September 20, 2022






Write about whatever you want in the comments.


Kai Akker said...

Back to the Confederate States of America. Victor Davis Hanson:

... it seems heretical to suggest that the Confederate model could possibly help explain the increasingly deranged pathologies of contemporary blue-state America... Yet, mutatis mutandis, the methodologies, values, and guiding ideology of the Old South can help us fathom the strange paradoxes of our twenty-first-century progressive blue-state model, most notably in California—and especially Northern California’s Silicon Valley. The latter has become a modern version of the single-crop antebellum King Cotton economy and culture, whether we look to the staggering accumulation of wealth in the Bay Area or the plethora of homeless people and service workers living in trailers and campers parked near the tech hubs of the world.

... in the [Old] South, those of mixed lineage sought to “pass” for being white to ensure privileges... In the twenty-first century, the same obsessions are applicable for similar privileges and career advantages, but with the races switched: those of mixed lineage now seek to pass for being non-white.


the fraudulent cases of Ward Churchill, Rachel Dolezal, Shaun King, and Elizabeth Warren

The net result of the feudal politics of the new plantationists has been a limitation of affordable housing, an overregulation of small business, an increase in fuel and power costs, and a neglect of traditional infrastructure such as roads and bridges. Put another way, our new plantationists, like their predecessors, worry mostly about the supply and viability of an underclass to provide needed labor. Likewise, they resent and deter the upwardly mobile aspirations of an increasingly inert middle class.

... Whereas Southerners believed that an intrusive federal government had no right to interfere with and disrupt states’ unique and morally superior culture, so too blue states feel Washington has no business in impeding their progressive agendas.

... Marquee blue states such as California, Illinois, New Jersey, and New York are losing populations and seeing their middle classes calcify, shrink, or leave. They are becoming states of a few rich and many poor. In that regard, their arrogance, combined with social and economic inertness, resembles the delusions of the Old South, whose citizens felt underappreciated, unfairly treated by their inferiors, trapped by unjust and ungenerous dictates of the Constitution, and yet so vital to the survival of the United States that their absence would likely lead to the collapse of the country or ensure its remnants descended into poverty and irrelevance.

... Ozymandias

Lurker21 said...

Tomorrow is another day!

But I guess the pictures must be from the day that has already ended.

Dr. Death, the story of a Dallas neurosurgeon whose patients end up dead or paralyzed, is an interesting, based on fact mystery mini-series. I really want to know what was going on. But at 6 hours (8 episodes) it takes up more time than one would like. Also you have to be able to put up with Alec Baldwin, Christian Slater, Meryl Streep's daughter and Joshua Jackson. There are also shorter documentary projects about the same story that might get to the point more quickly.

I thought "Shit, Actually," Lindy West's take-down of the Richard Curtis film, was brilliant -- one of the funniest things I've read in years. She has a whole book of similar takedowns and has given it the same title. It doesn't stay fresh for very long. Hollywood hates women. Everybody hates fat women. Men are governed by their penises. Probably all true, but those are the just about only arrows in her quiver, and it gets tiresome after a while.

Reading the Godard tributes. It's like they are obituaries for much more than Godard himself. I wish I could feel that passionately about Godard or cinema or anything.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

You ever get the feeling saying something happened in 1979 could be experienced as saying it happened in 1879.

The feeling came to me because I was talking in Spanish and in Spanish in order to say 1979 you have to say nineteen hundred and seventy-nine. In Spanish we don't say nineteen seventy-nine. And because I mostly speak, read and write in English, saying nineteen hundred and seventy-nine came as a bit of a shock.

So, that happened... carry on.

Big Mike said...

For anyone who’s a big Agatha Christie fan, as I am, there’s a humorous film flying under the radar called “See How They Run.” The critics only rated it 71% on Rotten Tomatoes, but the film is both an homage to Dame Agatha and her famous play “The Mousetrap,” and if you’re a fan of Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple, then I think you’ll like this movie, as the wife and I did.

(It helps if you have seen “The Mousetrap,” or at least know its twist ending.)

Mutaman said...

"Victor Davis Hanson"

That idiot is still alive?

gilbar said...

