September 11, 2022

Remembering 9/11 — a walk through the Flight 93 memorial.

The video is from Meade's visit to the federal Flight 93 memorial on December 15, 2021.

Below are some of Meade's still photographs. Before you arrive at the federal monument, you encounter the Flight 93 Memorial Chapel:

View recent photos

Outside there are these monuments:




Finally, this is Meade's photo of the "Tower of Voices" at the federal memorial:



Achilles said...

Democrats are spending the entire day how 9/11 makes their muslim allies feel bad and how bad and racist Trump supporters are for remembering 9/11.

One thing is true though. If you keep things relative Democrats killed more people by putting COVID positive patients in nursing homes.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Thank you. Very nice.

"Lets roll" bravery remembered.

Michael K said...

The flight 93 passengers and Rick Rescorla exemplified the best in Americans. Would they be "Domestic Violent Terrorists" today?

Buckwheathikes said...

The sad fact is that, by all appearances, this was the day the United States began its sad downward trajectoryl which finds the country today, by all objective measures, a 00.
fucking dumpster fire.

I hope the Democrats who are celebrating today are happy.

Flat Tire said...

Thank you Meade.

Temujin said...

Great video. Thank you, Meade.
I do believe that every one of us who was living that day will never forget where we were and how it felt. I intend to never forget how that felt, what that day, those following days were like.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

2nd 9/11 plane to hit the towers "from a different angle".

There is always new video popping up around the anniversary. Thanks for the pics, Meade.

Kate said...

Lovely. Thank you, Meade.

rcocean said...

Very touching. Meade's photos are very good.

Flight 93 were the heroes of 911, along with the WTC first responders. I'll never forget George Bush coming to that place of honor, and insead of celebrating the heroism of Americans on 911, used it as chance to attack Trump supporters and those who protested on J6. Domestic terrorists who were just as evil as those who killed 3,000 Americans.

Does a country get the leaders its deserves? I don't think so. WE deserved better than Bush-Cheney.

Earnest Prole said...

Let's roll.

Kai Akker said...

Good time to show those pictures. To look over at the treeline, barely a hill (iirc) and imagine a Boeing jet coming over those trees at virtually no altitude, and upside down, is a grim moment.

Shanksville is out there, but not far from the Somerset exit on the Pennsylvania Turnpike. Somerset the county seat has a handsome domed courthouse, and if you can get inside to see it, the interior of the dome is quite beautiful.

Ralph L said...

I hope that's just a curved path and not the crescent they tried to foist on us.

Owen said...

Thanks Ann and Meade. It reawakens a whole range of emotions: anger, sadness, fury, pride, anger, gratitude, rage, anxiety, anger, and, gotta admit, just a little anger.

What an evil day. What heroism it called forth.

Robert Cook said...

"One thing is true though. If you keep things relative Democrats killed more people by putting COVID positive patients in nursing homes."

Another true thing is that Republicans killed more people by invading Afghanistan and Iraq. The Dems under Obama compounded that crime by continuing the criminal wars.

rcocean said...

Let's roll.

I'll never forget that.

Howard said...

One of my clients was a defense contractor. We were running a piece of remediation equipment inside their factory. Shortly after the second plane hit the other Tower I decided to go check on the equipment. I just felt like I had to do something normal and involve getting out of the house and fiddling with machinery. The CEO came by to talk to me. He was very shaken. He told me he was convinced that Baghdad and Tehran were going to be going up in a mushroom cloud soon. We're all glad that didn't happen

BUMBLE BEE said...

Here's a Look at American Heroism...
Some backstory - watch here

gilbar said...

is the site still, Obviously a Crescent Moon and Star, pointing to the light of Mecca??
Or, did they redo it; to make it (slightly) less Obvious?

I see by my Calendar; that the US Government has declared today: Patriot Day
a day for all true Muslims, to reflect of the sacrifices of Islamic Patriots

Narr said...

My wife and I visited the F93 Memorial in 2018 when they were still working on the tower.

The passengers' action were as noble as the hijackers' were shameful.

IIRC inside the museum, Islam got a passing mention.

traditionalguy said...

Did they ever find any airplane parts?

Baceseras said...

That is hands down the ugliest memorial monument I've ever seen. Without looking it up I'll assume the paved path in the video is the exact length of the runway the flight took off from: dull literalism plus scraggy ugliness is the moron's formula for "reality" in art.

West TX Intermediate Crude said...

This country is worth saving.
It is currently on a wrong trajectory, but there are enough good people who will join us in turning things around.
It won't be easy, or quick, but we have no alternative, at least those of us with children and grandchildren.

Jupiter said...

"Did they ever find any airplane parts?"

No. They didn't. There weren't any. Whatever happened to United 93, it did not crash in that little hole in Shanksville, PA.

rcocean said...

