September 19, 2022

Are you watching the Queen's funeral?

It's live. I'm sure you can find it. I'm seeing video embedded at the top of the front page of the NYT. 

Is it topping other news that should be more significant, such as whatever our President may have said in his "60 Minutes" interview last night?

I'm going to say no — subject to your laughter — as I see that the top story on the right side of the front page of the NYT is "Life Is Hazardous for City Raptors. These Women Offer Hope. Injured birds of prey have a fighting chance to recover, thanks to the volunteers at Owl Moon Raptor Center in Boyds, Md."

"Boyds" — that's how you say "birds" in New York.

I'm distracted by sudden cheering and raucous applause. It's the Queen's funeral video. The throng alongside the road is jubilant as the hearse drives off. I'm going to assume that means they loved the Queen and not that it's any sort of ding-dong-the-witch-is-dead response. But when did cheering a hearse become appropriate? 


Kate said...

One is allowed to cheer a coffin, but never a casket.

Carol said...

Yes, and I fully expect a "Cold stream Guards So White" Twitterstorm to erupt straightaway.

Temujin said...

"But when did cheering a hearse become appropriate? "

About the same time we decided it was good policy to let criminals back onto the streets instead of putting them in jail, open up our national borders fully to anyone from any background, install open air outdoor pissing trenches and hire a staff to pick up the shit from the streets of San Francisco, teach kids the planet is dying in 12 years and you have (point at nearest white male) that person to blame for it, and about the same time it was decided that we could no longer define what a woman was, that women should take part in men's sports and men should be able to 'take part' in women's locker rooms and bathrooms.

Cheering a hearse seems rather tame and almost civilized by comparison.

Beasts of England said...

I’m watching, but when does Elton John perform?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Yes and that might be cheers for the new king as Charles is spotted walking behind the gun wagon.

Buckwheathikes said...

"whatever our President may have said in his "60 Minutes" interview last night?"

Our what? Our president you say?

Look, Ann: Joe Biden isn't the President. He has no say over what US policy towards China is.

The real president is "The White House."

How do I know this? Because "The White House" came out immediately after the 60 Minutes interview and said "walked back" the Fake President's comments. The NY Post says "An Official," who conveniently they refuse to name, says US policy towards China vis-a-vis Taiwan "has not changed." It is this official, who the media won't name, that is the Real President.

Only the Real President can change US policy. And Biden can't do that. He's the Fake President.

Beasts of England said...

The Queen left for Windsor Castle in a Jaguar hearse. Points for that.

cubanbob said...

The best to watch is Sky News on youtube or the BBC. Absolutely no one does pomp and ceremony like the British. Everyone is else are amateurs.

Heartless Aztec said...

Maybe the Queen's Guard Band should strike up the old tune "The World Turned Upside Down" - and I'm not talkin' 'bout that Hamilton tune Willis.

Buckwheathikes said...

60 Minutes: "Would the US commit troops to defend Taiwan?"

Joe Biden: "Yes, in the event of an unprecedented attack."

White House: No. Our policy vis-a-vis Taiwan has not changed.

New York Post reports: "However, following the interview, a White House official told “60 Minutes” that U.S. policy regarding Taiwan hasn’t changed."

So, here's what we know:

1) This unnamed White House official is the Real President.

2) Only this Unnamed Official can change US policy.

3) Joe Biden doesn't decide what US policy is. This unnamed, unelected person does.

4) The press knows the identity of the Real President, but they won't tell us.

5) The rest of the press goes along with the charade. Not a single one of them will tell us who the Real President is ... this "unnamed official" who always comes out after Biden interviews to inform the press that what Biden said isn't US policy, and informs the press what the Real Policy is.

6) Not a single member of the media will break the silence and tell us who the Real President is.

7) But we know it's not Joe Biden.

Isn't that odd?

Achilles said...

Are you watching the Queen's funeral?

Of course not. But it is not aimed at me. Or most of the other people that spend time on this board.

Is it topping other news that should be more significant, such as whatever our President may have said in his "60 Minutes" interview last night?I'm going to say no — subject to your laughter — as I see that the top story on the right side of the front page of the NYT is "Life Is Hazardous for City Raptors.

Most people don't want to listen to or read about or watch politics more than they have to.

This is the key strength that Trump has over regular politicians.

