৭ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০২২

"Though [Stacey Abrams] is beloved by Democratic voters, she has lost some ground with Black men, who provided crucial backing in her narrow loss to Mr. Kemp in 2018...."

The NYT reports in "Democrats Fret as Stacey Abrams Struggles in Georgia Governor’s Race She has been trailing her Republican rival, Gov. Brian Kemp, alarming Democrats who have celebrated her as the master strategist behind the state’s Democratic shift":
Ms. Abrams has in recent weeks focused attention on winning support from Black men, voters who have inched toward Republicans during the Trump era. Her campaign has begun a series of conversations with Black men, calling the events “Stacey and the Fellas.”...
“We wouldn’t start talking to white suburban voters just a few weeks before the election,” [said Kevin Harris, a former executive director of the Congressional Black Caucus who helped lead Mr. Biden’s Georgia campaign operations in 2020].... 

Reading that, you might find it hard to believe she has the support of 85% of black men, but that is what her internal poll showed. But 85% isn't enough, and it's 8 percentage points less than she had when she lost to Kemp in the last election. 

ADDED: In quite a different spot in the article, it says a July poll from The Atlanta Journal-Constitution had Abrams winning 80% of black voters. If she's got 85% of black men and 80% of black voters, it seems she has a bigger problem with black women. But these are 2 different polls, and we're not told what the internal poll said about black women.

ALSO: How does a politician get a reputation — that the NYT can report as a fact — of being "beloved"? That strikes me as weird. Or, actually, patronizing.

৫৬টি মন্তব্য:

RideSpaceMountain বলেছেন...

“Stacey and the Fellas."

Be very very careful what you google, fellas.

Drago বলেছেন...

Black men, particulary younger black men, are moving away from the New Soviet Democraticals in the same that the Latinos (sorry Howard/gadfly/Inga,: NOT Latinx) began to some years back.

The New Soviet Democratical plantation overseerers do like this trend anymore than the old democratical plantation overseerers did.

Of course, if the GOP wants to lose all electoral momentum with these key groups as part of a new populist/working class base, just go back to nominating more Romney types like Nikki Haley.

Buckwheathikes বলেছেন...

Her narrow loss?

Stacey Abrams won that election.

Just ask election denier Stacy Abrams. She will tell you that election was stolen. She has repeatedly undermined our very Democracy by casting doubt on our free and fair elections. Where is Joe Biden? How come he's not arresting her for inciting insurrection with her false stolen election claims?

Is there to be one standard for the MAGA Jews not yet rounded up as political prisoners and another standard for the black people?

Drago বলেছেন...

Reading that, you might find it hard to believe she has the support of 85% of black men, but that is what her internal poll showed. But 85% isn't enough, and it's 8 percentage points less than she had when she lost to Kemp in the last election."

According to the New Soviet Democratical Election Deniers, Abrams actually "won" that race but had it stolen by Kemp.

Mike Sylwester বলেছেন...

This is why the Democrats insist on multi-week voting periods and on vote harvesting.

Too many Black men do not vote -- especially for women candidates. That's a big reason why Hillary Clinton lost to Donald Trump in 2016.

The Democrats want to be able to harass Black men -- repeatedly for several weeks -- to vote. Democrat activists want to be able to bring a blank ballot to a Black man's home and to harass him to at least sign it. Once the ballot is signed, the activists will vote the ballot.

If the Black man refuses to even sign the ballot and if the activists think he does not intend to vote, then the activists will sign and vote the ballot despite his refusal to do so.

In general, the Democrat Party wants to get rid of secret ballots -- especially for Black men.

deepelemblues বলেছেন...

The state's Democratic shift based on stopping counting in Atlanta at midnight because of a water leak that never happened and reporting disproportionate af returns for Joe Biden at 4am.

n.n বলেছেন...

colored people... People of Color (PoC) bloc(s)... Hutu vs Tutsi, Xhosa vs Zulu, Kenyan elite vs deplorables. Diversity [dogma], or diversity of individuals, minority of one.

Dave Begley বলেছেন...

The future for Stacey is to continue her soft porn novelist career. Big bucks!

Lilly, a dog বলেছেন...

Running for Governor of Georgia again? That seems like a step down for the President of Earth. I guess black dudes don't watch Star Trek: Discovery.

Birches বলেছেন...

She doesn't have a chance. There were a lot of Abrams signs in 2018. This year I might have seen one.

Also, I see a lot of Herschel Walker signs in very white liberal neighborhoods. The Georgia Dawgs have a supernatural power, so of course the Alpha Dawg has a lot more sway. The polling isn't showing that, of course.

Witness বলেছেন...

I'm really glad we don't have two election deniers on the ballot this year.

