September 6, 2022

"Since when can we not ask questions about our elections?"

"As a journalist for many years—I was a journalist after 2016 and I distinctly remember many people just like you, asking a lot of questions about the 2016 election results and nobody tried to shut you up... Nobody tried to tell Hillary Clinton to shut up. Nobody tried to tell Kamala Harris when she was questioning the legitimacy of these electronic voting machines to stop. We have freedom of speech in this country and you of all that people should appreciate that. You’re supposedly a journalist. You should appreciate that. So I don’t see how asking questions about an election where there were many problems is ‘dividing’ a country. What I do see divided a country is shutting people down, censoring people, canceling people, trying to destroy people’s lives when they do ask questions. Last I heard we still have the Constitution. It’s hanging by a thread thanks to some of the work some people in this area have done. But we’re going to save that Constitution and we’re going to bring back freedom of speech. And maybe someday you’ll thank us for that."

Said Arizona Republican gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake, quoted at PJ Media.

Lake was responding to a reporter who said: "You feel like Joe Biden is dividing the country. Do you feel Donald Trump is doing the same by falsely telling people he won that election when he lost it?" 


Heartless Aztec said...

Fuckin' A

Charlie said...

Q: since when?

A: since DJT

Original Mike said...

Keep in mind, she's one of the candidates this year that the left has vilified as unfit for office.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Jimmy Carter said openly that he KNEW the Russians stole the election from Hillary.

Leland said...

Seems like Kari Lake supports more speech rather than suppression of speech as a means to respond to opposing viewpoints.

wendybar said...

They hate her because she is right. They can't have "women" who support Trump. That goes against all the lies they have been spewing about him for the last 7 years.

rcocean said...

Seems common sense to me. Odd that Lake is the only Republican talking like this. I'm sure Mitt Romney hates her guts.

Drago said...

rcocean: "Seems common sense to me. Odd that Lake is the only Republican talking like this. I'm sure Mitt Romney hates her guts."

The GOPe-ers really do not appreciate anyone pushing back too hard against the democraticals, lest invitations to the cool kids cocktail parties stop showing up. I mean, can you imagine how uncomfortable it must be for the GOPe-ers to have to deal with those icky conservative issues like groomers in our schools and abortion over the jumbo shrimp display?

Things might go so testy someone might spill their chardonnay!

Michael K said...

I'm liking her more and more. Mark Kelly is spending a fortune on negative ads directed at Blake Masters. I haven't seen many ads about her.

rcocean said...

BTW, if questioning the 2020 election was so CRAAAZZY, Big Tech wouldn't ban anyone who talks about it. And the DNC/MSM wouldn't be smearing and attacking anyone who talks about it.

If facts were on their side, they would simply quote them. And mock the nuts who believe otherwise. Instead is censorship and cancelling. And lawsuits against TV networks who had guests questioning the results.

Sebastian said...

"Nobody tried to tell Hillary Clinton to shut up."

Well, that's different. Cuz (D).

Lake sounds good. Still pulling her punches a bit on what progs are doing and saying and trying, but good.

Calling BS on "reporters" is refreshing.

By the way, are we sure all these oddly realistic posts are by Althouse? Or has Meade taken over the blog?

Daniel12 said...

Just asking questions... She's gaslighting me, a person who is not among the one third of this country that is sure the election is bullshit, and was also awake and sentient with the ability to form long term memories for the past two years.

Yancey Ward said...

You want honest elections, this is what you have to do:

(1) Paper ballots only. No machine counting- all ballots hand-counted with teams of counters made up of one member each of the parties on the ballot.

(2) In person voting only, unless disabled. And if disabled, ballot brought to individual by a team consisting of one representative from each party on the ballot. No other excuses for absentee voting allowed. In person voting covers a two week period that ends the day of the election. For service members and their families, they vote in person, too, but with the voting conducted on their bases. When you have voted, you get your index finger stained with indelible ink.

(3) Registration with proof of citizenship and identity.

(4) Presentation of photo ID when showing up to vote. ID examined by a team that contains one member from each party on the ballot.

(5) When the polls close, the number of ballots given out is immediately released publically from each precinct. This is easy to do since it is a running tally at all times.

(6) Counting starts when the polls close, and continues without interruption until it is finished. If it takes three days, it takes three days until it is finished.

No one should be able to honestly oppose this system, and if they do oppose it, then they are people who want to cheat, full stop.

gspencer said...

When our "betters" tell us not to question the 2020 election, or any other elitist decision (such as the covid19 response measures), that's when you're to know your place.

Joe Smith said...

How to say 'Fuck off' without saying 'Fuck off.'

I saw the video clip.

If it was a setup question it was a good one.

If that was off-the-cuff, she eviscerated the reporter.

My kind of woman : )

hombre said...

Ron Klain, QuidProJoe's CoS, is still questioning the 2000 election.

Gusty Winds said...

How long do you think you would last if you stood by the Forward Statue in Madison, WI and simply held up a sign that said..."Why aren't we allowed to question election integrity?"

You be attacked within minutes.

Heywood Rice said...

Last I heard we still have the Constitution. It’s hanging by a thread thanks to some of the work some people in this area have done.

Since when can the Constitution not withstand freedom of the press?

Marcus Bressler said...

"...falsely telling.." And this "reporter" supposedly knows how to write? Of course, the bias just bleeeeeeds.


Joe Smith said...

'Calling BS on "reporters" is refreshing.'

I forget who talked about this (some conservative pundit), but they were pushing this tactic of getting out the message you wanted to get out...don't play the game the reporter wants you to play.

For instance: Reporter: "What do you say to the reports of Trump having classified documents in his possession?"

