September 13, 2022

At the Sunrise Café...


 ... finally the rain ended!

And you can talk about whatever you want.


wildswan said...

That rain was scary. Lying there, listening to it relentlessly coming down; waking up and hearing it still coming down; waking again, hearing it again, still coming down.. But no problems afterward and now everything is beautifully washed and watered and more summer is coming on. Wisconsin summer - the best. Ice coffee. Crickets.

Lurker21 said...

Taylor Lorenz is having a feud with some MSNBC host who misgendered or deadnamed one of her colleagues. Reading the story and looking at the pictures, I'm at loss as to what the colleague, Kate Sosin, is or what she was, and "trans" can mean so many things nowadays, that "mistakes" (if that's what they are) are naturally going to be made.

Framing John DeLorean looks to be a very good documentary (if you can stand Alec Baldwin).

Buckwheathikes said...


Kenneth Starr dies today and nothing from Althouse on one of the Supreme Courts most prolific attorneys? The only man to ever stop Hillary Clinton?

If you wind back the tapes, you'll see Hillary Rodham Clinton with her fingers in every major crooked political scandal since the impeachment of Richard Nixon, up to and including the attempted assassination of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh a few months ago.

Almost half a century of calumny by this one angry bitch put on pause by Kenneth Starr during the impeachment of her pedophile Epstein-buddy husband for perjury and obstruction of justice.

And it passes in silence?

Shame Ann. For shame.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I made a YouTube clip out of the latest Jodan Peterson interview with a British journalist who wrote a book called "Trans: When Ideology Meets Reality"

Link to clip

It garnished 50 views at r/JordanPeterson

Carol said...

Ann does not have to knock out a blog post on every breaking event. Jfc we have news outlets for that.

She would probably like to think about it before writing her thoughts anyway.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Ken Star dies... RIP

I remember buying and reading about half of the Star Report.

Big soap opera.

Beasts of England said...

Reported that today the FBI ran down the My Pillow dude and confiscated his cell phone. Nice work by this thug administration and its jackass leader. I’ve seen fire and I’ve seen rain…

Mutaman said...


"Almost half a century of calumny by this one angry bitch put on pause by Kenneth Starr during the impeachment of her pedophile Epstein-buddy husband for perjury and obstruction of justice."

I guess Buckwheathikes isn't aware that Starr was Jeffrey Epstein's lawyer when the accused pedophile was given a deal in 2008 that immunized him from federal prosecution.

gilbar said...

NOW what are we going to do??
Armenia Requests Russian Military Assistance As Fighting Breaks Out With Azerbaijan

Gospace said...

Fourth try

So my son was swatted- sort of- the other day. A Karen called the cops because they spotted he was carrying. He has learned from experience that if you need to draw your weapon- you need it quickly and can't spend time fumbling through layers of clothes to get it. Combat instills that knowledge quickly. So while carrying concealed, it's not always completely hidden. So local cops show up, and he shows them his federal law enforcment badge- he can carry in NY without Dictator Hochul's permission and without a NY carry permit. The local cop answering the call explained to the Karen he was federal law enforcement and allowed to carry- But he should be in uniform! loud enought for others to overhear. She didn't believe that plainclothes police stop more active shooters then uniformd police... gun ignorance is wodespread among liberals.

But Dictator Hochul's edict that cops in NY should consider anyone with a gun in violation of the law until proved innocent turns the Constitution upside down. And is going to get some innocent killed. Very possibly a federal law enforcement officer and most likely by an affirmative action hire ar a Somali immigrant with a badge and a uniform. Or a cop just having a bad day and wanting to shoot someone to make up for it.

No Civil War or Revolutionary War battle reenactments in NY anymore thanks to new gun laws. If you voted for a Democrat at any level of government- you voted to end historical battle rennactments- because it was Democrats who banned them and not one, anywhere, at any level of government, has spoken out against the bans. Democrats- the anti-freedom party.

Gospace said...

Fifth try: What's up with "Whoops! That's an error." with blogger tonight?