Slick talkers that play political games connect to the 1% of people that like to populate these boards and form these little bubbles.

Trump connects to everyone else because he provides that bridge of entertainment that most people want.

Scott Patton said...

Injured steel mill bald eagle 'imped' with grafted feathers
Dangerous in Pittsboyg too.

Buckwheathikes said...

Is Joe Biden the Real President? Or is he a Fake President? More clues are found.

CLUE: The Brits put our Fake President and his trash wife in the 14th row at the funeral. Waaaaay back in the back of the bus. So much for the "Special Relationship."

Does that answer the question?

Would the King of England do that to a Real President? To the President of the United States - which saved the UK from the Germans in WWII? Someone with the power to effect US policy?

No, no they wouldn't do that to a Real President. They would put a Real President of the United States - arguably the leader of the Free World - in the front row.

When will the media tell us who the REAL PRESIDENT is???

Buckwheathikes said...

Is Joe Biden the Real President? Or is he a Fake President? More clues are found.

CLUE: The Brits put our Fake President and his trash wife in the 14th row at the funeral. Waaaaay back in the back of the bus. So much for the "Special Relationship."

Does that answer the question?

Would the King of England do that to a Real President? To the President of the United States - which saved the UK from the Germans in WWII? Someone with the power to effect US policy?

No, no they wouldn't do that to a Real President. They would put a Real President of the United States - arguably the leader of the Free World - in the front row.

When will the media tell us who the REAL PRESIDENT is???

Achilles said...

I watched the markets crash last night and I called some people and was a bit confused for a bit.

Then I checked Market Watch to see the futures prices and try to figure things out. Nothing was really off.

Then I noticed the top story article that Joe Biden says the US will defend Taiwan in the event of an invasion.

such as whatever our President may have said in his "60 Minutes" interview last night?

And people don't think Ann has a sense of humor!

Odds are going up that Biden doesn't even make it to November.

Meade said...

“"Boyds" — that's how you say "birds" in New York.“

Bob, I’d like you to meet Larry. Larry, Bob.

RoseAnne said...

Didn't read the NYT because of the paywall, but do know that windmills are deadly to raptors and birds of all types.

Achilles said...

New York City is running ads about Myocarditis awareness.

A lot of people are going to start dying when we hit that 3-10 year window that starts very soon.

But yeah there is a funeral today.

I wonder where the vaccine producers are going to try to hide.

Iman said...

With an ambulance, you got a chance
With a hearse, it’s gonna be worse

Iman said...

Please play “Not In My House” by Martha Vineyard and the Blue Nimby’s

cubanbob said...

Meade said...
“"Boyds" — that's how you say "birds" in New York.“

Bob, I’d like you to meet Larry. Larry, Bob."

And don't call me madame. I ain't no madam!

Buckwheathikes said...

Isn't impersonating the President of the United States a federal felony?

Who is this person who the press calls "The White House" who comes out and tells us that what Joe Biden just said isn't the actual case and does NOT represent US policy? Who is that person? What is their name?


That person announces what the Real Policy is. Who is this person who is going around and giving pronouncements to the media, claiming that THEIR policy is the REAL policy? Even though nobody elected that person.

Why won't the press tell us the name of the Real President?

Yancey Ward said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Yancey Ward said...

Inappropriate responses seem more common these days. Was Kamala there nervously chuckling?

Yancey Ward said...

"Would the King of England do that to a Real President? To the President of the United States - which saved the UK from the Germans in WWII? Someone with the power to effect US policy?

A real President or ex-President wouldn't have insisted on attending this event given the discouragement given by the British. You take the hint if you have any class whatsoever.

Yancey Ward said...

No, I don't watch funerals on television.

gspencer said...

When you're sure she's in the ground, lemme know. This 12-day show has gone on 11 days too long.

Ann Althouse said...

"behind the gun wagon"

This was after the Westminster Abbey service as pall bearers were bring the coffin out and putting it into the motor-vehicle hearse. As the car drove off, the crowd burst into applause. I didn't see Charles on camera. It seemed to be a reaction to the hearse beginning to drive.

Gusty Winds said...

Althouse said...It seemed to be a reaction to the hearse beginning to drive.

Maybe it was a "let's get on with it already" applause.

Achilles said...

The people that are using Joe Biden as an evil puppet decided to roll out their proposal for a Central Bank Digital Currency this week.

