Joe Rogan is going big with his vaccine series. See yesterday's post, here, highlighting his interview with Alex Berenson, who was kicked off Twitter for saying the wrong things about the vaccine.
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
Joe Rogan is going big with his vaccine series. See yesterday's post, here, highlighting his interview with Alex Berenson, who was kicked off Twitter for saying the wrong things about the vaccine.
It is amazing how we went from people with COVID have done something wrong (unless you are the right kind of person, then the person who *gave* you COVID did something wrong), to people who won't mask up are dangers, to people who won't get vaccinated are killing people who are vaccinated (this came from our President), to now....oh well. COVID is an emergency enough to forgive student debt, but a lot of people get COVID and that's how it is.
My fear is there won't be a reckoning. It's why I want DeSantis to be the GOP POTUS nominee. He got a lot right, and then the people running against the shut down governors will have a voice. I am so afraid Whitmer is going to win re-election in MI, and nobody is going to hold her to account for suspending the license of barbersl for cutting hair during the pandemic and making it illegal to buy seeds.
I want the people who supported her (and all the other shut-down-istas) to hear how wrong they were.
You will Obey the Chi Coms, the pro-crime democrats, and big pharma(D).
It was by injection?
No. No, it was oral.
How are they even getting a diluted strain of the virus?
I don't want to get into that exactly.
Bat soup is a dish best served cold.
recall when the collective Apparatchiks on the left mocked, in unison, the use of Ivermectin - and Joe's use of it. They mocked and ridiculed all after market drug therapies that showed promise in alleviating covid symptoms, like good loyal lockstep hivemind big pharma Pelosi/ apparatchiks.
Vote for the pro-crime, pro-open border, corrupt FBI, pro-forced vaccination democrats, everyone.
They will cancel your neighbor's debts. ...and whine about reproductive rights until you cannot see straight. Which is all it takes... to stay loyal.
When movies are made about this period, and they inevitably will be, the heroes won't be Fauci and Birx and the pharma companies.
Howard said...
Another vaccine pussy. I'm happy for you people because you need heros (sic) to confirm your Dunning Krugerrands.
11/5/21, 6:30 PM
and gadfly said...
Happy to see all of our sports fans supporting "Aaron Rogers" - whoever he is.
This unknown sportsball guy must suffer from some form of diabetes, since the only common ingredient in all forms of Covid-19 vaccines is sucrose. Diabetes can lead to reduced sperm quality but diabetes as such does not appear to affect motility of sperm (the ability of the sperm to move towards the egg) or cause infertility as a result.
11/7/21, 1:27 AM
This is what passed for science with our Leftist friends.
"This unknown sportsball guy must suffer from some form of diabetes, since the only common ingredient in all forms of Covid-19 vaccines is sucrose."
I can tell you didn't listen to the clip. He names the ingredient that he's allergic to and it's in 2 of the vaccines. The other one, Johnson & Johnson, he didn't trust.
As for the protocol he found, for which he offered the league 500 pages of research, the key word, which he utters at some point, is homeopathy. I haven't listened far enough in to see if Joe gets into the topic of homeopathy, but that is clearly, clearly pseudoscience.
That doesn't mean people shouldn't allowed to do their own research and make their own final call about their bodies, but it does show that many people are not good at doing their own science (or choosing which "scientists" to believe).
I am always struck by what a good listener Joe Rogan is. He really lets his guests have sustained talking time. It's such a relaxing contrast to someone like Chris Wallace who I called the "but, but, but" man...always working to get the "gotcha'".
I am always struck by what a good listener Joe Rogan is. He really lets his guests have sustained talking time. It's such a relaxing contrast to someone like Chris Wallace who I called the "but, but, but" man...always working to get the "gotcha'".
AA, the comment from Gadfly to which you refer was from 2021.
My guy - after taking 2 shots of mandated vaccine - developed heart problems.
I'm sure it's a happy coincidence.
Congratulations to all those that resisted the medical tyranny of the mRNA shots. We were right to resist and call bullshit. They are ineffective and dangerous. We were all meant to be lab rats. It is all a lie. The gov’t can’t give these shots away now unless they are force fed to the young, who certainly don’t need them, and the risk outweighs the reward.
