August 8, 2022

"You know that Dick Cheney ad would be better without that music in the background"/"Oh, yeah? How much better?"

Overheard at Meadhouse.

I'm seeing that ad this morning, because WaPo dragged me in with a lurid headline: "That Cheney ad speaks volumes about the GOP’s rot." That's a column by Jennifer Rubin. Does she say that Dick Cheney used to be considered the GOP's rot and now he looks like the virtuous one, but it's just a matter of comparison, and that goes to show how rotten the GOP is?

Now, I've read the piece, and the answer to my question is no. Dick Cheney's reputation as the "dark lord" has evanesced. To refresh your memory, here's an Atlantic article that worked hard — back in August 2011 — to refresh the memory of the evil of Cheney: "Remembering Why Americans Loathe Dick Cheney/As the former vice-president releases his memoir, it's useful to recall the many reasons Americans disapproved of his tenure" (by Conor Friedersdorf):
Few political figures in history have been so reviled.... ... Dick Cheney’s role in the run-up to war was uniquely irresponsible and mendacious....  Dick Cheney was a self-aggrandizing criminal who used his knowledge as a Washington insider to subvert both informed public debate about matters of war and peace and to manipulate presidential decisionmaking, sometimes in ways that angered even George W. Bush. After his early years of public service, he capitalized on connections he made while being paid by taxpayers to earn tens of millions of dollars presiding over Halliburton. While there, he did business with corrupt Arab autocrats, including some in countries that were enemies of the United States. Upon returning to government, he advanced a theory of the executive that is at odds with the intentions of the Founders, successfully encouraged the federal government to illegally spy on innocent Americans, passed on to the public false information about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, and became directly complicit in a regime of torture for which he should be in jail. Thus his unpopularity circa 2008, when he left office. Good riddance.


JAORE said...

Consistency is for the little people.

Cappy said...

If he's such a big threat, Dick should invite Don to go hunting with him and Alec Baldwin.

Kate said...

That music makes the ad sound like an SNL bit. Dude, you're Darth Vader. Pay for the rights to "Enter Sandman".

Buckwheathikes said...


Of the two of them, only Dick Cheney has literally blown someone's face off with a shotgun.

Wyoming should tar and feather his daughter and run her ass out of the state on a rail.

Dave Begley said...

A greater threat than Jefferson Davis; the President of the CSA?

TDS has driven the Cheneys insane and stupid.

Creola Soul said...

The Cheney ad reveals Liz’s true character. Not once does he mention “Wyoming” or “Wyoming values” or what she has done for Wyoming. Could be because, well, she’s done nothing but focus on Trump. Talk about a terminal case of Trump Derangement Syndrome! In the polling you find that voters have moved on and are focused on the economy, inflation and gas and food prices. Not one mention of working to bring relief to the voters on their most concerning issues.
Wyoming is experiencing a spike in Republican voter registration due to Democrats crossing over to support her. That tells you all you need to know about her motives and beliefs than any ads.

robother said...

A full and complete pardon for Dick Cheney from the Democrats and MSM! Is there anything Trump can't do?

Heartless Aztec said...

It's this constant recycling of political faction bullshit that wears me out. Stand still long enough and even Dick Cheney circles back around. I'd settle for bell bottoms and hash pipe belt buckles.

Sebastian said...

“In our nation’s 246 year history there has never been an individual who is a greater threat to our Republic than Donald Trump.”

Like, how? Anyway, Trump is a yuuugger threat than Jefferson Davis? CJ Taney? Woodrow Wilson?

"Does she say that Dick Cheney used to be considered the GOP's rot and now he looks like the virtuous one, but it's just a matter of comparison, and that's just how rotten the GOP is?"

It's a standard trope: progs always denounce the new GOP rot by rehabilitating the old. New Hitler worse than previous version, etc.

