July 28, 2022

"For all its posturing as a rule-of-law pillar, the Biden Justice Department, like the Biden administration broadly, is cowed by the Democrats’ hard-left base..."

"... the same radicals who snapped their fingers and had Attorney General Merrick Garland ordering the FBI to investigate parents who dared protest against woke-progressivism in America’s schools. The Democratic base’s most cherished desire is the prosecution of Donald Trump and those who collaborated in his quest to retain power. Most of the country isn’t watching the slick made-for-TV docudrama being presented by the Jan. 6 committee (whose 'hearings' have no cross-examination or perspectives that vary from anti-Trump obsession), but the Democratic base is watching intently.... Obviously, the riot was a disgrace. Unfortunately, it has also become DOJ’s prism for evaluating both forcible attacks and nonviolent legal brainstorming. Garland must know the two must be separated.... Garland knows that prosecuting Trump and such underlings as Eastman and Clark on flimsy grounds would rip the country apart. He’s also worried, however, that Biden’s left flank is poised for mutiny if there is no indictment."


gilbar said...

Sounds like it's time for "quiet quitting" for Most mainstream democrats?
Fortunately, thanx to voter harvesting; it Doesn't Matter if you're enthusiastic about dem policies or not.. You vote WILL BE counted, and WILL BE counted as a vote for the democrat party

gilbar said...

Seriously, if it took more than 10 minutes to vote, how many people would be voting for this sh*t?

RideSpaceMountain said...

"Obviously, the riot was a disgrace."

No Andrew, Star Trek V: The Final Frontier, was a disgrace. The 1/6 protest was one of the best opportunities the people ever had to steal government furniture since Andrew Jackson had to kick people out of the White House during his inauguration.

Inga said...

I’m curious as to what McCarthy thinks about the “fake electors” scheme. He didn’t address that in this piece.

rhhardin said...

Garland has already disqualified himself with the first lie.

Michael K said...

McCarthy still thinks Garland has some ethics and honesty. Why was Peter Navarro arrested and put in leg shackles in public? What about The Veritas guy? What was his crime? The Garland DOJ is out of control and running a Watergate style coup with no crime to justify any of it.

Sebastian said...

"Garland must know"

There's our Andy again. Still carrying water for the "professionals."

"Garland knows that prosecuting Trump"

There's our Andy again. As if progs care about "ripping the country apart."

Andy: much as you like to live in denial, it's their MO. It's what they want.

iowan2 said...

what McCarthy thinks about the “fake electors” scheme.

Do you mean alternate electors? Something State Constitutions provide for in the event of questionable elections

Gusty Winds said...

“The Democratic base’s most cherished desire is the prosecution of Donald Trump and those who collaborated in his quest to retain power.”

He is right about this. But McCarthy and his other National Review neocons are cowards. “and those who collaborated”….what about the targeted vote fraud collaboration that installed Biden? Until that is addressed, NONE of this heals. Until future election integrity is addressed…NONE of this heals. And Democrats aren’t interested in election integrity, they know they’d lose.

Screw Andrew McCarthy and his National Review crew. They know the fraud was real.
Trump wasn’t on some “quest to retain power”. The fraud was obvious. He was right.

Floating around Twitter today is a Wisconsin guy to filled out on-line absentee ballot requests with people’s permission. He had the ballots sent to a different address than the registered address. Every request was fulfilled no matter where it was being mailed.

The Racine County Sheriff verified what he did, and wants the on-line absentee ballot function stopped because you can request without ID.

“With only a person’s name and date of birth, anyone can request another person’s ballot and have that ballot sent to any address entered. No photo identification is needed, and the requester can make a declaration of being indefinitely confined – thus, for the current and future elections, the requestor will be sent someone else’s ballot at the different address entered,” the Sheriff’s Department wrote in a July 27, 2022, news release.

The statement continued, “One complainant tested this vulnerability and had a second party request their ballot and had that ballot sent to the second party’s address. The second party was successful in obtaining the first party’s ballot. Another complainant requested the ballot of two prominent government officials and numerous individuals from around the state. This complainant reported he was successful in ordering these ballots be sent to the complainant’s home because he knew these individuals’ dates of birth and without showing any form of photo identification.”

