September 5, 2022

"Timothy Thibault, the FBI agent alleged to have interfered with an investigation into Hunter Biden, was assigned by the Washington Field Office as 'point man' to manage whistleblower Tony Bobulinski..."

"...  the first son’s former business partner, before the 2020 election — but he suppressed his damning revelations, sources say. Bobulinski spent over five hours secretly being interviewed by the FBI on Oct. 23, 2020, about his inside knowledge of then-presidential candidate Joe Biden’s involvement in his son’s business deals with China. The previous day he had revealed in a press conference that Joe Biden was the 'Big Guy' due to get a 10% cut of a lucrative joint venture with Chinese energy firm CEFC, according to an email found on Hunter’s abandoned laptop. Bobulinski gave the FBI the contents of three cellphones containing encrypted messages between Hunter and his business partners, along with emails and financial documents detailing the Biden family’s corrupt influence peddling operation in foreign countries during Joe’s vice presidency. But his evidence appears to have fallen into the same black hole at the FBI as Hunter’s laptop, never to be seen again...."


Wilbur said...

Another report of the corrupt and politically biased FBI.

Dog bites man.

Michael said...

One of the most disturbing trends of past three decades is how elected officials have amassed muliti-multi-million dollar fortunes while in office.

Bob Boyd said...

Can you imagine being Joe Biden's son? Sometimes I think Hunter has been blinking his eyes in Morse Code for years.

wendybar said...

Thibault belongs in prison WITH the Corrupt Bidens, Clintons and Obamas. This is getting ridiculous. You have to be deaf, dumb and blind NOT to see the corruption.

rehajm said...

…and a big Labor Day fuck you to anyone criticizing The New York Post yesterday, especially anyone and everyone at The New York Times.

gilbar said...

his inside knowledge of then-presidential candidate Joe Biden’s involvement in his son’s business deals with China.

hard to believe that this guy hasn't been suicided yet!

Gusty Winds said...

There are dirty hands all over our federal and state governments. Dirty from picking all the ripe fruit than makes them millionaires after being elected. But the problem is liberal institutions that benefit from the distribution of the money don’t care about the 10% to the big guy. They know it’s real. You think the green grifters care? Or the University and Teachers Union grifters? How about the defense contractors selling weapons to Ukraine? Biden just asked Congress for another $13.7 billion for Ukraine. They reward their constituents well.

2020 was the end of our “democracy” the Democrats pretend to hold so dear. The coordinated suppression of information and the targeted voter fraud was real. Biden was and is the perfect corrupt puppet for installation. Corrupt enough to accept being installed as President. Evil enough to label the half the of America that can see through all this bullshit, a clear and present danger less than two years later.

But what can you do when the DOJ and FBI are as corrupt as the politicians? Does anyone still believe we can just “vote” this away?

Heartless Aztec said...

The J. Edgar Hoover building should be torn down and the ground it existed on be given the Carthage treatment - salted.

Dave Begley said...

What?! Joe Biden was bribed by the Chinese? Isn’t that a crime? What happened to the Rule of Law Joe was screaming about in Philly?

Mike Sylwester said...

Before our 2016 Presidential election, our Intelligence Community was obsessed with a fear that Hillary Clinton might lose to Donald Trump because of an October Surprise. The basic idea was that Russian Intelligence had stolen a huge number of her e-mails and computer files and would alter and then release many of them to the public a short time before Election Day.

The public still does not know the evidence that her e-mails and files were stolen by Russian Intelligence. The evidence has not been subjected to analysis and criticism by computer experts outside our Intelligence Community. I myself doubt that the evidence would stand up to such criticism.

Anyway, no such October Surprise ever has happened. Even without it, Trump defeated Clinton.


I suspect that the Intelligence Community's persistent true believers in that 2016 paranoia continued in 2020 to follow the same playbook in regard to Hunter Biden's laptop.

Once again, Russian Intelligence supposedly stole the computer files and would alter and release many of them to the public shortly before the 2020 election.

Part of this paranoia is a certainty that:

1) the Russian Government wants Trump to win the USA's Presidential election.