That’s why places like Washington DC public’s schools have mRNA shot requirements for all kids who want to attend. You have to have proof of COVID “vaccination” to attend the University of Wisconsin. Many more places where the corrupt and selfish education establishment force this and all their other bullshit on the youth of America. The sickest of all our institutions
It’s one thing to chose this for yourself. Fine. It is evil to force this unnecessary experimental injection on young people and hold their education hostage. It’s a political “vaccine” that does nothing more than make people bend to unjust authoritarian orders.
I am always struck by what a good listener Joe Rogan is. He really lets his guests have sustained talking time. It's such a relaxing contrast to someone like Chris Wallace who I called the "but, but, but" man...always working to get the "gotcha'".
Ann, please forgive the fact that my comment might show up several times. Sometimes, I get an error message from Blogger when I click "Publish your comment" and I figure I need to rewrite it and try again.
Althouse said...or choosing which scientists to believe
You don’t even need this bullshit. A shot first promised to prevent infection and spread, failed 100%. We can see that with all the “I got COVID, but boy and I sure glad I’m on my 3rd booster”. Hey look I got COVID again!!! But I’m all about the science!
Don’t you feel taken for a ride at some point? Or do you dig in because you got your 5-year-old “vaccinated” and bragged about it on Facebook. Now you secretly pray nothing bad happens.
The vaccine injuries on the young are real, and suppressed. We now have “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome” used by media as a cause of death. How stupid to they think we are? These mandates are #1 on the list of current tyrannies the citizens and children of America and the world face.
Liberals have destroyed the credibility of educators and medical “scientists”. When it comes to COVID and mRNA, Whatever Dr. Birx, Dr. Fauci, and the University of Wisconsin are telling you to do, do the opposite. They are not people nor institutions of “science”. They are all political scientists and false prophets.
..." but it does show that many people are not good at doing their own science (or choosing which "scientists" to believe)."
Well, you said a mouthful there, especially when one considers who was making up Public Policy out of whole cloth and bringing The Message to the People throughout much of 2020 and all of 2021. Not to mention the very well-grounded scientists like Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, who has mountains of practical experience and excellent critical thinking skills, who were shunted off to the sidelines for the duration with others because he dared to voice scientific challenge and demand the evidence be aired supporting the policy decisions. The COVID vaccines saved a lot of people, were ill-advised against the young and the pregnant, and many of the protocols were as imbecilic as our 'security' procedures for boarding planes.
Last fall I heard a piece on NPR discussing a big study that had just been published in The Lancet or NEJM or one of the other top-line medical journals which showed that the m-RNA vaccines do NOT prevent transmission of COVID. This is in contrast to the traditional vaccines, like for measles, etc, which do prevent transmission .
Given that "science" has established that the unvaccinated pose no greater risk to their fellow human beings than the vaccinated, what is the justification for vaccine mandates?
Guy goes to his homeopath, tells him he's not feeling good.
Homeopath checks him out, says he has a tapeworm.
Guy says, Oh No!
Doc tells him not to worry, there's a non-toxic, all natural cure. However, he says, some find it...onerous.
Guy says, I'm willing to try it.
Doc tells him, bend over and drop your pants. A nurse comes in with a banana and an oatmeal cookie on a tray. The doc shoves the banana up the guy's rectum, follows it with the oatmeal cookie. He tells the guy to go home, don't take a dump and come back in a week.
The next week, the guy is back. Doc checks him out and says he needs another treatment. The guy groans, but drops his pants and bends over.
After another week, he's back again. The doc says, bend over. The guy says, Oh geez, but complies. Doc says, Don't worry, I think we're close. Then he shoves in a banana, but no cookie this time.
The doc says hold still, leans back in his chair, crosses his arms and waits. After a few minutes a tape worm pokes his head out, looks around and says, Where's my oatmeal cookie?
Quick as lightening the doc grabs the tapeworm by the throat and jerks him right out.
Ann Althouse said...
"That doesn't mean people shouldn't allowed to do their own research and make their own final call about their bodies, but it does show that many people are not good at doing their own science (or choosing which "scientists" to believe)."
True to a point, but I see that more often in the case of people who take the output of the meme factories at face value, including times when the narrative changes. Example: "Believe Dr. Fauci! The science is settled!" ...which changed to... "Believe Dr. Fauci! The science changed!"
The science didn't change. Only the narrative.
Darkhorse podcast is going even bigger by reviewing the book that no one dares mention in polite company.
Link to Darkhorse clip about Saint Fauci
Ann Althouse said...
