August 11, 2022

"Mr. Garland’s decision to make a public appearance came at an extraordinary moment in the [Justice] department’s 152-year history..."

"... as the sprawling investigation of a former president who remains a powerful political force gains momentum, with prosecutors from an array of the department’s divisions and regional offices taking new actions, seemingly every day. Mr. Garland, a laconic former judge, had come under increasing pressure this week to provide more public information about why the Justice Department decided that a search was necessary and who approved it — or at least to offer an explanation of the legal processes undertaken by his subordinates. But he seemed, even on Thursday, to do so with considerable reluctance, and reiterated his often-stated commitment to conducting the inquiry within the confines of the legal system rather than in public.... Mr. Garland did not say how, or when, it became clear to his team that the 15 boxes of material turned over by Mr. Trump earlier this year was insufficient. But he cast his decision to approve the warrant as an exigent necessity. 'The department does not take such a decision lightly,” he said. “Where possible, it is standard practice to seek less intrusive means as an alternative to a search and to narrowly scope any search that is undertaken.'... Mr. Garland and his inner circle are eager to avoid the approach adopted by James Comey, the former F.B.I. director, whose public statements about investigations into Mr. Trump and Hillary Clinton during the 2016 campaign were seen as a political and legal disaster. "


Ampersand said...

The NYT makes clear that Mr. Garland is a prudent straight shooting kind of guy. Time will tell.

Dave Begley said...

Trump will be indicted.

The FBI and DOJ wouldn't have conducted the raid unless they were planning on indicting Trump.

Paul said...

Do not fret folks...

For Brutus (Garland) is an honourable man!

AlbertAnonymous said...

Exigent necessity?

What are they gonna pull out of their asses next?

This would be comical if it wasn’t so serious.

madAsHell said...

72 hours??? It's almost like Mr. Garland was caught by surprise, but now has to shoulder the responsibility.

The credibility of the FBI is shot. Why would anyone pay attention to what the FBI finds as evidence? It's all paid for by the Clinton campaign.

Crimso said...

"Mr. Garland and his inner circle are eager to avoid the approach adopted by James Comey"

This is obvious to everyone, but not in the way he intended.

Vance said...

All he said was "Trust the FBI because you plebes don't need to know why we prosecute Republicans and let Democrats skate."

Or words to that effect.

Kevin said...

Trump pounces!

Kevin said...

If Garland's goal was to avoid being mentioned alongside Comey, he has failed.

MartyH said...

Wasn’t it reported yesterday that Wray approved it without Garland’s knowledge?

wendybar said...

I have more questions NOW than I did before.

"Garland: "Faithful adherence to the rule of law is the bedrock principle of the DOJ. Upholding the law means applying the law evenly without fear or favor. Under my watch, that is precisely what the DOJ is doing.""

Bahahahhahahhaha...and if you believe that, you would believe any of the lies they are spewing. I can think of a few people that the law doesn't apply to, and one is still serving as the speaker of the house.

MartyB said...

"Garland and his inner circle are eager to avoid the approach adopted by James Comey, the former F.B.I. director, whose public statements about investigations into Mr. Trump and Hillary Clinton during the 2016 campaign were seen as a political and legal disaster. "

Oh, so *now* it's OK to characterize Comey's actions as a "legal disaster" (political disaster has been clear for a while since it is presumed by nearly everyone hos actions helped elect Trump)?

Presumably his days as "hero" are now over...

Michael said...

The act regarding presidential papers does not make their mishandling a crime. The affidavit must be for something criminal, possibly a J6 document.

Narayanan said...

2022-152 = 1870 >>> post civil war : probably staffed/infiltrated by KKK [aka D] from inception

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Garland's Janet Reno moment. "Knowing that there will be no consequences, I take full responsibility."

Maynard said...

Let's all thank Cocaine Mitch for keeping this KGB wannabe off the Supreme Court.

Oh Yeah. Obama promised us (with loud media support) that Garland was a "moderate". I wonder what that says about the rest of the herd.

Mikey NTH said...

A major screw-up, the statement anf documents needed to be ready before the raid and deployed immediately afterwards. That they didn't have those ready tells how out of touch they are with reality. They did not expect pushback. They can't do politics right.

Spiros said...

George W. Bush's lies drove us into a brutal, worthless war. W. and Cheney even tortured thousands of "terrorists" (mostly teens and retards). Obama's warrantless wiretapping included Trump's campaign offices. But these bastards are safe from prosecution. Let's rediscover presidential accountability. Not just Trump, all of them.

clinkmd said...

I would not be surprised if the “inside source” mentioned was orchestrated by Trump to provoke them into doing something this rash and stupid.

Sebastian said...

"to narrowly scope any search that is undertaken"

But as noted on this very blog:

""We have full access to everything. We can go everywhere." That was the repeated statement of the 3 DOJ lawyers — who were described as displaying an "arrogant" demeanor — who were present during the Mar-a-Lago raid, according to an eyewitness quoted in "FBI searched Melania’s wardrobe, spent hours in Trump’s private office during Mar-a-Lago raid" (NY Post)."

Christopher B said...

So, a couple of days ago, an unnamed someone at the DOJ apparently swore on a stack of Bibles to Newsweek that Garland neither knew the specifics of the raid or was asked to approve it.

The senior Justice Department source says that Garland was regularly briefed on the Records Act investigation, and that he knew about the grand jury and what material federal prosecutors were seeking. He insists, though, that Garland had no prior knowledge of the date and time of the specific raid, nor was he asked to approve it. "I know it's hard for people to believe," says the official, "but this was a matter for the U.S. Attorney and the FBI."

So who was lying, and when?

Jersey Fled said...

And then there is Biden. Blissfully ignorant of all of it.

Lilly, a dog said...

"Male Impersonator Admits He Ordered Panty Raid"

Amadeus 48 said...

Shorter Garland: "We don't know what the f*ck we are doing, but Orange Man bad. Oh by the way, Comey screwed everything up, so don't judge our ridiculous over-reach by his pittypat games with Madame Clinton."

Static Ping said...

"The department does not take such a decision lightly"

Which is why he hid for 72 hours after (allegedly) approving an unprecedented and very provocative armed raid on a former President for reasons that still are unclear.

Garland, you are incompetent, corrupt, and/or have lost control of your own department.


Beasts of England said...

I’m pleased that so many norms are being restored.

Yancey Ward said...

My impression is that someone went off the reservation and Garland faced a choice- take the responsibility for approving the FBI raid, or look like a guy not in control of the DoJ.

Unless the raid was a pretext to look for something else (or plant evidence to find) this is going to be a dry hole for the crew members of the Pequod. Trump almost certainly declassified any documents he took with him. It really is standard operating procedure, and he has eyewitnesses to this ready to testify about it.

Michael K said...

It has now been all explained about this excitement about the raid (search).

It was those Nazi Trump supporters because Garland is Jewish.

Mason G said...

"But he cast his decision to approve the warrant as an exigent necessity."

Well, sure- the seized files include indisputable evidence that Garland molests squirrels. Look at that face- you just know he does.

Mike said...

We are told that the basis of the warrant was a "confidential informant". Haven't we been down that road before with the phoney baloney Russian collusion hoax? Is it a crime to lie to a Federal magistrate to get a warrant issued? Probably. So how to explain this.