This is the fascists answer to Crypto Currencies.

Crypto Currencies are going to end the control the Federal Reserve and the governments have over our lives through control of the Dollar.

They don't want to lose that control and their answer is to take more control. This is how China is locking people out of their money right now.

But yeah whatever the President said last night is nothing compared to a State Funeral.

Lurker21 said...

Is it topping other news that should be more significant, such as whatever our President may have said in his "60 Minutes" interview last night?

I always thought "Not My President" talk was childish and stupid, but I'm starting to come around.

"The World Turned Upside Down" was the song allegedly played at Yorktown when Cornwallis surrendered. It was originally a royalist song against Cromwell. It's also a piece from Hamilton. Also, the title of a Coldplay song. Also the title of a Billy Bragg song (written by someone named Leon Rosselson) celebrating the Diggers, the radical fringe of Cromwell's revolution.

Gusty Winds said...

Blogger Yancey Ward said...
Would the King of England do that to a Real President?

If you think about it it all fits together perfectly.

Make believe Queen
Make believe President
Make believe New King

We should throw a twelve day funeral for King Friday from Mr. Rogers "Land of Make Believe" and invite Biden and his wife. They'd probably attend. And we could put all the World "Leaders" on the trolley.

Curious George said...

"Ann Althouse said...
It seemed to be a reaction to the hearse beginning to drive."

Could have been. It was a Jaguar after all.

Alison said...

I got up at 4:30 CDT and watched the procession from Westminster Hall to Westminster Abbey, the funeral service, the procession to Wellington Arch where the hearse took over from the gun carriage. Now watching the hearse arriving at Windsor Castle.

Leland said...

"Are you watching the Queen's funeral?

Of course not. But it is not aimed at me. "

Then why are you here, commenting?

"Most people don't want to listen to or read about or watch politics more than they have to."

Again, why are you here, commenting then? Logic and reasoning seems far beyond your grasp.

Gusty Winds said...

This is really weird burying a make believe Queen.

Perhaps everyone is enamored because she is a make believe Queen. She never possessed the authority to fuck up the country or your life. That was left to politicians. If she was a REAL Queen, she probably would have been hated, and there is not way she would have lasted 70 years in the role.

In 70 years she never had the ability to really do anything to piss you off.

The whole thing about meeting with the Prime-Ministers and giving them permission to form a new government was just...more make believe. It's amazing she was able to do it all with a straight face.

Andrew said...

There is video of people clapping during Thatcher's funeral and procession. It was definitely respectful, as in "well done, good and faithful servant," rather than mocking and contemptuous. I remember reading commentary that the outburst of applause was a rebuke to the media and establishment who were casting aspersions on her.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I just want to know if the Queen’s funeral past Ronald Reagan’s World Record for the longest funeral in recorded history.

Iman said...

Westminster Abbey
teh Tower of Big Ben
teh rosy red cheeks
of ms. markle’s rear end

Iman said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Andrew said...

There is video of people clapping during Thatcher's funeral and procession. It was definitely respectful, as in "well done, good and faithful servant," rather than mocking and contemptuous. I remember reading commentary that the outburst of applause was a rebuke to the media and establishment who were casting aspersions on her.

Andrew said...

There is video of people clapping during Thatcher's funeral and procession. It was definitely respectful, as in "well done, good and faithful servant," rather than mocking and contemptuous. I remember reading commentary that the outburst of applause was a rebuke to the media and establishment who were casting aspersions on her.

Howard said...

Be comforted that Trump will Garner even more cheers during his funeral. People, very Big People, are already saying it will be like nothing they have ever seen before... and Mexico will pay for it.

rcocean said...

CLUE: The Brits put our Fake President and his trash wife in the 14th row at the funeral. Waaaaay back in the back of the bus. So much for the "Special Relationship."

Biden was probably put there at his own request. Right next to the aisle, so if he has to go the bathroom he can do so without drawing attention. Plus, he's out of camera range and can fall asleep without anyone noticing.

rcocean said...

Nothing Biden says matters.

Leland said...

I came here when I saw the coffin lifted from the cart and you can clearly see the coffin shaped hold down flanges. I agree about the applause, as it seems odds, but appears to be in support.