"As for the protocol he found, for which he offered the league 500 pages of research, the key word, which he utters at some point, is homeopathy. I haven't listened far enough in to see if Joe gets into the topic of homeopathy, but that is clearly, clearly pseudoscience."
The therapy he mentions at first sounds more like a liquid with a low viral load, though I'm not sure taking it orally would have much of an effect. Not sure it qualifies as homeopathy either, but he may have tried other preventives that were. A low viral load in a nasal spray might have done more, but overdosing with it would be just the same as hanging out with someone who's contagious.
It's going to be important that vaccine makers got the feds to confer immunity from lawsuits about complications from vaccines. We took the first two jobs but no boosters. We are old and it is no great risk to us. Giving this to kids is evil. They are at zero risk from the virus if they are healthy.
The side effects of the vaccine are already undeniable. The censorship will not be able to hold the line.
The deaths from myocarditis/pericarditis are going to go from 1 in 1000 to 1 in 100 in the 3 to 10 year time range.
That is when the fun begins.
Douchebags like Howard and gadfly will be lying in 5 years about everything they are doing and saying now.
Some of the branch Covidians have already started lying about what they were saying and doing.
We might even forgive some of you.
Does anybody consider that things like the push to put people on Opioids and the Opiod epidemic have maybe made a lot of people trust the government and pharmaceutical companies a little bit less?
I agree with you Althouse that homeopathy is pseudoscience, and it isn't a path I'd take. But what kind of science do we call what happened with Opioids? Or high-carb diets?
"I can tell you didn't listen to the clip. He names the ingredient that he's allergic to and it's in 2 of the vaccines. The other one, Johnson & Johnson, he didn't trust."
Laughing out loud! While Wilbur wasn't as explicit as he needed to be for the internet, it is difficult to not understand he was quoting someone else from several months ago.
Ann Althouse said...
As for the protocol he found, for which he offered the league 500 pages of research, the key word, which he utters at some point, is homeopathy. I haven't listened far enough in to see if Joe gets into the topic of homeopathy, but that is clearly, clearly pseudoscience.
Ann has been well trained by the WAPO and NYT's.
She knows pseudoscience when she sees it! It takes one word to prove it to her. Homeopathy! See how dumb that person is?
This way Ann gets to show she is smarter than someone, look down her nose at people who read things outside the tribe, and she doesn't have to read a bunch of nonsense research that only shows up on websites with ads for toenail fungus on them.
Going out and assessing that research for herself? *snort*
Ann still believes the people that pushed the food pyramid and trans fats are the only real scientists.
They told us the lie that acquired immunity was a right wing myth. They told us the lie that the vaccine would provide immunity. They told us the lie that the vaccine would stop the spread. Then they told us a huge whopper about the continued spread last year was wholly a “pandemic of the unvaccinated.”
It’s within this farrago of official government lies, enforced by the usual social media messages that we can only trust “official” sources, that the events Rogers recounts took place. He was right all along.
I usually just fast forward to the point where Joe makes guests eat a worm or cockroach.
Weird how 95.7% of infected in last six months have been vaxxed.
Not to mention Gateway Pundit daily headline of young vaxxed athlete dropping dead from heart failure.
The real absurdity in the vaccine mania is that the vaccines don't vaccinate.
Unlike Fauci et al.'s promises, they don't stop the spread. All they do is reduce the severity of illness, on average--and not much among the healthy, whose chance of actual illness was always small.
But that also makes a mockery of the vaccine mandates: Rodgers et al. don't pose any greater risk to others, and their own Covid risk was very minimal to begin with.
Same applies to Djokovic now. Banning the world's fittest athlete is insane. Maybe Novak should just claim asylum?
Best protection from virus is participation in riotous protest. Experts have confirmed.
Or, peaceful Sturgis motorcycle rally, contrary to experts warning.
To continue to call those inoculations vaccines is to continue to advance the lie that that they were "safe and effective".
I haven't listened far enough in to see if Joe gets into the topic of homeopathy, but that is clearly, clearly pseudoscience.
"Experts" like Dr. Fauci (who claims to represent SCIENCE) are psuedoscientists as well.
They demonstrated a clear lack of understanding of scientific method.
Blogger Achilles said...
"Ann has been well trained by the WAPO and NYT's.
She knows pseudoscience when she sees it! It takes one word to prove it to her. Homeopathy! See how dumb that person is?"
Not sure I understand your point. Homeopathy is as fake as fake can get. You don't even have to do any experiments; all you have to do is look at what it is to know how ridiculous its claims are.