2) Russian Intelligence has compromised and is even blackmailing Trump

3) Many of Trump's policies in relation to Russia, NATO, etc. are evidence that he is being controlled by Russian Intelligence.

MikeR said...

"He won, didn't he?" Another NY Post story to suppress.

Mike Sylwester said...

For sure, much hacking of computers throughout the world is done from Russia.

Our Intelligence Community seems to attribute practically all that hacking to Russian Intelligence.


How much hacking of computers throughout the world is done from the USA?

Are we supposed to assume likewise that practically all those hackers are working for US Intelligence?

Fred Drinkwater said...

Into the memory hole...
Did it fall or was it pushed?

Jersey Fled said...

Move along. Nothing to see here.

Mark said...

'sources say'

It's amazing how credulous NYPost reporters are.

R C Belaire said...

Yeah, but Trump published mean tweets and is a narcissist.

As Instapundit is wont to say, all our institutions are corrupted.

Money Manger said...

So many open questions…. Fortunately a team of senior investigative reporters from the New York Times has been assigned to the story.

rwnutjob said...

I saw Bobulinski's interview on Fox before I stopped watching all news channels & was like, holy crap, he has the receipts. Media: Cover the story with a pillow until it stops breathing

Buckwheathikes said...

"Bob asked: "Can you imagine being Joe Biden's son? Sometimes I think Hunter has been blinking his eyes in Morse Code for years."

Hunter Biden's a big boy. He can take care of himself.

Can you imagine being Joe Biden's daughter? Being forced to shower with Daddy way past the age when it would be appropriate?

That's what Ashley Biden wrote in her diary. She blamed her own toxic addition to sex on showers with Daddy - Joe Biden. That's why the FBI launched a criminal investigation into the news organization which received her diary (she abandoned it in a hotel room).

Our nation is led by an actual incestuous pedophile. We should all be ashamed.

Buckwheathikes said...

The FBI hides criminal information on the President and his family's crimes so that they can control the President. When they control all the evidence (whether it gets leaked or not) they control the man.

That's how corrupt your country is.

Breezy said...

The FBI is the reason our energy-based economy is so bad, that fentanyl and human trafficking is rampant on our borders, that Russia invaded Ukraine, that crime is at 30 yr high in our major cities, that student loan debt forgiveness will rob the working class, etc. if they hadn’t interfered, we wouldn’t have President Biden.

RoseAnne said...

Blogger Bob Boyd said...
Can you imagine being Joe Biden's son? Sometimes I think Hunter has been blinking his eyes in Morse Code for years.

I have had the same impression about Ashley (his daughter) as well as about Hunter.

tommyesq said...

Timothy Thibault is the Forrest Gump of the FBI - he keeps popping up at the center of all Trump-related investigations. I wonder why that would be the case...

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The likelihood is that this is just the tip of the iceberg. The corruption is deeper and bigger.

mezzrow said...

I'm a bit miffed that I won't be around in fifty years to catch up with all the facts that emerge regarding this time we live in today. Who is our Mark Felt?

How they will shake their heads and wonder how the perpetrators got away it. Remember when you'd read history as a kid and wonder how people could have been so stupid, short sighted, greedy, and evil? And how they managed to get away with it?

The more things change...

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The Loyal dutiful Collective Hivemind Democrat party base?

That's all Russian disinformation! robot robot robot

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

You'd think that all the major d-hack "news" networks would be anxious to speak to Bobulinski.

Dave Begley said...

I just finished watching “Peakey Blinders” on Netflix. Good!

It was a criminal organization in England. It bribed the cops so that they could commit crimes and not get arrested.

The Democrat Party is a criminal organization. They’ve bribed the FBI so that they can commit crimes. Omertà is strictly observed. Friends are rewarded with money for doing favors for the Mob.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Someone left the cake out in the rain.
Depending on who wins in Ukraine
I don't think that I can take it
'Cause it took so long to bake it
And I'll never have that recipe again
Oh no!

J Melcher said...

I read the headline "... was assigned to ..." meaning that, THIS WEEK after being removed from his present assignment in FBI HQ, the agent just received a new assignment.

The body of the story gives me the better information, that the agent during some previous months weeks (as I would have phrased it) "HAD BEEN assigned to ..."

