"'You might feel like you’re a boy even if you have body parts that some people might tell you are "girl" parts,' the teachers are told to say. 'You might feel like a girl even if you have body parts that some people tell you are "boy" parts. And you might not feel like you’re a boy or a girl, but you’re a little bit of both. No matter how you feel, you’re perfectly normal!'... In his kindergarten classroom, one teacher in western Massachusetts using 'Rights, Respect, Responsibility' introduces the idea of gender as part of an exploration of identity. He explains that people use all sorts of pronouns: he, she, they, ze. He introduces the terms transgender and gender queer but doesn’t fully define them because that is too much for kindergartners, said the teacher, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because his district did not authorize him to speak publicly. He talks to students about anatomy but declines to classify various body parts as male or female. 'We don’t say a penis belongs to a man,' he said. It belongs to a human, he explains."
I don't see why there should be any need to say anything at all about genitalia in kindergarten and first grade. To force the subject, with open discussion about how children think about their genitalia, strikes me as wrong — to the point where I'd say it's objectively wrong. It's at least objectively true that some of the parents will feel that it's wrong to have kindergarten and first grade lessons teaching children about genitalia and how to think about them.
WaPo nudges its readers to regard objection to these lessons as something conservatives do. We're told that "a conservative activist" calls it "cult grooming and ideological grooming." That is, we're encouraged to see the objection to the lesson — rather than the lesson itself — as strange and extreme.
Yeah - it's the WaPo - Elite propaganda from the extreme democratic left.
WaPo nudges its readers to regard objection to these lessons as something conservatives do.
Lying about how none of this is being taught must be something progressives do.
’…his district did not authorize him to speak publicly.’
I can’t imagine why.
I'm certainly not a conservative, but I think it's inappropriate to introduce such material into school curricula for young children. It's fine for these books to be published, but let parents buy them and read them to their young children if they believe it will provide a valuable lesson to their children. (I assume this would most likely be the parents of children who appear to need such information.)
As for schools, they should just reinforce in their students the practice of good manners to everyone in general, no matter who they are, and to punish bullying by anyone of anyone else, again, as a general practice not tied to specific characteristics of bullies' victims.
There is so much ideologically wrong with this it's hard to begin to know where to start.
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Queer is about sexual orientation in terms of sexual desire. It is an external-facing trait - a trait expressed towards others. Teaching about those traits AT ALL as part of a formal curriculum is questionable (why is that a school priority?), but at kids who do not yet and should not yet be taught or understand the act of sex is.....yes, objectively objectionable is a decent way to put it.
As such, what is it's purpose? I haven't liked the groomer statements because they don't explain the logic, but I will just say when you teach such things to children too young to fully understand what you are teaching then you are encouraging something. Because there's no other reason to teach it so young then to encourage the behavior. And when you encourage atypical behavior in young kids, you are grooming them to behave a certain way.
I think the bigger concern for me - the really objective concern - is the advocation of transgenderism as normal. The transgender community has extreme mental health issues that are being ignored and bypassed. Depression and suicide among the most concerning. As far as I've seen, normalization and medical treatments promoting transgenderism have not meaningfully decreased these rates.
Based upon that data, our teachers are promoting normalization of transgenderism in children who - upon acting on that teaching - will be more prone to depression and suicide by a substantial rate.
If I'm right about that, we are at the onset of substantially increased rates of childhood suicide as a result of this curriculum. Because there is not actual data showing it decreases suicide by teaching and normalizing it, only unproven theory.
To me, teaching kids a very different cultural norm on the basis of unproven theory is....objectively wrong. And actual educators would look at this and say: We have more important and proven things to teach and that kids need to learn.
I tried telling my sister that doctors and nurses had the medical power to change the way the system was working. She said no, their hands were tied: the insurance companies had the power.
I feel the same way about the parents. Parents have the power and need to take it back from the way “professionals” are educating their kids.
Be done w/complacency.
