July 26, 2022

"I am Kamala Harris, my pronouns are she and her, and I am a woman sitting at the table wearing a blue suit."

I do not know the context, but that happened today. I'd just like to say that if she's trying to display respect for the new "pronouns" convention, she's doing a terrible job. To follow "My pronouns are she and her" with "I am a woman sitting at the table wearing a blue suit" is like saying "My pronouns are she and her — duh!"

ADDED: Now, I'm remembering the viral Microsoft clip from last year:

The idea there, we were told, was to be inclusive toward the visually impaired.


rhhardin said...

A suit of color.

ex-madtown girl said...

I think this is in line with the Microsoft videos (or maybe Google, I forget) wherein the people talking do the same thing. Give their name, their “preferred pronouns,” and a visual description. My assumption it’s a stab at inclusivity for blind viewers. It’ll change the world.

ex-madtown girl said...

Oops, I think I was posting my comment right as you were updating!

rhhardin said...

She's saying that it's an ordinary and unremarkable thing to give your pronouns, like sitting at a table wearing a blue suit. It's not sarcastic. The pronouns are not visible so you have to give them, is all, but it's still unremarkable because she can also mention the table and the blue suit which also would be true.

Enigma said...

This is the NORM in some political sectors: Every presenter leads off with a description of themselves for the blind and visually impaired. She was coached/fed the lines. I guess this disability appreciation month. These long intros leave no time for actually presenting content, but more importantly those involved, each intro shows fealty in a quasi-religious-but-secular bureaucratic state.

Gusty Winds said...

The ancient Romans had a Latin term for women like Kamala Harris.

Dingus Batoneous

Doug said...


Beasts of England said...

Apparently happened at a disability meeting, but the declaration of pronouns remains idiotic.

Deevs said...

It's probably the type of thing we all do from time to time, but I like that she apparently had to check the color of her suit before saying it.

n.n said...

Kamala's regrets. Kamala's stand. Kamala's progress. Kamala for president?

Sebastian said...

"she's doing a terrible job"

Honest question: has she ever done a good job, in anything?

RideSpaceMountain said...

"I think that, to very honest with you, I do believe that we should have rightly believed what we certainly believe that certain issues are just settled."

- Kamala Harris

Amen Kneepads. Amen.

Michael K said...

What an idiot. Was this the new speech writer?

Lloyd W. Robertson said...

Maybe she should have said "I present as female." I would enjoy a kind of infinite digression, like Hank Kimball on Green Acres: "I present as African-American. Well, that's kind of misleading. My father was from the West Indies, primarily of African origin; my mother was a South Asian. Well, South Asia covers a lot of territory; let's say Tamil."

"When it comes to abortion, we tend to say 'women,' but now science (awkward laugh) teaches us that there are no women, so we need to say 'birthing person,' or "person who may or may not choose to birth.' But I don't see how that would help our visually impaired friends. Hell, I don't know what to do for them. I think Helen Keller has been criticized for using visual language which must have been pretty much meaningless to her. Denying her own identity, making visually impaired people or non-seeing people disappear, or something. Now she sees them, now she doesn't. If 'disappear' is the right word. Or any of those words are the right word."

madAsHell said...

She's a biologist??

Jupiter said...

How does she know she's a woman?

Misinforminimalism said...

And yet she didn't explain that she's (1) the Vice President of the United States (the most important fact about her to people who aren't stupid) and (2) of mixed Caribbean and Indian heritage (the most important fact about her to stupid people)? Isn't "I'm a she in a blue suit" kinda burying the lede?

What is being done here? Painting a picture? Then mention skin tone, hair color, height, legginess, ironic lifting of eyebrows etc. Or is this just for show? Well, yes.

And why bother with the pronouns? I wasn't raised by wolves and so I know that you don't speak of others in the third person when they're in the room with you. So "she" and "hers" should literally never come up. These leaders should say "Kamala's" or "the Vice President."

PM said...

The longer it goes on the shorter it will last.

Static Ping said...

By her standards, that was a better than average effort.

Temujin said...

Jesus F***ing Christ.

Are we near bottom yet?

Butkus51 said...

This should be breaking news. We finally found someone who can define what a woman is.

Thats a big deal, no?

Clyde said...

And obviously inclusive toward the mentally impaired as well.

Clyde said...

rhhardin said...
A suit of color.

An empty suit of color.

Rollo said...

Not specific enough. Cornflower? Periwinkle? Cerulean?

And Kamala might consider what "blue" means to someone blind since birth.

JaimeRoberto said...

But did she do a land acknowledgement? You don't get full virtue credit unless you do that.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

"I am Kamala Harris, my pronouns are she and her, and I am a woman"

So she's a biologist? Who knew?

robother said...

