"I wanted to live close to the kind of wild nature that must exist somewhere on a large scale.... In 1977 I moved to a mobile home on Robie Creek, a 40-minute drive from Boise. For the next three years, I lived in the backcountry northeast of McCall in a cabin with no running water or electricity. After that I lived adjacent to the Salmon River for 38 years, with a national forest as my nearest neighbor.... President Biden should issue an executive order immediately directing his secretaries of the interior and agriculture to take all steps available to them to stop commercial logging on public land.... Trees absorb carbon dioxide and water from the air and ground and through the process of photosynthesis release oxygen into the air.... Federal law requires that most public lands be managed for multiple uses, such as recreation, gas and oil development, mining and logging. But this longstanding policy is running headlong into efforts to slow the warming of our planet.... In 1970, my collaborator Toni Stern wrote the lyrics to my most popular song, 'It’s Too Late.' That title should not refer to the climate. That’s why, at age 80, I’m using my voice to call on Mr. Biden to stop commercial logging in our national forests."
Interesting to awkwardly weave in the song title "It's Too Late" when she didn't write those words. It makes it seem that she didn't write the first draft. Whatever. I love trees too. But what about democracy? If the statutes say "most public lands [must] be managed for multiple uses, such as recreation, gas and oil development, mining and logging," isn't it radically undemocratic for the President to single-handedly nix that policy?
It's an emergency — everything is an emergency now (e.g. student debt) — and we can't wait, so the President must act alone.
I’m disappointed, but not surprised. Just like Meryl Streep, Carole King has gone off the deep end.
If you fell a tree and make a house, that carbon is stored. Then plant a new tree to capture more carbon as it grows.
Carole King must not know about the felon Bernie Ebbers of WorldCom. Bernie invested in trees because they grow.
So she wants to live in a Dictatorship?? Don't all lefties?? They just say it out loud now.
"It's an emergency — everything is an emergency now (e.g. student debt) — and we can't wait, so the President must act alone."
The Obama and Biden administrations' approach to governance, especially that of the latter, reminds me quite uncomfortably and far too much, of what I experienced first hand when doing ag development work in places like Bolivia, Venezuela, and Haiti.
Trees absorb co2 while they live
When they die, and decay, all that Co2 is released to the atmosphere.
After logging new trees are planted. These absorb co2 until they die.
John LGBTQ+ Henry
Does one think loggers work just for the fun of it? In the US and Canada, forest products form a significant part of society's backbone. Softwood for construction, hardwood for furniture and flooring. State and Federal governments own the vast majority of vacant, wooded land and thus a major source of this material. And of course better forest management practices in California will help to minimize forest fires.
If you want to maximize carbon sequestration on national lands like these, you need to convert them wholly to tree farms. Trees take in far more carbon when they are growing rapidly than when they are older and more set in their ways. Then you need to bury the logs so that the carbon doesn't return to the atmosphere when they rot or burn.
Bonus: Tons of good jobs in logging and digging holes.
I mean, if the goal isn't just to feel good about knowing there's a pristine forest out there somewhere or to stick it to those icky hyper-masculine lumberjack types.
So, her cabin and the house on the Salmon river, what are they built out of? And what does she propose others should live in without timber? Apartments away from the woods I imagine would be good. I wonder how she feels about concrete, or if she really thinks much at all.
My relatives in Lewiston tell me McCall is ruined by ‘yuppies’. I like to think they’re talking about Carole King.
It's an emergency — everything is an emergency now (e.g. student debt) — and we can't wait, so the President must act alone.
Authoritarians never let a good crisis go to waste.
Then everything becomes a crisis.
In 1977 I moved to a mobile home on Robie Creek, a 40-minute drive from Boise. For the next three years, I lived in the backcountry northeast of McCall in a cabin with no running water or electricity.
What was the cabin made of, Carole?