To rift off of Gusty Winds, who I normally agree, I think people are enamored with Queen Elizabeth II, because not only did she do nothing to piss "you off"; she did little to piss anyone off. The problem of Charles and now Harry is the desire to use their figurehead status to be activists. The Queen could have done this too, and most often chose not to do so. She was a world leader that showed restraint, which is something I think worth celebrating. I would like our government leaders to be more restrained. You say she never possessed the authority to fuck up the country, but she had all the power she needed to do so. If you don't think so, then pay attention to the concern people have that King Charles III might just fuck things up.

Andrew said...

I saw a brief clip of Biden's interview on 60 minutes. He looked like he was about to keel over. The clip was of Biden's one sentence answer to a question (no doubt chosen carefully to give a good impression). And even that was slurred.

It is not news that our president is a pathetic and demented old man who is in way over his head. The death of the Queen is real news of historical significance.

My own reaction to the ceremonial procession that I'm watching, is that this is the residue of the real Britain, and it's inspiring, but it's also over. The greatness of Britain dies with her.

Curious George said...

"Leland said...
"Are you watching the Queen's funeral?

Of course not. But it is not aimed at me. "

Then why are you here, commenting?

"Most people don't want to listen to or read about or watch politics more than they have to."

Again, why are you here, commenting then? Logic and reasoning seems far beyond your grasp."

The post title is "Are you watching the Queen's funeral?" which would allow both yes and no responses. It seems you are lacking the logic and reasoning, especially if you want to be a blog cop.

Readering said...

I will be watching SNL October 1 to check in with Weekend Update and see if the Queen is still dead.

Buckwheathikes said...

Is Joe Biden the Real President? Or is he a Fake President. More clues are found:

They literally built a fake White House set for Joe Biden.

He's a Fake President.

He's not the Real President. The Real President came out AFTER the 60 Minutes interview and told reporters what the Real US Policy is. Not whatever Biden said.

Weirdly, the press won't tell us who the Real President was who announced what the Real US Policy is.

Now why is that?

NY Post: Biden mocked over fake white house set


Buckwheathikes said...

Is Joe Biden the Real President? Or is he a Fake President. More clues are found:

They literally built a fake White House set for Joe Biden.

He's a Fake President.

He's not the Real President. The Real President came out AFTER the 60 Minutes interview and told reporters what the Real US Policy is. Not whatever Biden said.

Weirdly, the press won't tell us who the Real President was who announced what the Real US Policy is.

Now why is that?

NY Post: Biden mocked over fake white house set


Jefferson's Revenge said...

My wife got up to watch. She's half Brit and the Queen was almost like family to her. That many sound funny but she had a lot of respect for the Queen.

Having said that, I do not think Charles will do well. Partly because he's Charles and will find a way to get climate change into his portfolio. But mostly because there is a different between a King and a Queen.

The Queen was easy to respect and love in a patriotic way. In some ways she was easy to want to protect.

A King is different. Kings are obeyed and no one wants to do that anymore. And he is not likable. At all.

Michael said...

Applauding for a job well done.

Michael said...

Applauding for a job well done.

Buckwheathikes said...

Maybe the Taiwanese should stop making microchips for the United States until the Real US President (unnamed) agrees with Fake President Joe Biden that US troops would fight to keep Taiwan free.

I wonder how fast the Real US Economy would crash if Taiwan stopped making our microchips for us.


Buckwheathikes said...

Maybe the Taiwanese should stop making microchips for the United States until the Real US President (unnamed) agrees with Fake President Joe Biden that US troops would fight to keep Taiwan free.

I wonder how fast the Real US Economy would crash if Taiwan stopped making our microchips for us.


typingtalker said...

No. But I'm going out to lunch and then start cleaning the basement.

My life is full without the Queen -- dead or alive.

Joe Smith said...

'It's live.'

But she's not.

I was listening to a news story on the radio this morning. Thousands cheering loudly as the casket rolled by.

I exclaimed to the radio and myself, "She can't hear you!"

Joe Smith said...

Best Twitter comment I read on this:

"Who does she think she is, George Floyd?"

Anthony said...

Probably a minority opinion, but I rather like the idea of the cheering. It's rather like at football games when an injured player is carted off the field and people clap; they're not clapping because he's injured, they're clapping as a form of thanks and goodwill.

And hey, let's here it for wildlife rescuers while we're at it!

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

This is really weird burying a make believe Queen.

