The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports, in "'Bless her heart.' Kemp ad slams Abrams for ‘worst state in the country to live’ remark."
Here's Kemp's ad:
ADDED: To what extent is "Bless her heart" an insult? That's a question I considered 10 years ago, when Mitt Romney said it about Obama.
AND: Southern Living says: "Southerners know that the meaning of the phrase depends on the tone in which it's spoken, and a slight change in inflection or volume can make all the difference...."
Shouldn't this be a link in the BMI post?
Presumably, if you're running for office, it's because you think you can make things better. If you want to say you will do a much better job than the guy there now, then necessarily you must think things are much worse than they could be.
But coming right out and saying you're the worst? Seems like a bad move. Adding context won't help unless everybody who wants to use your word against you agrees to add that context. If they do that, then they really are the worst.
Declining wages? Progressive prices, labor arbitrage (e.g. practical and actual slavery), immigration reform, inflated and unreliable Green energy and artificial restriction of reliables, and single/central/monopolistic solutions.
High maternal mortality rates? Gosnell the Abortionist? Fat is beautiful? Healthy at any weight? Senior mothers? Clinical negligence? Admitting privileges? That said, there is no mystery in sex and conception, a woman (and man) have four choices, and an equal right to self-defense through reconciliation. The wicked solution is neither a good nor exclusive choice.
LOL! Abrams's chances are tanking.
she's scary.
Show your Hatred and Disgust with America!!! Vote Democrat!!!
After All, they're the ones that make it Suck!
"Although there is no national data kept on this phenomenon, an estimated 11.7 percent of American women are considered severely obese, with a body mass index of 40 or higher"
How much of the 11.7% is just tank abrams? I'm going with a solid 1%, a solid hundredth of the 11.7. However, she doesn't get counted because her morbid obesity is caused by hot air, not lipid accumulation.
Bless her heart.
I think that you need a “Delusional” tag. But I also think that the Democrats have a real problem with her. She is seriously damaged goods, and they shouldn’t allow her within 50 feet of their nomination. But no doubt, they feel compelled to give it to her. We find that voter fraud by the Democrats in GA has been endemic for years, and with that, she still lost the election 4 years ago. I just don’t think that they can up their game in that regards enough to drag her overweight car us across the finish line, with everyone watching the voting process in Atlanta like hawks.
To what extent is "Bless her heart" an insult?
"Bless your Heart" is Southern for "you're rather stupid."
Gov. Kemp extended the suspension of the state's gas tax. It's not much in real dollars, but it's something when gasoline is my biggest expense... and the Putin gas prices don't show any signs of abating. 😉
I am more impressed with her becoming a millionaire in less than four years. She needs to give us "poor" Georgians some lessons in where to invest. *rolls eyes*
The same people how love Amber Heard love Stacy Abrams.
Nice try at redirection with the bless your heart bit.
The point of the ad is to highlight the worst-state comment. Which she made. Which reflects Dem sentiment. Which should tank her chances.
Actually, “Bless Your Heart” has two meanings. It can be an acknowledgment of your plight. It can also be a clear “Fuck You”. You have to understand the context and the speaker’s tone. It’s a great phrase,
the Putin gas prices
Putin by way of Biden's Green deal, Slavic Spring, sanctions, and progressive prices.
Bless her heart.
From the first to last beat, right?
The worst place to live these days in Georgia is crime-ridden Atlanta, governed exclusively by Democrats since I moved there in the early 70's. Park on the street, even in nice neighborhoods, and you might get your car windows smashed in, just for fun. Everyone locks their doors.
One of the nicest places to live in Georgia is Rabun County, the NE corner of the state, in the Blue Ridge mountains, amongst lakes, rivers, and hills. It's pretty solidly Republican, and its where I spend most of my time now that I'm retired. I almost never lock the doors when I leave the house, and theft hasn't been a problem for me.
