September 28, 2022

"Do you think we’d raise a six-year-old child in a Versailles-like palazzo? We’ve already got a house."

Said Andrea Giambruno, quoted in "Giorgia Meloni will turn down PM’s palace to stay in the family home, says partner" (London Times).
Meloni, 45, will stay in her house in Mostacciano, a suburb of the capital, and will not move to the 16th century Palazzo Chigi in the heart of the city that prime ministers normally use as an office and residence.
Giambruno is Meloni's partner.
Meloni has praised Giambruno as being “one of the few men in the world capable of not suffering if they have a successful woman next to them”. They met when Meloni appeared as a guest on a programme Giambruno worked on. Just before she went on air, he whisked a banana she had been eating out of her hands to save her from embarrassment.

 I had a moment of confusion, having forgotten that, in Italy, Andrea is a man's name.


Jefferson's Revenge said...

Were she a liberal she would be a hero with that attitude. I suspect that instead, this will be twisted into another bit of fictional proof that she is indeed a fascist.

Narr said...

At least she's a breeder with some skin in the game--unlike the mostly childless men and women who dominate Europolitics currently.

AMDG said...

I am surprised they are not married.

Gusty Winds said...

Good for her. She doesn't need to live inside the bubble that housed her predecessors who walked Italy down the path toward global totalitarianism. True to her word she'll stay in the place most important to her family.

And she operates as an outsider which is exactly what she intends to be and what the Italian People want.

The moon hit my eye like a big pizza pie. I think I'm in love. (^◡^)

No real man would have trouble with Georgia Meloni's success.

PM said...

It's well known were I elected President I would work from a van.

Howard said...

That's a great move. Exactly what Jerry Brown would do. However I don't think she's going to be driving herself around in a 20-year-old Plymouth.

Václav Patrik Šulik said...

It's weird that she's supposedly a combination of Mussolini and Jerry Falwell when she hasn't gotten married to her partner / baby daddy. I don't think the narrative meshes with reality.

Jupiter said...

"I had a moment of confusion, having forgotten that, in Italy, Andrea is a man's name."

We may not be able to define what a woman is, but we know which sex is allowed to use which names.

Misinforminimalism said...

Good for her. Mostacciano is actually part of Rome so not a suburb in that sense. Typical, moderately upscale residential area. Generally 4-story apartment buildings. Nice and boring, perfect for raising kids.

Jupiter said...

So a woman's "husband" is now her "partner"? What is her actual partner called? Like, if she owns a business with another person?

Gusty Winds said...

Meloni has praised Giambruno as being “one of the few men in the world capable of not suffering if they have a successful woman next to them

I'll bet college educated American white women have more of a problem with Meloni's success than American men do...

As we have been discussing transgenderism favorite thing about Giorgia Meloni is she has bigger balls than the five men she beat in the Italian election.

And she didn't even need surgery!!

Tank said...

Well, that’s the first dumb thing I’ve heard her say.

Jamie said...

I applaud the sentiment but have to remind her that she's making things tough on her security team.

Beasts of England said...

Good for Giorgia for keeping it real.

And Andrea Doria was a dude…

MadisonMan said...

Why is it embarrassing to have a banana in your hand?

Yancey Ward said...

I watch Grey's Anatomy, so already knew Andrea is the Italian Andrew.

Clark said...

"Just before she went on air, he whisked a banana she had been eating out of her hands to save her from embarrassment."

Is this an Italian thing? Is it about the banana? Is it bad generally to be seen on TV eating anything?

Yancey Ward said...

And only a Fascist would turn down the opportunity to live the high life in a palace.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Jamie said...
I applaud the sentiment but have to remind her that she's making things tough on her security team.

So what?

The desires of the security series should not be preeminent

Mike Petrik said...

@Jupiter — Meloni’s “partner” is not her husband. She is not married.

n.n said...

Woman, wife, mother, and leader. That's one less tag for social progress, another step forward for women and men, couples married, with children, equal and complementary on Earth.

rhhardin said...

How long do Italian governments last? Less than a year?

n.n said...

Meloni has praised Giambruno as being “one of the few men in the world capable of not suffering if they have a successful woman next to them”.
Well, that’s the first dumb thing I’ve heard her say.

Baby steps, perhaps. Hopefully, she's not a feminist hiding among women, and the couple have approached their relationship through reconciliation.

Beasts of England said...

I viewed some interior photos of Chigi and I can further understand her decision now. Everything in that humble abode is probably a renaissance masterpiece, and I can’t imagine the fallout from a little one scratching his initials into a Caravaggio. lol

Wince said...

Do you think we’d raise a six-year-old child in a Versailles-like palazzo?

"Hey, it's Enrico Palazzo!"

hombre said...

She is evidently center-right. The lefties at the EU and the leftmediaswine everywhere, fearing for the WEF agenda are tarring her with the "Right-wing Extremist" brush.

