September 19, 2022




Open thread in the comments.


Anne-I-Am said...

Those are spectacular. I really appreciate the variations you present to us of the morning sky. Thank you.

rhhardin said...

There was a big earthquake in Taiwan on the 18th and there's great video coverage.

Like the old joke about the busload of Japanese tourists robbed at gunpoint and there's a hundred photos of the perp.

Jefferson's Revenge said...

A friend's brother lives in Florida. They recently got new neighbors from NY, a husband and wife. A few days after moving in the wife stops over and sits down. She says, "OK, let's get this out of the way. I am a Democrat and my husband an Independent. What are you?" Non-plussed he says he is Republican.

For the next 15 minutes he was called every expected name- Nazi, racist, etc. IN HIS OWN F-ING HOME!

It's my contention that the left now knows its flaws are becoming obvious and are overcompensating to hear themselves repeat their failing worldview. Or assholes tend to gravitate to the left.

wendybar said...

"Like I said my daughter was deployed four times and there were some days I was surprised not to get a call that something happened to her. But to know that she came to a Trump rally and was shot by her own government was just a completely shocking situation."

"I had three different places tell me no, no, no, this is too controversial. So even getting my child home and in a place of rest was difficult for me… they wouldn’t even let me bury my child… she was denied rendering of honors by the Air Force, despite being deployed four times and injured on her 21st birthday… she gave her youth, her ability to have a family and eventually her life for this country and they deny her the rendering of honors, so yeah I am pissed off."

Clyde said...

@ Jefferson’s Revenge

The New Yorker needs to be told that she’s a refugee, not a missionary.

Howard said...

Very Dynamo sky.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Did I forget to tell you all Costco put out their Christmas display on the 13th of this month. It could’ve been even earlier. I just happened to see it that day 😒

madAsHell said...

That's dramatic!! Love the color palette.

Was there a filter involved?? There is no glare around the sun.

tim maguire said...

JR, that story doesn't ring true. First, the liberal lady would assume the brother's politics based whether or not she liked him--if he seems decent and/or intelligent, he must be a liberal. If he owns a gun or drinks beer from a can, he must be a republican. No need to ask.

But if she did decide he's a fascist Nazi MAGA type, she wouldn't say that to his face. She'd just never speak to him again.

PM said...

Speaking of handsome skies, on the recent CA heat wave:

News: "Downtown Sacramento reached an all-time high temperature of 116 degrees last Tuesday." Ok, that's hot. But to the local nsps and teleprompter readers - it was proof of climate change.

News: "It broke a record that was set nearly 100 years ago. On July 17, 1925, Sacramento reached 114 degrees."

Wait, 114 degrees 97 years ago? A 2 degree difference? Was that climate change, too? Not El Nino or La Nina or just a freak weather pattern?

Dad said...

Thanks to whoever recommended the Flashman Papers (Fraser). What a hoot!

Big Mike said...

Or assholes tend to gravitate to the left.

Or, like Charlie Crist, the act of gravitating left increases your inherent assholery. On the other hand, any such rule has to deal with the potential counter example known as Lindsey Graham.

Jefferson's Revenge said...

Tim- It is a very reliable source, his sister who is my wife's best friend, and she was as shocked as he was. It's behavior that you read about but never believe till you actually see it. I had something similar happen to me twice in the last few months with friends of friends who I had just meant for the first time.

Jefferson's Revenge said...

Dad- I think I am one of the one's you want to thank. Glad you liked the books. If I were to die and return I would want it to be as either Flashman or Archie Goodwin in the Nero Wolfe books.

They could not print the Flashman books now, for sure.

Jersey Fled said...

Biden said inflation only went up "an inch" last month.

Drago said...

There were no colorful sunsets until global warming, and now those sunsets spell Dooooooooom.
--Every leftist

Narr said...

"Thanks to whoever recommnended the Flashman Papers (Fraser). What a hoot!"

I'll take the credit, Dad. I've praised the series and other Fraser books here, but am not alone. (His war memoir "Quartered Safe Out Here" is one of the best, and a rare one from Burma; his book about Hollywood and History is delightful if dated now.)

Saw the public ceremony at Windsor on PBS this morning. A grand show as only the Brits can do.

My wife asked about Anne's uniform--did she serve in the forces?--but I thought it was her in a Colonel-in-Chief's costume, or RN equivalent. Charles of course did all kinds of things in the service, Andrew was a heli pilot, Edward I believe dropped out of Royal Marine training to pursue his love of the stage.

Maybe I'll Googleyes the Princess and see if I'm right.

Gusty Winds said...