"It's an emergency — everything is an emergency now"
So many people haven't actually experienced a real emergency in their lives even once or in so long I'm convinced they don't understand the concept.
Not to worry. Don't fret about your gay little fake emergencies folks. Real emergencies are coming.
I wonder what percentage of all logging around the world takes place in U.S. national forests.
it's VERY expensive to 'leave trees as they are'
Not only do you lose the timber value of the trees (old trees don't grow fast, and become hollow),
but you are JUST ASKING for MASSIVE fires. Fires which release CO2.. Remember CO2?
seriously, didn't California try this? Before the state burned down
My brother in law spent his life in government forestry, and his summers volunteering on fire fighting crews. Lack of commercial logging on federal lands is the main cause of forest fires, according to him.
Carole ignores the flammable nature of trees. Burning them releases all the sequestered carbon.
Trees are basically a crop, like wheat. They just take a bit longer to grow. The total amount of trees is pretty independent of how many are cut down. Maybe even higher the more are harvested. Didn't we learn a few decades ago that there are more trees now in the US than in 1750?
Active management of our forests, include my logging, would have decreased the severity of fires across the West over the past few years.
Trees are carbon neutral. They are a carbon sink while they grow but then die and decay and release all that carbon back into the atmosphere. Cutting down trees and building houses and furniture is a carbon sink. If anything carol should be hoping for more trees to be cut and used in conservation.
Sell all of the National Forests. Carol could buy her own little 1/4-1/4 section (40-acres) that her cabin sits on. That would put the forest land on the property tax rolls. Private property owners will manage the land that they own better than some Nat For ranger. Forest land is valuable and this could raise up to $10T.
Selfish moron. She should stick to making music.
Why do all these entertainers think that they know anything outside their actual area of skill and expertise, and that we should all just do as they say?
David Suzuki's daughter once gave an interview in which she said everyone should give up private vehicles and use transit. Of course, she said, she wasn't able to do this because she lived in a remote spot on Vancouver Island. I would think if you move to California for the wild, you should be thinking desert, of which there is still plenty, rather than forest. A vlogger who goes by Wonderhussy has joined with her sister in buying property in Death Valley. They hope to enjoy it in the winter; the heat is unbearable in the summer. Carole King sounds like a member of the Royal Family weighing in on public policy issues.
Success in the popular music biz is as often a curse as a blessing.
That success can be, and often is, extremely isolating and it freezes many people into perpetual adolescence.
It costs nothing to leave our trees as they are
The forest fires that destroyed whole towns in California cost nothing?
Where does she stand on the Germans cutting down parts of the Black Forest to clear land for either windmills or solar farms?
In Britain they’ve converted coal burning plants to wood burning power plants to reduce net carbon output. Forests in the US are logged and the wood is pelletized. The pellets are then shipped to Britain for use in these plants. Are you in favor of logging these trees, Ms King?
Paper is an easily renewable resource, and now they're trying to take that away too. It's the environmentalism of spite.
There must be something in the artist’s brain that causes them to overlook the facts.
fun facts!
There are 33 million acres of forest (ed) lands in California. Federal ownership is 19 million acres
There are 21.5 million acres of forest lands in Idaho. Federal ownership is 16 million acres
That's Right! there isn't just MORE forest in California than Idaho, there's 50% more (50%!)
Of the federal forests in Idaho.. HALF are in 'roadless' designation. Which means, CAN'T BE LOGGED
Carol King can go to hell!
Shut up and sing.
but all this raises an Important Question: Who the Hell, is Carol King?
Trees and student debt are feelings emergencies. The government damage is only structural.
“It costs nothing to leave our trees as they are”
She obviously doesn’t understand the concept of opportunity cost
If I can remember back to Econ 101, somebody needs to be introduced to the concept of 'opportunity cost'.
Do old trees convert CO2 to Oxygen better than newly planted trees?