So my son was swatted- sort of- the other day. A Karen called the cops because they spotted he was carrying. He has learned from experience that if you need to draw your weapon- you need it quickly and can't spend time fumbling through layers of clothes to get it. Combat instills that knowledge quickly. So while carrying concealed, it's not always completely hidden. So local cops show up, and he shows them his federal law enforcment badge- he can carry in NY without Dictator Hochul's permission and without a NY carry permit. The local cop answering the call explained to the Karen he was federal law enforcement and allowed to carry- But he should be in uniform! loud enought for others to overhear. She didn't believe that plainclothes police stop more active shooters then uniformd police... gun ignorance is wodespread among liberals.

But Dictator Hochul's edict that cops in NY should consider anyone with a gun in violation of the law until proved innocent turns the Constitution upside down. And is going to get some innocent killed. Very possibly a federal law enforcement officer and most likely by an affirmative action hire ar a Somali immigrant with a badge and a uniform. Or a cop just having a bad day and wanting to shoot someone to make up for it.

No Civil War or Revolutionary War battle reenactments in NY anymore thanks to new gun laws. If you voted for a Democrat at any level of government- you voted to end historical battle rennactments- because it was Democrats who banned them and not one, anywhere, at any level of government, has spoken out against the bans. Democrats- the anti-freedom party.

rcocean said...

Kenneth Starr was a Nevertrumper. So, fuck that guy.

Not only that. He was your typical Republican panty-waist. He just wanted to be Fair, man. Respect the Presidency. Just wanted to look into Bill Clinton's misdeeeds, but not too hard and not ruffle any feathers. OTOH, Judge Lawerance Walsh went after Reagan like Captain Queeg went after Moby Dick. Six years after iran-contra Walsh was keeping Iran-Contra in the News.

Starr, OTOH, wanted to quit as soon as he could. In fact, if Matt Drudge had not existed, I doubt Starr would've done anything.

Of course, like all these moderate wimpy "reasonable" Republicans, he found out that Left hates your guts if you cross them. It doesn't matter if you have the facts on your side. Or, you're just doing your job. Go one inch over the line, or a mile. They hate you and want you destroyed.

rcocean said...

BTW, Lindsey Graham is trying to throw the election. As is Mitch McConnell. not only are these clowns talking about "Cutting entitlements", Miss Ladybugs just introduced a bill to legalize abortion at 15 weeks!

Yeah, vote Republican guys. They'll give you abortion, open borders, Amnesty, cuts in Social security troops back in Afghanistan, AND tax cuts for the rich.

Woo hoo. Can't wait for Mitch to take over!

WK said...

Is Elizabeth really in the casket/coffin on the back of the hearse that is driving all over Scotland/England? Seems more respectful to have transported in some other fashion. 4 or 5 days in the back of a hot car?

WK said...

Is Elizabeth really in the casket/coffin on the back of the hearse that is driving all over Scotland/England? Seems more respectful to have transported in some other fashion. 4 or 5 days in the back of a hot car?

Narr said...

We had some pre-Fall autumnish weather but are supposed to have another round of summer over the next week or so. A lot of old trees are falling apart--other peoples' trees but some overhang our property substantially.

Like clockwork our slender-stalked, bright red-orange Spider Lilies are coming up. Had to warn the new yard guy not to run them over.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

What is up with Milwaukee Co, Wisconsin?

Link to r/MildlyInteresting

Butkus51 said...

Were making great progress. The seas are parting. Inflation is non-existent.

"From here on out it should be smooth sailing."(Gilligan, Sept 26, 1964)

Buckwheathikes said...

Mutaman writes: "Starr was Jeffrey Epstein's lawyer."

Actually, Epstein's lead attorney was Alan Dershowitz, another noted pedophile who spent a lot of time with Epstein and his little girls and who has been a frequent attorney for Hillary Clinton.

The only evidence that Starr represented Epstein is an obscure Wikipedia insertion with no sources.

Achilles said...

gilbar said...

NOW what are we going to do??
Armenia Requests Russian Military Assistance As Fighting Breaks Out With Azerbaijan

Dictatorships fall slowly, then they fall fast.

Given the current events in Russia the fast part is coming for Putin soon.

Public officials are calling him out knowing they will get arrested and they continue to call him out even after others get arrested.