Politician: "We'll see what the courts say. What do you think of President Biden taking showers with his adolescent daughter. She wrote in her diary that they were inappropriate and caused her trauma later in life. Have you asked the White House about those reports of potential sexual molestation?"

Achilles said...

Kari Lake is a better candidate than Ron Desantis.


I hope Trump picks her for VP.

Desantis is acting like a career pol shitweasel.

Achilles said...

Joe Smith said...

If that was off-the-cuff, she eviscerated the reporter.

My kind of woman : )

She has been giving these types of answers to reporters for months.

Ann finally noticed her here.

Kari Lake says things that Trump says using the language of a News Anchor. She is very intelligent and she looks good on camera.

Her Democrat opponent in the Arizona Governor race will not debate her for obvious reasons.

The media are trying to hide her from the country and propping up Desantis. She has been going straight at the obvious voter fraud in Arizona and Maricopa County is shitting it's pants.

The Arizona 2020 election will likely be decertified.

Once the 2020 election becomes an actual debate where we get to openly discuss what went on it will destroy the Biden Regime.

It was obviously fraudulent and the Regime's censorship can only hide the truth so long.

As for why Desantis gets more press than Lake you do the math.

Readering said...

The asking questions phase seems to be in the past and not what this candidate has been doing. She's a denier. Evil to point that out?

Big Mike said...

Seems common sense to me. Odd that Lake is the only Republican talking like this.

She isn’t. The newsmedia suppress it when other Republican candidates respond to similar “gotcha” questions in a similar way but Lake is too visible and the setting was too high profile.

@Michael K., if certified gun-grabber Mark Kelly wins this election then Wayne LaPierre and Jason Ouimet need to resign in shame and humiliation.

Beasts of England said...

Kari Lake is a force of nature. The sky’s the limit…

Rabel said...

"Keep in mind, she's one of the candidates this year that the left has vilified as unfit for office."

Yes. Read her Wikipedia and it's obvious that she's been targeted.

You're likely going to need a tag for this one, Althouse.

Temujin said...

Achilles: "As for why DeSantis gets more press than Lake you do the math."

You know the answer to this. He was an acting Governor during the covid hit. Kari Lake- who is going to be a force- was still a journalist and/or a candidate. DeSantis, while running the 3rd most populous state in the nation, the fastest growing state in the nation, studied the science, studied the data provided by his team, and made decisions that went 180 degrees against what the collective wisdom told him he should be doing. He took massive hits from the media in all sectors, from other politicians, and from the Biden White House (when Joe made his way there). And DeSantis was right, in almost everything he's done.

Those of us living in Florida were seeing things from him before covid hit. Things that were out of the norm for a politician. He was getting things done, working with sane Democrats to get things done. Things that helped all of the people in the state, except for rabid lefties who think that every breath he takes is stealing one from them.

Since covid, the national spotlight has been on him and raised him from a barely winning Governor to GOP potential front runner (if Trump does not run). Kari Lake has not done nearly as much as DeSantis, has not accomplished what he has while in office. She may be great and I hope she has her chance to make her mark. But the hits on DeSantis are unfounded. If you don't like that he's a career Government guy, so be it. He is. But he's one that uses what he knows about them to get things done.

Buckwheathikes said...

Since when can we not ask questions about science? It used to be the very function of science to ask questions, to contest results, to propose novel theories. But lo ... the science has been settled, citizen.

Ever heard of a "climate denier?"

Since when can we not ask questions about the efficacy of an experimental medicine?

Ever heard of a "vaccine denier?"

You cannot take any notice of the poor efficacy of the current medical experiment being conducted on non-willing patients. Conducting such experiments were once widely and appropriately seen as criminal acts. Not any longer.

The left is using this "denier" methodology because it worked for the Jews. Anyone who takes note that there were many Jews assisting the Nazi regime is a "Holocaust denier." (See: Shirer et al "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich"). You cannot even discuss this factual record or you will face an immediate cancellation. It has worked wonders for the Jews in compartmentalizing this infomration. Since most people would rather not discuss it than face these consequences. After all, what is to be gained by discussing whether some Jews (George Soros) helped the Nazis?

Those in power do not wish for the masses to realize that their elections are rigged. Because then what? What if it's true? What then? That "truth" leads to very unpleasant outcomes.

So ... the lie must be maintained, at all costs.

Peglegged Picador said...

I seem to remember people questioning election results a number of times since I first voted for George Bush in 2000. I think the the difference is pretty obvious, but just in case, it's probably worth noting that there was only one of those instances where people tried to disrupt the peaceful transfer of power, and a recovered crackhead was still screaming about it (and getting a surprising amount of buy in) 2 years later (in spite of the absence of any real evidence).

Gospace said...

Democrats denying lection results loudly go back to 2000, if not before. Remember- Bush was selected, not elected. And there were the same issues in Fl as in 2020= Demorats kept counting, and wanted to count out of sight. With an additional licker thrown in. All the major media announced the polls in FL were closed when they wer still open in the heavily Republican FL panhandle, and called the elction in FL for Gore almost immediately- while the polls were still open in th FL panhandle. And statistice show voting numbes in teh panhandle were suppressed- a lot of people who show up in the last hour didn't because they were told they were too late. And beside, Gore had won FL....

IIRC. counting was honestly done in Broward County because an "unruly" crowd of citizens showed up to surround the county office building when the Democrats attempted to hold a recount in seret, out of pubic view, without Republican officials present.

All of MSM called for a recount- every single newspaper in America it seems. And many did their own count afterwards after it was all settled. We don't see much about because it seems- Bush won. Not what they were looking for, hence, not newsworthy.

Jamie said...

"Last I heard we still have the Constitution. It’s hanging by a thread thanks to some of the work some people in this area have done."

Since when can the Constitution not withstand freedom of the press?

