From the last paragraph of the long NY Magazine article, "The Sordid Saga of Hunter Biden’s Laptop/The most invasive data breach imaginable is a political scandal Democrats can’t just wish away."
About that art: "He spends his days making art in his garage.... He paints still lifes of flowers; portraits of Catholic martyrs; paintings of birds done in alcohol ink, which creates a ghostly effect. In one series, according to someone who has seen them, Biden has made a number of self-portraits, based on the photos in the tabloids, the ones that show him in the depths of his despair. The paintings are abstract, made up of colorful pixels, but you can still see the artist in there. He is planning to turn one image — a selfie that he took with a cigarette dangling from his mouth during a trip to Las Vegas, which now appears on the cover of Laptop From Hell — into a work in stained glass."
Here's that selfie he — the man who paints portraits of Catholic martyrs — is interpreting in stained glass:

It's more that drugs and hookers- the story is about how Joe and Hunter used Joe's VP power to enrich themselves illegally.
NY Magazine(D) - doesn't even go there.
Billy Beer
The most invasive data breach
Wait, what? How was it a data breach? He was a dopehead who lost his laptop in a drug induced craze. He wasn't hacked!
political scandal Democrats can’t just wish away
Despite leveraging the full weight of the Federal Government (through the Intelligence Community) on private citizens and media empires alike.
Guess we are at the phase of scandal of "yeah it's real and it's bad, but what are you going to do?"
This is good for those seeking Deeper Meaning. But hardly relevant.
A latter day Billy Carter. I resist the idea that he should be pitied, or deserves sympathy. This is one of the most privileged people in the USA, one who has the direct ear of the President, and one who has certainly profited off of that. His Dorian Grey would look very bleak indeed.
I ran to the CVS today to get my Omicron clot shot after Joe Biden emailed me and promised a Hunter selfie NFT if I set a good example for neighbors by getting untested experimental ChiCom micro Air Tag.
"Invasive data breach" makes it sound like he was the victim of something more than his own carelessness, stupidity, corruption and self-destructive tendencies.
I suppose all human beings are mysteries, but to leave it at that isn't necessarily a sign of deep understanding. It can be just shallowness. To refuse to speculate about answers or reasons, may simply mean letting Hunter (and his dad) off the hook, in a way that the Trump family wouldn't be.
Hunter Biden may be a tormented soul, but torment or self-torment is a complicated thing that can have many reasons or causes or explanations. What Hunter is really tormented by may not be what the author wants us to believe is eating away at him. Is it really his conscience that troubles our young prince?
Hunter Biden clearly has deep, deep thoughts and deep, deep "undercurrents" as he snorts coke, smokes crack, takes meth and beds underage trafficked prostitutes (often funded by our ChiCom and russki geo-political opponents)...all while he films it all! Why not, the russkis, Ukrainians, Iranians and ChiCom's were all filming it as well no doubt.
Such depth and being "perfectly normal" (as Inga, victoria and gadfly repeatedly told us) is surely something we could all learn from.
After all, Biden's Earpiece told us directly that Hunter Biden is literally "the smartest man he has ever known" and he should know!
Hunter Biden is a fascinating character in his own right. IF he weren't a rich man's son, he would probably have been dead in a trailer park or the bathroom of a dive bar decades ago. But as the president's son, he doesn't exist as his own person, he only matters to the extent that he embarrasses and compromises his father. I know, of course, that old Joe made most of his fortune through his family's dirty dealings, but he doesn't need Hunter for that.
The drama of Hunter Biden, the opportunism and the self-sabotaging, the creativity and the sordidness, is Shakespearean.
Maybe it was the drugs.
ya Think? Maybe it WAS the drugs..
Would certainly explain why his dad (and sister (and sister in law)) are So F*cked Up too
Maybe 'losing' the laptops (there was more than one) was a cry for help.
Maybe old Joe was showering with Hunter before he moved on to his daughter.
No wonder Hunter is fucked up...
That cigarette looks photoshopped, almost as if they erased the crackpipe that was probably there.
Shooped. Definitely shooped.
Ficta said...Billy Beer
Every president has an embarrassing family member--Roger Clinton, Ron Reagan Jr, Michelle Obama--Hunter Biden is a criminal enterprise. Or, at least, a willing cog in Joe's criminal enterprise.
