June 29, 2022

You've heard of the smoking gun. Now comes the splattering ketchup.

From "Here's every word from the sixth Jan. 6 committee hearing on its investigation" (NPR):
He motioned for me to come in and then pointed towards the front of the room near the fireplace mantel and the TV, where I first noticed there was catsup dripping down the wall and there was a shattered porcelain plate on the floor. The valet had articulated that the President was extremely angry at the Attorney General's AP interview and had thrown his lunch against the wall, which was causing him to have to clean up. So I grabbed a towel and started wiping the catsup off of the wall to help the valet out. And he said something to the effect of, he's really ticked off about this. I would stay clear of him for right now. He's really, really ticked off about this right now..... There were — there were several times throughout my tenure with the Chief of Staff that I was aware of him either throwing dishes or flipping the tablecloth to let all the contents of the table go onto the floor and likely break or go everywhere.

Now that we know about the ketchup — "catsup" — what should we do? How off the norm is it to express anger in the White House by throwing an object? 

I think first of Hillary Clinton throwing a lamp at Bill. Did that happen? I'm seeing "That ‘Hillary Clinton threw a lamp/book/Bible’ story has been circulating for ages" (WaPo):

“Washington dinner parties [in 1993] were buzzing with stories of Hillary throwing — take your pick — a lamp, a briefing book or a Bible at Bill.”... Fast-forward to 1998, just after President Clinton’s affair with Monica Lewinsky was revealed — and a full five years after the buzz over Hillary throwing books and lamps had become established Beltway lore [and there's a story that a] White House maid discovered blood all over the president and first lady’s bed, and called in a residence staffer.... 

Blood! At least it wasn't ketchup.

The lore is that Hillary threw "the infamous edition of 'Leaves of Grass' that Bill Clinton eventually gave to Lewinsky and that the first lady had discovered the gift intended for her husband’s mistress."

“It’s not certain” that the book was the Lewinsky one, “but the staffer’s memories paint a picture of the tension.” 

And then there’s the matter of lamp-tossing. [One book sources] the story to former florist Ronn Payne, who recalls hearing the Clintons fighting behind closed doors. He apparently heard Hillary call Bill a “goddamn bastard” and then the sound of a heavy object being thrown. 

“The rumor among the staff,” [says the book], “was that she threw a lamp.”... During a televised White House tour in June 1993, interviewer Katie Couric jokingly asked the first lady to point out where she was when she tossed a lamp at her husband. “Well, you know,” Clinton responded. “I’m looking for that spot, too.”

ADDED: Is this post unfair? Yes. That's deliberate. It's intended as a commentary on unfairness. The January 6th committee hearings are unfair. 


wendybar said...

I call BS on the whole thing. Most of what she said was Hearsay, and the rest was balderdash.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

One-sided hearsay and obscene over-the-top Trump-hate = all the left have.

jim5301 said...

Ann - why are the hearings unfair?

Inga said...

Some Americans have an opinion on the fairness of the Jan.6th hearings.

In the surveys on which this article is based, approval of the committee’s work enjoys an edge of 11 to 16 points over disapproval. The ABC/Ipsos poll found that 60% of Americans view the committee’s investigation as “fair and impartial”; 38% disagree.

whiskey said...

Luther's inkwell.

n.n said...

Fair and equitable complements civility bullshit.

Two-eyed Jack said...

I grew up with Del Monte Catsup, not Heinz Ketchup. I say the word as "Cat-sup". I know Another Method of Making Walnut Catsup as well. Are those days gone forever?

Mike Sylwester said...

I would have added the following sentence to the beginning of your NPR quote:

After Mark [Meadows] had returned, I left the office and went down to the dining room and I noticed that the door was propped open and the valet was inside the dining room changing the tablecloth off of the dining room table.


I recommend Andrew McCarthy's article Cassidy Hutchinson’s Testimony against Trump Is Devastating in the National Review website.

McCarthy acknowledges the problems of Hutchinson's reliability, but he uses her testimony to depict key events that have not been known to the public. I learned a lot from the article.

It does seem to me now that Trump intended to lead a march to the Capitol Building, but was stopped from doing so by the Secret Service, because of security concerns (not political concerns).


I do not think that Trump should be prosecuted, but I will be happy if all of this leads to Ron DeSantis becoming the Republican candidate in the 2024 Presidential election race.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Stupid recycled Trump rage stories. Yawn. When will they wrap up their fanciful kangaroo court and start governing? The tales get taller (he assaulted the SS) and get refuted with near real-time correction (SS releases statement refuting J6). Spokesweasel asserts from Germany that our “border is closed,” a tragic and obvious lie. Supply chain is more broken. Babies hungry. More evidence than ever Biden had very close contact with top Chinese spy. But Trump. But Trump. But Trump looks better by comparison every day geniuses.

JRoberts said...

Even if the ketchup story (or limo story) is true, how does that prove knowledge and intent for Trump's organizing/coordinating the events at the Capitol on January 6, 2021?

I agree with Ann that this hearing isn't fair. It's not even logical.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

is there video?
Was vindman there?

n.n said...

The smoking gun. The soiled scalpel. The voracious vacuum. And, now, the ketchup splatter pattern.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

A one-sided show trial is fair... if you support the Soviet Style.

Mike Sylwester said...

jim5301 at 7:54 AM
Ann - why are the hearings unfair?

She has told her reasons in many previous blog articles.

She should make a keyword for this investigation.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Ooh ABC poll! Well that settles it. This is top shelf bullshit Inga approves of. Amazing how assaulting the Secret Service stayed a secret for so long. And only a third-hand witness is available? Totally legit yo!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

This sums it up, really.

Jason said...

The people who fell for "The Gorilla Channel" thing are falling for this shit now, too.

Howard said...

Wake me up when they actually charge someone for treason with special circumstances. It sounds like Trump chickened out of leading the charge to the Capitol. His bone spur was acting up again.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

show trial is porn for the true- believers .

Anonymous said...

As my Mom said, life isn't fair.

Crying about fairness is what losers do.

Creola Soul said...