Of course, the Milwaukee Journal will bury this, or vilify he Racine Sheriff. Madison, WI will applaud the fraud and deny it at the same time. Wisconsin is dirtier than Chicago.

madAsHell said...

but the Democratic base is watching intently

Wasn't Rachel Maddow cancelled?

Yancey Ward said...

I think it all but certain Garland's DoJ indicts Trump before the midterms. It would be unethical and stupid, so I think it all but impossible that Garland doesn't do it.

Kevin said...

He’s also worried, however, that Biden’s left flank is poised for mutiny if there is no indictment.

Well then screw the rule of law and due process.

Fake hearings now require fake charges followed by fake convictions.

Carol said...

They're so upset that we're not all watching raptly. But it's not a sitting president and time rolls on.

I didn't watch Endless Benghazi either.

Browndog said...


Those people, DOJ, White House, are the hard left, not hostages.

Joe Smith said...

'National Review' has fallen farther and faster than...

Václav Patrik Šulik said...

There have been some terrific people serving at AG - Edward Levi and Robert Jackson spring to mind. But there have been a lot of hacks, like Eric Holder and Alberto Gonzales. I had hopes that Garland would rise to the occasion, but he has chosen hackery.

Original Mike said...

Gusty Winds: Can you post a link to the article about the Racine County Sheriff's statement? Thank you.

Inga said...

“Do you mean alternate electors? Something State Constitutions provide for in the event of questionable elections”

They used the term “fake electors” themselves until they decided to use “alternative”.

In emails reviewed by The New York Times and authenticated by people who had worked with the Trump campaign at the time, one lawyer involved in the detailed discussions repeatedly used the word “fake” to refer to the so-called electors, who were intended to provide Vice President Mike Pence and Mr. Trump’s allies in Congress a rationale for derailing the congressional process of certifying the outcome. And lawyers working on the proposal made clear they knew that the pro-Trump electors they were putting forward might not hold up to legal scrutiny.

“We would just be sending in ‘fake’ electoral votes to Pence so that ‘someone’ in Congress can make an objection when they start counting votes, and start arguing that the ‘fake’ votes should be counted,” Jack Wilenchik, a Phoenix-based lawyer who helped organize the pro-Trump electors in Arizona, wrote in a Dec. 8, 2020, email to Boris Epshteyn, a strategic adviser for the Trump campaign.

Dave Begley said...

"The Democratic base’s most cherished desire is the prosecution of Donald Trump and those who collaborated in his quest to retain power."

I agree 100%.

Original Mike said...

"Eastman was accosted June 22 as he left a New Mexico restaurant. Agents detained the former law-school dean and snatched his cellphone, chockablock with privileged attorney-client communications. Clark’s family home in Northern Virginia had been raided that morning. Forced to wait outside for hours in his pajamas, the former Justice Department official watched investigators cart away his electronic devices.

There is a noxious exhibitionism at work here. In cases involving serious crime, arrests are typically made at the same time search warrants are executed, since DOJ must show probable cause that a crime has been committed. But Eastman and Clark have not been charged.

The use of search warrants is even more peculiar here. For years, Clark was a DOJ official. He worked white-collar cases, which teach lawyers that there are always duplicates someplace — people who destroy documents get caught and prosecuted. Eastman clerked on the Supreme Court prior to becoming a constitutional law professor. When the Jan. 6 committee subpoenaed his emails, he didn’t destroy them; he went to court, and when the judge ruled against him, he honorably surrendered the emails.

There was no need to treat these guys like mafia button men. So what’s going on here?"

Placating the hard-core left, that's what's going on. It's an utter disgrace.

Bill Kinnon said...

Duck Duck Go is your friend, Original Mike. link

Jupiter said...

Original Mike, I don't know if these are where Gusty Winds got it, but here are some links;

here and here.

pacwest said...

I'm so old I can remember when prosecuting your political opponents was a terrible thing.

rcocean said...