This is what happens, when you try to starve your body of nutritious real meat!
Beyond Meat executive arrested on suspicion of biting a man's nose

Your body NEEDS meat, if you refuse it; it will take matters into it's own hands (and teeth).
This has happened, to EVERY SINGLE VEGETARIAN in the world!!!
(well, maybe not yet, some MAY be holding on.. But, it is Just a Matter of TIME)

Drago said...

"Victor Davis Hanson"

Mutaman: "That idiot is still alive?"

Surest sign possible of Hanson's competence and impact.

Mutaman is essentially screaming to the heavens for all the rational people to just shut up.

alanc709 said...

Mutaman said...
"Victor Davis Hanson"

That idiot is still alive?

Are you? Can you prove it? Does the left ever cease to disparage their betters?

Mutaman said...

"Opinion | I thought Raymond Dearie was one of fairest judges I had ever worked with. I was wrong."

by Jonathan Turley

Rusty said...

Mutaman said...
"Victor Davis Hanson"

"That idiot is still alive?"
Shhh, shh, Hush now. You voted for Biden. Given your intellectual acumen it's a minor miracle YOU"RE alive.

Humperdink said...

Give it up Mutaman. Trolls come and go on this blog. A decent troll would come up with better material. Calling your responses sophomoric would be giving 10th graders a bad name. Please up your game!

Narr said...

The D Party is the longest-running secular scam in American history.

From slavery to secession to protect slavery, to Jim Crow and slavery by other names, to thousands of lynchings (what, you think there were Republicans in the strange-fruit regions?) including African-Americans in uniform, to criminalization of anti-war activities, to Red Scares, to Jim Crow (did I mention Jim Crow?), to mass incarceration of American citizens solely for their ethnicity, to the SEA debacle of the 1960s-70s, to the modern Therapeutic State . . .

But they're not Racist (like they used to be) you see, so it's all good.

Joe Smith said...

I replied to Althouse in the barista thread:

"I felt like the whole city was trying to force me to move away. What kind of culture is this?"

Welcome to the U S of A...


I want my country back.

Big Mike said...

@Mutaman, let me clarify Rusty’s comment.

As stupid as you are, how is it your brain stem remembers to tell your heart to beat and your lungs to inhale?

Saint Croix said...

gilbar, I love the graMMar

Saint Croix said...

Big Mike at 8:05

awesome, thanks!

Gospace said...

Let's elect Biden! Put teh adults back in charge! We'll be respected in the world!

Biden was late for the Queen's funeral- a snub tht won't be forgotten.

As his armored car was being driven through the streets he was heckled- by The British! - with shouts of "Let's go Brandon!".

And he had to pull out a cur card to write in the guest/condolences book.

Yep, we're more respected everywhere now that "the adults" are back in charge.

I was going to say something about playing with his tongue, but apparently there a kerfluffle about that earlier that turned out to be a deep fake- according to fact checkers- so I'll wait on saying anything substantive about that. But isn't it amazing that if it is a fake so many so quickly believed it? Wihtout 50 former intelligence officials helping the lie along, either.

Mutaman said...

To paraphrase Victor Davis Hansen:

Statics show that Asians are good at math so I always hire an Asian accountant.

Saint Croix said...

Godard is dead?

oh shit

My joke about Godard is that when he went political, art lost a genius and politics got a moron.

He and Truffaut used to fight all the time.

Big influence on Tarantino (who named his production company after a Godard movie).

Truffaut and Godard were the two big names of the French New Wave, we've lost both of them. Truffaut is consistently wonderful. Godard is brilliant but uneven.

My favorite Godard movies...

Breathless (#7 all time, famous for his Bogart obsession)
Band of Outsiders (#27 all time)
Masculin, Feminin (#197, Godard was kind of a sexist)

He has some great movies and some awful movies. I would watch those three before I gave up on Godard. He was a hugely talented amateur and he and Truffaut radically shifted cinema forever and made it more passionate and honest.

Godard used to love the USA (our cinema) and then the Vietnam war infuriated him and his art went to shit. But he was so, so talented. Truffaut wrote the screenplay to Breathless and then gave it to Godard.

Godard invented the "jump cut." His movie was running too long. And his editor said, "we have to take out some scenes." And Godard said, "just take out all the boring bits." And the jump cut was born.

Very uneven filmmaker, but Godard and Truffaut were huge to American cinema. God bless, Jean-Luc.

Saint Croix said...