The world will be smothered by "The Great Reset" if the US doesn't kick out the Demokrats ASAP.

Drago said...

Howard: "That's a great move. Exactly what Jerry Brown would do."

Wrong again tiger. Per usual.

Gov Jerry was of course a lifelong bachelor with no kids. Jerry made a political point during his first term of not living in the Gov Mansion that Reagan occupied. However, after a $4+M renovation to the 12k sq ft mansion, Jerry was happy to move on in with his wife (and rumored beard and lesbian) Anne Gust during Jerry's second stint as Gov.

Jerry had his own version of J Edgar Hoover's "Clyde Tolson" in one Jacques Barzaghi. Which might explain why Gov Jerry wanted to live in a spot that was quite off the beaten path.

So, nice try Howard. Merely completely wrong again instead of astonishingly wrong.

Thats quite a step forward for you. Congrats.

Duke Dan said...

Sometimes a banana is just a banana

n.n said...

And Meloni is no Armani.

n.n said...

She's right, perhaps in the American centrist model: libertarian right of center, but not right in the French convention, which is traditional used to color our perception of the governance spectrum.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Tenor Andrea Bocelli

Joe Smith said...

"I had a moment of confusion, having forgotten that, in Italy, Andrea is a man's name."

No are women and women are men.

We're all just cogs in a communist gear.

Interchangeable parts like Xr. Potato Head.

Joe Smith said...

Will be a pain in the ass from a security standpoint...

Robert Marshall said...

This shows careful consideration of their child's best interest. Living in a home where mom and dad are at the center, not staff and advisors, etc. Living near wherever he goes to school. I would expect his mom would be gone a good bit because of the demands of the job, but still, less disruption, and I would bet dad will be home a lot for that reason.

She said she was for "family" as a central value, and this fits right in to that.

I'm impressed so far.

tim maguire said...

Tank said...Well, that’s the first dumb thing I’ve heard her say.

At least she waited until after the election to tell half her supporters that she doesn’t respect them, but seriously, what was she thinking?

wildswan said...

Why do we need experts when we are all the same? What is there to know that requires special, expert knowledge? Equally in danger from Covid; equally racist or equally affected by racism; equally men or women or whichever; equally able to police; equally able to soldier; feeling the cold equally; needing air conditioning equally; should be listening to the same news stories and having the same reaction; past the same as the present except where the past was wrong; the present the same as the future. Meloni talks about this - how the left tries to wipe out all identity except Consumer #XXXXX; that she is woman, mother, Christian, Italian, not a nameless consumer identified by only by a number. She's got a point. And it isn't Mussolini's point although we should all think that it is the same point. Yes, we should all think the "She is Mussolini" thought tonight because we should all be the same because we are all the same when we do "being human" right. One good thing - AI WILL replace experts when we are all the same.

Narayanan said...

Were she a liberal she would be a hero with that attitude.
I suppose Il Palazio will have to be used for State Ritual Activities.

do [Land of the Free] USA Presidents have such option for free-wheeling brio [=panache]?

Narayanan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Narayanan said...

this film set in Italy - Filming Locations

Rome, Lazio, Italy
Venice, Veneto, Italy
Odescalchi Castle, Bracciano, Rome, Lazio, Italy
Villa Aldobrandini, Frascati, Rome, Lazio, Italy

banana scene - Dangerous Beauty

If USA VP Kamala Harris showed up with banana in hand all would understand why !

ken in tx said...

A woman eating a banana equals simulated falacio. People pretending not to know this are stupid.

n.n said...

No are women and women are men.

And babies are fetuses, if you're socially distant, are carbon deposits, classified as toxic... uh, "burdens", under federal regulation to be sequestered for special, peculiar, and fair weather causes.

Lucien said...

If I were six, I’d want to live in a palazzo.

Mikey NTH said...

A Meloni?

Any relatio to Thornton Melon?

Howard said...

Gold Star for Drago's book report even though I didn't read it. I'm sure it was illuminated.

Drago said...

Howard: "Gold Star for Drago's book report even though I didn't read it."

Yes you did. Which is why you were compelled to respond, though ineffectively as usual.

Better luck next time.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

When will the fascist Neo-Marxist Stalinist left in America apologize for their vitriol and lies and no-nothing comments they made about this woman?

Paddy O said...

"People pretending not to know this are stupid."

People pretending that it matters and we should view all situations like this through that lens are still emotionally and socially in 7th grade.

And also have probably been filling their minds with too much sexually interpreted interactions so have been formed to view such situations through the sexual lens.

If you can't look at a woman eating a banana without thinking of fellatio, that's your mind, not her responsibility or actions.

As the old joke goes, a psychologist gives a client a Rorschach test. Each time he shows him an ink blot the man describes some kind of sexually related act or image.