There are two explanations for why the FBI might get taken in with a "confidential informant"--assuming that such a person actually exists now. If the confidential informant doesn't exist, he or she was made up whole cloth from one of the Feeble's imaginations.

Either the boys and girls in the FBI (and their superiors at DOJ) just aren't that bright; or those folks are hopelessly corrupt and venal. As for me, I embrace the healing power of "and".

Kimberly Guilfoyle had one of those off the wall conspiratorial theories about the raid. Remember that the puffed up FBI agents would not allow anybody to observe their search at Mar A Lago. And the FBI search concentrated in part on The Dons and Melania's bedroom (not to mention her lingerie drawer). Ms. Guilfoyle asserts that the FBI agents may have planted listening devices in the Trumps' private quarters. Shades of J Edgar Hoover who planted microphones under Martin Luther King Jr.s mattress. MLK Jr. had a wide range of bed partners and ol J Edgar recorded them all. So maybe Chris Wray and Merrick Garland long to return to the "glory days" of the FBI.

Gospace said...

Six years is of microscopic examination of Trump and associates and businesses by NYS, FBI, Congress, IRS. 90%+ of American media, and so far- ditsquat.

Like him or hate him, if you don’t by now realize Trump is the cleanest man in politics today, you’re delusional.

I am 100% certain that over the years Trump has paid off/bribed numerous politicians and “public servants” at state and local levels to get things done. Probably union officials to boor. Everyone I know is certain of this. There’ll a minimum of two levels between him and any of this, but it doesn’t matter anyway. It was in NY-NJ and every last one of them was a Democrat. How many Democrats are they willing to throw into jail to get Trump?

DINKY DAU 45 said...

Release the stupid warrant and seek out the CI (confidential informant. (MANY PEOPLE SAY, its Melania) why else would they want to search bedroom? Put an end to the conjecture, conspiracy theory, and misinformation, the previous president has the goods release it. TOP SECRET material found? We'll see "SENSITIVE INTEL" What was the previous presidents object in releasing the warrant search publicly. Who decided to make it a public interest issue? Let's see the public debate now that the information is available. It looks as if they called on THE RIVER. BET OR CHECK.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hillary set up a private server and used it under everyone's noses to enrich her and her families coffers.

FBI let her off the hook.

jim5301 said...

A prosecution of Trump for this "process crime" means people will give Garland a little slack when he decides not to bring charges for sedition.

Larry J said...

The House controls the budget’s pursestrings. If Republicans win the House, they should cut the DoJ’s and FBI’s budgets by at least 10% (I’d prefer much more) as a shot across their bows. If that doesn’t get their attention at the inevitable hearings, I don’t know what will.

Mary Beth said...

They did not expect pushback.

Because everyone they know, everyone they talk to, thinks the same as they do.

Another old lawyer said...

Ham sandwich, here we come. Garland/DOJ pretty much HAVE to indict Trump at this point. Really doesn't matter how lame the charge, need at least a fig leaf that allows the D base to shout "SEE!!! TOLD YOU!!!!!" (And to Ds, hopefully make Trump absolutely a non-starter for voters who remain persuadable.)

Breezy said...

That without fear or favor line was quite something, given Hunter and Hillary and Comey, etc.

Michael K said...

Trump almost certainly declassified any documents he took with him. It really is standard operating procedure, and he has eyewitnesses to this ready to testify about it.

That may be the issue if it is not about J6. It may be about documents on "Russia Gate" that he tried to declassify and was blocked by the deep state and Barr.

Maybe he decided that, if the IC won't let him declassify them, he will just publish them openly.

Amadeus 48 said...

"But he cast his decision to approve the warrant as an exigent necessity."

Well, he would, wouldn't he?* What else could he say?

Matt Taibbi has an amusing post up pre-Garland press conference. The essential message is, here we go again. Doesn't anyone at Justice, the FBI, or the press recognize that this is the same old thing we have had for five a six years? As Matt's subhead says, "The FBI really better have something 'pulverizing' on Trump, because otherwise we’ve just witnessed one of the dumbest moves in the history of politics." To quote further:

"As of now, it’s impossible to say if Trump’s alleged offense was great, small, or in between. But this for sure is a huge story, and its hugeness extends in multiple directions, including the extraordinary political risk inherent in the decision to execute the raid. If it backfires, if underlying this action there isn’t a very substantial there there, the Biden administration just took the world’s most reputable police force and turned it into the American version of the Tonton Macoute on national television. We may be looking at simultaneously the dumbest and most inadvertently destructive political gambit in the recent history of this country."

The fact that Garland was cited yesterday as being unaware of the raid and stayed in his burrow for 72 hours before coming out to see if the sun was shining does not instill confidence in his story. But we'll see.

* See Mandy Rice-Davies on Lord Astor in the Profumo affair.

Carol said...

Kinda unseemly for a sitting president's DoJ to be investigating his presumed opponent in '24...isn't it?

John henry said...

I don't know which is scarier: that Garland knew and signed off or that he didn't.


n.n said...

May Witch Hunt 3.0 be equally and equitably self-impeaching.

John henry said...

How many here knew Garland is Jewish?

I didn't and don't care. Neither did most other people apparently.

But now Garland is crying RACISSSST!! Claiming the pushback is only because he's Jewish.


rhhardin said...

What he says only has to work with his base. It's the feelings narrative you want to live in thing.

It's possible there are some structure people in the dem base, as a weak memory perhaps, who will peel off now nevertheless.

For the feelings base, it's just another walls closing in on Trump thing. Something to anticipate!

Yancey Ward said...

"I would not be surprised if the “inside source” mentioned was orchestrated by Trump to provoke them into doing something this rash and stupid."

Were I in Trump's shoes, I know for a certainty I would be doing this. I would even plant outrageous material as "evidence" just to make them look even more fucking stupid. Of course, the joke would likely backfire as I got arrested and tried for killing Lincoln, Garfield, and Kennedy.

Freder Frederson said...

Like him or hate him, if you don’t by now realize Trump is the cleanest man in politics today, you’re delusional.

And then in the very next paragraph, you tell us that you are "100% certain" he is a criminal (not only that but everyone you know is certain of this).

How the fuck can both things be true?

gpm said...

>>Mr. Garland did not say how, or when, it became clear to his team that the 15 boxes of material turned over by Mr. Trump earlier this year was insufficient

They are *not* asking the judge to unseal the affidavit(s) that supposedly show the probable cause for the search warrant. It's probably doubtful that you can make any sense of the situation without those.


gpm said...

Or should I have said "judge magistrate"?


gilbar said...

Like him or hate him, if you don’t by now realize Trump is the cleanest man in politics today

i think that THAT is the source of the Trump Hatred. When the Deep State looked, and couldn't find any
traitorous dealings with enemy counties
racism (not a single pic of Trump in blackface, not to mention Trump in KKK robes

They realized that they had no hold on him.. And, Therefore; he was EVIL! and HAD TO GO
Hilary! Biden O'Bama; i'm sure they found plenty of dirt on them easy enough..
Therefore, Those people will do as they are told.