Another structural and systemic bias of the news.

narciso said...

He is represented by the 20th hijackers firm, tybalt is

Sebastian said...

Of course the Bidens are corrupt. The Chinese and the Ukrainians and the Moscow mayor's wife didn't pay Hunter because he was a great guy.

Of course the FBI and the DOJ are deep-state political outfits. Kid gloves for Hillary, the Russia collusion hoax, the laptop "disinformation" gambit--Dem operators work hard for the party.

But missing in the reports on the swamp and its denizens is how our actual adversaries see it. The Russians know they didn't collude or fill Hunter's laptop with porn and yet see the prog establishment flogging collusion. The Chinese know they got to the Bidens and yet see Joe become president unscathed, with prog protection. Conclusion 1: U.S. progs are like the Russians and Chinese themselves, entirely cynical power players who will do anything for domestic advantage. Conclusion 2: unlike the Russians and Chinese, U.S. progs also despise their own country and are willing to weaken it for domestic advantage, including by making their parochial ploys transparent to adversaries.

Bobb said...

Democrats regularly shout, "Nobody is above the law!" They do consider the Democrat elites to be outside the law.

D.D. Driver said...

Wait! Aren't these the top men that will catch all of the drug dealers we will be executing so we can be more drugfree like China? I can't think of single problem with that.

Achilles said...

Mark said...

'sources say'

It's amazing how credulous NYPost reporters are.

The Biden's are immensely wealthy.

I am curious how you think they can be a family of billionaires without taking bribes and selling out the United States?

What do you get covering for Joe Biden's obvious corruption? He is fucking you over. Your tax dollars are clearly going right into his pocket?

How can you Biden supporters be so stupid?

michaele said...

It is hard not to feel physically nauseous over realities like this. I had so hoped that the 2020 election would just be untainted by any shenanigans. To have important federal agencies picking sides and acting on those preferences is sickening. High up FBI members obviously tried to sabotage Trump's time in office from 2016 on with all the Russian collusion garbage and then to play dirty during 2020 and beyond by squelching the truth about the Hunter Biden laptop which opened the door to the sad truth about 10% for "the big guy". Our poor, poor country.

Achilles said...

D.D. Driver said...

Wait! Aren't these the top men that will catch all of the drug dealers we will be executing so we can be more drugfree like China? I can't think of single problem with that.

This person is posting in bad faith.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Biden could confess and his loyal hivemind base would still love him.

"It's all Russian disinformation!" They screech in unison.


--- Funny how the left can over-look anything in the name of loyalty.

And they have ZERO intellectual curiosity about Hunter Biden's massive wealth - even tho he is a total loser and has admitted he has no skills or background in the areas where he pocketed millions.

Unknown said...

This all sounds plausible, and yet, I'm skeptical of news reports based on anonymous sources. I can't only be skeptical of implausible stories or ones I don't like.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

What if it is true?


Amazing how that works. every. single. time.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Why would the corrupt D-party KGB-FBI fire this guy. He's a hero!

pacwest said...

Funny how the left can over-look anything in the name of loyalty.

You make it sound like they are a Cult or something.

gilbar said...

D.D. Driver said...
Wait! Aren't these the top men that will catch all of the drug dealers we will be executing

who's executing drug dealers? Could you name one drug dealer up for executing for drugs?
just one??
It's not so much that you're a liar; it's that you're NOT very good at lying.

Rule Number ONE of Lying: For a lie to be believed, it MUST BE believable

Howard said...

Bubbalinski is just a disgruntled former employee who is lying about the Biden's because of suspected pedophile kompromat Putin has threatened to release. He's also a likely illegal drugs user who would say anything to get his next fix. The FBI is covering it up because of the massive Kremlin penetration they need to keep on the downlow. Hunter is willing to soldier on and take these hits to protect our national security. A true American patriot and hero.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Remember when all those IRS hard drives crashed on the same day in the Cincinnati just after Congress subpoenaed them? Yeah man. Good times. Nothing has changed in ten years. The Deep State assholes do whatever the fuck they want. Any bets on Tony’s corroborating cell phones being “lost” by Wray’s Wreckers?