"After his early years of public service, he capitalized on connections he made while being paid by taxpayers to earn tens of millions of dollars presiding over Halliburton. While there, he did business with corrupt Arab autocrats, including some in countries that were enemies of the United States."

Very different from Dems. They never do that! Which is true: Hunter didn't even need to be paid by taxpayers or actually run a major company to cash in.

Being reminded of the prog bile almost makes you like Dick again. Almost.

RideSpaceMountain said...

I'm old enough to remember when Cheney was viewed by the msm and the dems as the lucifer incarnate. The emperor Palpatine of politics. An actual Bon villain.

Amazing what a little music and a cowboy hat can do for one's image! Hear that Dick? ALL IS FORGIVEN!

Gusty Winds said...

The Bush/Cheney administration is the MAIN REASON the GOP base abandoned the GOP establishment. No WMDs, and no greeting as liberators in Iraq had people feeling lied to and stupid. Bush looked like a deer in headlights during the 2008 economic meltdown. McCain carried on the tradition of lying and betraying to base. Now, they HATE us for abandoning. How dare we take over the party?

They despise Trump because he called them out. Wasted money and wasted killing in never ending wars. Selling out the middle class to China.

These midterms aren’t Dem vs Rep. It is Dem/Rep establishment vs. America First MAGA. That is now the two-party system in America. We had the balls to tell our establishment to fuck themselves. Democrats just fell in line like sheep.

Establishment politicians and bureaucrats will do ANYTHING to cover their past sins and remain in power. Even supporting voter fraud, tranny strip shows for little kids, fake global warming.

Fuck the Cheney’s. Fuck Jennifer Rubin, Charlie Sykes, Bill Kristol, Lindsey Graham, Mitch McConnel, Joe Scarborough etc, etc, etc… They are WORSE than Democrats.

Wilbur said...

So, to those who are following it, is Liz gonna win?

I don't think I've ever seen such a thoroughly mendacious political ad. Rush used to say You don't have to guess what scares them. They'll tell you themselves.

Dave Begley said...

About 3k comments at WaPo. Deranged comments like this,

"The Cheneys’ “heroism” in this one instance—as unusual and admirable though that “heroism” be when compared to the sheer cowardice of most “conservatives”—should not distract us from the following:

The Republican Party is chiefly a corporatist party—a party that utilizes state power to advance business interests, particularly the interests of big business, of corporations and of the financial sector.

The military-industrial complex embodies corporatism at its worst. Dick Cheney is the poster-senior-citizen for this corporatist brand. The abandonment of the original limited, anti-terrorist mission in Afghanistan and the initiation of Bush’s Iraq War certainly furthered Cheney’s personal and corporatist objectives.

Nixon’s Southern Strategy spawned the GOP populist movement. The South soon became thoroughly repuglified. Gingrich realized that Republican politicians, in order to be elected and re-elected, must continually stoke the fears and animosities of White fundamentalist “Christians”. Invective and mendacity became coin of the GOP realm."

Bob Boyd said...

Daddy issues.

wildswan said...

That covers that. I was saying the other day that we don't see women action heroes in real life, dispatching the villains with a BIF, BAM, POW. And we don't, but only because Althouse took up Constitutional Law and blogging instead of training as a Ninja.

narciso said...

The theme for thanos or the adagio for rollerball.

Lloyd W. Robertson said...

The woke are surprisingly in favor of things that the left used to be against: big corporations (except for oil/gas/coal, and of course those companies can shift to businesses that the woke support), the Pentagon, the CIA. They seem to sense they will need big organizations, provided they are willing to work with a woke state, and state institutions themselves, if they are to silence any kind of Trump-conservative-prudent voice once and for all.