Oh! and Mother inlaw too! Can't forget the drug addicted cocktail waitress/babysister mother inlaw
I understand the allure of coke, and whores, but he’s over 50.
What a shallow, pointless life.
Hunter's Hooker Above (the poster not the fatal hooker) has the correct perspective on both the laptop and Hillary's email server. The laptop is not about drugs and whores. It's about money changing hands for favors from the VP. Hillary's email server was not about sloppiness and national security. It was a way to hide conversations about quid pro quo payments in return for favors from the Sec'y' of State.
To talk about anything other than the payments/payoffs is a distraction from the real problem- illegal financial transactions. The general public knows nothing about the "Big Guy's" 10% nor Bill's "speeches" while Hillary was Sec'y. The general public thinks the issue is a drug addled son and Hillary's sloppy record keeping- both of which are forgivable.
It's time for another stand-up routine.
Hunter Biden makes Billy Carter seem abstemious.
Hunter makes Bristol Palin seem chaste.
Hunter makes Chelsea Clinton seem scrupulous.
Hunter makes Meghan McCain seem self-made.
Hunter's military career makes Track Palin look like Audie Murphy.
Hunter's artistic career makes GW Bush look like Rembrandt van Rijn.
Hunter's oil business career makes Ken Lay look honest.
This could go on all week...
Biden's story of social, corporate, and national "benefits".
Brian beat me to it, but why not...
Data BREACH? What? The man handed over his laptop. He didn't come get it, even after numerous phone calls. This is pretty much the exact opposite of a breach.
I happened to read the book pictured. Needed to take a shower afterwards, but it is worth reading just to see how much more vile things are than even I had suspected.
A political scandal that the Democrata can't wish away. Whoo hah! And Bull Dust. The political scandal of Hunter Biden's laptop was known before the 2020 election--except that the Dims and their handmaidens in the press hit the story on the head with a shovel and buried it.
I listened to an audiobook of Ms. Devines "Laptop From Hell". You listen to half an hour of sleazeball Hunter Biden's escapades and you feel like you need to take a shower to get the dirt off. The corruptocrat "Big Guy" would not have been elected President without the aid of the press--and maybe more than just a handful of phantom fraudulent voters.
The media (Hack D press) must white wash Biden family international grift.
Poor Hunter ... He has a party party life and a really large penis.
He's made millions being nothing other than the son of the Vice President/P, and was paid millions with corrupt insider pay to play deals - see Ukraine and China.
boo hoo.
Blogger Howard said...
I ran to the CVS today to get my Omicron clot shot after Joe Biden emailed me and promised a Hunter selfie NFT if I set a good example for neighbors by getting untested experimental ChiCom micro Air Tag.
It's OK. You're too old to be in danger. Its teen boys who get the myocarditis gadfly doesn't believe in.
Isn't it interesting that this story isn't about Hunter Biden.
It's about his laptop - as if it is the person who did the things.
Hunter Biden fucked his dead brother's wife.
That is all you need to know about this trailer park trash family.
But if you need more, the President of the United States' daughter has written in her diary that she has sexual hangups she's still suffering from because he forced her to shower with him long past when it would be considered appropriate.
That's the trailer park dumpster fire that is the United States of America.
Hunter gave his data away. He walked into a shop, handed over his laptop for repair, it was repaired, he was told to come in and pay for the repair, he flatly refused, and only after a period of time did the laptop repairshop take ownership of the laptop and it’s data as compensation for payment. Even then, the repairshop owner didn’t sell the data to tabloids for compensation and instead took it to law enforcement. When the FBI called it disingenuous, the repairshop owner then took it to the press.
Hunter’s data would still be private had he: backed up his data and then only gave the laptop repairshop a broken laptop with a clean hard drive (what I recommend people do), paid for the repair, or the FBI handled the case properly. If the laptop was so unimportant that he didn’t need to pay for the repair; he should have destroyed it. With his income, a new laptop is cheap.
The rest is bullshit to protect President Biden from the immorality and potentially illegal activities of his son.
The wastrel son of the powerful father.
What a cliche'.
Who would have thought it? But it now becomes clear that Anthony Weiner is a role model for responsible laptop management. He never left his laptop lying around in massage parlors. He took care to not to record his very most sordid activities. Dems should instruct their relatives and in-laws to take heed of the discretion and care with which Anthony used his laptop.