Original Mike said...

Blogger Mark said...
"'sources say'
It's amazing how credulous NYPost reporters are."

I'm sure you made a point of watching the Bobulinski, interview, right Mark?

So you could judge his credibility for yourself.

Drago said...

Thibault is precisely the sort of FBI/DOJ type that Andy McCarthy would vouch for, Bill Barr would protect and The Dispatch/Bulwark/Lincoln Pedophile Project would hire.

Lars Porsena said...

FBI..Sword and Shield of the DNC

Cappy said...

No results found for Timothy Thibault on Wikipedia.

Mark said...

"I am curious how you think they can be a family of billionaires without taking bribes and selling out the United States?"

Achilles has never heard of Jared and Ivanka.

hombre said...

"I can't only be skeptical of implausible stories or ones I don't like."

The incriminating information in Hunter's laptop and Bobulinski's allegations have been in the public domain and the FBI's hands for some time. The question is, "What happened to it?" The secondary question is, "Who was in charge?"

The passage of time with no action virtually assures that any investigation by the FBI has been sidelined. Thibault's known assignments at the Bureau lend credence to the assertion that he was in charge.

What's "implausible"?

Yancey Ward said...

"He is represented by the 20th hijackers firm, tybalt is"

He even killed Mercutio.

AMDG said...

Blogger Achilles said...
Mark said...

'sources say'

It's amazing how credulous NYPost reporters are.

The Biden's are immensely wealthy.

I am curious how you think they can be a family of billionaires without taking bribes and selling out the United States?

What do you get covering for Joe Biden's obvious corruption? He is fucking you over. Your tax dollars are clearly going right into his pocket?

How can you Biden supporters be so stupid?

9/5/22, 8:04 AM

Aw come on man, that’s a bunch of malarkey. You’re talking about “Middle Class Joe”. You’re talking about “Scranton Joe”. “You’re talking about “Amtrack Joe”. A real man of the people if there ever was one.

In all seriousness I feel sorry for Hunter and Ashley. It’s pretty obvious that Beau was the favorite while Hunter was condemned to a life as his father’s bagman while Ashley provided her usefulness to dad when she was a child.

That family is more screwed u0 then the Kennedyaps and that is saying a lot.

wendybar said...

An FBI that raids the room of a squeaky clean 16 year old, Presidents son, instead of a filthy dirty criminal 52 year old, Presidents son is an FBI that should be abolished. @JustSomeLady

Michael K said...

Conclusion 1: U.S. progs are like the Russians and Chinese themselves, entirely cynical power players who will do anything for domestic advantage. Conclusion 2: unlike the Russians and Chinese, U.S. progs also despise their own country and are willing to weaken it for domestic advantage, including by making their parochial ploys transparent to adversaries.

Exactly. We are being sold out by both parties and Trump is the guy who said it. I expect him to be assassinated. I hope he has good security and I don't mean the Secret Service.

narciso said...

he hired the 20th hijackers firm of counsel, which employed miss 'not a biologist' so he is going full strzok

Narr said...

I keep seeing the unacceptable 'non-name "unknown"' in the comments.

cassandra lite said...

The revelations of FBI complicity with Whitey Bulger should have led to a complete restructuring and purging. Now it's too late. The public's lost trust is an authentic "threat to our democracy."

Drago said...

"I am curious how you think they can be a family of billionaires without taking bribes and selling out the United States?"

Dumb Lefty Mark: "Achilles has never heard of Jared and Ivanka."


Dumb Lefty Mark thinks the Kushner's and the Trump's became billionaires sometime between Jan of 2017 and Jan of 2021!

Just sit back and let the stupidity of Dumb Lefty Mark's comment wash over you and then realize, he/she/xe isn't kidding.

gadfly said...

In a statement, Fetterman campaign spokesperson Joe Calvello called the ex-president’s claims “more and more lies from Trump and Dr Oz”.

“Another day, but it's the same crap from these two desperate and sad dudes,” he said.

Not to worry, the believers, headed up by "Hunter Biden's tax payer (sic) Hooker" will display Trump's truthful proof about Fetterman's illicit drug use. We await Hooker's response. Crudité, BTW, is not an illicit drug.