Godard is dead?

oh shit

My joke about Godard is that when he went political, art lost a genius and politics got a moron.

He and Truffaut used to fight all the time.

Big influence on Tarantino (who named his production company after a Godard movie).

Truffaut and Godard were the two big names of the French New Wave, we've lost both of them. Truffaut is consistently wonderful. Godard is brilliant but uneven.

My favorite Godard movies...

Breathless (#7 all time, famous for his Bogart obsession)
Band of Outsiders (#27 all time)
Masculin, Feminin (#197, Godard was kind of a sexist)

He has some great movies and some awful movies. I would watch those three before I gave up on Godard. He was a hugely talented amateur and he and Truffaut radically shifted cinema forever and made it more passionate and honest.

Godard used to love the USA (our cinema) and then the Vietnam war infuriated him and his art went to shit. But he was so, so talented. Truffaut wrote the screenplay to Breathless and then gave it to Godard.

Godard invented the "jump cut." His movie was running too long. And his editor said, "we have to take out some scenes." And Godard said, "just take out all the boring bits." And the jump cut was born.

Very uneven filmmaker, but Godard and Truffaut were huge to American cinema. God bless, Jean-Luc.

Saint Croix said...

Colossal (2017) Kind of a fun bad movie. Anne Hathaway is a party girl who has a mystical connection with a monster that’s stomping on people in Korea. And Jason Sudeikis plays the boring nice wimpy psychotic douch who also has a mystical connection with a robot that’s stomping on people in Korea. Honestly the monsters were more believable than the relationships. Interesting idea but the screenplay needs another ten rewrites.

This would be a great drinking movie. Have a drink whenever somebody in the movie has a drink, and/or does something insane. You’d end up in the park with your clothes off. But at least then you might have some sympathy for the characters. Or the actors who had to play the characters. It’s not boring but it’s really bad.

Saint Croix said...

I have added Shit, Actually to my library queue.

They're still loaning me books.

Liberals, I swear.

Wandering Badger said...

Mutaman said .. "Victor Davis Hanson, That idiot is still alive ?"
What specifics does Mutaman have for making the "Idiot" assertion ?
What does he know of Hanson's background, expertise, publications, etc. ?
Hanson is probably one of the finest historians around with expertise spanning the historical political underpinnings spanning thousands of years and multiple empires, countries and societies. His assessments of modern politics against those of ancient Greece are very insightful - the US founders drew on the writings and experiences of the classical era in developing the US Constitution and the framework for this country.
Mutaman - read yesterday's posting by Hanson and specifically identify what is not factually correct.

Jupiter said...

"The feeling came to me because I was talking in Spanish and in Spanish in order to say 1979 you have to say nineteen hundred and seventy-nine ..."

Actually, you typically say one thousand nine hundred and seventy nine. "Mil novacientos setenta y nueve". Which is a mouthful, but they say it.

A peculiar aspect of Spanish, is that it is directly derived from Latin. The latinate words in English come to us by way of the Norman conquest, with the result that they sound "high" to us. You have the word "high", and you have the word "elevated", and elevated sounds more high-status, because it comes from Latin. So it is interesting to hear Mexicans who are essentially peasants, using words whose Latin origin makes them sound like very refined English speakers.

Buckwheathikes said...

Nobody else noticed Ann's all-day absence? Very out of character. Everything OK, Ann?

BUMBLE BEE said...

Dramatic photos, Great catch!

wendybar said...

It's different when they do it....

Jefferson's Revenge said...

Just finished a WSJ article on the defense of Kyiv and the extraordinary valor of citizen soldiers. The ones who didn’t run and who picked up weapons, some of which were just shotguns and home self defense weapons, and saved the airport from Russian paratroopers and armor.

What would our liberal and progressives here do in the same situation? Would they have weapons? If not, were someone to give them one would they know how to use it? Or would they recoil in horror at the sight of a gun and call a nonexistent 911 for the 82nd Airborne? And then call their Congressperson to complain and also write a stern letter to the editor?

It is indeed odd that those most supportive of Ukraine don’t see that if their policies were in place in Ukraine, the whole country would be in Russian hands now.

Jefferson's Revenge said...

Just finished a WSJ article on the defense of Kyiv and the extraordinary valor of citizen soldiers. The ones who didn’t run and who picked up weapons, some of which were just shotguns and home self defense weapons, and saved the airport from Russian paratroopers and armor.