Reactions to 911. Liberals Vs. Conservatives vs. Globalists

News: Muslim terrorists have destroyed the WTC. Many Americans are dead.

Conservatives: OMG. I hope no more Americans Die. We must be vigilant against future attacks!
Liberals: OMG. I hope the American Muslims are OK. I don't want a backlash.
Globalists: OMG. What an opportunity. Now we can attack Saddaam!

Gusty Winds said...

Meade’s video walk down the Flight 93 Memorial runway: Well captured. Kudos. The loud eerie wind of uncontrolled destiny in the microphone makes you hear Flight 93’s engines. Whoever designed the memorial…wow.

It’s a runway…right?? A Runway of Destiny vs. Destination.

Made me think about the nearest runway where Flight 93 would have landed had they successfully taken the hijackers and plane, or the runway in San Fransico where it was supposed to land had fate never interfered. Nobody on an airplane that day landed on their intended destination runway. Nobody on the ground did either.

The people on Flight 93 used the runway to take off to Heaven. Could have gone either way. At “Let’s Roll” there was still hope. That’s the emotional heartbeat skip about “Let’s Roll!” It makes 93 different than the other three planes. The others were helpless with confusion.

But in the new age of cell phone communication…93 was aware of its fate. They chose to go down fighting. And when the camera gets to that safety gated end overlooking the field you can almost feel their souls take off…

Gusty Winds said...

In 2021 you couldn't take a full tube of tooth paste or a bottle of shampoo on an airplane. You had to stand six feet apart to check your bags, but still sat packed like sardines in a can once on the plane all for the sake of safety.

But you had to wear a mask though "security", at the gate, and during the entire flight.

Imagine your 2002 self hearing the government announce "Surely, everyone has to put on a disguise before they enter the airport!!"

In 2021, half of America responded on Twitter, "Quit calling me Shirley".

I think the hijackers got exactly what they wanted.

Jimmy said...

Thanks for posting this Ann and Meade. The video tour was very moving.
I understand why people rant about what we have become since then, and whose fault it is.
But that day ordinary people faced horrors that most of us will, thankfully, never know.
They did so with a calm resolve, knowing that death was the only alternative.
We saw the best of America on that day and the following days.
And I don't really care if some 'art critic' thinks it is an ugly memorial. It stands for the courage of a group of people who started the day doing normal things-travel, business, family.
And ended in them fighting for their lives.
we honor them because they did what they could in a situation of unspeakable horror.
Remember them, honor them.

kcl766 said...

My husband and I toured the Flight 93 site in March 2020. A truly sobering and awe inspiring experience. Thank you, Meade, for the video and photos.

Our visit was almost ruined by a really nasty woman who was running the visitor's center. We asked if we could bring our small (very well behaved) dog into the center and she screamed at us that we had to remove her from the entire site. No signs indicating "no dogs allowed" were seen anywhere. Sad. That's what I will always remember from our visit.

BUMBLE BEE said...

We were called into the conference room because something was going on in New York and our manager's wife called the alarm. Turning on the TV, we watched in horror as the first tower was burning. An aircraft was filming as it circled round. Video resolution was such that I could make out the bodies as the people leaped to their death from the burning tower. The second airliner came into view behind the second tower. Debris and flames burst from the second rupturing structure.

gilbar said...

Jupiter said...
"Did they ever find any airplane parts?"
No. They didn't. There weren't any.
Most of the aircraft wreckage was found near the impact crater.[109]
Miller later found and identified 1,500 pieces of human remains totaling about 600 pounds (272 kg), or eight percent of the total.[113] The rest of the remains were consumed by the impact.[114]
They located the flight data recorder on September 13 and the cockpit voice recorder the following day.[123][124] The voice recorder was found buried 25 feet (8 m) below the crater.

So, there you have it. There is a CONSPIRACY involving EVERY SINGLE PERSON ON EARTH (except Jupiter)!
Or, Jupiter is a moronic idiot that is REALLY STUPID
take your choice

hpudding said...

It’s really such a wonderful memorial. Glad Meade got a chance to visit, and thanks for posting,

I stopped by I think in May of last year. It’s about a half hour off the turnpike, so if you’re just passing by on a road trip it’s a slight drive off the path, but well worth it. I didn’t catch the tours they did inside with lots of audio and visual recreations of the event and its aftermath, though I would have if it had been less crowded. I did walk all the way up to the indoor overlook from the memorial space, though. It has a nice array of stones dedicated to the dead that you reach from the walkway which I believe was what was in his clip.

Sorry it was such a windy day. Going when it was nicer weather really allowed for plenty of interaction to see how different people chose to take in the memorial visit. I’m really glad I went and that Meade got a chance to as well.

hpudding said...