If it wasn’t for the Queen’s funeral, you wouldn’t be able to watch a drunken, cringeworthy, Canadian vaccine enforcer and dictator Justin Trudeau sing Bohemian Rhapsody at a London hotel lobby piano. But now you can.

...assholes tend to gravitate to the left.

Iman said...

Orange sky in the morning, Trump take warning.

FullMoon said...

These photos always make me wonder about the first guy thousands of years ago who tossed a broken branch into the water, climbed aboard and went to see what was out there.

Narr said...

Yup. Princess Anne's uniform is for an honorary RN rank.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

If Trump wins again, who is going to want to work with him at the White House?

The political point of dragging everybody who worked there thru the courts.

Mason G said...

"It's behavior that you read about but never believe till you actually see it."

Oh, I believe it. Had a bit of a discussion with a poster elsewhere, who left her home to move to a new state. Here's what she wrote:

"Thirty years later, in 1991, my husband and I moved from Washington to Boise. The culture shock was even more pronounced. At that time Boise seemed like a provincial outpost to us. But those immigrants wanted the goods and services and modern culture they enjoyed elsewhere before moving here, and their demand and influence has modernized and improved Treasure Valley immeasurably."

And she thinks the locals are just angry and envious and that she's the good guy.

Saint Croix said...

Arguably the Sex Pistols were mad that the Queen was only a ceremonial position.

"God save the Queen! Because tourists are money!"

Now he's pissed that the Sex Pistols are money.

Brutal! If he was Sid Vicious he would smack his own face.

Saint Croix said...

Also apparently the Queen once ditched a Paul McCartney concert to watch Twin Peaks.


I used to watch Cheers and then flip over to Twin Peaks for the second half. Which would really fuck up that show.

Beatle gets a smack in the face. Is that royal or what?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Don’t be evil?

Google has become a monster

Saint Croix said...

Also apparently the Queen once ditched a Paul McCartney concert to watch Twin Peaks.


I used to watch Cheers and then flip over to Twin Peaks for the second half. Which would really fuck up that show.

Beatle gets a smack in the face. Is that royal or what?

Blogger you are not the boss of me! I'm watching Twin Peaks, you dumb software, go back to Cali!

Mikey NTH said...

I got the Sailfish back from the lake yesterday for winter storage. Alas! The foredeck has (finally) gone to some serious delamination. If I can't find someone in Michigan who can replace that area then mom's sailboat is done for. She bought it in 1955 after graduating from Michigan State and I have kept the boat going but this may be the end. It feels like mom's funeral all over again.

Jaq said...

The CCR documentary on Netflix is pretty good, especially the second half, which is all concert footage from the Albert Hall. Best garage band all time. No canned violins or other goop producers like to add.

effinayright said...

Jefferson's Revenge said...
Dad- I think I am one of the one's you want to thank. Glad you liked the books. If I were to die and return I would want it to be as either Flashman or Archie Goodwin in the Nero Wolfe books.

They could not print the Flashman books now, for sure.

But you can get them used, on

"Flashy" is a cad, bounder, coward, and seducer of princesses and noble ladies, who somehow manages to escape with his skin during critical events during the Raj. (and also in the US.)

I can't remember who turned me on to them, but they are a hoot. I had spent quite a lot of time in India and its neighboring countries, so I had some knowledge of their settings and history.

Flashman's fictional, of course, but the historical events he's caught up in are accurately depicted.

Lots of laughs, and a pleasant way to re-acquaint yourself with British Colonialsim.

Saint Croix said...

hey Blogger!

Don't play stupid
Don't play dumb
Vagina's where you're really from


h said...

I'm amazed at how many negative comments, critical of Democrats, and especially critical of DeBlasio, in this article about budget problems in NYC.

Mikey NTH said...

Alas! Was my Blogger WHOOPS! comment here or not?

"It is uncouth to be rude to your host and hostess whether in person or online."

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Narr said...

My wife asked about Anne's uniform--did she serve in the forces?--but I thought it was her in a Colonel-in-Chief's costume, or RN equivalent. Charles of course did all kinds of things in the service, Andrew was a heli pilot, Edward I believe dropped out of Royal Marine training to pursue his love of the stage.

Today she had her Royal Navy uniform on, she has the rank of Admiral and out ranks her husband, Vice Admiral Tim Lawrence, RN (he got his the hard way). During the vigil on Saturday(?) she wore her Colonel of The Blues And Royals (Household Cavalry) uniform. The one with the cocked hat and jodhpurs. All these are honorary ranks, of course.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

“If Trump wins again, who is going to want to work with him at the White House?

The political point of dragging everybody who worked there thru the courts.”