Biden and his anti-oil and gas/ pro-chi-com pro- rare earth mineral mining/ bad for the environment car battery apocalypse (worse than nuke waste) cut off all our domestic oil - state by state.... but.. MSM and Biden insist... it's all Putin's fault - says the Amber Heard media.
She could've better contextualized her remark if she'd said Georgia is the worst State in the worst, most white supremacist country in the world. Dunno how much that context might spur Black turnout, but it certainly would've put her high in the running for a MacArthur Genius grant.
Bless her heart can be one of the most devastating insults in the south because it sounds so sweet. It’s not. It basically means the person is soooooooo dumb or useless only The Lord can help them - and the person can’t help being the way they are - it’s out of their control.
My other favorite southern insult is “she’s just as cute as she can be.” Well, what if she can’t be very cute. It sounds like a complement but it’s far from it.
Now you run along, sweetie.
Bless her heart can be one of the most devastating insults in the south because it sounds so sweet. It’s not. It basically means the person is soooooooo dumb or useless only The Lord can help them - and the person can’t help being the way they are - it’s out of their control.
My other favorite southern insult is “she’s just as cute as she can be.” Well, what if she can’t be very cute. It sounds like a complement but it’s far from it.
Now you run along, sweetie.
There is no single definition for the phrase, "bless your heart" and it is doubtful that anyone could list them all. But the point is, “bless your heart” does not mean “you’re an idiot.” Except, of course, when it does. Then again it also means exactly what was said aloud, perhaps as altered: "Bless your loving heart."
Used mostly by women, the blessing supposedly can mean:
* Oh my goodness!
* How lucky for you!
* I am so sorry [Uncle Albert]
* Don’t worry about it
* That person is clueless
* I don’t want to be nice but I have to be
* Thank you
* That is funny
I think her remarks were performative.
If wishes were... It depends on inferring intent. It can be complementary to compassion, to a balance of compassion and rational judgment, or an insult to the latter.
yet again, the story isn't the stupidity of Democrats, the story is HOW the Republicans are calling the democrats stupid.
Bless her enlarged heart!
H. Gillham writes, "She needs to give us "poor" Georgians some lessons in where to invest."
You are unqualified for race hustling extortionist career path.
"Bless her/his heart" means you're a shiittehead and you're beyond help.
Here's an example by Kathleen Chalfant: Margaret Tilden, in House of Cards,
Margaret Tilden : Two freshmen girls are moving into their dorm room together. One of them is from Georgia, one of them is from Connecticut. Girl from Connecticut is helping her mother put up curtains. Girl from Georgia turns to the girl from Connecticut and says, "Hi! Where y'all from?" Girl from Connecticut says "We're from a place where we know not to end a sentence with a preposition. Girl from Georgia says, "Oh, beg my pardon. Where ya'll from, cunt."
In this case I would interpret "Bless her heart" as expressing mock sympathy.
As in, "Poor baby, you knew this was coming."
I wonder if Tank Abrams is trying to get her eggs frozen?
’Southerners know that the meaning of the phrase depends on the tone in which it's spoken, and a slight change in inflection or volume can make all the difference...’
I can’t remember the last time I heard the phrase uttered with a positive connotation.
Revolutionaries are indeed unhappy and want to burn down the current system. Never mind that the current system follows the prior semi-revolutionary New Deal and Great Society programs of Abrams' own party.
"Grass is always greener" people will never be at peace.
To what extent is "Bless her heart" an insult?
Since I don't speak southern, I can't say. But even if it is, it's pretty weak as insults go.
And the lovely Ms. Stacy and her supporting team are no slouches when it comes to spewing insults. This show in Georgia is likely to keep the children entertained through November.
She won the election in Georgia to become the state governor, but then she did not become the state governor.
There really must be something very wrong with the state of Georgia.
I love that word "contextualize."
In the south, "Bless her heart" when said of someone you disagree with pretty much means that the poor soul can't help her ignorance so we should just feel sorry for her, ignore her rantings, and move on.