Reading takes from my fellow lurkers here at Althouse is enjoyable because I like to hear what other Americans think about these things. I almost always enjoy Gusty's takes, even when I may not buy into his point. Here I think he represents a strong streak of American anti-royal gut reaction: just the thought of being a "subject of the crown" instead of a citizen of a republic gets our hackles up.

However, there is something to having a living breathing embodiment of country and tradition that allows for a shared experience, even at this late stage of civilization. To be patriotic now in America, openly and vociferously expressing love for this country, is viewed by our media and a big chunk of the coastal areas as a right-wing or extreme right-wing phenomenon. Of course standard political speech here often includes patriotic sounding phrases -- "I'm proud to be an American..." "..this great nation" etc. -- but their usually attached to a big but: "but questioning elections is seditionist" or "but closing borders is mean..."

But in the monarchy, the United Kingdom does have a unifying entity that all political parties can appreciate, a living person who can represent the country and accept the responsibility with class and grace. It doesn't matter if you vote Tory or Labor, you can agree with your fellow subjects that a prayer to "save the King" is appropriate, and you can share those feelings with your countrymen without the baggage that we Americans impose on "patriotism." There's something to be said for enduring traditions and institutions and I weep a little for America every time I hear that Americans have fewer or no institutions here they trust anymore. Elizabeth demonstrated that the English could trust her to do the right thing for the commonwealth and there is enormous benefit to a society with high trust, as Instapundit reminds us occasionally.

Our constitutional republic itself is one of if not the last institution in America that we put our faith in as citizens. Not the kind of faith it requires to worship God, the kind of faith that builds up over the centuries as the institution withstands the winds of change and endures. Some would like to change America into a direct democracy not bound by a Constitution, despite the hideous record of societies that chose that type of mob-rule path. So I appreciate Althouse's blog not just for the opportunity to sound off and see what y'all think, but because as a law professor our host has proved herself committed to trying to understand the constitution and its limits and her respect for that document has earned my respect, and perhaps it is precisely because that is the last institution uncorrupted by petty politics.

God save the King!

Big Mike said...

I started watching at 11:00 Eastern. I figured that the interesting pageantry would start in the last hour. Besides, we had house guests last week and there’s a house to clean up.

wendybar said...

Joe Smith said...
Best Twitter comment I read on this:

"Who does she think she is, George Floyd?"

9/19/22, 10:08 AM

LOVE IT!! THAT is funny.

Carol said...

"Look, Ann: "

Oh, do buggar off.

Gusty Winds said... have a good point. Yes, Charles and Harry can mess up a whole bunch of shit, especially since Klaus Schwab seems to be their Great Reset / Global Warming Rasputin. Both are insecure men desperate for relevancy.

Let's not forget about poor Prince Andrew. The most well known Royal Epstein pedophile. Maybe when Prince Andrew dies the Clinton's can attend to represent the US.

But, I'm still kind of stuck on the make believe aspect of it all. I saw photos of Spain's make believe King and Queen arriving for the funeral of England's make believe Queen. For what it's worth, at least Queen Letizia of Spain is smokin' hot like Princess Kate.

Let's give the Saudi's some credit. At least their Royal Family can have your head cut off like the King's of old. That's REAL royalty.

Big Mike said...

The look on Charles’ face as the choir began to sing “God Save the King.”

Leland said...

Not up to being the blog cop you are George. Your job is safe. Just more curious than you to know why someone that doesn’t care for the topic then comments on the topic. Especially when they twice claim disinterest in the topic.

Fred Drinkwater said...

If there's any military action in Formosa, TSMC will stop production. Factories of that sort are exquisitely sensitive to disruption. Back when I was having parts made there, Formosa had a minor earthquake. My fab line was down for well over a week before everything could be realigned and restarted. Imagine what a little shelling would do.

And their supply chains for materials like reaction gasses extend around the world.

Rusty said...

Buckwheat brings up some interesting points.
Who IS running things because it sure as hell isn't Kamala Harris.

Temujin said...

I walked into our living room from my office and my wife was watching it. I don't know if it was a delayed view or live. I think she was watching BBC America. But I started watching and couldn't- or didn't want to- walk away. I thought it was beautiful. The pomp, the tradition, the uniforms, the procession, the people lining the streets, the architecture, the cathedral acoustics, the service, the ceremony all honored her and honored British history and tradition.