They say an honest politician is one that stays bought.. What do they cal one that's Not for Sale?

narciso said...

actually considering lisa monaco, and kristen clarke, the tail is likely wagging the dog

Milo Minderbinder said...

Ever heard of a motion to compel, judge?

One thing is abundantly clear. Garland is as clueless and manipulatable as was Jeff Sessions.

And that "confidential source"? No better way to get the FBI excited than to whisper in their ear, "all the goodies are hidden in Melania's lingerie chest."

boatbuilder said...

Either there was an ongoing negotiation over the declassification and return of documents, or the negotiations had reached an impasse--at which point the procedure would be to go to court and have a judge decide whether to order Trump to return the documents, or not. After hearing what Trump and his lawyers have to say.

The only "exigent circumstances" would be that there is something in those documents that the current administration is worried that Trump might make public. And even then a court order, rather than a raid, is the appropriate remedy.

And the idea that a search of the entire place is warranted under any circumstances is beneath the dignity of an argument.

Gusty Winds said...

Blogger Dave Begley said...
Trump will be indicted.

I think you're right Dave. We're already living in uncharted waters. Why expect to see land?

Shit's gettin' real.

YoungHegelian said...

I'm going to wade into Tin-Foil Hat space here, but bear with me, as I think it may be a fruitful speculation.

Yancy Ward said above:

My impression is that someone went off the reservation and Garland faced a choice- take the responsibility for approving the FBI raid, or look like a guy not in control of the DoJ.

I'm going to amplify this thought. My theory is that there is a group of DoJ, FBI, CIA, etc. agents who are now and have been for many years now running rogue operations. Notice how it's often the same people who are doing these things over and over? Why did they use some pipsqueek local magistrate for the warrant? Because they knew where he had the skeletons buried & they could get him to do what they needed. If they had gone to a responsible federal magistrate for the warrants, he would have told them to go fuck themselves. Unlike seemingly too many FISA judges, they probably didn't have the right federal judge on speed-dial.

I listened to Garland's speech today. He really, really didn't sound happy. Everyone at the WH is denying previous knowledge of the raid. I know that this is going to shock everyone here, but I believe them. This was a rogue operation and the DoJ, WH, rest of the FBI, etc are all playing a very stunned catch-up, which is why it took AG Garland 48 hours to come up with the most anodyne statement that "We're gonna release the warrants...".

For the Trekkies among us, I think what we have here is an analogue of Section 31. Hell, considering how geeky some of these people are, they may have explicitly modeled it after Section 31. For the non-Trekkies among us, a brief history.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Just to wander off into the conspiracy weeds for a minute:

What could make them so frantic?

Trump had classified documents relating to the theft of the 2020 election. We saw the raids for the laptop and the diary. Do you think they wouldn't think they had to do this in order to seize those?

Alternatively, he has classified documents relating to the Biden's overseas business dealings (you know they exist).

So, I wouldn't be at all surprised if Trump has "mishandled" some classified documents. I would have in his shoes. And I wouldn't be keeping them in my wife's closet, either.

Narayanan said...

Mason G said...
"But he cast his decision to approve the warrant as an exigent necessity."

Well, sure- the seized files include indisputable evidence that Garland molests squirrels. Look at that face- you just know he does.
his face could be proof that squirrels molest him back??!!!

Jupiter said...

“Where possible, it is standard practice to seek less intrusive means as an alternative to a search and to narrowly scope any search that is undertaken.'

Mr. Garland discovered that it was critically important to open Trump's safe, immediately, and arranged to do so. Fair enough.

But the safe was empty. Gosh, I guess someone made a boo-boo.

Freder Frederson said...

Trump almost certainly declassified any documents he took with him. It really is standard operating procedure, and he has eyewitnesses to this ready to testify about it.

I really hope this is true, and we get to see the documents he declassified.

But I don't think he is that smart.

Narayanan said...

Kevin said...
Trump pounces!
at 200+ lbs behold how nimble but not dainty :

effinayright said...

Michael K said...
It has now been all explained about this excitement about the raid (search).

It was those Nazi Trump supporters because Garland is Jewish.

In a Disqus comment I saw yesterday the theory was that Bolshevik Jewish Garland was only doing what Bolshevik Jews do naturally.

So...take yer pick.

Narayanan said...

Let's all thank Cocaine Mitch for keeping this KGB wannabe off the Supreme Court.
so why let him be approved for DOJ AG?

don't AG nominations also bear senate committee scrutiny?

Leland said...

It can't be about J6, because Pelosi said she learned of it the same time we did on her phone. Of course "on her phone" could mean we she called Garland to refer the complaint, and "same time we did" meant the media personality on the Today Show that she was answering. Otherwise, Pelosi said it wasn't her.

BUMBLE BEE said...

See Jesse Waters' show from 8/11/22 for the skinny on Garland. Garland wouldn't sign off on Unabomber raid. Must see it.

Freder Frederson said...

Maybe he decided that, if the IC won't let him declassify them, he will just publish them openly.

You want to bet on that (since apparently you have run away from your previous bet)? It might look very bad for him if he declassify documents for no good reason.

TickTock said...

Agree with Begley. Raid makes more sense if they are planning to indict. Likely on some charge relating to "false electors".

It's all about timing. At this point I would look for something to happen mid to late October. Though I'm not a constitutional lawyer, I can read the constitution and I doubt they can make anything stick on that charge. But a flare up to get sensational press suggesting that the DOJ thinks that Trump is undermining the constitution might help. So long it gets them thru the election it doesn't matter if it falls apart later. They'll have two years to come up with something else. Perhaps "don't charge horses while we're in the middle of a war." Of course the current horse is likely to be in an Alzheimer's ward by then, but if they successfully navigate November, I'm confident they'll find some way around that problem.

Wish I hadn't grown so cynical.

Gusty Winds said...

Here's the key with the 87K IRS agents and the upcoming indictment of Trump.

When you vote in Wisconsin, and I support these measures, you show your ID, then you sign, and a ballot number is written beneath your signature, then you get a ballot number, and you hand the ballot number over to another nice old lady, and you get a ballot with the number written on it. That's good chain of custody. But it is also traceability. Meaning...who you vote for is not a secret.

Remember when who you voted for was a respected private matter to make dinner parties, church, and bars more fun????

My point is, they not only want you to be afraid to support Trump publicly, they want to make you afraid to vote for him behind the curtain, or those that he has endorsed for Nov 2022. They are creating a heretic class. Heretics are not protected by the law.

It's Machiavellian, and it's brilliant. Takes complete and utter commitment to the cause.

Michael K said...

You want to bet on that (since apparently you have run away from your previous bet)? It might look very bad for him if he declassify documents for no good reason.

Attorney general Freder with his usual bullshit. It will take a while to find out what this is all about. Unlike you, I don't make snap judgements when people are trying to hide things.

The issue is that he has tried to declassify the Russian gate records and has been blocked by the Deep State. Maybe he is going to publicize them and see what happens. It might be an interesting debate. Also, it has no effect on his ability to run in 2024.

minnesota farm guy said...