Yeah, there's poor ol' Merrick Garland. A GOOD MAN. Who's being pressured by the left-wing kooks.

If he OK'd the FBI investigating Parents who displeased Democrat Schoolboard members, will that's because he was FORCED TO DO IT. By those meanies, the SJW's.

Goddamn. Typical NRO. There's absolutely zero reason to believe Garland isn't "Far left" and is doing what he wants. He will charge Trump, because its all part of the plan. First came post-President impeachment. Then the Fake partisan J6 committee McCarthyite hearings. And now, just before the midterms, we'll get the indictment of Trump - on bogus charges.

McCarthy is fake-con and a never trumper, who spent years telling us that Comey was a GOOD MAN, and that Mueller was A MAN OF HONOR, and the FBI was full of HONORABLE MEN. Every attack on Trump is justified until proven otherwise. He's a fraud.

Mike Sylwester said...

Votes received by the Democrat Candidate:

2008, Obama = 69.5 million votes

2012, Obama = 65.9 million votes

2016, Clinton = 65.9 million votes

2020, Biden = 81.3 million votes

That last number seems rather odd.

Robert Cook said...

Anyone who can actually refer in print to the President being "cowed by the Democrats' hard-left base" is a propagandist or an idiot, (or both).

gilbar said...

Original Mike said...
Gusty Winds: Can you post a link to the article about the Racine County Sheriff's statement?

it's currently on the top of their facebook page
The Racine County Sheriff’s Office has recently been contacted by complainants who have reported apparent vulnerabilities to fraudulent voting within the website My Vote Wisconsin (https://myvote.wi.gov/en-us/).
With only a person’s name and date of birth, anyone can request another person’s ballot and have that ballot sent to any address entered. No photo identification is needed, and the requester can make a declaration of being indefinitely confined – thus, for the current and future elections, the requestor will be sent someone else’s ballot at the different address entered.
One complainant tested this vulnerability and had a second party request their ballot and had that ballot sent to the second party’s address. The second party was successful in obtaining the first party’s ballot.
Another complainant requested the ballot of two prominent government officials and numerous individuals from around the state. This complainant reported he was successful in ordering these ballots be sent to the complainant’s home because he knew these individuals’ dates of birth and without showing any form of photo identification.
Based upon this serious threat to voter integrity, the Sheriff’s Office has contacted the Wisconsin Attorney General’s Office and the Wisconsin Elections Commission.
While My Vote Wisconsin has many useful capabilities and provides valuable information, the Sheriff’s Office is calling for the immediate suspension of the function within My Vote Wisconsin where a person can request another’s absentee ballot and have it mailed to a different address, with or without showing any proper photo identification. The Sheriff’s Office is calling for the immediate suspension of the function allowing for the declaration of being indefinitely confined, which allows for ballots to be sent to different addresses for “All future elections”. Lastly, based upon the concerns of the community, the Sheriff’s Office is requesting a full, state-wide, investigation into this voter integrity issue by the Attorney General’s Office and the Wisconsin Election Commission to ensure the voting process is secure and that appropriate safeguards are in place.
To determine if there was any fraudulent activity associated with your or anyone else’s voting history, go to My Vote Wisconsin and enter a valid name and date of birth to see that person’s absentee status and voting activity. If you believe there are potential legal violations, you are encouraged to contact your local law enforcement agency.
Sheriff Schmaling stated, “I am disheartened by the apparent vulnerabilities in My Vote Wisconsin that are ripe for fraud, and everyone – no matter their political leanings – should join in requesting a thorough, state-wide, investigation into this significant election integrity issue.”

John Borell said...

When will Garland appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Hunter Biden?

Gusty Winds said...

@ Original Mike:

Requested Link

Remember, Racine County Sheriff Christopher Schmaling was the one to blew the whistle on all the corrupt "ballot curing" that went on in Racine County care facilities. Staff we're filling out ballots for people who couldn't remember their name, or recognize their children.

The Milwaukee Journal vilified the guy. Madison did nothing and will continue to do nothing.

Wisconsin is a beautiful state, but the Democrats and Liberals here are completely corrupt. They'll even let your town burn if it scores political points.