What, now we need to rub the Blind's noses in the colors they can't see, and which mean nothing to them?

Why not add "and I smell divine!" for the smell-impaired?

It's almost like Woke is really just about, "look at me!"

Freeman Hunt said...

I love the assumption that blind people care about the color of somebody's suit. It's almost as funny as "Latinx".

Linda said...

Someone I follow on Instagram always includes an Image description for all her posts - which often (almost always) includes a knitting project. It took me a little bit to figure out that this was for the purpose of being inclusive to the visually impaired. On one hand I get it - but hearing the VP tell us what she is wearing for a meeting of some sort is totally UNimportant to any discussion.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Let Me elaborate...

Mark said...

The idea there, we were told, was to be inclusive toward the visually impaired.

I guess that makes every person on radio an inconsiderate, discriminatory a**hole because I listen to radio all the time and have never heard any of the speakers - whom I cannot see - describe their race and facial features. I think that is pretty important information, don't you?

Mark said...

Kamala: "I am a woman sitting at the table wearing a blue suit."

Blind Guy: "What is blue?"

Mark said...

Kamala: "I am a woman sitting at the table wearing a blue suit."

Blind Guy: "What is blue?"

Curious George said...

My pronouns are she and cumdumpster.

Barry Dauphin said...

Isn't the Microsoft guy culturally appropriating a mohawk, or is that OK as long as you engage in the other compulsory activities?

Goldenpause said...

So it’s OK for a guy to start any presentation with a statement that they are fashionably dressed and stunningly handsome? Asking for a friend.

Breezy said...

You must know that I am sitting at a table in a blue suit before we discuss the most pressing issues of our time.

Yancey Ward said...

"Jesus F***ing Christ.

Are we near bottom yet?"

Prepare to hold some beers.

n.n said...

She/her is being disparately judgmental and labeling.

Seinfeld - George Costanza's interview as a brassiere salesman S5:E4

*George leaves the office and goes to the elevator. A women there is waiting for the elevator. George felts her blouse material.*

Ms. De Granmont: What you're think you're doing?

George: Oh, nothing...

Ms. De Granmont: Farkus, get out here!

Farkus: Yes, Ms. De Granmont?

Ms. De Granmont: Who is this pervert little weasel?

"pervert little weasel"... Equitable and inclusive. Socially progressive.

H. Gillham said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
gilbar said...

i'm gilbar, my pronouns are none of your business*, and I am a person sitting at my computer screen wondering how the Hell these people think they're in charge?

none of your business* And, you are EVIL, for even wondering, let alone wanting to know

H. Gillham said...

"My pronouns are she and her" with "I am a woman sitting at the table wearing a blue suit"

Ugh. She is just slaying the language, as most folks do, but I am more concerned that the "table" {is} "wearing a blue suit."

LOL. Kidding.

I just wish she would have said "I am a woman wearing a blue suit and sitting at a table."

Well, I really wish she hadn't said anything, but since she did, I just wish she had said it correctly.
Meanwhile, the table is dressed nicely, I guess. :-)

tim maguire said...

How is giving a physical description of yourself inclusive of the visually impaired? Doesn't it give undue importance to physical appearance, thus further marginalizing this community? Why should it matter to anyone, let alone the blind, that he has a beard and she has long blonde hair?

Mason G said...

"A suit of color."

Initially, I read that as "A slut of color." Don't know why.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Linda said...
Someone I follow on Instagram always includes an Image description for all her posts - which often (almost always) includes a knitting project. It took me a little bit to figure out that this was for the purpose of being inclusive to the visually impaired

They're actually useful for people who are on a slow connection and can't download the image.

Other than that? The stupid is overwhelming

Original Mike said...

Have a heart. The color-blind might think it's a gray suit.

Paul said...

The woke are fucking idiots.

Harris is just a manifestation of that.

iowan2 said...

Universities are proof positive, the more time you spend on this woke nonsense, the less you do your actual job. It's no wonder the Nation is in Free fall. Dems can function by the time they apologize to all the protected classes, and potential protected classes.

Howard said...

She makes Hillary look human.

FleetUSA said...

Her advisor should all be replaced. U.S. VP acting like a clown trying to copy her boss.

Joe Smith said...

What scent is she wearing other than the stench of the Biden administration?

Some people are olifactorily-challenged.


Man 1: My dog has no nose.

Man 2: How does he smell?

Man 1: Awful!

Joe Smith said...

'A suit of color.'

I wear jeans of blue when the weather is cool.

Buckwheathikes said...