My thought as her casket, er...coffin was lowered into the ground, while the lone bagpiper was playing his lament, was that this is a proper goodbye to history. Our history. Our time. A bit of an overreaction, I admit. But that's what crossed my mind. Today we argue about what is a woman, how many pronouns are necessary for any one person, why those people are fascist Nazis and we're not, and the benefits of unimpeded immigration until they are showing up at your door. In Queen Elizabeth's time- our time- we knew where all of these things- and more- belonged and what they all meant. We had more clarity, even if the world was more brutal. And maybe because the world was more brutal just a few years back, it gave them all some clarity.

Achilles said...

Leland said...

"Are you watching the Queen's funeral?

Of course not. But it is not aimed at me. "

Then why are you here, commenting?

"Most people don't want to listen to or read about or watch politics more than they have to."

Again, why are you here, commenting then? Logic and reasoning seems far beyond your grasp.

You should read her post and understand her intent before you post something this stupid.

She was clearly introducing the topic that people were watching the Queen's Funeral while actually important things were happening. I interpreted that a topic of this post to be a discussion of what people are really paying attention too and most reasonable people would see that intent.

This kind of mistake is made when you are upset about something else I have said but you can't directly challenge it.

My first guess is you are a Desantis supporter that is angry I am pointing out his obvious flaw that he lately developed. I don't really remember you being a COVID/Vaccine cultist.

Achilles said...

Howard said...

Be comforted that Trump will Garner even more cheers during his funeral. People, very Big People, are already saying it will be like nothing they have ever seen before... and Mexico will pay for it.

When you boil down the context of a discussion, some posts show you how small a mind can be.

Peter said...

I just watched 8 hours of the Queens funeral. I don’t regret one second. A once ever opportunity. To farewell a wonderful woman.
And I’m supposed instead to have watched some Biden pabulum?
Sorry, Althouse, but this one is slam dunk for Her Majesty

Howard said...

Meat Bots exploit the seemingly contradictory nature of diplomatic realpolitik. Why? Because the punters lap it up.

Hannio said...

Meade said...
“"Boyds" — that's how you say "birds" in New York.“

Bob, I’d like you to meet Larry. Larry, Bob."

Good one, Meade.

When I was a teenager I somehow ended up with a book of Bennet Cerf jokes. I thought they were all pretty lame, but there was one I remember:

A school teacher was taking her class on an outing in Central Park.
One of the kids says "Listen to all them boids choiping."
Teacher says "Those are not boids, Larry, they are birds."
Larry replies "Yeah? Geez, they choip just like boids."

Andrew said...

"My thought as her casket, er...coffin was lowered into the ground, while the lone bagpiper was playing his lament, was that this is a proper goodbye to history. Our history. Our time. A bit of an overreaction, I admit."

100% this. But I don't think it's an overreaction. One era ends in glory, and lament. This present era continues it's descent into chaos and decadence.

madAsHell said...

I have an old high school friend in London. He's posting CNN video grabs on Facebook.

I told him that he should at least buy a nice T-shirt.

Big Mike said...

My wife got up to watch. She's half Brit and the Queen was almost like family to her. That many sound funny but she had a lot of respect for the Queen.

My travel agent is Canadian. The day after the queen’s passing I called her to confirm some details for our next trip. I began with the usual “Hi, how are you doing?” And she responded “My Monarch has died.”

Ralph L said...

I can't imagine the security people in the vehicles like all the flowers being tossed at them.

stlcdr said...

The funeral takes place on a bank holiday. I wonder if it's a coincidence or deliberate?

Fred Drinkwater said...

Wait... you have a tag for "birds accents"?

Nicholas said...

Temujin - Greetings from England. Thank you for your thoughts; one of the reasons the passing of Elizabeth II is so poignant for many British people is that she was the last surviving figurehead of times when clarity counted for a lot more than feelings in our perception of the world and what to do about its problems.

Old and slow said...

It is not coincidental.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Andrew said...

100% this. But I don't think it's an overreaction. One era ends in glory, and lament. This present era continues it's descent into chaos and decadence.

I agree and I think watching what I did of the funeral was worthwhile. Along the lines of what Joe Smith said above; we'll not see anything like this again until Oprah goes.

Alison said...

stlcdr said... [hush]​[hide comment]
The funeral takes place on a bank holiday. I wonder if it's a coincidence or deliberate?