Be best.
America last.
Indeed. Why in the word do we think young kids need this kind of instruction?
This is called grooming. What else is the goal here? Why would one even bring this up to children of this age? This is also one reason the Left continues to pile up on Ron DeSantis. He went directly after this with Florida HB 1557 (so called "don't say gay").
Teaching this utter nonsense to kids is not only remarkably insane, it's cruel, it's abuse, and it should be grounds for termination, if not legal action. You would not let your child be knowingly abused by any other strangers. Why would teachers get a special place to do this?
That there are people in this nation pulling for this sort of thing makes me ask a number of questions. Such as: I wonder how many people who feel so strongly about gender muddling discussions with small children, actually have any children?
Anyway, there's this: What is a Woman?
Objectively wrong? The Thought Police are coming for Ann Althouse. Be thankful you no longer need a law license. Writing unapproved ideas like this is sex discrimination and subject to attorney discipline under an ABA Model rule that has been adapted in a number of states and is proposed in Nebraska.
I wonder how a 5 year old knows that he/she/they "feels like a boy" even with "girl" body parts unless those terms, "boy" and "girl", are first defined to be understood in a specific way. How is the teacher explaining that? It can't be on the basis of sexual desire, not at that age, so what is being taught about that? It's so odd.
Fake Science crafted to stop procreation and dressed up as education of 6 year olds. Arrest every damn one of them for child abuse.
Looks like grooming or indoctrination to me.
Imagine if Biden learned Rights, Respect, and Responsibility.
Althouse: "I don't see why there should be any need to say anything at all about genitalia in kindergarten and first grade."
Its Democratical Grooming 101.
The Animal Farm Maoists inevitably go directly after the youngest children.
But only every single place and every single time Moaist Democraticals can be found.
I remember controversies about school curriculum in the past and many who were mocked for insisting that the schools should stick to teaching the three 'R's. Those people were, in fact, correct. And that was back when they still actually taught the three "R"s. Now, it appears that they barely even try to teach kids how to read, write, and do basic math. Don't believe me? Look at the test scores (while they still exist, the same people who are teaching this BS are also trying to shut down testing because "racism".)
After careful consideration of all the facts and arguments, I conclude that these people are sick beyond all hope of treatment or cure, and should be sent far away from our settlements. Let them scratch out a bitter existence in the wastelands. Let them be heard and seen no more.
With at least some evidence that the massive surge in self-reported cases of gender dysphoria is the result of a social contagion amongst adolescent girls, educators think that sowing seeds of doubt about gender identification amongst first-graders (!) is a good idea.
And yet they wonder why others call it 'grooming.'
Simple idea: teach reading and math. You've got a lot of ground to make up in those subjects.
If a first-grade teacher wants to say "Some girls like to play with trucks and some boys like to play with dolls. Some boys like pink and some girls like blue," fine. Just let it go at that.
We live in a world where teachers deliberately participate in this to confuse and harm children. There is a special level of hell for these people.
Apparently the slippery slope that Falwell et al warned about 40 years ago was a greased cliff.
It is not hard to see educators’ push on gender issues as a strategy designed to draw attention away from their spectacular failure to educate children. Why aren’t we focusing on how the U.S. is falling to below average globally in all measures of reading and mathematical skills? Why is there not national outrage at the failure of public education? Why are the leaders of the teachers’ unions self-avowed Marxists? Why is there no national outrage of the epidemic of teacher sexual abuse of children in their classes that far outstrips what was condemned in the Catholic Church?
We remember the books, TV shows and movies about great teachers of the boomer generation that focused on the positive impact that teachers had on children. Why are such stories no longer being inspired? Is it time to acknowledge that our experiment in public education is failing and we need to re-imagine education for the future as involving multiple approaches and not just continuation of a failed system? Is it time to end all requirements for coursework in “education” as a prerequisite for being hired as a teacher? Is it time to abolish the requirement of teachers to pay dues to a union?