Now, it is the case that the term is often used inappropriately, meaning people call something homeopathic when it isn't. Manufacturers put the term on lots of stuff that isn't homeopathic because lots of people look for it.
"They mocked and ridiculed all after market drug therapies that showed promise in alleviating covid symptoms, like good loyal lockstep hivemind big pharma Pelosi/ apparatchiks."
The reason being that FDA regulations do not allow issuing an Emergency Use Approval if there is a known, effective treatment. Therefore, it was necessary that there be no known, effective treatment, even if that meant allowing people to die rather than give them the known effective treatments. The hospitals literally told sick people to go home and come back when they were dying, rather than suggesting that they try HCQ or ivermectin. And the lying scum at the CDC actually produced a graphic saying you shouldn't take ivermectin because it is "horse medicine". Like penicillin isn't given to horses? These people are monsters.
"Joe Rogan is going big with his vaccine series."
Yeah, actually, there are some people who think it was a significant episode in American and indeed world history and worthy of special attention. Maybe you were asleep during those years?
It was by injection?
No. No, it was oral.
How are they even getting a diluted strain of the virus?
I don't want to get into that exactly.
Polio vaccine is administered orally since the 60s.
I got a polio vaccine shot in the 50s and the oral vaccine in the early 60s. I probably got it again in 67 in boot camp.
I think there others but don't know for sure or which
John LGBTQ+ Henry
"It's why I want DeSantis to be the GOP POTUS nominee."
Trump/DeSantis 2024.
Twelve more years!
Wilbur (to Howard and The Hopeless gadfly): "This is what passed for science with our Leftist friends."
It's much. much worse than that.
These 2 buffoons represent the high water mark for Althouse lefty/dem/nevertrump (but I repeat myself) "I love F'n Science!!"-level "thinking".
It is astonishing how quickly Rodgers--a Cal-educated articulate lefty and a great (but nowhere near as great as his fans claim) QB--went from being a media darling to the guy every good liberal points to and says "Reeeeeee!!"--just for a little bit of apostasy about the "SCIENCE."
By “he was right all along” I mean Rodgers’ story starts with his doctor telling him he’s young and fit and can very likely endure the virus with mild symptoms and acquire natural immunity. This used to be common and uncontroversial way back in early 2020.
A couple of legal comments on kung flu vaccine
As several have pointed, it is not a "vaccine" under the legal definition in effect for the past 100 years or so. The legal definition had to be changed last year to fit it to the current vaccines. With what we are learning, the definition may need to be changed again.
Question for the lawyers here: I got my J&j shot before the definition change. Since it now turns out not to have been a "Vaccine" but a therepeutic, doe the liability protection for vaccines still apply retroactively? Or can I sue J&j for giving me an unsafe therapeutic?
In order to be "approved" by FDA it must be "proven" to be both "safe" and "effective". No vaccine has yet been found to be safe and effective by the US FDA and thus no vaccine has been "approved" by the FDA.
CMMINRTA vaccine has been approved by FDA and is identical except for the label to the Pfizer/Biontech vaccine. While it has been approved and could be manufactured by Pfizer simply by changing the label, it has never been available for sale in the US. (Or elsewhere?)
All vaccines administered in the US are allowed under "Emergency use authorization" which means that the vaccine risk is outweighed by the kung flu risk.
As we find out more about the risks from the vaccine (greater than originally thought) as well the risk from kung flu (less than promoted) should that EAU continue in force.
On a personal note, I have no history of heart disease and have had several stress and other heart tests over the years. Most recently 3 years ago.
I do have a 25 year history of gastric reflux that I've controlled with Tagamet. Over the past year, since the vaccine, it has gotten worse and harder to control. I went to my VA doctor to get it checked out and they found heart problems severe enough to warrant emergency admission. Go straight to the ER, do not stop anywhere level of serious. 10 days in the hospital getting tested and medicated and we may have it under control. Consultation this Thursday with a thoracic surgeon to see if a bypass is possible. And so on.
So now I am wondering if this is vaccine related. And if so, what my recourse, if any is. Gonna have to find me a good medical lawyer.
John LGBTQ+ Henry
Rogan should invite people who wanted him canceled. I want to hear from someone verbally work out the process of coming out of a dilution.
OT but perhaps important.
I get all my medical care, including this recent heart episode, through the VA. General practioner at the VA Satellite clinic in Ceiba for most routine stuff, VA hospital in San Juan for anything more serious or specialized.
