August 7, 2022

At the Sunday Night Café...

IMG_4938 2

... you can write about anything you want.

The photograph was taken by Meade  (on August 1st).


Ann Althouse said...

It was raining this morning, so I didn't get a chance to see the sunrise.

This picture has lots of sun (to compensate).

We did get out for a walk after the rain. Somehow I managed to get 9,000 steps in (mostly in the woods).

Canadian Bumblepuppy said...

We had a dreadful morning caused by our grocery order being bungled. Is it just me or are standards of service plummeting? Things just seem to be getting worse in daily life.

Beasts of England said...

I can rarely compete with the Althouse sunrises, but we enjoyed a very lovely sunset this evening on the water. It’s on the Twitter thingy at BeastsEngland if you’re so inclined…. ��

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

I think James Franco could play Fidel Castro. John Leguizamo is exhibiting what looks like sour grapes; he didn't get the part himself.

Here is Leguizamo explaining himself. (scroll down to a video)

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

where is that?

Michael McNeil said...

9,000 steps

At 2 steps per 2-legged pace, and 1,000 such paces per Roman mile, that's 4.5 Roman miles.

Ann Althouse said...


Very nice!

Ann Althouse said...

“ where is that?”

Within a 10 mile radius of Madison.

narciso said...

Fidel was always evil but never as stupid as franco

narciso said...

Re fentanyl is that we its being mixed into other pain killers, because its legal

Narr said...

My wife's daily step goal is 10k, minimum. I do that much at least, but half of mine is at old dog pace.

I'm in the chapter of Rady's "The Habsburgs" that covers the end of Metternich's system in the Revolutions of 1848. Among many--many--parallels to recent and plausibly foreseeable events is a little detail about the Vienna university students' new flag--one with the colors of the rainbow.

And speaking of flags, Rady also mentions that Brazil's flag sports that yellow as the contribution of Hapsburg Princess Maria Leopoldina, who married Pedro IV, King of Portugal, and Pedro I, Emperor of Brazil.

Mutaman said...

Ron Johnson explaining why he voted against capping the price of insulin used by diabetics:

‘I firmly oppose L Ron Hubbard and Dianetics generally. So voted against it of course.’

wendybar said...

Hey Mutaman...Trump slashed the price of insulin in an EO, but YOUR guy rescinded it. NOW he wants to cut it..and take credit for WHAT he caused. Keep on believing. They love people like you.

Jefferson's Revenge said...

Bumblepuppy. I definitely agree. Service levels started dropping years ago and got worse after lockdowns. I think it started when companies tried to save customer service money by outsourcing and using minimum wage employees backed by software and that expanded to retail service and beyond. There is a lack of common sense in the systems.

Now I find technology never seems to work as promised. Constant spam on my cell means not answering unless I recognize the number. Email and texts are also spams about either selling my home or buying an extended warranty for my car.

And don’t get me started on streaming services.

Lastly there is the question- does any part of our government actually do anything well?

Everyone better just keep off my lawn!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

While the Soros Pro-Crime democrat party lets crime go off the charts - the new tax hike bill will unleash IRS agents to go after small business owners and punish non-democrats.

gilbar said...

Lastly there is the question- does any part of our government actually do anything well?

the Department of Treasury is Pretty good at printing hundreds of trillions of new dollar bills

gilbar said...

And, they're not really supposed to be called part of the government, but;
the DNC is REALLY good at printing tens of millions of (filled out) ballots

Howard said...

Aaron Rodgers claims psychedelics helped him become league MVP.

Rusty said...

"Lastly there is the question- does any part of our government actually do anything well?"
The military used to-that ought to scare you- but then they got woke. So it's just a grift fest all around.

Lurker21 said...

Lastly there is the question- does any part of our government actually do anything well?

They aren't going to do anything with the efficiency of a top well-run business, but there are some things government has to do, or at least there are some things that have to be done and that nobody else is going to do.

It's clear, though, that all the human relations bullshit has messed up the public and private and non-profit sectors terribly. But, for profit businesses actually make things that people want. In government and the non-profit sector, all the paperwork and bullshit become the actual product they produce.

Jefferson's Revenge said...

Lurker- If Human Relations means HR bullshit in corporate America, you are 100% correct. HR runs most companies now. Not sure why.

What are the things that government does adequately but not well? I think of general services that I, as a citizen receive, and can't think of one but maybe I am missing something.

Rusty- agreed.

stunned said...

Wordle is collabing with Bill Maher today.

Narr said...

Human Relations? Human Resources? I'm old enough to recall Personnel.

Ask Joe Stalin about the importance of controlling the personnel department.

People are policy.

Mutaman said...

wendybar said...

"Hey Mutaman...Trump slashed the price of insulin in an EO, but YOUR guy rescinded it. NOW he wants to cut it..and take credit for WHAT he caused. Keep on believing. They love people like you."

Fake Cracker news

"Trump did sign an executive order in December to lower the price of insulin, but it hadn't kicked in yet. President Biden merely flagged it for a 60 day review this week. Trump executive orders have been almost uniformly financially corrupt even when their stated intent is pure, so any executive order like this requires review to make sure it doesn't have hidden corrupt intent. "

TheOne Who Is Not Obeyed said...

"against capping the price of insulin used by diabetics"

Only because always and everywhere government-enforced price controls inevitably lead to product shortages.

Even Trump's EO was wrong headed, but this bill is even more so since it also includes all manner of grift-supporting crap.