August 23, 2022

"Wait. The guy who tried to kill his own VP will be hanging in National Portrait Gallery? No. Absolutely not."

That's the second-highest-rated comment on "Smithsonian’s Trump portraits to be funded with $650K from Trump’s PAC" (WaPo).

First-highest-rated is: "They've already got the Trump as Rambo riding a dinosaur and holding a machine gun. Do they really need a new painting for any reason?"


Enigma said...

My only question is how Trump will one-up Obama, as famous for sinking into or emerging from a wall of ivy:

Maybe Trump will be depicted as a giant golden buddha, akin to this:

Either of the above are way better than Michelle Obama's portrait, which doesn't look anything like her. Chin. Chin. Chin.

Kate said...

Trump as Hitler, and God-Emperor Trump. The Smithsonian should hang those two meme versions side by side.

Butkus51 said...

How many little girls will be in Bidens?

Jeff Vader said...

Visiting the Smithsonian Museum of American history last week I was actually surprised to see Melania’s inauguration dress, figured some staffer would have accidentally destroyed it. Even better was the comment from progressive wife that the dress was much prettier than Michelle’s

Bob Boyd said...

I assume Trump tried hard not to kill his VP. The temptation to strangle Mike Pence must have been overwhelming at times.

Josephbleau said...

These democrats are fucked up as Hogan’s goat. It would be funny if it was not so sickening. Trump tried to kill His VP, if you accept five or six implausible steps in a disconnected sequence. This is how witch burning looked in the dark ages. It’s a monty python sketch.

madAsHell said...

I guess I missed the memo where Trump attempted to kill Pence.

J said...

Art critics intelligence has not gone up over my lifetime.

Andrew said...

Plot twist: Pence was the mastermind all along. Tried to kill Trump with Covid but it didn't work.

tim maguire said...

""Wait. The guy who tried to kill his own VP will be hanging in National Portrait Gallery? No. Absolutely not.""

"Absolutely not"? What are you going to do about it, dingleberry?

Sebastian said...

"The temptation to strangle Mike Pence must have been overwhelming at times."

Just confirms Trump was an incompetent loser.

Kidding, kidding.

PM said...

Trump as Rambo riding a dinosaur is a tired rip of the far superior meme of Chewbacca riding a giant squirrel machine-gunning Nazis.

Tom_Ohio said...

The Media - Tech cabal onslaught on ALL things Trump for all those years really did work on those who wanted to believe it. Ex.: There was no way Hillary lost to him in any honest way, right ? He must have cheated, and Putin had something on him and he raped 87 women, OMG. - That same cabal drove madness into heads,caused shootings at baseball practices, caused riots in DC, caused mob outrage to hurt any and all things red hat. Now we know that the White House was behind it all along !!! And the rest of the Swamp and settled in Leftists in offices of power ( FBI,DOJ, and IRS )

Birches said...

Is there an Aaron Burr portrait in the National Portrait Gallery?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Real reporter John Solomon has the bombshell of the day: Biden personally signed an executive order in may written by former WH counsel John Wu in which he “revoked” Declassification of the documents in Trump’s possession so they could refer the case to DOJ as criminal matter, not a negotiation with the archivist. The least of Biden’s problems is getting caught lying about prior knowledge. Mr. Boring President sure likes breaking norms and destroying faith in “justice” as administered by the current Executive Branch. What an asshole Brandon has turned into!

h said...

I'm waiting for some Trump allies to announce that they have acquired a property on Pennsylvania Ave between the Capitol and the White House to build the Trump Presidential Library. Every inaugural parade, and every other significant parade (funerals, celebrating return of the Iranian hostages, etc. comes down Penn Ave from the Capitol to the White House) will then pass by the Trump Library, and it will go on the list of must-see memorials -- Washington Monument, Jefferson Memorial, Lincoln memorial, FDR memorial, and Trump Library.

Iman said...

The dang walls are closing in… AGAIN!

R C Belaire said...

"Dingleberry?" Haven't heard that word since maybe 4th or 5th grade.

dbp said...

Trump was president for 4 years and has been out of office for a year and a half. Meanwhile, Democrats are still exhibiting unresolved trauma from the fact he was elected! Yes, the election was almost 6 years ago and here you all are, still alive, not subject to nuclear war, dictatorship (at least not by Trump) or concentration camps. Still nursing that trauma of, checking notes, a more peaceful world and a more prosperous nation.

Leland said...

Interesting, they want the Smithsonian to be exclusive of Republicans because they think Trump is the fascist. If that happens, the Smithsonian will be full of projections.

Achilles said...

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Real reporter John Solomon has the bombshell of the day: Biden personally signed an executive order in may written by former WH counsel John Wu in which he “revoked” Declassification of the documents in Trump’s possession so they could refer the case to DOJ as criminal matter, not a negotiation with the archivist. The least of Biden’s problems is getting caught lying about prior knowledge. Mr. Boring President sure likes breaking norms and destroying faith in “justice” as administered by the current Executive Branch. What an asshole Brandon has turned into!