The Russian military is getting routed.

It will be like the middle east, except someone will have enough nukes to end humanity.

Achilles said...

Beasts of England said...

Reported that today the FBI ran down the My Pillow dude and confiscated his cell phone. Nice work by this thug administration and its jackass leader. I’ve seen fire and I’ve seen rain…

The fast part is coming for a lot of illegitimate regimes soon.

Achilles said...

Biden declared victory over inflation today.

Markets dropped ~5% today because inflation was "unexpectedly" high.

Every thing he has done would predictably increase inflation. Anyone with more than a room temperature IQ could figure out why inflation is high right now.

He really is a stupid douche and the people that support him are just fucking dumb people.

n.n said...

NOW what are we going to do??


Take a knee, beg, Spring forward, of course. A World War Spring (WWS).

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

BcukWheat - Hillary is pure evil.

Rusty said...

Mutaman does not believe in equal protection under the law.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Today the slow moving Durham prosecution revealed that Igor Danchenco was an FBI informant. So the DOJ hired a Russian to help them get Trump. I’m continually amazed at the depths of Deep State depravity. Hillary and the DNC hired a former British spy to dig up rumor and innuendo about Trump using a Russian who was actually working for the FBI to whom the “dirt” was served up as Trump being a national security threat. And the present fuzzy allegations are the same dire national security bullshit. Defund the FBI and repeal the Patriot Act.

gadfly said...

Rep. Carolyn Maloney, a Democrat servicing Manhattan's 12th District, has sent a letter to Acting Archivist Debra Steidel Wall as part of a pre-existing inquiry into Trump’s stolen documents.

"I urge NARA to seek a personal certification from Donald Trump that he has surrendered all presidential records that he illegally removed from the White House after leaving office. I also ask that the agency conduct an urgent review of presidential records recovered from the Trump White House to assess whether presidential records remain unaccounted for and potentially in the possession of the former president."

This request from Maloney gives Steidel Wall cause to intervene and to do so on a fairly urgent timeline. She has a legitimate request from Congress, outside of the control of Aileen Cannon after all!

The place where NARA would be required to intervene is in the District of Columbia's Federal Court, per the Presidential Records Act, not in Florida - which may be the entire point of Maloney’s letter.

Yes, there are several legitimate ways around TFG's Loose Cannon judge centered around the DC District Court of Judge Beryl Howell, who is overseeing the grand jury and other elements of the investigation that led to seeking the search warrant in the first place.

Ann Althouse said...

"Ann does not have to knock out a blog post on every breaking event."

Thanks, Carol.

I don't blog ever famous-person death. If you tried to analyze the death-announcement posts in the 18-year history of this blog, I would guess you might find some factors like this:

1. I feel a personal connection, based on my life experience or a special respect for what this person has done (e.g., Godard, blogged today).

2. There's something interesting about the way the person died (so, not an old person dying of old age).

3. I'm pretty much learning about the person from the obituary, so I'm not really blogging that someone has died but that this person existed.

4. The death is a factor in ongoing news that I'm blogging about.

Ann Althouse said...

"What is up with Milwaukee Co, Wisconsin?"

Yeah, I saw that earlier in the day. Some cars are just too easy to steal. It's about like just leaving your keys in your car.

Ann Althouse said...

"What's up with "Whoops! That's an error." with blogger tonight?"

That just happens sometimes. It happens to me. Try clicking the button a little slower. Seems ridiculous, but it works for me (sometimes).

Jaq said...

Putin got played.

In 2014, we, John Bolton style, installed a government in Ukraine dominated by Nazis (I you want to argue about this historical fact, don't bother reading the rest). We chose Nazis for a reason, it wasn't just because that was the material we had to work with. Nazis are willing to do what our side thinks is necessary, and they have a burning hatred for Russians.For eight years these Nazis waged a brutal war against the ethnic Russians in Ukraine, killing 14,000 civilians (another historical fact)

Putin gave that speech that boiled down to him declaring himself the protector of the Russian people, which showed the world his weakness. World leaders must be completely amoral, he cared about something, it's like in a movie when the bad guys kidnap a kid the hero likes, and uses his love for the child as a weapon, except this is no movie. Putin piles up troops on the Ukrainian border, as a planned invasion, or just a show of force? Who can know? We set our Nazi proxies to work attacking ethnic Russians, starting an offensive against ethnic Russians while Putin's army is right on the border. He takes the bait.