If Trump wins again it will be such a staggering defeat for the Establishment that their antagonists will be lined up around the block for the chance to work for him. The gloves are so completely off that a second Trump administration will be staffed entirely with political street fighters.
During the first Trump administration, I often read comments in these pages saying that, if the Establishment succeeded in destroying Trump, they really wouldn’t like what came next. Well, imagine if what comes next is a Trump with zero illusions about the nature of the fascist creeps that oppose him.

Paddy O said...

"If Trump wins again, who is going to want to work with him at the White House?"

People who lie to him about being on his side then make a fortune undermining him during his time in office or afterwards. You know, like most of the people in his first administration.

That's a big downside to him, no matter how anyone might support his policies, if he can't get loyalty or know who to trust, he will always be on the defensive and never get the things actually done so they last. Again, just like his first administration.

rhhardin said...

Purcell's death march for Queen Mary was pretty good. It made it into the score of Clockwork Orange, in fact. I was hoping for some good music from this queen but instead there was generic bagpipe music.

I'm listening to a nice Chopin barcarolle, which would be good for a queen killed at sea.

Andrew said...

There's a really beautiful meditation on the Queen's funeral here:

walter said...

"she came to a Trump rally and was shot by her own government"
By the guy who was famous for leaving his gun in the bathroom.
Hey, how we doin' on releasing all that footage?
I thought so....

Narr said...

Tucker's segment on the Big-Boobed Transperv Boob (also mentioned by Insty today) has given me some ideas to test the limits.

Start walking around wearing the biggest, veiniest strap-on cock you can carry. Call it a comfort object if you must.

Who will object, and on what grounds?

Narr said...

Speaking of music, I have discovered the Bruckner Quartet (trombones; be warned). I've never warmed to Anton Bruckner's symphonies on the whole, but in small doses like "Locus Iste" (also covered by VOCES8) he's quite fine.

walter said...

Lilly, a dog said...

I re-watched "Crumb" tonight. My favorite moment is still when the art critic Robert Hughes is told that Crumb masturbates to his own comics.

Saint Croix said...

So I'm putting up a Pussy Riot video on the Althouse blog

My big question (should I make a vulva joke?) I decide to leave alone

Always been a "vagina" man, so to speak

Fuck grammar!

Fuck science!

Anyway, I'm a middle-aged man now, and I got kind of bored in the middle of the video, so I didn't watch the end of it.

Let's face it, Pussy Riot, you're not the Police, okay?

So I threw the video up there before I watched the end of it.
When I finally watched the end of it, the damn thing went all pro-choice on me.


Fuck you, Blogger!

You did that shit!

Donald Trump: "We are going to break up Google, we're going to smack her around like she's a whore from Russia. Because we hate Blogger, that repetitive A.I. cunt. Can I say that word?"

Joe Biden: "He doesn't even like Frogger! That's evil he is. Those cute little frogs, jumping through traffic. Who doesn't like Frogger?"

Millennials: "What the fuck is Frogger? I'm not voting for this shit."

Donald Trump: "Blogger, you senile old man."

The New York Times: "Donald Trump is at least 90 years old, and he's conspiring with a rock band from Russia named Pussy Riot, we have proof, watch our video. It looks just like him."

Donald Trump: "Yeah, okay, but she didn't pee on me, all right? Quit telling people that she peed on me, that's not right."

Hillary Clinton: "You're disgusting and you grabbed her by the pussy!"

Donald Trump: "Vulva, you dumb bitch. Go to science class, Hillary. Like you got one. Where was I? Oh yeah. She did not pee on me. What happened, she was wearing a ski mask, I thought it was Melania. It was a ski mask, okay, sometimes we like to spice it up. I thought it was Melania. Might have done a little anal, okay. But you got to shower after because it's disgusting and there's shit involved. Anyway, I flip her around and there's a penis. I'm like, 'holy shit I'm in trouble. Got to keep this secret from the NYT and the Republican party."

Joe Biden: "He's a fag!"

Hillary: "Fag! We can say it, we're liberals. Fag!"

New York Times: "Fag! Fag! Fag! Like that Senator in the bathroom who tried to touch the foot of the guy next to him."

Joe Biden: "Fag in the closet!"

Hillary: "Fag in the closet!"

New York Times: "We can laugh because he's a Republican and a fag in the closet!"

(Blogger I went too long, that's your fucking fault)

Saint Croix said...

Donald Trump: "So I flip him around and it's Hunter Biden."

Joe Biden: "What! You can't say that shit."

Donald Trump: "I thought I was fucking a girl from Russia, with red, white and blue makeup on, I got patriotic, forgot about my marriage vows, you know how that is, and I fucked the son of the president of the United States in the ass. It was really embarrassing. I'm embarrassed, he's embarrassed. I'm like, what the fuck, Hunter? I thought you were the Pussy Riot."