So neo-con warmongers and other NeverTrump conservatives, not entirely happy with the woke, see their opportunity to remain big shots in DC and on old media: war by the U.S. is generally a noble cause. I would guess the woke were happy to get out of Afghanistan, no matter how badly it was handled, but in Ukraine they get to cheer on the killing and maiming of white people. Hating Putin is like hating Trump. It always strikes me that the woke don't seem to have read anything except that white fragility book, and maybe some Angela Davis. Boomers used to have a kind of smidgen of curiosity about truly foreign lands in Asia and Africa; the woke seem to sense that if they investigate, they will find societies that are worse than ours, from a woke perspective. For one example, that is where a Handmaid's Tale society is found, if anywhere. Better not to investigate.

There's always this quiet alliance between radical right and radical left: let's get the violence started and hope for the best. In a progressive society like ours, the radical right is hardly heard from at all--their numbers and significance are exaggerated by the left for their own purposes. The radical left burned down cities in 2020, and earned a lot of praise for it. They wanted to change the criminal justice system, and there is a much deeper and wider acceptance now of no jail/no bail, massive homelessness, and crime of various kinds. Open borders is supposed to be the solution to a woke issue--it will more or less force us to love a lot of people who come to sight as "foreign"; it is not permissible to say immigration is itself a problem. It's increasingly bizarre for NeverTrumpers, who seem to accept all this, to call themselves Republicans or conservatives.

chickelit said...

Cheney is coming out for Kamala in 2024.

Bob Boyd said...

With this video Dick Cheney has successfully cast himself and his daughter as villains from the TV show Yellowstone.

Dave Begley said...

From time to time, Ann has posted here some of the WaPo and NYT comments. Today I looked at some of the WaPo comments. A perfect example of TDS and cognitive dissonance. Deranged and crazy.

But I can see how it works as a business for the two dying newspapers. They feed red meat to the crowd and they go into a hateful feeding frenzy. The Emmanual Goldstein method of propaganda.

People believe what they want to believe. To hell with the facts.

Temujin said...

Articles about the current Nazi, White Supremacist, racist, bigoted, gay-bashing, trans-hating, misogynistic, anti-Semitic Republican who, once out of office becomes a rational spokesperson for the Left- momentarily- is as predictable as the sun rising over Obama's Kalorama home and setting on his Hawaiian oceanside mansion.

The Cheney's ruled for years. That is the old GOP. And that is the GOP that is being taken out, one election at a time. It started before Trump and will continue long after Trump is gone and DeSantis is the new Dark Lord of everything bad in the world. At that point in time, you'll start seeing Trump back on with Joe and Mika.

Leland said...

Liz Cheney is going to lose Wyoming because she doesn’t care about Wyoming. Bringing in her father to campaign, when he cares even less for Wyoming, isn’t going to help her.

Gusty Winds said...

How did we get stuck with these bitchy daughters of Cheney and McCain? Liz Cheney and Meghan McCain are hell bent on saving Daddy’s legacy. They will even support holding former supporters as political prisoners to protect it. Wyoming voted for Trump…what 70%? And the Cheney’s are appalled they are being pushed out of power by the people of Wyoming? They hate them too. Evil, self-absorbed people.

J Melcher said...

he [Cheney] capitalized on connections ...

Like Liz who capitalized on her connection to the (former) VP. Like Hunter, ditto. Like, in fact, GW Bush, who "invested" in the Texas city of Arlington's project to build a new baseball park with nothing but his similar-to-a-VP-later-president's name, and his 'connections'. Like Hillary, who capitalized on her marriage. Like Chelsea. Like RFK with connections to JFK.

Like Jared and Don Jr. Newcomers to the old grift.

I am SICK of it. I didn't sign on to be born a serf under a hereditary aristocracy.

Lurker21 said...

Cheney was popular with a lot of Republicans because he was a mean, lowdown, dirty, sidewinding SOB. He still is.

The hat is nice, though.

wendybar said...

Trump destroyed their minds. They have NOTHING else. They are addicted to corruption.

wendybar said...

Hear!! Hear!! Gusty Winds @ 8:20 AM and Lloyd W. Robertson @ 8:26 AM!!

Bob Boyd said...