MikeR said...

I really don't see the problem here. Indict him on any made-up charges you like. Get a DC jury. Don't worry about making a credible case. They will convict.
This isn't hard, or shouldn't be.

Sally327 said...

I think it's possible that Donald Trump wouldn't actually mind being indicted? It doesn't seem like the obvious answer, the vast majority of people wouldn't want to be anywhere close to a courtroom, but I think that The Trial of Donald Trump would easily take the place of the OJ trial as the most riveting in modern memory. And Donald Trump wouldn't find that a negative I don't think.

jim5301 said...

Some thoughts on this important topic.

No cross-examination. The hearing is more akin to a grand jury proceeding than a trial. They can't bring charges. Cross examination is not a feature of grand jury proceedings.

The key witnesses are all Republicans. They are generally not easy to lead them to give you the answer you want. Someone tell me what questions are not being asked that should be asked. a) who do you want to examine, b) what do you want to ask them, and c) what do you think they will say that supports your position? Prob. no one will take me up on this offer because that is how this blog works. Insults are easier.

Otherwise unfair? Orig. there was going to be a bi-partisan joint Senate-House committee, with the later having a veto power over subpoenas, and a hard deadline for submitting a report. Late 2021 I believe. It would have been easy for the minority to act in bad faith and frustrate and delay the proceeding. A bad deal for the democrats but surprisingly the Republicans backed out. McCarthy could appoint to the House committee five and Pelosi rejected two including Jordan, who talked to Trump on Jan 6 and won't disclose the conversation to other committee members. Instead of appointing 2 replacement he took his ball and went home. Why - can't find two competent non-conflicted republican representatives - out of 213 Republicans? Hmmm.

Justice favors Biden? That would explain why they neve brought the strong obstruction case laid out in the Mueller report. The statute of limitations has run I think. That would explain why if you believe press reports they are letting Congress takes the lead - which makes no sense and is contrary to DOJ normal procedure. They don't want key witnesses giving lots of statements. They would normally put them before the grand jury to lock in their testimony under oath. And they have can and Congress can't compel witnesses to testify in exchange for use immunity. And they can get warrant searches.

Justice apparently subpoenaed some key phone records for the first time in APRIL. 15 months after Jan 6. And we are to believe they are playing politics in favor of the Republicans?

I think a Republican other than Trump is our next President. In the meantime I predict Trump will have been convicted and his case will be on appeal. SCOTUS will take it up. He'll get a pardon from DeSantis or whoever and never serve one day behind bars. Unless he is convicted in Georgia but that's a long shot. Sickens me.

Rabel said...

As someone recently said regarding McCarthy;

"I'm beginning to wonder whether or not the blind sheik was really guilty."

jim5301 said...

I meant playing politics in favor of "Democrats", of course.

Inga said...

@Gusty Winds and Original Mike

“Do indefinitely confined voters have to provide a photo ID?”
An indefinitely confined voter does not need to provide a copy of photo ID. Instead, the witness’ signature on the Absentee Ballot Certificate Envelope satisfies the photo ID requirement.

A signature is still required from both the witness and the voter.
The Absentee Ballot Certificate Envelope is the envelope in which you return your voted ballot to the municipal clerk.
If you have photo ID, you may choose to send a copy of it along with your absentee ballot request, but it is not required. If you choose to provide a copy of your photo ID, you won’t have to supply one again unless you change your name or address.

If you choose to vote absentee in the clerk’s office or at the polling place on Election Day, a photo ID will be required.”


Kevin said...

In the meantime I predict Trump will have been convicted and his case will be on appeal. SCOTUS will take it up.

Convicting politicians for acts committed in office will not end well for Democrats.

I don't think they want to open that Pandora's box.

Jupiter said...

jim5301 said...
"Sickens me."

You're sick alright.

Achilles said...

Robert Cook said...

Anyone who can actually refer in print to the President being "cowed by the Democrats' hard-left base" is a propagandist or an idiot, (or both).

Another stupid posit by our rather shallow leftist.

You are boring Cook.


gadfly said...