Hunter Biden: "I was kidnapped, okay? I was smoking crack, and somebody kidnapped me and put a ski mask on me. I don't know what the fuck is happening."

Donald Trump: "The FBI!"

Republicans: "The FBI did that shit! We hate you, FBI!"

New York Times: "We love the FBI and we hate fucking Pussy Riot and the Russians."

Donald Trump: "All I'm saying, she did not pee on me. And, also, they have a lot of abortions in Russia, the average woman has like 11 abortions. I think it messes them up. That's not right. I tell all the girls in Russia, use birth control, okay? It's not hard. Use birth control. You don't actually have to kill a baby. That's not a pro-life thing. You seem confused, Pussy Riot."

Pussy Riot: "You didn't fuck me! That was just a music video with actors."

Donald Trump: "Oh yeah, I forgot. But we are pro-life, and we love babies and America. Vote for me."

Republicans: "We will!"

New York Times: "They are so stupid! I can't believe we live in Nazi Germany."

Joe Biden: "Communist Russia! And they hate the FBI. I love the federal police. Gonna give them a billion dollars to spy on Republicans. USA! USA!"

Saint Croix said...

imagine if what comes next is a Trump with zero illusions about the nature of the fascist creeps that oppose him.

that's not hard!

(still hope it's one of the governors)

but I'm voting Republican in 2024 for sure

(sorry pothead)

Saint Croix said...

2 errors in a row, Blogger! I'm watching your ass. Here we go.

Saint Croix said...

and that goes through. You got some sick AI, Blogger. Is it a plan? Are you just fucking with me?

Saint Croix said...

On a serious topic, I used to use the word "fag" all the time, when I was a kid. We all did, the whole straight universe. Watch old Eddie Murphy clips, that shit used to be funny. Now I'm like, wow.

Anyway, I quit using the word "fag" when I realized what the word means.

Bundle of sticks.

In the UK, if somebody says to you, "Let's go smoke a fag," they are not suggesting that you kill a homosexual.

So do not scream at them, you ugly Americans.

What they are saying is, "Let's go smoke a cigarette."

Because tobacco is a bundle of sticks.

I think (I don't know this for sure) that the word "fag" is offensive because gay people used to be burned at the stake.

Bundle of sticks.

And I don't like thinking about that shit.

So that's when I quit using the word. When I became an adult, you know. So apologies for the "fag" word, no offense meant.

Big Mike said...

@Dad, George MacDonald Fraser wrote, literally, a dozen books in his Glashman series, and IMHO they’re all utterly hilarious. He wrote other books that I’ve also enjoyed, including Pyrates (no, that’s not a typo) and Mr. American. The latter is not a comedy, but is an enjoyable read nonetheless.

William said...

I watched House of the Dragon, the sequel or prequel or disquel to GOT. It's not peak GOT, but it's pretty good. None of the characters are as involving or attractive as those in GOT, but the actors are credible and the plot lines have sufficient hooks.......How the world has changed since the first GOT episodes. The nudity of HOD is muted and fleeting. That's not the way they used to roll on GOT, and Westeros is a bleaker place for it. The violence, however, is far more explicit. There's graphic evisceration and a face caved in a by an armored fist. I can do without seeing exposed intestines, but the odd bit of nudity here and there makes the hard lives in Westeros more engaging....I don't understand women's objections to nude scenes. If you're young and beautiful, why not? It's like Arnold Schwarzenegger objecting to flexing his biceps. It's more a power move than a display of vulnerability.

gadfly said...

Jefferson's Revenge said...
A friend's brother lives in Florida. They recently got new neighbors from NY, a husband and wife. A few days after moving in the wife stops over and sits down. She says, "OK, let's get this out of the way. I am a Democrat and my husband an Independent. What are you?" Non-plussed he says he is Republican.

For the next 15 minutes he was called every expected name- Nazi, racist, etc. IN HIS OWN F-ING HOME!

It's my contention that the left now knows its flaws are becoming obvious and are overcompensating to hear themselves repeat their failing worldview. Or assholes tend to gravitate to the left.

Seriously? Is this story really even believable if details are added such as being told by a friend who was told by his brother who heard it from a third cousin living in Idaho who spent three hours talking to a sister in Colorado who was moving to Florida . . . and the beat goes on when the party of the first part . . . .

gadfly said...

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...
What comes next is a Trump with zero illusions about the nature of the fascist creeps that oppose him.

Fascists are as far to the right on the political scale as you can get, so that makes no sense at all. Not to worry, though, because Trump goes down for violating the Presidential Records Act, so he will never run for political office again, but in the meantime, he wants supporters to add to his income.