“In our nation’s 246 year history there has never been an individual who is a greater threat to our Republic than Donald Trump.”

If they believe that then there is clearly nothing they won't do.

Someone should ask Dick, When did you come to believe Trump was the greatest threat in history? Would you steal an election to stop Trump? Would you start a war? A pandemic? Rioting in the major cities?

There are no Trump policies or proposals that explain this level of fear. So what is it? IMO, it's exposure these people fear. They fear Trump will do what they do, which is extort.

J Melcher said...

Bringing in her father to campaign, when he cares even less for Wyoming, isn’t going to help her.

As I recall, Dick was registered to vote in Texas until just prior to GW announcing Dick's selection as the GOP VP nominee. THEN he re-registered at the vacation ranch in WY.

(This is my favorite example in discussing voter registration with Democrats. What would YOU do to keep rich folks like the Cheney's from voting multiple times at all the places they might own property, or hold ID (a hunting license, a gun permit, a tax receipt) while us plebes only get to vote once each? You think "same day registration" is going to restrict a guy with use of a corporation's private aircraft? )

Drago said...

The Cheney's are the very same "conservatives" as Max Boot, Jennifer Rubin, Bill Kristol et al.

Important note: all 3 of those "principled" "true" "conservatives" now call for the election of democrats at every level of government for the next generation.

It's no surprise at all why LLR's would come pouring out of the woodwork to try and cover for these grifters.

No surprise at all.

Inga said...

As far as revulsion goes, Dick Cheney is a small fry as compared to Trump. Here Cheney stands up for his daughter and tells a truth about why Trump causes revulsion in the majority of Americans. It is revolting to see an American president who comported himself the way Trump did/does, the way Trump twisted and mangled American values, destroyed his own political party, who mind fucked his own followers into believing and adopting his dark view of America (an American carnage of his own making) and the western world. Trump tried to drag America down to his level, millions of people were rightly disgusted and outraged, so much so that he lost the election in a big way, as he will again in 2024. People who have not yet reached revulsion level of Trump, I have to wonder about what they see in swimming in murky foul waters of the Trump swamp.

Drago said...

Dave Begley: "Nixon’s Southern Strategy spawned the GOP populist movement."

Referring to Nixon's strategy as a Southern Strategy is hopelessly dumb.

Nixon did not win the south in 1968 and he did win 49 states in 1972.

So it appears Nixon had a "Every Single State In The Union" strategy.

Bob Boyd said...

The hat is nice, though.

Same hat Sheriff Buford T. Justice wore in Smokey and the Bandit.

Zavier Onasses said...

Most (99.9%) audio-visual productions would be better without background music. (In the case of Wall Street Journal audio-visual productions, that would be annoying loud mechanical music with a background voice slurring and eating the words).

gilbar said...

Aaron Burr?
Jeff Davis?
Woodrow Wilson?

Buckwheathikes said...

So, to those who are following it, is Liz gonna win?

She's going to win a seat on The View, maybe.

But she isn't going to win another election in the state of Wyoming. Ever.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I do love that The Cheney family are on team Clinton-Pelosi-Tax payer funded IRS agents.

Bob Boyd said...

This is the best campaign commercial for Donald Trump I have seen yet. Until I saw this ad, I was uncertain about whether I wanted Trump to run or not. No longer. If fear of Trump can animate an old corpse to come clawing its way out of the grave spewing venom, then Trump is the man for me.

Thanks, Dick!

TrespassersW said...

That Cheney ad does speak volumes about the GOP’s rot. But not in the way Rubin thinks it does. The rot is in the GOP establishment. Both Cheney's, the Bushes, Romney, etc. That's where the rot is.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

REALLY Inga/Swetnik?

Cheney got us into actual wars and got men thousands of our men and women killed.
Did Trump do that?

Your freaky crook exited Cheney's war in Afghanistan and got men killed.
But in your small warped loyalist mind - Trump is worse?

