১ জুন, ২০২২

"They were originally all male references but the woke bros at the news website wanted to make them female because of misgendering. It’s quite shocking. I can’t think of any other situation where we would change the words of an alleged rape victim."

Said an unnamed source, quoted in "BBC ‘altered gender in trans rape claim’" (London Times).
The BBC article replaced every reference to “he” or “him” with “they” or “them”. A source said the quote was the subject of heated debate prior to publication. Some journalists argued that the quote should remain intact, while others said it should reflect the trans woman’s preferred she/her pronouns....

Here's the quote the BBC radically edited:

“I was too young to argue and had been brainwashed by queer theory so he was a ‘woman’ even if every fibre of my being was screaming throughout, so I agreed to go home with him. He used physical force when I changed my mind upon seeing his penis and raped me."

৬২টি মন্তব্য:

M বলেছেন...

Between women and trans the trannies are now higher on the victim hierarchy. Even when regarding ACTUAL victims. This is what gay theology gets you. Congrats all you third wave feminists. You have made male women more important than real women. Honestly the most misogynist western systems had a place in society for women. LGBT will do away with women altogether.

Lilly, a dog বলেছেন...

She misgendered her alleged rapist? She should be arrested for this wrongthink hate crime.

gilbar বলেছেন...

he/her man/woman, those are All just words.. The important thing to remember is:
Pussies Exist to be Fucked By Dicks

n.n বলেছেন...

Human life... baby... fetus (for social distance).

That said, social progress through conflation (e.g. diversity [dogma]) has diverse precedents. Politically congruent constructs of the trans/gender and trans/social spectrum through semantic confusion conflate sex and gender in modern families... models, which are not wicked solutions in and of themselves, but are multivariate forcings of forward-looking victims... consequences for the individual, society, and humanity.

Leland বলেছেন...

Keep in mind that the UK definition of rape states "with his penis". Women, or as they might claim cis-women, can't possibly rape under UK law.

gilbar বলেছেন...

I can’t think of any other situation where we would change the words of an alleged rape victim

Seriously? SERIOUSLY?? how about THIS situation? I'll Bet the Press would work on THIS QUOTE
Rape victim says: "I was raped by a big NORDIC guy! That NORDIC just threw me down and RAPED ME!
We all KNOW, That's the way NORDICS are.. It's in their genetic makeup!"

Don't Think SO? Let me Try again..

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

Parody is dead, dead, dead.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

This is where all the woke-mafia leftist garbage leads. To a woman with a penis (who is really a man - because having a penis makes you a man.) F U woke mafia - no apologies.

These are the same cretins who vote for crook Biden.

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

You don't change direct quotes this way if you are a professional writer, or pretending to be one like most journolisters these days.

Jersey Fled বলেছেন...

We are living in the end times

Bob Boyd বলেছেন...

Studies have shown misgendering is violence akin to rape and certainly as violating and traumatic for the victim.
We need to know if the girl misgendered them on the night of. If so, that would change everything, because then the "rape" might have been self-defense.
Experts tell us misgendering feels like an assault on one's very identity, on the fundamental self. It can feel like an attempt at murder and can invoke the deep subconscious to respond with an automatic fight or flight response that is, in some cases, indistinguishable to the untrained eye from rape. Rape, however, is a crime perpetrated by males. Some leading researchers have concluded that no woman would use her penis as an aggressor, only for self-defense or for beautiful acts of love.

Michael K বলেছেন...

The US Media has become the BBC that we have not noticed. The only difference is that we don't have to pay for it although PBS does that.

Temujin বলেছেন...

This is unsurprisingly, not uncommon.

Ignorance is Bliss বলেছেন...

Ricky Gervais better up his game, reality is catching up.

Jason বলেছেন...

"He used physical force when I changed my mind upon seeing his penis and raped me."

HER penis, you fucking bigot!!!

--Hat tip to Ricky Gervais.

Ice Nine বলেছেন...

I notice that the London Times didn't use the absurd BBC woke translation in its article but rather left it to the reader to plug in the nonsense words. Did they consider the "they/them" version just too stupid to grace their pages or what?

Sebastian বলেছেন...

"They were originally all male references but the woke bros at the news website wanted to make them female because of misgendering. It’s quite shocking. I can’t think of any other situation where we would change the words of an alleged rape victim."

So, feminists of the world, when does wokeness turn into misogyny and trans ideology into a tool of the patriarchy?

mikee বলেছেন...