This isn't indoctrination; this is just education!
This isn't grooming; this is just education!
This isn't mind warping; this is just education!!
Educating young minds about How to Think; and What to SUCK.
There is ONE REASON to talk to little kids about sex.. And You ALL KNOW what it is
This is EXACTLY what the bill in Florida prohibits. And even a majority of democrats support (something like 53% or 59%), although the media doesn’t admit it, and most democrats won’t admit it in person for fear of being labeled a bigot or transphobe.
So everyone who is accusing DeSantis of being so gosh darn horrible, I hope you enjoy your little five year old coming home and taking about how his penis doesn’t make him a boy, and how he had a girl brain because he sometimes likes the color purple. (I say this as a mom with an 8 year old son who loves unicorns and the color pink, but also likes beyblades, marvel, and sports, and has not confusion about his sex/gender because I haven’t pumped his brain full of this nonsense. He couldn’t even tell you what a trans person is yet. He just knows he’s a boy and he’s allowed to like whatever the heck he likes.)
There's a huge leap between saying there are no color that are specifically boy or girl colors to discussing genitals or if young children feel like a boy or a girl. By combining the more innocuous concepts with the more serious ones, they play innocent and make it harder to object.
I am not *usually* an alarmist, but I find this entire thing incredibly disturbing. It cannot lead to good outcomes.
Ann said: “I don't see why there should be any need to say anything at all about genitalia in kindergarten and first grade. To force the subject, with open discussion about how children think about their genitalia, strikes me as wrong — to the point where I'd say it's objectively wrong.”
“Strikes me as wrong”? Strikes you? This is such a weak response I almost couldn’t believe it. It’s like, “It just seems wrong what Hitler did.”
When grooming kindergartners (and that’s what this is) “strikes you” as wrong, they’ve won.
At least they're not grooming.
Tar, feathers, heads on pikes for these people who are actively trying to destroy our Western civilization, with our children as collateral damage.
Social liberalism. Transgender conversion therapy or grooming through surgical, medical, or psychiatric (e.g. classroom, commercial, publishing) therapy. Pedophilic creep.
That said, sex is binary: male, female. Gender (e.g. sexual orientation) is sex-correlated is binary: masculine, feminine, respectively, with a narrow normal distribution. The transgender (or divergent from normal) spectrum is limited but noisy. Toys, color preferences, etc. have a sex and social bias, typically to normalize a favorable juxtaposition of the sexes.
"I don't see why there should be any need to say anything at all about genitalia in kindergarten and first grade. To force the subject, with open discussion about how children think about their genitalia, strikes me as wrong"
I don't see why! It strikes me as wrong! Why should there be any need! They shouldn't do such things! It's terrible!
So go the laments of the Althouses of America across the country. And at the next election many will still vote Dem for school board or state assembly or prez--or, in the best case, not vote.
Some children of that age do have a gender-identity order that might cause trouble in school. For example, boys who insist on dressing and acting like girls.
However, their portion of that population is miniscule.
One in ten thousand? Something on that order?
Those rare cases should be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.
There does not have to be some universal indoctrination of all children about that rare problem. The indoctrination itself will cause many problems.
There is huge value in childhood innocence. Until puberty kids cannot imagine sex or how they fell about it. There is a trend here of trying to box people in. If you are not a perfectly traditional female, then you must be a male. The trans advocates have more rigid boundaries for defining sex norms than conservatives do. If you never mention anatomy and sex until age 13, the kids will be perfectly fine. Just leave them alone.
I don't see why there should be any need to say anything at all about genitalia in kindergarten and first grade. To force the subject, with open discussion about how children think about their genitalia, strikes me as wrong
How could there be anything wrong with a progressive thinking, non-binary kindergarten teacher asking little Johnny and Susie about their wee-wees?
Who is qualified to teach these subjects? What scientific basis exists for these statements?
