August 9, 2022

"Meet Dark Brandon. Over the past few weeks, Democrats have attempted to co-opt... the 'Let’s go, Brandon' meme...."

"Rob Flaherty, the White House’s director of digital strategy... tweeted an image of Biden smiling with red eyes, his hair haloed against a dark background.... 'Dark Brandon said "here’s the deal" and then there was a deal,' wrote Megan Apper, a senior adviser in the Bureau of Global Public Affairs at the State Department.... Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) posted an image of Dark Brandon after the Senate approved the sweeping Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, which includes a number of key Biden priorities.... [Deputy White House press secretary Andrew Bates] tweeted a meme that placed Biden — with facial hair and an eye patch — on the movie poster for 'The Dark Knight.' ... Conservative commentators pointed to the background of the poster, saying it included an image of an eagle that was used as a Nazi symbol.... But Tobin Stone, who says he created the meme, said... 'The eagle is not, and was never intended to be the Reichsadler'... White House officials said they wanted to tap into the zeitgeist and saw an opportunity to draw attention to the successes they had last week...."

Sure, why not? Tap into the zeitgeist! The zeitgeist is fascism, right? Look at all those comic book movies, that's what people want, you're saying — I get it! — fight crime with superpowers. The Dark Knight, the Dark Brandon... the kids'll love it. 


Lloyd W. Robertson said...

So who's more likely to race to establish a violent father-figure who treats us like babies, the left or the right?

Jupiter said...

"The zeitgeist is fascism, right?"

No, the zeitgeist is totalitarianism.

RideSpaceMountain said...

I thought I'd seen everything, but then I found out democrats are actually trying to rehabilitate the image of a president even they hate.

Also, the left still can't meme. Again. Still.

Michael K said...

Well, the Democrats now have a fair claim to the Fascist title. I wonder if they know they have the midterm elections fixed ? Why be so blatant?

Readering said...

Hope he keeps doing stuff to warrant the meme.

ConradBibby said...

Is "Dark Brandon" an attempt to emulate Trump's success as a send-up of a comic book villain? Because it seems like a pretty big departure from Biden's promise to be a "normal"-"dignified"-"presidential" leader.

Perhaps Biden's handlers are looking at poll numbers showing something like 85-90% disapproval among 20-somethings. Let's make him look cool to the yutes!

Gusty Winds said...

This is a joke like the stupid Time Magazine cover with the shades on. It's all propaganda.

Some staffer did this Dark Brandon meme and included a Reich Eagle as the focus, and Biden wearing and eye patch. I’m guessing the Reich Eagle was a Freudian Slip, or the staffer doesn't even know what it is.

It’s actually pathetically hilarious on Twitter when the left tries to Meme. They're just not good at it. Nothing original. Nothing clever. Even “Dark Brandon” is a childish grade school playground “I know you are, but what am I?” retort.

The left isn't even funny anymore. Late night TV. Shit Memes.

It's over people. Drink more beer. But don't drink with liberals. They're not any fun.

hombre said...

Nah! Al Zawahiri died four years ago. That explosion is a Sudanese aspirin factory recycled from the Clinton Blowjob Era.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

87,000 IRS agents. Leftists cheer!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Dark Biden
Considering Crook Biden's miserable, inept, heartless and stupid exit from Cheney's war in Afghanistan - it works.

Achilles said...

You really have to be a fucking idiot to be a democrat.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The left are the new Soviets. That image seals it.


Judge Who Approved Mar-A-Lago Raid Was Obama Donor, Linked to Jeffrey Epstein.

Christopher B said...

“You have this very exaggerated image of a very ‘evil Biden,’ but also, his ability to mobilize these public intellectual zombies in an image is also kind of funny because it has long been China’s accusation of the U.S. government, that the U.S. is using folks like public intellectuals and scholars within China to carry out ‘peaceful evolution,’” Victor Shih, associate professor at UC San Diego, told POLITICO.

That’s right – it comes from China. Specifically, by an artist named Yang Quan, who sought to portray Biden in a negative light in early 2022.

Joe Smith said...


LilyBart said...

Trying to suggested this decrepit, dementia-addled man is some dark super hero is more than ridiculous.

madAsHell said...

Joe Biden becomes a super-hero.

His super power is Dementia, and he grows more powerful by the day.

mccullough said...

Trump is better at this stuff.

Charlie said...

You have his word as a Brandon.

gilbar said...

Tobin Stone, who says he created the meme, said...
'The eagle is not, and was never intended to be the Reichsadler'...