This is not going to make one whit of difference in the November elections or Biden’s approvals. What people are worried about is the $6 gasoline, more expensive food and how they will provide for their families. They will vote accordingly on those issues.
Two points: this keeps the Democrats deflected from actually having to try and deal with rising oil prices, which the environmental community won’t let them do, and it clears the Republican field for President. Well done!

iowan2 said...

Inga; you support the Committee suborning perjury? This is not the first or last, just the latest. Texts have been edited to change meaning, videos edited to exclude ex-culpable evidence
Now we have a "witness" changing her testimony. A witness that sought to be on the Trump payroll in Florida, after Jan 21.

Polls are commissioned to support a pre determined narrative.
Nobody is paying any attention to the committee, and sound bites are all negative to Trump and positive to the Committee.
This mornings local news, teased the "new bombshell evidence", at the commercial break, then ran the Blasey Hutchinson testimony, with a short tag on the end that her testimony was being disputed by the very person she was quoting.

Testimony without cross examination is nothing but story telling.

cfs said...

The same people who believed the Trump/Russia collusion lie, also believe every hearsay bit of testimony coming out of this committee. This says a lot about them.

Mr. D said...

This whole thing is a joke. The only good news for the Dems is that when the Republicans confiscate the gavels in January, the Republicans will send out their silly bomb throwers and no one will pay attention.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Mark - you say that in terms of the law?

Due Process? The Right to a fair trial?

How totalitarian of you.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The left are setting up a cheat-to-win scenario where they insert old crook Hillary in 2024.

They left cannot risk losing the insider corruption ring.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Another witness is found dead. Happened to witness the Antifa-FBI element of the Jan 6th riot.

Lilly, a dog said...

It's Blasey-Ford 2: Electric Boogaloo. How is Hutchinson's GoFundMe doing?

Jersey Fled said...

Weren't some here arguing a few weeks ago that What's His Face did not commit a crime because he didn't actually kill Kavanaugh?

Gospace said...

I heard from a friend of a friend...

Actually, my assistant's mother lived next door to a secret service agent. I heard about the lamp throwing incident (except it was instead a large glass ashtray) right a few days after it happened, before it was ever in any media. And there wasn't much of an internet back then.

And that the Secret Service pulled her aside and explained that it was their job to protect the President from any threat- including her if necessary. Which is why she has always had a very cold relationship with them and why she's the only former FLOTUS with all assigned agents, no volunteers.

Make of it what you will- that's my story and I'm sticking to it. My memory on what I heard it was may be fuzzy- it was a while ago.

deepelemblues said...

"I recommend Andy McCarthy's..."

I recommend finding better reading material. Perhaps by someone who doesn't step on rakes with his political and legal analysis like Andy keeps doing.

Iman said...

NPR employees and their audience live in an alternate universe on Planet Wackadoodle.

Aggie said...

Will we ever reach the tipping point when a Trump-Rage story automatically triggers an avoidance reaction, because too many people know in advance that it didn't happen, simply because of the story?

n.n said...

All's fair in lust and abortion rites.

cassandra lite said...

It's fitting that Harris spent years in Berkeley, which is Oakland adjacent, because there's no there there.

lgv said...

Clearly the broken plate is the smoking gun of the alleged insurrection. I can't believe any more evidence or witnesses are even necessary.

Just to seal the deal, we have hearsay testimony of Trump grabbing the steering wheel of a moving vehicle and having "lunged" at a Secret Service agent. Just another nail in the coffin.

But seriously, why would they even bother with hearsay testimony when the actual eyewitnesses are alive and available? She heard it from Tony Ornato. Why not just call him? Why not just call the driver and any other agents in the vehicle? Paint me just a little skeptical. It would be physically difficult for anyone to grab a steering wheel in the presidential limo.

rcocean said...

There were charges that both Hillary and Bill physcially and verbally abused the secret service agents. we know for a fact that Clinton used Arkansas state police to get women for him, and sexually harrassed Paula Jones.

one could go on. But unlike the Left, people on the center-right aren't obsessive haters who love to profanely spew out hate and insults, day after day, week after week, year after year. Of course almost all felons and the mentally ill are Democrats. You don't find many Republican in mental hospitals and half-way houses. So, its a different mentality.

rcocean said...

BTW, Rod Dreher is showing his true colors AGAIN. Accepting all the hearsay evidence as Truth, he's expressing OUTRAGE that "orange man" is still in public life. Later, when its shown to be false, he'll backtrack a bit, then do the same thing again next week.

rcocean said...

Andy McCarthy is another NR loser. Is still vouching for the "Honorable" FBI, "Honest" Jim Comey, and "Straight-shooter" Mueller?

n.n said...

It does seem to me now that Trump intended to lead a march to the Capitol Building

That in and of itself would have been an isolated event unrelated to the riot forced by the Capitol Police's violent withdrawal of the invitation to the people... persons assembled.

Michael said...

Grabbing a steering wheel from the backseat of a gigantic Escalade is quite the fanciful lie. Ever ridden in one in the back seat?

Cappy said...

Maybe he was angered about ketchup on his hot dog.

wendybar said...

"BREAKING: Former White House lawyer Eric Herschmann says that it is not true that Cassidy Hutchinson wrote the handwritten note that she testified on Tuesday that she wrote. He says it's not true because he was the one who wrote the note.""Eric testified under oath. Liz Cheney questioned him about that note. She knew Cassidy was lying." https://abcnews.go.com/US/trump-white-house-attorney-disputes-cassidy-hutchinsons-testimony/story?id=85898838

s'opihjerdt said...

Trump was in the back of the limo when he yelled "go go gadget arms!" Ripped out the divide and reached twelve feet to the steering wheel. I swear that that's what I heard.

donald said...

Her dad is a war criminal that profited off of death and bloodshed her entire life. I think Liz's crusade, is to keep these facts from coming to light,cause I sure she's pigged out at those same troughs her entire despicable life.

donald said...

Her dad is a war criminal that profited off of death and bloodshed her entire life. I think Liz's crusade, is to keep these facts from coming to light,cause I sure she's pigged out at those same troughs her entire despicable life.

