"... according to his advisers, who are divided over whether he should launch a third bid for the presidency as early as this summer. While many Trump confidants believe he should wait until after November's midterm elections... some say he could move more quickly to harness supporters and deny fuel to the busload of GOP hopefuls in his rearview mirror.... Without specifically addressing the question of timing, Trump spokesman Taylor Budowich said in a text exchange with NBC News that he sees growing public appetite for a Trump comeback. 'America was strong, prosperous and greatly respected under President Trump, and that’s why he continues to have unprecedented strength through his endorsement record and the demand for his leadership has never been higher,' Budowich said.... [If he announces, Trump] might inadvertently aid Biden by giving the president a contrast point. 'The clearest, cleanest path is to have a cage-match rematch.... If you have that rematch too early, it could actually help Biden a little bit. ... Trump in modest doses has been good for Trump.'"
Writes Jonathan Allen (at Politico).
What, exactly, is a "cage match" in this context? I understand the literal meaning — 2 wrestlers fighting inside a cage. But what's the figurative meaning here? I'm distracted by the picture of a 75-year-old man (Trump) fighting a 79-year-old man (Biden). That's grisly! Trump is younger (though old) and he has a huge weight advantage (perhaps 100 pounds!).
I guess the figurative meaning is that it's a "cage match" at the point when there are only 2 candidates. How early can that happen? It's mind-bending to think that the 2024 candidates will Biden and Trump again. They are so old! And we (many of us) are so tired of them. It will be bad enough to have them emerge as the final 2 some time in 2024, but it's just crazy to see the 2024 contest already narrowed down in 2022.
Where is the crowd of younger contenders insisting their time has come? It's absurd that these old men think they are the one.
Elon Musk. You can't deny an African-American the presidency just because he was born in Africa. It's in the Constitution.
The Republican Party has a system of primary elections to choose its candidate for the general election.
Trump can run in those primary elections, and so can anyone else.
If Trump wins the primary race, then he will be the Republican Party's candidate in the general election.
If someone else -- for example, Ron DeSantis -- wins the primary race, then he will be the candidate.
Biden should announce he’s not running for re-election. He’s already so weak it doesn’t matter.
Trump will then implode because he can’t avenge his loss to Sleepy Joe.
DeSantis v. Mayor Pete
Trump turned out to be quite a good president, but he couldn't moderate or modulate his public behavior and couldn't discipline himself enough to do debate prep. If he could have and did, he might still be president today. He doesn't want to admit that. I don't know -- in fact, I don't think -- he can change enough to win. Also, I don't know if he could repeat the great economic results of his first three years, or if we need another president of Biden's age. I'd still vote for him though, given the current alternatives.
America needs to talk about "breaking norms." Haven't more norms been broken to get rid of Trump and now to stay rid of him than Trump broke or even contemplated breaking? Trump was unconventional. He was a showman. People didn't know what to do with that. But look around. Russiagate. FBI lies. The leaks. Mail-in voting. Violations of state voting laws. Suppressing the laptop story. The impeachments, one even after Trump had left office. People indicted for just being outside the Capitol. The January 6th Committee. And now the arrest of Navarro without a judicial order.
I hope Trump doesn't declare before November. Right now things are looking good for the Republicans this fall. Throwing a bomb into the ring can only be bad for them.
I didn't think Trump would run in 2020 because of his age. He did. I didn't think he would run in 2024 because of his age. But now it's seeming inevitable that he will be our next president. I'm not looking forward to all the fighting, especially since I suspect I will not conduct myself next time with as much patience and dignity as I did last time. I've had all I can take of liberal bullshit for many years to come.
There is no hurry. If Trump enters the race, he'll be the candidate.
"Ultra-Mega-MAGA" vs. "Seething Geezer" in Ultimate Cage Match.
We are all going to view it, and we are all going to pay for it.
"Former President Donald Trump is bored at Mar-a-Lago and anxious to get back in the political arena"
Yeah, and boredom is the best motivation to run for president.
"he sees growing public appetite for a Trump comeback"
Particularly among Dems. He's their best hope.
Please don't.
Trump let his enemies get the better of him. Trump never figured out how to stay ahead of it.
His enemies over-whelmed him.. and it goes on today with the televised Democrat party political theater ad that will be the Jan 6th trial.
Hillary should have faced severe legal consequences for her Privater Server - created on purpose while she was Secretary of State to do stuff like
rh - lol
Mike S - Yes.
Right now DeSantis is surging ahead of Trump.
Might be time for Trump to get out of the way.