The only reason why crack-addict Hunter Biden was hired onto the Board of Directors of Ukraine's major natural-gas company -- salary $85,000 a month -- was that his father, Vice President Joe Biden, was the Obama Administration's "point man on Ukraine".
When Ukraine's top prosecutor tried to investigate that Biden-family corruption, Biden compelled Ukraine's President to fire that prosecutor.
Later, after Trump became the US President, he told Ukraine's new Presdient Zelensky that Ukraine now was permitted by the US Government to resume that investigation of the Biden-family corruption.
The Democrat Party reacted by impeaching President Trump.
Gee I hope he sues for royalties from using that photo he took.
Joe Smith said...
Maybe 'losing' the laptops (there was more than one) was a cry for help.
Don't forget the daughter's diary; that she "lost" too
Notice they call out this: a political scandal Democrats can’t just wish away
Huh. So unlike their usual modus operandi this specific scandal can't be "wished away" like most are. How interesting they make this admission against interest.
It is really quite remarkable to watch the liars attempt to defend Hunter Biden, and by extension, his utterly corrupt father. Does anyone imagine that Hunter has some sort of useful skill that causes people to pay him millions of dollars? Of course not. He's a fucking bozo crackhead who knocked up a stripper and tried to deny it, 'til his DNA gave him away. Would you hire him to do your estate planning? No one even bothers to suggest that Hunter Biden is selling anything other than his last name. So apparently what we are supposed to believe is that the people who spend all that money buying "Biden" are getting bamboozled. They think they are getting Joe, but all they are getting is Jim and Hunter. Hah-ha! Silly billionaires!
How was it a data breach?
From the Biden Inc. perspective, it sure is. They aren't even hiding what side they are on in this article.
I give more and more credence to the idea that the laptop wasn't left behind accidentally, in the same way I now give credence to the idea that the Biden daughter didn't leave that diary behind by accident either. I now believe it entirely possible that both greatly dislike their father, and with good reasons, and were trying to sabotage his candidacy.
I give more and more credence to the idea that the laptop wasn't left behind accidentally, in the same way I now give credence to the idea that the Biden daughter didn't leave that diary behind by accident either. I now believe it entirely possible that both greatly dislike their father, and with good reasons, and were trying to sabotage his candidacy.
I give more and more credence to the idea that the laptop wasn't left behind accidentally, in the same way I now give credence to the idea that the Biden daughter didn't leave that diary behind by accident either. I now believe it entirely possible that both greatly dislike their father, and with good reasons, and were trying to sabotage his candidacy.
"The drama of Hunter Biden, the opportunism and the self-sabotaging, the creativity and the sordidness, is Shakespearean."
More like Appalachian. All Bidens give you the feeling that you've touched something greasy and you need to wash your hands.
The wastrel son of the powerful father.
What a cliche'.
Except that in the cliché, the powerful father is clean; that's what makes the wastrel son's debauchery tragic. Doesn't look like the case here.
'Poor Hunter ... He has a party party life and a really large penis.'
Big dick, small town. What's a man to do?
That’s one way to spin it
That he tries to translate his pain into Catholic art makes me respect him more. It is in our nature to fall, profess our guilt, and find a way to connect to God afterwards.
"The most invasive data breach imaginable"
"is a political scandal Democrats can’t just wish away."
Well, but there's always the deep state to do their dirty work for them, as they wish, including by evasive maneuvers against Trump. Hey, let's search Barrons room!
The real political scandal is not the depravity of the Biden family but the obvious and accepted corruption, all the money funneled by adversaries to a drug addict whose father happened to have influence. The Bidens were bought. That's the scandal suppressed so well that Dems don't even have to wish it away.
Jeez, how kind, Hunter Biden as a sympathetic character. Nice try, but: Hunter Biden has spent his adult life debauching himself. He's an entitled scumbag, top-to-bottom. He preys on young females, some of them apparently underaged (according to his laptop evidence), and he's a reckless international bag man for the family fortunes, which incidentally are commonly called corrupt 'Pay to Play' schemes when they involve Republicans. He's been kept on a charmed path paved with family-associated protection all of his life, and he's discarded more privilege than most people ever have. He bedded his brother's widow in an unseemly and cynical way, early into what respectable people call a period of mourning.
so, please don't try to sell me on Christian sympathy for his tormented soul; that's between him and God, eventually. And don't try to sell me on his artistic temperament, either - that's just another seamy 'Pay-to-play' scheme. He's a scumbag - through and through.