Ray - SoCal said...

Seems another hit job against Trump, allegations that are BS, and moving on to the next way to slime Trump

Terry di Tufo said...

Why the Walt Whitman tag? Is that part of the Venn diagram (the one that contains multitudes)?

Bruce Hayden said...

How does Trump grab the wheel of The Beast, from the back seat, where he always rode, and always would ride? The story has, of course, also been debunked by the agent driving and the head of his security detail. But are they going to be allowed to testify? Of course not.

It’s going to be a long time before a lot of stay at home women ever vote for Democrats again, after their soap operas are canceled, time after time, for these show hearings. That these same networks have gone rainbow crazy isn’t helping them one bit either. We struggled through Black History Month, just for it to be replaced by Rainbow Supremacy Month. Hint to Dems - nobody cares about who screws whom in their private bedrooms, as long as they are consenting adults. Just stay away from the kids - and that is why they won’t shut up. The child molesters and pedophiles seem to u9have taken over the LGBT??? Movement. But then FJB appears to be sympathetic to their pervy cause, showering with his own daughter, and touching the daughters of others in front of their parents. It’s what you get when you install a senile perv as POTUS through massive voter fraud. Actually, the whole clan, except maybe Dr Jill, seem a bit pervy, with First Son with his hooker and cocaine addictions (and having banged his late brother’s widow), and his sister’s sex addiction.

Iman said...

It’s the Big Half-Assed Lie.

Joe Smith said...

'...where I first noticed there was catsup dripping down the wall...'


Like me, Trump only eats ketchup.

Joe Smith said...

And after he had desecrated the sacred walls of the White House, Trump proceeded to order two scoops of ice cream for dessert.


Leland said...

What I want to know; was the ketchup Heinz? If so, does anyone know where John Kerry's wife was at the time?

Ann Althouse said...

“Why the Walt Whitman tag?”

The author of “Leaves of Grass.”

By the way, the tag for all the January 6th things is “the Trump resistance.”

I didn’t know where things would go when I started it.

Temujin said...

>51 migrants die in overheated truck trying to illegally enter the US "for a better life".
Our borders are overrun and have been for years. We have zero security on our southern border. And no control over who is coming, yet our President and his party keep up the open invitations to the world.
>China is ramping up it's military and enlarging it's hold on American corporations and global production of goods- all at the same time.
>Our cities are becoming unlivable. Crime of all sorts is skyrocketing. Our 'leaders' look to fight this by defunding police.
>Homeless encampments are taking over large swaths of major American cities.
>Our schools are trying to keep parents from learning what they're actually teaching their kids. When the parents find out, they object. Our DoJ then starts investigations on the parents for their concern about their kids, who are apparently the property of the State.
>Our banking system is a joke. Our economy is a house of cards. Our Secy of the Treasury is either the best actress in modern history, or she really is what she appears to be- an idiot. The Fed leader is a day late on every reaction. The Fed is chasing their own mistakes of the past 20 years.
>Our energy production and development has been canceled, along with your unapproved speech. Hope you can buy windmills for your yards this coming winter. www.callgreta.com.
>The national mood is worse that it has been at any point...in history. Consumer confidence is at its lowest point.

Our congress continues to hold this kangaroo court filled with jesters and clowns. Two days ago they announced a breathtaking new testimony. The media breathlessly (again...yet again) pours out the "Wait...this is the Big One" headline. And then we get a story about Trump losing his temper? Tossing a plate? Ketchup?

That the people are not storming the Capitol- DAILY -with bags of feathers and buckets of tar at this point is nothing short of a miracle. Would any of you hire anyone in the House of Representatives today to manage a shoe store? (with apologies to shoe store managers). My God. We've got the least capable people in our country in the most important positions for our country.

Come November, there needs to be major and serious changes.

ConradBibby said...

Sylvester: "I do not think that Trump should be prosecuted, but I will be happy if all of this leads to Ron DeSantis becoming the Republican candidate in the 2024 Presidential election race."

Not sure I'll be "happy" if this show trial leads to anything other than mockery of the people behind it. However, I agree with your sentiment in general. In the dems finally succeed in taking down Trump, they will have killed the goose that laid the golden (orange?) eggs for them. What else have they got to run on except their anti-Trumpness? Personally, I'd rather have 8 years of DeSantis than 4 years of Trump, so if it works out that Wile E. Coyote finally catches the Roadrunner, I'll not be that disappointed.

mikeski said...

"My best friend’s sister’s boyfriend’s brother’s girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who’s going with the girl who saw Trump try to commandeer the limo. I guess it’s pretty serious.”

wendybar said...

Give it up Progressive losers. Even the media is calling her testimony out, and asking how the Committee was dumb enough to use it as "evidence" when it was Hearsay. https://twitchy.com/dougp-3137/2022/06/29/amazing-stuff-cassidy-hutchinsons-sworn-j6-testimony-is-being-pivoted-to-anecdote-status/

Yancey Ward said...

The January 6th committee could have subpoenaed the SS agents themselves instead of relying on Hutchinson's hearsay testimony. They could still do so for corroboration, so let's see a show of hands from our resident lefties- will the agents required to testify- will they be allowed to testify publically under oath? If the answer is no, then explain why. I expect nothing but the sound of crickets, but am willing to be surprised.

Kate said...

My dental hygienist was mocking a friend who spelled it: cetchup. I said something about catsup, and how the mistake was understandable, and she had no idea what I meant.

If only we could all know the history of how to spell the word for tomato condiment, the world would be a kinder place.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

It does seem to me now that Trump intended to lead a march to the Capitol Building

And what does the FACT that he did not do so tell you now, Genius? Think hard!

Original Mike said...

Blogger Michael said..."Grabbing a steering wheel from the backseat of a gigantic Escalade is quite the fanciful lie. Ever ridden in one in the back seat?"

Sometimes a single claim within a story lets you know the whole thing is bullshit. But I'm glad to see Inga has been given a new reason to get up in the morning.

John henry said...