Andy McCarthy writes a piece for the New York Post that declares that General Merrick Garland has no case against Donald Trump. As a lawyer, it is difficult to imagine that seizing cell phones as part of a search warrant from John Eastman and Jeffrey Clark requires an arrest. Especially since these gentlemen refused to fully cooperate with the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol.

"There is noxious exhibitionism at work here. In cases involving serious crime, arrests are typically made at the same time search warrants are executed, since DOJ must show probable cause that a crime has been committed. But Eastman and Clark have not been charged."

Andy has forgotten a lawyer named Michael Cohen who was not immediately charged and arrested by the Southern District of New York. To obtain a search warrant, prosecutors must convince a federal judge that agents are likely to discover evidence of criminal activity.

When the Cohen trial ended, Michael went to jail but his boss, who ordered Cohen's actions and was referred to as the "unnamed co-conspirator," was let off the hook despite the fact that no law on the books permitted this finding.

Further, Andy's position is directly opposed to the NY Post editorial that damned Trump's inaction during the January 6, 2021 putsch that TFG incited. As Rupert Murdoch's editors wrote:

"It’s up to the Justice Department to decide if this is a crime. But as a matter of principle, as a matter of character, Trump has proven himself unworthy to be this country’s chief executive again.

Freder Frederson said...

Why was Peter Navarro arrested and put in leg shackles in public?

You have any pictures to link to? Just because he claimed he was put in leg shackles, doesn't mean it actually happened.

Joe Smith said...

'I think it all but certain Garland's DoJ indicts Trump before the midterms.'

So instead of losing 20 or so seats, the Ds will lose 50 instead.


Achilles said...

It will be interesting to see what all the leftists say when Pelosi is asked under oath what she knew about the FBI involvement in J6.

Ray Epps on the stand under oath will actually be interesting.

"Ginger Gun" will also make an interesting witness.

Especially since all of their testimony will be actual first hand testimony and admissible evidence.

But I expect a lot of citation of the 5th Amendment.

boatbuilder said...

How touching that Andrew still thinks that Merrick Garland would be concerned about the possible consequences of his actions for the future of the country.

Achilles said...

"It’s up to the Justice Department to decide if this is a crime. But as a matter of principle, as a matter of character, Trump has proven himself unworthy to be this country’s chief executive again.

This is how stupid you have to be to support this Regime and their kangaroo courts.

Michael K said...

gadfly and jim1234 are having an orgasm about McCarthy's article. Michael Cohen went to prison for things he did, not that Trump did. He's trying to sell his book to the usual suspects by slandering Trump. Nothing new.

alanc709 said...

Inga said...
I’m curious as to what McCarthy thinks about the “fake electors” scheme. He didn’t address that in this piece.

You must be referring to Hillary in 2016 trying to get electors to change their vote, right? God, you are pathetic.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

That the far left are infatuated with a member of the CHENEY family now - makes me laugh - HARD.

What is pathetic and frightening - the leftwing brain is OK with a one-sided Soviet style trial/hearing that does not allow cross examination.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The far left who still believe the Rachel Maddow- Hillary lie that Trump was somehow elected by Putin - it equally troubling.

boatbuilder said...


You, Gadfly, are a thoroughly dishonest piece of work.

Gusty Winds said...

Gilbar quoted: Another complainant requested the ballot of two prominent government officials and numerous individuals from around the state.

One of the prominent government officials was our do nothing, Madison infected, RINO, House Majority leader Robin Vos. It's actually hilarious. They requested his ballot online, and got it shipped to another address. Nothing wrong with that, huh???

Vos is a coward. And he is corrupted by Madison. It happens people who spend too much time there. After a while, they forget the rest of the state exists. Happens to the college kids that get polluted at UW too.

Scott Walker didn't get infected. But he and the GOP made a HUGE mistake creating the WEC (Wisconsin Election Commission) in 2015. They thought they could appease the libs with it. Instead they created an unconstitutional rival law making body to the state legislature. Typical gov't committee mission creep.

It's over. Drink more Beer. This should be Wisconsin's new state motto.

Forward my ass.

ccscientist said...