Wow, if she couldn't find wild California in 1977 that shows how little she tried. LA county still itself had significant wild spaces even in towns let alone driving into the hills. Drive outside of urban areas and California is still very wild. She has very, very narrow experiences and thinks she has perspective. Maybe she is just used to saying whatever others write for her.
"It Costs Nothing to Leave Our Trees as They Are"
Could there be a bigger falsehood? Once again a completely devoid of any economic reality. First, significantly cut the supply of wood from the economy. Either there is a supply shortage or costs greatly increase in order to get wood from private sources. This will, in the end, reduce our standard of living. All wood based material from paper to houses will increase in cost. More expensive (than current wood) alternatives may have to come in play with as they become a cheaper alternative. The alternatives may then create other environmental issues, e.g. "plastic" wood from petroleum, aluminum from nasty mines replacing wood studs. There is always mud huts. But, not everyone wants to live like what is described.
The key to sustainable forestry is replacement. It is being done now. As a matter of fact planting trees in currently unforested areas is the best solution to the alleged carbon dioxide issue.
This has been around for a long time. Trees can be anywhere on the planet. CO2 is global. Managed logging on federal land is completely irrelevant, and completely fine. Work on getting people to stop wiping out the forests in the Amazon. Plant trees anywhere at all.
Probably Carole King shouldn't write articles about it if she doesn't have a clue...
This has been around for a long time. Trees can be anywhere on the planet. CO2 is global. Managed logging on federal land is completely irrelevant, and completely fine. Work on getting people to stop wiping out the forests in the Amazon. Plant trees anywhere at all.
Probably Carole King shouldn't write articles about it if she doesn't have a clue...
This has been around for a long time. Trees can be anywhere on the planet. CO2 is global. Managed logging on federal land is completely irrelevant, and completely fine. Work on getting people to stop wiping out the forests in the Amazon. Plant trees anywhere at all.
Probably Carole King shouldn't write articles about it if she doesn't have a clue...
So Carole King had her Idaho ranch on the market in 2015 for $10 million:
On this one property, Carole's ass was covering 128 acres. If everyone's ass covered 128 acres, we'd need about 9 million more square miles of land, because the earth isn't big enough for everyone to have 128 acres.
This has been around for a long time. Trees can be anywhere on the planet. CO2 is global. Managed logging on federal land is completely irrelevant, and completely fine. Work on getting people to stop wiping out the forests in the Amazon. Plant trees anywhere at all.
Probably Carole King shouldn't write articles about it if she doesn't have a clue...
In terms of CO2, it's better to cut down trees than to leave a mature forest intact. In a mature forest, there is a perfect balance between new tree growth and the decay of fallen trees. The decay is mostly via fungi and releases just as much CO2 as burning the biomass. With logging, the lumber will go into durable structures which will preserve the wood for possibly hundreds of years. Even when structures are torn down, the wreckage is put into a landfill, where it is largely protected from decay.
Proper forest management is not being done by anyone beyond a smattering of demonstration forests. Most forests are chalk full of invasive species that prevents the growth of large conifers and are tinderboxes waiting to burn. The regulatory state makes it nearly impossible to weed out forests on any scale. Some in the industry thinks that wildfire is the only workable solution.
It's a shame that once those million year old trees are cut, no other trees can grow back to replace them. Maybe there is a solution to this travesty, but I'm no arborist so I can't imagine one.
It's an emergency — everything is an emergency now
Careful Anne, you're starting to sound like a Republican, or worse, a Libertarian!
Is Carole King familiar with the works of Lesley Gore?
Don't tell me what to do, and
Don't tell me what to say
Moved to the most populated state in the country for the wild nature? Nothing in that excerpt leads me to believe Carole King is a sane sensible person who should be listened to.
They did stop logging in much of the Sierras. Now they're burning up.
Really, logging isn't anything like it was in the 70s when the Forest Service grossly overestimated how much timber they had. Like they had 800 ft trees in their computer modeling, such as it was.