Here's what they taught gilbar, in his mandatory harassment classes..
It doesn't matter, in the LEAST; what You intended by your comment; What MATTERS is how it was taken

But, to move on; WHAT is it; that Biden is WINNING, with ALL THIS WINNING?
They're Bragging that they've spent, ANOTHER Trillion dollars?
They're Bragging that Al-Qaeda is STILL active?
They're Bragging that democrats control the deep state?
all seem like they'll be Very Effective

FleetUSA said...

They are tempting the football crowds, etc to go back to the origin of the chant, i.e. F J B.

Old and slow said...

" Blogger Achilles said...

You really have to be a fucking idiot to be a democrat."

You would think so, wouldn't you? And yet, I know many not just ostensibly smart, but demonstrably smart people who vote D. I can't understand it, but I wish I could. Emotions, aesthetics, and a virtuous self image that demands it I suppose. Not so smart huh? Humans aren't always so simple as we would like. I made a rude comment to you in another post and subsequently deleted it. If you saw it, I just wanted to let you know that I regretted my haste.

wendybar said...

They are changing the definition of RAID now. OOPSIE....Their little raid on Trump is backfiring on them.

Lurker21 said...

"Dark Brandon" dials the "American Carnage" up to 11, and his fans love it.

n.n said...

Democracy is aborted at the twilight fringe. h/t WaPoo

gadfly said...

It is of course well known that careless talk costs lives, but the full scale of the problem is not always appreciated.

For instance, at the very moment that Arthur said, "I seem to be having tremendous difficulty with my lifestyle," a freak wormhole opened up in the fabric of the space-time continuum and carried his words far, far back in time across almost infinite reaches of space to a distant galaxy where strange and warlike beings were poised on the brink of a frightful interstellar battle.

The two opposing leaders were meeting for the last time.

A dreadful silence fell across the conference table as the commander of the Vl'hurgs, resplendent in his black jeweled battle shorts, gazed levelly at the G'Gugvuntt leader squatting opposite him in a cloud of green sweet-smelling steam, and, with a million sleek and horribly beweaponed star cruisers poised to unleash electric death at his single word of command, challenged the vile creature to take back what it had said about his mother.

The creature stirred in his sickly broiling vapour, and at that very moment the words, "I seem to be having tremendous difficulty with my lifestyle" drifted across the conference table.

Unfortunately, in the Vl'hurg tongue, this was the most dreadful insult imaginable, and there was nothing for it but to wage terrible war for centuries.

Eventually, of course, after their galaxy had been decimated over a few thousand years, it was realised that the whole thing had been a ghastly mistake, and so the two opposing battle fleets settled their few remaining differences in order to launch a joint attack on our own galaxy---now positively identified as the source of the offending remark.

For thousands more years the mighty ships tore across the empty wastes of space and finally dived screaming onto the first planet they came across---which happened to be Earth---where due to a terrible miscalculation of scale the entire battle fleet was accidentally swallowed by a small dog.

Those who study the complex interplay of cause and effect in the history of the universe say that this sort of thing is going on all the time, but that we are powerless to prevent it.

'It's just life,' they say.

--- Douglas Adams, "The Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy", Chapter 31.

RoseAnne said...

Part of the reason I am less alarmed by yesterday's news is that the Biden Administration is one of the most incompetent. Some administrations are bad in the public sphere but work together well internally. Half the time Biden's people set each other up for failure out of sheer incompetence. That any effort was put into this meme shows they just don't get it.

JK Brown said...

The Democrats in the White House took Chinese anti-Biden propganda, filtered through 4-Chan to create this Dark Biden.

Scott Adams commented in 2016 about Hillary finally getting a good label when Democrats kept calling Trump "dark".

Christopher B said...

Blogger Readering said...
Hope he keeps doing stuff to warrant the meme.

Scratch a leftie, and you'll find a totalitarian.

Ann Althouse said...

"Scott Adams commented in 2016 about Hillary finally getting a good label when Democrats kept calling Trump "dark"."

Good point. I remember that.

Jamie said...

Wow. This is the best way they could think of to "rehabilitate" the president?

If you're in middle school and people call you Four-Eyes, you can "own" that, have a t-shirt made, say "That's me, Four Eyes - so much better than your inadequate two!" And it might be worthwhile for your own self-esteem... but it won't help you to get reelected or maintain your party's control of Congress, two things that depend utterly on how you're seen by the public.

I get that it's an attempt to recapture that Cocaine Mitch energy. But Cocaine Mitch could work because it was so at odds with the appearance and behavior of the Murder Turtle - it was funny because McConnell was so boring in his manner, so methodical in his process.