Dem politicians have been egging on their followers to riot, to harass supreme court justices for years and that is all ok.
Jan 6 was NOT an attack or an insurrection. Cops opened the doors for them. The capitol police did not send extra cops. The "insurrection" was unarmed and left after taking selfies. About 100 people entered the building but they have arrested 700. Pelosi let 1000 women into the capital office building several years ago during the pussyhat march--and that was fine. Dems took over the WI capitol building for months and that was ok. Remember that Hitler arranged fake incidents to grab more power. He staged a "massacre" of german soldiers at the polish border to justify his invasion. This crap is so sick. Pelosi is the most dangerous person in America.

YoungHegelian said...

Let me tell you the Secret Teaching as to why the Left is so up in arms about Jan. 6.

It's because it showed in no uncertain terms that the Left doesn't have a monopoly on Revolutionary Mob Violence, and they really, really, really thought they did. I mean, historically, it's been one of their trademark products.

Remember all the rioting in Summer, 2020, and all the Antifa/BLM rioting over this or that? Well, all that rioting occurred in areas controlled by Democrats. In other words, it occurred with either the active connivance or passive acquiescence of the local authorities in charge of policing. Those riots didn't happen in Texas or Alabama -- they would have been put down there.

So, the Left knows that their Storm Troopers have so far only functioned when those no resistance. Ah, but Jan. 6, Jan.6 was a whole different kettle of fish. There, the Right invaded and basically took over a symbol of Federal power in the Bluest of Blue Districts (i.e. DC). The Right Wing Revolutionary Mob won the battle against both Federal & local power, and they did it almost completely unarmed!

The Left knows that if Trump had told the crowd to come armed, a lot of them would have done so, because they almost all own guns. And it would have been Holy Hell to get them out of the Capitol. America would have had its very own Paris Commune moment.

Bruce Hayden said...

“ Justice favors Biden? That would explain why they neve brought the strong obstruction case laid out in the Mueller report.”

No. It wasn’t a strong case. Not even close. It utilized a completely novel, LawFare created, interpretation of the § 1001 Lying to Investigators statute constructed by cobbling disjoint pieces of the statute together, and completely ignoring the Materiality requirement as well as requiring an underlying crime. To this day, it has never been tested in court. It violated black letter law rules of statutory construction, and was rejected on those grounds by both the AG and, more importantly, the DOJ Office of Legal Counsel, which has plenary authority to interpret statutes for the DOJ. The usage of the LawFare, instead of the OLC, interpretation, of the statute violated multiple DOJ rules and regulations.

Let me also remind you why that report was created in the first place. Mueller and his crew of highly partisan hack prosecutors reported to DAG Rosenstein, since AG Ashcroft had foolishly recused himself. Rosenstein did nothing to reign in the prosecutors. Their mandate was to investigate Russian interference. DOJ officials knew that the Steele Dossier, etc, were fabricated by operatives from the Clinton Campaign since the first of the Trump Administration. The Mueller investigators determined in well under a year that the entire Trump/Russia collusion theory was a hoax. At that point, having completed their mandate, the investigation should have shut down. It didn’t. What were they doing? Running perjury traps, utilizing that LawFare developed misinterpretation of §1001. Trump got AG Barr confirmed. He wasn’t recused, so took over oversight of Mueller. Within days, he asked him WTF were they doing? Were they investigating Russian campaign interference? No. Then what? They were running the §1001.perjury traps to roll up Trump’s inner circle to get to him. Government prosecutors legally working for Trump were spending their time and taxpayer dollars to try to take down their boss (Trump). There were several problems with that. First, that wasn’t within Mueller’s mandate as a Special Counsel. They were operating without legal authorization. And secondly, by ignoring materiality (contrary to OLC statutory interpretations), and requiring an underlying crime, they violated DOJ rules and regulations, and violated the Constitutional rights of their targets. One well known example of this was the prosecution of Gen Flynn - the FBI had the transcripts from his phone call with the Russian Ambassador in front of them. Flynn did not. They knew what was said. He didn’t remember. But it couldn’t have been legally material because it couldn’t affect FBI understanding of the call - because they had the transcripts before they interviews him. So, when AG Barr asked SC Mueller, what they were doing, Mueller was forced to shut down his investigation. The Mueller Report was merely his disgruntled rabidly partisan prosecutors venting their great displeasure at being caught out. Yes, they laid out an Obstruction case - except that it utilized the discredited, never court tested, and contrary to OLC, LawFare misinterpretation of §1001. What they laid out in that Report were not crimes, or even close.

gadfly said...