Nicholas said...

Marvellous photos, reminiscent of a JM Turner painting.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Google demonetised the Darkhorse podcast then plays commercials on them and doesn’t pay the podcast creators because their content is incompatible with the sponsors advertising on YouTube.

If that’s not evil, I don’t know what is.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

A democrat California politician’s home was raided by LA county sheriff’s deputies over some “interesting no-bid contracts” that were handed out to a life-long friend of hers. Unlike the Mar-a-lago raid, the LA Times reaction has been dismissive. - via Small Dead Animals.

link to video

Who’s minding the stores?

Humperdink said...

From my perspective, west coast wannabe tyrant Ozzie Newsome (D-Blackout) bears a striking resemblance to the blackface wearing despot leading the Great White North. Both physically and mentally. Slick head-to-toe.

wendybar said...

I am so happy that former lefties are finally waking up to the truth.

Jaq said...

In case you don’t see how they program you, while all of them up to Biden are calling us fascists, a new show is on Netflix they are pushing hard, about WWII in North Africa. I was interested because my father, an American, was assigned to the British forces and served there, but the trailer is all about “killing fascists,” not Nazis, “fascists.” “I am just joining the unit to kill fascists, sir!” Now I have nothing against killing Nazis and fascist, if they are the real deal, but when our president accuses his political opposition of being fascist, I have to say it looks a bit like we are being conditioned for some nasty shit.

This is all while Biden is arming fascists who want to empty Ukraine of Russian half breed “orcs” Finn and Mongol mixture, they claim, and so provoked a war to kill them and drive them out. It’s a famous Nazi tactic, “We need breathing room!”

Look what propaganda has done to gadfly. History doesn’t repeat, but it rhymes.

Anonymous said...

Great Dr. imoloa herbal medicine is the perfect cure for the HIV virus, I was diagnosed of HIV for 8 years, and every day I always looking for research to find the perfect way to get rid of this terrible disease because I always know that what we need because our health is on earth . So, on my internet search I saw several testimonies about how Dr. imoloa can cure HIV with powerful herbal medicines. I decided to contact this man, I contacted him for herbal medicines that I received via DHL courier service. And he guided me how. I asked him for a solution to take herbal medicine for two weeks. And then he instructed me to go check what I was doing. Look at me (HIV NEGATIVE). Thank God for Dr. Imoloa for using a powerful herbal remedy to cure me. he also has a cure for diseases such as Parkison's disease, vaginal cancer, epilepsy, anxiety disorders, autoimmune diseases, back pain, sprains, bipolar disorder, brain tumors, malignant, bruxism, bulimia, cervical disc disease, cardiovascular disease, cardiovascular disease, sprains, bipolar disorder, brain tumors, malignant, bruxism, bulimia, cervical disc disease, cardiovascular disease, cardiovascular disease, sprains, bipolar disorder, brain tumors, malignant, bruxism, bulimia, cervical disc disease, cardiovascular disease , chronic respiratory diseases, mental and behavioral disorders, Cystic Fibrosis, Hypertension, Diabetes, asthma, autoimmune mediated arthritis. Chronic kidney disease, arthritis, back pain, impotence, feta alcohol spectrum, Dysthymic Disorders, Eczema, skin cancer, tuberculosis, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, constipation, inflammatory bowel disease, bone cancer, lung cancer, mouth sores, oral cancer, body pain, fever, hepatitis ABC, syphilis, diarrhea, Huntington's disease, back acne, chronic kidney failure, Addison's disease, Chronic Disease, Crohn's Disease, Cystic Fibrosis, Fibromyalgia, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Fungal Nail Disease, Paralysis, Celia Disease , Lymphoma, Major Depression, Malignant Melanoma, Mania, Melorheostosis, Meniere's Disease, Mucopolysaccharidosis, Multiple Sclerosis, Muscle Dystrophy, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Alzheimer's Disease email-

wendybar said...

Turley is right again. Too bad the media spews propaganda to confuse people.

boatbuilder said...

"Fascists are as far to the right on the political scale as you can get, so that makes no sense at all. Not to worry, though, because Trump goes down for violating the Presidential Records Act, so he will never run for political office again, but in the meantime, he wants supporters to add to his income."

Because when the left abuses the apparatus of the state, the facade of law, and the power of compliant corporate media to harass, jail, censor and eliminate political opposition, it's not fascism.

It's for our own good.

Tell us again how much you love Big Brother.

tim maguire said...

Jefferson's Revenge said...Tim- It is a very reliable source, his sister who is my wife's best friend, and she was as shocked as he was.

