Trump: "I'm just not going to leave."
— Keith Olbermann (@KeithOlbermann) September 12, 2022
Oh good, another fact, vital to the safety and continuation of the nation, that @maggieNYT withheld from the public for many months if not a year-and-a-half so she could put it in her fucking book
September 12, 2022
If true, she shouldn't have saved it. Is it false, or is Haberman guilty of withholding vital information for her own commercial purposes?
Or is there some gray middle ground where it only sounds important as it's used to hawk a book but isn't really substantial, just Trump being idly emotive?
Ah Little Keefums---that doofus Olberman, is all wrought up. What a shame.
Middle ground. It's unimportant, but sounds ominous enough to help sell a book nobody's going to buy anyway.
As for it being a vital fact (and responding to our host's question) I think it's an example of Trump being idly emotive. Many a three year old has had a tantrum and said, "I'm not going." Yet, subsequently, went. And so did the Bad Orange Man.
Democrats agree. There is bipartisan agreement. There is diverse (people... persons, not color) consensus. I'm just not going to leave... not going to take a knee, or beg. Neither will millions of people and "our Posterity".
Two of the people I am most likely to doubt their honesty.
Notice how, to Olberman, it's already a "fact."
We cannot continue to allow our country to be run by a bunch of fucking mentally ill people.
Who? Oh. Maggie Haberman. Isn't she at NYT? Uh-huh.
What was said before and after that quote? That's the obvious question.
If it's raining too hard today, I'm just not going to leave.
I'm just not going to leave; that's what all the people on the left are probably thinking what I'll say.
Here's what Hillary said in 2016: I'm just not going to leave.
A context-less quote means nothing.
Reminds me a lot of sexual assault allegations leveled years or decades after the fact.
Sorry not sorry, I do not #believeallhabermans.
He did leave... So... So what? Hearsay is now something the left can use for their non-stop witch hunt?
An example of Donald's penchant for hyperbole or an example of Maggie making shit up? Your call! Of course Keith the retard retweeted it: it's clickbait for Trump haters and he's near the top of the heap.
Olberman is completely in frothing at the mouth crazy.
So there's that...
Six years in and liberals still don’t get that Trump says lots of things - a lot of it is hyperbole. You have to look at what he does - like what he did on January 20, 2021.
Let me try: If Trump is elected, I'm moving to Canada!
He did leave... So... So what?
Obviously it strengthens her point in topsy turvy trump-hate-world.
Bummer he didn't do what he said. The sight of him being dragged out kicking and screaming - as a trespasser - would have made my day times 100. Hopefully I'll be able to see him in handcuffs in the near future.
Indict him. Conspiracy to squat. Conspiracy to trespass. Something…..
Stray voltage. How's that economy doing?
I smell collusion.
Publish a lie, have your accomplice call you out for burying the lie, redirect the discussion to the issue of withholding the information and away from testing its truth.
Is that worse than Hillary unleashing the Russian Collusion Hoax on Trump after she lost 2016 and refused to accept it? Did Haberman win a Pulitzer for pushing that Hoax? Why doesn’t she write about that charade?
"We cannot continue to allow our country to be run by a bunch of fucking mentally ill people."
Buck .. I grant you that you do know something about mental illness. You are perhaps the only person in the entire world who believes there is not a shooting war going on in Ukraine. EVERYONE is pretending in order to deceive only YOU. Delusional disorders, including delusions of grandeur, are a serious mental health illness where you can't tell the difference between what's real and what's not. It can be hard to get help for this disorder because you probably don't understand you have a problem. With the proper medication and talk therapy however you can learn to recognize and change your unhelpful behaviors.
Best of luck and I mean it.
"I'm not going to leave" sounds to me like the kind of pep talk that's similar to saying your team is going to win. You don't know what the outcome will be but you speak positively as if you do know.
Or he could have been threatening to bunker in. Although, since that didn't happen, I'm going to say it was unlikely.
We won't know without more context.
Olberdouche(D-Nazi) will not be happy until Trump's dead baby is swinging from a post.
Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker said...
He did leave... So... So what? Hearsay is now something the left can use for their non-stop witch hunt?
9/12/22, 10:49 AM
If Trump had said that it would have leaked, at that time.
People don't keep something like that to themselves.
Do they?
And here we are again: We're to believe that a sworn arch-enemy of Trump, a lowly reporter of the NYT with a history of hysterical ramblings about the President that are always wrongs and become even more incoherent when she's live on TV, we're to believe that she has secret spies within the former administration, spies that were highly placed and imbued with unimpeachable integrity, that were feeding her secret intelligence briefings on what really is happening within the walls of the Oval Office. We're to dismiss the red flags popping up in our mind with the very mentioning of her name. And the same for Keith Olbermann. Yes the walls are finally closing in. Shaking my head.
The revelations from the book come as investigators in the US House and the Justice Department probe Trump's refusal to cede power after the 2020 election
Outright lies. When did Trump refuse to cede power?
What it was time for him to go, the only time he could have refused to cede power, he left.
I think they're misinterpreting his meaning, probably intentionally. I take it that he meant he wasn't just going walk away quietly.
He did leave! So, another Trump LIE in the books!
There is far more evidence the election was stolen than there is Trump refused to cede power.
Guess which one is uncritically repeated in the media.
Guess how much time Haberman will spend discussing the evidence for a stolen election in her book.
Of course this did not happen. These people lie with impunity.
This is projection. This is exactly how Ms. Haberman would act if she was asked to leave her job. "I'm not going."
Donald Trump remains very very very guilty for all those things he never did.
In the same way the Althouse lefties, particularly Inga, get very very very upset with Trump supporting Christians whenever any islamic supremacist anywhere in the world commits an atrocity.
Just another "reliable sources" calumny.
The New York States Attorney's office has a "get Trump" team that has been beavering away since 2016. If even one of those "reliable sources" had first-hand non-hearsay evidence of anything untoward involving the former President, he'd have been indicted long ago.
"Use every man after his desert, and who should ‘scape whipping?"
Based on the six year's efforts of professional investigators, everybody but Donald Trump.
Same old, same old. "Someone's sister's boyfriend's cousin said Trump said something horrrrrrible, let's treat it as fact and dwell on it for two weeks!"
At the dawn of the Socialmediacene epoch, you manufacture consent by manufacturing content.
The walls are closing in.
"Is it false, or is Haberman guilty of withholding vital information for her own commercial purposes?"
Vital information???? Oh, please. Presidents are human and make stupid, off-the-cuff remarks. Richard Nixon fought in vain to keep such remarks, caught on tape, away from the public. And ultimately he was pilloried for some of them. Ben Bradlee wrote a book about many of JFK's candid comments (Conversations with Kennedy). Reagan said stupid stuff. Trump seems more open about it than most. Certainly more people jump on Trump's (sometimes stomach-churning) ejaculations as proof he's a "threat to our democracy" than with prior presidents.
So what is so vital about Maggie's "information"?
Days before the 2020 presidential election Donald Trump was planning to declare victory on election night, even if there was no evidence he was winning, according to a leaked Steve Bannon conversation recorded before the vote.
In the audio, recorded three days before the election and published by Mother Jones on Wednesday, Bannon told a group of associates Trump already had a scheme in place for the 3 November vote.
“What Trump’s gonna do is just declare victory. Right? He’s gonna declare victory. But that doesn’t mean he’s a winner,” Bannon, laughing, told the group, according to the audio.
“He’s just gonna say he’s a winner.” - The Guardian
Or maybe it's nothing more than Trump's usual bluff and bluster.
I mean, he did leave. So....
Based on the six year's efforts of professional investigators, everybody but Donald Trump.
That's nonsense in context. I make mistakes but sometimes correct them.
That replay to Hamlet's question ought to read: Based on the six year's efforts of professional investigators, nobody but Donald Trump.
im5301 said...
Bummer he didn't do what he said. The sight of him being dragged out kicking and screaming - as a trespasser - would have made my day times 100. Hopefully I'll be able to see him in handcuffs in the near future.