I must admit that I am stunned that our government would actually engage in such a thing as this raid on Trump. I sincerely doubt that there was any justification for making the raid. I am convinced that appropriate negotiation and legal action would have secured anything that DOJ felt that it required. I absolutely do not believe that neither Garland nor Biden knew of this planned raid. I find it very hard to believe that any US Attorney, no matter of what party, would have the chutzpah to okay a raid on a past president without clearing it through the chain of command. This is a perfect example of the utter incompetence of this administration.

Freder Frederson said...

Hillary set up a private server and used it under everyone's noses to enrich her and her families coffers.

This is complete utter bullshit (and defamatory to boot).

Freder Frederson said...

Unlike you, I don't make snap judgements when people are trying to hide things.

Really?! Just yesterday you were willing to bet that the FBI was looking for whistleblower evidence.

Gusty Winds said...

Blogger YoungHegelian said...
I'm going to wade into Tin-Foil Hat space here, but bear with me, as I think it may be a fruitful speculation.

Yancy Ward said above:

My impression is that someone went off the reservation and Garland faced a choice- take the responsibility for approving the FBI raid, or look like a guy not in control of the DoJ.

I'm going to amplify this thought. My theory is that there is a group of DoJ, FBI, CIA, etc. agents who are now and have been for many years now running rogue operations. Notice how it's often the same people who are doing these things over and over? Why did they use some pipsqueek local magistrate for the warrant? Because they knew where he had the skeletons buried & they could get him to do what they needed.

Dude. You just settled the argument. Art imitates life.

Freder Frederson said...

I am convinced that appropriate negotiation and legal action would have secured anything that DOJ felt that it required.

What in Trump's well documented and extensive interactions with the legal system makes you believe that he would cooperate with anyone.

Carol said...

Gusty Winds wrote: Meaning...who you vote for is not a secret.

Remember when who you voted for was a respected private matter to make dinner parties, church, and bars more fun????

Sounds just like Montana's system only the stub with the ballot number on it is torn off right before you put the ballot in the scanner or secure ballot box. And the stubs are kept in a separate box.

So, no, no one can find out how you voted. Only that you did.

What in tarnation kind of banana republic system do you have there in Wisconsin?

Or did you overlook that last step Mr Winds?

FullMoon said...

Obviously after the Tom Arnold pee video and Omarosa N word recording. Right Inga, Fredor, Readering, Gadfly?

chickelit said...

As long as we're speculating about purloined files and documents--let me speculate that the files pertain to the JFK assignation. Trump promised to release these documents but never did. He also knows that the American public has an insatiable curiosity to know the answers to long-held secrets.

Freder Frederson said...

I find it very hard to believe that any US Attorney, no matter of what party, would have the chutzpah to okay a raid on a past president without clearing it through the chain of command.

You do realize, in a normal world (not Trumpworld), there is a firewall between the DOJ and the administration? The chain of command ends at the Attorney General. Clearing it through the White House would politicize it.

Of course, if it had been cleared through the White House you would be appalled that such a decision was subject to political interference.

Bob Boyd said...

We've reached a tipping point. The walls are closing in. It's the beginning of the end.

traditionalguy said...

The Party is still run by Obama. Merrick is another ChiTown Marxist like Obama that wants to implement a Cuban style tyranny here. It’s that simple.

boatbuilder said...

"I really hope this is true, and we get to see the documents he declassified."

Oh, sure you do.

"It might look very bad for him if he declassify documents for no good reason."

Is this concern trolling, or has fear paralyzed your brain?

Do you think the FBI/DOJ staged an unprecedented raid to get documents that Trump declassified "for no good reason?"

Freder Frederson said...

And let's kid ourselves here. If Bill Barr had served a similar warrant on Hillary, you would all think it was the best thing since sliced bread.

ken in tx said...

Note exactly what Garland said. He approved the seeking of a search warrant. He did not say he knew the warrant had been issued, or that he approved the search was to be carried out as an early morning raid as it was. I agree with others who think his statement today was an attempt to recover the illusion that the Justice Dept is under his control. I think there is a cadre of Trump haters there, chomping at the bit bring Trump down, by hook or by crook. They believe he's Hitler. Wouldn't you lie and cheat to bring down Hitler?

paminwi said...

Gusty Winds you are FOS! You get a voter number to say what number you are so at the end of the day they compare the number of ballots cast and how many people signed in/absentee ballots were processed. These numbers in total must match.
Your ballot is NOT numbered in any way. It is initialed by workers to verify that the ballot has been viewed and that there is nothing missing on the ballot. (In this just past primary they needed to verify there was printing on both sides of the ballot).
Your lying is disgusting

n.n said...

Raiders of the Lost Archive

Bob Boyd said...

Garland came across to me, listening on the radio, as angry and disgusted at having to submit to the demands of the American people for an explanation. How dare they question the doings of their government? His arrogant tone made me angry and disgusted.
This raid didn't happen in vacuum. Why should anyone trust him or any of his people?

paminwi said...

Carol: Gusty Winds is FOS AND A LYING A*SHOLE.
Ignore the moron.

Mutaman said...

Yancy Ward

"and he has eyewitnesses to this ready to testify about it."

“Same answer.”

Mike said...

The latest spin to come out of the revolving tumbler of horse manure that spews from Washington was that the Feebs were looking for something to do with nuclear weapons.

I mean listening to the FBI these days requires the same suspension of disbelief required when one goes to a play. Federal fantasia on Ice? Does Wray look good in a tutu?

wildswan said...

The middle is moving toward the opinion that there's governmental misconduct aimed at Trump and Republicans. The right has thought so for a long time and we welcome these new converts. We aren't going to keep saying "toldja so" nor or we going to dart deep into tinfoil hat territory. We're going to elect people who understand the danger. I do feel entitled to think that no Democrat except Joe Manchin will stand up the group running the Dem party and the intelligence community. After the election all Dems will go off their meds once again as far as policy goes. Gas will go up, inflation will roar upward, the police will be the bad guys once again, Fauci will order lockdowns. If 2016 was the Flight 93 election, 2022 is the Lucy's Football election.

Ficta said...

"Hillary set up a private server and used it under everyone's noses to enrich her and her families coffers."

Of course she did. If she wasn't trying to avoid FOIA disclosure of corruption, why on earth would she do it? Why would she delete thousands of emails before turning over the ones of her choosing and then bleach-bit the drives? JFC how naive do you have to be not to put 2 and 2 together to get 4? Biden used Hunter for the same purpose. What non mentally impaired person could possibly dispute these things?

Meade said...

minnesota farm guy said...
“I must admit that I am stunned that our government would actually engage in such a thing as this raid on Trump. I sincerely doubt that there was any justification for making the raid. I am convinced that appropriate negotiation and legal action would have secured anything that DOJ felt that it required. I absolutely do not believe that neither Garland nor Biden knew of this planned raid. I find it very hard to believe that any US Attorney, no matter of what party, would have the chutzpah to okay a raid on a past president without clearing it through the chain of command. This is a perfect example of the utter incompetence of this administration.“

Biden knew. Just like Obama knew in 2016. Absolute corruption.

Stephen said...

The interesting points are two.

First, he is asking for judicial permission not just to release the warrant, but also the return--that is, not just what was sought (and why) but what was found.

He would not make that offer unless he thought those documents would show that the request was strongly supported by probable cause, not unreasonably intrusive given Trump's failure to respond honestly or fully to less intrusive requests, and that the materials found confirmed the need for and value of the search.