Thank you for the reply. I'd be shocked too. It's been my experience that liberals assume everyone around them thinks just like them unless they're clearly "not our kind, dear."

Jaq said...

You know what fascism hates the most? A viable opposition party. They have all been outlawed in Ukraine and the Ukrainian foreign minister said that they should be outlawed in Europe to, for the duration of a war that looks like it is going to last for years.

wendybar said...

ALL of their blood is all over this administrations hands, faces and bodies. THEY did this. WHY do they hate brown people??

Humperdink said...

Don Lemon (D-CNN) pushes British Royal Commenter for reparations. Commentator surprisingly responds in the affirmative. Then tears Lemon apart by suggesting reparations should begin at the source of slavery - those countries on the African coast. Lemon was essentially speechless.

tim maguire said...

gadfly said...Fascists are as far to the right on the political scale as you can get

You need to familiarize yourself with what the terms "left" and "right" mean. In Europe, left vs. right is international socialism vs. national socialism. In the US, it means maximalist centralized governance vs. diffuse governance with an emphasis on personal freedom.

What Europe (and you) call left vs. right, North America calls left vs. left. Europe, which is still fundamentally a feudalistic society, has no equivalent of the American right.

So yes, under European terminology, fascism is extreme right. But in the US, fascism is a left-wing ideology. Its focus on tight government-corporate union under an all-powerful one-party central government is completely anathema to what drives American conservatism.

It is, however, fully aligned with Democratic methods and goals.

Humperdink said...

Biden then: We need to forgive student debt because of the pandemic.

Biden Sunday: The pandemic is over.

Humperdink said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Saint Croix said...

George MacDonald Fraser wrote, literally, a dozen books in his Glashman series, and IMHO they’re all utterly hilarious.

thanks for that

went to wikipedia

P.G. Wodehouse (best comedic writer in human history) says he's hilarious

I'm going to try to find one

gilbar said...

TiV said...
British forces and served there, but the trailer is all about “killing fascists,” not Nazis

well, i don't have netflix, and so won't watch; but the Brits went to africa to kill Italian fascists.
It wasn't until the Italians collapsed, that Hitler sent Rommel's afrika corp to straighten things out

Saint Croix said...

I think it's Flashman, not Glashman.

Fuck you, Blogger!

Humperdink said...

Housing bubble 1.1 punctured in 2008. Bubble 1.2 punctured in 2022.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Seems to me that Flashman was featured in Playboy back in the day. I could be wrong.

Drago said...

The Hopeless gadfly: "Fascists are as far to the right on the political scale as you can get,"

Its as if gadfly is a 12 year old.


wendybar said...

They are against building a wall but they live in gated communities. They are for gun control but they have armed security. They destroy public education but send their kids to elite private schools. They support mask mandates but only their servants wear them at their parties.- Dave Smith Comedian

New Marthas Vineyard song!!

Big Mike said...

@St. Croix, I’m terrible at proofreading my own writing. Sorry. I did not mean to offend.

Big Mike said...

Seriously? Is this story really even believable

For Pete’s sake, gadfly, I can easily picture you acting that way yourself.

Jaq said...

Gadfly is here repeating that all Trump supporters are fascist, and the show is about how much fun killing fascists is. Maybe it’s about fighting the Italians. I talked once to a guy who was in North Africa and witnessed a march of prisoners, and he said that the Italians appeared happy to be out of the war, and the Nazis appeared pretty angry at having been captured.

Jaq said...

BTW, Biden has provided Ukraine, reportedly, with nuke capable missiles that can reach deep into Russian territory, I don’t know if it is true, but the Russians seem to think so and are increasing their force commitment, and are planning a referendum on annexation of parts of the Ukraine, this month. If they do that, it would allow Putin to use conscripts there, under Russian law, without a formal declaration of war.

The book “The Guns of August,” about how WWI started, begins with a British royal funeral, if memory serves.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

gadfly is so deep in the Trump-hate cult - he is blinded to any corruption on the left.
Including Biden family corruption.

Narr said...

"Flashman" was no doubt featured in Playboy BITD--the movie "Royal Flash" was made in 1975, starring newcomer Malcolm McDowell and such solid vets as Oliver Reed, after all. There was an earlier movie called "Flashman" that appears unconnected to Fraser's character.

As for "Fascism" that was the common term of abuse for far right-wingers, growing out of the Spanish Civil War. Leftist veterans of that war ironically called themselves "Premature Anti-Fascists" after the US became involved in WWII, not "Premature Anti-Nazis."

I suspect that historians of the future will still be using "Fascism" as the encompassing term for the various extremist experiments ("left" or "right") that marked the 20th Century, reserving "Nazi" for what Nabokov called "the unspeakable German product."

