৭ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০২২



Write about whatever you want in the comments.

৪৫টি মন্তব্য:

Buckwheathikes বলেছেন...

There's a battle being waged against America. I know there is because Joe Biden told me so. He said there are people in the United States who represent a "clear and present danger" to the very existence of the United States. This term is a legal, Supreme Court term which allows a President to order extraordinary measures against such people.

A group of people inside the country are attempting to end our very Democracy. To destroy everything we all spent these last hundreds of years building. Joe Biden knows who these people are. They're the MAGA Republians.

So, how many MAGA Republicans has Joe Biden ordered droned?

How many has he killed?

How many has he captured? Where are the camps he's building to hold these prisoners? 75 million people voted against Democracy in his election. That's a lot of camps needed. Has he built a single one yet? Where is it located?

I thought he was fighting for us. Apparently not. If so, where are the body counts? We had them daily in Vietnam to prove how effective our fighting forces are. Each day, the DoD would give us the Gook Talley.

How many Marines has Joe sent into battle against the MAGA Republicans instead of just standing around at his blood-red speeches? How many MAGA Republican kills do the Marines have?

We need new and effective leadership since General Joe Biden is apparently sleeping on the job.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

What’s weird about that story about “nuclear” stuff found at MAL is that the WaPo never claims the document is classified. It could be a newspaper clipping for all we know.

The FBI sure has shown over the past six years that they hold judges in complete contempt. Same as Democrats, Biden is a strong man and kleptocrat, I am serious that I hope he puts Trump in jail. The worse the better.

Original Mike বলেছেন...

Still burning hydrogen, I see.

Spiros বলেছেন...

I think all this BS about Trump selling nuclear secrets to foreign adversaries is some sort of elaborate human mousetrap hatched by the FBI. It is a sting operation, with federal agents posing as foreign officials seeking nuclear secrets from some of the dummies in Trump's orbit. If this is true, then there are also wiretap applications and orders out there.

Beasts of England বলেছেন...

It looks like the bottom of the clouds has been dipped in pink frosting!

~ ~ ~

We’re having a flotilla happy hour this afternoon, now that all the tacky holiday weekenders have evacuated our personal lake. The weather is perfect - 79° with low humidity and a few high clouds. Maybe I’ll get some Althouse-quality photos... :)

h বলেছেন...

I post legal questions on this site because the host but also many of the commenters seem to be well informed on legal issues.

I read a novel (or more) in which a special master was appointed by a court to review materials and decide which of them should be available to the police. For example a Michael Connelly novel has a plot line in which a lawyer is murdered in the car park of his office building. The Lincoln Lawyer is appointed by the court to take over the murdered lawyer's cases. Policemen are found in the murdered lawyer's office going through his files and correspondence, looking for evidence like threatening letters from ex-clients. The replacement lawyer worries that the files contain privileged communication between the dead lawyer and the clients the replacement lawyer has been asked to represent. A judge in this case hears the arguments on both sides and appoints a special master to review the material and decide which files in the lawyer's office have evidence relevant to the police investigation, and which should be protected from police eyes.

It sounds to me like a similar justification can be made in the case of Trump papers. But I read a tweet stream (ok, ok) by a law professor which took the tone: "nothing like this crazy decision by a Trump appointed judge has ever been made in the history of the country!!" Isn't it fairly common to appoint some independent to review siezed materials when those materials include communications between lawyer and client, or doctor and patient, even in the absence of claims of immunity and differences of opinion about what is classified and what isn't classified?

Josephbleau বলেছেন...

“What’s weird about that story about “nuclear” stuff found at MAL is that the WaPo never claims the document is classified. It could be a newspaper clipping for all we know.”

The simplest explanation about foreign nuclear secrets is that Trump had some documents about what Iran is planning bomb wise, and Beiden wants to make the deal and give them trillions before they are released so he sent his goons to grab them. North Korea gave Iran their nuke tech, so everyone already has the info anyway.

Humperdink বলেছেন...

Obama and his lovely bride were in DC for unveiling of their portraits. During his speech, Obama flatly stated the country is in better shape today than when President Bidas Touch™ assumed office. By what metric? Any metric?

Narr বলেছেন...

The Organs have limitless resources to generate paper wars for Trump to fight--with the exception of time.

If he's not indicted by the end of this year, he will be rubbed out before '24. The DC scum have too much to lose to allow him another term.

The Secret Documents of Mar-a-Lago' are as much a maguffin as the Maltese Falcon was.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

My bet is that thte 87,000 new IRS agents will be employed in discovering those people who should be paying the Dane geld to the Democrats, but aren't.

farmgirl বলেছেন...

On the farm: bought 2piggies to raise.
My husband named them Nancy &Joe. Both females.

Nancy is bigger.

Readering বলেছেন...

h there are 2 issues. 1. The order on special master review extends to executive privilege claims on documents. That is unprecedented. 2. The warrant provided for a "taint team" review of attorney-client materials and they were segregated as part of the search. A reason it took as many hours as it did. They filed a report indicating a couple of documents slipped through. But not on scale indicating the need for a special master to go back over the segregation.

