds said...

WOW!! Read this article/editorial written by Gloria Romero… Democrat, Latina, and former Majority Leader of the California State Senate.

Headline is:

I'm a Latina Democrat - and if progressives think DeSantis appalls me, they're dead wrong': In a searing attack on 'smug liberals', top former party leader powerfully declares it's time for her own side to get real about America's border crisis

DeSantis struck a nerve….

West TX Intermediate Crude said...

Being of a certain age, I find it useful to start each day with a bowl of Fiber One cereal.
HEB no longer sells it, so I go to WalMart every few months and stock up.
The receipt from my last trip in June was in the trunk when I loaded after shopping.
The price in early June: 4.18 per box.
Today, 4.98.
Annualized, an increase of 69%.
That's getting into early Weimar territory, or Zimbabwe.

It occurred to me that the last time we had inflation this high, >40 years ago, grocery prices were stamped on each item. That made it easier to compare prices and note how quickly prices are inflating. It's one thing to read online that inflation is whatever number the govt is saying it is (seasonally adjusted, using whatever index looks least worse). It's entirely different to finish up a box of 4.19 cereal and replace it at 4.98.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Unless your life is in danger, don't call the police for help.

Link to police cam video

You never know what kind of cop you are going to get.

Rollo said...

You can't be bussed off the island. They took the ferry.

Humperdink said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Humperdink said...

Planning for the future, government officials on Martha's Vineyard have requested and received anti-aircraft weapons from the Bidas Administration™ to destroy unwanted incoming aircraft. Planes departing from the deep south and southwest will be the intended targets. Corporate jets will continue be welcomed. It was noted that former commander-in-chief and current resident Barack H. Obama has agreed to command the unit.

Buckwheathikes said...

"Do you think anyone on Martha's Vineyard is feeling at all a little self-conscious? Embarrassed?"

Yes. They're horribly embarrassed. Everyone can see what fucking assholes they are.

And they're going to start agitating to put DeSantis and Abbot in the same jail cell with Trump. Epstein's jail cell. So they can commit suicide. Like Epstein did.

These horrid, horrid people don't like it when you show the world what they really are. They got theirs and by goddamn they're not going to have it ruined by a bunch of fucking poors who don't know their place is behind a leafblower and then OFF THE ISLAND.

They don't like it one little bit. Look how quickly they enlisted the military to deal with their immigration problem and get rid of those people off their island.

And look how very quick the military was only too happy to oblige and are now holding these people on a military installation.

Where do you think this leads? These very rich liberals are going to start agitating for Joe Biden to put down the insurgency of American citizens showing them up. It's going to lead to a lot of death.

rhhardin said...

You can stay in Martha's Vineyard if you take refuge in a church, I bet. If they have a church.

Narr said...

I left for a few hours and came back to 120 comments on the David Brooks thread. I can't face a catch-up slog now so will just say that he is as egregious as the egregious Frum.

The hypocrisy of the nattering asses of the chattering classes is beyond parody. I would suggest that if there is any way for the border authorities to pull out the potentially most dangerous and send them to our most exclusive D-voting neighborhoods, they should do so.

Drago said...

John Hayward on twitter:

"1. Sending 50 migrants to Martha's Vineyard is like the Holocaust

2. HAHAHA, you just gave us a chance to show how compassionate we are

3. We demand emergency assistance

4. Get these damn migrants off our island

5. Call out the National Guard!


So very, very true.

Howard said...

Less than a week of summer left. Life Moves Pretty Fast. If You Don't Stop And Look Around Once In A While, You Could Miss It.

Tomorrow a group of us are heading up to Southern New Hampshire for a chilly pond swim followed by an easy hike up to the top of Mt. Monadnock. It's kinda sorta like the Mt Diablo of New England where you can see seemingly see forever. At least all the way to the White Privilege Mountains, the Green Mountains and around to Boston. Then Sunday morning a nice relaxing open water swim in our home Center Mass pond.

madAsHell said...

Why does Biden use a hand-held microphone when there is a microphone mounted on the podium?

alanc709 said...

Rollo said...
You can't be bussed off the island. They took the ferry.

The ferry doesn't allow motor vehicles? Seriously?

RigelDog said...

Another Maxfield Parrish from our Gracious Host!

Mutaman said...

Jefferson's Revenge said...

" It is possible that in my entire long life I have never seen anything as hypocritical and the Chicago, DC, NYC and Martha Vineyard reaction the a handful of immigrants landing in their sanctuary cities."

Obviously didn't teach proofreading at Trump University.

Mutaman said...

"Buckwheathikes said..."

Hay Sparky-did you finally confirm that Kenn Starr represented Jeffrey Epstein? Got him a pretty sweet deal too.

Wa St Blogger said...