Mike Sylwester said...
Votes received by the Democrat Candidate:
2008, Obama = 69.5 million votes
2012, Obama = 65.9 million votes
2016, Clinton = 65.9 million votes
2020, Biden = 81.3 million votes
That last number seems rather odd.

2004 50.99% 62028285 59628444 49.01%
2008 46.31% 59948323 69498516 53.69%
2012 48.04% 60933504 65915795 51.96%
2016 48.89% 62984828 65853514 51.11%
2020 47.73% 74216154 81268924 52.27%
Total 48.33% 320111094 342165193 51.67%

The 2016 numbers are odd because Clinton won the popular vote.
Trump's percentage of the popular vote for both the 2016 and 2020 votes average only 48.26% of the votes, worse than all GOP candidates in these years except Mittens in 2012.

Tom T. said...

"Justice apparently subpoenaed some key phone records for the first time in APRIL. 15 months after Jan 6."

In other words, they initially concluded that there was no case, but now they're under political pressure to produce an indictment.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

I think it all but certain Garland's DoJ indicts Trump before the midterms.

If that happens it energizes the Republican base.

gadfly said...

In my 12:19 response, I meant to say "that since McCarthy is a lawyer, it is difficult to imagine that seizing cell phones as part of a search warrant from John Eastman and Jeffrey Clark requires an arrest."

These automatic repairs to my writing sometimes result in changed meanings. I am not a lawyer.

Original Mike said...

Thank you, Jupiter.

I tried D2GO, Bill.

The article confuses me a little. While he was able to request it, it looks like Harry has yet to receive Vos's ballot?

Inga, I bet Voss will be surprised to learn he is indefinitely confined.

LA_Bob said...

Andrew McCarthy's article reminds of this video from ten years ago, when Megan McArdle and Matt Taibbi debated "truckloads of subpoenas" about to drop over the financial meltdown. Taibbi was beaming over the prospect of perp walks; McArdle quietly reminded people it's easy to make charges but difficult to prove criminality in very complex cases.


There seems to be precedent in recent decades that we don't prosecute presidential predecessors (Ford didn't prosecute Nixon, Obama didn't prosecute Bush officials, Trump didn't go after Hillary), and this seems wise to me. Now there is great pressure to break that precedent. It ain't pretty, and I confess I have no idea whether Trump committed any crime or whether he "has proven himself unworthy to be this country’s chief executive again" as gadfly quotes.

Inga said...

“Inga, I bet Voss will be surprised to learn he is indefinitely confined.”

Speaking of Voss, I wonder if he was surprised to learn he is a RINO. Trump says so.

Joe Smith said...

Now Bill Barr is saying Garland should be thinking about a special prosecutor:



Heywood Rice said...

The brazen plan to create false slates of electors pledged to former President Donald J. Trump in seven swing states that were actually won by Joseph R. Biden Jr. was arguably the longest-running and most expansive of the multiple efforts by Mr. Trump and his allies to overturn the results of the 2020 election...

takirks said...

The dumbf*cks got a shot across the bow with Palin. That scared the hell out of them, so they destroyed her, with malice aforethought. In return, they got the TEA Party, which they also destroyed in a bi-partisan manner. They got Trump out of that.

Consider what they're going to get out of destroying Trump. Think about it, and just consider it. Do you want Alex Jones or someone of his ilk as President? Because, that's about the best-case outcome for where this is going.

The oligarchy doesn't like the fact that the people are the final arbiters of who runs this country. They've painted over the pressure gauge and tied down the relief valve while the boiler temperature has been going up and up and up. They fail to recognize that Palin, the TEA Party, and Trump were harbingers, warning signs. The inevitable blow-up, when it comes? Gonna be huge.