Biden doesn't have long as president one way or another.

Shockingly lawless moves that were followed by blatant but inept attempts to cover it up are just making them and everyone who supports them look like corrupt fascists

It is apparent that the Regime can tell any lie and can break any law it wants and it's supporters will back them.

This will not end peacefully because Biden's supporters are happy being fascists and happy being open about it.

Aggie said...

Get ready for a spate of *wink-wink* state-sanctioned radical-vandals attacks in the gallery as the nut cases go after the portrait. Too evil, it must be expunged! Judge: released, no bail.

On the Monty Python skits, there is always this one:

Drago said...

Bob Boyd: "I assume Trump tried hard not to kill his VP. The temptation to strangle Mike Pence must have been overwhelming at times."

An early thread winner.

Gusty Winds said...

When is Disney going to remove Trump from the Hall of Presidents?

Christopher B said...

Mike Wolf .. a couple of minor corrections .. it's John Su, not John Wu. Also, it appears that the order authorized the NARA archivist to make the call on privilege, probably an attempt to insulate Biden from actually waiving privilege for a former President, and she chose to not claim privilege on any document.

Matt Margolis, PJ Media

Milo Minderbinder said...

I got this one confused with the "making stuff up out of nothing at all" post....

gspencer said...

Biden's official portrait would properly be an image of his back as he walks away from a podium, not willing to answer any question concerning some nonsense he just spewed when at that podium,

Critter said...

It is really sad to see people actually believe that Trump tried to kill Pence. Being a leftist is a mental disorder.

Lilly, a dog said...

Trump should hire Antony Gormley to make him a nice cantilevered squatting man statue.

Lurker21 said...

Many a president has probably wanted to strangle his VP, but vice presidents have the same feeling about their presidents. It's common in politics, and in life.

I learned a little while ago that there were portraits of every governor of Georgia in the Atlanta statehouse -- except for the Republican who governed during Reconstruction. I hope the Democrats aren't going down that road again.

"Forgotten Feminist" Aaron Burr is in the National Portrait Gallery. So is Jefferson Davis. It's a visual record of the whole of our history, not just the parts one agrees with. But with any luck Trump's portrait will probably be hanging in the White House most of the time.

Josephbleau said...

Once Trump is in jail our long national nightmare of peace and prosperity will be finally at an end.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Ukrainian overlords with Xi approval will paint Biden in full guufaaw drool mode. sitting on stacks of cash.

narciso said...

they like suffering, they are like the gimp in pulp fiction, they also like scrounging for gas, baby formula, and other staples not luxuries

FullMoon said...

That comment obviously from the type of person who would not visit Texas.

Saddest thing is that,in addition to ignorant, stupid, or misinformed, there are actually intelligent people who believe, or pretend to believe.

Earnest Prole said...


NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

I'm seeing Trump as the Lisan al Gaib in full Fremen gear, riding a sandworm through the desert of Arakis, myself.

tim in vermont said...

"Tried to kill his own VP..."

The power of brainwashing would be beyond belief if I didn't see it operate daily.

tim in vermont said...

"there are actually intelligent people who believe, or pretend to believe."

Intelligence is no defense against non-stop propaganda. It just makes your brain tired trying to keep the facts straight. It wears people down.

Howard said...

The mask has slipped. The regime days are numbered. Pretty soon we'll have the libtards on their knees begging for our forgiveness.

Gusty Winds said...

There is portrait of Pocahontas that hangs in the National Portrait Gallery

For $650 Million, I would gladly trade Trump’s portrait, and replace the original Pocahontas portrait with a shrieking picture of Elizabeth Warren.

That would be a more fitting tribute to Trump. I think he would entertain the idea as well.

Joe Smith said...

'Pretty soon we'll have the libtards on their knees begging for our forgiveness.'

Your natural state...nothing new for you...

BUMBLE BEE said...

Was just listening to All Things Considered while staining my deck. No mention of re-classification of the docs, but a statement about the "Highly Classified Documents" confiscated caused security concerns about their mis-handling.
NPR! - Trump guilty as charged. If the Professor ever got into NPR's ambiguities, we'd never see the sunrises again!

n.n said...

Political myths remain viable as long as the baby has a heartbeat. We need a "hero", a Democrat "hero", and this "burden", too, shall pass.

Narayanan said...

and here I thought VP was crowing/cawing over P corpse

Mikey NTH said...

Richard Nixon's signature is on the plaque attached to the Apollo lander on the moon.

Just deal with it already.


Wilbur said...

John Su.



John said...

Hell with the Portait Gallery, I'm waiting for the Nationals to put Trump in the Presidents' Race.