Whatever happened to United 93, it did not crash in that little hole in Shanksville, PA.

Seriously, are you a member of The Flat Earth Society? That would be ironic for a guy with a screen name taken from the largest planet in the solar system but there you have it.

What a disgraceful thing to say about the dead and their families. Alex Jones is so 2013.

gadfly said...

So whatever happened with the conspiracy theorists (somehow connected to Fox News), who declared that the Field of Honor, a large, bowl-shaped existing landform - roughly circular, that forms the heart of the Flight 93 memorial and park is really an Islamic crescent that faces Mecca?

In 2012, VP Biden spoke before a crowd at the Shanksville memorial, and he was blasted by Limbaugh and Hannity for using the word "bittersweet" to describe 9/11. All bitter and no sweet they said. Apparently, they didn't know that bittersweet is a synonym for poignant.

Ann Althouse said...

" Apparently, they didn't know that bittersweet is a synonym for poignant."

Apparently, you don't know that "bittersweet" means "Sweet with an admixture or aftertaste of bitterness. fig. agreeable or pleasant with an alloy of pain or unpleasantness" or "A thing which is bitter-sweet; sweetness or pleasure alloyed with bitterness."

It is definitely and conspicuously about a combination of sweetness and bitterness. It's just incredible that you would put down other people, as if they were ignorant, when you yourself are making up a different definition for the word.

Yes, you could excuse someone for using the word badly and without consciousness of the reference to sweetness, but to go on the offensive against those who are relying on the actual definition of the word, as if they are ignorant, is just too much.

Karen of Texas said...

My cousin lost her husband, a firefighter, on 9/11. He did what so many first responders did that day, and he paid the ultimate price.

In the aftermath, she and her daughter's picked up the pieces. She volunteered at the 9/11 Tribute Museum - which just recently closed it's doors, citing financial losses during the pandemic. She gives talks to school groups and others about her experience of personal loss amid a national tragedy, led walking tours of the National 9/11 Memorial, and wrote a book, Pieces Falling, about her personal journey through the devastation that unfolded on and after 9/11. She told her two daughters after they learned that their dad had died that they were not to define themselves as victims of 9/11. Their dad, who got to do a job he loved and knew the risks, died in the line of duty; they could and should be proud of that. She had someone ask her why she didn’t just deal with the attack and his death by basically forgetting about it, not constantly involving herself in ways that had her remember and reliving it. Her resonse? "September 11 does not define me. I define it.”

She's a much better person than I think I ever could be.

rwnutjob said...

Todd Beamer was in my friend's wedding.

Jefferson's Revenge said...

It is an indictment of America that every community does not have at least one school named after the heroes of Flight 93. And that their story is not taught in junior high.

The elite have veto power over our heroes now. That’s how Greta Thurnberg and George Floyd became heroes. Beamer and company not so much.

Quaestor said...

"So whatever happened with the conspiracy theorists (somehow connected to Fox News), who declared that the Field of Honor, a large, bowl-shaped existing landform - roughly circular, that forms the heart of the Flight 93 memorial and park is really an Islamic crescent that faces Mecca?"

Perhaps they've crawled back into the crevasses of gadfly's imagination where they came from.

lonejustice said...

Thanks for posting. I had not seen this memorial before.

Jupiter said...

"Or, Jupiter is a moronic idiot that is REALLY STUPID."

Wikipedia? Couldn't find anything from the NYT?

Rusty said...

Jupiter said...
"Did they ever find any airplane parts?"
"No. They didn't. There weren't any."
Yes. There was. There still is. If you want to be goulish you can go over the ground with a metal detector and you'll find plenty metal airplane parts.
Physics is your friend.

GDI said...

"One thing is true though. If you keep things relative Democrats killed more people by putting COVID positive patients in nursing homes."

"Another true thing is that Republicans killed more people by invading Afghanistan and Iraq. The Dems under Obama compounded that crime by continuing the criminal wars."

Democrats + Republicans = Uniparty ... hate them both.

Lawrence Person said...

I put off watching United 93 until last year's anniversary, because I suspected how harrowing it would be. It was, but it's also a great film that still deserves watching.

gadfly said...

Ann, I am sorry that You, Sean, and Rush have never used "bittersweet" in another context, but the stupid word has 89 synonyms (with some potential double counting) that don't get you to bitter and sweet tagged together as a taste.

Look up bittersweet at, as in affecting; first synonym is poignant, meaning - affecting or moving the emotions.

Other synonyms that work with bittersweet in the affecting mode are touching and stirring. Then you can move on to the poignant mode, the touching mode, and the painful mode.

Biden makes verbal mistakes in word use, always has, but in the Shanksville speech, his speechwriter got it right - and Rush and Sean borrowing from one another, I guess, contracted "hoof in mouth" disease.