Southern Living has it right. I have heard the term when it was clearly a genuine expression of sympathy. Other times, it is clearly a put down in nice words rather than "... that stupid ass."
Context, the source of the words, the object and so forth determine its real meaning.
AJ&C is a liberal rag so it's hard to know how they intended it without reading the article (bless my heart).
What "Putin gas prices" Lem?
Most of the rise took place before the Ukraine War and has nothing to do with Putin.
A more cynical man than me might speculate that Brandon invited Putin to invade Ukraine to give him a scapegoat for Brandon's gas price increases.
Everyone remembers Brandon, back in December, inviting Putin to invade Ukraine, don't they?
"just the tip" though.
John LGKTQ Henry
And for anyone who thinks Stacey Abrams would make a good Governor, bless your heart, too.
""[Stacey] Abrams immediately tried to 'contextualize' her remarks...""
I looked up contextualize in the dictionary. It's defined as "saying the quiet part out-loud, and then denying it".
[Stacey].....?? Does she always spell her name with braces?.....or is that some kind of fat joke???
Blogger SGT Ted said...
"Bless your Heart" is Southern for "you're rather stupid."
With strong connotations of asshole thrown in.
It may have been Lewis Grizzard who first said "Delta's ready when you are!"
Abrams went into the last race owing tens of thousands in taxes and with a likely-negative net worth. She's here now with several board seats, at least two houses, and a net worth somewhere north of two million dollars.
But yeah, the state she wants to lead sucks and holds people like her back, big time.
I feel the earth move under her feet.
I live in the south now and it usually means Fuck you, especially when said to Yankees, but it does depend on the attitude and inflection.
Too bad a woman w/a Southern/Georgia accent hadn’t done the add.
Is that bigoted of me to say? I think the inflection would have been perfect if done authentically.
Can anyone explain why the Democrats see her as a potential statewide or Presidential candidate? I mean, what has she ever done of note? Is there anything that I am missing?
Scary black woman campaign... a time honored southern tradition.
As a sitting Governor, one would expect more from Stacy Abrams.
As hard as it is to over-estimate her weight, it's even harder to over-estimate her skill at subverting election process by facilitating illegal voting. Treat her un-seriously at your peril; she is formidable and well-funded.
Ms. Abrams finds herself momentarily inconvenienced by her strategy, which is to run on the platform that the existing dispensation is entirely illegitimate and also woefully unproductive. Certainly, if that is the case, Georgia may well be the worst place in the country to live, even as that country is itself the worst place in the world. Oh, to be in Haiti!
That the inconvenience is only momentary results from the fact that she is a black woman, and therefore exempt from almost all criticism. Ms. Abrams is the future of the Democrat Party in Georgia. They know it, and she knows it. It remains to be seen whether she is the future of the country.
"The same people how love Amber Heard love Stacy Abrams."
You know, there is pornography that deals with that kind of thing.
Southerners know you can say anything you want as long as you say it politely.
"Stacy Abrams is so fat she has stretch marks on her clothes -- bless her heart."
A purposeful look back at who was here 10 years ago.
Now we have an answer for something 😉
"To what extent is "Bless her heart" an insult?"
As someone steeped in bona fide Southern old timey, the tone of that "bless her heart" can be translated to "what an idiot."
My southern aunt said "Bless her heart" a lot except she said, "Well, bless your little heart, dear" when she said it to your face. She compared it to my northern grandmother's "the poor dear".
That frozen image in the embed:
Georgia is still a good place to live. Abrams intends to destroy Georgia…bless her evil heart.
I've more often heard "bless her heart" used as a term of genuine sympathy for illness or other misfortune. As SGT Ted points out, in the insult version, the misfortune is usually stupidity.
I get that Abrams is good at pumping up the base (the comment was a huge applause line), and that's all either party is trying to do these days. But she seems like an odd candidate to support when you are trying to argue that conspiracy theories about stolen elections are an existential threat to democracy.