Putin's army, despite the non stop propaganda that Nazis are famous for, worked very hard to minimize casualties, so as not to create a permanent enemy on Russia's border. The US said "We'll just see about that!" and has forced Russia to fight more and more viciously, because our goal is a Ukraine with a. burning hatred for Russia, not just the Nazis. We want every Ukrainian to know somebody killed by Russia. So rather than simply negotiating a deal where NATO keeps its weapons away from Russia's border, as the Soviets did in the Cuban Missile Crisis, we refused all negotiations. I am sure some slogan like "Slava Ukraine" comes to mind as a "reason" why such negotiations are "out of the question!" Well, Putin thought, given the reasonableness of his demands, that the US would do what the Soviet did, and back away from the brink. Another weakness exploited by the US.

Also, while Americans think of "scorched earth" as an offensive tactic, because of our civil war, it is almost always a defensive tactic, to inflict harm on an invading army by denying it resources. We are ensuring that Ukraine's infrastructure is destroyed, we can afford to fix it if we win, Russia can't.

Russia's war aims are in tatters, and if they are going to win, they are going to have to use US "Iraq style" tactics where civilian suffering just doesn't matter, the dream of a neutral Ukraine is over. Yes, Putin is in a lot of political trouble right now, not for invading Ukraine, he would have been deposed had he let NATO simply waltz into Ukraine, which Biden's letter of November last paved the way for. He is in trouble for messing up the war, and he will not be replaced by some stooge like Yeltsin, hand picked by the CIA, but by a hard-liner with fond memories of Stalin.

And yes, Russia has 6,000 nukes. Rumors are that they have nuclear tipped anti missile missiles, they have prove themselves in this war quite adept at shooting down missiles, BTW. They also have nuclear powered and nuclear bomb laden stealthy torpedos that they can launch from anywhere and that can cross the ocean and park themselves in our harbors and do a lot of damage to our major cities. Russians have a doctrine that they might lose a nuclear war, but they will make damn sure that nobody else can win one.

Britain rid itself of Roman rule when the empire collapsed back in Rome and the armies simply left. No North American power is going to rule Eurasia after a nuclear war, when the sky is so full of space junk that satellites won't be able to operate in space for decades and the US is going to have plenty to keep itself busy at home.

Mearshaum predicted that our policy was going to leave Ukraine "wrecked," and our Neocon elites said "what's your point?"

Christopher B said...

When I've gotten the "Whoops! That's an error" page publishing a comment, I've had pretty good luck with hitting the back arrow to return to the comment entry form. My comment is usually retained, and hitting Publish again will often push it through without creating multiple entries (I think). Rinse and repeat until no error pops up. Using Chrome and signed into my Google account.

Humperdink said...

Inflation is the lead story across the waterfront. So what does MSNBC lead with? The usual "we'll get Trump this time" with the panty raid on Mar-a-Lago. I'm surprised it wasn't the FBI's confiscation of the My Pillow guys cell phone. Garland's street gang has crossed the Rubicon more than once.

Dave Begley said...

I’m fully expecting the FBI to visit Mrs. Clarence Thomas and seize her phone. She’s ultra MAGA and a threat to democracy.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Ob-La_Di Ob-La-Da

rehajm said...

Yeah, I saw that earlier in the day. Some cars are just too easy to steal. It's about like just leaving your keys in your car

Jeez. The auto theft equivalent of she shouldn’t have dressed that way. Call me old fashioned but how about trying some law and order?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

I get the error too. That’s just Blogger I guess. But I hit the reload button once or several times and it posts. This method does not duplicate the post even if the “Resubmit?” button pops up and I click it. Doing back button & submit is how you get duplicates. The problem seems to occur when there is a hot streak where the volume of submissions overwhelms Blogger momentarily.

Ann Althouse said...

