August 19, 2022
"In past columns, we have discussed the litany of 'slam dunk' crimes that Harvard Law professor Laurence Tribe has declared as established against former President Donald Trump..."
"This week, Tribe insisted... that Trump yet again is facing a 'slam dunk' criminal conviction over the raid on Mar-a-Lago.... Just last month, Tribe declared Trump clearly guilty of the attempted murder of Vice President Mike Pence on January 6, 2021. Tribe again insisted that the case could be prosecuted 'without any doubt, beyond a reasonable doubt, beyond any doubt, and the crimes are obvious.' I guess there is no doubt. There is also no compelling legal basis for the claim. Nevertheless, Tribe promised more if needed: 'There are other crimes that have been proven. Those are plenty to start with.'
It is a curious thing that none of these prior 'proven' crimes have been charged...."
Yeah, but it's the right that is deplorable and crazy and breaking norms.
But Tribe is useful as an indicator, venting the prog id. Trump's very existence, and by implication ours, is a proven crime.
See "Neil Young pulls his music from Spotify because Joe Rogan chats about weird COVID theories."
Old people often lose the ability to distinguish between hypotheticals and nuances, and they become extreme. That's why they retire before they die. Lifelong partisans such as Lawrence Tribe need no encouragement for dropping nuances from their thinking.
Some years ago I saw video clip of an old lady push for banning gasoline because a few people die each year pumping it at stations. IIRC, it was a trick question on the Phil Donahue show. And don't get me started about how many people are fooled into supporting a ban of the terribly dangerous poison dihydrogen monoxide.
These people vote and hold power.
"I have here in my hand a list of 205—a list CRIMES by Donald Trump!!"
This is circumstantial evidence which in a court of law can be treated as the same as direct evidence.
How many times, will the walls be closing in?
Hi! I'm Laurence Tribe! You may remember me from such features as Two Weeks: We've got him this time I swear on my mother and Who's Afraid Of The Boy Who Cries Constantly About The Big Bad Wolf. I've been hired by my paymasters to tell you yet again about how the walls are closing in around Donald Trump and also how I have no dignity because the shame of being a paid stooge is my fetish. Tune in next week when I'll be telling you all about how sure I am of Trumps guilt while my leftist colleagues flagellate my asscheeks as I tow them around in a vegan leather harness tied to a rickshaw.
There was a video recently of a protester holding an "Arrest Trump" banner. The man was ranting about Trump's "many proven crimes. When asked to provide examples, he hemmed and hawed for a moment, and then said "I'm finished talking now."
Slam Bunk.
10/10 for lawyer humor.
Harvard Law needs to discount its prices until they can provide a better product. If they were a company; I'd say a recall of defective degrees and transcripts was in order.
Tribe represents the collective thinking of the entirety of NeverTrump/NeverDesantis/NeverRepublican/AlwaysDemocratical.
By tomorrow, David French will pen a column entitled The Conservative Case for Why Lawrence Tribe Is The Most Conservative Legal Pundit In America. Max Boot will declare Tribe the New William F. Buckley and Andrew McCarthy will write a column in National Review Online vouching for the honesty, integrity and solid reasoning skills of Tribe.
Ridiculing Laurence Tribe’s dopey pronouncements is increasingly like hunting cows.
Tribe again insisted that the case could be prosecuted 'without any doubt, beyond a reasonable doubt, beyond any doubt, and the crimes are obvious.'
He didn't get the name Lost Tribe for nothing. Interesting factoid: Many moons ago Lost Tribe gave up his leadership position with the Hekawi Tribe to become a teacher of law at Harvard Law School. HLS was looking for quality teachers.
It is a curious thing that none of these prior 'proven' crimes have been charged....
“Curiouser and curiouser!”
I don't think Tribe is considering the poor reputation of "slam dunk" in our nation's recent cultural history.
Who among us has time for Lawrence Tribe?
Tribe seems to be suffering from "legal dysphoria". Is there a surgical procedure or chemical remedy for this?
I got my law degree from a Cracker Jack box, and I've been right more than Tribe...