You start getting feedback that people aren't happy with the way things are going, you'd best start listening. Instead, our "elite" are doubling-down and whistling past the graveyard.

The Dutch ate a prime minister, once. I ain't suggesting that as a solution here, but I am pointing out that there are a lot of unpleasant things that could happen to even the vaunted "elite".

Michael K said...

You have any pictures to link to? Just because he claimed he was put in leg shackles, doesn't mean it actually happened.

Detective Freder wants pictures of everything. How about these ?

This one even has video of the senile idiot.

Michael K said...

Blogger Robert Cook said...

Anyone who can actually refer in print to the President being "cowed by the Democrats' hard-left base" is a propagandist or an idiot, (or both).

OK, "Cowed" may not be the best term. How about enthusiastic co-conspirator? Bought and sold to China ? How's that ?

Ralph L said...

Democrats know they won't be convicted in DC. I don't know how Republicans will get even without lampposts.

Beasts of England said...

‘2016 48.89% 62984828 65853514 51.11%
2020 47.73% 74216154 81268924 52.27%’

Gadfly thinks Trump picked up 11,000,000+ more votes than in 2016 and still lost the election. lol

Greg The Class Traitor said...

"For all its posturing as a rule-of-law pillar, the Biden Justice Department, like the Biden administration broadly, is cowed by the Democrats’ hard-left base"

The honest person:
For all of my (Andy McCarthy's] posturing that Merick Gardner and the other Democrats at the DoJ / FBI are honorable human beings, the reality is that they're all scum, and so am I."

Fix it for you, Andy

And no, this weasely shit is not enough to get your honor back

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Merrick is quietly quitting.

Original Mike said...

"Speaking of Voss, I wonder if he was surprised to learn he is a RINO. Trump says so."

What's that got to do with anything?

Bunkypotatohead said...

There was a post about physiognomy the other day....how you can tell a lot about a person by their facial features.
Take a good look at Garland. All I see is venality.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

jim5301 said...
Some thoughts on this important topic.

No cross-examination. The hearing is more akin to a grand jury proceeding than a trial. They can't bring charges. Cross examination is not a feature of grand jury proceedings.

Neither is "doing it in public"

Grand jury hearings are non-public BECAUSE the non-adversarial process is well known not to lead to the truth

The key witnesses are all Republicans.

Are you really so ignorant / stupid that you honestly believe that "Republican" == "Pro-Trump"?

Someone tell me what questions are not being asked that should be asked
Let's start with the easy one: Why didn't Pelosi accept Trump's offer of National Guard protection?

Until that one is asked and answered in public, under oath, there are no other meaningful things to discuss

Orig. there was going to be a bi-partisan joint Senate-House committee, with the later having a veto power over subpoenas, and a hard deadline for submitting a report. Late 2021 I believe. It would have been easy for the minority to act in bad faith and frustrate and delay the proceeding. A bad deal for the democrats but surprisingly the Republicans backed out. McCarthy could appoint to the House committee five and Pelosi rejected two including Jordan, who talked to Trump on Jan 6 and won't disclose the conversation to other committee members. Instead of appointing 2 replacement he took his ball and went home. Why - can't find two competent non-conflicted republican representatives - out of 213 Republicans? Hmmm.

The Chairman of the House J6 Committee officially objected to certifying Bush's 2004 victory, because of internet rumors of cheating.

Is he a "competent non-conflicted democrat representative"?
If you say "yes", the discussion is over, because you're an obvious liar
If you agree "no", then your question is answered: Pelosi violated the rules and agreement by trying to exclude 2 GOP members.

The ONLY proper response to that is "you will follow all the rules, all the time, or nothing happens"

Justice favors Biden? That would explain why they neve brought the strong obstruction case laid out in the Mueller report.

We're done now. What a pathetically juvenile and stupid statement on your part. There was no "obstruction case" laid out in the Mueller Report. If there was, Mueller's team would have charged it
There was a partisan whine
DoJ isn't bringing it because they don't want to get laughed out of Court

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