August 21, 2022

“On Thursday, two days before her death in a car bombing outside Moscow, she argued on a state television talk show that 'the Western man lives in a dream — a dream that he got from his global hegemony.'"

"On Friday, she delivered a lecture on 'mental maps and their role in network-centric warfare,' describing atrocities committed by Russian soldiers in Bucha, a Kyiv suburb, as a staged event. And before she died on Saturday, she attended a nationalist festival with her father outside Moscow called Traditions.... She told a state-run Russian radio station that the Azovstal steel plant, where the [Mariupol]’s defenders made their last stand, was filled with 'Satanist,' 'black energy.' Echoing her father, Ms. Dugina’s public commentary provided an ideological framework for Mr. Putin’s aggressive foreign policy. In an interview with a Russian broadcaster hours before her death, she [said, describing what Russia was fighting against in Ukraine]... 'This is liberal totalitarianism, this is liberal fascism, this is Western totalitarianism.... It has reached its end.'"


RideSpaceMountain said...

She switched cars with her dad at the last minute and they drove separately.

Sloppy job. They probably used a motion detector coupled to a time delay with the 100% assumption he'd be in the car. This is precisely why car bombs should be command-detonated.


zipity said...

"Daria Dugina was a Russian hawk who railed against the West’s 'global hegemony'"

So... How's that working out for her?

Mich McCormick said...

“Was” indeed

mccullough said...

Like a bad plot. Blew up the wrong one.

Jaq said...

"describing atrocities [allegedly] committed by Russian soldiers..."

Reprisals against "collaborators" repurposed for propaganda reasons makes a lot more sense, in terms of what we have seen in history. Unless you go with the idea that the Russians are dumb as dirt and keep committing acts designed to draw NATO out of its current role, and actively into the war, or at least make it both easier for the Ukrainians to get weapons from the West, and harder to rule over any new territories.

Of course they could draw NATO into the war with a simple shootdown of a sitting duck NATO AWAC, no need for these bizarre double bank shot kinds of moves, like shelling a nuke plant in territory that they themselves control, a plant they have military stationed in, in order to get NATO countries to invoke Article 5 based on the fallout, while increasing exponentially the cost of rebuilding after a war which they intend to win.

The thing is, Joe Biden knows exactly who is shelling the power plant that supplies power to the cooling facilities of the reactor, trying to create a meltdown, why not show us some proof it's the Russians shelling themselves?

Marcus Bressler said...

Coming soon to our American shores.

Marcus, TheOldMan

Jaq said...

"So... How's that working out for her?"

I guess this proves she was wrong.

Joe Smith said...

I had to look up Dugan.

He is an organizer for the National Bolshevik Front.

Bolshevik, as in 'The Bolsheviks, also known in English as the Bolshevists, were a far-left, revolutionary Marxist faction founded by Vladimir Lenin...'

This is from Wikipedia, not exactly conservatives.

The 'Washington Post' identifies him as '...a Russian far-right intellectual...'

So now Marxist/Leninists are 'far-right'?

Only American media can lie to your face.

They do it because Americans are ignorant about the history of communism, Naziism, and socialism, and they mix and match definitions depending upon the lie they wish to tell.

Iman said...

Her work there are dun…

madAsHell said...

Hegemony! I haven't heard that word since the '80's. How retro.

hawkeyedjb said...

Pronouns: был, были

rhhardin said...

It shows the dangers of automobiles.

Clyde said...

Tough luck, Toots.

exhelodrvr1 said...

Wouldn't have happened if it was an electric car

Aggie said...

Just goes to show you, the Hegemonic Western Liberals get it wrong time after time.

Rollo said...

She certainly had unsavory connections and unpalatable beliefs, but was she necessarily wrong about the dream world of Western hegemony? To some extent, though, industrialization and affluence mean Westernization, certainly for part of the population -- maybe for a very large part.

Mowwa said...

as we push this conflict the victims and consequences escalate exponentially to our hegemonic profit.

DanTheMan said...

>>The 'Washington Post' identifies him as '...a Russian far-right intellectual...'
>> So now Marxist/Leninists are 'far-right'?

"Far right" is a shorthand for "the side we don't like".
When the USSR collapsed, the "Communist hard-liners" were all described as "right wing".

Drago said...

I guess some are saying that children of presidential/executive advisors are now fair game.

Gee, I wonder if that could ever blow back on US advisors and their families?

RMc said...

It has reached its end.

So have you, biatch.

Mikey NTH said...

And the Ukrainians don't get a choice on whether they want to be part of Russian Empire 3.0?