After doing this for a while, the doctor puts the inkblots away, and says, "Well, it seems as though you may be obsessed with sex".

And the patient says, "Me, obsessed with sex? You're the one who's showing me all these filthy pictures!"

Drago said...

Only a dunce like Howard would call a confirmed bachelor/no kids situation similar to the decision of a mother to raise her child in the most appropriate type of home.

Well, gadfly would do it too, so, there's that.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Leftists always take the tax payer perks.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Conservatives are frugal with other peoples money - generally speaking.

Leftists love grift and graft and free stuff. Why? they are assholes.

Jake said...


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Frauds - all over the place in America

Big Mike said...

Meloni has praised Giambruno as being “one of the few men in the world capable of not suffering if they have a successful woman next to them.

Men strong enough and self-confident enough to appreciate a strong woman for a life partner are not as rare as the lady might think, but they are scarce. There are many more strong women who’d like to have a strong man sharing their lives (or imagine that they do), so these men get snapped up by women wiser than their sisterhood.

Sebastian said...

"I am surprised they are not married"

I am too. Something missing in "woman, mother, Christian, Italian." And not Catholic either, at least not in the traditional sense. And if not wife and Catholic, while being an unmarried mother, in what sense "Italian"?

I wish her good luck in leading a basket case, but I'll wait and see how "center-right" she is in practice.

traditionalguy said...

Hurray for her. She is a feisty one. I hope the Soros Empire doesn’t impeach her for a faked crime. You know the FBI and NSA has her bugged for the Italian 5 Eyes by now.

Alexisa said...

"Meloni has praised Giambruno as being “one of the few men in the world capable of not suffering if they have a successful woman next to them”.

Ah geez I'm so sick of this drek being wheeled out for applause.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer was almost 30 years ago. How many more decades of You Go Girl! cheerleading to prop up women is needed before they become equal to men? Because the longer this takes the more it looks as if women truly are inferior.

Alexisa said...

And the patient says, "Me, obsessed with sex? You're the one who's showing me all these filthy pictures

Funny but he has a point: why do women paint their lips vaginal red? LOL

This reminds me of Jessica Valenti's breasts (how are they btw after 20 years?) Women litterally evolved their bodies to attract the male gaze. Only one other primate presents full breasts when not breast feeding. It's a visual cue so Of COURSE men are going to look at breasts, To ignore them is of the same difficulty level as a mother ignoring maternal instinct, attempting to deny millions of years of evolution... Good luck with that.

Paint your lips vaginal red perched above DD implants that are a frontal cue for female hindquarters, insert phallic shaped banana... and then whine about male sexual attention?

Admiral Ackbar voice: "it's a trap!

Alexisa said...

"she's making things tough on her security team"

I've pulled a lot of security details. Complacency is the biggest enemy. Especially with static targets at the same location day after day after...

(shakes awake)

...Sorry about that. Where was I? Oh yeah. Security details. This will be harder but will at least get them to shake out all their blind spots and upgrade their FAQs

Quaestor said...

And Andrea Doria was a dude…

Andrea Doria was also a ship (currently a shipwreck). Was the ship a he or a she?

michaele said...

Her declining to live in the presidential palace reminds me a little of Donald Trump donating his presidential salary to different gov't agencies throughout time in office. Ha, not that the media ever gave that much gesture much publicity.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Why don’t media outlets ask about the origins of Meloni’s opposition? “She established the Fratelli d’Italia in 2012, along with two other much older politicians. In the ensuing decade, her new party has come to dominate the Italian Right and to shunt the centre-Left Partito Democratico into second place—a party which itself evolved, via a series of name changes, from the Italian Communist Party in 1991.”

Leland said...

If she stays in her own home, will she receive US TS/SCI communication there? Then the FBI can treat her like Trump.

Achilles said...

Leland said...

If she stays in her own home, will she receive US TS/SCI communication there? Then the FBI can treat her like Trump.

They are already spying on her. They don't need an excuse for a foreign national. Just like they got caught spying on Merkel.

They had to lie and get a warrant on Carter Paige to spy on Trump.

Nihimon said...

"I had a moment of confusion, having forgotten that, in Italy, Andrea is a man's name."

I blame the use of the term "partner" instead of "husband", and the idea that the man she lives with and raises children with isn't her "husband" unless they go through some state-sponsored ritual...

TheOne Who Is Not Obeyed said...

Interesting to me that the standard of luxurious (government) living in Italy is Versailles. Would we in the US use such a point of reference?

I think using Versailles is a deliberate choice. I wonder what it means to Italians?

GRW3 said...

I admire the sentiment but I can't imagine the Italian version of the Secret Service would be happy. I imagine they will strongly encourage her to move to the more secure location.

Paddy O said...

"Was the ship a he or a she?"

What, are we naval engineers?

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