Richard বলেছেন...

Anybody know the issues which are sending some of the guys away?

Be interesting to know if the guys are going to stay home or flip? The latter's a two-for and could make a big difference.

Václav Patrik Šulik বলেছেন...

If election denial really is a key issue, Kemp should win. He stood up to Trump. Has Abrams ever conceded that she lost the last election?

Gusty Winds বলেছেন...

Election denier Stacey Abrams has failed in her role to stoke racial animosity and violence to keep the required percentage voters in line. Not that 85% is bad. But she's slipping a little.

This may require a Maxine Waters visit.

Rollo বলেছেন...

Now how to convince African-American men that Maxine Waters is just like the crabby aunt or mother-in-law they always hated?

Michael বলেছেন...

Have a good look. Do you think she has a drop of discipline? We couldn’t afford to feed her.

ElPresidenteCastro বলেছেন...

I am reliably informed that she was the winner of that election.

Joe Smith বলেছেন...

Why is she beloved?

She's a typical, cookie-cutter, blowhard, not-so-bright liberal.

She does what every black, female, democrat politician does...plays the race and sex card almost exclusively.

And 'master' strategist?

That sounds racist...

Aggie বলেছেন...

Or maybe they've just started to get wise to her BS. After all, she is the country's 'worst' election denier, not so?

But I wouldn't lose hope yet. She might not be electable, but Stacy Abrams has real talent when it comes to 'finding' thousands of votes from people who live in parking lots, at UPS stores, in shopping malls, and other unlikely spots. According to the past results, these people are jam-packed with 10's of thousands of registered voters, and they all love Stacy Abrams.

Howard বলেছেন...

Excuse me I don't know what they're worried about. The Democrat Party will just steal the votes for her, right?

steve বলেছেন...

How come black people still overwhelmingly vote for the black candidate? In almost every election in this country, a black candidate, running against a person of another race, will almost always get close to 100% of the black vote. How come the media doesn't ever ask why? If large percentages of white people don't vote for a black candidate, the automatic response is racism.

Michael K বলেছেন...

Blogger Howard said...

Excuse me I don't know what they're worried about. The Democrat Party will just steal the votes for her, right?

Somehow they failed in her bid for Governor. Hard to explain, I know.

Michael K বলেছেন...

Blogger Howard said...

Excuse me I don't know what they're worried about. The Democrat Party will just steal the votes for her, right?

Somehow they failed in her last election. She knows they were supposed to fabricate enough votes but they failed her. They did better in 2020. That sewage leak, you know.

tim maguire বলেছেন...

If the black community ever gets savvy enough to put its vote in play, the Democratic party as we know it today is doomed.

h বলেছেন...

Replying to Steve at 4:40. I don't think it's true that black people vote for black candidates. Black people vote for Black Democrats. For example in the 2006 Maryland Senate race Blacks voted: 75% for White Democrat Ben Cardin, and 25% for Black Republican (and former Lt Gov, having won that statewide race, and therefore not a political nobody) Michael Steele. (I also did a search for the VA Lt Gov race in 2021 exit polls, and those support Steve's position.)

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

Kemp isn't going to allow them to steal his election victory- that is the difference between now and 2020. So, the DoJ will have to step in for Abrams right around the end of this month.

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Gahrie বলেছেন...

Black people have been voting Democratic at a 90% rate since the 1930's. I'd be shocked if her numbers for Black men were any lower.

Gahrie বলেছেন...

How come black people still overwhelmingly vote for the black candidate? In almost every election in this country, a black candidate, running against a person of another race, will almost always get close to 100% of the black vote. How come the media doesn't ever ask why? If large percentages of white people don't vote for a black candidate, the automatic response is racism.

Close. Black people vote for Democrats (including Black ones) at a 90%+ rate. They don't vote for Black Republican candidates. Black Republicans get elected in majority White districts because of White voters. No Black Democrat represents a majority White district. (except Kamala)

cassandra lite বলেছেন...

"Black men...have inched toward Republicans during the Trump era"?

Time to cue the paternalistic racists who explain this away by insisting that the people who don't know how to get I.D. also don't know what's in their own best interests.

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

Kemp isn't going to allow them to steal his election victory- that is the difference between now and 2020. So, the DoJ will have to step in for Abrams right around the end of this month.

Rabel বলেছেন...

Born in Madison but really a home girl from The Sip. Kind of like Snoop plus 150 but less smokey.

Somewhere along the way she dropped her accent.

It's a shame, really. She was raised right and she's smart as a whip but she has bought in completely with the Party line. The line that has put Black Americans into their place as servants of the Party and intends to keep them there.