Whoopi Goldberg is still known for differentiating between rape and "rape-rape" right? Let's get her opinion on the status of this rape. Then let's lridicule her some more no matter what she says, for her previous comment about Clinton's rape of Broderick.

Eleanor বলেছেন...

We could solve the pronoun problem if we accepted the Oxford Dictionary's definition of woman- an adult female human.

Owen বলেছেন...

The woke bros sure raped that quote. I thought anything inside the “” was sacrosanct; the “” tells the reader “this is exactly what happened, you are there, listening to the very words of this speaker. No exceptions.”

rhhardin বলেছেন...

Thurber, "Is Sex Necessary" (1929) chapter VI

So many children have come to me and said, "What should I tell my parents about sex?" My answer is always the same: "Tell them the truth. If the subject is approached in a tactful way, it should be no more embarrassing to teach a parent about sex than to teach him about personal pronouns. And it should be less discouraging."

Earnest Prole বলেছেন...

“Believe women” didn’t even make it five years.

Ice Nine বলেছেন...

>“I was too young to argue and had been brainwashed by queer theory so he was a ‘woman’ even if every fibre of my being was screaming throughout, so I agreed to go home with him. He used physical force when I changed my mind upon seeing his penis and raped me."<

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes

takirks বলেছেন...

When you're worried about "mis-gendering" a supposed "transsexual" rapist, that might be a sign that your ideology has destroyed whatever common sense you ever had.

Let me see if I get this line of reasoning: Male-to-female transsexual takes a lesbian home, produces male genitalia, and then rapes her with it? And, that's not creating intense cognitive dissonance, to maintain the fiction that this creature was "mis-gendered at birth" as a male, and is worthy of consideration for his preferred gender terms?

Sorry; that just doesn't make sense. I'll humor the sexually confused, right up until they're hurting other people. You commit rape? Even "sex under false pretenses" by not telling your partner that you're actually a male, not a chick with a really convincing strap-on? You're in the wrong, and you just lost your right to any consideration from me, and should suffer the same result from the rest of society.

At some point, it's going to have to be acknowledged that there is a significant proportion of the "transsexual community" that are just plain sick bastards, period.

And, frankly, I think you can make an excellent case for stating that anyone that obsessed with their sexuality is probably somewhere well along the spectrum of mental illness.

Normal people do not obsess over their "sexual identities". It is what it is, and if you think you're a woman in a man's body, only to use that body to rape a woman? You're lying to yourself and the world around you.

Jefferson's Revenge বলেছেন...

Can we get in Mr. Peabody's time machine and go back to 1965 before this insanity all started? Women's lib back then had a point to make and made it. The civil rights movement had a point to make and made it. Gay lib had a point and made the point. Every one of those groups is now threatened by this next wave of power hungry zealots who is equating the struggles of millions with the struggles of dozens. Some personal problems can't be solved by society. Trans is one of them.

Narr বলেছেন...

Life imitates farce.

JayG বলেছেন...

This is EXACTLY the Ricky Gervais joke in his new Netflix special that's getting the most hostility. He's describing the controversy over biological males going into women's restrooms:

"What about this person isn’t a lady?"

"Well, his penis."

"HER penis, you f***ing bigot!"

"What if he rapes me?"

"What if SHE rapes you, you f***ing TERF whore!"

GatorNavy বলেছেন...

Is the hill that transsexual activists wish to die on?

Achilles বলেছেন...

The leftists are just a bunch of moral degenerates.

The goal is to create victims.

richlb বলেছেন...

If the assailant's preferred pronoun was "innocent" would they print that?

realestateacct বলেছেন...

Yes, let us deny the lived experience of the victim.

Stoutcat বলেছেন...

So the Beeb is completely fine with changing what a person said in order make it seem that the quoted person said something entirely different.

Journalism. I do not think that word means what you think it means.

Unknown বলেছেন...

I have no comment.

RLW বলেছেন...

If they changed the words, it wasn't a quote.

tommyesq বলেছেন...

"They" or "them" would clearly be incorrect, as it would suggest multiple rapists. Also, a quote should never be altered - they could drop in a note that the "he" identified as a woman and they did not agree with the use of "he" by the victim if they thought it was important, or at a minimum put their edits in brackets to delineate the actual quote from the portions they reworded.

Greg The Class Traitor বলেছেন...