What would our liberal and progressives here do in the same situation? Would they have weapons? If not, were someone to give them one would they know how to use it? Or would they recoil in horror at the sight of a gun and call a nonexistent 911 for the 82nd Airborne? And then call their Congressperson to complain and also write a stern letter to the editor?

It is indeed odd that those most supportive of Ukraine don’t see that if their policies were in place in Ukraine, the whole country would be in Russian hands now.

wendybar said...

Here's one of those White Supremacists we keep hearing about. How much will we hear about THIS one??

Humperdink said...

Give Mutaman credit, he/she/they doesn't utter the phrase "you people" every post. So there's that.

Humperdink said...

During the Carter era, Castro emptied the his jails and sent the criminals by boat to Florida. The clueless Carter administration graciously accepted them. It was known as the Mariel boatlift.

The Bidas Touch Administration™ is attempting to replicate that feat by opening the border to Venezuelan criminals, cartel human traffickers, and drug runners. Not only replicate it, but exceed it on a grand scale.

Humperdink said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jaq said...

“That idiot is still alive?”

That’s my question every day, but there he is, picking at his tongue at the Queen’s funeral, or putting China on a war footing with just his mouth while driving her into Putin’s arms. Maybe he was trying to figure out why his tongue causes so much trouble.

Humperdink said...

There's living, assisted living, nursing home living, and then life support. Biden is inching his way to door #3.

Howard said...

You people are so easily triggered because deep down you know you are on the wrong side of humanity.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I wouldn’t call a high school professor, a farmer and a historian an idiot.

ccscientist said...

Ukraine: people wonder why Ukraine is doing so well. One reason is that Stalin starved millions to death in Ukraine, so they really really really do not want to be ruled by Russia. There were also atrocities by the Nazis, so in general they do not want to be occupied. The second is that Russia began picking at Ukraine's borders 14 (?) years ago, giving them time to get ready for the inevitable.

Curious George said...

"Buckwheathikes said...
Nobody else noticed Ann's all-day absence? Very out of character. Everything OK, Ann?"

Prolly have the truck/camper heading somewhere.

Lurker21 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lurker21 said...

Something was seriously wrong with Colossal. I liked the concept, but at the end of the movie Anne Hathaway just walks away as if nothing serious had happened, as if it had all been a video game with no consequences. It seemed to me like there was something seriously wrong with the filmmaker.

On Tuesday, French actress Emmanuelle Devos asked on Instagram: “Charles is succeeding Elizabeth, but who’s going to succeed Jean-Luc?” Isabelle Huppert has said before that, “When Godard dies, we will all be orphans.”

Still, I don't see what others see in Godard. Maybe you had to be on scene in the 60s to see and appreciate the change that happened.

I have problems with VDH. He was too quick to jump on the war bandwagon in the Bush years. He writes too much now. But he is a rather acute observer of the current scene. I also like how he isn't jumping on any neo-Confederate bandwagon.

Michael K said...

Blogger Howard said...

You people are so easily triggered because deep down you know you are on the wrong side of humanity.

Howard knows he is on the right side as that is where all the perverts are. We prefer normals, Howard.

Drago said...

Howard: "You people are so easily triggered because deep down you know you are on the wrong side of humanity."

I'm fairly certain the side that doesn't want to allow the mutilation of children's sexual organs is the one on the right side of history.

But then I think I know where Howard is coming from based on his previous comments: he and his pals are very angry that some of those kiddos escaped the abortionist's scalpel which deprived the New Soviet Democraticals of much needed baby-body-parts revenue and so to get back at society for this deprivation, Howard and his groomer-enabling pals are going to get back at those kids, but good.

Of course, Howard and his pals don't want you to notice they are doing that, and now that everyone is noticing it, its become quite uncomfortable for him.

Recall that for the longest time Howard would jump into thread after thread and declaring this all to be made up, that the dems weren't really doing such things. But as with his declarations that there was no inflation, no Americans left behind in Afghanistan, etc., that "dog just won't hunt" anymore.

So when Denial Time With Howard fails, its back to Projection Time With Howard!

Howard said...

The clouds against the blue sky makes a script capital R like Elizabeth R would sign. That's almost like seeing the Virgin Mary on a tree stump ring pattern

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