But the special master appointment is not what is creating main controversy. It's the injunction against the investigation while the special master operates.

I suspect in the end the special master will agree with the government that executive privilege does not apply here to require return of documents to Trump. What will judge do then?

rcocean বলেছেন...

DoJ Last week Judge, We don't need a Special master Judge, to review and safeguard the documents. Trump's confidental data is part of our Hush/Hush Top Secret investigation!

DoJ Today: Hey WaPo, Look at what Trump had! Don't tell anyone. We say, anonymously.

BTW, can some lawyer explain why the FBI was allowed to go outside the scope of the warrant and scoop up Trump's personal effects, pictures, passports, and tons of newspaper clippings? Not to mention Lawyer-client confidental data and his income tax information?

Carol বলেছেন...

Hopefully the IRS is hiring people to answer the phone. Oh and finish paper returns from last year.

alicante69 বলেছেন...

Too bad Ivan Albright is dead. The DNC could have commissioned a portrait of Trump.

Butkus51 বলেছেন...

Hey Howard

Found a cookbook for you and YOUR people.


Dont be a hypocrite now although thats all you really know.

Beasts of England বলেছেন...

More clouds than expected this evening, but a few nice pics: including part of a rainbow on the way out and Jupiter rising on the way in. Nature is pretty groovy. :)

Original Mike বলেছেন...

Germany’s foreign minister suggested this week that Germany cannot send more of its own weapons to Ukraine because it has deficient supplies. If this story is true, it means that Germany, with the largest economy in Europe, does not have the facilities to rapidly produce more weapons –

Yeah, they can't produce electricity either. Heck of a job there, guys, managing your affairs.

Lurker21 বলেছেন...

What Killing Eve had was the newness and boldness of the show. As it went on for season after season that wore off and they couldn't create successful dramatic arcs. It didn't help that Phoebe Waller-Bridge left after the first season. The show was just repeating the same reversals and variations over and over again, to the point where people got sick of the it -- or at least I did.

Now I have a documentary about water in California. It's relevant now, but I don't know just how much to trust it. Corporations were so dominant in the Fifties, that people looked with favor at the rise of consumer advocacy groups and NGOs and non-profits in the Sixties and Seventies, but now it seems like they've become a power of their own and are calling the shots, so I don't know if they are working to solve the problem or if they've helped create it.

M Jordan বলেছেন...

Just watched “My Son Hunter.” I was highly skeptical going in … but boy, was I wrong. It’s a great movie, extremely funny, very polished. And it didn’t pull punches. Really, a truly well-done film. I’m still laughing an hour later.

effinayright বলেছেন...

Josephbleau said...
“What’s weird about that story about “nuclear” stuff found at MAL is that the WaPo never claims the document is classified. It could be a newspaper clipping for all we know.”

The simplest explanation about foreign nuclear secrets is that Trump had some documents about what Iran is planning bomb wise, and Beiden wants to make the deal and give them trillions before they are released so he sent his goons to grab them. North Korea gave Iran their nuke tech, so everyone already has the info anyway.

Could just as easily be about North Korea. Which HAS nukes already.

In any case, why would Trump sell such a document to any other country? I suspect the doc was already made available to "friendlies" around the world.

Why would we keep secret matters very crucial to understanding the NORK threat from our allies Japan or South Korea?

Does anyone really think Russia and China don't already know the situation?

madAsHell বলেছেন...

My parents ran a small pharmacy on University Way in Seattle. The pharmacy accepted VISA, and Mastercard, but Mom hated when people used them. She was paying 1 or 2% to VISA for every transaction.

Yesterday, I took the automobile to the Ford dealer to have some maintenance issue managed. When the charges were totaled, the service manager indicated there would be a 3% surcharge on the use of a VISA card (checks, and debit cards were preferred).

The VISA service charge is no longer eaten by the retail establishment. The Ford dealer is passing it on to the customer.

Readering বলেছেন...

Rcoceon. The warrant provided for the seizure of materials intermingled with the government documents. That's how 45 keeps his stuff.

Njall বলেছেন...

I’m back at Althouse, not that anyone would notice. I rarely comment, and by the time I get around to it, that particular post is dead and people have moved on to different things.

I joke to myself that I’m a thread killer, but of course it’s a matter of timing. And the fact that I comment so rarely that no one would know I’ve been reading this blog daily for decades.

Well, that’s not quite true. I have boycotted the blog the last couple years after comments were disallowed.

I think Althouse commenters are the best. I learn so much, and am so entertained. I said that a couple years ago, and I remember Robert Cook said, what a sad admission. And I thought, Cookie, I read your comments too!

Best wishes to you all in these crazy times.

Scott Patton বলেছেন...

three trillion photos were taken with iPhones last year.

Owen বলেছেন...

MadAsHell @ 12:30: Depressing story, that, about getting stuck with the surcharge for using a credit card. Maybe the answer is to pay them in pennies.

wendybar বলেছেন...