Since when does "freedom of the press" mean "anchoring the debate vĂ­a obviously biased language like 'falsely claimed' and omitting normal journalistic terms like 'alleged'"? Press freedom was intended to keep government from muzzling the reportage of facts, not to allow "reporters" an exclusive megaphone to express their opinions.

Mason G said...

"If facts were on their side, they would simply quote them."

If the facts were on their side, they'd welcome a discussion of the subject and support an audit of the vote. Nobody who believes they won an election would fight tooth and nail to prevent an investigation that would show they won.

Jamie said...

The asking questions phase seems to be in the past and not what this candidate has been doing. She's a denier. Evil to point that out?

Oooo, a "denier." Oooo, just "pointing it out."

Not "evil to point that out," just "pathetic to try to control the terms so blatantly."

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

So readering is fresh out of ideas I see. Better check with the DNC for new ones! I wonder if deniers sink or float if you conduct a witch test.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

The video is better than the transcript. There’s a real “bless your heart” tone to her answer to the alleged reporter.

J Melcher said...

The journalist uses the language of the dominant mainstream media in phrasing the context as "Trump falsely telling people..."

Jumping to the conclusion, begging the question, assuming facts not yet in evidence -- who says the claim is FALSE? Who routinely says claims about Gore 2000 or Hillary 2016 or Abrahms or who ever are as settled as the roundness of the Earth or the wetness of water?

It seems to me most of the court cases brought between election day and inauguration were settled on grounds other than fact. Mootness,ripeness, standing, jurisdictional authority... The left-ish media seems to regard the (admitted) losses in court as proof of facts, when facts weren't presented or challenged or defended.

Inga said...

When the left questioned the presence of weapons of mass destruction and the invasion of Iraq, they were demonized by the right. They were called unpatriotic, evil and were ostracized by the right.

This outrage over Biden’s remarks about Trumpism is civilly bullshit on steroids, IMO.

Joe Smith said...

'Kari Lake says things that Trump says using the language of a News Anchor. She is very intelligent and she looks good on camera.'

Yes, I noticed that because of her background she is very polished in front of the camera.

Much more so than almost any 'politician' I've seen.

Drago said...

Readering: "The asking questions phase seems to be in the past and not what this candidate has been doing. She's a denier. Evil to point that out?"

ElectionFraud/Inflation/Recession/BiologicalFact deniers are always so funny!

J Melcher said...

I want to emphasize that Trump was on record and put his money where his mouth was in efforts to "un-rig" elections from the first few months of his presidency. Kris Kobach (with then-admired Mike Pence) made the same sort of public records requests any journalist might make for voter registration records -- with the publically declared intention of matching names and birthdates in this county to that, or one state to another.

Gahd the newspapers went ape-shot.

"Suppression", they called it.

It was clear that the powers that be PREFERRED crappy records allowing the dead to cast ballots, students to vote both at home and at college, bosses to vote on behalf of their workers ... or any manner of abuse.

Trump chose not to push the issue. It cost him.

Achilles said...

Readering said...

The asking questions phase seems to be in the past and not what this candidate has been doing. She's a denier. Evil to point that out?

The intent on your part using a word like denier is evil.

You are dishonestly setting the argument in an arena where anyone who disagrees with you is denying the truth.

Then you take the next step supporting the censorship of people who disagree with you.

Then you go further by supporting government violence and persecution of people that disagree with you.

Then you support violence by leftist sponsored groups like BLM and Antifa against people you disagree with.

You are evil.


Achilles said...

Temujin said...

Since covid, the national spotlight has been on him and raised him from a barely winning Governor to GOP potential front runner (if Trump does not run). Kari Lake has not done nearly as much as DeSantis, has not accomplished what he has while in office. She may be great and I hope she has her chance to make her mark. But the hits on DeSantis are unfounded. If you don't like that he's a career Government guy, so be it. He is. But he's one that uses what he knows about them to get things done.

Are you going to pretend you do not see a change in how Desantis is acting since he hired his new team of Republican Party handlers over the last month?

J Melcher said...

Nobody gives Trump credit for his consistancy. Per the CNN article linked above,
Trump has repeatedly discussed a similar theme, decrying voter fraud as a large scale problem. He has made debunked and unsubstantiated claims about millions of illegal votes in the 2016 election.

The *2*0*1*6* election, which Trump WON. Trump claimed (and CNN called the claim "unsubstantiated" rather than "false" in 2017) that the process in place (before ad hoc improvisations made in response to, and under excuses of, COVID-19) were inadequate to prevent fraud.

Rather than prove him wrong, the Democratic authorities in various states, and enablers in the American media, tried to shut him down.

victoria said...

People hate her not because she is telling the truth, because she is not. She is one of the people sowing hate and doubt. An election audit in her state, run by Republican supported auditors, turned up no inconsistencies. Get off of it, Kari.

Vicki from Pasadena

Buckwheathikes said...

Watch how quickly these rat-fuckers start complaining about rigged elections come November 9, when the bloodletting in Congress occurs and Democrats all across the land are dumped into the dustbin of history.

Just watch how quickly they become "election deniers."

pious agnostic said...

What Temujin said...

rehajm said...

Do you feel Donald Trump is doing the same by falsely telling people he won that election when he lost it?"

I hate to paraphrase Aaron Sorkin but if Donald Trump had won the election in 2020 he’d have won the election in 2020.

Dude1394 said...

People always win elections in the middle of the night after polls close.

Happens all of the time.

Dude1394 said...

People always win elections in the middle of the night after polls close.

Happens all of the time.

Howard said...

Since when can't we mock, ridicule and shun conspiracy theory paranoid delusional narcissistic rantings of the mass of social media brainwashed crybabies?