Do you still buy the Russian collusion lies? Of course you do.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Temujin 8:33


The old democrats are dead. The new democrats are Pelosi+Cheney+Clinton+ Biden.

hhahahahahaha. LOL!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Bob Boyd - I agree.

Cheney just asked for Trump to run.

Kevin said...

How far left have the Progressives traveled?

Dick Cheney is a Moderate Democrat.

Earnest Prole said...

"Trump is less of a threat to the Republic than Jefferson Davis" is not the football spike you think it is.

narciso said...

master conor f, sullivan's kramerica intern, ah that's just choice,

Beasts of England said...

Don’t shoot me, bro!

Lurker21 said...

The Western motif reminds me of the line from innumerable movies: "Smile when you say that." Trump was putting on a show and making people laugh and, at least before COVID happened, he left the country in better shape than he found it. Cheney was an ornery coot who was more interested in power than anything else. The strange thing about Trump was that he wanted to be the center of attention, but he didn't seem to care that much about power. That's why so much of the alarmism about him doesn't ring true. Cheney was the kind of guy who would kill for power. Can we talk about "twisting and mangling American values?" WMD lies, an unnecessary war, domestic espionage, torture?

Greg The Class Traitor said...

"That Cheney ad speaks volumes about the GOP’s rot."

Roy said it, but I'm going to say it, too:
That ad shows the complete and utter rot of the GOP "Establishment", the people who are there for their own personal power and agrandizment, and who couldn't give a damn about the GOP voters, or about America as a whole.

So, thank you Cheneys, and thank you JR, for demonstrating how rotting, vile, and pathetic you are.

Now please FOAD

Freeman Hunt said...

Do endorsements from your parents count?

Dave Begley said...


That wasn't my comment. I quoted a comment from the WaPo story today on Dick Cheney.

Trump made one thing clear. When the tide goes out, we learn who was swimming naked. Bill Kristol, George Will, Dick and Liz Cheney and the rest of them are all naked. Ick!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The democrats just took our tax dollars and will now hire 87,000 IRS agents.

87,000 IRS AGENTS.

narciso said...

the last of the star wars prequels, were terrible, but they did spell out one truth, when the call for order 66 came, the clone troopers turned on the jedi with relish,

rcocean said...

If you hate Trump, vote for my daughter. Hmmm...doesn't look it will change many votes.

Thank God Trump came along and caused all the masks to fall. Cheney revels himself to be a silly clown, spouting ridiculous rhethoric and outright lies. "Most dangerous man ever" okey-dokey Dick. "Steal an election using lies and power"? say what? that's what the D's did.

trump: "We need to audit the votes. And look at the claims of state legislatures that send alternative slates of electors"
Cheney: "that's using lies and power to steal an election, you coward".

Just childish namecalling. All to keep his daughter, who has no real connnection to Wyoming in power. And in case you haven't heard, Liz Cheney has refused to say she will support DeSantis in 2024, "too close to Trump". Nothing about what Liz will do for Wyoming. Nothnig about what great policies she supports. Nothing about how Trump's POLICIES were terrible. Just name calling.


rcocean said...

People forget two things about Dick Cheney. The first is how unpopular he was. McCain didn't want him at the 2008 convention and neither did Romney. If he spoke at either, its because they couldn't get out of it.

The 2nd is how weak Cheney's link to Wyoming is. He went to Havard, then moved to DC and became Ford's Chief of Staff at age 25. He's lived in the DC area full time, except for a stint at Haliburtan in Texas in the 90s. Cheney goes back to Wyoming to hunt and fish. Liz Cheney went to HS in Northern Va, went to College/law school in Colorado/Chicago and lives full time in DC.

Cheney and his family aren't Wyoming natives. They're members of the Beltway elite. That's where their true loyalties lie. That's why they hate Trump so much.

Joe Smith said...

What you can't see out of frame are the millions of 'Halliburton!' lefties taking turns sucking his cock.