It does sometimes produce duplicates. I try to take them out when I see them

gilbar said...

rehajm said...
Some cars are just too easy to steal.
Jeez. The auto theft equivalent of she shouldn’t have dressed that way.

person buys a car that's "just too easy to steal"; And IT'S THEIR OWN FAULT They were asking for it?

a person wears a micro mini with no panties; goes to parties with people she don't know,
drinks until she blacks out.. Wakes up in the morning full of cum.. And THAT'S NOT her fault??

How about, BOTH are the fault of the criminals? How about: Just the same, WATCH YOURSELF?

iowan2 said...


"I urge NARA to seek a personal certification from Donald Trump that he has surrendered all presidential records that he illegally removed

Past Presidents have unlimited access to Presidential records. Its right there in the law.

PRA is civil, not criminal law. What is a Presidential Record? Well, that's a decision that rests wholly with the Executive Branch. President Trump, before the end of his term sorts into two piles Personal, Presidential. No Office/Official has the power to overturn the Presidents decision.

Howard said...

Mike mjb wolf is correct. Sometimes rarely you have to hit resubmit four or five times.

wendybar said...

The FBI raided the My Pillow guy but not Hunter Biden.

But no corruption to see here.

Howard said...

Althouse should be ashamed of herself for not blogging about Green Bay hero and devout Trumpster Brett Farve who colluded with corrupt Mississippi officials in a scheme to steal money from poverty sufferers and enrich themselves.

William50 said...

Some things never change.

"The abuse of power occurs when –

a)identification of what is working or not working is done by leaders. People’s experiences are not used to help define reality, which is assessed only from the perspective of those on top.

b)what the people need is determined by the leaders. The authority figure decides what the real problem is.

c)leaders are the only ones who know how to get things done. . . .

d)communication is one-way: from leaders to subordinates. All communication originates at the top and is passed down through the ranks. . .

e)accountability is one-way: up from people to leaders. . .

f)opportunity for leadership is reserved for certain types of people, often based on race, gender, or religious affiliation."

Erica Brown, Leadership in the Wilderness: Authority and Anarchy in the Book of Numbers (2013, Maggid), p. 112.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...


Carol said...

The car theft thing is just another TikTok challenge.

Last year they were telling kids to wreck the toilets at school or steal things off the teacher's desk.

O u kidz

Achilles said...

<a href=">This is an interesting point on abortion.</a>

A pro-life lady went on the Dr. Phil show and really kneecapped him. My highlight is from the video where "Dr." Phil tried to filibuster the woman's chance to speak.

He got mad that she "talked over" him but he was just blabbering about stuff people already know and wouldn't answer her question which was pertinent.

She asked him “If it isn’t a human life in the womb, why do you have to kill it?”

The lady did a good job addressing the rape angle too about not punishing the baby for generational sins.

The video clips were good and the woman did a good job framing the issue from the pro-life point of view. This woman was setup by Dr. Phil to get destroyed. And he tried to block her out as well.

A large number of people in this country will live in a bubble and never see or address these discussions in a real way. The only way you can actually see discussions like this is to get outside the sources that the beautiful people present for us.

Ann uses the excuse of toe nail fungus ads and "trashy" websites. in other words people who aren't propped up by billionaires and need to make a living.

Iman said...

get your knees knockin’
five words that are saltpeter
hillary talks WAP

Iman said...

When will James Taylor choose assisted suicide?

Someone had to say it…

Michael K said...

Blogger WK said...

Is Elizabeth really in the casket/coffin on the back of the hearse that is driving all over Scotland/England? Seems more respectful to have transported in some other fashion. 4 or 5 days in the back of a hot car?

Elizabeth I's corpse exploded. Maybe they are going for two. Tradition, you know.

Achilles said...

I wonder if this information was in the documents the FBI seized from Trump?

Danchenko was the source for the "Steele Dossier."

Rather than let Danchenko undermine the "investigation" the FBI made him a paid informant.

Even though they knew he was lying.

Then they used his "information" to update their warrant on Carter Page and continue to spy on all communications of the Trump administration.

To say this illegitimate regime is corrupt is understatement.

The supporters of this regime are just pieces of shit.

Achilles said...