"Students are told that dolls aren’t just for girls, and that there are no 'boy colors' or 'girl colors'"
Fine, no problem with this.
"You might feel like you’re a boy even if you have body parts that some people might tell you are "girl" parts,' the teachers are told to say. 'You might feel like a girl even if you have body parts that some people tell you are "boy" parts. And you might not feel like you’re a boy or a girl, but you’re a little bit of both."
Fuck off with this shit!
A school can allow or encourage boys and girls to play with all sorts of toys. A school should never tell a child they a boy when they are not or a girl when they are not.
To paraphrase a meme I see on Instapundit: When conservatives do bad, that is the story, when liberals do bad, the conservative reaction is the story.
Slowly more and more people are waking up the the toxicity of the liberals and their media enablers and are beginning to join the team they are actually on.
It is grooming by any objective definition. Were this teacher just the weird neighbor down the street rather than the teacher, he would be arrested and the word pedophile would be painted on his house. The defense, "I was only educating them" would not work, and should not work.
This is oppressive for colorblind boys. Blue and purple are impossible to distinguish. Pink can appear to be green or brown.
Pink for girls and blue for boys?
Isn't that sexist?
Boy progressives really are helping to rehabilitate and expand the Conservative brand lately! Thanks for the assist! See you in November!
This material is objectionable not only because it's complete bullshit, but because it takes up time that should be used to teach kids reading and writing, skills that we know are in woefully short supply as kids get into middle school and high school. It's almost as if teachers don't care if Johnny can read, so long as he holds leftist political and social beliefs.
Some adults get there kicks talking sex to kids. I'm not sure where this urge comes from but I don't want those people near my children.
This issue becomes more and more concerning. Not only the fact that teachers insist on talking about sexual concepts to tiny children but that they think it’s worthwhile. Isn’t Developmental Psychology taught at teachers’ colleges these days? Or has that been corrupted beyond all sense, too?
Children are not capable of understanding this stuff. All they can do is parrot it back.
We can teach 5 year olds to respect others without trying to explain every aspect of everyone’s life. I fear for these children with teachers so dense that they cannot understand this.
Can I suggest a "strange and extreme" tag?
Isn't that a very precise description of the reality of political discourse these days?
“I don't see why there should be any need to say anything at all about genitalia in kindergarten and first grade. To force the subject, with open discussion about how children think about their genitalia, strikes me as wrong — to the point where I'd say it's objectively wrong.”
You are correct. The purpose of kindergarten is to teach children basic math and reading skills. It is not to sexualize and groom 5 years old children in the latest leftist perversions. Any teacher who does this should be reported to the police and fired from her/his job.
Well somebody has to do something to get those five and six year old children ready for the lesson when they are seven. And the lesson for seven year olds? It's how to put a condom on a cucumber.
This whole thing is a travesty.
He talks to students about anatomy but declines to classify various body parts as male or female.
It looks like someone needs a visit by the Genderbread Person. Male and female were the correct terms for biological sex, so are applicable when discussing body parts.
Or has the proper terminology changed and the Genderbread Person is now a relic of our distant oppressive past?
I don't see why there should be any need to say anything at all about genitalia in kindergarten and first grade. To force the subject, with open discussion about how children think about their genitalia, strikes me as wrong — to the point where I'd say it's objectively wrong.
It's pretty clear to me that "wrong" exists on a continuum.
It's "wrong" to secretly improve your lie on the golf course when the rest of your group isn't looking.
What kind of "wrong" is being described here? The rank manipulation of an impressionable and powerless child while simultaneously hiding the fact from their parents. It's being performed not by some rogue agent bent on a personal crusade, but in a deliberate and organized fashion by an educational establishment whose stated purpose is to serve the child being "wronged".
I can't muster distant objectivity. It's disgusting.
This is a destructive fad on the left. The outcome will be years in the future and it will not be good.