My, how times change...

narciso said...

her day job before she got this gig, was as state department chief for the middle east did she know farsi or arabic, are you kidding, in that capacity, she handled general suleimani, and those he gave the dedazo too, how many americans and british died due to her malfeasance, hundreds perhaps thousands,

Narr said...

It's hard to add anything to what has been said already, but I've got some time.

Trump is hated because he didn't apprentice in either of the approved clubs. The reaction of the clubs was identical--they did everything possible to destroy him.

With the result that he has some damage but the clubs are hulled and sinking fast. The fear is palpable that the sentiments and attitudes he articulates in his ramblings are going to sweep away both the old parties.

Watching them struggle and drown will be fun. Bigly.

iowan2 said...

I am open to any explanation from anyone that can explain exactly how the President of the United States can threaten the Constitutional structure of the United States. It just CANT happen.

chuck said...

The woke are surprisingly in favor of things that the left used to be against

Reminds me of an incident in Trotsky's autobiography. He was on a ship going into exile and there was a agent (Bulgarian?) there to keep an eye on him. He asked the agent what he was going to do when the revolution came. The agent wasn't bothered, he said he would have the same job under the new regime.

gilbar said...

how weak Cheney's link to Wyoming is. He went to Havard, then moved to DC and became Ford's Chief of Staff at age 25. He's lived in the DC area full time, except for a stint at Haliburtan in Texas in the 90s.

Cheney was living in Texas when W picked him for VP..
And then (and ONLY Then) did he say that he'd "moved" to Wyoming.
And WHERE did he "move" to ? Jackson Hole.. Which isn't even PART of Wyoming (it's part of California)
Real Wyomingites live in places like Mills, Or Pinedale.. Or Gillette

Joe Smith said...

'And WHERE did he "move" to ? Jackson Hole.. Which isn't even PART of Wyoming (it's part of California)'

I know 3 people with homes in Jackson.

The poorest is worth +/- $20M...

rcocean said...

liz cheney is now saying losing her seat is worth it, to "save the constiution". What liars the Cheney family are! I used think Dick Cheney, whatever his faults, was a man of substance. Who took politics seriously and tried to do what was good for the country.

Now, its clear he and his daughter are unserious clowns. Out for revenge against Trump. For personal reasons. No different then Mittens, who's a jealous little girl. They don't care about policy, probably never did.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

“In our nation’s 246 year history there has never been an individual who is a greater threat to our Republic than Donald Trump.”

You know, I appreciate the people nominating Jefferson Davis &c., but the actual quote doesn't specify that the "individual" need be an American citizen, nor even a declared ex-citizen like Davis. I think Hitler and Hirohito -- and Stalin into the next decade -- ought to be up there. I'm hazier on the War of 1812, but there are some promising figures there, too. (Trump at least didn't literally burn down the White House!)

Static Ping said...

When your goal is to get what you want, everything else is flexible. Yesterday's Nazi is now your best friend. Think of a drug addict trying to get his or her next fix, and that should make it clear.

I am not sure why you would expect consistency from the amoral and/or the crazy.

Freeman Hunt said...

My dad thought I was pretty awesome too. The way of dads.

Gusty Winds said...

Lurker21 said...Cheney was the kind of guy who would kill for power.

Remember in 2000 when Cheney was put in charge of finding Bush 43's running mate...and he picked himself??

Mason G said...

"You don't have to guess what scares them. They'll tell you themselves."

As long as they get to call the shots, the Demopublican Swamp doesn't have a problem with taking political prisoners, conducting perpetual investigations of their enemies or holding fraudulent elections. Trump threatens their ability to keep doing all that. If he gets himself elected and replaces a lot of the Deep State rot with MAGA people, he can turn those weapons around for use on The Swamp. Does anybody believe it's possible there could be more than just a handful of people in DC who could endure the scrutiny that Trump has, without a metric shit-ton of skeletons being exposed to the daylight?