I d believe the plate throwing. I suppose it could have happened but in 50 year's in the public eye, this is the first time? I'm skeptical.

What really blew my bullshit meter past 100 was the allegation that he tried to grab the wheel.

Was he riding in the front seat? Sitting on the console or the other agent's lap?

The rear section of the limo is sealed from the front. To grab the wheel he would have to break through the bulletproof partition and climb through.

Is that what is alleged?

Glenn pointed out yesterday that if pdjt told them to drive him to the capital and they tried to drive him to the white house, it would legally be kidnapping

John LGBTQ Henry

gspencer said...

"where I first noticed there was catsup dripping down the wall"

Well, did it look like this,


or was it more Simpson-esque,


PB said...

No testimony from the Jan 6 can be believed, too !any lies. Leaks and out of context facts.

Drago said...

Mike Sylvester: "I do not think that Trump should be prosecuted, but I will be happy if all of this leads to Ron DeSantis becoming the Republican candidate in the 2024 Presidential election race."

Imagine being dumb enough to go along with an avalanche of moronic and transparent lefty lies just to own the orange man and thinking the dems wont just roll the entire gameplan onto the next republican.


MalaiseLongue said...

Trump led a seditious insurrectional coup against Our Democracy but failed to control his own Secret Service detail with his direct presidential orders.

Christopher B said...

Mike Sylwester said...

It does seem to me now that Trump intended to lead a march to the Capitol Building, but was stopped from doing so by the Secret Service, because of security concerns (not political concerns).

As a counterfactual, this cuts two ways. Yes, Trump might have wanted to lead a march into the Capitol. However, had he been there he would have been the focus of the crowd's attention, not the Capitol itself, and he would have been well positioned to attempt to disperse the crowd, not sending messages or making TV announcements that might not get through.

This evidence doesn't support the contention Trump's intent was to lead the charge into the Capitol given the counter-testimony from the Secret Service agents and the fanciful nature of the details like Trump wrestling for the steering wheel.

Richard Aubrey said...

Too good to check. Or, too good not to make up out of whole cloth.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

“The January 6th committee hearings are unfair.”

You said you weren’t going to watch the hearings because they weren’t going to be fair. I smell confirmation bias, and ketchup.

Richard Aubrey said...

Too good to check. Or, too good not to make up out of whole cloth.

Readering said...

Seems one reason for timing of yesterday's hearing may have been to pressure Cipollone to testify next month.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

"Our witness today, Ms. Cassidy Hutchinson"

Is a clear and obvious lying sack of garbage.

It's also clear and obvious that every single member of the committee is aware that she's a liar.

1: Her testimony is not a surprise to the committee
2: If someone says "I heard this happened in the President's car", then what anyone who is looking for the truth does is subpoena all the people in the car at that time, and ask THEM what happened
3: Multiple press outlets, including those right wing Trumpers NBC and the AP, have all reported that multiple people who were in the car are willing to testify that the story is garbage

So, is the situation that the Committee members all found her story so totally lacking in credibility that they didn't even try to call anyone to verify?

Or that they did call them to verify, were told it was BS, and ran with it anyway?

Tina Trent said...

Or, five minutes of the Johnson administration.

Or three minutes in JFK's swimming pool.

Or Roslyn and Jimmah Carter abetting Jim Jones' welfare fraud scheme, sending hundreds of poor minorities and dumb hippies to the slaughter.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Via Reddit: Why did Trump smash so many plates against the wall?

He wanted to seem tough on china.

Top voted response: Chy-nah

Michael K said...

That girl's lies have already been refuted by those who were there and have no reason to support Trump, except the truth. She wants to be a TV bimbo and will probably get a gig on MSDNC. Meanwhile, I keep wondering where all that proof that Shiff had ready to reveal went ?

I'm sure Inga and jim 1234 will believe it, though.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Althouse said...

By the way, the tag for all the January 6th things is “the Trump resistance.”

I didn’t know where things would go when I started it.

Althouse doesn't believe Jan6 is like 9/11 🤯 🤣

wildswan said...

Here's some pictures of the Presidential limo.

With this one you can see that if Trump "lunged" he'd fall on the floor between his seat and the driver's seat.


This one states that there is a glass-like partition between the driver and the back seat where Trump was and that Trump had a switch to lower that partition.

So we picture the switch being used, Trump moving forward five feet, leaning over a thick partition (the width of concrete blocks and the seat back) and past the body of the driver and gripping the wheel. Then the Secret Service Agent notices that Trump isn't sitting in the back, instead he's grabbed the wheel. The Agent says "Let go of the wheel, Mr. President." While continuing to hold the wheel with his right hand Trump turns and grabs the Agent in the back seat by the collarbone with his left hand. It's very scary for the Agent but it serves him right for not noticing what Trump was doing until that moment. It's a very long stretch from the wheel in front to the collarbone of the agent in back but in the fevered imagination of the left Trump can do anything and the testimony reflects this vision of Trump which is how we know it is another lefty lie. At any rate, by utilizing their unarmed combat training and also by shouting "let go, please, pretty please," the Agents, trained to hold back assassins, manage to hold back the President. The left, of course finds this fantastic farrago completely credible, so credible that no Republican, no lawyer and no member of the Secret Service is allowed to question it or testify against it.

minnesota farm guy said...

Apparently this hearing is supposed to endTrump's hopes for 2024. Although I would be happy if he withdrew I am not sure why the Dems think that clearing the field for Ron DeSantis is such a great idea. I have a feeling that DeSantis would be a much more effective ( and less divisive) president than Trump, able to achieve some really important objectives without all the press resistance. I also feel that he will be much less of a problem for women voters than Trump is.

Joe Smith said...

Trump splatters ketchup on wall.

Clinton splatters semen on an intern's blue dress.

One is impeachable.

One wasn't 'sex.'

Compare and contrast.

Joe Smith said...

'I have a feeling that DeSantis would be a much more effective ( and less divisive) president than Trump, able to achieve some really important objectives without all the press resistance.'

There will always be press resistance.

There will always be the press flat-out lying.

The press are democrat, socialist operatives.