The BBC article replaced every reference to “he” or “him” with “they” or “them”. A source said the quote was the subject of heated debate prior to publication. Some journalists argued that the quote should remain intact, while others said it should reflect the trans woman’s preferred she/her pronouns....

I'm curious as to what kind of "human being" claims that the preferences of a "trans woman" rapist should be more important than the wishes of the female rape victim?

Anyone want to explain why the people pushing this aren't utter monsters?

tommyesq বলেছেন...

"They" or "them" would clearly be incorrect, as it would suggest multiple rapists. Also, a quote should never be altered - they could drop in a note that the "he" identified as a woman and they did not agree with the use of "he" by the victim if they thought it was important, or at a minimum put their edits in brackets to delineate the actual quote from the portions they reworded.

Freeman Hunt বলেছেন...

Can't have the rape victim hurting the rapist's feelings.

John henry বলেছেন...

I changed my mind upon seeing his penis and raped me."

What a fucking bigot this woman is. She can't even say "Her penis"

Was this before or after Ricky Gervais did his most recent Netflix special?

"You mean SHE used HER penis and raped me, you fucking bigot" - Ricky Gervais (quote from memory)

John LGKTQ Henry

TreeJoe বলেছেন...

I actually had to invest time in figuring out what the hell was going on here, which speaks to the insanity here considering I had to spend 5 minutes figuring out pronoun edits. Here's a summary:

So the quote was by a lesbian who decided to date a man who identifies as a woman. The woman took the man home, saw his penis, and wanted to stop. The man then raped the woman.

Subsequently, the rape victim made statements using the word He even though the perpetrator describes himself as a woman.

The BBC then changed the quote of a rape victim to use pronouns she deliberately did not use to describe her attacker. They changed the quote of a rape victim without the consent of the rape victim. And they did so to, potentially but not confirmed, better serve how the rapist asks others to identify THEM.


JaimeRoberto বলেছেন...

I would think woke bro would be an oxymoron.

Amadeus 48 বলেছেন...

You missed the best part of the story, namely:

"The BBC News website piece was published last October under the headline 'We’re being pressured into sex by some trans women'. It quoted three anonymous lesbians who said that they had faced backlash for stating that they were attracted only to women who were born female.

"More than 20,000 people, including BBC employees, signed an open letter describing the story as 'deeply flawed' and 'incredibly dangerous' for the trans community."

Why would it be deeply flawed and incredibly dangerous? Because it told the truth about the situation? Because there are 20,000 lunatics who want to bury the facts about the trans war on lesbians?

I am basically a live-and-let-live guy. Is the trans community a live-and-let-live place? It doesn't sound like it. It sounds let a bunch of deluded hysterics who want to bully people into playing along with their delusions.

Ice Nine বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Howard বলেছেন...

Is altering gender without consent considered psychic rape?

Skipper বলেছেন...

Be careful what you wish for...or what BS you believe.

MadisonMan বলেছেন...

From the Article: It comes amid growing concern among BBC staff that an internal diversity team
It seems to me that that internal team is anti-diversity, if it's prohibiting the use of he/him when talking about a transgender female. What's diverse in only calling her her?

Roger Sweeny বলেছেন...

If you change the words in a quote (aside from maybe an "um" or "like"), you are lying. Period. You should be ashamed of yourself.

And it doesn't matter if the quote is from a rape victim or a rape perpetrator.

Rob বলেছেন...

This is basically the Rickey Gervais comedy routine your posted a few days ago. The movement from Comedy routine to official policy is becoming disconcertingly short.

Joe Smith বলেছেন...

It's a Gervais skit come to life: "She raped me with her huge cock."

The Vault Dweller বলেছেন...

A trans woman is a man who suffers from a mental disorder. Because of this disorder that person experiences gender dysphoria. Frequently to treat this dysphoria that person will affect the appearance, dress, and mannerisms typically associated with women. This can include altering dress, hairstyle, or makeup. This can also include more significant changes like taking hormone replacement therapy or having cosmetic surgeries to alter the body's appearance. No matter what procedures are done that person never actually is or becomes a woman. You will never convince many people to believe something which simply isn't true.

Some of the actions and statements surrounding trans-people remind me of a Star Trek The Next Generation episode. In it Picard is captured by the Cardassians. He is interrogated and tortured. He is subjected to food and sleep deprivation, electrically shocked and hung by his arms. His captor would frequently shine four bright lights into his face and ask him how many lights he saw. Picard would always answer four. But his captor would say "No, that's wrong. There are Five lights." His captor offers to end it all so long as he admits that there are in fact Five lights. But Picard never does. This seems to be what the trans ideologues are doing to the rest of society.

realestateacct বলেছেন...