The King declared today a bank holiday after today was set as the funeral date.

Note: This might be a duplicate, first time I have gotten that error when publishing a comment.

Drago said...

Ralph L: "I can't imagine the security people in the vehicles like all the flowers being tossed at them."


You'll make Howard start calling them "military grade assault flowers".

pacwest said...

Good one Howard. I'm betting you got that from the Web somewhere. Your previous attempts have been pretty lame.

pacwest said...

Cheering at any funeral proceedings seems weird to me no matter what the reason. We were taught to pull to the side of the road with lights on if driving, or stand with head bowed if walking when a procession past no matter how much of a hurry you were in.

Darkisland said...

 Gusty Winds said...

She never possessed the authority to fuck up the country or your life.

Nonsense. As queen, she had such absolute authority it would have embarrassed a Stalin or a Pol pot.

She chose, key word "chose", not to exercise it much and when she did, it was from behind the scenes.

The only thing that prevented her was tradition and her better nature. If she chose to ignore them, there is nothing anyone could do. All army, navy, airforce swear an oath of loyalty to her person. Similar in phrasing to the oath the German military swore to Hitler. Most (all?) govt employees and politicians swear a similar oath.

What would it take to make them commit treason and break that oath?

I suppose if it got bad enough the citizenry could rise up and topple the crown by force of arms, right? Except they have no arms at all. Not even swords or sharp kitchen knives. Sorry, too bad.

Does Chuck have a better nature? Will he respect tradition? What difference does UT make. His subjects can do nothing about it even if they were inclined to.

John stop fascism vote republican Henry

Darkisland said...

“My Monarch has died.”

Seems like a typical Canadian attutude.

It is with that kind of attitude that the let Queen Elizabeth appoint Pierre Trudeau as her prime minister /their master.

Yeah, I know, the governor General actually does the appointing. But the GG is appointed by the queen and serves at her pleasure so the queen controls the appointment, albeit indirectly.

John stop fascism vote republican Henry

Rollo said...

I missed it all. People who are still around never forget her coronation. I suppose I will see enough footage over the years to convince myself that I saw the whole thing.

JPS said...

Darkisland, 6:0 PM:

Thanks for that. I thought so, but wasn't sure.

Marc in Eugene said...

I watched the entire BBC broadcast today. I believe that when George VI died in 1952, the crowds of people maintained a respectful silence, for the most part. The applause and cheers today, while being authentic signs of affection and respect for Elisabeth, were also the consequence of 70 years of pop culture and television and the general vulgarisation of society. The foolish republicans and their allies weren't applauding and cheering; most of them were being desperately facetious on Twitter (or admiring their columns in the Left media).

Mikey NTH said...

A Grand Lady has passed. Mourn her passing. And the smallminded and small souled jeer.

Big Mike said...

@John Henry, I infer that you made it through Fiona. How bad was it?

Biff said...

My impression of the applause was a mix of respect for a life well lived and a job well done, and also a recognition of something still "British," even as the idea of "Britishness" itself seems to be disappearing.

todd galle said...

In my opinion, ever since Victoria (one could argue earlier and I wouldn't quibble), the Crown became a symbol of continuity. None of the messiness of Charles I, Cromwell, James II, the Glorious Revolution, etc. Since the ascendance of the Hanoverians after the death of Queen Anne, they were all constitutionally limited to a degree which increased over time. Perhaps the Lincoln phrase 'mystic chords of memory' would apply to the British reaction. I basically just watched the Edinburgh segment, which is the last UK city my wife and I were in. We noticed pubs we were in, and the shop where I bought my kilt, and other shops along the route. Though I studied them professionally from James I to Anne, that is my only attachment to the ceremony. It's curious, the UK seems to be the only country where the museums are free, and one has to pay to enter a church on a non-Sunday. I think we paid for St Marks in Venice as well, but I was too awestruck to remember.

Rusty said...

Achilles said...
"Howard said...

Be comforted that Trump will Garner even more cheers during his funeral. People, very Big People, are already saying it will be like nothing they have ever seen before... and Mexico will pay for it.

When you boil down the context of a discussion, some posts show you how small a mind can be".
That's the thing about Howard. He never fails to disappoint. Which is why public sector jobs are perfect for the likes of him. Not much is expected. And not much is done.

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