I give Hunter credit for subconsciously wanting to scuttle his corrupt and nasty family. Too bad it didn't work.
Re: Billy Beer
Billy didn’t offer to introduce you to his brother if you bought a distributorship and then give Jimmy 10% of the take.
If there was any justice, this scumbag would be getting art lessons from "the Big Guy"in a federal penitentiary.
Meanwhile, hundreds of misdemeanants are persecuted by federal corruptocrats for trespassing on public property.
"...It is in our nature to fall, profess our guilt..."
I guess I missed the part where he announced he partnered with his father in the grifting.
What does it take to get these people to see reality as it is?
"Hunter's pursuers?"
Who are we talking about here? Paparazzi? Deranged Democrat women hoping for an opportunity to abort his child?
We are certainly not talking about federal "law enforcement."
Kate, kindly point out to me where Hunter has confessed or professed as you put it his guilt. From here it’s hard to see when the hookers and blow lifestyle ever ended.
Narr said...
The wastrel son of the powerful father.
To add to what Jamie said, it appears to me to be a lot darker than that.
I keep going back to the messages Hunter was reported to have sent to his sister-in-law or maybe a group chat among family, complaining that he was required to do the dirty work of making the sleazy deals that keep the Bidens in the style they've become accustomed.
His dad knew that he, and Beau when he was alive, needed the appearance of clean hands to keep the money flowing. So Hunter was pushed into the role of the bagman and the deal maker. Like Yancey, I wouldn't be surprised if there was something subconscious about leaving the laptop behind, beyond just a junkie's addled brain.
Joe Biden is a deeply corrupted man.
"Hunter's pursuers"? Is Hunter now the hunted?
You poor deluded souls. Your brains are ruined from huffing Trump’s vapors for the last few.
After diving into the “news” story that Hunter’s laptop, there is nothing there. There is nothing proving that Biden profited. Period.
It’s horseshit; like that fake Benghazi scandal the right cried crocodile tears about for over a decade.
Privileged kid with famous last name gets job based on that privilege.
Also, didn’t your cult leader actually hire his unqualified, incompetent kids, including his own coke addled offspring, to high level positions within the US government?
That feels like a much bigger scandal.
Kate said...
That he tries to translate his pain into Catholic art makes me respect him more. It is in our nature to fall, profess our guilt, and find a way to connect to God afterwards.
If Hunter made his depravity known and said he would try to atone for it, that's one thing.
But he and the entire Democrat party are doing their damnedest to SUPPRESS and DENY his manifest soul-destroying immorality.
Where's the virtue in that???
Kate said...
That he tries to translate his pain into Catholic art makes me respect him more. It is in our nature to fall, profess our guilt, and find a way to connect to God afterwards.
If Hunter made his depravity known and said he would try to atone for it, that's one thing.
But he and the entire Democrat party are doing their damnedest to SUPPRESS and DENY his manifest soul-destroying immorality.
Where's the virtue in that???
"I give more and more credence to the idea that the laptop wasn't left behind accidentally"
My theory is that he figured he was ditching the laptop with someone who would erase the hard drive, and preferred that option to turning the laptop over to his father's tech guy.
We listen to audio books when driving to California to visit the kids. "Laptop from Hell" was almost too much. I also wonder a bit if Hunter leaving in the shop with all that incriminating data was some sort of cry for redemption. Maybe the daughter's "diary," too. Joe Biden as a father resembles an Erskine Caldwell book.
Stained glass, eh? Stained with what?
I guess I missed the part where he announced he partnered with his father in the grifting.
[Biden's] daughter has written in her diary that she has sexual hangups she's still suffering from because
The son and the daughter.
"...It is in our nature to fall, profess our guilt..."
No remorse, no contrition, just progress.
this isn't about Hunter Biden. It's about how Joe Biden sells his office.
True dat, Jamie. Clearly Hunter goes with the Biden grain and not against it.
When you post homemade porn with paid prostitutes while high on drugs while also making lucrative deals with foreign powers to sell your father's influence., there is no expectation of privacy.
"It is in our nature to fall, profess our guilt . . . ."
What do you mean 'our,' Kemosabe?