Drago said...

victoria from pasadena: "People hate her not because she is telling the truth, because she is not. She is one of the people sowing hate and doubt. An election audit in her state, run by Republican supported auditors, turned up no inconsistencies. Get off of it, Kari."

victoria can't be bothered to actually show us how Lake might be "sowing hate and doubt". That might require work.

Interestingly, victoria is still one of those lunatics that claimed Trump stole the 2016 election, colluded with russia and still believes the Hillary Hoax Dossier is real.

victoria also joined Inga and gadfly in informing us that Biden's family is completely "normal", including Biden showering with his daughter and Hunter's use of drugs while utilizing underage trafficked prostitutes.

So, you know. Consider the source.

Misinforminimalism said...

To tie together two of today's Althouse posts:

This reasonable, fact-based commentary is what gets you labeled an "Election Denier" by 538. They characterize her as having "fully denied" the election. Which I guess means she doesn't think there was an election?

Drago said...

Russia Collusion Truther and Hillary Hoax Dossier Dead Ender Inga: "When the left questioned the presence of weapons of mass destruction and the invasion of Iraq, they were demonized by the right."

Dick Cheney, GW Bush and all the neo-cons who did that are now heroes of the New Soviet Democratical Party.

I sincerely hope you are enjoying the company!

Russia Collusion Truther and Hillary Hoax Dossier Dead Ender Inga: "They were called unpatriotic, evil and were ostracized by the right."


Have you been paying attention to your own comments for the last 7 years?

Oh, that's right. Inga doesn't remember anything she's written if it was written more than 15 minutes ago.

Clyde said...

I heard all that was left of the journo after that was a smoking pair of shoes...

n.n said...

Diverse instances of irregularities, fraud, braying, and steering. Audit the vote to conserve civil rights is transdemocratic.

Gusty Winds said...

Before the Founding Fathers said farewell to kings you could get executed if you questioned the divine right and God given authority granted to the king. You were supposed to believe that Kings and Queens derived their authority directly from God. And then you ended up with inbred idiots as rulers.

Thank God that's over or that moron Prince Harry could really do some damage.

I think we could all agree the divine right of kings was a bunch of bullshit. But as long as you were in the good graces of the were in pretty good shape. Who cares what happened to the peasants that were crying foul.

We've come full circle. Joe Biden is claiming the divine right of kings by vilifying those that question the fraudulent methods and procedures by which he gained his authority. These disloyal subjects are not traitors to their country. Heretics no longer protected by the law.

Biden is America's first dictator. 2022 Democrats America's first capitulating supportive subjects. And he's as self-centered and corrupt as the inbred Kings and Queens of old.

Heywood Rice said...

Since when does "freedom of the press" mean "anchoring the debate vĂ­a obviously biased language like 'falsely claimed' and omitting normal journalistic terms like 'alleged'"? Press freedom was intended to keep government from muzzling the reportage of facts, not to allow "reporters" an exclusive megaphone to express their opinions.

Who then was intended to decide whether the press is using obviously biased language or adhering to normal journalistic standards? Should reporters be required to refer to Biden as the alleged President of the United States?

Does freedom of the press actually require that the identity of the President of the United States be, at any point in time, a matter of opinion and never a fact?

Kevin said...

Gloria Clemente : [to Billy] Sometimes when you win, you really lose, and sometimes when you lose, you really win, and sometimes when you win or lose, you actually tie, and sometimes when you tie, you actually win or lose.

Achilles said...

Howard said...

Since when can't we mock, ridicule and shun conspiracy theory paranoid delusional narcissistic rantings of the mass of social media brainwashed crybabies?

The minute that Republican Observers were removed from the Vote Counting stations by force and no allowed to observe the counting of votes received in the middle of the night by democrat operatives in several states the election was corrupted.

The fact that you spent all four years of the Trump presidency questioning the 2016 election and think you can deny the obvious bullshit in the 2020 election underlines not only your stupidity, but your depraved hypocrisy.

You can mock people who are obviously more grounded than you, it just makes you look like an idiot Biden supporter.

Inga said...

The majority of the right didn’t have a bad word to say against Bush until Trump came along.

GRW3 said...

Vicki from Pasadena only read the headline, widely promoted, that the recount of ballots was essentially the same. Most media only reported that, a fact that did not surprise most people because you would expect if you reed raw, unidentified ballots into a computer you should get the same results. The actual report on the ballots, where the sources of the ballots found more very questionable sources in Maricopa County than the margin for the whole state.

Inga said...

And the majority of the right abandoned most of their principled stances and adopted the amoral ideology of Trumpism. There are still those on the right who have been able to honor their deeply held conservative ideals.

Cudos to those conservatives, you are few and far between, I wish it weren’t so.

Maynard said...

The majority of the right didn’t have a bad word to say against Bush until Trump came along.

Yes, Inga. People who understood their mistakes in voting for neo-cons started saying negative things about President Neo-Con.

IOW, we learned from our mistakes. Since you slavishly adhere to the Party line, you surely cannot say the same.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

What, exactly, is the amoral ideology of Trumpism?

Stop shipping manufacturing to China where it can be done by slave labor and without regard to the environment?

Secure the border like Cesar Chavez said we should do?

Stop getting into pointless military adventures abroad?

Trumpism is mostly the Democrat party's policies until Clinton sold out to China back in the 90s.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

questioned the presence of weapons of mass destruction

Such anodyne phrasing! First let's set the table, shall we? Saddam had used poison gas on the marsh Kurds prior to Desert Storm 1 and in-between our two excursions into Iraq. He was known to supply Assad with WMD and in fact Assad has been generous in his usage of poison gas on his domestic enemies, as you may recall during Obama's "red line" fiasco. Those WMDs came from Iraq. That is prima facie evidence that Saddam did at one time possess WMDs. You may recall Saddam bragged repeatedly about the "mother of all battles" and threatened his neighbors and foes with WMDs, especially at the end as an obvious deterrent to the USA, hinting he would use them on our soldiers.