Obviously didn't teach proofreading at Trump University.

When you don't have an argument...

Joe Smith said...

Last time I checked, Martha’s Vineyard is located on stolen Native American land.

Give it back.

Jaq said...

I get a kick out of Howard saying "You people," it's like when Teddy Roosevelt said "Bully!", Or Teddy Kennedy said "And when I returned, Mary Jo and the car were gone."

Jaq said...

The Martha's Vineyard thing was a 'stunt,' the essential and defining element of a stunt is that it draws attention. I think it was great, it created new facts on the ground and elicited such obvious hypocrisy that there is no covering it up with rhetoric.

Saint Croix said...

I know we’re all sick of the word “racist” and how often it’s overused. But there is a real ideology called racism, many people subscribe to it. And just about everybody would deny being a racist if you called them on it. Liberals have been racist for decades and they are getting worse at it. Let me explain what I mean. I just read the most appalling and completely racist article in Vanity Fair. It’s called The Undertow and it’s about the killing of Ashli Babbitt.

(I’m away from my computer so I’m not going to try to link to it).

As many people remember, there were race riots in 2020 after the killings of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor. Ashli Babbitt was killed in a very similar situation. Her killing by the police was not investigated. Nobody was arrested. Nobody was tried.

The disparate treatment is obvious. And I believe the skin color of the victims played a major role in the disparate treatment.

I realize that equal treatment under the law will never be 100%. But racial discrimination is obviously bad and our authorities should stop doing that shit. There is no helpful racial discrimination. It’s a horrible idea to prosecute white-on-black crime while you look the other way when it’s black-on-white crime. And if you feel sympathy for the cops that should apply across the board.

Mutaman said...

Wa St Blogger said...

"When you don't have an argument.."

"I have never seen anything as hypocritical and the Chicago, DC, NYC and Martha Vineyard reaction the a handful of immigrants landing in their sanctuary cities." (SIC)

How do you argue against gibberish? Maybe you can translate this for me.

n.n said...

Racism is a subset of diversity [dogma] (i.e. color judgment, class-based bigotry), including, but not limited to: racism, sexism, ageism. Diversity [dogma] denies individual dignity, individual conscience, intrinsic value, and normalizes color blocs, color quotas, and affirmative discrimination, notably under the Pro-Choice ethical religion. One step forward, two steps backward.

Michael K said...

Blogger Howard said...

Less than a week of summer left. Life Moves Pretty Fast. If You Don't Stop And Look Around Once In A While, You Could Miss It.

Tomorrow a group of us are heading up to Southern New Hampshire for a chilly pond swim followed by an easy hike up to the top of Mt. Monadnock.

Why I thought you'd be volunteering to aid those poor "migrants" who were kicked off Martha's Vineyard. Funny how that works.

Mutaman said...

Blogger Buckwheathikes said...

"These horrid, horrid people don't like it when you show the world what they really are. They got theirs and by goddamn they're not going to have it ruined by a bunch of fucking poors who don't know their place is behind a leafblower and then OFF THE ISLAND."

Just another sincere participant in the democratic process.

Buckwheathikes said...

Governor DeSantis and Governor Abbot need to notify the Martha's Vineyard authorities that they plan on shipping in 5,000 new illegal leaf-blowers a week for the duration of Joe Biden's presidency.

You know, so they can prepare themselves. This is the new Ellis Island.

If Joe Biden can willy-nilly put a bunch of bodies on planes and fly them to remote locations during the night, under the cover of darkness, why ... that's not HUMAN TRAFFICKING is it? That's just immigration policy.

Guess what. Florida has an immigration policy too. And that's to provide these nice people with the best possible island locales available in the United States. Fresh air, sunny beaches, etc., etc.

Enjoy the fruits of your labors, assholes.

Hey, I know ... maybe you should fake an election and install your favored candidate. Then, you know, no mean Tweets and stuff.

Michael K said...

Blogger Howard said...

Less than a week of summer left. Life Moves Pretty Fast. If You Don't Stop And Look Around Once In A While, You Could Miss It.

Tomorrow a group of us are heading up to Southern New Hampshire for a chilly pond swim followed by an easy hike up to the top of Mt. Monadnock.

Why, I thought you'd be volunteering to aid those poor "migrants" who were kicked off Martha's Vineyard. Funny how that works.

Gusty Winds said...

Howard said...

It's kinda sorta like the Mt Diablo of New England where you can see seemingly see forever. At least all the way to the White Privilege Mountains, the Green Mountains and around to Boston. Then Sunday morning a nice relaxing open water swim in our home Center Mass pond.

The White Privilege Mountains...that's hilarious Howard. Weekend sounds awesome. Have fun.