Here, on the other hand, we have Biden, who yells at reporters and ordinary members of the public that he doesn't like, fondles little girls and young women, curses, flagrantly lies, and whose administration runs one-sided, over-produced "hearings" that act exactly like show trials, pushes Orwellian-named bills like the "Inflation Reduction Act" in which the single largest line item is "energy security and climate change" while still disallowing drilling on the public lands as well as including a huge corporate tax increase that must needs be passed on to consumers - as people watch their wages buy less and less, and now conducts a raid on a political opponent, the pretext for which "can" only be stated in vague terms because "the material is too sensitive to be shared publicly."

In short - Dark Brandon is not a comic take or caricature. It's an all-too-realistic portrait. Ha. Ha. Ha. Uh....

Jim at said...

If Biden was actually doing a decent job, they wouldn't have to trot out bullshit like this.

TheOne Who Is Not Obeyed said...

Calling a preternaturally white-skinned man "dark" is clearly apropriation of POC "darkness", which is the fundamental essence of white supremacy. Dark Brandon is nothing more and nothing less than racism, straight up.

Lurker21 said...

"Dark Brandon" is actually repurposed Chinese anti-Biden propaganda. The original painting by Yang Quan portrays Biden in comic book or Game of Thrones terms, sitting on a throne of guns and with glowing, but strangely dead, eyes.

It also recycles the idea of an unpredictable mad dog US liable to lash out violently in any direction. So yes, it's very different from the decent, empathetic, mature, responsible Biden we were promised, but could it be closer to Joe's real nature?

Narayanan said...

Dark Brandon >>> BlackFace or extreme tan

Beasts of England said...

Dork Brandon is such a badass that Dr. Jill has to help him put on his sport coat. lol

PM said...

"Dark" in the theatre sense.

Darkisland said...

Someone did this to Ted Cruz during the 2016 campaign. Tatted him up and made him a bad boy.

It seemed to help him.

Looking at the picture just now, I was struck by how much it looks like Hunter Biden. Except Hunter has no tattoos.

The excuse about the National Socialist eagle doesn't fly, either. Too closely associated. What's next, a swastika? But do it backwards and say that it is the Indian symbol, not the National Socialist version?



alanc709 said...

Ok, we've had the Reichstag fire (Jan 6), Krystallnacht (BLM/antifa riots), the FBI has outed themselves as the Gestapo, so all that's left is the Night of the Long Knives, and the best the Dems can meme is an outright connection to this?

Joe Smith said...

'If Biden was actually doing a decent job, they wouldn't have to trot out bullshit like this.'

The people running the country are kicking conservatives' asses.

Look at all the spending.

Biden doesn't know where he lives, but that doesn't matter.

The left is winning and the right is standing still, or worse yet, talking about 'principles.'

Wake up...

Aggie said...

I couldn't say whether Joe is 'Dark' or not, but I would certainly agree he's dimmed compared to what he was 20 years ago. Of course, 'Dark' is the opposite of 'Bright', and we all know how that one pans out, in this particular case.

Kate said...

Blowing shit up while eating an ice cream cone. It's a cool image, to give them credit.

Someone actually died in that explosion. It's like when Hillary cackled that Qaddafi was dead, sodomized by a broom handle and dragged through the street. The Dems find really disturbing things to be funny.

cfs said...

"Dark Brandon" makes me think of the "Winter of Death" Biden promised us last year. I think this winter, he actually plans to deliver on his promise. I just don't think this is as great a look as the left thinks it is. Proving once again that the left can't meme.

n.n said...

Nazis subscribed to a Pro-Choice ethical religion. They practiced progressive economics (e.g. single/central/monopolistic solutions) through redistributive change. They exercised liberal license to indulge diversity [dogma] (i.e. color judgment, class-based bigotry). They alleged white... Jew privilege in order to normalize color... blocs of color. They pitted woman against man... mother against baby... people of Aryan against Jew. They invoked Mengele mandates to prescribe medical, surgical, psychiatric, and social corruption. They relieved burdens for social, redistributive, clinical, political, and fair weather causes. They held witch hunts, performed warlock trials, and organized other politically motivated select committees. The left-wing memes are no longer viable. Long live the left-wing memes.

Rusty said...

" Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker said...
87,000 IRS agents. Leftists cheer!"
Now. They are only there to keep our billionaires in line. And if you believe that then you voted for Biden and should have your address pinned to your shirt.

JPS said...

These people would have tried to turn Jimmy Carter into a memetic badass, had they and the internet been around in the late '70s.

n.n said...

Brandon Spring before the Fall.

Michael K said...

The left is winning and the right is standing still, or worse yet, talking about 'principles.'

Wake up...

Talk to Zuckerberg about that. "Winning" by cheating is what they do best. I grew up in Chicago. I kept a ten dollar bill behind my drivers' license. I moved to Los Angeles to go to college. I got stopped by the LAPD for some traffic thing. The cop found the ten dollar bill and gave me a lecture. That was the days before LA was corrupt. When "Dragnet" was true.

wendybar said...