The military took it so seriously that we delayed our invasion in order to get more WMD-protective gear to Iraq and our forces that would be on the ground. During these huge delays caravans were streaming from Iraq into Syria: sure the "news" said they were refugees but an awful lot of those fleeing were in huge trucks with covered loads.


So even though the consensus was that Saddam was dangerous and possessed the weaponry to create massive death and destruction, Democrats soon took up a new battle cry. "There are no WMDs" soon morphed into "There never were WMD and Bush is a liar!" Yes, that is the same tired bullshit Inga is still shoveling today. Even though the same Iraqi WMDs have been used over and over by Bashir Assad (who along with his beautiful wife were part of the Kerry-Clinton-Hollywood international smart set despite his dictatorhood -- that's how Democrats and the French roll, man!) on innocent people yearning to be free of his rule, Democrats refuse to acknowledge the truth before their eyes.

The myth of the lying Bush bastard is too precious to give up now! Funny how Trump ran against the Bush-Cheney foreign policy and took that issue right off the table, isn't it.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Inga said And the majority of the right...

You know nothing outside your progressive bubble. Quit trying to describe insiders to other insiders. It just makes you look stupid. The VAST majority of Republicans back Trump, as we did in 2016 and 2020, and your baseless bs just builds his brand even bigger! Most of us didn't even LIKE Trump before he ran, but there's something about a man who brings out the crazy in others that makes me admire that fuck out of him. And with Brandon sucking all the oxygen from your tent you should be worried because black and brown people are just as disgusted by Joe's schtick and more willing than ever to bail on the do-nothing demorats. Y'all tried to change their whole complex ethnicity to "latinx" for God's sake! How fucking stupid to turn them against you!

Independents hate Joe too. That's your biggest problem right now. You've turned off the Middle.

Jim at said...

An election audit in her state, run by Republican supported auditors, turned up no inconsistencies.

Really? You sure about that?
Because there were a LOT of inconsistencies borne out in the report.

Jim at said...

I love being lectured by a leftist dolt on what 'true' conservatism is and should be.

J Melcher said...

Inga, please list the top three "conservative ideals" you attribute to "the principled right".

Studies suggest the right better understands the concerns of the left than the left understands the right. Can you show us that either the studies are wrong, or that you, at least, are exceptional?

I would point out that principles like Milton Friedman's advocacy for "cutting taxes under any circumstances for any excuse or for any reason when ever it's possible" is a principle shared by both the Trump factions AND the never-Trump Republicans. Favoring an "originalist SCOTUS" might be shared. Ditto "Energy Independence" (a.k.a. "Drill Baby, Drill!) The three principles I hope you can identify for me are those that the traditional GOP espoused (whether you agree with them or not) that Trump has rejected. Or that Trump rejects while the GOP continues to advocate for them.

Can you please do that for me. For us?

Ron Winkleheimer said...

By the way Inga, if no conservative had anything bad to say about Bush, and if, as you seem to think, he is a bad person, but Trumpists also think he is a bad person, wouldn't that mean that either Trumpism is not an "amoral ideology" or you are an amoral person?

Joe Veenstra said...

She's a flip-flopping grifter who followed and sucked-up so vacuumingly to DJT that she ended up becoming the nominee despite her background. There is a difference between "questioning" an election result and, when asked about specifics, repeatedly lying about why the election was stolen (machines operated by Venezuelans/Chinese/some other scary nation, election clerks bringing in boxes, late night votes somehow being bad, 2000 mules bullshit, ballot boxes being equated with fraud, etc. all lies and bullshit) and then on top of it, continuing to do so and fomenting an insurrection that resulted in injuries, death and interference with the constitutional certification. It continues today with the lies and bullshit and saying DJT should be reinstated as if that it going to happen. It is doing the work of every country that opposes a representative democracy to attack our institutions, our elections and election systems as being free and fair, and yes, our governmental agencies and bureaucracy as being somehow evil vs. inefficient or wrongheaded. She wants a press that only asks superficial questions, not one that actually delves deeper into whether the questions themselves have any merit whatsoever, which is pathetic for someone who (despite being a talking head) claims to be a protector of journalism. Trump is the one that called the free press the enemy of the people, an easy red flag for an autocrat.

Masscon said...

I first became aware of Kari Lake through this interview with the execrable Brett is worth your time to watch it.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

Cudos to those conservatives, you are few and far between, I wish it weren’t so.

Cause if we are gonna continue the grift we need to a plentiful crop of rubes.

Gospace said...

Two blogger errors trying post- hope the following doesn't post three times...
Temujin said...
Achilles: "As for why DeSantis gets more press than Lake you do the math."

You know the answer to this. He was an acting Governor during the covid hit. Kari Lake- who is going to be a force- was still a journalist and/or a candidate. DeSantis, while running the 3rd most populous state in the nation, the fastest growing state in the nation, studied the science, studied the data provided by his team, and made decisions that went 180 degrees against what the collective wisdom told him he should be doing.


I'm not sure that's the right collection of words to describe what was being directed on High from Dr. Fraudci and Company. Of course, sinve I'm now an anti-vaxxer- I shouldn't be listened to... except that I'm not an anti-vaxxer. I question the usefuleness of one particular "vaccine", the one that isn't, the mRNA shot. Seems the MMR vaccine, the mumps component anyway, which I received about 6 months before the covidiocy hit, is statistically more useful against catching the dreaded covid then the "vaccine".

The world is governed by numbers.. And if you understand them, you end up being a denier on several issues.