That's what they're scared of.

Gusty Winds said...

Blogger iowan2 said...
I am open to any explanation from anyone that can explain exactly how the President of the United States can threaten the Constitutional structure of the United States. It just CANT happen.

It happens, it has happened, and it will happen again. Guaranteed.

Biden and Harris accepted the Presidency and Vice-Presidency fully aware they were installed via swing state / blue county / absentee ballot fraud. That's the biggest violation EVER. In 2020 the Supreme Court blew up the constitutional structure of the Republic by refusing to hear the Texas vs. Pennsylvania case. The J6 Committee violates the Constitutional structure every time they meet. The House of Representatives violated the Constitutional structure of the United States when the impeached Trump for asking about Biden's corrupt dealing$ in Ukraine.

We just lived through every level of State and Local governments toss the Constitutions of the US and their respective states aside for power and control using COVID as a fake backdrop. Lockdowns. Travel restrictions. "Vaccine" mandates. Interference with employment and commerce.

Abraham Lincoln suspended Habeas Corpus. Thomas Jefferson bought the Louisiana Territory from Napoleon when he didn't have the power of the purse. FDR put Japanese Americans in camps. Woodrow Wilson created the Federal Reserve and gave us all the Federal Income Tax.

The United States is now holding J6 protestors as political prisoners.

This is our reality. Drink more beer.

Amadeus 48 said...

It is like the cycle of the seasons. A new GOPer comes to the fore, all is forgiven to the old ones...even Dick "Darth" Cheney.

Even now, you can hear the Dems waxing nostalgic for Romney, McCain (they played him like a fiddle), W, HW, Dole...but never Reagan. He ran them off the field. In a few years, when DiSantis or someone else is riding high and Trump has been fully relegated to loserdom, they'll even remember The Donald fondly.

By the way, Cheney is clearly off his rocker. Doesn't he remember that HE is the greatest threat to our Republic? But, even Stalin loved his daughter.

donald said...

"Like, how? Anyway, Trump is a yuuugger threat than Jefferson Davis? CJ Taney? Woodrow Wilson".

Not to mention Dick Cheney and Both George Bush's. Absolute war criminals.

donald said...

"Like, how? Anyway, Trump is a yuuugger threat than Jefferson Davis? CJ Taney? Woodrow Wilson".

Not to mention Dick Cheney and Both George Bush's. Absolute war criminals.

Michael K said...

Cheney and his family aren't Wyoming natives. They're members of the Beltway elite.

Dick Cheney went to Yale on scholarship and flunked out. He went back to Wyoming and his wife straitened him out. He graduated from Wyoming U and went to DC working on a poli sci PhD. He got hired by Rummy and wound up in Ford's admin. When Ford lost, he went back to Wyoming and ran for the House seat. Having graduated from U of W instead of Yale, he was seen as a native and was elected.

I used to admire him and have read a couple of biographies. I don't know if he was the driver of Bush's foreign policy. Appointing Bremer in Iraq instead of getting out was a disaster. So was sending in "The Big Army" in Afghan instead of getting out. I don't know if those were Cheney's policies.

I understand him defending his daughter, he defended his lesbian daughter, too. The Trump hate is disappointing because he always seemed to me to be the cool one. Bush was the excitable one. In that ad he looks a thousand years old. Too bad.

Narr said...

"Thomas Jefferson bought the Louisiana Teeritory from Napoleon . . . "

I like that one, so I give it a pass. Likewise with JKP's swiping of Mexico's Northwest.

The least we should ask is that our leaders lie, cheat, and steal for our benefit as a people. The D's and R's have long since abandoned that notion.

gilbar said...

Serious Question
What office is she running for? I couldn't tell from the commercial. Is it the US House?
Then, what district is she running for? I couldn't tell from the commercial.

Normally, when a politician is running for an office; you can at least tell what office they're running for. Near as i could figure.. Lizard is running to:
"to lead the effort, to make sure that Donald Trump is never again near the oval office."