Hunter Biden is the girlfriend everyone hates but can't let her go. The mosquito bite you can't not itch.
"because he forced her to shower with him long past when it would be considered appropriate."
Dude, it's never appropriate.
Sorry about my lack of clarity. Our = Catholics. And when we profess our guilt, it's not generally shared with anyone but the priest.
Everyone deserves a chance to repent. If his method is through art, then fine. It doesn't get him off the hook publicly. But part of this post, the info that interested me, was about his Catholic process.
" There is nothing proving that [Joe] Biden profited."
Is there "probable cause" to look for more evidence?
We have Hunter's claims. We certainly have the difference in Joe's "net worth" from a few decades ago until today. We have examples of other shenanigans by other, similarly situated, politicians for whom proof has been presented and convictions obtained.
"Proof" is usually a goal for the outcome of a fairly long and involved process. Isn't it time to start that process rolling for the President?
I agree with Kate on the profession of guilt. Don't think of it is admitting to an officer of the court or saying it directly to anyone. However, if he is painting the image and claiming that is indeed him in the picture; then at some level it is a confession. In Kate's context, it is a confession to some nebulous higher being, such as the Catholic or Christian God. As a Christian, I think if I were to recreate the scene of a personal sin, either in words, picture, or other art medium; then it would at least be a self-confession for which my God would be aware.
I'm not yet on board that the "lost" items are cries for help, but I could get there. If Joe got them involved in something they really wish they never got into; then it is self-preservation to not self-incriminate. However, if they could incriminate "the big guy" while protecting themselves (and their ill-gotten gains because they had to put up with the guilt of obtaining them), then I could see a cry for help. But, I suspect a simpler explanation. Hunter didn't realize what data he had on the laptop or believed it could be recovered. There is a real possibility the diary was stolen, but not by some directive of opposition media. It could simply be stolen by other rehab patients that knew who she was and figured the diary could be a pay day. Not that such action warrants FBI involvement or excuses their involvement as personal protectors of Biden depravations.
" There is nothing proving that [Joe] Biden profited."
But aren't you just the tiniest bit curious about who "The Big Guy" is?
(Apparently our esteemed Fourth Estate isn't).
Poor Hunter. With the Biden administration ordering the criminalization of the opposition along with constitutionally protected speech, I hope things go terribly for his son. I hope his life falls further apart and that he does some serious prison time.
I have no remorse for feeling that way.
Poor Hunter. With the Biden administration ordering the criminalization of his opposition, I hope things go terribly for his son. I hope his life falls further apart and that he does some serious prison time.
I have no remorse for feeling that way.
I think of Hunter - and probably the daughter, whose name I can't recall, sorry, not going to look her up right now - as victims of a venal political animal of long standing. Hunter, at least, is a lost creature. I'm willing to believe that he's trying to work out some kind of redemption, but -
Someone I care about suffered great abuse, particularly mentally but not limited to that, at his father's hands as a child. It's always affected him, but thankfully he had a mother who, while she didn't leave his father or protect him adequately, at least tried to counteract the father's abuse by telling her son that it was the father's problems and issues that led to the abuse, not any shortcoming of the son. He's grown up to be a much-loved husband and father, respected in his career, with many strong friendships.
It still colors his life. But he made a decision not to believe what his father told him about himself, and he built a good life.
It's terribly sad that Hunter was not able to do that. Redemption is possible for him as it is for all of us, but in this life? He has to do more, himself.
If he turns into a transgender climate scientist and NFT actor-activist as well, the black hole that is Hunter Biden could achieve the current apotheosis of Self-fulfillment.
He will transcend and become whole.
Kate: Catholic confession of sins are private conversations between a priest who is sworn to silence and a believer who swears to sin no more. They aren't solipsistic doodles sold off the walls of a pricey gallery to Daddy's political friends for non-credible amounts of money in merely their latest daddy/son shakedown.
But the real issue here is probable cause of vast political and financial crime implicating the President, and the cover-up by the DNC and Executive Branch, as J. Melcher observes. Not pseudo-psychoanalysis of irrelevant remorse. This is merely the latest distraction created by a corrupt media that should be investigating, not exculpating.
Biden probably took up painting because huffing solvents is the closest he can get to getting high while being babysat by the Secret Service. Junkies are nothing if not resourceful.
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