Climate. It's driven by the sun. Period. Humans have little to no effect on global climate. A lot of effect on local climate. For example, urban heat islands are real. And, we've affected local river courses and flooding throughout the ages. The Jawa Dam was originally constructed around 3,000 BC in Mesopotamia as part of an irrigation and reservoir system.

Green energy? No such thing. A large wind turbine in it's lifetime will not generate the energy required to build it. Can't build enugh electrial storage to power the world's electrical consumption. And since strage is just that- storage- batteries will never pay for themselves. Photovoltaic panels? If you built enough to power the USA in the USA- you still wouldn't have any power at night...

Zero emission cars? A fantasy. You've simply moved the emission point from one source to another. At a huge cost in consumer convenience and more importantly- freedom of movement. Having said that- I love my hybrid. IMHO- they can be made much more efficient.

Pretty much anything the left wants, when analyzed by numbers, is a pipedream.

And elections? One number that really stands out. Trump is the very first president running for reelection to get more votes in his second campaign and lose. 21 times presidents have received more votes running for reelection and won- and Trump loses. I'm almost willing to bet that if we analyzed governors running for a second term we'd see the same thing. No one receiving more votes the second time around loses. It's what we call a "statistical anomaly". There were a bunch of them in the 2020 election. So many that the number of statistical anomalies was in isteslf a statistical anomaly.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Latest Trafalgar poll shows over 62% of independents think Biden's red dawn speech last week "represents a dangerous escalation" in campaign rhetoric. Hard to argue with that reaction, even though only Republicans were singled out as enemies of the state.

Dork Brandon is throwing away any chance to staunch the red wave. Good.

Howard said...

Yeah the real story here is how the rabid right wing Conservative Republican Party failed to disenfranchise enough voters for Trump to win.

J6 was Plan B.

Dagwood said...

Gee. We're sorry, Achilles, that some on here might actually entertain the notion, as bizarre as it apparently seems to you, that DeSantis may be the best option for GOP nominee.

Inga said...

“By the way Inga, if no conservative had anything bad to say about Bush, and if, as you seem to think, he is a bad person, but Trumpists also think he is a bad person, wouldn't that mean that either Trumpism is not an "amoral ideology" or you are an amoral person?”

I don’t now or never have thought of Bush as a “bad” person. To me he was a “wrong” person. He made a grievous mistake, but he wasn’t evil in my opinion.

Drago said...

Joe Veenstra: "Trump is the one that called the free press the enemy of the people, an easy red flag for an autocrat."

Trump said no such thing.

You made up your own quote. An easy red flag for a lying New Soviet Democratical.

You and Inga make a perfect pair.

Inga said...

“Cudos to those conservatives, you are few and far between, I wish it weren’t so.”

“Cause if we are gonna continue the grift we need to a plentiful crop of rubes.”

There is no bigger grifter than Trump and he depends on you folks to keep donating to his PAC.

Michael K said...

Blogger Joe Veenstra said...

She's a flip-flopping grifter who followed and sucked-up so vacuumingly to DJT that she ended up becoming the nominee despite her background.

Now there is a Katie Hobbs voter if I've ever seen one. Are you new here or just a Soros bot? Like Hobbs.

Michael K said...

Blogger Inga said...

And the majority of the right abandoned most of their principled stances and adopted the amoral ideology of Trumpism. There are still those on the right who have been able to honor their deeply held conservative ideals.

The resident dullard explains the people she has no knowledge of.

She can't even explain the ideology she votes for. "Gender reaffirming surgery?"

RMc said...

Nobody who believes they won an election would fight tooth and nail to prevent an investigation that would show they won.

Sure they would. I mean, if you just won a close election, why rock the boat?

Inga, please list the top three "conservative ideals" you attribute to "the principled right".

"Principled Right" = folks who agree with Democrats (or at least don't stand in their way).

RMc said...

Nobody who believes they won an election would fight tooth and nail to prevent an investigation that would show they won.

Sure they would. I mean, if you just won a close election, why rock the boat?

Inga, please list the top three "conservative ideals" you attribute to "the principled right".

"Principled Right" = folks who agree with Democrats (or at least don't stand in their way).

walter said...

Yes Howie,
Voter IDs discriminate against those with no identity.
And hey, never, ever purge the dead from voter roles.
Gonna deprive them of eternal (electoral) life?
And how dare them try to put the drop on absolutely secure drop boxes?
Semper Fudd!!

effinayright said...

Inga said...
The majority of the right didn’t have a bad word to say against Bush until Trump came along.

How would YOU know what the majority of "the right thought "?

Remember "No Child Left Behind"? Remember "Common Core"? Remember the Patriot Act and the FISA courts? Remember Bush trying to put his unqualified female WH advisor on the Supremes? A whole lotta conservatives objected to those.

In any case, it's pretty obvious that more and more independents, and Hispanics, are finding many reasons to ditch His Royal Decrepitude, as he flails and founders.

Maybe even a majority.

So....what's yer point?

effinayright said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
effinayright said...

Joe Veenstra said:

"Trump is the one that called the free press the enemy of the people, an easy red flag for an autocrat."

Biden is the one who called half the people the "enemy" of the other half, a much larger, redder flag for a would-be dictator to wave.

effinayright said...

Dagwood said...
Gee. We're sorry, Achilles, that some on here might actually entertain the notion, as bizarre as it apparently seems to you, that DeSantis may be the best option for GOP nominee.
Agreed. Achilles keeps claiming DeSantis is behaving like a "career" politician, never bothering to mention the Governor's prior military service, and stint with the DOJ during the Obama years.

Yeah, he was in the House for three terms. But he's only been governor for about three years. He's no Joe Biden, the epitome of a real" career" politician for about 50 years ago.