I've never heard of such an office.. Is it similar to dogcatcher? Then i don't think she'll get it

Greg The Class Traitor said...

iowan2 said...
I am open to any explanation from anyone that can explain exactly how the President of the United States can threaten the Constitutional structure of the United States. It just CANT happen.

Well, there's refusing to faithfully execute the laws of the United States
See immigration law, and Biden, Obama, Bush, Clinton

There's appointing "judges" who will violate the US Constitution in their rulings. See, Biden, Obama, Bush (Roberts), Clinton, Bush (Souter) and Reagan (Kennedy, O'Connor)

Those are starters

rcocean said...

Thanks Dr. K for the accurate biographical info. People have dinged Cheney for no service during Vietnam, but he was 26 in 1967, and was married with a kid in 1966, and was in college before that. Interesting he became Rumsfeld's assisant in 1969, I guess that's what really made him. His connection to Rumsfeld lead to working in the Ford WH, and then WHite house chief of staff. And the rest is history.

His daughter is much, much, less impressive. Its clear that without her last name of Cheney, she'd be an obscure figure. She didn't move to Wyoming till 2012 - at age 46. She was elected to the House in 2016. And was made chairman of the House Republican Conference two years later. She went up like a rocket, and she's coming down like one. No talent, just a famous name and a big ego.

The oddest thing about Cheney is his selection as VP in 2000. By this time he'd been out of Congress for 12 years, and people remembered him mostly as DoD secretary under bush. He had heart problems, and no desire to be President. I have no proof, but I think Bush choose him because he was a safe choice, could give him some gravitas, and above all wouldn't run for POTUS - thereby leaving the road open for Yeb!

Jim at said...

Let that hate eat you up inside, Inga.

Let it destroy you. All of you.

Mea Sententia said...

Last Literally hitLer Lambastes Latest Literally hitLer.

Cato said...

These Cheneys are stalkers. No better. Worse.

Dave64 said...

“The past was alterable. The past never had been altered. Oceania was at war with Eastasia. Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia.”

― George Orwell, 1984

gadfly said...

Wil S. Hylton cited in GQ that "it was Cheney (and not God, or George W. Bush, or anybody else) who selected himself as vice president back in 2000."

I guess it all depends on who you cite when you chose to rundown Dick Cheney. Adam Nagourney and Frank Bruni, writing in the NY times on July 28, 2000, indicated that President George Bush influenced his son to select Cheney, who happened to have been asked by Dubyah to help find a VP candidate.

That makes a whole lot more sense than Cheney selecting himself to be the VP candidate. And, of course, it took George W. Bush winning the election to make Dick Cheney the VP.

Narr said...

I don't think the fact that Cheney was married, had already sired the Lizzard, and was in college before that changes the fact that he asked for and got five draft deferments--perhaps because he knew how to game the system? He achieved a four-year degree in a mere six and was conveniently a family man . . .

Chickenhawk pur et dur.

John Clifford said...

That Dick Cheney could claim that Donald Trump is the biggest threat to American democracy in the past 215 years after seeing what the Clintons, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Adam Schiff, and yes, Joe Biden have done to this country has destroyed any remaining respect and affection I have for the Cheneys... and I've lost my respect and affection for the Bushes as well. Trump pardoned Michael Flynn but W wouldn't pardon Scooter Libby after it came out who the real source was for the Place leak (Richard Amitrage, the Democrat holdover from the Clinton Administration at State) despite Cheney's urging. Supposedly Cheney and W had a falling out over this. But guess who pardoned Libby? Donald Trump!

I had been hoping that someone else, maybe Ron DeSantis, might get the GOP nomination in 2024. Not because I don't like Trump, but I don't like all of the drama. Now I hope Trump gets the nomination and gives it to the Democrats and the Never Trump Republicans because assholes deserve an asshole to confront their BS.

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