Of all the lawyers I know, and spend time with in non work environments, Not a single on acts speaks like a non lawyer. They are articulate and precise, strictly so, when offering an opinion touching on legal matters.
Tribe is a shill, angling for the invites that used to go to Derschowitz.
Just three names that, today, get labeled conservative, at best, far right extremists, at worst.
Their common bond? The Constitution and rule of law.
The Democrats self identifies as anti democracy. Proving, again, Democrats accuse their opponents, for what they are actually doing.
What Harvard “intellectuals” like Lawrence Tribe really want to see is Trump strapped to a medieval cucking stool like the witches of old and dunked in a river to see if he drowns. This is an excellent way to prove the guilt or innocence of the pre-ordained guilty. If Tribe is wrong about Trump’s guilt, the accused just drowns anyway. It’s a risk people like Tribe and Sam Harris are willing to take since it provides them their insane desired outcome.
This, of course, is all about the protection of our democracy and the rule of law by any means necessary.
I don't think slam bunk will become the level of meme that "the walls are closing in" has.
This just reminds me of the statement from Sam Harris yesterday. It is astounding to me that such smart people can convince themselves that Trump is guilty of all of these heinous crimes (although most of them are merely process crimes) and it never occurs to them that if these claims were so clear cut, some prosecutor somewhere would have probably convicted him by now.
Doesn't Tribe have to get past 80 million potential nullifying jurors to get his convictions? Because I can tell you one thing ... there's NO CASE where I'd vote to convict if the FBI and DoJ were involved in it. Donald Trump could shoot Lawrence Tribe on MSNBC in Times Square and I wouldn't vote to convict him.
I guess not, though, so long as he argues his case in Washington, DC in front of a panel of Hillary Clinton's donors, as was done recently.
Trump really has exposed a lot of rot in this country, that's for sure. The legal system being the most rotten thing we have in this country.
Which begs the questions: Is Laurence Tribe truly a brilliant legal mind? Was he once, but has lost it? Or was he a very bright person who went to the right schools and once there, got misdirected to a field in which his weaknesses would, at some point, show themselves?
There are a number of lawyers here, not to mention well-regarded law professors. How do you all view Tribe's seriously off-reality proclamations? Simply a man taken over by TDS? But he made outrageous statements during Bush's years and Obama's years (he was lovingly pro Obama).
Is this the height of the leftist intellectual? I've seen enough of this insanity from too many of the 'best and brightest' of the Left. (Michael Beschloss recently comes to mind). How does anyone continue to look to these people for insight and understanding of the larger issues when what comes to mind for me is that they need a new psychiatrist and perhaps a new prescription or two. They are truly distorting reality and doing so leaning on their career-long reputations, which hold much less value than they did before they opened their mouths.
Achilles' "slam bunk" is the best typo I've seen in a while.
These people have lost their freakin' minds.
These people have lost their freakin' minds.
Blogger Gusty Winds said...
"This, of course, is all about the protection of our democracy and the rule of law by any means necessary."
This, of course, is all about the protection of our phony baloney democracy from the rule of law by any means necessary.
Fixed your typos...
Put him right up there with Sam Harris and the whole cast of other well-educated, pompous nitwits that can't resist pontificating while showing us their credentials to prove it. The furthest thing from their mind is that they might be complete dopes, self-evident with no self-awareness.
RideSpaceMountain said...
I have no dignity because the shame of being a paid stooge is my fetish...Tune in next week when I'll be telling you all about how sure I am of Trumps guilt while my leftist colleagues flagellate my asscheeks as I tow them around in a vegan leather harness tied to a rickshaw.
Well done Mr. Mountain.
Tribe is the poster boy for mandatory retirement of academics, will also cover their ability to provide “quotes” to the “media”
terribly dangerous poison dihydrogen monoxide.
y'all DO realize, don't you?
That EVERY SINGLE PERSON, That Ever Died.. EVER; had their bodies pumped FULL, of that terrible poison?
In NBA parlance, Tribe posterizes himself.