Finally, will Achilles inform us of the things DiSantis has said or done for him to brand the Gov as just another pol? Or will he merely offer cryptic comments about "doing the math"?

How is bucking Fauci and the Biden admin's tyrannical (and useless) covid mandates; their open borders policies; and parents' rights regarding their kids schooling, in any way "political pandering"?

Or is something else?

Please be specific.

But if you won't, we will assume your claims are based on objections you dare not share here--lest you have to defend them.

Narr said...

For ruthless dictators with massive arsenals of WMD, Saddam and Assad sure cut sorry figures.

Saddam killed some Kurds and others with his "massive arsenal of WMD" but how many, really?

And how come Assad, with his "massive arsenal of WMD" had to kill people (how many?) with kludged-together barrel bombs?

IOW what is the empirical evidence that these massive arsenals were anything more than PR for different audiences?

I have several theories. First, the program was 99% ripoff of Saddam by people much smarter than he was. Two, whatever the "massive arsenal of WMDs" was had gone bad and was too dangerous even for suicidal morons to fool with.

And just how fares Iraqi democracy today? Anyone? Bueller?

At any rate, Bush and Cheney were and are lying scumbags who should have been impeached, and would have been, in a decent system.

CWJ said...

This outrage over (Hitler's) remarks about (Jews) is civilly bullshit on steroids, IMO."

FIFY. Tell me what's different. Prove me wrong.

Drago said...

It makes me smile knowing that Dick Cheney and Max Boot perfectly represent the views of Inga and Howard.

Mason G said...

"Sure they would. I mean, if you just won a close election, why rock the boat?"

Then you don't really believe you won, you just hope you did.

Marcus Bressler said...

Heywood posted:
"Who then was intended to decide whether the press is using obviously biased language or adhering to normal journalistic standards? Should reporters be required to refer to Biden as the alleged President of the United States?

"Does freedom of the press actually require that the identity of the President of the United States be, at any point in time, a matter of opinion and never a fact?"

That's a strawman argument if I've ever seen one. And, for your information, there hasn't been much of "normal journalistic standards" since, IMO, the turn of the century.


Mikey NTH said...

If people questioning is squelched then it just confirms to the questioners the answers they suspected are correct are indeed correct.

For example the 2000 presidential election. The questions were never squelched, the questioners were never squelched. And now it is considered unseemly if not treacherous to ask the same questions?

That's balderdash to a mega degree.

Heywood Rice said...

Joe Veenstra: "Trump is the one that called the free press the enemy of the people, an easy red flag for an autocrat."

Trump said no such thing.

You made up your own quote.
- Drago

One example:

The press is doing everything within their power to fight the magnificence of the phrase, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! They can’t stand the fact that this Administration has done more than virtually any other Administration in its first 2yrs. They are truly the ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 5, 2019

Gospace said...

I see Mike (MJB Wolf) and others have already mostly addressed it. How many WMDs do you need to be considered as having WMDs? My eldest son was one of many who saw captured unused Iraqi missiles with chemical warheads attached. WMD means Nuclear, Biological, or Chemical- NBC warfare capability in any manner. Why didn't they get used on US forces? Harder to answer. But it may have something to do that each Iraqi division commander just before the invasion kicked off received a phone call on their PERSONAL cell phone giving them their exact location, and telling them that if their troops moved out of barracks, that location was already targeted... One of those little known stories. And recall- secrecy and lying are both major attributes of totalitarian regimes. Iraqi divisions were each assigned a swath of territory to defend that ran across the country. Except for the ones on the ends, each dicision bordered two other division opareas. Each and every commander in post war interrigation freely admitted they weren't trusted with chemical weapons, but the divisions on either side were fully armed with them. So if the army generals of a nation all firmly beleve their army is equipped with chemical weapons, why would anyone else believe otherwise? We know something was trucked to Syria pre-invasion. We believe that something included functional chemical weapons. We found some in country, but not the huge stockpile we expected. Some is not none.

As for thinking bad about the Bush's, again, that's already been addressed. Some of opined early on that the 2nd President Bush, my 8th cousin 1X removed through his mother, was entirely too gentlemanly in his treatment of William Jefferson Clinton. Among other criticisms. And Romney? Don't get us started. And McCain? I voted for him hoping he'd win, drop dead, and Sarah Palin would end up POTUS.

Gospace said...

Well, another try after a blogger error...

I see Mike (MJB Wolf) and others have already mostly addressed it. How many WMDs do you need to be considered as having WMDs? My eldest son was one of many who saw captured unused Iraqi missiles with chemical warheads attached. WMD means Nuclear, Biological, or Chemical- NBC warfare capability in any manner. Why didn't they get used on US forces? Harder to answer. But it may have something to do that each Iraqi division commander just before the invasion kicked off received a phone call on their PERSONAL cell phone giving them their exact location, and telling them that if their troops moved out of barracks, that location was already targeted... One of those little known stories. And recall- secrecy and lying are both major attributes of totalitarian regimes. Iraqi divisions were each assigned a swath of territory to defend that ran across the country. Except for the ones on the ends, each dicision bordered two other division opareas. Each and every commander in post war interrigation freely admitted they weren't trusted with chemical weapons, but the divisions on either side were fully armed with them. So if the army generals of a nation all firmly beleve their army is equipped with chemical weapons, why would anyone else believe otherwise? We know something was trucked to Syria pre-invasion. We believe that something included functional chemical weapons. We found some in country, but not the huge stockpile we expected. Some is not none.

As for thinking bad about the Bush's, again, that's already been addressed. Some of opined early on that the 2nd President Bush, my 8th cousin 1X removed through his mother, was entirely too gentlemanly in his treatment of William Jefferson Clinton. Among other criticisms. And Romney? Don't get us started. And McCain? I voted for him hoping he'd win, drop dead, and Sarah Palin would end up POTUS.