Then it all came to a screeching halt and a lot of guys were thrown out of work. We had seven mills here, now only one.
What the hell does she want.
I wonder if she is as excited about burning trees for heat and energy as she is about logging trees for lumber that sequesters carbon in our dimensional-wood living-structures called homes.
Can I fire my sisters and adopt you as a relative?
Nonsense like her modest proposal are why forest fires in California are so dangerous. Logging and thinning and management of forestry lands is what used to give firefighters opportunity to stop forest fires before they reached conflagration size. Carole and her kind whined about growth but didn’t manage it. Her political allies stopped us from managing forests, water, homelessness, crime and growth all at the same time running this as a uniparty experiment in woke so she sees that utter failure and does two things: she bugs out to a more “pristine” underpopulated state and starts agitating for the same shitty policies that ruined California.
Way to go Hippie Chick!
Forest management is real, and has been for over a century -- or longer, since it's said that the Indians did it.
"Science denier" is a stupid phrase, since many people who use it don't know the science (and also since "the science" about many things is still undetermined).
I don't really think Carole King moved to California to find "wild nature," but in her defense, the state was a lot less populated when she was born, so she probably grew up with images of redwoods and rocky shores that must have been very attractive to a Brooklynite.
I find it amazing that she can persist in this nonsense with the forests in the west burning every year due to lack of logging combined with fire suppression. A hundred years of fuel on the ground and not enough money to fight the fires to do anything else. Almost everyone who lives close to those forests knows this.
I too love trees and have planted many in my life. ButCarole King, like all liberals, lives in myth and false virtue. For one thing, trees are not in short supply. We have more trees in the US today than when the Pilgrims arrived on the Mayflower. The Amazon also has more tree canopy than it did when slash and burn began. Harvesting trees does not diminish supply in the medium run. For another, unharvested forests burn. California has learned the hard way that hippie views are destructive. Well, actually they haven’t learned but should have.
Trees do indeed swallow carbon from the air. So kudos to King for at least understanding that. They are part of a great feedback mechanism that global warming madmen fail to take into account. Clouds too. With supposed warming come more clouds which block out solar radiation which cools the earth. Balance of nature … remember that term? But to be honest, what I just wrote isn’t certain. Warming temps may increase cloud cover, may not. And increased clouds blanket earth keeping warmth in so that it could warm earth. My point is we aren’t certain because nobody studies this, they just police state it.
The world is run by a mad spirit which despises reason.
End of rant.
lgv said...
"Could there be a bigger falsehood? Once again a completely devoid of any economic reality. First, significantly cut the supply of wood from the economy. Either there is a supply shortage or costs greatly increase in order to get wood from private sources. This will, in the end, reduce our standard of living"
That's always the unspoken truth about socialism. 'Lower your expectations. You don't need all that stuff.'
Looking at those rustic pictures of Carol King's ranch has me laughing. Main lodge, recording studio, guest cabins, outbuildings. All log cabin construction. Interior: Lodge woodwork, pine boards everywhere. Sure thing, Carol. We'll stop it all, just as soon as you do.
"President Biden should issue an executive order immediately directing..."
Remind me again how authoritarian Presidents are a threat to "our democracy."
Let's call emergencies what they are: irrational panics. As dubious as it is to claim that an emergency suspends constitutional norms, it isat ;east less nefarious than using irrational panics to suspend them.
Good thing she lives far from any of her neighbors because I don't think they'd take kindly to her attempt to impoverish them.
"Didn't we learn a few decades ago that there are more trees now in the US than in 1750?"
Yes we did, and we also learned that the entire world is becoming more forested due mostly to tree planting in China and India.
In other news, Carole King (b. Carol Joan Klein, Manhattan NYC) has been living in Idaho for over 40 years and doesn't seem inclined to move.