Nothing will change that, Trump or no Trump...

Narayanan said...

at least Trump did not bomb Iraq or Ukraine or drone strike a family or wedding

Narayanan said...

“the Trump resistance.” >>> implies some sort of possessive adjectival use but not clear for against or by whom or what or why

so I will go with all and all the time

Narayanan said...

“the Trump resistance.” >>> implies some sort of possessive adjectival use but not clear for against or by whom or what or why

so I will go with all and all the time

Michael said...

Original Mike
Agreed. In the Virginia rape hoax we were told the “victim” was raped on a glass topped table. Anyone with knowledge of fraternities would know that never in the history of fraternities did any own such a piece of furniture. It was a laughable unnecessary and telling detail that revealed the lie. Liars almost always give a little more information than required.

Two-eyed Jack said...

Kate said "If only we could all know the history of how to spell the word for tomato condiment, the world would be a kinder place."

Here, then, is the road to a kinder world:


Richard Aubrey said...

minnesota. I suspect the press would be after deSantis as with Trump. But if deSantis doesn't mock them back, there will be less ink spilled in this particular arena.

I also think the problem the women votes had with Trump was that he was a republican and they were given numerous talking points justifying the hate for all things republican, to the point some of them actually believed.

Michael K said...

Blogger Readering said...

Seems one reason for timing of yesterday's hearing may have been to pressure Cipollone to testify next month.

After all these years you think there is a smoking gun somewhere? These Keystone Kops would not find it even if it existed. The smoking gun is where Schiff's evidence is.

Mike Sylwester said...

Mike (MJB Wolf) at 10:36 AM
It does seem to me now that Trump intended to lead a march to the Capitol Building

And what does the FACT that he did not do so tell you now, Genius? Think hard!

Here is what I wrote:

(quote, emphasis added)

It does seem to me now that Trump intended to lead a march to the Capitol Building, but was stopped from doing so by the Secret Service, because of security concerns (not political concerns).

(end quote)


Also, I want to make clear that I do not think that Trump committed any crimes.

LA_Bob said...

@minnesota farm guy,

Don't worry. Come 2024, especially if deSantis runs and wins the Republican nomination for President, there will surface plenty of stories he grabbed women's steering wheels without consent.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Drago - some of us can see clearly that of course the left will move on and build their next Hitler into whoever ends up at the top.
Some of use are tired of Trump despite the left's corrupt unfairness.
Trump's screw-ups go back to the day he listened to the wrong people - as Ann Coulter screamed! (who helped get Trump elected)

boatbuilder said...

Do all of you people in favor of "getting Trump out of the way so Disantis can be President" understand that the Dems, the Deep State and the MSM will come after Disantis twice as hard as they did Trump?

Can Disantis overcome the sheer wall of insane lies and corruption that will be put forth? Can he create his own megaphone?

Trump, like Rush Limbaugh, possesses an unprecedented combination of energy, ego, resiliance, showmanship, humor and nastiness needed to go forward against all of this. I surely hope that Disantis has it as well, but I don't think that he has the showman/streetfighter thing. (I think he has the streetfighter part. The showman may be equally important.)

Trump is right--they don't hate him--they hate YOU.

boatbuilder said...

So Trump's "plan" to take over the country was that he was going to grab the steering wheel of the limo and drive to the Capitol?
Evil Genius!!

Michael K said...

Blogger Richard Aubrey said...

minnesota. I suspect the press would be after deSantis as with Trump. But if deSantis doesn't mock them back, there will be less ink spilled in this particular arena.

DeSantis has a very smart PR gal who mocks very effectively. Trump did not have as clever a spokesperson until he got the girl who is now on Fox News. Also, I doubt he had the personal discipline.

Indigo Red said...

The Beast limo was not used January 6. A Chevy Suburban SUV was used.

The dripping ketchup was not John Kerry Heinz 57 for obvious reasons.

walter said...

We've barely recovered from the thief who re-ignited the whole lectern/podium confusion only to have the ketchup/catsup issue blow up. I have an anonymous source who swears the WH kitchen switched to paper plates and plastic cutlery due to Trump's temper.
They're just throwing red condiment at the wall to see what sticks.

Jim at said...

Ann - why are the hearings unfair? - dumbjim

I have an idea. Let's string you up on charges, and you have no right to a defense. Zero. None. You can provide no evidence in your favor. You won't be able to testify. Nobody will be able to testify on your behalf.

Then, get back to us on how 'fair' your trial was.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Drago - I hate all the hearsay - but some of what Cassidy said where she was in the room - pretty damning.
Not criminal - but Trump's lazy strange statements are so lame and damaging to HIM!
Trump and his handlers look like people who should not be in power.

Watch ALL of her testimony.

People on the right who are sick of Trump - it not because of the good stuff - it's because of the circus and his lack of professionalism. Clumsy Clumsy Clumsy...

"oh those people are not going to hurt me" - come on. that level of self-absorption borders on Pelosi-esque

DeSantis is younger, articulate, and has self-control... and ready to handle the left's BS.

Trump fumbles and bumbles.

traditionalguy said...

Oh woo, woo. Expressing Anger is a virtue in a man that channels it into winning. Scary to women, but normal confrontation mode to men.

Mason G said...

"I am not sure why the Dems think that clearing the field for Ron DeSantis is such a great idea."

They thought clearing the field for Trump in 2016 was a good idea, too. So there's that.

pacwest said...

Ketchup = blood = "The Shining" = Crazy as a loon. Catchup people.

rcocean said...

Many of these comments and those on Conservative websites just drive me up the wall. When is the Center-right ever going to learn?

These sort of charges are lies until proven otherwise. Her charges are Bullshit. Its hearsay. She has ZERO support for it. She didn't witness it. Its not up to us to analyze things and write 10 page memos on why it didn't happen. its up to the Trump haters on the committee to PROVE it happened.

Let me repeat, she was TOLD this happened by someone else. By WHO? By WHO? By WHO? Until we get THAT name, and they tell us WHO TOLD THEM or prove they are a direct witness, this a made-up lie, that lacks any credibility.