Second, he has put the ball in Trump's court. The materials will be released unless Trump objects. But if Trump objects to releasing the warrant and return, can he or his defenders credibly continue to maintain that the search was lawless or unjustified?

Stay tuned.

Bob Boyd said...

Why even bother to ask questions of people who have lied and lied and continue to lie. They have no legitimacy to go after Trump or anyone for that matter. It is already established fact that the people, the agencies pursuing Trump have done far worse than anything they are pursuing Trump for. It is clear that they stand to lose everything if the reins of power change hands. They have no moral standing to be in these positions. None.

DINKY DAU 45 said...

Being an avid purveyor of a wager, I am laying odds opening at 5-1 the former president and his loyal followers will fight the release of the warrant for search of the resort. Stay tuned to watch the event unfold. It was 1st" WELL release the dang document" and then Garland said OK and then it's well now we are not going to do that. Tomorrow at 3:00 will tell the direction of this tale of two cities. If any of the nuclear tale of the event is true, you can bet they will fight release as it will not serve well. More conjecture until the KRACKEN is released. Release the freaking document there are people who do want to know what it states, what was taken and better yet what was found. Stop the theories get the facts release the KRACKEN and out the CI. It's not Mr. Mustard in the green room with the candlestick holder. We already played that game back in early 50's

Freder Frederson said...

Second, he has put the ball in Trump's court. The materials will be released unless Trump objects. But if Trump objects to releasing the warrant and return, can he or his defenders credibly continue to maintain that the search was lawless or unjustified?

Credibly? No. but can and will they, of course they will.

Unknown said...

Of course she did. If she wasn't trying to avoid FOIA disclosure of corruption, why on earth would she do it? Why would she delete thousands of emails before turning over the ones of her choosing and then bleach-bit the drives? JFC how naive do you have to be not to put 2 and 2 together to get 4? Biden used Hunter for the same purpose. What non mentally impaired person could possibly dispute these things?

Isn't it obviously way more convenient to setup your own server than use the email system provided by your employer.

Paul said...

Jersey Fled said...

"And then there is Biden. Blissfully ignorant of all of it."

It is called 'plausible deniability'!

The Godfather said...

Suppose that the only thing in Trump's Mara Lago safe was Hunter Biden's laptop? Would that be enough to get the feds interested in Hunter?

paminwi said...

Every federal lawyer I follow say the most important thing to see are the underlying affidavits for the search warrants. That will tell you who said what to make the judge sign off on the search warrants.
I believe them over any crazy media source right now.
And I believe them when they say those will not be released.

Unknown said...

Re: "Second, he has put the ball in Trump's court. The materials will be released unless Trump objects..."

If the reporting is accurate, Trump's lawyers already filed to have those materials unsealed. The main difference is that Trump's lawyers also want the affidavit supporting the warrant to be released as well, which Garland did *not* request.

In a few days, to great fanfare, we will learn that the FBI had a warrant to search Mar-a-Lago, and that they removed 15 boxes of documents.

And the DoJ will still refuse to even tell us what crime was alleged, much less what evidence they had.

Maynard said...

And let's kid ourselves here. If Bill Barr had served a similar warrant on Hillary, you would all think it was the best thing since sliced bread.

Fredo is in da house and shaken' his money maker!

Of course, Hillary had already been cleared by the FBI because she did not know she was breaking the law.

Maybe that's why she filed the DC bar exam.

realestateacct said...

Do you suppose Florida is planning to become a nuclear power?

StoughtonSconnie said...

I’ll put on the tinfoil hat to engage in a little speculation on a tangential issue, the question of the “informant”. Given where this was initially leaked (Newsweek I believe), I wouldn’t be surprised if we learn it’s a false flag to try to smoke someone out to testify to the J6 comedy, I mean committee. Desperate attempt to get someone to think “wait, if someone is talking, I better talk to cover my hinder.”

David Duffy said...

I live in a small town with very little crime. However, my next-door neighbor who I have lived next to for about 20 years, had his home broken into. Criminals went though his things, his wife's things, his children's things, stole what they could and left. I have never seen him show such hatred. An average middleclass guy emotionally turning into Dirty Harry.

The guys in my neighborhood all talked. We all own firearms. Of coarse, we all calmed down after that and our firearms are safe but ready. Thankfully, my shotgun has rested, unused with an occasion test fire and cleaning about every two years, in the same place for about 12 years.

They better have a good reason to tear through a man and his wife's stuff. They better be able to justify their violation.

AZ Bob said...

Forget the warrant, what I want to see is the affidavit in support of the warrant with what is alleged to be a crime and proof of a connection to Trump by way of testimony under oath.

chickelit said...

Isn't it obviously way more convenient to setup your own server than use the email system provided by your employer.

No, it isn’t. And I think most non-tech people would agree. But Hillary had seen how her husband’s administration had been affect by FOIA requests and thought she had outsmarted authority. She was wrong.

Jupiter said...

"Credibly? No. but can and will they, of course they will."

Freder, I don't know from my own experience, but I have read that when it retracts into your body like that, it will come back out if you put a couple drops of Louisiana hot sauce on the tip of it, the part you can still see. Sort of like a tick.

Saint Croix said...

I prefer the National Review reporting on this (citing the WaPo, which is paywalled)...

Recovered items that were improperly taken to Mar-a-Lago include a cocktail napkin, a birthday dinner menu, a phone list, charts, slide decks, letters, memos, maps, talking points, schedules and more, according to the report.

Forget the crackhead.

Forget the millions of dollars in dark money paid to Joe Biden's son, a piece of which went to "the big guy."

Forget trying to solve the mystery of who "the big guy" might be. (It's a riddle wrapped in an enigma surrounded by a unfathomable fog of a mystery).

We've got to recover those menus! Justice demands it!

Somebody get that magistrate on the phone who used to work for Jeffrey Epstein. You know the one. We need a warrant, stat, before the republic falls apart.

Could be anything in those boxes. Cocktail napkins. Nuclear launch codes.

And be sure not to wear your FBI logos on the back of your jackets like you assholes are always doing. We need to sneak in, super-quiet. Because, you know. Somebody might be watching and those Republicans are criminals. Thank God we are here to preserve the republic.

Do you get the menus? I want those fucking menus!

Saint Croix said...

Here's a New Yorker article that infuriated me. They mention Sandy Berger in that article (Clinton's National Security Advisor). Berger stole documents from the archives by shoving them down his pants.

But what really made me mad was the idea that if you can prosecute Trump for some pitty-pat crime, that means it's a good idea to do so. While you simultaneously don't investigate or arrest Hunter Biden!

It's the double-standard in the law that makes the DOJ and the FBI look so sketchy. One rule for Republicans who you hate, and another rule for Democrats that you like. That double standard is frickin' obvious to Republicans, and it's what has them in an uproar.

You can say that Trump is a genius for taking the documents without declassifying them first. But where he's really lucky is that his enemies are so stupid and incapable of ignoring him. They look devious, partisan, and sneaky, and all the Republicans rally around Trump (which is what he wants). Incredibly stupid.