My guess is that Carole likes her solitude and quiet and doesn't want it interrupted and the climate is an excuse. Just like it is an excuse for any personal interest a specific subset of humanity has.No one gives a shit about climate- all the eco people want is control of something somewhere. That thing or place may vary but in every instance, climate is the fig leaf hiding the thing they want to stick up society's backside.
All of this nation's social and economic problems -- ALL OF THEM -- are the direct result of the undue influence of pop musicians and their shallow and childish grasp of nearly everything, but particularly science and engineering, not to mention banking, capitalism, race relations, and the family vacation.
I don't usually wish anyone ill, but everyone would be happier and safer if Carol King wrapped it all up before she hits 81.
The logging industry is all about forestry management. Cutting only in areas and amounts that will maximize long-term business, not short-term profit.
It is the urbanists who come and chop down all the trees to build, build, build. And it is increasingly the climate change fascists who chop down all the trees to build their solar panel and wind turbine farms.
Plankton absorbs more C02 than trees. And we have a pretty good idea on how to grow more plankton.
Public lands shouldn't be used for "gas and oil development, mining and logging." That's obviously something inserted into the statutes on behalf of the predatory corporate rapists by their ass-sucking servants in Congress. Given that public lands are being used for such purposes, are the profits gained poured back to the people in the form of payments by the predatory corporate rapists to the government for other programs to benefit the people?
Quaestor makes a good point. Go back to Live Aid and the actual demonstrable damage that the concert did to the people they were trying to help. The cult of celebrity gives unqualified people both access and credibility in areas where none has been earned.
Or she could have done something useful like my brother did for 20 years when he ran a small land conservancy. It was hard work with developers nipping at his heels but he protected a lot of pulp and paper forest land as it was being sold off due to the decline in paper usage. Large tracts, some part of the watershed of a national park (now under park control), some controlled by the state as bear reserve. But he also protected a farm so it could be left to a farmhand without having to be sold off to pay off the IRS. And now will be farmland, well, until the conservancy is taken over by Democrats and they sell it off to a favored developer to build large-lot houses for white college educated voters.
Instead, it is government should abuse its power rather I be expected to do something difficult. After, any climate activist not actively studying climate physic or engineering, doubling down on math to improve the models, isn't really willing to do the difficult things to fight global warming.
Yeah, to hell with the lumber industry and all those loggers and people who work in it. Millionaire Carol King doesn't want the trees hurt.
Here's an idea. Lets stop noise pollution and destroy her guitar and Songs.
It’s too late, baby.
"isn't it radically undemocratic for the President to single-handedly nix that policy?"
So what? Does any prog care? If you do, start voting against them, consistently.
Anyway, CO2 is good for plants and trees. If you want a greener planet, promote "greenhouse gases." They're called greenhouse for a reason.
Fact is, all those rural and forest-y places attract people who want to live there. I'd like to; it's beautiful. Next thing you know, a little building goes on. Nothing big. Then more people. Rugged people. People who don't like too many rules. No building permits. Still nice, but growing. Then, finally, with enough people, a power company brings in electricity. Now it's for real. You've got easier construction, and more of it. Then during a heat wave, a spark flies from a power tool or high winds jerk that power line down. Now you've got a fire, no escape plans, hundreds of square miles torched and everybody's yelling 'climate change!' That's California in a nutshell. You like trees, visit them, but don't encroach on them. And every once in a while, clear some of them out.
Blogger Robert Cook said...
Public lands shouldn't be used for "gas and oil development, mining and logging." That's obviously something inserted into the statutes on behalf of the predatory corporate rapists by their ass-sucking servants in Congress. Given that public lands are being used for such purposes, are the profits gained poured back to the people in the form of payments by the predatory corporate rapists to the government for other programs to benefit the people?
Cook prefers that they burn up in the annual forest fires since logging and brush clearing was outlawed by imbeciles like him.
Carole has got her logs--for her cabin. Since she's got hers, time to pull up the ladder with an Executive from Good Old King Joe. No more logs for you, you despicable peasant!
apparently carole is as vain as Carlie Simon,
Hey Carol. I know where you can find some old growth trees.