The idea of Biden as president has been absurd since the nineties. Yet, here we are.
The upside is the two men will have four year presidential records that voters can compare. When has that ever happened?
The Republican bench is deep. The Democrats have old people and young idiots. Any candidate with a modicum of sense who is middle-aged gets run off the stage. I don't think the Democrats are ready to face they have no one to run so Trump has time. There's no need to set himself up as a convenient punching bag for 2024 yet.
Biden isn't running again. Zuckerberg won't allow it. He's dispatched Sheryl Sandberg to take that job.
SS is set to remarry. Her new husband is a former "journalist" who runs a branding company. The branding has already started. SS is upset about the repeal of Roe and Casey. She will do something and make a difference.
SS is most certainly a Green. The Planet must be saved. SS will be the historic first woman president and break the glass ceiling that Hillary couldn't. She's also relatively young and business competent with no history of votes on the Senate floor.
What's not to like?
Please do not run, Trump.
I have no reason to believet that the leftist Trump haters at Politico who wrote any number of Fake stories attacking Trump know any "Confidential aides" or people "close to trump".
Not only that, there's zero reason to keep the person who said this anonymous. What, Trump would get angry if an aide's name was in the newspaper. I'm seeing this more and more, where newspapers and magazines refuse to name the source, even when there's no reason to keep their name confidential.
Which makes me think, they're just making it up.
The same people who opposed trump in 2016 and were criticizing his "mean tweets" while POTUS, don't want him to run in 2024.
Who cares.
Dems: "We're going to have a hard time turning out our base this fall. Our people seem demoralized."
Trump: "Here I come."
Dems: "Thank you, Donald. Thank you."
All id, no superego. The only long game he plays is the one in which only he plays. Asshole. Go away.
How can we miss you if you won’t go away for good?
“If Trump wins the primary race, then he will be the Republican Party's candidate in the general election.”
“If someone else -- for example, Ron DeSantis -- wins the primary race, then he will be the candidate.”
Well, yes, of course. I think that DeSantis would be the better President, but it’s going to be almost impossible now for the Republican Party to nominate anyone else than Trump, esp with their growing acceptance that Trump only lost through massive election fraud, on the part of the Dems, billionaires, and foreign governments (and that movie doesn’t even get into many of the other avenues of last minute fraud, just the ordinary extra millions of votes that the Dems thought would be enough). Most of the 10 million or so who have seen 20,000 Mules are going to vote for Trump, regardless. He is the clear sentimental favorite.
My big problem with Trump is that he will be too old, and he only knows how to play the outside game. What is needed is someone who can bring the DOJ, FBI, and public health bureaucracies, in particular, under control. The DOJ had Peter Navarro arrested at the airport and taken away in leg irons for refusing to comply with illegal J-6 committee subpoenas based on his assertion of Executive Privilege on the part of Trump. What is really necessary is a photo gallery of miscreants in these departments and agencies, and open hunting licenses for them issued with Presidential pardons attached. And then collapse and bulldoze the DOJ and FBI buildings over their remains. The Sussmann trial put this on full display. The FBI brass knew that the Alpha Bank allegations were made up by the Clinton team, but forced their underlings to pretend like they were true, so that they could be used to help try to take out Trump. But they had known the same about the Steele Dossier about as long (6/2016), and did the same with them. And knowingly continued to use these Clinton created attacks against Trump, their Constitutionally mandated superior, for almost three more years. Yes, it was treason, among other things. But no one is spending one day in prison for it, and with Trump re-elected, I worry that he cannot see the problem well enough, never having been an insider, to ever credibly attack it.
The hack-D press want Trump.
Trump was good for the Millionaire Maddow(D) class.
If Trump runs I may have to pull an Althouse and not vote for the Presidential candidate in the general election. I just don't think the answers for our country can be found in going back to the past and trying to resurrect what wasn't necessarily all that great to begin with. That's how we ended up with Biden.
I would like someone to point out for me the avenging, supremely capable public figure that could face the animus that was focused by Democrats, Republicans, the Justice branch, and the Administrative State onto Donald Trump, and still be as effective as he was, as President. I maintain that the animus was unprecedented, as visceral, all-consuming, and vehement as a strong immune system fighting off a virus - and incidentally completely unacceptable in our form of government, if we are to continue as a Republic. Now here we are, riffing on Trump's petty flaws while the political system re-groups and makes itself even worse.
Tan, rested, and ready.
But I'd prefer kingmaker.