Jupiter বলেছেন...

Imagine how completely deranged you would have to be to think that Stacey Abrams is a good idea.

Narayanan বলেছেন...

Have they interviewed Madea with her loaded gun?

Clyde বলেছেন...

Rollo said...
Now how to convince African-American men that Maxine Waters is just like the crabby aunt or mother-in-law they always hated?

Maxine Waters = Aunt Esther.

Butkus51 বলেছেন...

Hey Howard, remember those new Georgia voting laws?

I grew up in Chicago, for many years heard about how Daley stole the election for Kennedy. Dems didnt make it a secret and they were proud of it. And then Daley died and then all hell broke loose. Dem vs Dem.

Now its like, what you talking about Willis?

Pound sand Howie

AMDG বলেছেন...

Her role in screwing Braves out of hosting the All-Star game has not helped her cause.

Rocco বলেছেন...

Michael K said...[Abrams] knows they were supposed to fabricate enough votes but they failed her. They did better in 2020...

Straight up racism, yo. They half-assed the job for the black woman.

Rocco বলেছেন...

Michael K said...[Adams] knows they were supposed to fabricate enough votes, but they failed her. They did better in 2020...

Straight up racism, yo. They half-assed the job for the black woman.

Rocco বলেছেন...

Michael K said...[Adams] knows they were supposed to fabricate enough votes, but they failed her. They did better in 2020...

Straight up racism, yo. They half-assed the job for the black woman.

Cheryl বলেছেন...

Kemp is the real deal, and this time I am very happy to vote for him. He opened up Georgia even before Florida--remember how the Atlantic said he was performing an experiment in mass suicide, or something else similarly stupid? For some reason he got on the wrong side of Trump, which made NO sense to me.

Walker, on the other hand--Warnock is just absolutely terrible. That's the best I can say about Herschel, and that's not because I went to Tech. We had a terrific, energetic young candidate, superb credentials, zero traction. I think the Dem money went to Herschel. Nothing else makes sense, especially not the Trump endorsement.

RNB বলেছেন...

Let's not forget her involvement in getting the All-Star Game moved from Atlanta to Colorado, and her denial that she had any part in it only weeks later.

chickelit বলেছেন...

Why do Dems always "fret"and seem "alarmed" when human beings don't vote according to skin color? Are they really closet racists?

walter বলেছেন...

Joe Smith said...
Why is she beloved?
White libs under no threat of her governance think she's great.
Yeah..Kemp and the Ratfartburger were stellar election stewards.

walter বলেছেন...

RNB said...
Let's not forget her involvement in getting the All-Star Game moved from Atlanta to Colorado,
Yep. Might have left a bad taste in their mouth. Something she has no understanding of.

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

Things Are a Changing . Outside of black Baptist churches, the black society has always been divided among an elite ruling black women class ( think Spelman College graduates) and the uneducated laboring black men class. Like
oil and water these never mixed. The woman ruled and the men were at best their servants. Today the educated black men are wanting to replace those Stacy Abrams types of ruling elite black women.

Wilbur বলেছেন...

Whenever the topic arises, I challenge our Leftist friends to identify one - just one - qualified person who is/was denied the opportunity to vote by a Voter ID law.


wendybar বলেছেন...

She is a threat to our democracy. She is STILL claiming she won, and is the rightful Governor of Georgia

Leland বলেছেন...

Is it hard to imagine the story if a politician didn’t think 85% support among white males was sufficient, and furthermore they wouldn’t start to reach out to other voters until early voting began?

Birches বলেছেন...

Sure Cheryl. Who was that terrific, young primary candidate?

JAORE বলেছেন...

Ahhh, Stacy.

Who can forget that time when Biden pulled you to his side for a major announcement. Biden's earlier promise to pick a black, woman VP ringing loudly in her head, Stacy stood there grinning from jowl to jowl awaiting her anointment. At some point in Biden's, "Stacy has been great" talk she realized she was getting the old let-down-easy ploy. The smile and the jowls slid slowly downward.


TrespassersW বলেছেন...

I'm with AA on the whole "beloved"thing. Is there any evidence that Abrams is "beloved" by actual Georgia voters. White liberal elites on either coast don't count.

veni vidi vici বলেছেন...

The whole "President of United Earth" cameo pulled back the curtain and revealed how much of a worthless clout-chasing charlatan Abrams is to anyone who took one look at her face on-camera.

Someone ought to write a book on how she became such an icon, since she has no real talents or achievements and seemingly came out of nowhere to high-profile national status. Was it all Oprah?

Cheryl বলেছেন...

Birches—Latham Sadler. Still bummed about it.

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

Hilarious- we can't make fun of Stacy Abrams?