Constantly going back and forth, and doing Analysis of an unproven lie, just helps the liars.

gilbar said...

Was (or was NOT,) this Catsup used on a steak?

rcocean said...

This reminds of the weak minded Republicans and Blaisy-Ford. This kook claims Kavanaugh assaulted her 30, or 29, or 31 years ago. She can't say where. She can't give a month or a day. She can't produce any contemporous evidence. She can't even prove that Kavanaugh spoke to her. SHe gives a motive that makes no sense, and we learn she's a liberal Democrat.

But instead of calling bullshit, and moving on, the R's on the Judiciary Committee spend a week putting Kavanaugh through Hell and going back and forth and playing perry mason.

Meanwhile, when Biden is accussed of sexual harrassment with dates and times, the Democrats just say Fuck you, not credible. And that's that!

Richard Dolan said...

"It's intended as a commentary on unfairness. The January 6th committee hearings are unfair."

Well, no one ever said politics was fair, so no surprise there. Even if it's fake news, it's entertaining. And it's the very best kind of fake news at that -- believable as to both Hillary! and DJT, and the sort of thing that ought to be true even if it isn't.

What's weird is that the Dems running the J6 show can't get past their TDS to figure out that (i) the audience they need to reach (very much NOT the true believers who hang on every word of it) couldn't care less about J6, and (ii) if they succeed in destroying Trump (or getting DOJ to pursue a criminal case against him, as Andy McCarthy speculates may be in the works), that just removes the only Rep candidate they have any hope of beating in 2024.

Can't anyone on that team play this game?

Michael K said...

Blogger boatbuilder said...

Do all of you people in favor of "getting Trump out of the way so Disantis can be President" understand that the Dems, the Deep State and the MSM will come after Disantis twice as hard as they did Trump?

Oh yes. They've already begun but DeSantis is smoother than Trump. The problem is that DeSantis is an unknown quantity at the national level. He is saying the right things, and doing some of them. Trump kept his promises, which is unique the last 100 years. Trump also had his own money which gave him less susceptibility to graft.

BUMBLE BEE said...

These Jan. 6 Hearings are the dumbocrat's equivalent of singing Nearer My God To Thee on the fantail of the Titanic.

William said...

Am I the only one who saw this poll from CBS?

CBS Poll

Investigating Jan 6, 2021 is tenth out of ten in terms of national priorities - only 33% of folks believe it should be given high priority.

And yet every night the evening news leads with a breathtaking, breaking January 6th story and every morning my liberal morning newspaper does the same thing.

“Curiouser and curiouser!” cried Alice (she was so much surprised, that for the moment she quite forgot how to speak good English).”

Doug said...

Personally, I'd rather have 8 years of DeSantis than 4 years of Trump

Embrace the healing power of 'and'.

Inga said...

“A CBS/YouGov poll conducted last week found that while almost seven in 10 Democrats are following the hearings some or a lot, just a quarter of Republicans are and less than half of independents.

Overall, half of respondents said they think Trump was trying to stay in office through illegal means. More than eight in 10 Democrats and 51% of independents thought so, but just 13% of Republicans did.

And while 80% of Democrats think the Jan. 6 committee should recommend Trump be charged with crimes, 44% of independents feel the same and just 8% of Republicans do.

It's hard to hear a tree fall in a forest when you're thousands of miles away.“


Makes me wonder if those who said they wouldn’t watch the hearings are regretting not watching. But I suspect that staying in the dark when it comes to hearing any possible evidence of anything negative regarding Trump outweighs their curiosity.

Inga said...

It would be funny if it weren’t so sad. The “fairness” of the hearings are on the heads of Trump and McCarthy..

“Kevin McCarthy and Donald Trump deserve each other. It is poetic justice that each could be the other’s undoing.

It is priceless — classic Trump, in fact — to find the former president suddenly grousing that McCarthy, the House minority leader, was “foolish” in failing to ensure that mainstream House Republicans were seated on the January 6 committee.”

Trump Has Himself to Blame for the One-Sided January 6 Committee

boatbuilder said...

In fairness to Hillary, if you were married to Bill, don't you think you would have thrown something at him?

Ann Althouse said...

“Trump Has Himself to Blame for the One-Sided January 6 Committee”

That’s behind a paywall. Can you summarize the reason?

Assuming it’s Trump’s own fault he’s defenseless in the proceeding and that means he deserves it, I would still think that we, the people, do not deserve it. It’s oppressive propaganda in this form, not a proper airing and testing of the truth. I cannot trust this presentation. I’m forced to infer that they dare not subject themselves to a fair test.

This procedure is worse than whatever it was that happened in January 6th.

Inga said...

“That’s behind a paywall. Can you summarize the reason?”

Bottom line…McCarthy’s spinelessness in following Trump’s directive and Trump’s typical poor decision making cause this one sided Jan.6th hearing scenario. It’s their own fault and now they are crying about it. No pity from Andy McCarthy.

“McCarthy was huddling with Trump while he was jousting with Pelosi. That was a big reason why he attempted to name ardent pro-Trumpers Jim Jordan (R., Ohio) and Jim Banks (R., Ind.) to the committee: They were to take on the role of aggressive defense counsel for the former president (although, as the committee proceedings have unfolded, it appears that Jordan would also have had to devote time to defending himself). Upon “consulting” with McCarthy, however, Pelosi imprudently exercised her prerogative not to seat Jordan and Banks.

This left McCarthy with his two choices: either (a) use Pelosi’s refusal to seat Jordan and Banks as a rationale to decline any authorized House Republican participation in the panel and thus publicly frame the committee as wholly illegitimate; or (b) accept the comparatively minor setback of not having Jordan and Banks on the committee, seat the full complement of five Republicans, and therefore have allies on the panel who could conduct cross-examination and present alternative perspectives at the committee’s sessions — which would make them more akin to real hearings.