Jupiter said...

Look, guys, it all begins with WTC 7. Watch the many, many videos of WTC 7. Watch them over and over, until you understand that it had to be a controlled demolition. It was brought down by explosives. There is no way a little fire on a few floors brought a 47-story, steel-framed skyscraper down and dropped it into its own footprint. Convince yourself of that. It's true. There are hundreds of practicing engineers who refuse to accept the absurd "official story".

Once you grasp that, then ask yourself what follows.

Jupiter said...

"Physics is your friend."

Physics is, indeed, my friend, my lifelong friend. If it couldn't have happened, then it didn't happen.

Jason said...


Stop making a fucking idiot out of yourself, fool.

lonejustice said...

Jupiter said:

"Watch them over and over, until you understand that it had to be a controlled demolition. It was brought down by explosives. There is no way a little fire on a few floors brought a 47-story, steel-framed skyscraper down."

Um, 20,000 gallons of jet fuel exploding all at once is not just "a little fire."

You may want to readjust your tin foil cap.

Jason said...

Christine Snyder, who was murdered by Al Qaeda on Flight 93, was a high school friend of mine. She was 32.

She had the most beautiful smile I've ever seen. She could really light up a room. I remember her looking up at me sitting crosslegged on the ground in H building at Kalaheo High School in Kailua, HI.

To this day I can't bring myself to watch that movie.

When I was deployed to Iraq with an infantry battalion in 2003, as part of the Global War on Terror, I carried a photo of her in my wallet.

When I want back home to Hawaii in 2005, I borrowed my dad's guitar and took my fiddle up to Aiea heights, overlooking Honolulu and Pearl Harbor, to play some fiddle tunes with the folks in the Hawaii Bluegrass Association.

When I got up to the parking lot, I saw a white pickup truck with a small sticker tribute to Christine in the back window.

I thought maybe she had family there, though she had a lot of friends in Honolulu as well as Windward Oahu, as she was very active in the Outdoor Circle.

Had a great time playing tunes, and a guitar player, older than me by about 25 years, started chatting me up, asking where I was from, etc.

I told him I lived in Florida but I grew up in Kailua and was visiting home for a bit.

He asked what high school I went to (standard get acquainted question in Hawaii) and I said "Kalaheo." But I figured this must be Christine's dad.

He asked what year I graduated, and I told him, thinking this is for sure her dad, and he asked me "Did you know my daughter, Christine Snyder?"

And said "Let me show you something..."

I pulled out my wallet, and pulled out a unit commemorative coin with a Combat Infantry Badge on it, and a map of Iraq.. and showed it to him, and then I opened my wallet, where I still had her photo, and told him I didn't just know her in high school, I carried her photo with me for a year while fighting Al Qaeda and the Ba'athists and still carried it.

He's a very sweet man. I can see why his daughter turned out to be such a fantastic high school girl and young woman.

Whenever my wife and I go back we visit the campus and put a lei on Christine's memorial. There are always some other floral tributes there, tool.

I wish I knew he played guitar when I was in high school! I would have been at Christine's house all the time! We would have gotten on great!

Aloha, Christine. I love you and a lot of other people who knew you still love you, too, and remember you every year.

lonejustice said...


Yours is the most moving tribute I have read today. Thanks for posting it here.

Jupiter said...

'Um, 20,000 gallons of jet fuel exploding all at once is not just "a little fire."'

Actually, to a steel-framed building, 20,000 gallons of jet fuel is a pretty negligible threat, since jet fuel does not burn very hot. But there was no jet fuel at WTC 7. No plane struck it.

Here, try a little red-pill. Just a little nibble. Won't hurt a bit.

Jim at said...

There is no way a little fire on a few floors brought a 47-story, steel-framed skyscraper down and dropped it into its own footprint.

Because it wasn't just a little fire that caused it, Troofer.

Maybe it was two, 110-story buildings collapsing on and around it leading to a weakening and eventual collapse.

You nuts never cease to amaze me. Somehow - through all the incompetence in our government - they managed to wire three skyscrapers for demolition and everybody was in on it.

Jim at said...

Nice post, Jason.

Jupiter said...

"Maybe it was two, 110-story buildings collapsing on and around it leading to a weakening and eventual collapse."

Think so? Go watch that video.

Jason said...

Jim at: Nice post, Jason.


I've been meaning to tell that moron Jupiter to stop being an idiot for a while. Finally got around to it.

~ Gordon Pasha said...

They were the militia and should have been reccgnized as such. Their remains should have been buried in Arlington, the should have all received Global War on Terror and Purple Heart medals, and the ones who charged the cockpit to attempt to take the plane down should have been awarded valor medals, e.g., Silver Stars or Distinguished Flying Crosses.

It's a shame that we don't recognize their heroism as true heroes.

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