It's Carol Doda '64. Want pub, be brazen.
Remember how excited the same group was when Mueller published his report? When Mueller testified to Congress? When Manafort was found guilty? I could go on and on. I check the bylines and if the piece is by somebody with a history of irrational anti-Trumpism, I just ignore it. (Like Maggie Haberman, NYT)
One of the crazy lefties here (I think it was jim1234) pointed out that Tribe was a summa cum laud math graduate before law school. I responded that so was Ted Kazinski. No response except to insist that Trump has committed "400 crimes."
It's sad that Tribe was talked about for the Supreme Court, and yet Turley never has been.
So embarrassing.
If you are going to prosecute somebody for attempted murder, you might ask the alleged victim first if somebody tried to kill him.
If your real life victim of the attempted murder says, "nobody tried to kill me," then it would be really stupid to say your prosecution is a "slam dunk."
You would be an idiot, in fact.
Who's the well-regarded law professor here? Inquiring minds want to know.
Tribe’s family and friends should undertake an intervention. A once stellar reputation is being destroyed by the professor. He appears to have diminished capacity .
If Trump has done nothing else, he has shown how the Democrats are immature and dictatorial at the same time, throwing one tantrum after another in public.
Tribe, like a lot of the other well credentialed people, does run his mouth. But their world is a nice and cozy one, definitely insulated from reality.
Heartless Aztec said...
Who among us has time for Lawrence Tribe?
Whoever dubbed him "Lost Tribe" deserves the thanks of a grateful nation.
Harvard is the most expensive mental institution on the planet.
Man, Turley is having fun.
Just for the purposes of keeping score, Tribe declared evidence supporting criminal charges of witness tampering, obstruction of justice, criminal election violations, Logan Act violations, extortion, espionage, attempted murder, and treason by Trump or his family.
ha ha ha
(Logan Act! For fuck's sake)
Tribe has always been lawless but this is new depths of stupid.
I put it down to age. He's 80.
Ginsburg was 87 when she died. Never this stupid, though. She was always a careful judge.
I went to law school '78-'81. Tribe's hornbook on constitutional law was well regarded, although not assigned. I purchased one and found it very useful for understanding certain areas of this subject. In subsequent years he was a common presence - if not ubiquitous - on TV and on opinion pages concerning con law issues.
When President Clinton got into his impeachment mess, I went back and read what Tribe had to say in his hornbook about the subject of impeachment. NONE of it was favorable to the points the Clinton supporters were pushing publicly. I then realized that Tribe suddenly was nowhere to be seen on TV or printed op-eds on what should have been right up his alley so to speak, and the reason for his vanishing act was clear.
He's had zero credibility with me since, as he was nothing but a partisan hack.
So Tribe should only comment once Trump has been charged? Why is that?
‘…while my leftist colleagues flagellate my asscheeks as I tow them around in a vegan leather harness tied to a rickshaw.’
Oddly specific.
For years, before I started paying attention, I had the notion that Laurence Tribe was an accomplished, respected constitutional scholar. Probably got that notion from public radio and television.
Like I said, I wasn't really paying attention back then. Has he always been a nut-case or has he gone 'round the bend in his old age?
In past columns, we have discussed the litany of 'slam dunk' crimes
This is ridiculous. Does Trump even play basketball?
You people are being ridiculous. Obviously Laurence Tribe is 100% correct about this.
Which means, of course, that Attorney General Merrick Garland is demonstrating his blatant corruption for continuing to fail to indict and prosecute Trump for any of these many, many blatant crimes.
And therefore that every person who supported making Garland a member of the Supreme Court should apologize to the American people for their hideously poor judgment and, if holding public office, should resign immediately.
Impeachment 3.0: this one's viable, baby.
Full disclosure: No hunters, judges, or abortionists' tails will be trapped in a collusive, incestuous affair of their own creation.
"So Tribe should only comment once Trump has been charged? Why is that?"
Because he has apparently lost any judgment he ever had, and waiting for evidence that someone - anyone - agreed with his opinion might reduce the chances of his making a public laughingstock of himself. See how that would work?
jim5301 said...