This is literally the joke Gervais was making in his stand up routine.

Blair বলেছেন...

This is literally a Ricky Gervais joke. Hmmm. I guess it's not funny after all.

Rory বলেছেন...

For now, at least, they take more benefits as feminists than they have to give away to transgenders.

Dude1394 বলেছেন...

One way for our newest justice to understand what a woman is, ask this lady.

Joe Smith বলেছেন...

The Rs need to tie this woke insanity around the necks of the democrats like a fucking anchor on a chain.

Crazy libs won't vote for them anyway.

If not, they're not doing their jobs right...

cubanbob বলেছেন...

I wonder what the feminists and angry Lesbians of the '70's are thinking now. Who would've thunk that men have become more women that natural born women?

Kai Akker বলেছেন...

---Pussies Exist to be Fucked By Dicks

Gilbar, remove your sarc and I believe you have solved the secret of the universe.

R.C. বলেছেন...

Um, folks?

"Bob Boyd" said a bunch of weird stuff, above. Nobody replied.

Is that because Boyd was joking and being sarcastic and ironical, and everybody already knew that?

Or did nobody notice?

Here are some quotes: "Studies have shown misgendering is violence akin to rape and certainly as violating and traumatic for the victim."

Uh, no. Presuming any such studies exist, a few moments' consideration shows they're of no evidentiary value. Even presuming the studies were otherwise correctly-designed and carried-out (which is unlikely) the persons studied would be, by definition, persons with fragile psyches and disordered ideation disconnected from reality. Yet the only way to compare the intensity of emotional traumas is to rely on the self-reported emotions of the persons experiencing them: Which in this case means persons with fragile psyches and disordered ideation disconnected from reality.

Re: "We need to know if the girl misgendered [him] on the night of. If so, that would change everything, because then the 'rape' might have been self-defense."

I hereby propose the lynching-on-sight of any person making this argument, if they're being serious. Anybody with me?

Re: "Experts tell us misgendering feels like an assault on one's very identity, on the fundamental self."

No, they don't. The term "experts" denotes a trustworthy source of information; but anyone who mistakes the delusions of a person with mental disorders for that same person's "fundamental self" is, by definition, not a trustworthy source of information, and undeserving of the description "expert."

Re: "It can feel like an attempt at murder and can invoke the deep subconscious to respond with an automatic fight or flight response that is, in some cases, indistinguishable to the untrained eye from rape."

Funny thing: Those of us who've had an assailant attempt to gravely physically harm (let alone MURDER) us find this claim unintelligible. As a rule, our most-natural reaction to our assailant's presence is to either DAMAGE their heads or chests or throats until they stop moving (that's "fight") or get AWAY from them (that's "flight"). Taking out one's penis means one is now more vulnerable to being damaged by the other person. Inserting it into that other person's orifices does not, in-and-of-itself, reduce that other person's ability to do harm. And exchanging bodily fluids with a person certainly isn't a great way of running away from them! Other than asking the other person to strangle you for kicks, it is hard to think of anything LESS LIKE a "fight or flight" response than this.

Re: "Rape, however, is a crime perpetrated by males. Some leading researchers have concluded that no woman would use her penis as an aggressor, only for self-defense or for beautiful acts of love."

This cannot be serious, right? This is a joke, right?

Someone confirm for me that "Bob Boyd" is a parody account, like Titania McGrath, please.

Once upon a time I would've been immediately sure of that...but, these days, parody is impossible, because it looks exactly like reality.

n.n বলেছেন...

A similar incongruity evolved when a gang of people of black and people of brown, people of color, rape... rape-raped a trans/homosexual female. The diversity, inequity, and exclusion (DIE) congregants of the progressive church, even with an ethical religion, could not reconcile, and were hard pressed to avoid, the dysfunctional congruity of their religious constructs. Also, the trans/homosexual male serial rapist of males was bad news for the handmade tales. The trans/bisexual male who as an impure transgender, socially excluded from the trans/homosexual community, decided to commit mass abortion on impulse, which was another hit on the viability and sustainability of their ideological orientation.

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...


Are you joking?

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

Yes, Bob was parodying reality, but as you point out, reality can't be parodied successfully any longer.

PM বলেছেন...

Bob Boyd nails the Age of Now beautifully:
"...no woman would use her penis..."