September 22, 2022

"Actually, Sandy [Sandra Bullock] and I did once try to develop a whole idea of a husband and wife team, who were QVC’s most successful salespeople..."

"... but we’re getting a divorce, we hate each other, and we’re taking it out on air as we sell things… That’s as far as we got."

Again, I don’t know if it’s just that I believe in being all-inclusive as much as possible? Or maybe it’s about us guys needing help from others in understanding how we can treat our skin better?... We kept the smell very neutral, very fresh, and very, very subtle. I mean, I’m the kind of person who will change hotel rooms if I can smell the cologne of the last person who stayed there! It’s too much! It’s too strong! Keep it subtle. Let people come to you. Don’t force it on others. That’s my feeling (laughs). For smells, I mean. I stand by that for smells!


RideSpaceMountain said...

This candle does not smell like my vagina.

Kate said...

When he moved to Carmel I wondered if he would emulate Clint Eastwood. Now I see he's chosen Paul Newman.

Hey, it's better than cheek fillers as a coping mechanism for aging.

Achilles said...

I haven't used soap or shampoo for almost a year. I doubt anything he is selling actually improves upon my skin health.

Most of these skin care "solutions" are probably just fixing the things we fuck up.

I will recommend it to anyone who asks.

The way that water slides off your body after swimming or taking a shower will demonstrate to you how your skin should work.

No dandruff or scalp issues like I had before using shampoo. All that stuff went away.

n.n said...

Lotion, perhaps aloe, is without sex or sex-correlated gender by Her Choice. And, given the dearth of class action legal solicitation, likely an inclusive and viable product that can be applied to all your diverse parts that matter. A little green humour to lighten the burden in these trimesters of that's not funny.

Joe Smith said...

Is 'Sandy' her real name?

It sounds like she's just trying to pass in racist America.

Sorry, I thought you meant Sandy 'Cortez.'

As for Goop, Paltrow is no dummy. She knows a fool and his/her money are soon parted...

Enigma said...

Ivory soap. Genderless and inclusive.

Crest toothpaste. Genderless and inclusive.

Shell gasoline. Genderless and inclusive.

Ore-Ida potatoes. Genderless and inclusive.

Let's all overuse and "Watergate" gender into a worthless concept with no meaning. Then get back to sexual breeding animal style.

I'm LITERALLY exploding with rage about this. I demand MANLY toothpaste that tastes like diesel fumes and raw liver, not that sissy girly minty stuff.

n.n said...

As for Goop, Paltrow is no dummy. She knows a fool and his/her money are soon parted...

Surprise, surprise, surprise. h/t Pyle!

Ann Althouse said...

Makes me think of "Come on Sandy baby, loosen up. You’re too tight."

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

rich celebrities getting richer.

No thanks. AKA - more products not to buy.

khematite said...

"Dr. Filth, he keeps his world
Inside of a leather cup
But all his genderless patients
They’re trying to blow it up"

traditionalguy said...

But what about the selling of gendered men’s colognes and women’s perfumes. We demand equality of scent. Instead of so many choices of each gender scent, we demand only one. The old Soviet Union redux. All shall equally smell like Big Brother.

Joe Smith said...

'When he moved to Carmel...'

I don't think he's moved there.

Probably visits once in a while.

I'm sure his people thought it would be a good investment...

lonejustice said...

Achilles said: "I haven't used soap for almost a year. I doubt anything he is selling actually improves upon my skin health."

I'm guessing Brad Pitt wouldn't want to stay in your last hotel room.

Ted said...

Women's skin care products often have very strong "flowery" smells, which are super-annoying -- honestly, I don't know how women can stand them. (At the same time, men's soap, shampoo and other products are often given artificial "musky" smells, which are just as bad.)

Other than that, there's not much difference between "men's" and "women's" products, so why not make them the same? Especially if you have a bunch of grapes lying around that would make lousy wine, when you can charge even more by putting them in skin cream.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

You can keep your goopy celebrity skin goopy vagina skin in a jar for $250/oz.

The same people who buy celebrity products are the same losers who watch TV shows like NBC's Teh View.

n.n said...

Since I started exfoliating with Irish Spring, I have evolved with the luck of the little people, but I don't feel Zestfully clean, so there's that binary conundrum.

PM said...

That's a funny gag - but pretty much just a periodic SNL piece.

Jeff Gee said...

Bill Burr's comedy routine about the need for using lotion was the single most important moment of my skin care education.

BG said...

I couldn't figure out why they were selling Goop as a skin care product. (Forgive my ignorance - I don't pay any attention to things "celebrities" sell.) I have Goop in a cabinet under my bathroom sink right now. But it's for cleaning greasy, dirty hands. goophandcleaner dot com

Michael K said...

Brad Pitt and "genderless" is quite a combination.

Biff said...

I can see why "genderless" is not quite the same thing as "unisex," but I presume that "unisex" is more likely to get someone in trouble these days than "genderless."

Heartless Aztec said...