The second option was the only sensible option. There is only one explanation for McCarthy’s failure to choose it: Trump. The “stable genius” strategist thought he could delegitimize Pelosi’s panel by labeling it the “un-select committee.” And, of course, as the “witch hunt,” the rebuke he figures worked against Special Counsel Robert Mueller and would work here as well. (Of course, it only “worked” against the Mueller probe because, as a matter of fact, Trump hadn’t colluded with Russia, and as a matter of communication, he still held the bully pulpit — the Capitol riot situation is inapposite in both regards.)

But it didn’t just become obvious that the decision to boycott the committee was witless; it was obvious at the time. As for McCarthy, the likelihood is that he will end up cooperating with the committee anyway . . . as a witness. He has been subpoenaed to testify about a heated conversation during the riot, in which McCarthy implored Trump to call on the rioters to stand down and Trump responded by rebuking the minority leader, “Well, Kevin, I guess these people are more upset about the election than you are.” Like Jordan and other congressional Republicans with information relevant to the committee investigation, McCarthy has indicated that he will resist. We’ll see how firm he is about this if the committee threatens a contempt citation or asks a court to rule that his non-compliance is illegal.

Meanwhile, what has McCarthy’s servility gotten him? In yet more classic Trump, the former president is not only blaming McCarthy for his own miscalculation; he is admonishing his supporters that he has not endorsed McCarthy to become speaker if Republicans retake the House in the midterms.

In the end, McCarthy’s spinelessness may help the January 6 committee make a damning case that harpoons Trump’s ambition to return to the Oval Office, while Trump’s now-familiar use-’em-and-burn-’em treatment of sycophants may harpoon McCarthy’s ambition to be House speaker. But at least they still have each other, right?“

Inga said...

More from Andy McCarthy

Also, I responded to your request at 6:02PM.

Drago said...

Can of Cheese: "DeSantis is younger, articulate, and has self-control... and ready to handle the left's BS."

There is, to date, zero evidence DeSantis can hold the midwestern Trump voters. Time will tell.

But this desperation on the part of a vocal minority of the republican base to discard Trump simply because the democraticals have layered non-stop lies on him is so very typical of the stupid party.

Even worse, we see republican idiots laying the blame for 50 years of DC republican betrayal of the base voters onto Trump.

Even DeSantis knows that as soon as the layered democratical lies against him reach critical mass, and they will, that same republican crew will want him gone too.

Its inevitable.

walter said...

Blogger Can Of Cheese for Hunter said...
is there video?
Was vindman there?
Brian Williams was..

Mary Beth said...

Makes me wonder if those who said they wouldn’t watch the hearings are regretting not watching

No. I was wondering what kind of chumps are watching the propaganda show, but now that question has been answered for me.

Yancey Ward said...

A fair committee would have allowed the House minority leader to select which members of his party sit on it. As structured, the entire operation is a clown show that is only preaching to the choir, and the people on it don't get it yet, but they will eventually come to understand it, even if they never admit it.

Inga said...

“No. I was wondering what kind of chumps are watching the propaganda show, but now that question has been answered for me.”

Chumps like Andy MCarthy.

Readering said...

Althouse, the formation of the Jan 6 committee was big news at the time. Pelosi exercised her power to veto 2 committee members selected by McCarthy on grounds that they had voted against certification and were implicated in the events of the day. So McCarthy retaliated by pulling the rest of his selections instead of replacing the 2. Meanwhile Pelosi appointed 2 Republicans who had voted to impeach. Trump has recently torched McCarthy for what he did, but at the time he backed his decision. Typical Trump.

This followed Republican blocking of a bipartisan Commission to investigate, on much shorter track, and with Republican veto over use of subpoenas. That was the real miscue.

But who was to foresee committee would innovate with video testimony, and bloviating Dem Reps would cede their time to Cheney, lawyers and presentation pros?

Reminds me of Korean War. US sponsored UN resolution for police action could have been vetoed by USSR, but Stalin chose to boycott. Unfair.

Achilles said...

Mike Sylwester said...

I do not think that Trump should be prosecuted, but I will be happy if all of this leads to Ron DeSantis becoming the Republican candidate in the 2024 Presidential election race.

The only people that Desantis is more popular with among Republican voters are the political hacks that populate blog discussions and consume political news daily.

Trump has a connection to the broad working class that Desantis will never have. Desantis is a lawyer career politician. His only advantage over Trump is he looks like a career politician and this makes a certain segment of the Republican base all giddy.

It is a very small segment of the Republican base.

Desantis is just not as good a candidate as Trump is. Trump got more legitimate votes for president than any other person in history.

Imagine being happy about and hoping a Stalinist Show Trial takes down the most successful Republican President since Lincoln.

You are a fool.

Achilles said...

Can Of Cheese for Hunter said...

Drago - I hate all the hearsay - but some of what Cassidy said where she was in the room - pretty damning.
Not criminal - but Trump's lazy strange statements are so lame and damaging to HIM!
Trump and his handlers look like people who should not be in power.

Watch ALL of her testimony.

People on the right who are sick of Trump - it not because of the good stuff - it's because of the circus and his lack of professionalism. Clumsy Clumsy Clumsy...

"oh those people are not going to hurt me" - come on. that level of self-absorption borders on Pelosi-esque

DeSantis is younger, articulate, and has self-control... and ready to handle the left's BS.

Trump fumbles and bumbles.

This is the group of people that voted for Romney in the primaries in 2012 because he was so pretty and respectable.

Desantis will lose the working class and the Hispanics that will support Trump.

I am really glad that there aren't very many Republicans that keep falling for the well coifed and perfumed career politician crap anymore.

You people gave us Dole, Bush, McCain and Romney.

We should never listen to you again.

Readering said...

Part of what seems unfair is the revolution in technology necessitated by covid. At all levels, from how USSC arguments are conducted, to trials like Depp v Heard, to the Jan 6 Committee hearings. I have seen college mock trial teams with better techmology skills than lawyers of a decade ago. The film Social Network used "depositions" in an innovative way. That's so 2010.

Readering said...