So Tribe should only comment once Trump has been charged? Why is that?
On the contrary ... I want Tribe and every other leftist legal hack to open their pie holes and spill their deepest fantasies about Trump 24/7. Run 'em on the Times Square ticker.
Stephen ... ::golf clap::
Tribe deserves credit for at least trying to cite specific crimes. Most of his tribe of Never Trumpers just assert that there are many crimes he's guilty of.
You don't get to be a Constitutional Law hotshot by teaching and commenting about how important the Bill of Rights and the actual articles in the Constitution are to the orderly and free conduct of our nation, and preaching caution with respect to altering the founding document.
You get to be a hotshot by telling your fellow progressives how the Constitution can be manipulated to accomplish your political goals.
Hence, Lawrence Tribe.
Blogger jim5301 said...
So Tribe should only comment once Trump has been charged? Why is that?
The crazy lefty reappears. I think he should keep screaming his insane rants. It does people good to see how crazy you are.
So Tribe should only comment once Trump has been charged? Why is that?
It is better to not type and be thought a fool then to tap and the keyboard and remove all doubt.
This was never an issue about commenting before charged. It's about being so absolutely certain of the guilt without there being evidence or even an indictment, and being wrong every time.
So Tribe should only comment once Trump has been charged? Why is that?
You mistake me, sir. (Or madam, or gentlebeing.) I absolutely want Tribe to continue commenting - now, later, at all possible times.
So Tribe should only comment once Trump has been charged? Why is that?
Why does he feel the need to comment at all? Who gives a shit what he has to say.
jim5301: "So Tribe should only comment once Trump has been charged? Why is that?"
Yes jim, that's the takeaway here. Uh huh.
Follow up: How are you able to breathe unaided?
So Tribe should only comment once Trump has been charged? Why is that?
It would help his credibility, but if you don't care and he doesn't care, then nobody else cares about your incredible comments.
jim5301 said...
So Tribe should only comment once Trump has been charged? Why is that?
Tribe can comment anytime he wants.
People should just realize he is a liar and he is stupid.
Just like you.
You all have been caught lying so often that everything you say should be prefaced with "The person who lies a lot says:"
jim5301 said...
So Tribe should only comment once Trump has been charged? Why is that?"
When did you stop beating your wife and children?
"(Ginsberg) was always a careful judge."
Not always. She let slip in an interview that the reason she supported abortion was because, like you know, there's some types of people we don't want to have too many of, you know, the blacks, retards, etc.
Vaunted in the party she was. The Notorious RGB. Gangsta. Came right out and said the quiet part out loud.
Imagine where we would be with Supreme Court Justices Larry Tribe and Merrick Garland.
So would Tribe or Garland be a worse Supreme Court justice? Also, would either be better or worse than Sotomayor?
Why should anyone think that a high IQ and legal knowledge equals wisdom, judgment, or emotional stability? Or even basic intellectual honesty?
Lenin and Stalin and Mao were "wicked smart" and probably could've argued Tribe into a coma. Yet, they were completely dishonest and rigid idealogues.
I'd put Tribe and Sam Harris in the same category. They have political goals and they'll say whatever they have to reach that goal. Its like Harry Reid, when he was confronted with his lie about Romney. "well, it worked didn't it?" said Harry.
No doubt Tribe thinks his overthetop comments about Trump "work". Truth doesn't matter to Tribe.
Tribe would've been a disaster as a SCOTUS judge. But all Leftists judges on the SCOTUS vote in lockstep 95% of the time. So he wouldn't have caused anymore damage than Ginsberg or Breyer.
Mark: "Imagine where we would be with Supreme Court Justices Larry Tribe and Merrick Garland."
That would be a NeverTrump/AlwaysDemocratical dream come true.
>>This, of course, is all about the protection of our democracy
When the Dems talk about "our democracy", they mean the one they own... nothing to do with the other half of the country.
How many times, will the walls be closing in?
I finally figured out : why they did not want Wall at South border === Wall was needed to close in Trump.