I've been using the VA for 15-20 years now and have nothing but the highest praise for the quality of care I have gotten.
I do not have a service related issues so have to pay. Prices are reasonable. My 10 days in the hospital including a mountain of specialized tests and specialist visits cost me $530. Normally, an outpatient visit is $50 regardless of what they do on the visit. I once had a a stress test, lung capacity test, several xrays, dermatologist visit and hearing test. As it was all on the same, very long, day, $50.
VA hospitals apparently vary in quality and the only one I can speak about is San Juan. But if you are a veteran, check out your nearest VA hospital or clinic. You may be missing out on a valuable benefit.
John LGBTQ+ Henry
OT but perhaps important.
I get all my medical care, including this recent heart episode, through the VA. General practioner at the VA Satellite clinic in Ceiba for most routine stuff, VA hospital in San Juan for anything more serious or specialized.
I've been using the VA for 15-20 years now and have nothing but the highest praise for the quality of care I have gotten.
I do not have a service related issues so have to pay. Prices are reasonable. My 10 days in the hospital including a mountain of specialized tests and specialist visits cost me $530. Normally, an outpatient visit is $50 regardless of what they do on the visit. I once had a a stress test, lung capacity test, several xrays, dermatologist visit and hearing test. As it was all on the same, very long, day, $50.
VA hospitals apparently vary in quality and the only one I can speak about is San Juan. But if you are a veteran, check out your nearest VA hospital or clinic. You may be missing out on a valuable benefit.
John LGBTQ+ Henry
The James Webb Telescope has initially identified that the "Big Bang Theory" on which all astronomy and much physics is based probably never happened.
Perhaps we need to start a meme. Every time someone tells us "The science is settled", we need to reply "JWTBB" for James Webb Telescope-Big Bang Theory.
Yeah, I know, the recent Webb findings are not settled either. Some scientists are claiming that it is not really showing what it is showing and the Big Bang is still valid.
They may be sincere in this. Or they may be simply defending their entire body of work and funding for more mercenary reasons.
But the science on this is now visibly not "settled" Regardless of which is correct, it is no longer settled.
Excellent example of why science can NEVER be settled.
John LGBTQ+ Henry
"but it does show that many people are not good at doing their own science (or choosing which "scientists" to believe)"
You are entitled to your own opinion, but for goodness' sakes let others do the same.
“AA, the comment from Gadfly to which you refer was from 2021.”
Oh. Then I can’t ding him for not listening to something in the future.
There's a crackpot conspiracy theory that NBA players were injected with saline, not vaccine.
The theory goes that if a player get kung flu, they are out for a week or two. If they get the vaccine and develop heart problems, they are out forever.
The cost to the owners of a permanent Loss is tens of millions. Perhaps 100s of millions in a few cases.
I assume that this applies in other sports but NBA is th eonly one I have heard of.
John LGBTQ+ Henry
Here is Megyn Kelly - she doesn't mince words regarding Fauci, and the damage done.
If your dog got two rabies shots - plus two boosters - and not only still got rabies, but spread it? At what point would you pull your head out and start questioning things?
Those who insisted we get the jab - using every threat and punishment in the book - better not believe in karma.
Original Mike said...
Not sure I understand your point. Homeopathy is as fake as fake can get. You don't even have to do any experiments; all you have to do is look at what it is to know how ridiculous its claims are.
Now, it is the case that the term is often used inappropriately, meaning people call something homeopathic when it isn't. Manufacturers put the term on lots of stuff that isn't homeopathic because lots of people look for it.
Is Homeopathy as fake as the research behind Statins?
Is it as dangerous as Trans fats?
My point is that you have to be able to assess these things for yourself because our entire health care system is clearly corrupt and nothing can be taken at face value like this.
And the current push to force poor people onto vegetable based diets is driven by pure evil intent because they know it is not a healthy diet for almost everyone in the world.
Jim at said...
If your dog got two rabies shots - plus two boosters - and not only still got rabies, but spread it? At what point would you pull your head out and start questioning things?
Those who insisted we get the jab - using every threat and punishment in the book - better not believe in karma.
They do believe in karma.
But no matter how stupid they look and how many times they are wrong the only thing that generates bad karma is disagreeing with them.
Look at all the lock down advocates and mask worshipers on this blog. They are still pretending like people should listen to them.
If it’s so important to get vaccinated, why aren’t we requiring vaccination at the border for illegals entering the country?