Original Mike said...

Blogger Mark said..."Achilles has never heard of Jared and Ivanka."

What's your point? That PRIVATE enterprise is illegal? It's not.

Jamie said...

"I am curious how you think they can be a family of billionaires without taking bribes and selling out the United States?"

Achilles has never heard of Jared and Ivanka.

One of these things is not like the other, dahling.

D.D. Driver said...

who's executing drug dealers? Could you name one drug dealer up for executing for drugs?
just one??
It's not so much that you're a liar; it's that you're NOT very good at lying

I'm talking about Trump's new "build a wall" pledge: execute drug dealers to be more like China.">execute drug dealers.

How stupid? The first time one of Trump's niece's gets caught selling a little coke to a friend, she's getting lethal injection. In fact the FBI will be following Trump niece's and nephew's just to be there when it happens. (But, they will arrest the guy that picks up Ashley Biden diary in rehab.)

Anyone proposing giving the government more power to selectively prosecute and then kill political opponents is a very stupid man.

Gahrie said...

"I am curious how you think they can be a family of billionaires without taking bribes and selling out the United States?"

Achilles has never heard of Jared and Ivanka.

The key difference being, the Trump family made their fortune before it entered politics, the Biden Family did so after.

D.D. Driver said...

Wait! Aren't these the top men that will catch all of the drug dealers we will be executing so we can be more drugfree like China? I can't think of single problem with that.

This person is posting in bad faith.

It's called "sarcasm." Trump has proposed executing drug dealers. Who will be investigating and prosecuting drug dealers? Do you trust those people to apply the law fairly and non-politically?

Original Mike said...

"The key difference being, the Trump family made their fortune before it entered politics, the Biden Family did so after."

It's been said before; Althouse needs smarter lefties.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...


I keep seeing the unacceptable 'non-name "unknown"' in the comments.

Me, too. I remarked on this a couple of months back. Perhaps the capital "U" makes a difference?

Temujin said...

The Post has been all over the story from Day 1. The Times? Burying it as much as they possibly can.

I hope those of you who pay money to the Times do so for things other than the 'news'. You won't be getting it there.

Gospace said...

Still no proof whatsoever Trump is comprzomised in any way. And so much evidence that Joe Biden is. And crickets from the MSM and the intelligence commuit ib the Bidens.

Still no proof whatsoever Trump compromised national securty information in any way. Just whiffs and allegations. Absolute proof Hillary did- but no reaasonable prosecutor would prosecute.

Bill Clinton is an angel compared to his wife and Joe Biden. He did commit perjury, and actual crime for which he was impeached. As payback and driven by Trump Derangement Syndome Trump was impeached not once, but twice. With no crimes involved.

n.n said...

made their fortune before it entered politics, the Biden Family did so after.

Also Barack "the boyfriend" Obama. Nancy "matriarch" Pelosi. Kamala "take a knee" Harris" etc.

n.n said...

Incest,... Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

Narr said...

Please stop confusing the leftoids here with fancy historical concepts like "before" and "after."

It's clearly more than they can handle.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Gadfly - WE ALL NOTE you have nothing to say regarding your corrupt president's (by then VP) illegal international profiteering.

You are such a hack, Gadfly.

AS to Fetterman(D-skinhead) - HE IS A POT HEAD, you moron.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Gadfly - you seriously think if Trump "lied" about calling someone a drug user - that equals or is worse that Biden's criminality?


correction from above - Fetterman is an Radical leftist pro-crime Antifa skinhead wannabee.

Caligula said...

Yes, I'm sure we'll shortly see this story not just in the NY Post but in the NY Times, Washington Post, Gannet et al. Wont' we?

hombre said...

Gahrie: "The key difference being, the Trump family made their fortune before it entered politics, the Biden Family did so after."

This is generally the difference between Republicans and Democrats. The Democrat base has difficulty distinguishing between "earning a living" and "breaching the public trust."

Jaq said...

The man who, in a position to know, said that Joe Biden is “The Big Guy.”

Biden should be impeached for simple corruption.

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