What exactly is Larry Tribe known for? He seems like such a lesser mind than his Harvard colleague, Alan Dershowitz. The latter is able to see the law from both sides of the political spectrum, whereas Tribe writes and sounds like a partisan hack.
Larry Tribe and Paul Krugman belong to the same tribe. I wonder if it's money that drives them both.
So many people in academia talk like Tribe. At this point Larry's tribe is Harvard professors, not legal experts, and when it comes to Trump, the tribe has already spoken.
rcocean said...
Lenin and Stalin and Mao were "wicked smart" and probably could've argued Tribe into a coma.
.............i'll bet Robert Cook would TOTALLY AGREE with you here!
Yet, they were completely dishonest and rigid idealogues.
.............i'll bet Robert would have some issues with this!
What say you Robert? Lenin? Stalin? Mao? Good? Bad? Maybe their trouble was they were left enough?
Lenin? Stalin? Mao? Good? Bad? Maybe their trouble was they were left enough?
Hitler by popular consensus, Lenin, Stalin, Mussolini was a wannabe, and Mao above and beyond rabid diversity, mass abortion, and redistributive change until the modern model.
When my daughter was many years ago accepted for Law School at Harvard, Yale, and Stanford (among others) I told her that I would not pay for Yale which I thought emphasized policy and politics over and in lieu of law. I would pay for either Stanford or Harvard but the latter only if she would agree not to take any elective class taught by Larry Tribe who I then thought would fit more comfortably at Yale. I also told her that in my mind it was a virtual toss up between Harvard (if Tribe were avoid) and Stanford as to which was the better school but it would be difficult to turn down Harvard given its historic reputation not only among lawyers but laymen as well. She chose Harvard and avoided Tribe. Today I'm not so sure there is much difference between Harvard and Yale regarding the teaching of law as such but perhaps there is still some, albeit little, hope for Stanford.
They keep saying the crimes are obvious.
So obvious they don't need to explain what they are.
My thought is if they don't want to explain what the crimes are, then they're not talking about the crimes - they're talking about their feelings about Trump. They're certain he's as guilty as they come - probably because they know in their place they'd be guilty so there's no way he can't be.
But at this point, I'm thinking he's about the cleanest man who's ever been in American politics, and that's including ol' Jimmy Carter.
So obvious they don't need to explain what [the crimes of Trump] are.
This is so frustrating. Some people seem to attempt it - a laundry list of crime names without antecedents. Most just snort and pronounce Trump's criminality self-evident. I'm not any sort of Trump disciple, though I like a lot, not all, of what he did while on office - give me evidence and I will consider it, though the record of the accusing side will figure in my consideration. But in the absence of evidence, which is all we have at present, all I have are the overheated protestations of the anti-Trump side.
Tribe would not have made the team at UChicago Law circa 1970.
It’s a shame what’s happened to Prof. Tribe. It’s like watching a former ace pitcher, who used to throw 102 mph fastballs on the corners, now throwing slow pitches in the dirt. Can’t his family intervene to protect him from this kind of embarrassment?
Amadeus (4:35 AM) said: "Tribe would not have made the team at UChicago Law circa 1970."
Quite true. I take it you were then at Chicago studying with Gilmore, Kalvin et al. as was I in the Class of '69. Some twenty five or so years later, my daughter correctly thought the quality of life on the South Side (albeit not at the university as such) would be so abysmal that she would not consider Chicago over Harvard, Yale and Stanford. The California quality of life (at least then) would have been best but she could not turn down the Cambridge credential and, largely deserved, reputation.
jim5301 said...
So Tribe should only comment once Trump has been charged? Why is that?
No, it's much better that Tribe come out and tell us what a moron he is.
But if he wanted to look less like a total lunatic, he should stop spouting the "walls are closing in" fantasies.
Personally, I'm really happy with him continuing to show what a lunatic he is
I recall a chapter in Tribe's Constitutional Choices (old book -- 70s or 80s) about restricting jurisdictions of Article III courts. At the time, he was wholly against it. I wonder where he is now on that subject.
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