Biden wanted to send OSHA into workplaces to check vaccination status, but refuses to interfere with people entering the country illegally.
"Is Homeopathy as fake as the research behind Statins?"
Do you know the "theory" behind homeopathy? Nothing could be faker than that. No "research" is required.
As to statins, are you saying that the research studies involving them have been manufactured? All of it?
Don’t worry.
When the effects of the vaccine are truly known, you will be told your voluntary injection makes you ineligible to sue for damages.
It's almost flu season in states north of the border, and the corona viruses are in rare form. Not to mention diverse alien and exotic diseases that have awoke with social progress. Masks, everyone. And avoid intercourse with back... black holes... whores h/t NAACP.
That said, I wonder what treatment they will henceforth prescribe to treat parasites. I wonder what treatment they will deign congruent to treat malaria. Can the immune system ever be trusted to provided sterilizing immunity? Will vegans and vegetarians received their nutritional supplements? Will metabolic disorders be traced to personal choices? Will Vitamin D prevent or or mitgat3e the progress of the next pandemic?
"My point is that you have to be able to assess these things for yourself because our entire health care system is clearly corrupt and nothing can be taken at face value like this."
Yeah, you do need to do it for yourself, which is not easy given how untrustworthy the media is. IDK if the entire system is corrupt, but their integrity sure toke a hit over Covid.
"And the current push to force poor people onto vegetable based diets is driven by pure evil intent because they know it is not a healthy diet for almost everyone in the world."
I ascribe it to utter stupidity, though the impulse to impose their follies on others does border an evil.
And what are these self-discredited agencies and experts going to do when the next one comes along?
Blogger Bob Boyd said...
And what are these self-discredited agencies and experts going to do when the next one comes along?
My answer? The exact same thing.
Headline: "Aaron Rodgers admits lying about COVID vaccination status last season"
The press continues to advance the lie as if the lie has not been uncovered. It's maddening.
The "vaccine" reduces severity. How can anyone tell? Many (most?) covid infections were mild. With or without the shot. I'm unvaccinated and never even had a sniffle. I'm also over 70.
" interview with Alex Berenson, who was kicked off Twitter for saying the wrong things about the vaccine."
Please define "wrong" in this context.
I like how they both agreed that Obama was the best president in their lifetime
The "vaccine" reduces severity. How can anyone tell?
That's what I've said from the start.
"Oh, it would've been much worse if I hadn't been vaccinated," ... with an arrogant wave of the hand.'
Since everybody has a different reaction to Covid, you have absolutely no way of knowing that. Zero. None.
People who've been vaxxed have died of Covid. People who haven't been vaxxed only knew they had Covid if they tested positive.
Like everything else during the last two and a half years, it's bullshit from top to bottom. And those who were so totally wrong the entire time still insist they were right.
And it wasn't just leftists on this blog. There were numerous conservatives right there with them. And they know who they are.
Words cannot describe my hatred towards them for taking away two, full years of our lives.
Original Mike said...
As to statins, are you saying that the research studies involving them have been manufactured? All of it?
First you have to start with the premise that lower healthy type A LDL cholesterol is a good thing.
The recent research meta-studies suggest that lower levels of type A LDL are not good for you.
And you should read up on Ansel Keys. He started the Cholesterol is bad cult. His research is Mendel level garbage.
The research studies showing that statins lower cholesterol are solid.
The research studies showing that statins reduce morbidity are hot garbage.
@Achilles: I am read up on Ancel Keys and the Minnesota Coronary Experiment, Walter Willett, Gary Taubes and the whole lot. I worked in a cardiology dept. for 25 years. I wasn't asking for your opinion on statins, I was asking if you thought all those statin-prescribing cardiologists are acting in bad faith?
"The COVID vaccines saved a lot of people..."
We'll wait while you marshal some of the evidence here...
Original Mike, I would answer a slightly different question in the one you asked, that I think is even more relevant.
Anybody practicing medicine today who isn't terrified by the Replication Crisis, and isn't spending part of their time trying to figure out how in the heck they are going to relearn a lot of stuff they thought they learned in medical school. . . is just phoning it in. Whether that qualifies as bad faith in your book is up to you.
Howard said...
I like how they both agreed that Obama was the best president in their lifetime
8/28/22, 6:29 PM
Sure as long as you don't mind getting called RACIST if you disagree with him, and don't mind that he fundamentally changed America into a Banana Republic.
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