This is what insane TDS looks like. I fear it infects plenty in this regime running the country. I just hope the country survives it.
Like all of you, I have no idea whether Haberman’s assertion is true, but if Trump sincerely believed that he had actually won (and I strongly suspect that he did), then it is plausible. Trump is not the kind of guy to say to his opponents, “Congratulations, you stole it successfully.”
I’m less convinced that Trump still believes this nonsense. I would hope he’s sane enough to understand, ala Mollie Hemingway, the difference between “stolen” and “rigged.” But I could be wrong. His brain is rather eccentric.
If I'm not mistaken, this is the same thing Barack Obama told people as he closed on his Kalorama neighborhood house where he has since moved the Biden team like a marionette handler.
Not to mention- Speaker Nancy Pelosi (35 years in office)
And Sen. Bernie Sanders (35 years in office)
Pres./VP/Sen Joe Biden (50 years in office)
Sen. Patrick Leahy (48 years in office)
Sen. Charles Grassley (41 years in office)
Sen. Richard Shelby (36 years in office)
Sen. Ron Wyden (26 years in office)
Sen. Chuck Schumer (33 years in office)
Rep. Hal Rogers (41 years in office)
Rep. Chris Smith (41 years in office)
Rep. Steny Hoyer (41 years in office)
Sen. Dick Durban (40 years in office)
Rep. Marcy Kaptur (39 years in office)
Sen. Mitch McConnell (38 years in office)
Trump was there for 4 years- all of which were under attack. The rest of these clowns have much, much more to answer for in regard to our debt, our wars, the borders, our economy, energy, foreign policy. Every one of them need to answer before Trump.
What? We're supposed to believe Trump gave some Leonardo DiCaprio speech from "The Wolf of Wall Street"? Maybe he did say it. Trump won the election and he knows it and so does Biden and all his people. Haberman and Asshole know it too. If Trump was pissed he was rightfully pissed.
But what actually happened...? Trump left. None of the drag him out of the white house by the military bullshit ever came true. But Haberman has a target audience which makes her wealthy. And it doesn't have to contain an ounce of truth for them to buy it. It just has to fulfill their pre-programmed notions.
And for all the insurrectionist J6 bullshit. President Donald J. Trump was the only one of our established elite DC class that did not attend the inauguration of Americas first fraudulently installed President. The people that sat there and watch Biden take the oath, who all knew what was done during the election were all part of a successful coup. The real insurrection.
It's coming again. November 2022 is almost here.
A headline says Trump asked his Coke valet how he could stay in the White House.
The raid has given the media license to go after Trump in ways that would have caused trouble for them.
The raid is a licence to shock and awe.
Maybe that was the ultimate reason for the raid.
I never believed Olbermann even when he was reading scores.
They're going to have to MURDER Donald Trump, or I'm going to vote for him and anybody he supports and fight tooth and nail against his or their opponents.
I don't care what he's done, would like to do, or is going to do, according to the New York Times. If the NY Times says it, then it's a lie.
Why? Because FUCK YOU. That's why.
I’m going with middle ground, and he hasn’t left. He’s not in the White House, but then only the Clintons and Obamas seemed to consider it their home.
"If true, she shouldn't have saved it. Is it false, or is Haberman guilty of withholding vital information for her own commercial purposes? Or is there some gray middle ground where it only sounds important as it's used to hawk a book but isn't really substantial, just Trump being idly emotive?
You and Keith are making an implicit assumption about how long Haberman has had the information. Does she say? Maybe she only obtained it this summer.
Trump will never leave the minds (such as they are) of some people.
He's seared, seared! into their memories, and they wake every night in a cold sweat at the thought of his return.
How delicious.
“He’s just gonna say he’s a winner.” - The Guardian
The Guardian quoting Mother Jones.
Never change, dude. Never change.
Olbermann has found the baby disguised as a fetal technical term of art. Off with her... uh, his head!
Trump was there for 4 years- all of which were under attack.