We live in an era in which we are being forced to endure multiple malicious propaganda campaigns. The transgender propaganda campaign is particularly troubling because it is aimed at, and fueled by, the widespread tendency of the young to be insecure, confused and unhappy about their sexuality. What happened to science? In the real world, the actual frequency of intersex birth, aka ovotestes, is one in 83,000 (0.0012%).Apart from those unfortunates, the remainder of the population born with male and female bodies are, so far as I know, either male or female. I know of no scientific support for the proposition that a person born male can have a female mind. The readily observable fact that someone can be an effeminate male, or a masculine female, is not proof that such people possess minds of the opposite sex. If I'm revealing my ignorance here, and the science on this is established, would someone enlighten me?
So one is born with inherent gender but can also choose one's gender. Got it.
Thus we must applaud one's inherent gender but must also allow gender choice to be taught.
For your next trick could you explain how flipping a coin means head you win, tails I lose?
Yes! We should be teaching children that boys can like pink and want to play with dolls and that they can still be 100% boys. That's the right lesson!
The wrong lesson is: if you like pink and play with dolls it's because you are actually a girl on the inside and we should pump you full of hormones. When veiwed from this vantage point, I think the trans moment is backwards because it assumes that "boys are like this" and "girls are like that." The battles Gen X fought to *tear down* gender stereotypes are now being built back up by the trans movement and I hate it.
Groomers gonna groom. They claim your children as their own. Respond accordingly.
Shouldn't the instruction, if any is to be undertaken, be strictly limited to something like: "You are too young to worry about your feelings about your body parts; don't worry about it and don't be mean to anybody else. There will be time to deal with those things when you are much older."
"Hey, teacher, leave those kids alone!"
Ok, groomers.
The worst part is, they know it’s wrong, but they can’t stop themselves because they need to advance they’re sick ideology and “own the Squares”.
Remember, the 99.999% of humanity that has in the past and today knows the difference between men and women are the bigots, haters, and must be reeducated to "the new normal."
I think Julius Ceaser would have hung or slaughtered a whole lot of Romans preaching this nonsense.
He may not have minded gay or lesbian stuff (Or if he did, plenty of other Romans appeared to have been fine), but calling men women and women men? Loony bin time.
When Robert Cook and other commenters agree, that's consensus.
Not gonna lie(as my 19yr old daughter says)- the trailer gave me tears.
Out of shame.
Out of fear.
Out of anger.
Out of sadness.
Out of confusion.
How can this even be happening.
America last.
Peterson always asks: how far is too far for the Left to go?
I think we’re on the proving trail as we speak.
Craig Howard said...
Children are not capable of understanding this stuff. All they can do is parrot it back.
Which, Of Course; is the ENTIRE POINT. You HAVE TO start when they are too young to understand
Then All they can do is parrot it back. This is WHY that they think it’s worthwhile.
Get 'em while they're young, and malleable. Get 'em while they are blank slates
What Is, a Bridge Too Far?
Probably When Robert Cook and other commenters agree
i mean, Jesus Christ proggies! When you've lost Robert Cook, you've lost middle america! :)
And you might not feel like you’re a boy or a girl, but you’re a little bit of both.
There is an image I wish to make.
All three panels of the meme hold two equal bell curves, offset from each other. One is labeled Male, the other Female. The center point of each curve is roughly 3 sd from the other curve
First panel "The Bigoted Bad Old Days"
Put Women on the left, Men on the right.
Draw a line in the Women curve 1 sd to the right. Everything to the left of that line is labeled "real women"
Draw a line in the Men curve 1 sd to the left. Everything to the right of that line is labeled "real men"
Everything in between those lines is labeled "not real women" / "not real men"
Second Panel "The Open Minded Days"
Everything's the same as the first, but there's no barrier lines. Everyone in the Women curve is a real woman, same for the men.