All the Republicans who were thinking about running for president in 2024 are now saying that it took the wind out of their sails. The constant focus on Trump keeps him relevant and makes it highly likely that he will be the Republican nominee in 2024 and that he will win.

Jamie said...

If Bill Barr had served a similar warrant on Hillary, you would all think it was the best thing since sliced bread.

I'm sure you wish this were true. But in fact, if Barr had issued a warrant giving federal agents access to go anywhere and seize anything (rather than a properly constituted warrant limiting their scope of both search and seizure), I would have thought it was a shocking departure from legal and Constitutional norms. As this is, if in fact the agents at the scene were speaking accurately.

Saint Croix said...

And then there is Biden. Blissfully ignorant of all of it."

It is called 'plausible deniability'!

It's possible that Biden is a malevolent actor and he was behind all this for sneaky partisan reasons.

Frankly, I doubt it. It has to occur to even a nimrod like Biden that if Trump's home is ransacked and searched, the same shit can happen to him and his family. I know Biden is stupid. Is he that stupid?

I think it's far more likely that Biden is seen in his administration as clueless and out of it. They didn't bother telling him. I put this solely on that weasel in the DOJ.

It's highly likely that we'll see a red wave this November. Everybody knows that. Republicans should resist the urge to impeach Biden. Somebody has to remind the country what adults look like. But we can and should impeach the shit out of Merrick Garland. And succeed. That's another key point -- you want to succeed in an impeachment trial, not look impotent and helpless like the losers on the left. Pick the obvious target -- the guy who raided the president's home -- and fire his ass.

Original Mike said...

OK, Freder, why did Hillary set up her own server? And why did she erase it after it had been subpoenaed?

Rabel said...

It may be that the primary purpose of the raid was the raid itself.

Pure power play. Intruding into the man's home and his wife's bedroom.

Readering said...

Cult of Trump.

effinayright said...

Freder Frederson said...
Second, he has put the ball in Trump's court. The materials will be released unless Trump objects. But if Trump objects to releasing the warrant and return, can he or his defenders credibly continue to maintain that the search was lawless or unjustified?

Credibly? No. but can and will they, of course they will.

The REAL ISSUE is the underlying affidavits the DOJ/FBT presented to the low-level partisan judge to JUSTIFY the warrant. They will not be disclosed by the warrant itself.

THAT's where it gets interesting. The warrant on its face makes claims, but it had to have offered factual claims to support it.

effinayright said...

"He would not make that offer unless he thought those documents would show that the request was strongly supported by probable cause, not unreasonably intrusive given Trump's failure to respond honestly or fully to less intrusive requests, and that the materials found confirmed the need for and value of the search."


How do you KNOW these things?

Spitballin' ain't evidence let alone fact.

Saint Croix said...

Wouldn't you lie and cheat to bring down Hitler?

1. The glibness by which people call Trump (or Bush, or Rush Limbaugh, or the next guy) "Hitler" is absolutely appalling. Anytime somebody does this, Republicans should go ape shit and call them anti-Semites who don't take the Holocaust seriously. Many people on the left are, in fact, anti-Semites, so this point can and should be made over and over until low information voters understand that people on the left hate the Jews (and Israel).

2. Donald Trump's daughter and his son-in-law are both Jewish, so the "Hitler" charge was particularly odious and dishonest in his case.

3. We have an entire history of the Donald Trump presidency, and it is absolutely clear to everyone that not only did we not have a Holocaust, we didn't have World War 3 or any other Hitler moments.

4. Donald Trump is retired. He is out of power. Historically, the moment a bad president is out of power, people move on. What did we do once Bill Clinton was out of office? Nothing. He's retired. What did we do when George W. Bush is out of office? Nothing. He's retired. Nobody ought to give a shit anymore.

5. When you win an election and your opponents lose, you ought to be magnanimous. You can afford to be magnanimous. You don't have to spike the football. And you really don't have to spike the football on his head and then try to strangle him while you're screaming "We have to arrest him! He's Hitler! He's Hitler!"

6. You impeached him (fail), and then, after he's voted out of office, you insanely try to impeach him again! It's a double failure, of course.

7. After ignoring all the riots in American society (I'm sorry, "peaceful protests"), when there's one Republican riot you flip out and prattle on about how the world is about to end. If you weren't so blind to your own fucking riots you might recognize this J6 riot for what it was -- a political protest that got out of hand.

8. Republicans have been ignoring this kangaroo court show trial in the House, which is shockingly anti-Constitutional and anti-American. We've been remarkably patient about this. My attitude has been "surely they will get tired of this shit eventually."

9. The brazen raid on Trump's house is like the insane charge that he was a spy for Putin. It's evidence of a widespread irrationality on the left.

10. Republicans ought to also recognize that Donald Trump is an incredible attention hog. He hates being out of the limelight. The failure to declassify the docs before taking them is (consciously or subconsciously) an emotional "fuck you" to the other side. It reminds me of how the Clinton administration behaved when they left in 2000. I'm still open-minded on the subject of whether there were any shenanigans in the election count. Probably. See the election of 1960 or any other close election. It's entirely possible there were shenanigans and Trump was still outvoted.

11. (like Spinal Tap, I go to 11) What's remarkable (and kind of insane) is that Roe v. Wade was overruled, and yet it will be almost irrelevant in the election this November. Instead we're voting on Donald Trump. Again! He's retired, out of office, no power whatsoever. And yet here we are, in 2022, voting on how a retired president has been treated.

12. (worse than Spinal Tap) It's possible the Democrats are planning to arrest Trump as an "October surprise." We'll see how that works out for you.

Chris Lopes said...

"But I don't think he is that smart."

That's the mistake Hillary made. All the smartest told me he was a idiot, that Hillary's machine would be able to handle him. I was told this constantly and I believed them. Election night told me these people were clueless.

Trump is many things. Arrogant certainly. Narcissistic, absolutely. Has the emotional control of a 5 year old, obviously. Calling him stupid on the other hand, is actually quite dangerous.

Saint Croix said...

A prosecution of Trump for this "process crime" means people will give Garland a little slack when he decides not to bring charges for sedition.


Sedition is super-insane, cartoon show (like the J6 show trial in the House).

Sending in armed FBI agents to ransack the former President's house is a very serious breach in our Republic. Nobody, repeat nobody, will give Garland "a little slack" for trying to arrest Trump.

Political games are common in the House, and the Senate and the White House. They're supposed to do politics. (Often they suck at it).

To have prosecutors and FBI agents act in partisan fashion is a fucking nightmare. They're supposed to be completely neutral. Prosecutors nonetheless have discretion in who they prosecute. They don't have to arrest Trump (even if they think he's committed a crime).

What Republicans notice (we can't help but notice) is that crackhead and bag-holder Hunter Biden is still running around free. Nobody's invading his house. Nobody in the DOJ is investigating Biden for corruption, even though there is plenty of evidence of said corruption.

If Merrick Garland wants to save his job and not be hounded out of office in a few months, the best thing he could do right now is ask for a search warrant for Hunter Biden's house. That would shut up the Republicans right quick. (And make the DOJ seem far more even-handed).

PhilD said...

"Of course she did. If she wasn't trying to avoid FOIA disclosure of corruption, why on earth would she do it?"