Hey Skipper said...

Tim in Vermontn: “Of course they could draw NATO into the war with a simple shootdown of a sitting duck NATO AWAC…”

No such thing as a sitting duck AWACS. It can see anything coming from about 160 miles away, and has at least a flight of four F-22s riding shotgun.

Howard said...

This never would have happened if Trump was President because the anti-Putin terrorists would be very afraid of America Strongman Leader.

Mea Sententia said...

She died in a Toyota Land Cruiser, not in a Russian made vehicle. Sadly ironic.

rcocean said...

Yeah, shows once again that the NYT thinks their opponents need to be murdered. Or if not "need to murdered", at least "Deserve to die". Love how the word "Die" is constantly used - as opposed to being "assassinted" or "killed".

Of course, if a member of the Ukrainian leadership "dies" because the Russian leadership didn't like their lectures/talks, well the NYT will have quite a different attitude.

Its amazing how 'murcians love all the bloodshead, and killing as long as they're
not the victims, and its all going on, "Over there". 'Cause "They" deserve it. Whoever "They" are, in the current year.

Obviously, this "hit" was orchestrated by the Ukrainaians. And ties in with their strategy of missile and artillery strikes on Russian civilian targets. This sort of thing can't go on forever. I don't any alternative, except for the Russians to overthrow the Zelensky regime by any means neccessary, and install a pro-Russian regime.

Alexisa said...

"the anti-Putin terrorists would be very afraid of America Strongman Leader."

You certainly appear to be concerned.

n.n said...

I guess some are saying that children of presidential/executive advisors are now fair game.

Everyone is a viable target when opening abortion fields without borders, more than eight years in progress.

pacwest said...

It has reached its end.

Perhaps. If so the world will be a poorer place.

Quaestor said...

"This never would have happened if Trump was President because the anti-Putin terrorists would be very afraid of America Strongman Leader."

Howard indirectly admits Biden's collaboration with Putin.

Drago said...

Howard: "This never would have happened if Trump was President because the anti-Putin terrorists would be very afraid of America Strongman Leader."

Howard thinks his continuing campaign of painting Trump as Putin's ally is effective.

But its 2022. Not 2015/2016.

And Putin took Crimea under obama, around the same time russki oligarchs were paying the Biden's millions to keep "The Big Guy" happy with his "10%" and to keep Hunter in blow/crack and underaged trafficked prostitutes.

Then Trump was elected and the russkis didnt do anything.

Then Biden's Earpiece was installed via a fortified "election" and whaddya know, the russkis are on the move again....and controlling the energy grids of multiple NATO members.

And the ruble is at a 7 year high against the dollar! And Putin is raking in the cash hand over fist since the democraticals have purposely crashed US energy production AND our economy.

What a coincidence!

The russkis ought to make Biden and Obama honorary members of the politburo!

Bunkypotatohead said...

It could have been worse. She could have been in the trailing vehicle watching her father getting blowed up.

MadTownGuy said...

Joe Smith said...

"...The 'Washington Post' identifies him as '...a Russian far-right intellectual...'

So now Marxist/Leninists are 'far-right'?

Only American media can lie to your face...

Back in the day when Gorbachev was pushing for reforms, the hard-line Soviets who opposed him were tagged in news reports as 'far-right.' So this is nothing new.

Dr Weevil said...

I'm surprised that anyone could be such an open complete swine and fool as to support a brutal dictator like Putin conquering an independent nation and overthrowing the leader that nation freely elected (with 74% of the vote!). Seems kind of unAmerican. And his assertion that the Ukrainians are slaughtering civilians with missiles and artillery is the precise opposite of the truth: that is what the Russians are doing on a very large scale, along with raping women, kidnapping children, murdering prisoners and castrating at least one of them on film, and far more.

And it is "Obvious" to me that the Ukrainians almost certainly did NOT murder Dugina. Why would they even want to? Having crazy assholes like her and her father telling Putin to conquer everything from Dublin to Vladivostok isn't likely to help him win a much smaller war. And they have not in fact been committing war-crimes, as the Russians have been doing every damned day, and doing ever since Putin took power. It's Putin who murdered 200+ sleeping Muscovites just to blame it on the Chechens, it's Putin who murders people in neutral countries like the UK with plutonium, and it's his puppets the Donbas 'separatists' who shot down a Malaysian airliner and killed 200+ Dutchmen. Zelensky's not perfect, but his side does in fact deserve to win, and anyone who can't see that is morally and spiritually blind or dead inside.

Beasts of England said...