"I am a woman sitting at the table wearing a blue suit." The idea there, we were told, was to be inclusive toward the visually impaired.

"What is blue," asked the visually impaired?

When are we all just going to admit that these people have reached the logical conclusion of their idiotic narratives and move on dot org?

And, not for nothing, but when did Kamala Harris become a biologist? How does she know what a woman is? Not even Supreme Court Justice Katani Jackson Five can figure out what a woman is, since, you know, she's not a biologist.

That's how far we've sunk, ya'll. Actual Supreme Court justices lying under oath in the United States Senate to fraudulently obtain their lifetime appointments. And getting put on that very same court, having committed a felony in lying to the Senate.

Hey, isn't that "theft of government services?"

Good thing we're no longer a country of laws.

J2 said...

If people specify their genders and racial make up, this will allow the consumer decide how much credence to give the information they provide.

Rosalyn C. said...

Race isn't important anymore? Diversity is important but we're not supposed to talk about it? I'm trying to stay current.

Kevin said...

Immediately calls to mind:

My name is Daniel Pearl. I'm a Jewish-American from Encino, California, USA. I come from, uh, on my father's side the family is Zionist. My father's Jewish, my mother's Jewish, I'm Jewish. My family follows Judaism. We've made numerous family visits to Israel.

Goldenpause said...

As always, Harris manages to make the moment ridiculous. Is there any event she can’t turn into a parody?

somewhy said...

The Australian national news website abc.net.au has been including this sort of info on all pictures for about 12 months now.

Some of the short descriptions can be unintentionally funny but I'm guessing they adhere to some sort of stylistic mandate to provide for a simple text-to-speech web page translation for the visually impaired.

Ann Althouse said...

“ Oops, I think I was posting my comment right as you were updating!”

Thanks though.

My son was texting me about it. So I did need a prompt!

Yancey Ward said...

Did she point out each time she passed gas in the meeting to keep the hearing impaired on a level footing with hearing bodies?

rhhardin said...

I'm God and my pronouns are He and Him.

Skeptical Voter said...

I dunno---my pronouns are he and him, and I present as a white haired toxic old white male--with a hearing problem. The visually impaired will know who I am but if they respond I might not hear them--particularly the responbnder is a visually impaired young person with a high pitched voice.

It's got to be a tough job for whoever assists Kamala in changing her shoes at the end of the day. Kamala steps into a lot of things each day--it is her way.

Drago said...

Temujin: "Are we near bottom yet?"

Not even close. The ChiComs and their democratical foot soldiers have quite a few more plans for us.

gilbar said...

SDaly said...
Why is it necessary to say “she, her”? Isn’t “she” sufficient? Does anyone have different objective and subjective pronoun? She/him! He/They?

oh YEAH! lots of people are she/they
lots of people are she/they

stlcdr said...

If you are completely visually impaired - blind from birth - do you even know what 'blue' is? Even if you have that in mind, what does it matter? How does that change your perception of color....oh, right...

Ryan said...

Isn't trying to adapt television to be inclusive of the visually impaired a bit like trying to adapt radio to be inclusive of deaf people? Do we really need everyone to be able to participate equally in every aspect of life, or can we acknowledge that sometimes it might just be a good idea to acknowledge that "life's not fair" and live with it?

n.n said...

"A suit of color."

Initially, I read that as "A slut of color." Don't know why.

It recalls "the black whore theory" h/t NAACP

back... black hole... whore

Maynard said...

That is not a blue suit.

It is a light blue suit.

She really is rather precious though.

FunkyPhD said...

She makes Sarah Palin—remember her?—look like Albert Einstein.

Tomcc said...

Have we reached peak absurdity? Or are Ms. Harris' speech writers doubled over in paroxysms of laughter?

Tommy Duncan said...

Blogger Temujin said...

Jesus F***ing Christ.

Are we near bottom yet?

You'll need to ask Willie Brown that question.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The problem with pronouns is that it's been done, successfully.

That time the pros took over the Olympics.

Whatever happened to amateur nouns?

Mary Beth said...

Describing what she looks like just reinforces the idea that how people look is more important than what they say. If she really wants to do a favor for the visually impaired, she'll hire a voice coach to teach her to sound less nasal.

Marc in Eugene said...

She makes Hillary look human.

I doubt that Mrs Clinton has given up but I can't figure out how Mrs Harris fits into her scheming.

gilbar said...

Whatever happened to amateur nouns?
remember the Hockey Team? THAT'S the way nouns should be! Who wants to root for Pro Nouns??

Breezy said...

A long time ago, when I was learning how to speak in public, the whole focus was on knowing your audience. Now, it’s make sure your audience knows you. Oh, and screw them if they don’t worship you for who you are.

rhhardin said...