As I remember it Comey, when he provided Clinton with a free 'stay out of jail card', declared that she did it because she is a moron who couldn't possibly be expected to understand the law.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Makes me think about the sealed FBI files on MLK. Upcoming potential release date means absolute solidarity of DOJ, President and congress is required to squash/censor release. It could cost dems severely if Trump were to win 2024.

Richard said...

Should have had somebody call Wray and tell him a bunch of teenage girl gymnasts were being molested at MaL. Would have been left alone for a decade.

Saint Croix said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Saint Croix said...

John Roberts: "We can't overrule Roe v. Wade. It will destroy our institution, the Supreme Court. It will cause a civil war in the country."

Donald Trump: "I'll suck all the attention out of the universe. Don't worry about it."

John Roberts: "You can't do that. This is Roe v. Wade. It's the one judicial opinion everyone knows. When we wrote Roe v. Wade, we radically transformed American society. Trying to reverse it, we'll upset so many people. We've already had a horrible sneaky person report the draft to the media. Our norms have already been shattered. All the newspapers are talking about us. It's the end of days."

Donald Trump: "Nah. I'll create a shit storm, some rinky-dink crime. It will drive them fucking bonkers. You watch. I got a menu here. It's classified, right? I'll take it, without declassifying it. They'll lose their fucking minds. And everybody will be talking about me. You know, the way it should be."

John Roberts: "This is very strange. You know, some crazy person tried to murder Brett Kavanaugh."

Donald Trump: "Nobody will remember that shit. The FBI came into my house! My beautiful house!"

wendybar said...

Garland looked like a hostage. He looked like he had a gun to his head and was forced to read a hostage demand.

Jaq said...

Neocons wonder why they have a recruiting crisis. Who wants to fight and maybe die for a banana republic? Meanwhile Biden’s provocations turn rivals into enemies, but not to worry, the doomsday clock doesn’t move when Democrats are in office so we are all safe.

Narayanan said...

The glibness by which people call Trump (or Bush, or Rush Limbaugh, or the next guy) "Hitler" is absolutely appalling
could they all be testicularly deficient?
Melania probably had some private sketches in her 'drawer' /drawer/

DINKY DAU 45 said...

I hope my wager is wrong on "not releasing the warrant documents" I am willing to sacrifice my ROI to ensure the documents get released for all to see to stop the conspiracies and misinformation guessing the armchair quarterbacks do. The former president said he will release the documents, that is a good start, but I will believe it when I see it. I'm thinking the statement "I will release" will be circumvented by the lawyers saying no we can't and therefore everything is covered. (I wanted to) We have seen it all before (I want to testify) but. Stay tuned for more of Will the Kraken fly. My handicapping says not, but through the decades my ROI has not always been on the plus side. Thus, the life of a gambler. No games release the freaking documents.

Narayanan said...

Do you get the menus? I want those fucking menus!
was Trump serving WhiteHouse ice-cream and sammiches? without EPA clearance? prior to USSC ruling ?

Drago said...

DINKY DAU 45: "I hope my wager is wrong on "not releasing the warrant documents"'

Your "wager" was already lost the moment you hit "publish".

But was a given because, and there's no way around this, you're you.

And of course you have zero desire to see any of the actual underlying affadavits used to get the BS "warrant" from Epstein's lawyer buddy and Clinton pal "magistrate "judge".

You ONLY want to see the hyped up Lie-Document where the feds write whatever they want.

This is a complete replay of the corrupted FISA warrant game used in the Russia Russia Russia Collusion Hoax.

The democraticals know their base voters extremely well.

Drago said...

Dinky Dau: "No games release the freaking documents."


A democratical collusion truther wrote that.

Just now.

As if the entirety of the last 7 years of democraticals hiding ALL relevant documents and lying publicly every single day about those documents had never occurred.

GRW3 said...

If two FBI agents had shown up with a warrant for the remaining documents, a cart to carry them and van to carry them off in, this would have been a nothing burger. They wanted a headline and they got it. They keep going back to the old "October Surprise" play book, expecting their target's support to fall off, and it just no-longer works (outside the beltway).

Can a new administration classify something a previous administration had de-classified? I assume so. I suspect that the real "nuclear bombs" are explosive information he has about the dealings of prominent Democrat politicians and donors. Somebody got tired of the reported arguing with Trump's lawyers about what should be classified and just told the FBI to go get it all. I expect video of agents rifling through Melania's bedroom shortly.

GRW3 said...

If two FBI agents had shown up with a warrant for the remaining documents, a cart to carry them and van to carry them off in, this would have been a nothing burger. They wanted a headline and they got it. They keep going back to the old "October Surprise" play book, expecting their target's support to fall off, and it just no-longer works (outside the beltway).

Can a new administration classify something a previous administration had de-classified? I assume so. I suspect that the real "nuclear bombs" are explosive information he has about the dealings of prominent Democrat politicians and donors. Somebody got tired of the reported arguing with Trump's lawyers about what should be classified and just told the FBI to go get it all. I expect video of agents rifling through Melania's bedroom shortly.

Inga said...

Why has Trump not released the search warrant and list of things taken yet? He said he demands they be released NOW. So what is he waiting for?

Bruce Hayden said...

First of all, don’t expect the warrant, or the supporting affidavits to show much. Andrew McCarthy explained the game federal prosecutors play with search warrants: they come up with something that they will likely find there, then, while “searching” for that, will scoop up anything they find along the way that is illegal. That, of course was the real reason for the search warrant, but they couldn’t show probable cause for a search warrant for that, so went with something they could find. McCarthy explained it as a normal everyday sort of thing. To most of us, including many lawyers, it is fundamentally dishonest, and shows the rot at the DOJ.

This time, I think that there may be three levels:
1) the avowed purpose is something fairly non controversial, like the National Archives dispute.
2) Congress (Pelosi, Schifty, etc) need higher and higher level targets, as their investigation fizzles out into embarrassment.
3) I think that it is significant that former acting AAG for National Security Mary McCord, along with her former head of counterintelligence both spoke out on possible violations of the Espionage Act. No - Trump didn’t take documents concerning nuclear weapons with him. That’s just a silly diversion. What he did take with him was a lot of material showing that Crossfire Hurricane was exceedingly corrupt. Both of them were in the approval chain for the 4 fraudulently acquired FISA warrants on Carter Page, with McCord’s being probably right below that of the AG or DAG. Kash Patel has stated that he was there when Trump ordered the documents declassified, and we have a memo from Mark Meadows to that effect. Yet they haven’t been formally declassified, a year and a half later. These documents were, I believe the real target of the raid. I think that the FBI, in particular wants them back, for their own safety.

Why the full SWAT raids and arrests of Trump and his accomplices? Same as for jailing the alleged J-6 “conspirators without bail, etc. For the in terrorem effect. They want us to know that they have the power to really screw up our lives, with seeming impunity, and a SWAT raid, pursuant to a weak search warrant on Trump’s MAL says to all of us, that if Trump isn’t safe from them, then none of us are.