‘Wouldn't have happened if it was an electric car’

Did the article say if she was wearing her seatbelt?

Josephbleau said...

">>The 'Washington Post' identifies him as '...a Russian far-right intellectual...'
>> So now Marxist/Leninists are 'far-right'?"

Haaaa Haa made me laugh. The Right Wing is now a continuum from Trump... Hitlerism... Mussolini... Tojo...Franco... DeGaule... Nixon... Tony Blair... Putin... Stalin... Mao... Marx.

The left wing is discrete with two values, Jesus and Mother Teresa.

Wheel, they say if you're taking flak it means you are over the target. But it does not matter whether the target is the Rhur or London, you equally get your pants shot off. I doubt if it was FSB because there was no polished propaganda followup.

Josephbleau said...

"She died in a Toyota Land Cruiser, not in a Russian made vehicle. Sadly ironic. "

Reminds me of the flight instructor in a Cessna 150, "This airplane can fly barely fast enough to kill you."

Levi Starks said...

There definitely won’t be any retaliation…..
And it certainly won’t boost Putins poll numbers.

cubanbob said...

The Russians invaded Ukraine twice, each time without any legitimacy. There is an ongoing war at this time and I see no reason whatsoever to be "concerned" about a woman being killed by a car bomb intended for her father as she was also involved with her father's activities. I see Putin's puta's are out in force again. It is assumed that the Ukrainians are involved with the car bombing but Putin also has a lot of enemies in Russia who probably blame him for getting Russia into a protracted and painful war for not good reason other than Putin's ego.

cubanbob said...

And the ruble is at a 7 year high against the dollar! And Putin is raking in the cash hand over fist since the democraticals have purposely crashed US energy production AND our economy.

Means absolutely nothing since the ruble isn't freely convertible.

cubanbob said...

And the ruble is at a 7 year high against the dollar! And Putin is raking in the cash hand over fist since the democraticals have purposely crashed US energy production AND our economy.

Means absolutely nothing since the ruble isn't freely convertible.

Narr said...

The likelihood that any of us have the slightest clue who blew Dugina up, and why, is just about nil. But that won't stop the yammering.

She was an ideological-spiritual warrior and made the ultimate sacrifice for her people. It'll make a great movie.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Howard - you do realize the real Russian asset is Hillary. Right?

Maynard said...

Something Howard and his smug lefty buddies should think about:

When you are dead, you don't know you're dead. The pain is felt by others.

The same thing happens when you are stupid.

PhilD said...

"Howard thinks his continuing campaign of painting Trump as Putin's ally is effective."

Putin did NOT invade the Ukraine when Trump was president. So what exactly do the TDS-sufferers and the 'Left' in general think what Trump does/did for Russia?
Now that's a stupid question. They do not 'think' as such. They proclaim the 'truth' and their saying it is so is proof for them that it is indeed so. They are remarkable like the Russian supporting psychos. I wonder how much the Russia hoax has to do with it (that is they oppose Putin because they think of Trump as Putin's man) but I can only be glad that they do support the Ukraine now that a part of the 'Right' has outed itself as as morally diseased as the 'Left'.

Btw, if the Ukraine is successful, and by God I hope it is, then I believe the actions of the Right's quislings will bite the Right in the *ss because nobody likes a looser (even though I believe most of the Right supports the Ukraine and support it for the right reasons).

Ps. When this is over I hope an account will be published of who did what when. That is, what support the Ukraine got under Obama the Flexible, Trump and 'wait-until-you-get-invaded' Biden.

Mark CA said...

Most likely killed by FSB as a warning to her father to stay on Putin’s side.. as some of the ultra-hawks have been complaining that he’s not doing enough to “win” the war. She and her father were returning from such a Russo-fascist confab.

Jason said...

Well, what was she wearing at the time?

Rusty said...

Maynard said...
"Something Howard and his smug lefty buddies should think about:

When you are dead, you don't know you're dead. The pain is felt by others.

The same thing happens when you are stupid."

He didn't know he voted for Biden.

Rusty said...

Beasts of England said...
"‘Wouldn't have happened if it was an electric car’

Did the article say if she was wearing her seatbelt?"

What were her pronouns?

Anthony said...

After reading the excerpt all I could think was "Huh?"

n.n said...

This is not a political issue. Many people... persons on the left, right, and center of the governing spectrum support the Slavic Spring/Kiev's war on Ukrainians in Obama/Biden's World War Spring (WWS) series. As with coups without borders, assassinations without borders carries the risk of evolving as a progressive process.

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