How does she know it's a blue suit? It might be grue. Grue is a color in philosophy courses that's blue before year 2000 and green afterwards. In a philosophy course before 2000 is serves as an example of insufficient evidence for, say, sky color.

h said...

Somehow (and I can't imagine how) Donald Trump has placed an ally deep deep inside the Kamala Harris staff (I think in a speechwriting role). If not Trump then Tucker Carlson.

Jon Burack said...

MY guess would be that blind people are as impressed by this as Hispanics are by "Latinx." But of course, it really ISN'T for the sake of blind people, is it?

Achilles said...

Democrats pick their female leaders based on their ability to service and enable the predatory male leaders.

These types of women tend to be stupid.

Anonymous said...

Three scariest words in the English language:

"President Kamala Harris."

Michael K said...

Are Democrats the only ones that use sign language translators for speeches? My favorite was Obama's sign language guy who was just pretending.

Original Mike said...

"Did she point out each time she passed gas in the meeting to keep the hearing impaired on a level footing with hearing bodies?"

That would be for the anosmiacs.

Seriously. This is what we have descended to. And it wouldn't matter except these people are in power!

TaeJohnDo said...

Sebastian said.: .....Honest question: has she ever done a good job, in anything?

I think she earned the nick name "Heels-Up" honestly, and I'm willing to bet she swallows...

LA_Bob said...

h said, "Somehow (and I can't imagine how) Donald Trump has placed an ally deep deep inside the Kamala Harris staff (I think in a speechwriting role). If not Trump then Tucker Carlson."

Actually, I think it's Willie Brown. And he laughs his ass off every time she speaks.

narciso said...

people would rather drink bleach rather than work for kamala

William said...

There's novelistic detail and there's blue suits detail. The novelistic detail is the black leather mask....The blind can perhaps get a better appreciation of Kamala simply because they're blind. Poor souls. No distracting hand gestures or speculation about whether that's some kind of fetish mask. Just the sheer overwhelming inanity of her words falling down upon you like an avalanche of sludge.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Some brilliant moments here tonight. Thanks, Ann.

Kevin said...

The entire point is that gender is fluid and at the discretion off the individual.

My chosen pronouns, at this particular moment and subject to change at any time, are…

Christopher B said...

I've read a couple of comments that the clothing description isn't necessarily an accommodation for visually impaired people but something that's now being done when a physical meeting also has remote viewers or participants because the camera shot may not always capture the speaker's place card as it moves around.

Lurker21 said...

*Sigh* Some things you know, or think you know, but don't have to say all the time.

Iman said...

Apologies Hollies…

That familiar cackle made me open my eyes
My blood pressure started to rise
She was a horse-faced woman in a blue suit

TrespassersW said...

Who decided that announcing what you are, where you at, and what you're wearing is "inclusive of visually impaired people? Did the visually impaired people request that accommodation, or did some white leftist eggheads with a savior complex come up with that. You know, the same idiots who came up with "Latinx."*

*FYI, a new iteration of that idiocy is "Philippinx" in place of Philippino or Philippina.

TrespassersW said...

Who decided that announcing what you are, where you at, and what you're wearing is "inclusive of visually impaired people? Did the visually impaired people request that accommodation, or did some white leftist eggheads with a savior complex come up with that. You know, the same idiots who came up with "Latinx."*

*FYI, a new iteration of that idiocy is "Philippinx" in place of Philippino or Philippina.

Kevin said...

FYI, a new iteration of that idiocy is "Philippinx" in place of Philippino or Philippina.

Sounds like Phili-penis.

I don't think it's going to stick.

stutefish said...

I don't understand how this helps blind people. Sighted people are informed by a visual language - "sitting at a desk" has meaning for us because we can see it. We have seen it countless times over the years. It carries a certain subliminal weight in our evaluation of the social context in which we find the desk-sitter. Telling a blind (from birth) person you're sitting at a desk doesn't confer that weight. Hell, they can't even visualize it. They can imagine what it feels like when they sit at a desk, but that's semantic gibberish in this context.

Blind people must be forming their own auditory language of social context. Timbre of voice. How the speaker's voice echoes in the space. Etc. Stuff sighted people probably don't notice because we can see the desk and are already making our inferences.

She might as well tell a deaf person, "I am Kamala Harris. My voice is falling flatly against the insulated walls of this space, but echoing firmly from the wooden desk surface in front of me. Infer from that what you will."

Unknown said...

I am Kamala Harris. For you non-sighted individuals, it is my breath that smells like dick.

Tim said...

Is she a biologist?

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