Trump: "shithole countries"
Abrams: "shithole state"
Nothing wrong with being honest.
Tennessee Earnie Ford easily said and sang it best, as "Bless your little pea pickin' heart" - some odd 64 years ago.
She is the poster child for what is wrong with our current political system: a cynical, manipulative, incompetent and divisive person who refuses to go away. The voters of Georgia need to reject her outside the margin of fraud.
"Treat her un-seriously at your peril; she is formidable and well-funded."
I know. I remember her in that movie were she attempted to attack professor Venkman and the other Ghostbusters. Very formidable.
One of the many things I love about our beloved soccer team Atlanta United is the “Bless Your Heart” flag in the supporters’ section….
Earnest Prole said...
Southerners know you can say anything you want as long as you say it politely.
That's kind of it. Bless her/his/their heart(s) is generally used as a qualifier when someone is saying something about another person that is highly unflattering and in many cases could be construed as fighting words, but is none the less known to be true.
"Wanda Lee, bless her heart, she's the worst whore in town!"
It wasn't used very artfully in that ad, either.
How do ya handle a hungry Tank?
Protect your face and hands while feeding.
I had a southern grandma who used the expression sweetly. I never heard her say it in a nasty, condescending way. Though I don’t think I ever heard her say anything nasty about anyone in any manner. She was a real beauty as a young woman too. You don’t expect such gentle kindness to exist in such a beautiful woman. No spiteful harping or backstabbing or cat fights.
My husband always says he isn’t half the man his father was and his father said to same about his father. I am definitely not half the lady my grandma was. Bless her heart.
would saying "bless her brains" be also insult?
Mike Sylwester said...
She won the election in Georgia to become the state governor, but then she did not become the state governor.
There really must be something very wrong with the state of Georgia.
Yeah, like a 50,000-odd deficit in her vote count.
Would you like to challenge that assertion with FACTS, Mikee?
"We're number 50!" doesn't seem like a great campaign slogan.
She is a miserable human who doesn't like Georgia. She should stick to writing her erotic books. She made 3 million some how.....
"'We're number 50!" doesn't seem like a great campaign slogan."
If she wins, Georgia will likely find a way to go lower yet.
"Kiss my grits."
She's gonna win. And then the fun really starts. I look forward to the corruption trials.
Stacey hobnobs with our perverted Republican Speaker of the House, David Ralston, a defense attorney who ran the clock out on three child rape cases by using his executive privilege to postpone them past the court deadlines.
She colludes with Atlanta politicians, who, with a few stellar exceptions, are the most corrupt and self-dealing (and racist towards whites) people I have ever met. I can't think of one Atlanta Mayor in decades who doesn't deserve a prison cell, though sadly, only one got busted. So far, Kasim. Ditto several police chiefs, especially Oprah pal Beverly Harvard. I have a file of sexual abuse of underage girls at politically connected strip clubs that were disappeared under Ms. Harvard.
And that leads us to maternal mortality. It is the dysfunction of Democratic run cities and policies that leads to self-destructive lifestyles that push our numbers up. Tragic even then, and sometimes there are other causes. But this is a problem created by the Democratic destruction of families.
The rest of Georgia is a great place to live. I lost both my neighbors to murder in Atlanta; my husband was mugged at gunpoint; I was robbed and relentlessly sexually harassed; we had to have bars on all our windows and doors, and our car was broken into constantly. Robert Marshall is right. Clayton is lovely. We share a smart representative (at least until I'm districted out soon) in Rep. Clyde: he's already in minority leadership. Kemp is a solid Governor. Sometimes government does work. Outside the Democratic cities, pollen is our biggest complaint. Abrams writes OK novels, pockets nonprofit cash, doesn't pay taxes and complains a lot. She should move somewhere else, but here she's a big fish in a small pond of virulent leftists. Bless her heart.
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