Let your heart be not troubled. Biden will get us in WW3 before the year is out and there won't be an election.
What's not to like?
Social media executive who sold your personal data for profit wants to run the country.
1st-term Trump did pretty well considering all the forces arrayed against him. But now he just seems to be motivated by his need to fight against the dreaded label of Loser.
DeSantis to be serious about rolling back the prog agenda and to possess the political skills required to do that.
I need a republican nominee that will stave off voter fraud like their life depended on it.
I don't need another 81 million votes for a zombie while enjoying the best economy since Reagan.
I simply must ask this:
Who believes a Political story? Reading Political feels more like reading Pravda or Izvestia back in the cold war. It gives you the required take rather than a factual telling of what is happening. It could also be a complete lie as that has happened.
Browndog: "I need a republican nominee that will stave off voter fraud like their life depended on it."
No republican nominee can stave off the 50% of elected republicans in DC that are completely aligned with the dems and establishment.
And that crew will actively work to dismantle any chance of reforming govt and/or the organs of the state.
Its getting tiring pretending it was Trumps fault for not fighting back harder.
He was the ONLY one fighting back with any semblance of success.
I would prefer DeSantis as a President, but I still believe the Democrats have an electoral lock on the Presidency against the normal Republican candidate. I don't think a non-Trump candidate can win Wisconsin, Michigan, or Pennsylvania, and without one of those, a Republican cannot win a nationwide race. I doubt a non-Trump Republican candidate can even win Iowa, or win Ohio without a struggle. It is made even worse by the drift of North Carolina, Arizona, and Georgia into being true tossups. A non-Floridian candidate on the GOP ticket would struggle to even win Florida. Those are the realities.
Idle hands are the Devil's workshop. And a bored Trump is dangerous.
I will take the victory, which I think will be a landslide, with DeSantis, rather than the danger of a loss with Trump. I do think he was cheated in 2000 but, had he run a better campaign, he would have won anyway.
Get DeSantis in with a house and senate who will hold his feet to the fire to drain the swamp rather than Trump in with a D house/senate.
Drago said...He was the ONLY one fighting back with any semblance of success.
6/6/22, 10:39 AM
He was the ONLY one fighting back with any semblance of success.
So successful Biden was able to reverse his successes from his desk in 30 days, pretty much destroy the country in his first year.
As far as fighting election fraud, I'm talking about the court filings a briefs his "team" filed in the local jurisdictions the fraud was taking place. So poorly written they were thrown out immediately.
How is it going to be different? The RNC is still run by Ronna Ronmey, the person Trump put in charge and still fully supports, and didn't lift a finger other than a tweet now and then how the election was being stolen.
I hope Trump doesn't declare before November. Right now things are looking good for the Republicans this fall. Throwing a bomb into the ring can only be bad for them.
I agree. Wait until after the midterms. If his endorsed candidates do well, that will mean something.
The sooner he announces, the sooner Putin can put the machinery in place to replay 2016.
rcocean said...
"The same people who opposed trump in 2016 and were criticizing his "mean tweets" while POTUS, don't want him to run in 2024."
I highly recommend watching "2000 Mules" if you are totally dismissive of allegations that the election was stolen.
There is a disgusting lack of coverage of the ballot harvesting that went on in Pennsylvania, Arizona and Georgia. Some people are going to jail in Arizona. In Pennsylvania and Wisconsin courts have agreed that state laws were violated by last minute changes to election practices that make it impossible to determine who the real winner was since illegitimate votes were counted.
I don't think we know who won under the laws that should have applied. I don't think it's possible to know at this point which is distressing.
(Note: Ann's link is from Politico. It could be a complete fabrication.)
Also - I think it would be excellent for someone stronger and younger to run.
Then - when that someone WINS - Offer Trump a position in government that would drive the collective left out of their minds. Economic advisor or something.
Browndog: "So successful Biden was able to reverse his successes from his desk in 30 days, pretty much destroy the country in his first year."
Its Trump's fault that McCain and Ryan and McConnell and all the rest of those hacks were too busy coordinating with the dems to hamstring a republican President (who by the way was working hard in keeping his campaign promises) to actually legislatively enact the agenda they (the hacks) had been lying about supporting for years.
That's Trump's fault.
Excellent "analysis" there....
Browndog: "As far as fighting election fraud, I'm talking about the court filings a briefs his "team" filed in the local jurisdictions the fraud was taking place. So poorly written they were thrown out immediately."
Who were the high quality established republican lawyers willing to stand up to threats and help fight for election fraud?
None. At all.