As a committed daily surfer since 1965 I go through skin care products. Debbie's facial skin stuff stuff is fair game in our house. Not that she appreciates me using her $200 face shit on my sun beat visage. She's does have some good stuff. I'm sure she keeps the primo stash well hidden. Fair enough. As an extra added bonus, I lost my sense of smell 10 years ago so smelling fey and gay is a no worries proposition. Good to go.

Spiros said...

Maybe he's trying to market his products to couples who like to share?

madAsHell said...

Genderless is the new gluten-free!!

Quaestor said...


The word used to be unisex. I recall patronizing a unisex barber shop when I was in high school. At the outset, it seemed vaguely erotic to have a woman work on my hair (one of these days I'll tell you about the DDG dental technician who worked on my orthodontia -- OH MY GOD!) but the petty annoyances eventually soured me.

Firstly, there was the nomenclature. Formally the place was called a unisex hair salon (heavy on the frenchified sah-laan, if you please) but my interest was in haircuts only, occasionally a shampoo (wet cuts were in vogue then) so to me it was a barber shop. Perhaps we could have compromised on tonsorium, but then I'd have had to explain it. (Your best pedants start early.) Then they was the waiting area reading material. While awaiting the shearing your Real Men™ prefer magazines about fast cars, guns, and just about anything speedy and/or dangerous. If there was someone ahead of me monopolizing the single issue of Field & Stream I'd be left with my choice of Bazaar, Cosmopolitan, and House Beautiful. Not interested, thank you kindly.

Finally, there was the smell... no the godawful stink, not to put too fine a point on it. Barber shops are fragrant with subtle perfumes like Clubman and Pinaud. Women's hair salons stink of something that's equal parts wet Labrador retriever and creosote. That shit has got to be carcinogenic.

Within two or three years genderless (except as a technical term applying to fasteners and connectors) will be even more humiliatingly gauche and uncool as unisex is now.

chuck said...

Is it organic and gluten free?

Yancey Ward said...
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Yancey Ward said...

"Is it organic and gluten free?"

Dessert topping or floor wax?

Yancey Ward said...
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FleetUSA said...

Paltrow had a heck of a Christmas ad 2 years ago:

Howard said...

We have a unisex hair salon in our little Hamlet. Multisex feels more inclusive.

Gusty Winds said...

I can support skin care for men. But why to they have to throw in 'genderless'?

It's Brad Pitt. 90% of the pussy hat wearing feminists at the march would fuck that guy. Might be 100%. Probably a large percentage of the guys that went to the march would too. The ones wearing pussy hats for sure.

Don't they ever get to the point where they're like..."Ok. NOW you took it too far. We can go along with the drag queen shows for the kiddies...the puberty blockers...but we are NOT having a genderless Brad Pitt."

Gusty Winds said...

Althouse said…Makes me think of "Come on Sandy baby, loosen up. You’re too tight.

I thought it was a line from Grease. Googled it and got the hilarious story about a drunken John Riggins meeting Sandra Day O’Connor and throwing out that line.

Highlights from the linked article:

“The 240-pound football player also slept on the floor for an hour as Vice President George Bush and other dignitaries spoke to the crowd of 1,300 at the Washington Press Club’s annual salute to Congress banquet Wednesday night.

Riggins was later helped from the room by two editors of People magazine who had been seated at his table.”

To her credit…Sandra Day O’Connor laughed….

Lurker21 said...

I hope Goop is the website and not some disgusting Gwyneth glop I haven't encountered yet.

Movies about couples who bicker and then fall in love or back in love: is there any life left in that premise or should it finally be buried?

wildswan said...

My skin was never better than when I was a child and it was regularly smeared with products from the House of Welch grapes and Domaine de Skippy. The same product combination was seen on all the kids, so it was a gender-free skincare product and can be mentioned later even among the elect. After the application, there was a lingering scent in the room which Brad Pitt wouldn't like, an emanation, not from the Constitution but from an almost invisible, sticky or better perhaps to say "clinging", an emanation of a clinging residue, faint ruby on the door knob in the slanting rays of the sun.

M Brown said...

Achilles said: "I haven't used soap or shampoo for almost a year. I doubt anything he is selling actually improves upon my skin health."

What do you do for cleanliness? It would not take very long without soap for me to be actively repellent to others, except maybe Heartless Aztec.

Big Mike said...

"Come on Sandy baby, loosen up. You’re too tight."

For the record, the irreverent guy who said that is in the Pro Football Hall of Fame. It was reported that the next time he was at the same DC function with “Sandy Baby,” he gave her a dozen roses for his prior uncouth behavior.

Also for the record, there are 9 justices on the Supreme Court, but only one running back who scored over 100 rushing TDs in his career (some scored while he was on the Jets).

gadfly said...

Genderless! Methinks that is the next stop for "transgender." Or we could fall back to "queer," passing over "gay" in order that Christmas Carolers may once again "Don we now our gay apparel."

Fa, la, la, la, la, la, la, la!

Smilin' Jack said...

“Or maybe it’s about us guys needing help from others in understanding how we can treat our skin better?”

Or maybe it’s about us guys wanting to get into Sandra Bullock’s pants.