Peace be with you. September and October in SE Wisconsin are our best weather months. Lakes are still warm. Sunsets turn red by late Sept. Lasts a couple of weeks. Fall in the Kettle Moraine Valley just NW of Milwaukee (where the glacier ended) is beautiful.

We share a planet.

"We aren't in the same class. Just don't forget that some of us watch the sunset too." - Ponyboy Curtis - The Outsiders

Maybe that's why Althouse and Meade's sunrise and sunset photos are such a hit.

n.n said...

Not merely hypocrisy, but bigotry (i.e. sanctimonious hypocrisy) writ large. Let us bray.

Narr said...

Speaking of views to the east, Jupiter is rising bright and bold in the early evenings. Go out and look after dark if the weather allows.

Gusty Winds said...

Picture the movie.

Forbidden love.

"In a world...where she's vaccinated...and he's not." Two people meet. Fall in love. It's 50 Shades of Gray....Bridges of Madison County...The Outsiders...

...and then she finds out...he's a Trump voter....

Buckwheathikes said...

Scene: Ron DeSantis is wearing a black and white suit. Freshly pressed. White flower pinned to his lapel. He's leaning up against the Greyhound bus station in Martha's Vineyard, sucking on a toothpick.

"Hey," says Ron, to nobody in particular.

"Nice little island you got here. Be a shame if somebody, oh, I dunno, slashed the property values in half overnight."

It's almost like these stupid Democrats don't realize we've been taking notes about how they play the game and that we intend to WIN the game they started, and with the rules they created.

You know how you exact revenge on a rich person? You make them back into a fucking poor person. That's the best revenge. And it's really, really easy. Just start shitting on their lawns. And that's what is coming. We're going to have an Alinsky shit-out on Martha's Vineyard.

If you're a Realtor on Martha's Vineyard, you might want to move to Nantucket. The neighborhood is spoiled. And it's about to get very smelly.

Buckwheathikes said...

Scene: Ron DeSantis is wearing a black and white suit. Freshly pressed. White flower pinned to his lapel. He's leaning up against the Greyhound bus station in Martha's Vineyard, sucking on a toothpick.

"Hey," says Ron, to nobody in particular.

"Nice little island you got here. Be a shame if somebody, oh, I dunno, slashed the property values in half overnight."

It's almost like these stupid Democrats don't realize we've been taking notes about how they play the game and that we intend to WIN the game they started, and with the rules they created.

You know how you exact revenge on a rich person? You make them back into a fucking poor person. That's the best revenge. And it's really, really easy. Just start shitting on their lawns. And that's what is coming. We're going to have an Alinsky shit-out on Martha's Vineyard.

If you're a Realtor on Martha's Vineyard, you might want to move to Nantucket. The neighborhood is spoiled. And it's about to get very smelly.

Wa St Blogger said...

How do you argue against gibberish? Maybe you can translate this for me.

When you still don't have an argument...

Saint Croix said...

I don’t know if y’all have noticed this, but there has been a radical change in how journalists write about people with black skin. They write “Black” now. This might seem like a minor thing.

I understand there were a lot of race riots in 2020. And the Black Lives Matter movement. So in a spasm of racial solidarity, some liberal at the Associated Press decides to racialize the AP Style Guide. So if you are wondering, hey, why is every journalist and their sister suddenly using a capital B for black? They are mindlessly following the racist rule put out by the AP. Black Lives Matter. Everybody else matters a little less. Liberals have been doing this shit for so long, they have forgotten how racist it is.

We are not seeing human beings or individuals when we talk this way. It’s poison. In the course of my life, liberals have gone from “racism is bad” to “racism is bad and only white people can do it.” It’s embarrassing. To have some white child from the Ivy League (I’m guessing) lecture me about Whiteness. You don’t believe in Satan but Whiteness is a thing. It doesn’t eat or drink or sleep or bleed and somehow we have to kill it. It haunts the Ivy League, where one out of four women are sexually assaulted every year. Why would anybody want to go there? Maybe the racists are doing us a favor when they keep us out.

Josephbleau said...

“How do you argue against gibberish? Maybe you can translate this for me.”

It is disgusting when someone has so little generosity that they loudly insult someone for making a few typos. It says a lot about the person doing the insulting.

Rusty said...

Don't be so hard on Howard. The illegals are going to be their sherpas. And if the illegals do a good job they'll all get shiny beads and a pat on the head and maybe a blanket to sleep under. They won't be cold because the good intensions of Howard and his friends will keep their sherpas warm.

Mutaman said...

Wa St Blogger said...

"When you still don't have an argument..."

Whats the point of arguing- its not like you Know Nothings are going to accept evidence and reason.
"Duuuuuu I went to bed and Trump was ahead. Duuuuu I woke up and he was behind. It was clearly rigged!"

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