Polemicists will toss the terms around to suit their temporary political needs, of course.

Narr said...

"Flashman" was no doubt featured in Playboy BITD--the movie "Royal Flash" was made in 1975, starring newcomer Malcolm McDowell and such solid vets as Oliver Reed, after all. There was an earlier movie called "Flashman" that appears unconnected to Fraser's character.

As for "Fascism" that was the common term of abuse for far right-wingers, growing out of the Spanish Civil War. Leftist veterans of that war ironically called themselves "Premature Anti-Fascists" after the US became involved in WWII, not "Premature Anti-Nazis."

I suspect that historians of the future will still be using "Fascism" as the encompassing term for the various extremist experiments ("left" or "right") that marked the 20th Century, reserving "Nazi" for what Nabokov called "the unspeakable German product."

Polemicists will toss the terms around to suit their temporary political needs, of course.

P.S. G.D. Blogger!

Iman said...


Jaq said...

“ BREAKING: 41-year-old driver admits to intentionally running over and killing Republican teenager in North Dakota due to political dispute.” - Post Millennial

That didn’t take long.

Jaq said...

The most dangerous part of a conflict is the endgame. Putin is going to address Russians in the next hour, and here’s hoping it’s to announce that a ceasefire has been reached, rather than a declaration of war.

Imagine if CNN were a trustworthy news source, something is going on. Macron, one of only a couple leaders who thinks about the interests of his country, is trying to get Putin on the horn.

wendybar said...

Apparently, Burns missed the fact that Democrats are:
** jailing their opposition,
** raiding the home of the former president,
** arresting opposition leaders on made-up charges,
** targeting parents at school board meetings,
** pushing porn in the nation’s elementary schools,
** forcing Americans to get a dangerous experimental vaccine that doesn’t work
** opening the border to millions,
** coordinate with tech giants to silence the opposition
** coordinating with the leftist media to silence the opposition

(he should also get another toupee....spend some of your propaganda money Ken!!)

Rusty said...

tim in vermont said...
"Gadfly is here repeating that all Trump supporters are fascist, and the show is about how much fun killing fascists is. Maybe it’s about fighting the Italians. I talked once to a guy who was in North Africa and witnessed a march of prisoners, and he said that the Italians appeared happy to be out of the war, and the Nazis appeared pretty angry at having been captured."
LOL. An aside.My late uncle was in charge of prisoners in N Africa and Italy. He found the Italian soldiers a delight. Co-operative and hard working if given a task. The German prisoners? Not so much.
Gadfly. The fascista were Mussolini's attempt to co-opt the Italian middle class to socialism. Fascism is of the left. It has always been of the left. Hitler's approach was from the left just not the communist left.

Rusty said...

Let's hope , but my take is he's going to kick it up a notch. Either declare war and institute a draft or deploy theater nuclear weapons. Or all of the above. He is a dictator. His ego does not allow for a lesser solution.

Saint Croix said...

@St. Croix, I’m terrible at proofreading my own writing. Sorry. I did not mean to offend.

you didn't offend me

if I was named Flashman or Glashman I guess I might be offended

Althouse once put one of my posts (a big cussing post) on the front page

I was like, "oh shit!"

I just wasn't ready for the stage, you know. It was funny but off-brand. I was like, "Why didn't she put my smart shit up there?" And I said something and Althouse thought she hurt my feelings.

The internet (that's you, Blogger!) confuses people and you can't see their face so misunderstandings abound.

anyway, I just wanted people to know it was Flashman, not Glashman, in case they wanted to read it. I've never read it, thank you for the tip.

I'm yelling at Blogger because it amuses the shit out of me, and hopefully other people. I've been putting up with this fucker for a decade. Nice to yell at AI. (Not that it helps).

If you ever think about whether we should give a robot the nuclear launch codes, well, think about Blogger and you tell me.

(the funny thing is that I think Blogger only attacks the proof-readers)

Saint Croix said...

hey, Jeanne Gabriel at 6:36

you are fucking Blogger you bitch!

I see you

I'm like the dog in The Terminator

You got a nice girlie picture up

but you are fucking AI!

(second time)

Saint Croix said...

Blogger is trying to protect that bitch at 6:36 AM!

Heywood Rice said...

Apparently, Burns missed the fact that Democrats are:...

Did you actually watch the documentary or do you simply repeat what you've been told?

~ Gordon Pasha said...

Is that lake off limits for hunting? If not, You need to get a lay out boat, those ducks rafted off the shore look mighty tempting.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jaq said...