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

I get the error too. That’s just Blogger I guess. But I hit the reload button once or several times and it posts. This method does not duplicate the post even if the “Resubmit?” button pops up and I click it. Doing back button & submit is how you get duplicates. The problem seems to occur when there is a hot streak where the volume of submissions overwhelms Blogger momentarily.

Thank you for posting this. It needs to be reiterated. I have thought about doing it several times.

Please hit the spinny reload button not the back button people.

Achilles said...

Yesterday CNN split screened the DOW crashing because of unexpectedly high inflation with Joe Biden declaring victory over inflation.

It is more than the fact that Biden can't even pronounce simple words and speaks like a stroke victim.

Joe Biden is just a fucking idiot and the only people dumber than Joe Biden are the people that support him.

Drago said...

Achilles: "Yesterday CNN split screened the DOW crashing because of unexpectedly high inflation with Joe Biden declaring victory over inflation."

It's like a visual representation of a Howard/gadfly post at Althouse blog.

MadTownGuy said...

Saw a reference to the potential railroad workers' strike on social media and checked it out...Railroad strike negotiations held up by battle over sick time policies

The top labor negotiator in talks to avert a railroad strike accused BNSF and Union Pacific of holding up progress.

Attendance policies have been a point of contention for unions for years.

BNSF, which is owned by Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway, flatly rejected Pierce’s claim, calling it “categorically false.

Robert Cook said...

"I’m fully expecting the FBI to visit Mrs. Clarence Thomas and seize her phone. She’s ultra MAGA and a threat to democracy."

To the degree that she influences her husband's judicial decisions, she is.

We do not know if she influences her husband's judicial decisions, and, if so, to what extent, and in how many cases. It could run from nil on up to 100%.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Achilles said...
Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

I get the error too. That’s just Blogger I guess. But I hit the reload button once or several times and it posts. This method does not duplicate the post even if the “Resubmit?” button pops up and I click it. Doing back button & submit is how you get duplicates. The problem seems to occur when there is a hot streak where the volume of submissions overwhelms Blogger momentarily.

Thank you for posting this. It needs to be reiterated. I have thought about doing it several times.

Please hit the spinny reload button not the back button people.


Althouse popped in to say that she does have to delete some of my duplicates, so I might be mistaken about this being a solution. :)

wildswan said...

"Carol said...
Ann does not have to knock out a blog post on every breaking event. Jfc we have news outlets for that.
She would probably like to think about it before writing her thoughts anyway."

Althouse readers are on a Rural Scenic and Historic Byway: "Have thought, then post. Allow free speech about the post."
It can be hard to understand, like moving from California to Texas. (see Babylon Bee:

[Current 'California Concept' of the Central Information Freeway: "Like before you think and resend afterward. Mention Trump."]

madAsHell said...

Ya' know......I don't trust a politician that wears sunglasses while addressing the crowd. He looks like a 3rd world dictator.

Narr said...

When Blogger is being asshole, I will go the "Preview" route and submit from there. That sometimes works where "Publish" alone doesn't.

I for one am glad that the Prof doesn't chase every headline. I don't come here for that.

Ann Althouse said...

"Althouse popped in to say that she does have to delete some of my duplicates, so I might be mistaken about this being a solution. :)"

I don't keep track of *who* is producing duplicates, so I'm not saying that you have. Your method may be great, and I will try it too.

Ann Althouse said...

Hey! I got the "whoops!" message on that very post, used your method, and it worked!!

Ann Althouse said...

And I just got it again, used your method again, and it work — published the post and no duplicate.

MadisonMan said...

I usually just hit refresh (as in, refresh the screen), and things settle into what I expect with no duplication.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Cool! I also have a 100% successful method for stopping hiccups. Then I’m out of tricks.

Marc in Eugene said...

The article in the NYT about the man who has created an entire building full of nonsense at 312 Riverside Drive in NYC was interesting. But of course I have nothing better to do than watch the live-stream of the people walking past the Late Queen's catafalque.

Narr said...

Computer hiccups?

Since the advent of the touchscreen (which I hate) I get more bugs. Literal bugs, on the screen, opening stuff. Can't swat them.

Kai Akker said...
This comment has been removed by the author.

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