Third Panel "The Trans Enlightened Days"
Repeat the first panel
Maybe title the whole thing "Everything Old is New Again"
I'm am just so amused at how quickly we went from "there's no one right way to be a [wo]man" to "there's only one way to be a [wo]man, and anyone who isn't exactly like that image is NOT a real [wo]man"
Maybe "the bigots strike back" would be a better title?
WaPo nudges its readers to regard objection to these lessons as something conservatives do.
I love that framing. It's a great way to get people to vote Republican
This, BTW, is exactly why Florida passed the "Parent's Rights in Education" law.
The fact that the Left freaked out about being told they can't discuss sex and genitals with other people's K - 3rd graders is a really amazing revelation
Freak show. And we're paying for this?
Thought exercise: Adults are talking to your child in school about their genitals, about their sexual thoughts, about how it feels good to touch your genitals. Those adults are the bus driver, the janitor, the gym teacher, and the cafeteria workers.
Should still be ok, right? Only natural and all---certainly nothing to be ashamed of.
Thurber, "Is Sex Necessary" (1929) chapter VI
So many children have come to me and said, "What should I tell my parents about sex?" My answer is always the same: "Tell them the truth. If the subject is approached in a tactful way, it should be no more embarrassing to teach a parent about sex than to teach him about personal pronouns. And it should be less discouraging."
Will demonstrations be required?
This is late stage one-upmanship by hyper competitive virtual signaling political types. It'll turn into a religion in a generation if they don't all kill themselves and go extinct.
Back in the "Politically Correct" 1990s it started: Be open. Be green. No prejudice. No hate. Do not judge. Accept all. Too many people on planet earth. Don't eat meat. Don't burn fossil fuels. Don't pollute. Don't have more than one child because the world is too crowded already. Repent. Make it right.
Oops! I have 3 children, but one of them is weird in the head.
Time to bring back child sacrifices. Mother Gaia will forgive me if I drive electric, have solar panels on my roof, and if I sacrifice one child who eats so much, will perpetuate the eco problem, and is already a little bit weird.
Watch this cult go extinct after the child sacrifices, or try to help them. They have adopted the stigmata of original sin and will be unhappy without a life of pain and loss. It's amazing how human religions spontaneously reinvent themselves after a secular, hedonistic era.
Show and tell must be wildly different than when I was a lad.
How about lessons like reading, writing and arithmetic? Testing shows public schools are doing a crappy job in these.
I know many elementary education majors are weak on, you know, actual skills, but sheesh.
Stop overt bullying, sure. But until our kids actually learn the fundamentals cut the CRT/Gender propaganda.
"WaPo nudges its readers to regard objection to these lessons as something conservatives do."
Indeed. Something else conservatives do is get their children the fuck out of these madness academies. Although I'm beginning to think that may not be enough. Torches and pitchforks.
When we are sexualizing 5-year-olds, and infantilizing 25-year-olds ... something is desperately wrong. The inescapable fact that both those efforts are coming from the Democrat left is an astounding demonstration of how distorted the left's thinking has become.
They are now a clear and present danger to social cohesion and stability.
National Lampoon featured "Piddle: A Child's First Sex Magazine."
For all that, "Little Miss Sunshine" (2006) was a great movie.
Stanley Cavell, The Claim of Reason:
I do not think, whenever I look upon, or think of, the naked human body, "How right it is that the parts and features of the body are all just where they are!". I may of course from time to time be struck by this fact. I may also from time to time be struck not by the rightness but by the dumb fortune, or irony, of certain placements of the parts and features of the body, as Yeats was, for example, by love's having pitched its mansion in the place of excrement. This anatomical fact is something Freud found a natural, incorrigible limitation upon the purity or satisfaction of desire. (It is a fact he emphasized from almost before the beginning. Cf. The Origins of Psycho-Analysis, p. 147.) Certainly any changes I can dream of in the arrangement strike me as quite insane. It is so human a fortune. Not the fact of it is so human; the fact is shared by other animals. What is so human is that we share the fact with other animals, that animals are also our others. That we are animals. Being struck by this is something one might call "seeing us as human". It is a feeling of wonder.