From conception (i.e. announcement), to birth (i.e. inauguration), through his formative trimesters, and senior years in progress. I can't decide if his antagonists are woking (sic) to the beat of planned parent/hood or planned presidenthood.
They want another Nixon who will fall on their scalpel. Good luck with that. Trump is a baby who stands his ground.
Jim wrote: "You are perhaps the only person in the entire world who believes there is not a shooting war going on in Ukraine."
I said prove it to me. So far, nobody even offers any real evidence. I'm just not convinced. You're welcome to convince me. It's no sweat off my balls one way or the other. I'm not paying for it, or participating in it. I could care less.
But I would note that if I was faking a war to say, siphon off a bunch of taxpayer dollars by stealing them, this is precisely how I'd do it. I'd make any discussion of the actuality of the war itself verboten, as you are doing.
That would be rule #1 of faking a war. Doing what you're doing.
"Did Haberman win a Pulitzer for pushing that Hoax? Why doesn’t she write about that charade?"
Yeah, actually, it would be kind of interesting if one of them were to publish a tell-all about how they coordinate their lies. I'm sure there are lots of fascinating insider stories to be peddled, and insightful portraits of the main lying grift-artists and their loveable idiosyncracies. Dish!
“He’s just gonna say he’s a winner.” - The Guardian
What a horrifyingly nefarious plot! Why, our very democracy hangs in the balance!
"He’s just gonna say he’s a winner..."
The Guardian quoting Mother Jones.
There's audio, which was played in the January 6th Hearing.
"Vital to the safety of the nation."
Riiiight, Keef.
Where's Nurse Ratched when you really need her?
There's audio, which was played in the January 6th Hearing.
Dude, you don't even realize that you are the butt of that joke. If "I'm a winner" or "I'm the winner" scares you, then you are too fragile to be seen as representing anyone. The January 6th Hearings would be a joke except for the real political persecution it allows. That point is upsetting people who used to think themselves Democrats. No wonder you idiots believed the admin's tale of Trump pushing Secret Service agents and grabbing the wheel. It is something that scares you and it is about Trump; and you want to be scared.
Perhaps Biden uses that fake WH room for pressers because trump still occupies the real room and will not leave.
Well, if there's audio at the January 6th hearing, it must be true.
They certainly wouldn't make things up or take them completely out of context.
There's audio, which was played in the January 6th Hearing.
In other words, (a) the "vital information" wasn't withheld, (b) Democrats believe (or hope) it's damning, and (c) the absolutely undeniable fact remains that Trump left, on his own, despite his mad-evil-genius plan:
1.Tell everyone he's going to declare himself the winner of the election regardless of its results
2. ???
Those walls just keep closing in - but apparently they must have started at the physical limits of the galaxy, as they remain woefully far apart.
The Asses bray, the Rhinos whine, and Trump haunts... hunts the gates of despicable corruption.
"NEW: Roughly 40 subpoenas went out last week to people in and around Trump, and the phones of two 2020 advisers were seized"
That's from Maggie today. There was a lot of denial when Bannon said the same.
There's audio, which was played in the January 6th Hearing.
9/12/22, 4:32 PM
That link is Liz Cheney saying that Bannon said that Trump was going to say that. Thanks for wasting my time with that garbage.
Mother Jones had the actual clip. In it, Bannon is talking and people are laughing. How do you know he was serious? It sounds like a guy talking shit. It would be a lot more persuasive if you had a recording of Trump saying it.
Our upper middle classes have (or maybe pretend to have when it suits their interests) a very sheltered view of life. The rest of the country is less likely to be shocked or surprised by things, having seen enough crazy behavior in the family or in the neighborhood. It would be surprising to me if Trump hadn't at some point said that he just wouldn't go. Nevertheless, he did go, and it doesn't look like he was seriously planning or conspiring to stay.
Biden: You need like F-15s to go against the US.
Olbermann and Biden supporters: Just saying "I'm just not going to leave" is vital to safety and continuation of our nation.
These people just don't understand how ridiculous they appear to the rest of the nation and the world.
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