When I think Dole, Bush, McCain, I don't think perfumed, I think shot/shot down. I guess we won't see that type again soon.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Ever Trumpers need to get over themselves.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Achilles -

Do you recall the slate of candidates who were running when Romney won?
Romney was my last choice.
but if it makes you feel better to lie to yourself - you go boy.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Achilles- Trump is a gift to the left. Wake up.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I have the power to give you Dole, Bush, McCain and Romney?

Cool - I got power, baby.

Michael K said...

“McCarthy was huddling with Trump while he was jousting with Pelosi. That was a big reason why he attempted to name ardent pro-Trumpers Jim Jordan (R., Ohio) and Jim Banks (R., Ind.) to the committee: They were to take on the role of aggressive defense counsel for the former president (although, as the committee proceedings have unfolded, it appears that Jordan would also have had to devote time to defending himself). Upon “consulting” with McCarthy, however, Pelosi imprudently exercised her prerogative not to seat Jordan and Banks.

Inga is off in lala land again. Do you think that 25 year old liar was credible ? Do you know what hearsay is? "Defense counsel" is what is called a fair trial. You prefer kangaroo courts which is all you know.

Drago said...

Russian Collusion Truther and Hillary Hoax Dossier Dead Ender Inga: "Chumps like Andy MCarthy."

Quite so. Excitable Andy is well known for serially vouching for the CIA, NSA, DOJ, Comey, McCabe, Mueller, the FISA courts, Biden, Merrick Garland and etc and then, years/months after the corruption has been exposed Excitable Andy offers a very weak statement tut-tutting the corruption....and then immediately moving to strongly vouch for the next set of corrupt bureaucrats targeting republicans.

Looks like the major funders of National Review, Google and similar leftists, are getting value from their controlled-opposition "conservatives".

Its the Weekly Standard all over again.

Inga doesnt know any of that because alot of it happened more than 15 mins ago and thats the demonstrated limit of Inga's memory.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

One sided trials are show trials. They are a mockery of due process and baseline fairness.
Only leftists approve.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Ann schools Inga.

Assuming it’s Trump’s own fault he’s defenseless in the proceeding and that means he deserves it, I would still think that we, the people, do not deserve it. It’s oppressive propaganda in this form, not a proper airing and testing of the truth. I cannot trust this presentation. I’m forced to infer that they dare not subject themselves to a fair test.

This procedure is worse than whatever it was that happened in January 6th.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Achilles and Drago -
I voted for Trump twice and will vote for him again if he is the nom.
While I understand the relentless unfairness and lies directed at the him from the liar left - that doesn't mean Trump is a super hero.

Original Mike said...

Hey, Inga! Who's been President for the last two years? How do you think things are going?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

andy McCarthy is a putz.

Armed to the teeth? who?

the only J-6 person shot was ashlee - and she was shot by some a-hole bad cop who never paid any price for it.

iowan2 said...

Inga you are so confused

e: They were to take on the role of aggressive defense counsel for the former president (although, as the committee proceedings have unfolded, it appears that Jordan would also have had to devote time to defending himself)

This is a committee that is limited by the constitution to use its power to investigate details as an aide to drafting legislation.

There is no role of aggressive defense counsel while researching the crafting of legislation.
But you have admitted the Jan 6 committee is in violation of Article I powers

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Inga said...
“No. I was wondering what kind of chumps are watching the propaganda show, but now that question has been answered for me.”

Chumps like Andy MCarthy.

Once upon a time I thought Andy was worth listening to. He spent the years since 2016 proving that he's not.

So yes, chumps like him

realestateacct said...

I like DeSantis and would like him to be President, but I don't think for a moment he won't be vilified and hated by the press and the Democrats. Trump has no baggage that has not been foisted on him by lies and distortions. Shame on the conservatives who take this sort of testimony seriously. Do they think Kavanaugh is a rapist? Do they believe Anita Hill about Clarence Thomas?

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Boatbuilder, Achilles:

Trump's biggest problem as President was that he sucked at personnel.

If he's done anything since then to accumulate around himself people who would effectively help President Trump accomplish his agenda in 2025, I've seen no evidence of it

DeSantis, OTOH, is more than happy to screw our enemies to the wall. Just ask Disney.

He's willing to get in the Left's face, and he's willing to fight.

And he has people working for him who work to advance his agenda even when he's not there.

So, how is he worse than Trump?

And what makes you seriously think he won't be able to appeal to working class men?

Amadeus 48 said...

I am sick of Trump because he is a loser. He lost the House in 2018. He lost the presidency in 2020. He lost the Senate in 2021.

On the other hand, he sure said some outrageous things on Twitter. What a guy!

It is so hard to choose between winning and mean tweets.

Readering said...

Were the 1973 Senate Watergate hearings a show trial? I don't remember Republican Senators acting as Nixon defense counsel. Was John Dean torn down? Butterfield?

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Inga babbled:
“McCarthy was huddling with Trump while he was jousting with Pelosi. That was a big reason why he attempted to name ardent pro-Trumpers Jim Jordan (R., Ohio) and Jim Banks (R., Ind.) to the committee: They were to take on the role of aggressive defense counsel for the former president

Why yes, they would have provided a dissenting voice.

It's called diversity, you might have heard of it.

An "investigation" by people who all agree with each other brings you idiocies like the Trump super Bourne steering wheel grabbing lies.

The only reason why'd you'd refuse to let those two on the committee is because its job is to push Dem propaganda, not to do an actual investigation

That will be next year, when the GOP controls the House, and they dont' let any Democrats on the committee in retaliation for the Dems games this session

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Readering said...
Were the 1973 Senate Watergate hearings a show trial? I don't remember Republican Senators acting as Nixon defense counsel.

I'm curious, Rendering, is it your goal to never make a reasonable point?

Because the 1973 Watergate hearings didn't start with the GOP Senators wanted to impeach Nixon.

But that's what happening with the J6 farce.

And that's a bad difference.

Kirk Parker said...


"Part of what seems unfair is the revolution in technology necessitated by covid. "

In a thread full of nonsensical statements, this one really takes the cake. Covid did not "necessitate" anything; what you are referring to are the ridiculous, unwarranted and/or slash calculating actions of wannabe tyrants in government positions.

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