Michael K said...

Agreed. Achilles keeps claiming DeSantis is behaving like a "career" politician, never bothering to mention the Governor's prior military service, and stint with the DOJ during the Obama years.

I don't go quite that fr but I do worry about DeSantis and the possibility of capture by donors. Trump is/was unique because he made enough money before office to be immune to the donor issue. Few presidents are. His bailing out of the rally for the NY governor candidate is an example of the worries. He did have time to meet with a Democrat donor.

Ralph L said...

PBS Frontline is running a 2 hour program starting now in the East about the reaction to the election. From the title and description, it assumes the election was legit. Why bother watching?

Narr said...

Thanks for the info Gospace. But then how many WMDs does it take to make the arsenal massive?

The story about the generals is extremely interesting to me. Each one was told clearly that they weren't trusted but that the other guys were. This is the threat to world peace that required massive loss of American treasure?

Some is not none, true, but neither is it massive. And in typical ME fashion the half that wasn't lost has been broken.

Anyway, anybody seen any Iraqi or Kuwaiti democracy recently?

Drago said...

Heywood Rice is going to pretend to play dumb on the Trump quote.

Here's the Trump quote Heywood Rice provided:

The press is doing everything within their power to fight the magnificence of the phrase, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! They can’t stand the fact that this Administration has done more than virtually any other Administration in its first 2yrs. They are truly the ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 5, 2019

But here is what his fellow lefty liar/FakeQuote guru wrote:

Joe Veenstra: "Trump is the one that called the free press the enemy of the people, an easy red flag for an autocrat."

To which I responded: "Trump said no such thing.
You made up your own quote"

And I was correct.

Thanks for playing Heywood. Please collect your Howard/hpudding/Inga/gadfly award on the way out.

gadfly said...

Kari Lake repeats claim of voter fraud, but does not cite any evidence.

Maynard said...

Yeah the real story here is how the rabid right wing Conservative Republican Party failed to disenfranchise enough voters for Trump to win.

J6 was Plan B.

I would normally think of this post as satire because it was not Inga posting it.

However, I wonder if this person is in desperate need for help.

Mass suicide if Trump wins in 2024?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

We remember. It ain’t so long ago that the gaslighting gets me…yet.

Yancey Ward said...

That is funny, Drago- Inga are Dick Cheney's cockholsters today. I doubt Max Boot has a cock, though.

Achilles said...

Dagwood said...

Gee. We're sorry, Achilles, that some on here might actually entertain the notion, as bizarre as it apparently seems to you, that DeSantis may be the best option for GOP nominee.

You can think that Desantis is best.

Desantis will get a minimum of 10 million fewer votes than Trump in the general. The working class voters Trump brought into the party will not vote for him. Desantis will get Romney numbers of voters.

Desantis has also said he will not run if Trump runs. So if Desantis runs against Trump he is a flat out liar.

So the question is why you think Desantis would be better? In the end it all comes down to tribe/class.

Mutaman said...

Blogger Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker said...

"Jimmy Carter said openly that he KNEW the Russians stole the election from Hillary."

Actually he said just the opposite. There's a reaso that the Know Nothings here never support their bs statements with a supporting link.

Gk1 said...

I keep waiting for one media outlet to stumble on the notion not 100% of their readers are democrats or appreciate how they frame every issue through a liberal's view point.

The so-called MSM is withering before our eyes and doesn't have sense enough to self regulate for survival.

Watching this takedown is almost has satisfying as watching Newt Gingrich rip open a CNN "Moderator" during the 2012 republican primary debate.

Lurker21 said...

But then there's this:

Jimmy Carter says Trump only won the election because Russia 'interfered on his behalf'

Former President Jimmy Carter suggested that Trump is an illegitimate president who only won the 2016 election because of Russia's election meddling.

What's going on? Possible explanations: 1) If you ask Carter if Russian stole the election he says yes, if you ask him if they actually changed votes, he says no. 2) Carter's wife definitely believed that the election was stolen and Jimmy had to listen to that all day. 3) If an 80 year old Democrat president can't remember from one day to the next what he said, why expect a 100 year old Democrat president to remember anything for very long.

Lurker21 said...

People are still asking questions about who really won in 2000, 1960, 1876, and 1824. Nobody's really "denying" anything. They are putting a question mark or an asterisk after the supposed result. That's probably how future generations will feel about 2020. "Election denier" would seem to apply as much to people who want to take away the question mark or asterisk as to people who want to claim that the official loser was the real winner.

But the smarty pants response might be that nobody is denying that the 2020 election happened. Oh boy, did it happen.

Anthony said...

Lake, eh? I like the cut of her jib.

Joe Veenstra said...

"Drago" bad-faith, attempter of slurs stated:

"But here is what his fellow lefty liar/FakeQuote guru wrote:

Joe Veenstra: "Trump is the one that called the free press the enemy of the people, an easy red flag for an autocrat."

To which I responded: "Trump said no such thing.
You made up your own quote"

And I was correct.

Thanks for playing Heywood. Please collect your Howard/hpudding/Inga/gadfly award on the way out."

I guess according to "Drago" major news sources like CBS, NYT, CNN, NBC, etc., are not part of the free press. How silly and childish can you get.

Almost not worth even responding to his post but my God, get out of your bubble people.

Drago said...

Joe Veenstra: "Almost not worth even responding to his post but my God, get out of your bubble people."

You put forth a fake quote.

You got caught.

Its not complicated.

Thanks for playing.

Jim at said...

major news sources like CBS, NYT, CNN, NBC, etc., are not part of the free press.

They aren't. They're bought and paid for by the Democratic Party.

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