The obligatory movie clip for this thread.
Somewhat explains the surge in parents moving their kids from public schools to private/religious schools or home schooling. Grandson just graduated in a class of 94. Next term's freshman class - 140. (Lutheran high school.)
Somebody (Cicero? Montaigne?) rejoiced in losing interest in sex with age and said that he felt like he had escaped from a cruel master. Why would you want to make children worry about sex and gender?
And then there's this:
'Gender affirming' surgeon admits children who undergo transition before puberty NEVER attain sexual satisfaction
"An observation that I had, every single child who was, or adolescent, who was truly blocked at Tanner stage 2, has never experienced orgasm. I mean, it's really about zero."
I have no way of knowing if this is true, but it's certainly something to be considered.
I'm wondering if the musical "Annie Get Your Gun" is now cancelled for having the song "Doing What Comes Naturally", about the obvious differences between men and women
I've been reading "Vision of the Anointed" this week. It predicts almost all this craziness. Amazing.
Teach reading, writing, and how to tie shoes.
Anything else should be a firing offense.
"Pretty obvious that all democrats and leftists encourage their children and grandchildren to participate in gender reassignment.+"
No. It's not.
"You might feel like you’re a boy even if you have body parts that some people might tell you are "girl" parts,' the teachers are told to say. 'You might feel like a girl even if you have body parts that some people tell you are "boy" parts. And you might not feel like you’re a boy or a girl, but you’re a little bit of both. No matter how you feel, you’re perfectly normal!'.."
What peer-reviewed, scientific studies are the basis for these comments? Oh, here's one:
Neurobiology of gender identity and sexual orientation -
C. E. Roselli
"3.1 |. Genes
Evidence of a genetic contribution to transsexuality is very limited. There are few reports of family and twin studies of transsexuals but none offer clear support for the involvement of genetic factors."
"3.2 |. Hormones
The evidence that prenatal hormones affect the development of gender identity is stronger but far from proven. One indication that exposure to prenatal testosterone has permanent effects on gender identity comes from the unfortunate case of David Reimer.31 As an infant, Reimer underwent a faulty circumcision and was surgically reassigned, given hormone treatments and raised as a girl. He was never happy living as a girl and, years later, when he found out what happened to him, he transitioned to living as a man. However, for at least the first 8 months of life, this child was reared as a boy and it is not possible to know what impact rearing had on his dissatisfaction with a female sex assignment."
The data summarised in the present review suggest that both gender identity and sexual orientation are significantly influenced by events occurring during the early developmental period when the brain is differentiating under the influence of gonadal steroid hormones, genes and maternal factors. However, our current understanding of these factors is far from complete and the results are not always consistent."
Read the article if you like, but empirical support is very thin even where it is said to exist.
Conservatives Pounce is the usual go-to storyline.
Meta-theme: How can you make it less likely that humans actually reproduce while satisfying by other means the very strong biological and social incentives to engage in behavior that naturally leads to human reproduction?
This is just one more method for depopulation.
Robert Cook said...
"Pretty obvious that all democrats and leftists encourage their children and grandchildren to participate in gender reassignment.+"
No. It's not.
Well, not if you stick your fingers in your ears, cover your eyes with a really good blindfold, and scream "I can't hear you!"
Someone who deleted it said. . .
"Pretty obvious that all democrats and leftists encourage their children and grandchildren to participate in gender reassignment.+"
Robert Cook said...
No. It's not.
Mr. Cook is correct. I am in contact with a lot of the people opposed to this abuse on Twitter, and there are many leftists among them. Perhaps a majority.
Stephen St. Onge said...
Mr. Cook is correct. I am in contact with a lot of the people opposed to this abuse on Twitter, and there are many leftists among them. Perhaps a majority.
Really? They support DeSantis and the "Don't Say Gay" law?
Do tell
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