It sounds a bit juvenile, and is blowing back politically big time. So, why did they do it? Because they could, and the adults aren’t in charge. Biden himself wasn’t capable of running in 2020, and their attempts at pretending that he is capable of running the country is an international joke. Yet, they persist, because it gives them power. We don’t know who is really issuing the orders in the WH, but the cabal doing so has shown essentially zero wisdom. What we do know is that, for the most part, government agencies and departments are doing pretty much what they want, with little, if any, WH oversight. Maybe the US Attorney in charge of the warrant informed his boss, the AG, or even the WH, but in the later case, it is easy to believe that their response was “great!” Serves Trump right for getting in our way, not seeing that their allowing the FBI to violate basic norms would likely have consequential results long run.

hombre said...

How forthright of DOJ sleazebags to ask the judge to unseal the records the day after motions by Trump and Judicial Watch to do so.

It does give the leftmediaswine an opportunity to pretend for their chump readers that Garland and his buttonpeople are ethical, but mark my words, the disclosures will be incomplete! They can't help themselves.

Bruce Hayden said...

“I hope my wager is wrong on "not releasing the warrant documents" I am willing to sacrifice my ROI to ensure the documents get released for all to see to stop the conspiracies and misinformation guessing the armchair quarterbacks”

I think that you are very naĂŻve (or disingenuous) to think that the documents sought in the warrant were the real target of the raid. As I pointed out in my previous comment, search warrants are routinely sought by prosecutors and police for what they know they can find, giving them a chance to really be searching for what they can not provide probable cause for. Then, when they found the (for example) Crossfire Hurricane documents in Melania’s underwear drawer, they can claim they found it inadvertently during a lawful search. The FBI really couldn’t have gone to a magistrate like they did, even one as compromised as the one they picked, with something as explosive as Presidentially ordered declassified Crossfire Hurricane documents, on the grounds that the bureaucrats had overridden the person with plenary declassification authority. Indeed, the fact that the magistrate judge didn’t kick it up to a real Article III judge is suggestive that the actual search warrant was probably pretty innocuous.

Now, I don’t know what the search warrant ostensibly or really sought, but am betting that they weren’t the same. Which is to say that I don’t think that seeing the actual warrant and supporting documentation is going to help that much in determining what the FBI was really up to when they raided Trump’s MAL.

minnesota farm guy said...

@ Freder
1. I did not say Trump would not resit as he has every right to do. I said that appropriate legal action would have secured what the FBI had a "legal right" too.

2. Garland, the AG, is in the chain of command of which the president is the top.Garland's first response was that he knew nothing about the warrant. After consideration of how incompetent that made him look he had to admit that he knew. There is no way to know, but I will argue that the AG would have checked in with the White House before instituting an unprecedented raid on Trump. If he didn't he should be fired because he is out of control, and as the sign said on Harry Truman's presidential desk " The buck stops here".

Drago said...

Russia Collusion Truther and Hillary Hoax Dossier Dead Ender Inga: "Why has Trump not released the search warrant and list of things taken yet? He said he demands they be released NOW. So what is he waiting for?"


Inga now officially at least 24 hours behind failed New Soviet Democratical fall back talking points!

A typically lazy Inga "response".

Things Inga will "discover" later this fall but will not understand: The warrant was sealed (how helpful for the DOJ/FBI plotters) and the loathsome Garland is only calling for the Lie-filled warrant to be released and not the underlying affidavits where all the liars and their lies would be exposed.

If you are wondering to yourself: Hey, isn't this the exact same hoax-y playbook the New Soviet Democraticals pulled in the Russia Russia Russia Collusion hoax, the lies to the FISA courts, the phone call to Ukraine, the phone call to Raffensberger's corrupted Zuckerburg funded GA SOS, well.

The answer is yes.

And it will always work on the Inga's of the world.

But only every single time.

Next up for the New Soviet Democraticals (and I s*** you not, democraticals are calling for these!):
- We need to dig up Ivana's grave because thats where some of these "stolen" papers are "hidden".
- It's a payoff to the Saudi's and needs to be investigated!!!

At some point you come to realize that these sickos, like Inga, simply cannot help themselves and that people like them have been with us always but society in general kept most of these functional idiots at bay.

No longer.

Jim at said...

And let's kid ourselves here. If Bill Barr had served a similar warrant on Hillary, you would all think it was the best thing since sliced bread. - Fraud Denier Freder

For the umpteenth time, you leftists still don't get the point we're making.

In case you forgot, Barr didn't serve a warrant on Hillary for something far worse than what Trump is alleged to have done.

What can't you motherfuckers get that through your heads?

alanc709 said...

Inga- you're an idiot. Trump doesn't have anything to release, because A). They specifically pulled the raid while Trump was elsewhere and B). Didn't get the Trump lawyers present a copy of the warrant or any list of the items they took. How could you possibly think otherwise. On a related note, is it just my perverse sense of humor, or is anyone else struck by how ironic it is that the federal government is trumping up charges on someone actually named Trump?

FullMoon said...

Occasional calls for a list of things taken. Why in the world would anyone expect a genuine list? Many expect planted extra evidence. Many expect missing exculpatory evidence.
At this level of years long government harassment, only a fool would expect governmental honesty.

As someone else said previously, a big time builder in New York city has to deal with organized crime, govt inspectors, and politicians in order to get things done.

With all that, they have yet to pin a mediocre crime on the guy.

Inga said...

The search warrant shows that Trump is under investigation for violation of the Espionage Act, among others, chew on that one.

“Penalties for Espionage
If you are convicted of gathering and delivering defense information in order to aid a foreign government, you could be sentenced to life in prison or face a death sentence. Economic espionage can also lead to 15 years imprisonment and a fine up to $5 million.”

FullMoon said...

Inga hopes for life in prison or death for a former president for-something or other.So she can say"I told you so"

Drago said...

Russia Collusion Truther and Hillary Hoax Dossier Dead Ender Inga: "The search warrant shows that Trump is under investigation for violation of the Espionage Act, among others, chew on that one."


Yes, everyone across the globe knows there is literally no limit to the lies you idiots will concoct and your deep state pals scurry about to make true.


Hey, why not?

They probably chose it via dartboard.

DINKY DAU 45 said...

My wager on the former president's crew releasing the warrant details failed at 5-1, they did release it. Win some, lose some, the life of a gambler. My ROI will drop slightly. Once the Justice Department announced it wouldn’t stand in the way of releasing the search warrant for Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home, the president’s allies shifted tack, calling for the immediate release of more detailed information. That’s not likely to happen.

The Justice Department will want to keep an underlying affidavit for the warrant sealed to protect the investigation and any sources or classified information, former prosecutors said. It’s also not up to DOJ to decide whether to share something filed under seal -- as with the warrant, the department would have to make a request in court.

It would be highly unusual to see that affidavit now, let alone at any point before someone is formally charged. (That may be coming soon)

“If there are sources close to Trump who are providing that information, the department is going to be very careful about outing those sources,”

trump posted overnight on his social media site, Truth Social, that he wouldn’t oppose releasing those documents; he’s had copies since the search took place and could make them public at any time. The show continues as the North and the South strengthen up their battlements. One already dead in OHIO trying to kill FBI agents from the inflamed, as usual. Rhetoric being flung. Par for the course, the crying is loud, the twisted are getting more contorted, must be a horrible way to exist? The question is the Rat Melania or the Kuch? Can you imagine check in at the resort now. MANY PEOPLE SAY.

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