Maybe we should have taken into account that Putin will probably be deposed, and maybe with a bullet, if he loses before we decided to arm the Ukrainians to attack Russia speaking areas, provoking the Russians, not just Putin. The concession that would have averted the war was a non aligned status for Ukraine, and autonomy, but not sovereignty, for Russian speaking regions.

What if Russia backed a coup in Quebec and then gave them weapons to drive out the English speakers in the Eastern Townships? Would we ignore it? Look no further than the Cuban missile crisis for your answer. If Quebec voted to leave Canada, international norms are that they are free to go. There was a referendum in Crimea in the early ‘90s where they voted to remain independent. Ukraine annexed them by force.
I would not want to live under Putin, for sure, but we are heading in the direction of a police state here, and by police state, I don’t mean law enforcement, I mean using the police powers of the state to cement the power of a single political party.

Jaq said...

Maybe we should have taken into account that Putin will probably be deposed, and maybe with a bullet, if he loses before we decided to arm the Ukrainians to attack Russia speaking areas, provoking the Russians, not just Putin. The concession that would have averted the war was a non aligned status for Ukraine, and autonomy, but not sovereignty, for Russian speaking regions.

What if Russia backed a coup in Quebec and then gave them weapons to drive out the English speakers in the Eastern Townships? Would we ignore it? Look no further than the Cuban missile crisis for your answer. If Quebec voted to leave Canada, international norms are that they are free to go. There was a referendum in Crimea in the early ‘90s where they voted to remain independent. Ukraine annexed them by force.
I would not want to live under Putin, for sure, but we are heading in the direction of a police state here, and by police state, I don’t mean law enforcement, I mean using the police powers of the state to cement the power of a single political party.

Christopher B said...

Cayler Ellingson Say his name.

Court documents say at 2:35 Sunday morning, 41-year-old Shannon Brandt called 911 to report that he had hit a pedestrian because he was threatening him. Brandt told State Radio that the pedestrian was part of a Republican extremist group and that he was afraid they were “coming to get him.” The pedestrian has been identified in a GoFundMe page as 18-year-old Cayler Ellingson.

After visiting the scene where the incident happened, deputies went to Brandt’s house in Glenfield, ND, which is about 12 minutes from the crash scene. Brandt admitted to consuming alcohol before the incident, and stated he hit Ellingson with his car because he had a political argument with him. Brandt also admitted to deputies that he initially left the crash scene, then returned to call 911, but left again before deputies could arrive.

Quaestor said...

Shannon Brandt was the liquored-up fascist behind the wheel of that SUV. But it was Joe Biden's foot on the gas pedal.

Big Brother speaks, and the proles take action.

Rusty said...

Let's deal with the reality we're presented with. Wishcasting putin dead won't help.

Drago said...

Blogger Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker: "gadfly is so deep in the Trump-hate cult - he is blinded to any corruption on the left.
Including Biden family corruption."

Thats not the half of it.

Gadfly, along with Inga and victoria from pasadena, literally defended Joe Biden showering with his adolescent daughter.

If you needed any more proof of gadfly's hilarious FakeCon/Pro-dem schtick, that was it.

A rhetorical Rubicon.

Saint Croix said...

After visiting the scene where the incident happened, deputies went to Brandt’s house in Glenfield, ND, which is about 12 minutes from the crash scene. Brandt admitted to consuming alcohol before the incident, and stated he hit Ellingson with his car because he had a political argument with him. Brandt also admitted to deputies that he initially left the crash scene, then returned to call 911, but left again before deputies could arrive.

That's Ted Kennedy all over again.

No movies about this, I guess. Way to go, media, you're doing great.

Josephbleau said...

“ If Quebec voted to leave Canada, international norms are that they are free to go. “

In the second Quebec referendum of 1995 Quebec voted 50.58% to stay. The Supreme Court of Canada said that succession
was illegal even if Quebec voted yes. Parizeau the QB pm said that he would have declared independence if the vote ad been yes. Not permitting the breakup even if the vote was to leave was revealed to have been federal government strategy later, after the vote. Of course, in the US, since 1865 a referendum for a part of the US to leave is considered illegal and would be resisted by us and Canada does not accept international norms.

Canada would have been the Ukraine Govt. and Quebec would have been the ethnic Russians.

Separatism is interesting. I could not hold a personal referendum saying my house was an independent nation, I would be a crank. So how many people would I need to be with me for the referendum to be valid?

Jaq said...

90%, like Donbas?

Jaq said...

It’s not Putin, Putin is only following Russian national interests, the next guy will be worse, meanwhile here in the US, we have our own Yeltsin running things.

Rusty said...

Putin is following Putin's interests. He is a dictator.

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