But somehow that's Trump's fault too.
More outstanding "analysis" there....
Browndog: "How is it going to be different? The RNC is still run by Ronna Ronmey, the person Trump put in charge and still fully supports, and didn't lift a finger other than a tweet now and then how the election was being stolen."
Yeah, why didnt Trump wholesale replace every key role across all of government and affiliated sectors?
Thanks Browndog. You've been a great help.
Please don't make me vote for Biden again
Witness: "Please don't make me vote for Biden again"
Like there was any chance you weren't going to....
Let me guess: You're "willing to consider" voting for a "reasonable" republican, like Adam Kinzinger or Evan McMullin, right?
I wouldn't vote even for George Washington if he would be 80 years old in office.
Witness said...
Please don't make me vote for Biden again
6/6/22, 2:02 PM
So everything happening today is YOUR fault!!! You hate America that much that you are okay with Biden starting WWIII???
I give you Trump got pummeled in his last election by a dead guy, how is it going to be different?
You give me McCain, Ryan, McConnell, and there's nothing he could do.
C'mon, dude.
Perhaps for his next feat, Johnathon Allen at Politico could undertake to inform us about how God is handling being relegated to His throne in Heaven. According to His advisers.
I hope the Russians trick me into voting for Trump again.
Blogger jim5301 said..."The sooner he announces, the sooner Putin can put the machinery in place to replay 2016."
Right. It takes time to prepare those Hillary arm-wrestling Satan facebook ads.
Browndog: "I give you Trump got pummeled in his last election by a dead guy, how is it going to be different?
You give me McCain, Ryan, McConnell, and there's nothing he could do.
C'mon, dude."
I never said there was nothing he could do. He did what he could do: executive orders.
Because thats all the republican leadership would allow....while simultaneously working with dems to keep the russia hoax alive and well.
Thats just reality. But you want to pretend Trump could fix 50 years of institutional republican squishiness and sellouts all by himself.
There was a reason why Brennan and Clapper and Comey were completely comfortable giving their BS "briefings" to McConnell, Ryan and Burr while giving Nunes nothing.
And I guess I just imagined McCain going thumbs down on obamacare repeal, and Ryan/McConnell refusing to fund the wall, etc.
Its now all Trumps fault.
Whats going to happen when the next republican nominee who is willing to fight comes along?
We already know what will happen: the media will pounce, you'll get uncomfortable at dinner parties and so that guy will have to go too.
Rinse and repeat.
While shopping at Publix yesterday, I saw a bumper sticker on an SUV in the parking lot that said, "DeSantis 2024 - Make America Florida." The S in DeSantis was a pink flamingo, while the 0 in 2024 was an orange. It was a sharp-looking, if unofficial, graphic. He should crush Turncoat Charlie Crist in the Florida Governor's race in November, and while we need him here to keep the crazies at bay, he seems like he has the temperament and the moxie to take on the Democrats on the national stage. We have been blessed to have him as Governor; he narrowly defeated Gollum, the bisexual druggie, the last time. Had Gollum been in power, we would have fared as poorly as any locked-down blue state during COVID. Instead, DeSantis' policies reopened Florida much earlier than almost any state and helped keep our businesses and restaurants operating.
Good article covering how the Left went after a GOP Election Lawyer.
Voter Fraud Today, Voter Fraud Tomorrow, Voter Fraud Forever!
From PowerLineBlog:
Witness said...
Please don't make me vote for Biden again
Depending on which state you are living in, or states you have previously lived in, you may be voting for Biden again whether you're aware of it or not.
jim5301: "The sooner he announces, the sooner Putin can put the machinery in place to replay 2016."
BlueAnon lunatics can't help but self-identify.
Ray - SoCal: "Good article covering how the Left went after a GOP Election Lawyer.
Voter Fraud Today, Voter Fraud Tomorrow, Voter Fraud Forever!
From PowerLineBlog:"
According to Browndog, thats all Trump's fault.
He's seventy five now. If he wins, he will do half his term in his eighties. Mother Nature gets a vote in the election and will be his closest adviser if he wins....Trump looks vital and energetic when compared to Biden, but, for that matter, so does sludge.
Witness said...
"Please don't make me vote for Biden again"
Judging by your avatar. Do you need help getting home? Is there someone we should call?
"I saw a bumper sticker on an SUV in the parking lot that said, 'DeSantis 2024 - Make America Florida.'"
Having lived in Florida from age 8 to 25, and having family still there, I hope-to-Beelzebub that no one ever makes America Florida.
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