Dark times from an asshole who doesn't know where he is, or whether he shook Schumers hand 5 seconds before.....

Static Ping said...

The basic problem here is Trump, for all his foibles, is energetic, charismatic, and successful, and has a hot wife and a lovely set of children. He is driven to win and wins a lot. People want to be Trump. Trump is cool. Even when he is acting like a jerk, like cheating on his wife, he's cheating on his wife with super hot women.

Biden, on his best day, was an idiotic bully whose only skills were politics and graft, who espoused one failed government policy after another but learned nothing, and who regularly plagiarized his own life story from other people. Now he is senile idiotic bully who reads teleprompter instructions unironically, seems incapable of taking care of himself half the time, regularly hides from the public, and seems to believe his own lies. He is bossed around by his self-important wife and the occasional Easter Bunny, and his children have serious problems that tie back to him. No one wants to be Biden.

You can make a loser cool, but you need to have something to work with. The only way to make Biden cool is to lie to yourself.

Leland said...

I expect the FJB chants at NCAA games to be even louder this year.

tommyesq said...

We are governed by f**king children.

TheOne Who Is Not Obeyed said...

"The left is winning...."

Winning what? Winning how? So they finally got their watered down spending bill passed on a party line vote. That's a Pyhriic victory at best, and they're spinning it as a win as fast as possible because their radical, America hating base thinks it's a loss.

Maybe they're winning Afghanistan? Ok, the US militayr killed Zawahri. Chalk 1 up for the administration, since the press is spinning it like Biden went in and did it himself with his bare hands.

What else are the liberals winning? Winning in Ukraine? Winning in Taiwan? How about with the Norks? Winning against inflation? Winning on the southern border? Winning in "right track/wrong track" numbers? Winning in consumer sentiment? Winning in interest rates? Winning in the upcoming midterm elections? Winning on CRT in the schools? Winning on trans domination? Winning on covid?

I don't see a lot of winning. Which is why the Dems and their brainless leaders' polls are in the Carter layer.

RunnerJeffM said...

Uh, Dark Brandon, I think you dropped your sunglasses.

Yancey Ward said...

The problem with the meme is that it is built around Joe Biden, who pretty much every one knows is as dumb as a pile of dogshit, even if they won't admit it.

Duke Dan said...

So, no more Ultra MAGA?

Joe Smith said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Joe Smith said...

'Winning what? Winning how?'

Let me be more succinct.

My definition of winning is getting everything you want.

pious agnostic said...

Came here to say that the Left can't meme, and see that I'm not the first.

Didn't stop me, though. I cannot be said enough.

nbks said...

#DarkBrandon is the new term for when an elderly person poops himself.

"Oh no, grampa Dark Brandon'd himself again."

MikeD said...

Tell me again why the Left can't meme while not telling me the Left can't meme. I'm gonna hit "publish", tho' I'm more than certain this sentiment has already been expressed numerous times.

wildswan said...

Hunter, I am your father.

chuck said...

'The eagle is not, and was never intended to be the Reichsadler'

That's what a NAZI would say. I know a dog whistle when I see one.

Readering said...

Funnier than any of these comments, at least.

n.n said...

Wars, abortion fields, capital punishment without borders, [catastrophic] [anthropogenic] immigration reform, redistributive and retributive change, invasion by remote, forcing under plausible pretense whole populations to take a knee, abandoning women and girls in darkness, unbacked allegations of diversity, what are they good for? It's an ethical, ethical, ethical, ethical world.

Butkus51 said...

I love it when they analyze Putin these days. His ear lobes. His gait. He shifts his weight often when standing. He has mustard on his left finger.

Joe? Nothing to see here.

I died 12 years ago and im in purgatory.

Thats the only logical explanation left.

Thats why Inga is here, I just know it.

Its worse than they said it was.

Much worse.

Yancey Ward said...

Ah, poor, poor, Readering- not liking people laughing at Dork Brandon.

Rusty said...

Michael K said...
"The left is winning and the right is standing still, or worse yet, talking about 'principles.'

Wake up...

Talk to Zuckerberg about that. "Winning" by cheating is what they do best. I grew up in Chicago. I kept a ten dollar bill behind my drivers' license. I moved to Los Angeles to go to college. I got stopped by the LAPD for some traffic thing. The cop found the ten dollar bill and gave me a lecture. That was the days before LA was corrupt. When "Dragnet" was true."

You're older than me. In my day it was a twenty. I remember the first time I got stopped and I was fumbling around for my twenty and the cop said, " You really don't know how this works, do you?" Those were wild times.

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