At the bottom of Ashland harbor.
When you leave Madison and head out on the midwestern prairie look at all the trees growing. Unless your near a watercourse or sink none of those trees were there before the prairie was plowed under. Just grass. Millions and millions of acres of grass.
Carol King lives in a huge log cabin It's currently up for sale.
Googlel "Carol King's Idaho Ranch on Top Ten Real Estate Deals" for pictures. She wants $9.9 million for it.
Sex, drugs, and parades.
I’m using my voice to call on Mr. Biden to stop commercial logging in our national forests."
Much better to have them burn wildly out of control, right?
She can have about 80% of the trees on my property. Someone left this place fallow for decades. Fire hazard, rotting tall trees killed by ivy; trees having to grow 100 feet to get enough sun.
A nightmare of trees. If I ever see the Lorax, I'm going to strangle him.
Robert Cook. The lease payments to the government go into the treasury where they are used for programs which benefit the people.
She's probably not much of a big deal in the lumber industry, but she's an important voice in the record industry. She should use her influence to speak out against the re-introduction of lp records into the marketplace. Those records are made of vinyl and other oil products Buy a Carole King record and you are subsidizing the suppression of women is Saudi Arabia. Carole should use her voice and influence to request that her fans only enjoy her music via streaming services. If she should appear in concert, she should ask that only people within walking distance of the concert should attend.....As a general rule, I don't think we should look to recording artists for sage advice. I think of all the people in the arts, they're about the most self indulgent and flat out crazy.
Darkisland said...
Trees absorb co2 while they live
When they die, and decay, all that Co2 is released to the atmosphere.
>>>>>except for the CO2 transformed into O2 during the tree's long life.
"A mature leafy tree produces as much oxygen in a season as 10 people inhale in a year."
"A single mature tree can absorb carbon dioxide at a rate of 48 pounds per year and release enough oxygen back into the atmosphere to support two human beings."
"One acre of trees annually consumes the amount of carbon dioxide equivalent to that produced by driving an average car for 26,000 miles. That same acre of trees also produces enough oxygen for 18 people to breathe for a year."
"A 100-foot tree, 18 inches diameter at its base, produces 6,000 pounds of oxygen."
"On average, one tree produces nearly 260 pounds of oxygen each year. Two mature trees can provide enough oxygen for a family of four."
"Mean net annual oxygen production (after accounting for decomposition) per hectare of trees (100% tree canopy) offsets oxygen consumption of 19 people per year (8 people per acre of tree cover), but ranges from nine people per hectare of canopy cover (4 people/ac cover) in Minneapolis, Minnesota, to 28 people/ha cover (12 people/ac cover) in Calgary, Alberta."
I want everything to be done for my particular wants and no one else's and I want it to be down by fiat.
And I will call this "Our Democracy."
You know, I'm wasting my time on this site. What do you really do? Let us vent.
Meanwhile, people are being persecuted in ways that not only didn't happen to you, because you were careful to maintain your pension, but you never, ever stood up for actually free speech.
Justify this or fuck this. Plus your boyfriend. Pair of cowards, as it gets worse and worse.
"it costs nothing to leave our trees as they are"--well, technically it costs the forest service nothing to do nothing BUT it reduces the wood supply which raises the cost of paper, cardboard, lumber, everything. In addition, fire in the West, where most federal land is, is burning up federal forests. These forests need management to reduce fire risk.
I guess what this really means is that Carole King's dream lodge is probably surrounded by National Forest, and with the lease being active, the logging program is about to start in a couple of weeks. Plus, her private jet is being overhauled, so now she's stuck in Idaho and will soon have to contend with her cook being late with the kale soup because he was stuck behind a logging truck on his way to work. A star's lot is not a happy one.
I live next to the woods. It's full of ticks and spiders.
We need autocracy to save "our democracy!!!1!1!"
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