Humperdink said...
Obama and his lovely bride were in DC for unveiling of their portraits. During his speech, Obama flatly stated the country is in better shape today than when President Bidas Touch™ assumed office. By what metric? Any metric?

9/7/22, 5:54 PM

Since Obama is the one who divided us, no WONDER he thinks the country is in better shape. It's exactly as he PLANNED.

wendybar বলেছেন...

That Maxwell really is the only person in history to be convicted for trafficking children for sex …to apparently nobody.

One can only come to two conclusions: (i) absent the existence of corruption, our DoJ and FBI would have to admit -- i.e. cannot deny -- their possession of the identities of at least some of Maxwell’s former clients; and (ii) based on that admission, they should also have to confess to their criminal complicity in helping her to protect -- i.e. hide the identity of -- those pedophiles from justice. All of which is further evidenced by the fact that, to date, not a single one has yet been identified, much less indicted, and so, are in fact being enabled by our government to continue to roam freely among not only us, but our children.


Dave Begley বলেছেন...

Hunter and the Boston Mob boss Whitey Bulger exchanged emails about China.

Humperdink বলেছেন...

My spouse continues to reminds me wrecking the country is the plan by Dems. But they will lose I respond. She laughs. I am beginning to think she is right.

Old and slow বলেছেন...

Think of it as a discount for NOT using a Visa card. You have always been paying the 3% surcharge. You just didn't know it.

Old and slow বলেছেন...

It is true that the people leaving comments here are among the best and most interesting to be found on the Internet. And that is profoundly depressing.

Rusty বলেছেন...

Readering said, "I suspect "
There ya go, mate. Workin' without tools again.
For a lawyer who is convinced you are right all the time you sure aren't right very often.

farmgirl বলেছেন...


This is gold.
Peterson addressing Twitter…

wendybar বলেছেন...

Michael Shellenberger
Scientists claimed the algae bloom in the San Francisco Bay, which killed over 10k fish, was due to climate change. But it's now clear that it is due to the failure of local governments to upgrade the region's antiquated sewage treatment plants.

"Last month, President Donald Trump warned of a potential violation notice, saying the city was allowing needles and human waste to go through storm drains to the Pacific Ocean — an allegation fervently denied by city officials."


wendybar বলেছেন...

When you realize that the reason why #Californiablackouts isn't trending is because people don't have power.

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

"When you realize that the reason why #Californiablackouts isn't trending is because people don't have power."

What I'm seeing is that blackouts were averted. People were asked to cut back and they did. Isn't that nice?

wendybar বলেছেন...

Wenner, who has known Bob Dylan for decades and interviewed him for Rolling Stone, says he learned to never shake the iconic musician’s hand.

“If you did, he let his hand stay motionless in your palm as if you were holding a dead fish,” Wenner writes. “It was unnerving and would make you all the more awkward being with him.”


wendybar বলেছেন...

That's great. How much will they have to cut back once they can only have an electric vehicle, and NOTHING is done to fix the power grid??

J Melcher বলেছেন...

What I'm seeing is that blackouts were averted. People were asked to cut back and they did. Isn't that nice?

In February of 2021 Texas stumbled through "rolling" blackouts. In my area the difficulties seemed to have been managed fairly well. The power would go out every four hours or so, stay out for two hours or so, and come back on. No risk to refrigerator or freezer food. Even PCs on UPS didn't lose data.

Summer of 2021 we discovered that the power distributors had been operating in auction mode with power producers, and in order to get four hours, or so, of power they were promising to pay CRAZY HIGH rates. (Apparently, under the assumption that the State of Texas would sometime later bail them out.) The state had declined, and the rate payers from then to now and for the foreseeable future are seeing rates more than doubled was we saw in 2020.

ANYHOW, "being asked" to cut back is a nice idea, but one wonders who is asking whom. In my opinion no direct consumer of power would have continued bidding in the crisis auction as long as the power distributors did. The ability of the market to stabilize at a sane and affordable price was subverted. And diversion of "excess" funds to those who might invest in dispatchable emergency sources was not accomplished.

wendybar বলেছেন...

Keep on believing the lies they are spewing and keep getting the death shot. And what is up with the 6 foot clot found in a high school athlete who got the jab?
What are they doing to us??


wendybar বলেছেন...

Keep on believing the lies they are spewing and keep getting the death shot. And what is up with the 6 foot clot found in a high school athlete who got the jab?
What are they doing to us??


wendybar বলেছেন...

And THIS is the guy who wants us dead. WHY is he pushing this so hard, and WHY is he buying up the farmland in the USA when he wants us all to eat bugs?? Is starvation the next killer they are pushing to depopulate?? https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/09/bill-gates-posts-creepy-video-urging-public-reduce-childhood-death-vaccines-children-die/

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

"We’re going to build the future in America with American workers, in American factories, using American-made products" - Joe Biden

LOL. If he meant it, Trump would just fade away.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

It is amazing to me how Democrats are so cavalier about stripping accused of their rights if they have the wrong affiliation. It's a fishing expedition, and you know what the "taint" in "taint team" stands for? "T'ain't privileged."